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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.18631861 [View]
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You can't cook yourself out of depression. I've tried.

>depressed as fuck.
>can't even pull myself out of bed; it's like I'm paralyzed by sadness, feet refuse to move because I just think to myself "what's the point"
>one day snap out of it, decide I need to change my life
>force myself into the shower and take a 30 minute shower where I go over every square inch of my body with a heavy duty loofah and a shit load of soap and shampoo and conditioner
>leave shower feeling like a new man, but that's not enough, I've neglected cleaning my house because of my depression, my place is a fucking mess, dust everywhere
>spend almost 20 hours non stop cleaning
>every square inch of my house gone over with a vacuum and a sponge
>collapse into my made bed with freshly washed bedsheets in my spotless museum clean apartment
>still not enough, time to change what I eat, can't be eating delivered goyslop fast food all day if I'm trying to change my emotional state
>unsubscribe from doordash pass, delete the app, drive to store and pick up beef stock, veggies, red wine and a chuck roast
>spend like 4 total hours making home made beef stew from scratch
>it comes out delicious, it's bringing a tear to my eye, it's been a long time since I've made something so good for myself
>scoop myself a big bowl, about to chow down
>take a few bites and the food turns to ash, and I no longer taste anything
>forced to shovel food into my body that I can no longer taste because my body recognized that I was getting enjoyment out of eating so my taste buds shut down as a form of punishment to teach me the important lesson of "you can never be happy, it doesn't matter if it's something as simple as a plate of good food, and even if you try I will sabotage and destroy everything you've worked for. Why? Fuck you that's why"
>only able to eat a few spoonfuls before I force myself back into bed

If you're depressed, you're depressed, not a whole lot you can do about that you guys

>> No.18374866 [View]
File: 85 KB, 667x546, 1663645056075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lay your bacon onto an oven safe sheet/pan and bake your bacon, fool. You're not getting good enough heat distribution so part of your bacon is cooking while the other is cold, so it curls. Preheat your oven to 420, then put your bacon in, and flip it when it gets close to being done.

Perfect bacon every single time.

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