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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.8043671 [View]

Who is talking about sugar? My juice is about 80/20 in veg/fruit. Yes, there's some fructose. But if you subscribe to cal in vs. cal out,then what I'm doing is very calorie reduced with lots of nutrition too.

>> No.8043662 [View]

>what about protein? Bruh you need proteins. Otherwise the weight your losing is actually muscle tissue. Are you blending soy with the juices to make like, smoothies?
Good juice has enough trace proteins to keep me going. If I were a bodybuilder, I wouldn't do a juice fast for months.

The protein needs of the body depend on how much you work, especially anaerobically. I don't lift and I don't get a lot of exercise, just walking around for my job.

If I thought that I needed more protein, I could easily add some unflavoured whey protein or egg whites to my juice and gulp that back too.

>> No.8043640 [View]

This isn't a "juice cleanse". That's bullshit. Such memes tell you that drinking nothing but carrot juice with some lemon and cayenne pepper for a week will make you a superman. That's not what I'm saying at all.

>> No.8043631 [View]

>So your an idiot. OK.
Not an idiot at all. I'm healthy and losing a pile of weight. I was never good at "dieting" or portion control, so it's easier for me to not eat at all.

I'm on day 36 of my juice fast and I'm down 30 pounds so far. I still drink coffee and lotsa booze and I don't exercise. And I'm getting lots of nutrition.

>> No.8043612 [View]

On previous threads, Anons have reported losing 20 lbs in the first two weeks, if they're hardcore. That includes only homemade juice of mostly veg, no alcohol or coffee, and mild exercise like swift walking/jogging for a few miles per day. I believe it. I'm not that hardcore at all, I lost 15 pounds in my first two weeks which is admittedly gut contents and water weight, but after that it's 5 pounds per week or so like clockwork for me, with coffee and booze.
Yes, I know that the initial loss is temporary, and when I start eating I'll gain 5-10 pounds quickly. But the weight in between is legitimate fat loss.
It's a very calorie reduced diet, but with loads of nutrition. And more importantly it turns off one's taste buds and appetite and cravings, so when coming off it's easy to start the ideal diet because it's not one day to the next.

>> No.8043530 [View]

>So you're mentally like a vegan then?
Sort of. I prefer local produce and organic, but I'm not religious about it. I know that when I come off this fast I'll want a solid diet plan including some nuts, eggs, fish, and lean and clean chicken.

But for now, I guess I'm "vegan". Other than the cream in my coffee in the mornings.

>> No.8043509 [View]
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I'm on a long term juice fast, and talking about it keeps me motivated. Anyone else juicing, either for a meal replacement, or for nutrition supplement, or for weight loss? Share your stories and best recipes.

>> No.8037717 [View]

I don't want better results. I could lose weight faster by stopping the coffee and beer too, but I don't want to.

>> No.8037649 [View]

Thanks for contributing.

>> No.8036181 [View]

>I’m going to challenge you just a bit here
You make some great points here, Anon. Totally.

I use a masticating juicer to get as much fibre out of the juice as I reasonably can. That helps a lot. If I were doing a "meal replacement" juice, then I'd likely use the other kind of juicer, being a spinning grater. That gives a smooth and quick juice, although there's a lot left behind in the pulp.

Yes, fats and proteins are necessary to keep up testosterone. And I admit that by only juicing I'm lowering my testosterone, because I also like my alcohol and I'm not lifting. But the test will return with eating and with an exercise routine.

Just as my juice has some protein, it also has some oil and fat. Very little, I admit. I should probably be taking a vitamin or supplement for zinc, B-complex, vitamin D, and fish oil capsules too. And I do take such vitamins and supplements here and there, but not regularly enough to comment on otherwise I'm often told on 4chan that I'm living off pills with a juice supplement other than the other way around.

I use only enough fruit in my juice to make it non barfy, and even then I mix it up to get the most variety of vitamins. I don't do "kale, spinach, lemon, cucumber, carrot, and ginger" every day. I use some of whatever I have in my fridge. My typical juice has at least ten ingredients, including berries, cabbage, dark leafy greens, and fruit in season. With a large variety, changing daily, I think I'm getting all my nutrition.

But you make good points. Fructuse can still spike the blood sugars, especially with no fibre to slow down the absorption. But I don't make juice to taste good, just to be not awful tasting.

>> No.8036161 [View]

I love chicken thighs. Easiest is to put them on a baking sheet and into a preheated oven at 400 degrees for 20 minutes if they are boneless and skinless, up to 40 minutes if they have bone and skin.

Before inserting into oven, give them some salt and pepper. That's good enough. But I love adding some ClubHouse chicken spice too, or mixed herbs, or whatever you like.

If it's skinless, I brush on some olive oil which helps keeps it moist. With skinless, I get a bowl and add a little olive oil, throw the spices into the oil, and then brush it on. Feel free to pull it out five minutes early and brush on some bbq sauce. Don't do that at the start or it'll just burn because of the sugar content.

When I'm using clean chicken, either organic or from a decent butcher and it's hormone and antibiotic free, I save the drippings. I refrigerate that and use the fat for frying other stuff and the juice as a base for stock, soup, gravy, slow cooking, lots of great stuff.

Now I'm getting hungry. Shit.

>> No.8036130 [View]

>You should consider smoothies instead of just juicing, my friend.
That's a great recipe, anon. And good tips for smoothies. I'll file that under "to do" when I go back to eating.

Smoothies are great, and with the fibre they are filling too. But for now, I'm on juice only to drop a pile of weight quickly. It works for me.

Gut health is extremely important, and that's one thing that /fit/ doesn't get. It's not about muh macros.

>> No.8036084 [View]

I have to say that I'm liking being on /ck/. Over at /fit/ I'm called a faggot and that I'm ruining my macros. Those guys need some serious education on nutritional science.

>> No.8036056 [View]

>Doesn't nothing but juice for that long ruin your anus?
Not at all. Maybe your overall diet is too acidic. It's tempting to make "diet" food palatable by dumping salt and hot sauce on it.

Two apples per day should be a good thing. Look at your overall diet rather than blaming it on two apples per day, Anon.

>> No.8036018 [View]

You have it down, Anon. Smoothies are great and you have to balance the sugars and acids to make it palatable.

I put a half lemon in every juice, plus a bit of fresh ginger root, and some herbs. Herbs are tricky, you don't need much. A bit of dill is nice, parsley is awesome, and sometimes I use cilantro; in small quantities it adds great flavour and as a fresh dark green leaf it naturally adds nutrition too.

My general rule is: lots of variety and not too sweet.

I don't like beets, however. Yes, they are full of nutrients and the juice is excellent for you. But it also has a binding cellulose which can give the juice a consistency of snot. Hard to drink that.

I've never juiced dates. Sounds interesting. What's in them that I should be looking for?

>> No.8035875 [View]
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Juicing thread, /ck/. Share your stories and recipes.
I'm on day 34 of a juice fast and I'm down 29 pounds so far. Ask me.

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