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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.14907269 [View]
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You do understand that if most people are going to eat local food, then there are going to be tons of animal products included, right?

Like, lets say, for example, you live in a place that doesn't have a year round growing season? What are you going to eat in the winter?
Even during the growing season you will still also have tons of meat. Animals are incredible beings, many of who produce tons of food. I mean, a full grown cow can easily feed a man for a year, even if he didn't eat anything else. So that cow is still going to be around come the growing season.

Even with growing food (which I do, as shown in pic related) each crop only produces so many calories. A radish is like nothing and takes up a ton of space considering how little calories it makes. It actually makes more sense to grow radish on pasture and let animals eat the greens of them and when you rotate the pasture you eat the tuber. The most space efficient crop is potatoes, and even then it takes a while to grow and is still lacking.

If you really want to push this reducitarian agenda you should start with our legal system. It is incredibly difficult for people to independently sell meat. So maybe make that easier so small scale ag can be more realistic as a profitable solution to the masses.

>> No.14794995 [View]
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He's somewhat correct about obesity, but I fucking hate whole foods. I went in there once to buy some gimmicky shit food a million years ago. I remember looking in peoples carts and seeing thousands of dollars worth of overpriced food. It made me sick. Of all people he should know how easy it is to manipulate the masses into ripping themselves off.
The truth is most people with any land can get higher quality shit than whole foods with some time and effort. You can't get fresher produce than what you can grow in your backyard. Not to mention you can grow things that simply cannot be sold in the supermarket due to their perishability. You can pay 10 dollars for a handful of organic heirloom tomatoes, or you can pay 1 dollar for enough heirloom tomato seeds to last you BARE minimum 5 years (easily a lifetime if you know how to breed tomatoes), and it will be organic if you are poor and don't wanna buy pesticide.

We have more lawn acres than we have irrigated corn, wheat, and fruit orchards. Think about that. People in general are fucking morons. Sometimes want this industrial complex to collapse so these incompetents die with it.

>> No.14773506 [View]
File: 144 KB, 873x655, 20200719_124927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm picking the last of my green cherry tomatoes and plan to pickle them. Gonna pick all my jaleps and try to overwinter my green pepper. I might use some fresh parsley form the garden to flavor the pickled green tomatoes. I wanted to use dill but I couldnt get it to germinate. I also have a TON of daikons which I slice thin lacto ferment into a delicious radish kraut. Gonna have some carrots too. I love the frost resistant stuff!

Also I have some sunflowers that are ready to be picked. I am eating some roasted seeds now, delicious!!!

Oh and I'm making watermelon blackberry wine, maybe some cantaloupe wine later, it's in the freezer.

>> No.14710901 [View]
File: 144 KB, 873x655, 20200719_124927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False. ORGANIC soy has been shown to have some health benefits for women. But if you eat industrial soy you are setting yourself up for some serious hormonal damage. Keep in mind the organic label may still leave you susceptible to some shady soy. If you wanna eat soy, you should grow it yourself and do research on the different varieties. I would use an heirloom soybean. Keep in mind that pests fucking love soybeans. I grew them mostly as a way to distract pests from my other organic crops. I would like to make my own tofu and soy sauce one day. The latter takes 14 months to make but you only need a drop to flavor an entire dish.

>> No.14498269 [View]
File: 144 KB, 873x655, 20200719_124927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moral reasons are the only proper reasons for becoming a vegan, be it because of animal suffering or climate change

I get where you're coming from, but if you do more unbiased research into our recent climate crisis it more has to do with industrialization than with animal consumption. I would say that mining actually is probably whats causing global warming, since the these oils that formed from years of the accumulation of dead animals, their feces, and plants over millions of years did change our atmosphere over time. I mean, for a long time in Earths early life, the air was toxic.
Not to mention the mining for these materials causes massive sinkholes and destruction to eco systems (this includes animal suffering, like oil spills killing massive amounts of sea life, and certain underwater mining techniques causing animals to become confused and sometimes end up killing themselves in the process)

ALL industrial ag is problematic for animal welfare and the environment. I would say rather than turning to veganisim as a solution you should look into self sufficiency. If you have land you should utilize it. A front lawn or backyard can grow a good number of crops and you can keep a couple chickens to eat weeds, garden pests, and kitchen scraps. If you have more space you can keep larger animals.

>> No.14470940 [View]
File: 144 KB, 873x655, 20200719_124927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats what Iove about this board, the diverisity it brings. 4 chan is where faggot urban fast food addicted soylent vegans and racist sister fucking off grid unwashed sasquatches can come together in one big fucked up online orgy of retardation.
This is my first year trying to grow anything other than dill and basil out of a pot and so far my favorite thing I've grown is my watermelon (only sugar baby watermelon this year but next year will be planting many varieties),
But I am a huge whore for fruit so this makes sense.
Ive got some blueberries that are cold stratifying atm and I wanna get strawberry runners next year.
This might help?

>> No.14464282 [View]
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Thanks for understanding where I'm coming from. I really just want vegans to understand just because someone eats animals doesn't mean they support factory farming or they even see animals as undeserving of compassion. I think animals are incredible creatures, but they aren't human. They have different rules and behaviors that must be respected and honored. If you properly respect your animals you can actually heal the environment, and I actually think this also is true with people.

The way I see it the city is basically a human cafo. The freedoms and privacy of people there is incredibly limited (this is coming from someone who was raised in an urban environment). And honestly, myself and just about everyone I met in the city were miserable in some way, shape, or form. Sure, it LOOKS like there are a lot of choices in food, but honestly, you don't have much food sovereignty in the city. If I want to eat from an animal who was raised by my own personal code of ethics in the city... well... it takes a lot of work and a lot of money, and even then you might not get exactly what you want.

I mean, when you live in the city, living off of someone elses labor, you really have no idea how many deaths you contribute to, you can just believe whatever you are told. This is why I fled the city. I am sick of not being connected with my food. If I am going to eat meat I want to be connected with the entire process, from birth to death, to butchering.

I also think abstaining from animal products is not a realistic global solution, especially for the impoverished. You can talk about rice and beans all you want, but the meat and cheap fat is what keeps a lot of these people alive.

No matter what food sovereignty will always be superior to veganisim.

>> No.14460488 [View]
File: 144 KB, 873x655, 20200719_124927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you ever leave your basement and start a garden in your back yard, you can basically eat for free.

Send pic of garden.

>> No.14443533 [View]
File: 144 KB, 873x655, 20200719_124927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhm, no. Plants need WAY more than sun and air. What do you think fertilizer is for?
At the rate our conventional, animal-free monocrop farming is going, we have about 60 harvests left before our next famine.

We need to get the animals out of the CAFOs and back on the croplands, instead of growing the crops to feed animals we can just have the animals on the croplands. But you have to get through the ethanol lobbyists and oil barons who have subsidized the shit out of corn and other industrial crops.

Nature has a perfect system and we shitted all over it with greed and consumerism. The way I see it I better go back to the land and hustle or else I'm fucked when this system inevitably fails.

>> No.14432291 [View]
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This year was a big one.
Morels, wood sorel, pheasantback, black rasberries (picked over a pound in one trip, ate berries for a week). Might check for blackberries today
Thats what I foraged.
farmed basically just about everything any noob could grow in a temperate climate. (pic related is a sample of my garden)

>> No.14425902 [View]
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I spent 50 starting it up. Again, mostly on seeds, most of which I haven't even used yet.

You do realize I can sell this produce at farmers markets, right? I have somewhere between 20-50 watermelons growing right now, and alone I could EASILY sell them for 6 bucks a pop. And that's me just starting out. And I could probably sell higher if I sold at a farmers market in the city. Again, I'm just starting, I could also sell my lettuces, cabbage, broccoli, sunflowers, corn, wheat, radish, turnips, beets, rhubarb, berries, asparagus, zucchini, carrot, rutabaga, spinach, kale, artichoke, cucumber, squash, peas, beans, tomatoes, potatoes, herbs (im sure I'm missing some other stuff but idc).... All 100% organic, all local, all fresh.

I think it's funny you think I work my ass off. I am incredibly lazy by nature and most of the time I spend in the garden is really just checking on things and picking stuff, sometimes watering. I could be even lazier with that if I got a sprinkler, which I could probably borrow from a neighbor for free. But the rain is pretty good here. I mean shit, if I was really working my ass off I wouldn't have time to argue with a pathetic 4 chan mcdonalds slave NEET.

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