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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.8044350 [View]

>it's still pretty fucking annoying.
Then don't post.
Thank you for bumping my thread.

>> No.8044342 [View]

>Does juice make a good substitute for breakfast? I thought about drinking juice in the morning instead of bagels and usual food
I suppose that it depends what you want out of your breakfast and when you are going to eat next after breakfast. When I'm eating, I often have a smoothie for breakfast, I use a simple "magic bullet" to cream up a banana, some ice, some yoghurt, berries if I have them, and a scoop of chocolate protein powder or a spoonful of peanut butter. That has lots of good stuff and fills me up.

Check the nutritional contents of a bagel. There's a days worth of carbs in that. Breakfast should have lots of fibre to keep you full through the morning, with some protein too.

I don't recommend just juice for breakfast, unless you're fine to go for a while without eating. Most people would be better with a smoothie.

>> No.8044316 [View]

>Did you even know what you were getting yourself into
Holy shit, I can't believe I'm replying to you but I'm bored so I guess I will.

Yes, I know what I'm getting into. I wouldn't do this if I didn't. And I don't recommend it for everyone, as I've said.

I don't give a fuck how the human body evolved, you asshole. My dental health is fine, I brush and floss daily even though I'm not eating. I'm aware that bacteria build up in the mouth. And a weak chin? Are you on glue? What, my facial muscles are going to atrophy? I do actually talk, and I chew gum here and there. Nobody "sold" me a juicer either, I did my research and picked it out myself after looking at reviews. Fuck, you're a tool.

Go back to /b/ you scab lipped cum gargler.

>> No.8044277 [View]

>God you sound insufferable.
I'm on 5 weeks of no solids. This isn't a two day "cleanse". I'm trying to lose a lot of weight quickly with good nutrition and I'm doing it.

There are Anons who reply and follow these threads I start. I do this for them more than for me.

I harass nobody, in real life or online. In fact, you're the one harassing me you dicklicker. Nobody made you post here.

But thanks for bumping my thread, I guess. Faggot.

>> No.8044257 [View]

>Eat fresh, seasonal, organic produce, substitute bleached, plain white wheat products, for whole and vitamin-rich grains wherever you can, avoid factory meats, opting for free-range organic stuff instead
This Anon gets it. Good on you for posting.

>> No.8044239 [View]

>Juicing is a ploy to get you hook on an expensive gadget. Eat the entire vegetable/fruit like your ancestors did. You don't need to eat 34 oranges, 21 lbs of carrots, 11 lbs of kale, and .6 hectares of spinach. This isn't going to make you live longer than people who eat a balanced diet.
I like my gadget. It does a lot of things. So you can also eat me like the Anon I replied to above.

Holy fuck, the trolls are out in full force now. What, mommy sent you to bed and you now have unsupervised computer time?

>> No.8044223 [View]

Go fuck yourself.
Yes, I understand that the carrot and radish and beet are generally understood to be the "root" part, and when I buy them I only do so with leafy green tops that I can juice as well.

Go fuck yourself with your judgements, assumptions, and insults.

As I said, I'm in my mid forties. I can afford good food. I drive a car of my own. I have a house of my own. Two, in fact. I'm a lawyer.

So suck the corn out of my shit. When I'm back to eating.

>> No.8044208 [View]

>Use your juicer for your cocktails or as a treat when you want something sweet, not as a substitute to a healthy diet.
Thanks for those links, I'll look at them. Really.

>> No.8044184 [View]

>nah dude, ive got a omega j8006 juicer. stuff thats too soft just doesnt come out nice unless i feed something harder like carrots through afte
I have the same thing. When I'm juicing peaches or berries, I alternate a handful of them with a quarter apple or some carrot. Or I take the wet pulp and just run it through again.

>> No.8044179 [View]

>Why do you keep repeating the sales-line as a mantra?
I keep saying that because it's true. I'd never sit down and eat four pounds of raw veg and a pound of fruit for a meal. But by juicing, I'm getting all of the best parts into a glass which I toss back and I'm done. It's no mantra, it's what you're trying to accomplish. If I can get the vitamins and nutrients out of a pound of spinach etc. by juicing it, then I don't have to actually eat it, and the juice is lower calorie than too. And by cooking it a lot of the nutrients are lost.

Yes, I could make a huge salad but then am I going to add dressing? And how long would it take to eat it all?

Look, I'm not trying to get followers and I'm not shilling anything. If you don't like the idea then don't do it. I'm not making you do anything, or worship a vegan god.

>> No.8044148 [View]

>carrots from the farmers market with the greens still attached,
I only buy carrots with the greens attached, same with radishes and beets. The greens are the best parts.

>concord grapes, goddamn that was some good juice
I'm sure it was awesome, that's how sweet wines and grape jelly are made.

>my juicer doesnt do the *best* job on softer items.
You're probably using a spinning grater type of juicer, which doesn't do well on soft or pulpy or fibrous things. My go-to model is a side extration masticating Omega juicer, you get more juice out of the produce with a drier pulp and more nutrients too. Having said that it's slower and has more working parts to disassemble and clean. Whatever works for you.

>> No.8044119 [View]

>Minimal effort options
You're missing the point. All of that produce's juice goes into one glass.

I know how to cook. But juicing takes the best parts of the veg and fruit and puts it into a glass and you toss it back.

What, you're going to sit down and eat a pound of raw kale, two apples, a cucumber, and a tomato for a meal?

>> No.8044109 [View]

Holy shit, your buddy is on to something. Cucumber juice is mild but has a nice flavour. It's watery of course. Watermelon is full of vitamins and is great to juice. Mix them, and add a bit of ginger or mint, and you have the basis for a stellar cocktail.

Fruit smoothies are okay, since you're drinking rather than eating the fruit. Juicing fruit concentrates the sugars too, so on a daily basis I only use enough to make the juice drinkable.

>> No.8044099 [View]

>most of my extra calories come from booze...
I'm with you, Anon. When I'm in the mood for booze, I juice accordingly if I'm not having beer or wine.

Yes, kale doesn't provide a lot of juice. Neither does spinach, or parsley, or any other dark green leafy. But what you do get is packed with nutrition, right? So I mix my dark green leafy with some watery like cucumber and a tomato, and add a bit of fruit like apple or grapes or berries, and the end result is awesome.

>> No.8044078 [View]

>I am not one of these "juice diet" people,
Neither am I, Anon. I'm happy for you if you've found what works for you.

I bought two huge canteloupes this week, juiced them with some lemon and a bit of ginger, and made a spectacular drink with vodka and soda and juice over ice. It was awesome.

And if you've never made cocktails with fresh and homemade juice then you've never lived, right?

>> No.8044061 [View]

>Or.....you could just eat those things or at the very least blend them
That's a common reaction and I don't blame you for posting it.

Yes, I can juice three carrots, a whole cucumber, a tomato, two apples, a half lemon, a bit of fresh ginger, and a pound of leafy greens like kale or spinach or whatever. I do that, and drink the juice. If I had all that raw veg and fruit sitting in front of me, I'd never eat it all. I don't think I could. Juicing concentrates the nutrients and lets you toss it back quickly. That's one of the big advantages.

>> No.8044055 [View]

>I have a pretty nice masticating juicer
Yeah, I've thought of adding unflavoured psyllium but I don't think I need it.

You have a good recipe there, Anon. I try to add more variety, then I don't need to worry about whether I'm getting enough of any one thing. Don't you think that lots of apple and carrot together adds a lot of sugar and calories? I guess it depends on what you're after.

Peppers are great, but their juice is bitter in my experience. I juice with them sparingly.

>> No.8043825 [View]

Lotsa hate here, which I would expect from /fit/ but not on /ck/. But that's fine too.

>> No.8043751 [View]

>hope you're using organic produce
I use organic produce whenever I can. At this time of year, there are lots of cheap options for organic produce. In the winter and spring, I get a box of organic produce delivered. That's costly, but I agree that it's worth it. By juicing, I'm concentrating all the good stuff but there can be stuff I don't want too.

>> No.8043745 [View]

>you have no excuse it's just laziness.
I agree, I got up to 241 pounds out of being lazy and sedate. But I'm turning that around.

>> No.8043712 [View]

>You understand that patients who for whatever reason cannot eat solid food have serious problems with their gastrointestinal system
I understand that argument, Anon. My masticating juicer leaves behind enough fibre that my digestive tract has something to do. I have a small shit every day or two.

>> No.8043707 [View]

>I still feel like you should be adding protein by default
I appreciate that sentiment. But I've looked at my protein needs at the moment and I don't need much. My juicing fills that need. Most of us, especially lifters, overestimate the protein that we need.

>> No.8043687 [View]

>I feel like protien and fiber both are important for satiation and health.
This Anon gets it. If you know how much protein you need, you can juice to meet that need or add with supp.

I use a masticating juicer, which presses out lots of the juice and a bit of fibre too. I have a small shit every day or two, and if I use lemon in the juice it's of normal consistency.

>> No.8043677 [View]

>Look at human evolution dumbass
Good luck with your paleo diet, dumbass.

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