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>> No.13680492 [View]
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I see what you did there.

>> No.13447424 [View]
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>> No.13323417 [View]
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>ITT: Christcucks and their progenitors, kikes, literally BTFO
Sad, many such cases!

>> No.12973890 [View]
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We did it reddit! Put me in le ebin screen cap!

>> No.12892461 [View]
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>i don't have any argument so I'll just give their posts a meaningless name for the win!
You sure showed them, tardgobbler!

>> No.12889366 [View]
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That's generally only in the christian sharia law red states in the south and midwest where pastor Billy Bob slides some shekels to the liquor license commisioners so he can open a govt. liquor store while preaching against satan's brew.

>> No.12879189 [View]
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Yaaayyy! Dickered is back!

>> No.12609849 [View]
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>private parochial school
So, a segregated institution that still taught evolution instead of creationism, flat earth and a 6000 yo earth? Too bad you weren't homeschooled by evangelicals where you could be conditioned for Falwell's LIberty University, that bastion of higher education!

>> No.12397353 [View]
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Just donate your life savings to my evangelical megachurch and we'll pray for you to get rich and have as much fun as the US oligarchy!

>> No.12364709 [View]
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>> No.12312243 [View]
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He's talking about catholics, not evangelicals, retard.

>> No.12262703 [View]
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>the performance of a 1000's yo chinese art form is equivalent to indoctrinating kids into a few hundred years old brand of lunacy
Ok, Cletus, I know 'dem scary furriners are after your bodily fluids, but c'mon.

>> No.12204906 [View]
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>Doubling down on retardation
You probably split 10's too.

>> No.12146397 [View]
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Sho' 'nuf
>hey granny, send me yo' life sav'ins 'n ye shall inherit dat 'er kingdom o' god 'n such lahk 'dat.
>I make yo' descendants rich 'n they ficky-fick all night long! Blessed be his name 'n such!

>> No.12120821 [View]
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>gib me yo money and god make you rich!

>> No.11922303 [View]
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Funded gay concentration conversion camps which unironically increase the suicide rate among gays which they, having caused the suicides, wholesome evangelicals celebrate, lol!

Now, crawl out of your closet, Pence.

>> No.11908407 [View]
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>> No.11799084 [View]
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>i never knew what them thar fancypants words "vaccine" meant til muh evangelical preacher said it were the equivalent of Obama makin' the mark of the beast, so now I know all about it.

>> No.11788695 [View]
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Yeah, and he's right, your joke of "merry Xmas" has already been exposed as the deepest hypocrisy. Watch the video of sycophant Pence and his wife at the protest they look as vicious and vindictive as the Taliban. In short, they're insane.

>> No.11739564 [View]
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Boy howdy, you betcha'!

>> No.11734524 [View]
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>bibe misquotes from their local pastor
Now you've gone too far, we was pretending to be xtians 'n shite

>> No.11729080 [View]
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>b-but muh ooga-booga tribalistic nationalism has brought the world to the brink of self destruction, so it's good, really good, ok?

>> No.11699031 [View]
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Only if it was blessed by an evangelical before you plugged it in.

>> No.11675502 [View]
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When you're a brainwashed christian zombie, you'll do anything massah' says.

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