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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.8024241 [View]
File: 697 KB, 1181x780, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had my obligatory "slumming it" session with some of this "craft" beer I got at the store

Had a few sips, expanded my palate, dumped the rest, washed out my mouth with hydrogen peroxide, and opened an occhipinti sp68. Much better!

I wonder when rustics will stop pretending to like beer just to avoid getting beaten up by the local anti-culture patrol

>> No.8024210 [View]

Why would you be afraid to say you're vegan? That's like saying you're afraid to say you think racism is bad

The real world isn't 4chan, anon. Vegans are pretty mainstream, and screaming about niggers doesn't make you "cool"

>> No.8024202 [View]

Not that this is a real choice anyone has to make, but I'd rather hang out with only vegans than only carnists.

Vegans are just generally more open minded and use their brains more. That's what led them to veganism to begin with.

>> No.8012676 [View]

>is that stuff good on elotes?
I like how you just dropped that so casually in an otherwise English sentence. No cultureless corn on the cob for you, no sir! You seem like the kind of guy who carefully pronounces "habañero" in the "NPR white people talking reverently about Hispanic things" accent, while lifting your chin involuntarily from the ennobling effects of such an authentic discussion, and arching your eyebrows suggestively from the strain of using your mouth in an unexpected way

Can we be friends?

>> No.7898860 [DELETED]  [View]

Pretty much, yeah. It goes into all animal feed by default, in doses low enough to breed biowarfare-grade superbugs and make the animals feed conversion ratio increase by like 5%, and people defend this practice for two reasons:

1. Carnists legitimately believe that it's medically necessary, and

2. The smart scientists will come up with some new antibiotics any day now, we just need to wait for all the current ones to remain completely useless for a few years and kill millions a year from antibiotic resistant superbugs instead of hundreds of thousands, so that it becomes lucrative enough to start research and eventually give the meat industry something new to ruin

>> No.7898596 [DELETED]  [View]

Zojirushi NP-NVC10

>> No.7898582 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 65 KB, 905x399, yum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my god-given right to be sold food made to such abysmally low standards that it needs half the BASF catalog blended in using the most advanced technology known to humanity in order to be almost mostly not revolting. Food with recognizable biological properties is hippie bullshit that yuppies pretend to enjoy.

If you disagree with me you don't even know what DHMO is and are definitely not a smart STEM major like me.

>> No.7898572 [DELETED]  [View]

I don't because it's terrible. You seem like the kind of person who feels culturally intimidated by Starbucks

>> No.7898543 [DELETED]  [View]
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I find it amusing how people will gladly eat CAFO trashmeat and call that a "luxury", while having a panic attack at food that isn't morally abohorrent

>> No.7898531 [DELETED]  [View]

Hate to break it to you Chairman Yang, but most Zojirushi are made in the land of melamine baby formula, the only exceptions are the induction models

>> No.7797162 [DELETED]  [View]
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Agree or disagree:
>Authenticity is a very hurtful word, the sole purpose of which is to make me feel left out of an interesting conversation

>> No.7796509 [DELETED]  [View]

Same here except bike, I squeeze in about 1200 calories a day by commuting by bike

It ends up being a little more expensive than cagers might expect. Figure around $4k a year on bike related spending for a moderate scenario (nothing extravagant, no cutting edge tech that just came out this year, but not skimping on maintenance or quality). That doesn't include the extra loads of laundry and the gym membership to shower when I get to work, or the increased cost of 1200 calories a day, keeping in mind I only eat wholesome, high quality food. But it beats being stuck in a metal box, and the moral superiority is priceless

>> No.7796479 [DELETED]  [View]

I have spent considerable time in many countries, including Japan, and I have eaten authentic Japanese food, so I am in a uniquely privileged position to explain this

While Japanese food is often derided as lacking in flavor, particularly compared to, say, South Indian or Malaysian food, it's still based on natural ingredients (fresh fish, vegetables, and a non-trivial amount of fermented stuff)

When people say "Americans" they mean uncultured flyovers, because those are the ones who shriek AMERICA and get belligerent about nationality the most. So let us keep that in mind for now. The average American flyover has never experienced natural ingredients. Most food is jazzed up with HFCS, salt, trans fats, and, for the daring macho types, hot sauce (preferably with dragons, skulls, or weapons on the label, to indicate the level of masculinity that will be obtained by buying the product)

In short, American food is inherently bland, in a more profound way than Japanese food, and most importantly, in a way that cannot be fixed

When an American (usually a member of the US military or a weeaboo with rich parents, since weeaboos don't have jobs) sets foot in Japan, he is usually quite surprised at this first taste of foreign food that doesn't destroy flavors by sending the raw ingredients to Mondelez or Cargill for destruction

But if that American had chosen any other country as the destination, the experience would have been the same. He would have gone crazy over the food, because it would have been the first real food he would have tasted

>> No.7794143 [View]

Mean to quote this guy, of course >>7794071

>> No.7794136 [View]
File: 98 KB, 800x430, menzio1-800x430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being THIS out of touch
We consider American made goods a status symbol, cleetus. Always have

Our aversion to working class scum relates to actually being and living around you. Not the goods you manufacture

Just like we love sustainable fair-trade agricultural stuff from exotic locales - coffee, cacao, and so on. Doesn't mean we want to live with a the people who picked the bean, since they can't even read and write, let alone discuss Naomi Klein and Daniel Alarcón

We love the working class, don't get us wrong. We just don't feel we have a whole lot in common with you, and we'd prefer you keep your distance.

>> No.7793204 [View]

Steak is one of those things that people who are new to cooking get overly opinionated about because of the perception that it's a luxury food (despite being sold for practically nothing at every walmart), and because they think they're the first person ever to salt a piece of beef and put it on something hot until it's cooked

It's like watching sports teams rage about some stuff that doesn't actually matter. People need something to feel that their life has meaning, and, in some cases, a $30 piece of cooked beef provides that meaning

>> No.7793094 [View]

I dunno, my dog got diarrhea after a few days of our juice cleanse.

>> No.7793086 [View]
File: 32 KB, 450x597, 0013729e47710ff8aecd4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chinese word for "family" is derived from an ancient 10,000 ideogram of a pig inside a house

Checkmate carnists

>> No.7786372 [View]
File: 44 KB, 480x409, lightcone2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends on your location in cultural spacetime. Some of us have already gone through several waves of retro appreciation and then retro-retro appreciation for cold brew.

>> No.7786366 [View]
File: 1.96 MB, 2921x2406, img041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Kosher" isn't really a kind of food though, any more than "Traditional American". It obviously means something very specific to certain people, but on a large scale it's completely meaningless.

I'm surprised "vegan" isn't there for any of the states; in my experience it's quite a bit more popular than going out for steak, let alone hot dogs.

>> No.7784907 [View]

>compared to other gins that wouldn't make a good aviation, I'd rather use this one
That's not a very good reason to pick a gin. It's ok just to say you are in love with the idea of having aviation gin in your aviation cocktail because the name is cool

>> No.7784833 [View]


>> No.7784819 [View]

You're not ignoring me though

>> No.7784791 [View]

I know it's really appealing to think that Aviation brand gin would make a great aviation cocktail but it's way too floral already, unless you're into flower bomb perfumes it's just a recipe for a headache in a glass

Just use a standard juniper based gin and let the other ingredients do their job

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