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>> No.9558863 [View]
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>homemade coconut

>> No.8970786 [View]
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You're probably addicted to salt and sugar. I'd do what others are saying and just start drinking a lot more water throughout the day. Maybe start drinking black coffee and unsweetened tea, both iced and hot. Start shaving away at that feeling of emptiness until you don't really feel it anymore. While you're doing that, start cooking foods yourself and don't add pre-blended spice mixes; try to start getting into the habit of making everything 'from scratch'. Put in your own herbs and spices with a modest amount of salt and you'll find out that you've been over-seasoning your food, making you hungry later and hard to satisfy. Don't forget to get off your ass every single day and do something. That's really important, too.

I'm losing weight for my upcoming wedding and I've gone down a pants size in 3 weeks. Slow and steady, but People are noticing and I'm feeling happier. Drinking a lot more water and coffee has been key for me. It also helps that I'm a pretty competent cook, too.

>thinks Americans are averse to water
Where do you think the huge bottled water industry came from, exactly? Plus everyone I know loves carrying around fashionable and expensive reusable bottles for their water. I live in Manhattan though, our tap water is pretty good. I know the tap water tastes pretty bad in other places I've lived before.

>> No.8524748 [View]
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Not the anon you're responding to, but yeah, teflon goes fine in the dishwasher. I don't think I've seen a nonstick pan that wasn't designed to.

>> No.8151429 [View]
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OP, if you listen to carbon steel guy spouting his gospel, please realize that he is of a minority, albeit common opinion that a lot of other knife autists have aruged and sperged over for a few decades. I consider carbon steel knives to be like the cast iron/carbon steel pan/wok of the knife world. They can be some of the greatest tools at your disposal for specific tasks, although maintenance can sometimes be a pain unless you are extremely vigilant, and they just aren't as versatile and durable as their stainless counterparts.

They usually hand wave the important cleaning/maintaing/storage aspect of the tool as just minor things that 'of course everyone should follow' but they have a disconnect that most people buying these tools are in it for the food and convenience, and not looking to add another complicated hobbyist/enthusiast element. Not only that, but people have been fighting over sharpening methods and tools longer and much harder than those stupid pan seasoning arguments.

Some say you should buy a little pull-through like >>8151130 and >>8150792, or buy synthetic stones, japanese stones folded 1000000 times, edge pro, you fucking name it. Some swear by steeling/honing, some say never ever run your knife over a steel, some say get a fucking leather razor strop with buffing compound.

Here's my advice. Get an inexpensive stainless chef knife, like a Victorinox or a Tojiro if you're feeling more spendy. They will both last you decades, and they should be durable enough for your learning phase. Get a cheap combo stone and watch some youtube videos about basic sharpening, that's if you are inclined to learn more about knives and have a basic DIY spirit. In time, you'll want more knives for specific tasks andyou might upgrade them and your sharpening tools if you see value in that (you might not)

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>> No.8098326 [View]
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I was a little hesitant to go to Morimoto NYC due to the fear that his TV chef status inflated the restaurant, and compounded with VERY mixed yelp reviews. I went with my family and got omakase and it was one of the most amazing food experiences I have ever ever ever had.

I went back and read some reviews that were so nitpicky that my jaw dropped, who the fuck do these princesses think they are? Food reviewers from the fucking New York Times?

It just confirmed my ongoing suspicion with a lot of Manhattan yelp reviews that there are a lot of:

-princesses who think that everything has to be fucking perfection
-hipsters who would rate a soup kitchen 5 stars for its "cozy decor" and "cool neighborhood"
-shills. plain 'ol shills

Oh well. It used to be a good tool when I lived in other cities, but it's fucking useless in Manhattan.

>> No.8044276 [View]
File: 129 KB, 900x675, they hate it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Double Cheeseburger
What the fuck is this about. Fucking dumb bullshit.

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