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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.20539485 [View]
File: 263 KB, 500x224, Brad....gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TWO is accepted restraint, anon..
Along with a side of toast, some kind of breakfast meat, a Fruit,(or juice) and another beverage--Tea, Coffee or Milk--Age dependent.
There are plenty of Alternative diets ITT thread as well...as well as Gluttony.

>> No.20471699 [View]
File: 263 KB, 500x224, That looks like a TASTY BURGER!!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, Why not?
there are great resons on both sides of the great burger debate. Personally, as if anyone NEEDS to know it, I like a nice toasted bun, and if not pan toasted in butter, then on the grill with a nice schmear of good mayo, then romaine or spin, depending on the mood...
But the I like a few paper thin slices of raw sweet onion on top--So you all can disreguard my opinion...
>spicy brown or whole grain mustard, sometimes suateed buttons, sometimes pickle and Toms...Heirloom is best, but in a pinch even thinly sliced romas will do.
>IDGAF if it's real swiss or muenster that I hadda slice myself, or a 90° star of Aldi swiss and 'Murican
BTW, in this sense, >=implying

>> No.20114663 [View]
File: 263 KB, 500x224, Brad....gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's from that new Hah-Why-Ann burger place, isn't it?
Wheres the grilled Pineapple ring?

>> No.20112503 [View]
File: 263 KB, 500x224, Brad....gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say that again, mothufukka!

>> No.20006083 [View]
File: 263 KB, 500x224, Brad....gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Line burnout is a real thing, and nothing will kill your desire to even cook, more than working in a kitchen these days.
Even people who who are excellent at baking and other culinary arts, and start up their own catering or Cupcake cottage, find out pretty quickly how shit it is.
No, you would do well to cook for the LOVE of good foods and not eating Pozzed garbage on offer from 99% of the stores and restaurants today.
I'm not sure exactly when it happened, sometime in the early 90s I think, but the cooking competition shows and showcasing of "Elite" eateries who were "Raking in the cash" flooded the entertainment sphere, the shows were not only bookended by fast food comercials, but adverts for culinary institutes as well.
This is sort of like becoming a sports star for the un-athletic; Only VERY FEW, with either connections and/or years of hard work, every rise to that level. Even Very good chefs/cooks who should by all rights be raking in the cash, are not, being at the whim of economic factors, and location restrictions,(Good luck trying to open a restaurant in a major city without having millions already, and that's IF you can break into "IN Club"
Nope. In all honesty anon, Watch the classic cooking shows, and the culinary arts videos on youTub, and build both your skillset and your kitchen implements.
You'll save your money, your health, your sanity, and all while eating foods that are ALREADY better than 90% of the restaurants out there.
>TL;DR: No. lern 2 cook GUD--Save money and sanity/health.

>> No.19855533 [View]
File: 263 KB, 500x224, Brad....gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking Gourmand=Gourmet
One means Glutton, anon.

>> No.18404213 [View]
File: 263 KB, 500x224, That looks like a TASTY BURGER!!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6180372 [View]
File: 263 KB, 500x224, 1312242250231.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May I have some of your...beverage...to...wash this down?

That hit the spot.

>> No.5034927 [View]
File: 263 KB, 500x224, le-shig.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not getting the Douglas Sirk steak. Bloody as hell
>paying $5 for a milkshake

>> No.4392971 [View]
File: 263 KB, 500x224, fb21c026db7024712f591a465113dec1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for some help. I'll give you information as best I can to get the questions answered from kind anons that take the time to reply.
Going to write my Red Seal exam and looking for some pointers.
Been cooking professionally for about ten years. Working in a hotel the last few, but cut my teeth in a small italian restaurant. Fell into cooking during highschool and just kept working - no formal education. I read, though. The book I have to study from is Gisslins 2010 OnCooking plus the net.
I consider myself proficient. I can cook it - but I may not know the French name for it.
Lots of folks don't get their' seal. I want mine because I need it in the hotel business. Also, without a contact, most Chefs will think you're a cowboy with no school/seal.


Tips? If you've written it, a line or two. That's it. If all you've got to say is mother-sauces and wash your hands, just move on. Tidbits, something that you would have liked to have known prior to the test? I test well as I have good reading comprehension, but the book from the ministry is just so...well, you know.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Anon.


>> No.4351450 [View]
File: 263 KB, 500x224, fb21c026db7024712f591a465113dec1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've been consuming gluten for as long as man has known seed +soil = plant. It's in many grains and has been a staple food all around the world.
Fucking pisses me off when i hear about someone bitching about wheat. Short-changed on the old evolutionary ladder, I guess.
I have a thought, though. Wheat(gluten) as we know it know is a different thing than it was 100-or even 30 years ago.
GM changed everything. So many more genes, no wonder some people can't eat it.
tldr; sucks to be you

>> No.4244184 [View]
File: 263 KB, 500x224, fb21c026db7024712f591a465113dec1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where does one purchase a bag of ketchup?
How big is said bag? Is there a nozzle? Does it come resealable? I'm curious about the bag.

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