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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.20172442 [View]
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Seafood is just another soycuck fad that feminized zoomer nu-males pretend to like because they want to virtue signal about how much they hate america and capitalism while posting on their iphones. Nobody in a first world country even ate that crapola until the biden regime transed a generation of kids with experimental pharmaceuticals and now if you don't pretend to like noxious, foul-smelling diversity food with guts and eyeballs and virgin boy eggs the woke mob will destroy your life and get you fired from your job. It's about time someone stood up to the madness. Steak. Whisky. Done. Triggered much? Stupid games stupid prizes. You fucked up, libtards.

>> No.19400067 [View]
File: 203 KB, 750x541, whiskey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man gets it.

>> No.19079915 [View]
File: 203 KB, 750x541, 1679527907375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Put down the damn Malibu. Grow some chest hair. Grab a real man's drink.

>> No.17645626 [View]
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I don't eat fish because I am not a coastiecuck pedophile who majored in feminism and cancel culture. Two holiday's: CHRISTmas and the Fourth of July. Two gender's: man, wife. Two food's: steak, whisky. And two ways to cook it: blue rare, and wrong. Yeah it ain't for everyone. Y'all vegan's need not apply. I'm an apex predator. The weak should fear the strong. Awwww is the snowflake triggered now? Grow a pair kid.

>> No.17477030 [View]
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>> No.17368084 [View]
File: 203 KB, 750x541, whiskey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Whiskey
2. Your mom's pussy juice

>> No.16952525 [View]
File: 203 KB, 750x541, whiskey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Whiskey is hardcore.

>> No.16946810 [View]
File: 203 KB, 750x541, 1589801755068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is a branzino? Mexican BBQ? I don't have to pretend to like the new "diversity food" full of overwhelming spices and eyeballs and guts because I live in a first world country and I don't shop at immigrant stores like the "carincera" where I have reason to believe they're sex trafficking underaged white children.

Enjoy your explosive volcano shits from all the spices and germs, libtard.

>> No.16936889 [DELETED]  [View]
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I don't eat squid or other food like that. I'd say why but out of control cancel culture will destroy my life if I defend western civilization and the traditional 2-parent household. As the so-called "holiday season" approaches, every single one of you divisive, college educated sciencecucks should reflect on why it's no longer politically correct to love steak, whisky, god, or the UNITED states of america. I didn't learn a trade and work my a$$ of to pay $7100 a year in taxes just so you could listen to the blacks saying the n word on your $1000 obamaphones and look how you repay us. By shoving noxious, foul-smelling diversity food down our throat's. This is my last post on this forum and I will be praying for your soul's as... heck I'm just gonna say it. As CHRISTMAStime approaches. GOD BLESS and if that makes me a bigot, sorry but not sorry!

>> No.16890481 [DELETED]  [View]
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I don't eat fish because I am not a pozzed up bug chaser from a coastiecuck inner city. I am so glad I live in an upper middle class neighborhood in the upper midwest where the median household income is over $43,000 a year. Should have learned a trade instead of paying over $10,000 for that collegecuck critical race theory degree, oh sorry what's that? I can't hear you through your safety mask, what's wrong are you afraid of the wuhan flu? LMAO grow a pair kid. There are only two foods for a real man: steak, whisky, done. If you have a problem with that take it up with the bartender, facts don't care about your feelings.

>> No.16843273 [View]
File: 203 KB, 750x541, 1634368299188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man the hell up.

>> No.16842455 [View]
File: 203 KB, 750x541, 1634352643579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man the hell up

>> No.16827390 [View]
File: 203 KB, 750x541, whiskey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grow some fuckin hair on your chest.

>> No.16760948 [View]
File: 203 KB, 750x541, 1589801755068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Real men drink whiskey.
We also have hair on our chest, maybe you'll get there one day op?

>> No.16690520 [View]
File: 203 KB, 750x541, steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steak. Whisky. Done. Triggered? Then grow a pair, kid.

>> No.16680662 [View]
File: 203 KB, 750x541, 1589801755068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steak. Whisky. Done. Triggered? Then grow a pair, kid.

>> No.16651226 [DELETED]  [View]
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I don't eat spicy food because it's degenerate and gives me diarrhea, I don't eat the sea bugs because I am not ashamed to be white, I don't eat "cuisine" because I am not a woman or a homosexual, and I don't eat anything I can't pronounce because I'm not a cultural marxist.

Two genders: man and woman. Two foods: steak, and whisky. The bartender has TDS, global warming is a hoax and even if it's real MAN was given dominion over the animals, it says so in the bible. Stupid games, stupid prizes, that's what George Carin always said.

>> No.16624470 [View]
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They opened a starbucks or as I call it, star KEKS in my town a few years ago. As expected the hipsters all lined up to be seen buying a $3 mochachaca la cucaracha gluten free cultural marxism drinks. I thought about yelling "1776" to trigger them but I realized they mean nothing to me because I do not think about them at all even though I live rent free in their TDS liberal brains. No idea if it's still there. I made sure to completely avoid that collegecucked hipster street since it opened, because I'm a strong self reliant patriot who isn't triggered by the littlest "micro aggression" like some liberal snowflake.

To be honest I don't know what the rest of those things are but it looks like it would give me explosive volcano shits. I don't like explosive volcano shits, sorry not sorry if that makes me WAYCISSSSS but I ain't afraid of your cancel culture. Awwww, is libtard offended? If you don't like it you can go back to Mexico and take your Soyota Mazda Datsun with you, we drive American trucks and eat normal American food here. Steak, whisky, done. Put some hair on your chest kid.

>> No.16617520 [View]
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Because french "men" drink whine instead of whisky, french women look like men, and french children are all being raised to believe in more than two genders.

That honestly looks like something they would eat in africa, is it from a restaurant in the no-go zone or are all french people cucked by rapefugee culture now? I am so glad I live in america where we cook our meat because we're not ashamed to be white.

>> No.16592920 [View]
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Feels good to be a white man in an upper middle class neighborhood in the upper midwest. Steak and whisky of course, because I make over $46,000 a year before taxes. Sometimes when I need a refreshment I have some innovative American beer such as IPA or DIPA. I usually have ten or twelve of them before driving home from megachurch because I can HANDLE my liquor you pussy.

I avoid noxious, foul-smelling immigrant food such as fish, vegetables, onions, avacado, bugs, tofu, salsa, and the new overpriced "limes" that all the hipsters are lining up to be seen buying at the pretentious new yuppie store Trader Joe's.

And you can take that "kosher" salt and put it where you put the vaccine. Where is that? I'd say where but this is a christian image board.

>> No.16592733 [View]
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Well la di da, college boy. I don't know what any of that gay shit means because I live in a first world country where there are only two genders: man, woman, done. Facts don't care about your feelings, kid, comprende? Maybe if you quit your hopey changey crapola and learned some personal responsibility you could of bought food fit for a man with hair on his chest. Steak, whisky. Not ashamed to say what I like and not ashamed to be white either kid. Nickel's worth of free advice kid, stop pretending to like noxious foul-smelling diversity food, this ain't china and if you bring that fish to work again I'm calling HR on you.

>> No.16561509 [View]
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I don't eat fish because I live in a first world country and I am not a brainwashed cultural marxist collegecuck. Learn a trade, and maybe you too can afford to eat man food. Steak. Whisky. Done. Put some hair on your chest kid.

>> No.16462884 [View]
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I don't eat fish because I live in a wealthy white neighborhood ($53,000 a year before taxes, seethe more you college starcucks frappuchino artists). Maybe if you weren't such an illegal immigrant loving cuck you could appreciate fine things like steak whisky and a fine cigar but we all know you can't afford the best thing ever invented by western civilization. Should have learned a trade instead of wasting your life memorizing cultural marxism buzzwords and pretending to like noxious, foul-smelling diversity food.

>> No.16446169 [View]
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I do not eat fish because I am not a self hating coastie who is ashamed of western civilization and the traditional family unit. Two genders: man, woman. Two foods: steak, whisky. You know who eats fish? China! You know who took our jobs? China! Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, that's what my daddy always said and that was good enough until critical race theory came along and said we have to apologize for being white.

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