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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.5753591 [View]
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>Lived in a shared 3 bedroom house for 2 years
>Year one
>Only lived with one guy, his dad owns the property, seemed quite nice, only problem is he's frugal as fuck
>Turns off the router at night to save electricity
>Only put the heating on in winter when we could see our breath
>Quite fun and nice to talk to though
>Year 2
>First guy is pseudo autistic Macfag who makes every conversation drag for 15 minutes
>Left me alone - quite friendly
>Second guy passive aggressive as fuck, banged on my walls when he could hear me talking to my parents on the phone
>Shouted at him and he left me alone for the rest of the year.
>Start of third year...

> New guy moves in
> German, PhD student, studies Math
> Wears very specific, tailored brands of clothing, shampoo is highly advanced, expensive lotions only available online (had to look the up). Everything is proper.
> Doesn't even acknowledge me for the first week.
> Keeps leaving water all over the floor in the bathroom
> Drops his food wrappers on the floor in the kitchen
> Leaves huge fucking shit stains in the toilet.
I really don't want to have a shitty third year after living with weirdos the first two years
> Decide to wine and dine him
> Cook my well respected chicken stew
> A brown/green concoction of chicken thighs, carrots, onions, potatoes, green beans, baby sweetcorn
> "Hey, man, I'm like, making some food... you, want some?"
> -German accent- "yes, yes that would be good"
> Serve him up a bowl
> "So what's your name"
> I'm _____
> "I'm Anon... you like the stew?"
> "Yes, it is good"
> Stands up and follows me into the kitchen
> "So, like, what's your PhD in?"
> "Yes, I study stochastic" *FART* "...differential equations, I'm just starting to..." *FART* "write my thesis..."
> The dude is fucking farting right in front of me
> Opens up a yoghurt, slurps it all down
> Drops the pot on the floor

> Next day I looked for new properties - finally found a flat.

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