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Search: americans

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>> No.20572351 [View]

Fat Americans think they invented anything. And the fat Americans who take such pride in it are the most useless wastes who haven't achieved a fucking thing in their lives.

>> No.20572134 [View]

You are supposed to break the giant 2ft long spaghetti they sell in bulk bags. "Italian" Americans don't actually know anything about Italy, Italians or our culture and cuisine. Don't take anything they say as gospel. They can't even currently pronounce their own names. They're the biggest larpers in America, bested, possibly, only by your Mother Africa blacks and your filthy, white trash plastic Paddy "Irish" who reduce an entire culture down to beer, potatoes and tattoos of clovers and angry, green-clad midgets

>> No.20571538 [View]

>frozen pizza
Do Americans really? Can't they just get fresh dough from their local baker?

>> No.20570738 [View]
File: 217 KB, 1500x1000, as-bacon-egg-and-cheese-1-threeByTwoMediumAt2X-v3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bacon egg and cheese sandwich.

That pic looks pretty good though. Biscuits and gravy is the second greatest white people dish.
Breakfast pizza is great too, but maybe only top 10 rather than top 3 white people foods though.
White Americans just absolutely crushed it when it came to breakfast foods.

>> No.20570607 [View]

Do Americans really?

>> No.20570160 [View]

The man is dead so it probably doesn't matter. It's crazier to think Americans still trust doctors which are not all dead.

>> No.20570112 [View]

He believed that by pushing a low-nutrition grain-based diet, Americans would be "cured" of sexual desires. Seriously.

>> No.20570055 [View]

>Americans invented cocksucking
Why do you need to eat sausage like a faggot? Are you a faggot? Dumbass zoomers, I stg.

>> No.20569910 [View]
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, 1716254499630059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And sweat shop workers aren't being abused because they wouldn't have jobs otherwise.
That's true.
>Ship more jobs to 3rd world countries!
It's better to keep jobs in the US so their labor gets taxed for social security.
>They are actively competing with brown people who: get their college paid off with our tax dollars
You don't need college to be a plumber. If you mean meme coding jobs then yeah, young Americans are mostly getting screwed out of what few openings are available because they're going to Indians instead. I don't personally care about that but I'd be upset if I were younger. You can still be a plumber, an air conditionong repair guy, or an electrician. There's endless demand for those jobs.

>> No.20569794 [View]

Yeah, kids don't need jobs to pull themselves up from their boot straps. They need another new iPod so they can go to college for underwater basket weaving! We need more Americans like you.

>> No.20569377 [View]

Grilled cheese. Nothing except bread, cheese, and mayonnaise. Yet it tastes better than anything Asians, Africans, or South Americans ever invented.

>> No.20569174 [View]
File: 81 KB, 640x479, 50kalò.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you don't because americans can't replicate italian toppings with the same quality, not even in Italy you will have good pizza cheese unless it's from Campania. That said, pizza is almost always good.

>> No.20568845 [View]

*it's a website for weeaboo americans

>> No.20568842 [View]

This is a site created by an American for other Americans. That's why most users are American.

>> No.20568803 [View]

4chan is a knock off of a Japanese forum of similar design, just for English speakers. That is why you get mostly Americans (who know about the site) and some EU type visitors after hours. ESL types occasionally pop in to troll, but they don't actually have real content to post, so nothing happens on blue boards from them.

Plus 4chan is dying because of all the constant shilling and political spam being injected into it daily. So that means less posters, less REAL content, and the cycle becomes negative.

>> No.20568740 [View]

Name ten important or noteworthy Russians and ten important or noteworthy Chinese without internet help. Now do the same with important or noteworthy Americans.

>> No.20568617 [View]

do americans get so fat they can't cook in the kitchen anymore?

>> No.20567751 [View]

>have to use bottled water cause tapwater will kill you
do americans really?

>> No.20567750 [View]

>The bran removal process of modern production techniques is extremely efficient.
See, this is the problem with trying to debate an autistic person. I am not talking about the efficiency of modern grain milling techniques. I am talking about the fact that the process of treating wheat to make it edible - specifically by sprouting and fermenting it - is an inefficient process when compared to simply removing the hull and grinding it. Regardless,

>Nixtamalization to make niacin bioavailable is a process that turned out to be vital because in Europe
So Mesoamerican cultures developed the nixtamalization process in 1500 BC because they anticipated that it would be beneficial for Europeans thousands of years in the future?

This is pure cope and I notice that you ignored my other examples. No ready mental gymnastics for those? I gave you a few instances as examples, not because those were the only instances. Literally every pre-modern society in human history that relied on grains as a staple food developed a process for preparing those grains for consumption. Absolutely none of them were just eating lightly cooked raw grain or turning untreated grains into flour.

Per one of my examples you conveniently ignored, native americans would, after winnowing, spend multiple days soaking acorns in water to reduce the tannin content, grind them into flour, then spend another 2-3 days soaking the flour to remove more toxins and ferment it. Europeans gave harvested wheat ample time to begin sprouting, then made fermented breads with the resulting flour. You may imagine that these people we idiots who just accidentally stumbled upon the healthiest way to prepare these foods but I assure you, these people could have pointed you to any of the hundreds of plants and herbs growing in their environment and told you exactly what they were and what they were good for. They knew exactly what they were doing when they created these processes.

>> No.20567726 [View]

> Do you think that native americans would have developed a multi-day process for preparing acorns for consumption if they were perfectly fine to eat raw or with a light toasting?

This is an overinterpretation. The Native Americans cono implemented the process of nixtamalization of corn to make the niacin bioavailable but because the process will make the kernel malleable enough to be formed into a bread
The problem is that precisely, mills in Europe were able to make corn kernels kneadable even without nixtamalization. However, when corn became the only food in Europe because of the dire economic situation, it was realized that people were getting pellagra

>> No.20567700 [View]

That would be Americans and the Japanese.

>> No.20567694 [View]

>Whatever they did in the past was not as efficient as what we can do today
Yes, that was my point, you retard. The process of treating grains to make them edible is not efficient at all, which is why corporations have created the "whole grain means healthy" meme to avoid having to do it.

>You have to be clinically retarded to drink the "whole wheat is poisonous" Kool aid
All untreated grains are poisonous and it's not limited to wheat. Do you think that the nixtamalization process was developed because people we just bored and looking for a way to waste some time? Do you realize that until the development of baker's yeast, less than 200 years ago, literally all leavened bread for all of human history was sourdough, aka fermented? Do you think that native americans would have developed a multi-day process for preparing acorns for consumption if they were perfectly fine to eat raw or with a light toasting?

You think that modern foods are normal and healthy only because you don't have the slightest knowledge of what food was prior to the industrialization and commercialization that turned food into a commodity where profit, not health, is the only concern.

>> No.20567235 [View]

Why do Americans call them a Pot Pie? When infact, they are just a Pie!

Maybe I see a lot more pies than Americans do?


>> No.20566917 [View]

>tfw this thread
do americans really? wouldn't last a day in soviet union, ran by communists who you golems love so much. you'd eat the packaging too

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