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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.16144841 [View]
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you should be feeling good about yourself. good job

>> No.11010461 [View]
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3 cheeseburgers, large fry, 6 piece nugget with sweet and sour. and can I have a handful of ketchup packets? thanks! *zzzoooooomm*

>> No.9948290 [View]
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It's nearly impossible to beat a good burger made properly.

>> No.8878381 [View]
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Cook things separately, like eggs, proteins, veggies. All with oil obviously. Then start cooking your day old rice. Add the other ingredients, seasons, and then soy sauce. Find yourself some dark soy sauce, it'll make it look and taste like you're used to.
Look up videos, do your research, don't be afraid to fail your first couple times. It's just friend rice. It's supposed to be easy, and made with leftovers. Asians just throw random shit in a wok and fry it.

>> No.8760181 [View]
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Eggs are one of the perfect foods.
I like to have baked eggs. I butter a ramekin and put breadcrumbs in, two eggs, s & p, tabasco, 1/4C cream, and cheddar on top. Baked at 350F until the yolk is done to my liking.

>> No.8247366 [View]
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Dunno but I need to take it down to about 1400 a day. I could stand to lose about 40 pounds.

>> No.7506233 [View]
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Yeah that's why I love to order deep fried food; it's too messy at home. Oh shit, no wonder I'm so gigantic.

>> No.7057624 [View]
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Going on a low carb diet.

What are some good recipes that include meat, cheese, and vegetables?

>> No.6858164 [View]
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you have a cat dont you? i think i asked for a pic of him in front of your candles. its a cute cat

>> No.6823530 [View]
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I love Big Macs and Whoppers, so I would love to try it. Sadly I hardly eat those things anymore. I miss being 18 and being able to eat anything I wanted all day without gaining a pound.

>> No.6707568 [View]
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Jesus christ, if I had a deep fat fryer at home I would get so insanely fat.

>> No.6563241 [View]
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I fucking love pizza hut, I dont care what anyone says.

>> No.6214693 [View]
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At first glance it looked like some hipster bullshit (also fuck california in general) ... but its actually a kinda neat idea
>pedal a bike for a few
>get free ice cream
I can dig it

>> No.6190908 [View]
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>own apartment
>tea/coffee instead of booze
I shouldn't be in the booze thread, but 1pm masterrace reporting in anyway.
Its just such a comfy time to wake up.
You're well rested, and its still not late enough to feel like you've slept the whole day away, so you might get something productive done if only you'd get off your fat ass and DO something.
If only it wasn't so fucking cold outside, I could be more active.
Cold weather just makes me want to hibernate and do fuck all

>> No.6177051 [View]
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>tfw I make a few dollars above minimum wage, 40/hr a week but still make enough to live comfy
>tfw I live by myself in my cozy little apartment
>no stress, no debts, no loans to pay off, no car payments because I walk everywhere
>tfw surrounded by videogames and computer shit because 1/4 of my income is disposable
>mfw people my age whine hurr durr the economy is so bad! life is so hard!

Its complete possible to live on your own making shit pay, as long as you're not retarded with your money, or live in an overpriced, overpopulated shithole.

>> No.6170656 [View]
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My brother and his wife still try to do the traditional 'family dinner' thing where they all sit together for a meal with no cellphones, no tv, no distractions. Just family time, and a home cooked meal.
Its.. actually a really nice experience, even though I tend a feel a little awkward when they 'say grace' at the beginning.
Theres just something comfy as fuck about eating at a proper table with your family.

>> No.6137014 [View]
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I've always used either half, or more of an entire pack of crackers when i'm eating soup.
I like crushing it up and smooshing it around until it turns into this cracker-soup paste before eating it.

Also when eating cookies and milk, I hold the cookie in my mouth and take a little sip of milk, then pressing my tongue against the cookie and feeling it dissolving against my tongue. I love that soft cookie texture

>> No.6108865 [View]
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Theres nothing wrong with living with your folks past any age, as long as you're contributing to the family and not being a fat, useless shit like the OP sounds like.

There really is something nice about being out on your own though. Sure, theres bills and stress and other little worries (thats called 'life') but you're completley free of human contact and drama unless you 'decide' to include it in your life.

>> No.6078392 [View]
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My mom was very 'southern', and loved to cook lots of cow tongue and heart and pig brains n' eggs. Good shit.
My personal fave was 'head cheese', which was where you boil all the meat off a pigs severed head, and mince it, and mix with unflavored jello and set it in the fridge in little loaf pans.
Slice that shit up and make sandwiches. nomnomnom
Throughout the year, we'd have all these pig skulls on top of our fence and mailbox in front of the house, like Lord of the Flies or some shit.
Our neighbors never talked to us much for some reason.

I could never stomach the pig ears and pig feet though. That shit was always too fatty and nasty. I'm a texture guy.

>> No.6066139 [View]
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Fuck yea.
BK restaurants may be disgusting, and the people who work there don't look like they should be handling food half the time, but goddamn those are some messy, tasty burgers.

>mfw double whopper w/cheese, heavy all

>> No.5727238 [View]
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>3-4 boneless skinless chicken breasts
>quarter an onion, toss it in
>quarter a lemon, toss it in
>half a bottle of sweet babbyrays
>half a can of coke
>heat on low for 6 hours

>> No.5689422 [View]
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As a guest/in polite company - 1
At my brothers house - 2-3
Hanging out with my fellow fatass /tg/ bro - Half
By myself - All of it.

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