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>> No.8689031 [View]
File: 131 KB, 1320x648, global3_wrongopinion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? You can make a white wine from a black grape, you can make an orange wine with a white grape, why shouldn't you sometimes have trouble with red vs white wine when it's basically an arbitrary simplification used for convenience and marketing?

What they did was basically the "whoa I can't tell the difference between a potato and an apple" parlor trick. Are we therefore to agree that apples and potatoes are the same thing and grocery store produce sections are a scam to make me feel dumb? Or do we just assimilate that information without getting too buttblasted over it?

Any child who went to montessori school understands this stuff, but certain maleducated adults have gone through life with a bitter feeling of resentment towards people whose parents didn't fuck up completely like their own, so the notion that sensory perception can be manipulated comes as a big surprise and when you combine that revelation with something related to wine (which they have always suspected is just a big conspiracy on the part of the liberals to make them feel uncultured), what you get is a lot of OMG I KNEW IT ALL ALONG WHINE FAGS BTFO

Also this thread is going to 404 or I'll get banned, the mod here does not like wine discussion

>> No.8652721 [View]
File: 131 KB, 1320x648, global3_wrongopinion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You shouldn't feel ashamed for enjoying a product that has been meticulously designed to be enjoyable.

I think there's something to the "shame" thing since a lot of people just drink muh craft beer because of peer pressure, but please understand some people actually can taste the differences between beers and when I don't like a beer it's because I don't like what it tastes like, not because I'm ashamed of it

There are lighter styles of beers that are occasionally produced by reputable manufacturers, that actually taste good. But in America we're still going through the effects of post-prohibition trauma. The macro wave that swept the nation is being "resisted" by buying x-TREEEM beers loaded with sugar, alcohol, and hops. Less boozy, syrupy, and bitter beers are disdained by the "shame" people as being pisswater. I mean what do they know? They just do what they were told and they were told x-TREEEM is good and therefore everything else is pisswater.

So the more delicate stuff is tough to sell. It exists, but you have to look harder for it. A small brewery struggling to survive isn't going to risk it. They'll make what sells: DIPA supercharged with a barrel of pine cones and decorated with swear words on the label. That's their lifeline, the industry is too competitive to take risks until you're bigger. Give it another 20-30 years and this misconception about lighter beers will hopefully die out, but it takes time.

in before I'm banned for having wrong opinions (aka "trolling" as the mods like to put it)

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