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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.5373640 [View]
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>humans are better than cows
Even the most retarded, inbred cow knows not to knock its head against an electric fence.

A human will keep doing so, over and over, repeatedly, while complaining loudly that someone should do something about this fence in the way, and that this is making their head hurt and how the maker of the fence should be sued for it hurting them.

>> No.5124962 [View]
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>shellfish allergy
>my best friend of 20+ years knows this
>his family is throwing him a huge celebration for him on getting his new job (programmer shit)
>he calls me up and invites me
>"Oh hell yea man, i'll be there. Your place?"
>"Nah bro, Red Lobster."

>> No.5070033 [View]
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Not true. Lifting groceries from the store to their car, then from their car to their homes counts as well.
I hear people bitching about that constantly. I shit you not. They look at all their food and shit they're purchasing, then up at me with an accusing stare before beginnning the rant
"Do you know how many times I have to lift this? I have to get it off the shelf, into the cart, then back out of the cart onto this conveyor, then BACK into my cart, then into my car, then I gotta lift it AGAIN to get it into my home!!! My arms are killing me!"

I hear this 2-3 times a week on average.
Its all I can do to keep my mouth shut so I don't get fired.

>> No.4997369 [View]
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This is all implying of course that the general public knows how to use technology, which is the biggest fucking joke ever.

Have you seen these unwashed chucklefucks try to use a self-checkout at the store?
Half of them can't even read the fucking instructions on the screen, and the other half can't figure out how to put their money in.
The technology is nice on paper, but people need to understand that the main bulk of america (fat joke not intended) still doesn't even know how to use a computer

>> No.4992615 [View]
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..and veg people really expect all those animals to be replaced with vegetables and other crops?
They're fucking delusional.
The only way you could get that sort of yield is by selling your soul to Monsanto and making everything genetically modified to survive being grown year-round.

>> No.4868621 [View]
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Its all a bunch of hogwash and paranoia stirred up by backwards thinking cavemen who are perpetually spooked by anything new, and pissed off at anything that makes a profit too quickly without them getting a cut.

Anything to do with 'science' is automatically evil, immoral, 'against god' or some other bullshit excuse, no matter how much good it does in the long run.
It doesn't take much to get the unwashed masses spooked into believing some corporation is 'evil'.
All you need to do is fudge some numbers, cherry pick some results, and throw in a good measure of 'It might harm your children!' ..and suddenly people are sharpening their pitchforks.

>> No.4831211 [View]
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I have this one customer at work who carries this huge bottle of hand sanitizer in her purse and squirts that shit constantly, literally whenever she touches something
>touches a can of corn
>squirt, rub
>touches money
>squirt, rub
>touches the shopping cart
>squirt, rub
>touches the bags carrying her groceries
>squirt, rub
Its fucking surreal

>> No.4811784 [View]
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>8 potatoes and 4 cups of cheese

Why is it that fat fucks like these seem to live forever, but normal folks who just eat a cheeseburger here and there die first?
Is there some sort of hidden health benefit to being morbidly obese that science hasn't found yet?
Its always bugged the shit out of me.

>> No.4734466 [View]
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Indiana here, this isn't 'too' uncommon.. but its not really something you pick up in the 'big' chain stores like Walmart or whatever.

Every party or get-together or church function has that one fat lady who'll bring a giant bowl of that shit.
Usually its got chopped up walnuts and marshmellows instead of snickers, and pineapple chunks instead of apples.
The ingredients are very.. varied depending on the tastes of the person making it, though whipped cream and some sort of sweet fruit seem to make the base of it.
...but it always looks exactly the same as that picture there.
.....with a few green or pink-ish red variations. (Where they'll mix in some sort of minty shit or cherries for the hell of it)

>> No.4711451 [View]
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Mine does that.
I get an email statement every morning from my bank, so I know 'exactly' where every penny is going and how much I have.
I even keep a little notepad thing on my desk of all my expenses and bills for the current month.

I've always been fucking mystified at people who can't keep track of how much is in their account.
Its like they think money just... grows back and comes from nowhere.
I don't understand how people just... don't keep tabs on thier shit.

>> No.4692196 [View]
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Sounds kinda awesome, and i'd love to try one.
Unlike a majority of people, i've abandoned my ancestral cave full of fear and superstitions, and embrace new technology with open arms.

Sadly, this will only remain a good thing until they start pumping it full of chemicals and preservatives like the rest of American food.

>> No.4661333 [View]
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Why does all Indian food like like mushy garbage?
I'm not even being racist or trolling here.
Not once in my entire life have I ever looked at a plate of Indian food and thought "Mmm that looks pretty good."
Its always been disgust and wonder at how people could actually eat that shit.

>> No.4653759 [View]
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This is part of the reason I turned gay.
Women are nothing but fucking trouble.
I mean sure, 'last' generation you could find a girl who actually cooked and cleaned a bit, but these days? Pfftt.
Instead of staying home and taking care of the goddamned house like they should be, its more and more turning into the mans' role in the house.
..and people wonder why society is going down the fucking shitter.

>> No.4591884 [View]
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They're tearing her apart because she refuses to back down and backpedal on her words like any other American you see on tv who's put in the spotlight like this.

Also, you gotta love the double standard.
If she was black, no one would give a single shit.

>> No.4587591 [View]
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Why does all indian food look so goddamn disgusting?
I've never seen a single plate of sandnigger food that makes me go "Mmm I bet thats tasty"

...and its not even a racism thing. Yes, i'm racist, but I love me some chinese and korean and even german food. Even the most boring, tasteless looking plate of potatoes and chickpeas from goddamn britain looks scrumptious compared to this filth.

Are indians just... trolling the world? Do they really eat shapless piles of vomit covered in curry?

>> No.4575971 [View]
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A nice plate of food without a pointless fucking gun or knives anywhere near it?

Holy shit /ck/.
I am proud.

>> No.4434310 [View]
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Fine, but i'm not tipping.

I'll tip the pizza guy, but fuck tipping someone who just brings burgers and fries.

>> No.4402410 [View]
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>ordering food from online
I've never quite felt comfortable about doing this.
I'm just too paranoid.
I mean magazines and onaholes sure.
...but not something i'll be putting in my mouth.

>> No.4397263 [View]
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Only /ck/ has the power to fuck up a frozen dinner and make it look horrible.

That being said, there is no shame, OP.
Some Banquet dinners can be rather tasty. Get the bbq rib one next time.

>> No.4315446 [View]
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I don't have data to back it up, but I blame corn and 'whole grains'.

It just doesn't seem like a good idea to eat the same stuff you feed your livestock.

>> No.4308479 [View]
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Oh.. I thought that was eggs

>> No.4275784 [View]
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How the fuck do you even set spaghetti on fire
jesus christ

>> No.4243571 [View]
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So basically... sloppy joes without the sauce.

That doesn't sound appealing at all.
Sounds like it'd be a pain in the ass to eat. ...and that beef in the pic there doesn't look seasoned at all.

Its like you've just browned some beef, drained it.. and dumped it straight onto a bun.
What the fuck

>> No.4199757 [View]
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>implying everyone has the same caloric intake requirements

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