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>> No.17934205 [View]
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You probably are even less able to define what goyslop is than what a woman is.

Just breathe through it and drink some water. It's gonna be ok.

Well, during pride month, just remember being gay is ok. Being religious is not - religious people are liars hurting other people.

>> No.17794926 [View]
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I think at this point the solution is to shame and pathologize heterosexuality. We need to go further to punish your criminal actions.

You don't get to drive gay people to suicide. We are fighting back now.

>> No.17629428 [View]
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I think mandatory homosexuality is coming - once white christians are a minority - who is going to stop us?

You have no problem pressuring gay people to repress - why should we be any different?

>> No.17557948 [View]
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>mask mandates

ummmmm no

>> No.17013750 [View]
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Chick fil a is run by gay hating bigots and every store should be burnt to the ground (symbolically).

You literally can't sell chicken sandwiches without making it known you feel attacked by people who are attracted to a different combination of genitals wanting the same rights as you have.

>> No.16388158 [View]
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Women should be enslaved.

Men should all be forced to be gay.

>> No.15179327 [View]
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What about the chick fil a thread? That was reported hours ago. Jannies are asleep. Fuck off homophobe.

>> No.13635483 [View]
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Because you are an anti-gay bigot making unsubtle pol troll threads to provoke off topic responses about negative stereotypes towards gays. Die in a fire.

>> No.13574196 [View]
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I don't finance my own oppression at the hands of anti-gay bigots, sorry.

>> No.13517094 [DELETED]  [View]
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wtf im straight now

>> No.13301283 [View]
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I'm a neet.

>> No.13200106 [DELETED]  [View]
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full gay civil rights now

>> No.13149464 [View]
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Pretty easy to add in a few forged references to Jesus being real when your whole religion depends on it. That's my point.

It is all made up. Jesus wasn't real and the bible is just humans making shit up to make money and get power.

>He left the church because of the treatment of homosexual iirc.

still no proofs...

We need to be militant. There are lives at stake. The lies of Christians drive gay people to suicide and negatively impact our quality of life. The time for discussion is over.

>> No.13149277 [DELETED]  [View]
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Oh wow another heteronormative thread with some combination of boring straight male chefs, women showing off their secondary sexual characteristics, and homophobic slurs.

>> No.13144203 [View]
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The authors investigated the role of homosexual arousal in exclusively heterosexual men who admitted negative affect toward homosexual individuals. Participants consisted of a group of homophobic men (n = 35) and a group of nonhomophobic men (n = 29); they were assigned to groups on the basis of their scores on the Index of Homophobia (W. W. Hudson & W. A. Ricketts, 1980). The men were exposed to sexually explicit erotic stimuli consisting of heterosexual, male homosexual, and lesbian videotapes, and changes in penile circumference were monitored. They also completed an Aggression Questionnaire (A. H. Buss & M. Perry, 1992). Both groups exhibited increases in penile circumference to the heterosexual and female homosexual videos. Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.


A 1996 study from the Journal of Abnormal Psychology found that homophobic heterosexual men were most sexually aroused by gay male porn than non-homophobic hetero men.


A 2012 study of 785 college students published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that “self-described highly straight individuals” who “indicated some level of same-sex attraction” were significantly more likely than others to “express greater implicit hostility toward gay subjects” including supporting anti-gay policies.


A 2017 study published in the journal Sex Roles said that men who felt insecure about their masculinity were more likely to make homophobic and sexist jokes to appear more manly.


>> No.13139108 [View]
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Bake gay wedding cakes or your business will be shut down.

The time for discussion is over.

>> No.13113394 [View]
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fork you

>> No.12898753 [View]
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This whole story positively REEKS of toxic masculinity and homophobic heteronormative aggression.

OP is a heterosexual.

>> No.12378484 [DELETED]  [View]
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Go fuck off and die homophobic scumbag.


A new poll of Russians has revealed a complicated picture of homophobia — falling slightly, but from exceptionally high levels.

The Levada Centre study, published on Thursday, indicated that more than half the population still had a negative opinion on LGBT+. Nearly a third said they would disown a friend if they found out they were gay, while only three percent suggested they had a favourable opinion.

On a positive note, the polls showed nearly half (47%) believed LGBT+ people should be treated equally in front of the law. This was the highest number since 2005 (51%), when polling on the question began.

That, suggested the study’s authors, was evidence that the power of the state’s propaganda was beginning to wear off.

>> No.12373854 [View]
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Meaningless vague concept to legitimize oppression of people you personally have discriminatory animus against.

>> No.12328405 [View]
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What do you have against gay people?

Im gay, fem, and not ashamed. In short, I'm your worst nightmare.

>> No.12256598 [View]
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It isn't necessary and you are getting btfo in court for continuing to lie that gay people are immoral.

We don't deserve to be harassed or abused.

Being a small fraction of the population doesn't justify treating us worse.

Nobody needs religion, nobody needs to be controlled. People in power are reluctant to give up power, but on honey, we can help.

>> No.12254570 [View]
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You are the demons.

>> No.12229126 [View]
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Yeah if you are an oppressive homophobic bigot.

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