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>> No.6171396 [View]
File: 165 KB, 647x1209, carbs make you lean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>above 150g carbs
>insidious weight gain
>over 300g carbs
>danger zone

Weird though that the most carb-eating countries in the world and the most carb-eating diet groups (vegetarians and vegans) are known for their thinness

>> No.6083313 [View]
File: 165 KB, 647x1209, carbs make you lean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What you're doing is taking a proven concept, the fact that eating at a calorie deficit will cause weight loss, and then implying that weight gain works the same way with no evidence. Obviously eating more calories will make it more likely that you'll store fat, but it's not as simple as "I ate 500 calories over my caloric needs, I will gain exactly 500 calories worth of body fat." The actual food you eat, including the macronutrient composition, can influence body fat storage. This is one reason why we have cultures that seem to have universally thin populations, while other cultures have obesity epidemics.

Pic related, sedentary rural Chinese with their high rice diet versus Americans with their high meat and fat diets. 11% more calories eaten by the Chinese, the Chinese are significantly shorter, and yet their average BMI is also 5 points lower. Part of the reason for this is because it's much harder for your body to make body fat out of carbohydrate, whereas dietary fat requires a simple efficient conversion.


Then you even have compounds in the food (atleast plant foods) that work against fat storage, like in fruits and tea


>> No.6011744 [View]
File: 165 KB, 647x1209, carbs make you lean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat rice all day
>take in more calories than the average American
>5 point lower BMI score

Ancient Chinese secret

>> No.5973872 [View]
File: 165 KB, 647x1209, carbs make you lean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat like a Chinaman, get lean like a Chinaman

>> No.5876006 [View]
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>No way. They are nothing but filler foods.

What do you mean by that? Also, I don't know if you've noticed, but virtually every population of people in the world eating high carb (+ low fat) diets are thin.

> I don't agree that eating carbs, is healthy at all

What brought you to that conclusion? I have to ask what data you've seen that made you think all sources of carbohydrate should be avoided, since every major health organization recommends them to be the centerpiece of your diet. Where's the data that says oatmeal, barley, black beans, and lentils are anything but healthy?

>> No.5820350 [View]
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>The reason Chinese are known for being skinny is much smaller portion sizes and they usually have to work their asses off.

As we can see in this data sample from the Cornell China Study, even when you match people for sedentary lifestyle, even when you compare shorter people to taller people, even when the shorter people eat 11% more calories, the leaner diet makes for much leaner people. There's no trolling going on, you're just learning new things.

>Low fat diets are notoriously ineffective in the US

Of course they're ineffective, because Americans do not follow a low fat diet. America's idea of a low fat diet is adding "low fat" foods into their current high-fat diet and expecting to lose weight somehow.

>> No.5808130 [View]
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>What you're describing is an impossiblity

What I'm describing is the same thing you're discribing now, amended from your first argument. You either use the energy, store the energy, or you don't. You saying the 3rd option doesn't happen often isn't supported by anything.

>I think what you meant to say is that insoluble fiber, aka cellulose, is not digestible by humans. and that is true. it's also not very relevant though.

It's very relevant, it disproves what you originally said.

> Yes, different nutrients have different properties. But those differences don't matter much.

Again, you seem to be speaking from your own feelings and personal opinion rather than from education/facts. See


And pic related as well. Lean diets make lean people, even if they eat more calories.

>> No.5753688 [View]
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>they eat tiny portions

Even when they eat more calories, they're skinnier. Chinese eat twice the carbohydrate Americans do and they're routinely thin. This is most likely because carbohydrate, unlike fat, cannot efficiently be turned into fat and stored on the body.

>> No.5741587 [View]
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>You might have a point if anyone, anywhere ate whole grains
>you can't even buy whole grains except a few specialty flours.

Alright, now I think you're completely trolling me

>excess calories always have, and always will come from eating to many carbs. Particularly the easy to eat ones that come from grains.

While I do agree that refined carbs can make it easy to get too many calories, I don't agree that they alone cause obesity, mainly because carbohyrate in most circumstances does not turn into fat. If you take Americans for example, they eat a siginificant amount of carbohydrate (much of it refined) but also eat a significant amount of fat. In countries where the fat is lower and the carbs are higher, and even the calories higher, there is less obesity. The cause for this, like I pointed out, is likely the inability of the human body to turn carbohydrate into fat.


In other words, the guy dumping a stick of butter on his steamed rice or popcorn and then saying "carbs made me fat" is like dripping poison into a glass of water, drinking it, and then saying "water poisoned me"

>> No.5708692 [View]
File: 165 KB, 647x1209, carbs make you lean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to be lean like a Chinaman, you got to eat like a Chinaman. Get them carbs in and avoid fatty foods. Stick to whole plant foods (whole grains and beans, vegetables, and fruits)

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