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>> No.14149287 [View]
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What irritates me about vegans is how complex it is, like take >>14143108 for example, I'm not going to look up if watercress is actually a good source of vitamin B because even if it was it's a single source, it's also a relatively uncommon sight in supermarkets. Because veganism takes specialist knowledge and techniques and because many of the required items are relatively uncommon, expensive or difficult to prepare veganism is essentially a privilege, you'd have to be middle class to even attempt it and remain in good health. Sure, you can eat like a poor Indian person living in a metal shack but you're going to get unhealthy and skinny...like a poor Indian person living in a metal shack.

The average person will just lose most of their body fat and develop a mild vitamin B deficiency that causes depression and erratic behavior. And what do you see when you look at people who call themselves vegan? They're disgustingly thin and tend to be depressed or behave erratically. The healthier ones all cheat and the real stickler ones tend to get the sickest.

My aunt went to some vegan cleanse retreat in LA, all scientific sounding and shit, cost 2 grand and was supposed to last a week. After 3 days she was taken to the ER with extremely low blood sodium. She needed an MRI to check for brain damage.

It's about cultural deprogramming and establishing control, if they can control something as basic as what you eat and how you think about food they can eventually make inroads to shaping your other politics. For example if you can't abide the suffering of an animal to feed you, can you abide the suffering of those below you for political power? How can you sit there being rich while the Indian guy from my earlier example sits in his metal shack? So really, they're not vegans, they're communists and whatever aspect of western culture they can tear out and replace, they will. You know kinda like when they did it with video games they don't even play?

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