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>> No.17323064 [View]
File: 313 KB, 500x534, Disgusted goth elf reads End Times.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like these commercials are proof that American corporations are completely fucking whacked out on adrenochrome, coke, heroin and their own 'look-at-us-we're-so-tolerant-and-inclusive' farts. It boggles my mind that, out of the whole boardrooms worth of people involved in this stupid commercial at the conceptual, planning, writing, storyboarding, animating, editing, post-processing and shipping the finished product, not one goddamn person told raised their voice and said, "This is fucking retarded, and we're going to be a fucking laughingstock if this thing ever actually airs."

The most likely solution is that the general corporate culture in America has gotten to the Japan-type philosophy of "The nail that sticks out gets hammered down" and nobody called this out because they didn't want to lose their jobs, and it was really just a few out-of-touch dipshits responsible for getting it pushed through, but, knowing how retarded the modern day is, it's entirely possible that a majority of the people involved in that commercial's creation genuinely thought it was a good idea, and probably thought it was 'hip', 'catchy', and 'memetic' instead of an 'offensively inoffensive cringe-worthy caricature of an animation where the burger has more detail than the ultramodernist-calarts-bauhaus-trying-desperately-to-be-diverse 3d models that vaguely resemble human beings doing stupid dances.'

It's probably irrational but just the fact that something like this exists makes me pissed and worried about how fucked things are going to get in the future, because the grubhub commercial feels like a microcosm of all the issues going on both in Corporate America, the arts scene, and society as a whole right now.

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