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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.12278242 [View]

I hope too, it is in refrigeration to let it set before garnish. I am not sure if I should upload today and make a vertical tomorrow, or upload everything until tomorrow

>good weather and cold hands.
It rained yesterday, not good for sucrée but it could be worse

>> No.12277609 [View]

A bit late but, Yes, specially for things that grow close to the ground

>> No.12274813 [View]

>I've already got it in my head that you're going to present some kind of rodent dish.
It is a possibility, or a typo

>> No.12273895 [View]

I used this video for the mouse only, I am not making a charlotte but I would like to see if you can guess it

>> No.12272397 [View]

Tests are done, today I will be making the actual recipe.
I encounter a problem with the chili mouse, since it is a chili I used very little but about the same amount of gelatin as a normal recipe, so I was adding a small amount of warm and very concentrated chili syrup and gelatin to very cold whipped cream, so I ended up with a lot of gelatin lumps. The mousse looks lumpy and thus unsightly but the taste is good, it may need some acid but I do not want to recalculate how much gelatin I need
I will be cooking the chilis is a syrup that simulates the mass required and hope it works this time

>> No.12261754 [View]

BTW, I did acquire a Silpain, but I could not find ring molds, instead I got small spring cake molds, I will use them without the bottom. They give me a lot of height, might do a cake instead

>> No.12259832 [View]

I sometimes give my dog ribs, that does not mean ribs are any less delicious

>> No.12259726 [View]

How would you compare the taste of pig's tongue to cow's? Hoes it too have a ver strong aroma (but with pork instead of beef) or is it completely different?

Next we will be cooking tripe

>> No.12253262 [View]
File: 1.36 MB, 1658x2448, IMG_3098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow competitors, how are you doing? Anything you want to share? You can be as secretive or as revealing as you want

I am making a tart, the main flavors are a fruit to loosely represent Maximilian I of Mexico, a chili to represent Mexico and a herb to tie everything together. The flavor profile is a tried and tasted recipe but this will be the first time I try it in something more complicated than just marmalade, I was actually surprised at the amount of marmalades that feature chilis, peach and chile de árbol sounds interesting. Right not I am tweaking the recipe to bring the chili front and center and contemplating what type of dairy –and thus texture– I want. I may end up making a petite gâteaux instead of a tart.

Today I will be making the pâte sucrée, and tomorrow I will visit a baking shop to see what molds I could use and to buy a silpain. So far I have made all my homemade tarts with ring cutters and silpans, pic related, the blueberry one had a huge bubble at the bottom and the two tarts on top are not even the same size.

>> No.12210594 [View]

Bonus points for making your dish the same shape as the country of Chile

>> No.12208465 [View]
File: 27 KB, 660x371, 150701051510_mexico_porfirio_diaz_revolucion_credit_getty_624x351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw mexican
>mfw francophile
>mfw this round's theme
>mfw Maximiliano did nothing wrong
>mfw now I have the pressure of winning
>mfw I have to recuperate from the farce that was my submission at the first round
I will make another dessert, will we get extra points for referencing the Battle of Puebla (Or Mexico-France) in our dish?
On the other side, guess who got hold of Sichuan pepper-corns.

Yesterday I made tacos with a tortilla and home-made morita macha sauce. Dried chilies have so much umami and morita chilis have such a nice aroma to them that you need nothing else. Chilis can be very dominant, at least flavor-wise, and in Mexico they are used as any other vegetable, not just a condiment. So it would be wise to investigate a bit for inspiration.
If anyone wants a jumpstart, Chilis, corn, beans and squash make the base of Mexican cooking, not only do they go well together in dishes, but they also –ecologically– compatible for planting next to one another.

>> No.12191788 [View]

>>12190329 Beef Tallow Toast Sandwich
Presentation: 4/5
As expected from you, but you did squish that bread. BTW, search "chiffonade" before cutting parsley
Originality: 5/5
I want you give you more points, love this meme
Appeal: 5/5
This dish has a smug ironic aura to it
Challenge Goals: 5/5
This is a great submission, maybe not a perfect dish, but in the context of this board it just werks™
Total: 19/20

>>12190334 Onion Burger on Focaccia
Presentation: 3/5
The bread looks good, but the bread is lacking
Originality: 3/5
The concept is meh
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 4/5
Total: /20

LOL, what a fag
-100/20 XD

>>12190342 "The Frigid Bitch" Sandwich
Presentation: 4/5
Too much meat, I think there is a vagina joke somewhere
Originality: 3/5
Is a fresh sandwich plus a pun
Appeal: 5/5
I would eat it, if only the climate here was not so unpredictable
Challenge Goals: 4/5
Loved the bread-making process
Total: 16/20

>>12190011 Meatloaf Sandwich
Presentation: 2/5
The breas id burned and the loaf looks like it was boiled
Originality: 4/5
I sure as fuck could not think of that one
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 3/5
Total: 11/20

>> No.12191781 [View]

>>12190298 Kung-Fu Chicken Sandwich
>Presentation: 4/5
Aside from a bit of smeared sauce and cheese it is completely fine. Although, in the last picture, is that the same cutting board you used to make the sandwich? Pretty Avant-Garde
>Originality: 5/5
Quite frankly it is a very fun idea, it stays within sandwich-realm but does pack an unexpected surprise in the form of that fried roll
>Appeal: 3/5
Meh, at least in looks
>Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 17/20

>>12190310 Salmon Lime Cream and Pickle Mini Sandwiches
>Presentation: 4/5
They look great and the colors are appealing. Just take more care in the placement of ingredients and knock the lemon juicy bits out of the frame
>Originality: 4/5
I know that this combination works, but i have never seen it in a sandwich
>Appeal: 5/5
Looks gud, I would rub some garlic into the bread but I love pickled and cured foods
>Challenge Goals: 4/5
Great job
>Total: 17/20

>>12190317 Carnitas-Style Pulled Pork Sandwich
>Presentation: 4/5
Simple, but it just looks so cute
>Originality: 4/5
I am the proud holder of a carnitas recipe from a chef in Mexico city, yours is an interesting twist. But the bread seems just fine, nothing more
>Appeal: 3/5
The bread looks a bit dry, and the carnitas look too lean. What I love about carnitas is the contrast in texture of the soft meat and the melt-in-your-mouth fat
>Challenge Goals: 4/5
>Total: 15/20

>>12190327 Homemade Meatball Sub
>Presentation: 3/5
Lacks color and you smeared cheese on the side you took the picture of, I cannot imagine how the other side looked like
>Originality: 3/5
Reminds e of a menu item from a popular chain
>Appeal: 4/5
It just so happens that I like that menu item from that popular chain, but with some greens
>Challenge Goals: 4/5
>Total: 14/20

>> No.12191775 [View]

>>12190279 Bourbon Tri-Tip Sandwich
>Presentation: 4/5
Everything is good, but the arugula looks off, maybe is disorder or something else
>Originality: 3/5
It is a sandwich, I do not want to take out too manny points for doing a recipe that works instead of trying to reinvent the wheel, however, it does feel a bit too safe.
>Appeal: 5/5
Looks great, looks like a high-end sandwich
>Challenge Goals: 4/5
You made a great dish out of a theme that is usually seem as lazy-food without it being too complicated. I only wish the bread was homemade but I really cannot take any points for that.
>Total: 16/20

>>12190283 Classic French Sourdough Baguette Sandwich
>Presentation: 4/5
Classic, elegant, tasteful ... but there is a hair at the bottom-right corner of the upper-left quadrant i we were to divide the picture in nine quadrants. Happens to everyone but spoils what would have being a perfect presentation. Are you blonde?
>Originality: 3/5
You were not aiming for originality but that is no excuse. Still, you made a really good-looking sandwich
>Appeal: 5/5
You let the tapenade's oil soak for the bread just before taking the picture, absolutely devilish. You can imagine all contrasting textures and how delicious that crust must have being
>Challenge Goals: 5/5
You took great care of both the bread and fillings. Yours is my favorite submission
>Total: 17/20

>>12190292 Moussaka Sandwich
>Presentation: 2/5
Lacks refinement and care
>Originality: 4/5
It was a surprise to see something like this, I learned a bit
>Appeal: 2/5
Again with the presentation. Also, the bread does not look appealing and the last shot reminds me of someone strangling a goose for some reason
>Challenge Goals: 4/5
It is diffucult to fail this one, you made what can only be called a sandwich, you did nothing wrong, is just that one can expect a bit more
>Total: 12/20

>> No.12182327 [View]

Wow, just... wow
Are you being serious? I thought this kind of behavior was left on 2018. I now see that I was wrong. But guess what sweetie? At least I am not an Alt-right biggot!

It isa piece of toast sandwiched between two pieces of bread, seems like a sandwich to me

>> No.12182146 [View]
File: 1.93 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_6510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Borderline cake coffee sandwiches" is the name, because that is what I though of when I was assembling it. The idea is that they are like tea sandwiches but for coffee

The "bread" is a sponge, the white is vanilla and orange, the brown is brown sugar, honey and spices. I have less than a kg of bread flour and in my country it is difficult to find, so I al saving it for another round
The fillings are plum and whipped cream for the horizontal one, and white peach with spiced berry marmalade in the other one. The coffee is Mexican "café de la Olla" served ice cold.
The bread, coffee and marmalade are all home-made, I have the recipes if anyone is interested

Unironically love it

>> No.12121772 [View]
File: 1.04 MB, 1467x2244, 1526548215230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already know what I am going to do, unlike last time when I decided to submit what I ate the day before. When is the deadline?

Pic related, a riddle for 2/3 of the recipe

Up to you, I suppose that making your own bread will give you extra points, as the bread is half the sandwich

Cake is still a kind of bread, you can make a sandwich out of that. I am too making a dessert, so you will not be alone
And I want to up my Angel/Chiffon game, so I am very interested in your recipe

>> No.12083098 [View]

There is a difference and it is important

>> No.12081746 [View]

Today I cleaned a whole NewYork and an octopus, in both cases long single strokes make for very clean cuts, even if your knife is sharp a sawing motion will make it look like it was bitten

>> No.12077293 [View]

>>12073378 Blasphemous College-Tier Chicken Curry
I know that we may not be allowed to vote our own submissions, but I will be doing this as a way to reflect on what I did, it actually would be better for me not to take my rating into account since I am going to be very harsh

Presentation: 2/5
Basic, too much brown. I was going for the classical plating of half the plate being curry, the other half rice and having the protein on top of the rice like they do on my aneymeys and mangos, but I ended up covering the rice completely, I spent too much time shaping it just to cover it with the chicken
Originality: 2/5
It is my recipe for a classical dish, details like the animal-fat roux and tomato were taken from documentaries while the method was taken from my own studies. The chicken-three-way was due to my disagreement to trowing away things, and rice + sauce is my favorite dish, be it mole with rice, pork ribs with salsa verde and rice or curry, this is a very "me" dish.
However, every family has their own curry recipe, thus this dish is not special outside of how family-cooking can be
Appeal: 5/5
The potato is fluffy and full of flavor since it is cooked in the curry, the carrots and peas are sweet, and it is a very satisfying dish, I went back to the kitchen for single spoons of either curry or rice just to get the perfect ratio in each bite. i know it because i had it, so I am biased
Challenge Goals: 0/5
This is the mother of all "Rice as a complementary element and not the main part". The rice only has salt and water. This dish would have being great if the theme was chicken, but it was not .

Total: 9/20, ya foking donkey

Next time I can I will make something sweet
>inb4: The next theme will be... Steak! Allez cuisine!

>> No.12077216 [View]

>>12073349 "Whatever You Have At Home" Risotto Stew
>Presentation: 2/5
Similar to the first entry, there is little care put to the overall shape and presentation, things were just spooned in, but is it difficult to present such a chunky stew, It cannot hold its shape, but it is neither a liquid.
And just like with the parcels the parsley seems a bit sad, looks like it was exposed to heat and oxidized a bit.
>Originality: 4/5
It is a "Whatever You Have At Home", only God knows what could be in it
>Appeal: 3/5
When I think of risotto I think of big spoonfuls of sticky, stringy and buttery rice, but this is a stew, so there is too much water for the rice to become gooey. It is closer to a chicken broth with rice, which is a delicious dish, but is not a risotto
>Challenge Goals: 3/5
Like with the stir-fry's, rice is more of a cohesive part than the main attraction, it makes sure that the flavor is present but it's role is that of support over anything

Total: 12/20

>>12073358 Spanish Chicken and Rice!
>Presentation: 4/5
You took care of presentation, but it needs more color, like red to complete te Green-Yellow-Red spectrum
>Originality: 3/5
Bawlsy to make something with only two main parts, the chicken and rice, but there in nothing that picks up your attention, not in the recipe not the final dish
>Appeal: 4/5
I bet it is delicious, I myself may do it this week
>Challenge Goals: 3/5
Not to repeat myself, rice is not the center of attention

Total: 14/20

>>12073362 Anon-Don
>Presentation: 4/5
Placement is neat, but thisis made with leftovers, it is never going to look perfect. It brings to me the image of college live. What in the fuck happened to the egg?
>Originality: 2/5
Trowing stuff at rice in nothing new, this is a very basic dish
>Appeal: 4/5
I want to do homework while eating something similar
>Challenge Goals: 3/5
Similar to other replies, but the rice here is much more dominant, in a very purist sense

Total: 13/20

>> No.12077104 [View]

>>12073340 Rice Flour Crêpe
>Presentation: 1/5
Generally sloppy, some parts seem a bit too browned and there are some parts where you cannot see the shape of your dish. This is technical, not the recipe itself.
The fact that I read your recipe made me want to eat it, it also made me add points in a lot of places, the dish when described sounds good but if you were to look at it by itself you would not think too much about it, think of this, would you be happy to be served this at a café? It should look good, else people may not even want to try it to begin with.
>Originality: 3/5
It is a twist on a Crêpe Suzette, not something you would immediately think about. I saw some drawing comparisons to a banh xeo. In general this is a twist in something common, and not a very large twist.
>Appeal: 5/5
I can smell the spices from here, and I bet that the warm syrup, crêpe and cold ice cream make for a wonderful contrast. I am stealing this recipe
>Challenge Goals: 4/5
Rice is used in yet another way in this dish, the crêpe is the star of the dish and all bites will have it, I am just not too sure how does soaked rice with spices is any different from a normal wheat crêpe with dried spices added to the batter, I would need to try it.

Total: 13/20

>> No.12076968 [View]
File: 1.69 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_4059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>12073312 Glutinous Rice Parcels
>Presentation: 2/5
Mostly because of the parley, keep it in cold water to prevent it going soft. I understand this is not a very photogenic dish once unwrapped, but a photo of it before cutting, or using a different wrapper such as banana leaves would have improved the dish's aesthetics greatly, look for zongzi pictures online and see how /comfy/ they seem, even if very modest
>Originality: 4/5
It is like a rice tamal, I love the idea, like a little present you give to someone to their hands and they can unwrap later.
>Appeal: 4/5
Peak /comfy/, but the presentation takes away some of the appeal
>Challenge Goals: 5/5
Not only you are using a non-common type of rice (at least for us westerners) but you are using one of the characteristics of rice to turn it into a container, I love when ingredients are taken to their fullest potential

Total: 14/20

>>12073328 Arancini
>Presentation: 5/5
They look so homely, the window, basket and colors are all telling me why Italians are seen as lazy, I want to stay home and enjoy the aesthetic
>Originality: 4/5
This is something classic that you do not hear a lot of, a little hidden culinary gem. I may only need a twist to make it truly original
>Appeal: 5/5
I bet you rushed for the camera to capture those strands of cheese. Carbs without protein are addictive, this is something that you will not stop eating until full or the main dish arrives.
>Challenge Goals: 5/5
This is all rice, everything else serves to elevate it

Total: 19/20

>> No.12076777 [View]
File: 1.54 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_4058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>12073285 Beef Kao Pad
>Presentation: 3/5
The dish itself is a very vivid one, the greens contrast brightly with the caramelized browns. Looks crisp and makes it notice that it has great flavor. But it lacks overall shape, there is very little order with the elements and there is a general carelessness with placing, lone split grains on top of things like that one on the plate, random mounts of rice, etc.
>Originality: 3/5
A stir-fry was guaranteed to be in this round, choosing a Thai recipe is at least more original than Chinese or Japanese, at least for me who ives in a country where Thailand is almost never spoken of.
>Appeal: 5/5
I would eat spoonfuls of it, seems to be a very satisfying dish
>Challenge Goals: 3/5
Rice is an integral part of the dish, it can hardly be replaced with something else, but it acts like a cohesive element for the other ingredients, the dish is built around rice, but what makes it is greatly in part because of that around it, the rice itself has little care put to it.

>Total: 14/20

>>12073306 Koji-Rubbed Steak "Gyudon!"
>Presentation: 4.5/5
I can only point out nit-picks, it needs some readjustments before it can be served at a high-end restaurant, was your blade sharp enough?
>Originality: 4/5
I am only showing my ignorance, but I never knew that Kōji could be used for that, I also never tough of using crispy rice in soups. However, it still follows the paradigm of having Protein as the main part of the dish, but it is in part saved by the rubbing process, meaning that the theme for this round it is still present in some way
>Appeal: 5/5
I am a huge weeb, so this appeals to me greatly, I al so have the belief that fermented and moldy foods are better, so the miso and Kōji make me want to try it out
>Challenge Goals: 4/5
As I already said, protein is the main attraction, but the fact that rice is being server one way or another in three different ways makes it proof to the flexibility of rice.

Total: 17.5/20

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