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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.20320955 [View]
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>society can't put any restrictions on a free market economy or we'll all end up in a dystopian wasteland eating the bugs and owning nothing

>> No.20289789 [View]
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Genuinly who the fuck cares. There's microplastics in the environment okay so what? They're gonna cause a small statistical increase in healthcare issues? So do a million other things such as caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, and sugar. Yet no one ever spazzes out over these. Your parents lived in houses filled with asbestos. Your grandparents drank water out of lead pipes. Your great grandparents breathed in God knows how much carbon monoxide from their stoves. Go ask them how much this impacted their daily lives. And i'll bet you in 50 years time there's gonna be a new poison to freak everyone out. So if this affects you, it really just sounds like a skill issue on your part.

>> No.20263185 [View]
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>we're totally different anons
>that guy was calling you a tranny, and i'm calling you a kike
>how dumb could you possibly be not to see the difference?

>> No.20077043 [View]
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>they will say the most inane bizarre shit (e.g. OP) and staunchly believe they are in the right
I honestly don't even know what OP was trying to say with this thread. The literal reading is that he prefers classic West Coast IPAs over the current trend of hazies and sours, and is saying that the beer scene kind of sucks now because of the current trend. In this reading, the word "fail" is being used metaphorically. People aren't actually turning away from "craft beer" because of the current fad. It's more like saying that the movie industry has failed because it's nothing but shitty Marvel movies - even though those movies are making record amounts of money. It could also be read as ironic/sarcastic, in which case he's attacking some weird strawman that only exists in his head, and honestly would have been more clear if it was in green text.

The problem is that 90% of the posts in this thread only read "IPA" and "craft beer failing", and then proceeded to repeat all the exact same, stale talking points they always do about how nobody likes IPA, they're all "fake" (somehow never really specified), everybody just wants more lagers (lol), and then they celebrate the downfall of an industry that becomes more and more mainstream every year because they are completely divorced from reality but find some sociopathic comfort in circlejerking their delusions on an anonymous image board most people come to because they actually like and are knowledgeable about the subject matter and will immediately call them out for spouting blatant nonsense.

>> No.20049421 [View]
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>World would be a better place if people wouldn't waste food when its still good
Go to any large hotel in a major city and you will become apathetic due to the sheer amount of food waste that occurs. My dad is allowed to take home heaps of produce that was meant for the trash. We have $1000's worth of meat, cheese, and crustaceans that were all meant for the landfill in the freezers at home.

But yes, go eat that moldy bread while BP poisons the oceans with millions of gallons of oil or when Hilton hotels writes off premium meat cuts as losses because it's more convenient to throw it out than pay someone to move them into a freezer. At best you are ignorant. At worst you are just another useful idiot.

>> No.20013312 [View]
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>> No.19984889 [View]
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>> No.19893747 [View]
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>gets completely btfo
>pretends he "won"
>baseless insult, baseless insult, inane rambling, baseless insult
>no retort, no rebuttal to anything
Shitposters are so predictable it's mindblowing sometimes. You didn't even try to deny that you admitted to not working in a kitchen; you just ignored it and continued to claim you're better and smarter and more knowledgeable without demonstrating any of it.

>> No.19881118 [View]
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>baked chicken breast is healthier than eating out at a restaurant
That has no relevance to anything OP wrote, and is irrelevant to the quality of 99% of meal preppers' food. OP doesn't even understand that the number of chicken breasts you put on a tray is largely irrelevant to cooking time, and you're imagining him par-cooking them? That's hilarious. He probably doesn't even understand that the microwave is actually cooking the food and not just "reheating" it. He's probably 19 and just moved out and thinks saying he meal preps makes him sound smart and responsible. Notice how he just HAD to include the bit about how he "doesn't have time" to cook. That's such bullshit. He's spending his time on 4chan. It's the same thing with /fit/ fags always making a point of mentioning that they're from /fit/ because they thinks that gives them some kind of credibility as a serious person or whatever. And then they usually go on to say that they 'NEED" 200 protons every day when you know they're a fat slob and not some olympic tier bodybuilder. OP is eating slop, just like every anon who has ever referred to themselves as a "meal prepper" on /ck/ since the beginning of time.

>> No.19735302 [View]
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>all meat tastes better well-done
>because you have to drown it in sauce to make it palatable

>> No.19730308 [View]
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>another "born for the bin" hario product

>> No.19367559 [View]
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Holy shit. Is that really how it went in your head? Let me break down how the conversation actually went:

>people in Hawaii are really active (>>19362351)
>they're also fat as fuck (>>19364417)
>that's a common misconception (>>19364637)
>here's some statistics on the obesity rate of native hawaiians, pacific islanders, asians, and whites (>>19364704)
>that's cool, but here's some additional statistics for context, showing the racial makeup of people in hawaii and how only around 10% of the population is native hawaiian or pacific islander (>>19364722)
>ACKTCHYUALLY did you know that "Hawaiian" only refers to "NATIVE HAWAIIANS"!?? (>>19364799)
>i think you replied to the wrong post, as the relatively small number of actual native Hawaiians in Hawaii making up only a small percentage of the population was exactly my point (>>19364808)
>are you completely retarded? (>>19365082)
>no. can you articulate what you'd trying to say? (>>19365829)
At this point you seemingly move the goalposts and start acting like you were only talking about native Hawaiians being fat without ever explicitly saying it, and have stuck to that line until now, where you blatantly went back and rewrote the entire premise of the argument from "people in Hawaii are fat" to "Hawaiians are fat", and are acting like I'm the stupid one for not understanding the difference between the two when I'm the one who introduced the statistics in the first place.

>> No.19299904 [View]
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>lived through 4 years of trump fucking things up for decades to come
>still spouts nonsense about how "voting doesn't matter"

>> No.19286931 [View]
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>be you
>have a roof over your head completely rent free
>bitch about having to do minor chores in said free housing

>> No.19247797 [View]
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>craving donuts
>go to nearest dunkin
>$11+tax and tip for 6 donuts
>$2 a donut for something that was probably made a couple of days ago and defrosted a couple of times

where the fuck do i get a decent donut that's not overpriced goyslop?

>> No.19224880 [View]
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I already told you I had a job you fucking retard. I swear, this place is full of contrarians for the sake of contrarianism.

>> No.19201712 [View]
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Fat superstitious flyover land zoo animals whose mouths are fried from too much fast food will argue all night over which $400 bottle of boiled rotten corn vapors is most manly and stand your groundish, and then have an aneurysm over a pretentious faggot who dares to have a preference between two $25 bottles of rotten grape juice

>> No.19155444 [View]
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I'm well aware, anon. I just like to throw a Tucker in there at the end because /pol/fags are always the loudest about MSM but don't think that Fox is MSM when it's saying the same things they are (almost like a feedback loop). But they don't even understand what hypocrisy means because they have nothing resembling a coherent guiding principle; they run like a bot with a finite number of individual talking points that get spit out in response to particular triggers instead of using logic, and when they've run out of talking points they say "you will never be a woman," or just call you a fag.

>> No.19135320 [View]
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>taking a flamethrower to your kitchen is a part of jewish culture and totally not some cherrypicked thing i saw on libs of tiktok or wherever and is only trending because it's so absurd and out of the norm
>i bet you hate christmas
Why are /pol/fags incapable of even pretending to have a conversation that isn't entirely disingenuous?
>there's a KITCHEN, which is where you cook FOOD! so obviously it's food and cooking related!
You and everyone else here knows damn well it has nothing to do with food or cooking. It's like someone going on /v/ and posting a webm of a tranny fucking a dude and writing, "games where the enemy's attack refills your stamina?" Or to go back to my diy scuba diving forum analogy, it would be like someone posting a fliet o fish commercial aired during the superbowl that had a bi-racial couple in it and asking, "why are they trying to ruin everything american and erase our catholic culture, fellow marine life enthusiasts?"
>hurr, it's a question about a fish sandwich! talking about fish is obviously related to scuba diving!

>> No.19054126 [View]
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>no! you're not allowed to get a 50 pound sack of onions delivered directly to your kitchen twice a week!
>you need to wake up at 4am every morning and drive to a local farm so that you can hand pick your onions for the day or your food is GOY-SLOP!!
What a retard. I hope the Sysco schizo poster gets run over by a Sysco truck.

>> No.18977012 [View]
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yes I feel great shame

>> No.18976218 [View]
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Ok, so far we got this. Which is French. Any other suggestions or should I just hide this thread?

Culture doesn't mean what you think it means. Neither does art. So tiresome.

>> No.18897086 [View]
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I'm the same age and this is pretty much my experience as well. The only other person my age I know who can cook is my fiancé. The rest just order GrubHub every night and then bitch about how they need Bernie to save them from their bills.

The Zoomers are even worse. Two of my roommates are Zoomers and the furthest extent of their cooking skill is boiling some noodles and dumping a jar of Prego on it.

>> No.18762464 [View]
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>Someone posts a white retard cooking garbage
>Thread gets filled with wypipo posting

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