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>> No.10327703 [View]
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>If Regan and Bushes balanced their budget
Fake news try more subtle propaganda

>> No.10186871 [DELETED]  [View]
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Not how business works young one

>> No.10088192 [View]
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>literal chief executive officers (CEO)'s don't have say in management
Quit being retarded

first is that correlation =/= causation. Seriously the US is 320m people of all races; it's just an unfair comparison to the vastly smaller-populated ethnically homogeneous European nations the US is typically compared to (the "scores of countries" you were probably referring to. I doubt many of them are in South America, Africa, or Asia).

Second is that most people have jobs above the minimum wage anyway, which is why they think it doesn't affect them until the general price of goods is raised (most people think *only* inflation that does that, when any market distortion produces the same effect).

Last but not least, you are only looking at what you see, not what you don't see: millions more jobs could have employed millions more people already, but these jobs were never offered because businesses couldn't afford to offer it. This is opportunity cost in action, which is why when one sees a single individual with an inflated paycheck doing a simple job, what you don't see is 3 individuals potentially doing the same job -- that's more people employed, gaining experience, a foot in the door making money.

As a thought experiment, just ask yourself what would happen to businesses, prices, and the economy if the minimum wage is set to 1 million dollars per hour. Will everybody now be a millionaire? Think it through from a SMALL business' perspective, where you still have operation costs and bills to pay like anybody else if you don't make enough profit to cover costs. Not every business is simply a megacorporation either, unless you keep raising the minimum wage so literally only the same megacorporations people fearmonger are capable of surviving such artificial price hikes. Raising the minimum wage to a million/hr is an extreme example, but the principle it illustrates is the same: it is one reason why everything is just so goddamn expensive these days.

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