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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.4681533 [View]
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>>this fucking post
10/10 stars
OP, stop asking fucking 4 chan for vindication so you can work yourself up to dumping some guy. Sit the fuck down, Talk to him about your problem with what he just did calmly and tenderly. you don't work out your problems by being a fucking high school drama queen, pasting and texting photos to your clique advising you on how to dump someone for every little offense. You sit the fuck down with him like an adult, and you talk with him like an adult, because real relationships and not just bitchy back stab socially motivated dating is for ADULTS.

>> No.4642911 [View]
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High fructose corn syrup is not any worse than sugar except that it's sweeter, and subsidized, encouraging monoculture, see corn

Artificial sweeteners are not good for you but they really aren't much worse than real sugar.

GMOs are not inherently bad, theyre in fact what allows us to feed as many people as we do with our crumbling infrastructure. The problem with them is most faggots hate progress irrationally, and will praise things like water, wind, etc, power, but not nuclear, which usually kills less people, and does less harm to the environment, than other forms of power. A lot of the legitimate concerns about GMO are about the major corporation that generally makes use of them; monsato.

FLouride in water is used to kill germs. back in the old times, drinking water was a good way to die, the level of health impact by the minuet traces of 'toxic waste' and fluoride in the water of our drinks is pretty fucking low, and just one more thing for people to be paranoid about, if youre concerned just buy a water filter.

Corn is not necessarily bad on its own. The big problem with corn is it's a mono culture. and mono culture sucks balls, just look up crop rotation and you'll start to see why planting nothing but corn year round because the state pays farmers more than it's worth can do to things. The reason the corn is IN so many products is because the state makes it cheaper, so in other words, when Pepsi goes to make soda, they pick the sweetener that our taxes helped to pay for. Corn isn't bad, we just need to stop making so much of it.

MSG is in a LOT of things naturally, it's part of what our tongues identify as savory, It's generally a cheap way to enhance the flavor of food. It's not really bad for you, but it can be used in a lot of sub standard foods like say top Ramen as an additive to make the cardboard youre ingesting with little nutritional value taste better. People who consume a lot of MSG tend to eat less healthy food than others.

>> No.4290853 [View]
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>>things not to mention?
>>youre a woman
eat a dick I will if I want
>>cock sauce
Is fucking delicious eat a dick
>>rare vs well done
everyone likes their food differently
Fast food is stupid but still food
Name fags are not cancer if you stop giving them noteriety
>>ramen and weeaboo
>>my food is better than your shitty asian food
your shitty food has been asked a million times too
>>actually posting any shit that can be solved with google
guess we better pack up the whole board then you shit head.

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