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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.6285865 [View]
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Global is a good knife, most of the time when hipsters shit on them, it's because it's not made of the New Steel Of The Week (last I checked it was M390 or maybe CTS-20CP, but definitely not VG-10 which is watered down americanised (or as you baka americans say, "americaniZed" [sic]) whitewashed soccer mom suburban tumblr garbage which no tacos de lengua eating, hole-in-the-wall patronizing True Foodie would ever DREAM of allowing in xer kitchen.

I'm not entirely sure I agree with such hipsters although they are not entirely wrong, in spirit.

However, as an expert in cutlery with honorary degrees from The Knife Forums dot com as well as Christian Cutlery Forum dot biz and Weeaboo Knives dot co dot jaypee, I can confirm, and certify and attest, that your pull-through sharpener marks you as the plebbiest of the pleb and through the power vested in me through the master forum administrators of all of the above websites plus chef knives to go, japanese knife forums dot com, korin, and aframes tokyo combined, I hereby command you to cease breathing henceforth, forsooth, and forwith, and verily drink bleach, baka gaijin.

>> No.6258866 [View]

I'm an omnivore in the actual sense of the word (not the confused carnist one).

It is a normal diet. There is nothing to "go back" to.

>> No.6255292 [View]

>I'm mad because a tripfag laid out the facts in an objective, non-emotionally-charged fashion

Why are carnists so defensive?

>> No.6254507 [View]
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I normally get Australian or Californian olive oil, but I agree if you want old world oils, Palestine makes good stuff.

>> No.6254482 [View]


I thought the Berghoff was where you went for your rest-cure after being diagnosed with the consumption.

>> No.6254475 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 324 KB, 980x653, 140319.MTS_.EMG_.Chipotle-1-980x653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

¿Why do people who have never been to México, let alone taken local regional cooking classes on tradicional ingredientes indigenas con Méxican chefs like I have, have such negative feelings about a high quality fast casual chain that no one in his right mind would mistake for auténtica gastronómica Méxicana?

Chipotle provides a quick, predictable, reasonably priced wholesome meal in convenient locations for business folk in high density commercial districts, can't we just agree on that? It's like getting mad that your West Coast IPA doesn't convey the subtle taste of hallertau hops - well of course it doesn't, that's not what it's about.

>> No.6252996 [View]

Chicken breast is actually really good when it's prepared correctly. The problem is people buy literal shitbirds and burn the living daylights out of the breast meat because they are rightly fearful of antibiotic resistant superbugs, and surprise surprise, it tastes like garbage.

But don't let me stop you people from overreacting to the amazing discovery that there are other meats besides boneless skinless perdue breasts. First step away from carnism is to discover omnivorous eating. Note the "omni" part of that. Yes children. Even vegetables.

>> No.6230915 [View]


I love that stuff but let's be honest, most people on /ck/ don't even have access to good sake, let alone makgeoli, let alone good makgeoli.

Also, it itches my free range grass fed local heritage breed burgers when people just start randomly tossing out Asian alcoholic beverages the second sake comes up. No, you weebs, plum wine is not sake. I don't mean you, I just wanted to rant.

>> No.6226705 [View]
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>mfw steak considered mid tier at best

You see this, carnists? This is how things should be.

>> No.6220057 [View]


How can you be sperging out this hard over "their" when he actually committed the most egregious /ck/ sin of all:


In my book that deserves a ban, but I'm not a mod so I say let him keep his points just this once.

>> No.6220015 [View]
File: 23 KB, 340x235, heres_to_patent_trolling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I award you 2 points for being superior to the other guy, 2 points for being even more superior by condescending to "occasionally enjoy" the same drink, and 5 points for that amazing get, 11/10 spectacular work

>> No.6219964 [View]


I don't know what "cuba libres" is. Did you mean to ask about Cubas libre, the plural form of the Cuba libre?

If you're not making it with new old stock bottles of Bacardi produced in the original Santiago de Cuba factory, you might as well drink it with Puerto Rican "bacardi" [sic] mixed with warm RC cola. Havana Club? Please be joking. This would not be historically correct, not in the least bit.

>> No.6219719 [View]

You are complaining about flavor and then implying that the problem is the texture. Which is it? Is it both?

Chicken breast gets a bad rap on /ck/ because people buy shit meat from shit birds and then overcook it because they're deathly afraid of MRSA and other horrible things that people think come from CAFO birds (whether or not they're right is another discussion).

Don't overcook it. Try brining it before you cook it, it will retain more moisture. Cook it on much higher heat for a much shorter time. Try other approaches like poaching (see: hainanese chicken)

Since you're poor, getting high end heritage breed meat from designer butchers is probably out of the question, but sometimes people have good luck getting better flavors out of the meat that some halal butchers sell.

Finally, if you are poor and trying to eat a /fit/ diet, consider alternate sources of protein such as legumes. In fact, that should probably have gone first but you asked about the chicken.

>> No.6218147 [View]


But muh cast iron! They don't make it like they used to! Also something about poison gas.

Nothing brings out the insufferable aspies like a discussion about STEAK, the most magnificent, patrician food ever created by god (who is imaginary). Every time I see a pleb ruining the priceless unique artwork that is a pre-cut piece of meat fished from a refrigerated case at the nearest convenient grocery store by preparing it in a way that isn't neckbeard approved, god (who is imaginary) kills a kitten (are you some kind of pansy? kittens are weak and if they can't fight back they deserve to die).

>> No.6215715 [View]


Good thing I haven't deep fried anything since the Dubya administration.

>> No.6215628 [View]


It was like $10, calm down and drink your hexane tincture

>> No.6215609 [View]

Audrey clearly be using Romaleo 2 like the cheating whore that she is. No wonder dem shins is so weak. Dorsiflexion, do you speak it bitch? Get some chucks and squat like a man!

>> No.6215589 [View]

>living a reasonable lifestyle is unreasonable

/ck/ logic

>> No.6206776 [View]

>carnist logic

Hardly. You're assuming that everyone lives on a constant diet of meat, meat, meat, meat, meat. That's the epitome of carnist thinking.

Let's look at me, for a moment. I'll buy a piece of the fattiest mangalitsa pork I can possibly find, and it gives amazing flavor to whatever I'm using it for. I enjoy that meal, and then I move on to other things. Things that are based on vegetable protein, or milk protein, or whatever.

It seems to me that the drive to breed all the fat out of our meat happened around the time when carnists were huffing down 2 pounds of meat for every meal. Don't you think it would make more sense to breed the meat for good flavor, and just, perhaps, eat it in moderation?

Nah. Moderation is EXTERMIST VEGAN PETA thinking. If UHMMERRRICALards don't get their ration of 50 pounds per capita pink slime ammonia abomination per week, they'll die of protein deficiency.

>> No.6195978 [View]
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>what? food that isn't deep fried pink slime on top of a heap of deep fried tubers? VEGANISM! PETA! B12!

Picky eaters whining about vegetarians are like picky eaters freaking out about gluten. To them it's an enormous relief that they've found a label that seems to make their disorder socially acceptable.

>> No.6190161 [View]


I haven't purchased pre-ground beef in years, but at the butcher I sometimes go to, I think it's closer to $9/lb

Also this >>6183191

>> No.6182206 [View]


You should try meat minimalism. Once you have mastered this art, you can become anything you want.

>> No.6179646 [View]


Rice and legumes if you're poor. There are a million combinations you can do with this. Use throwaway cuts of land critters to flavor the legumes. Ham hocks, smoked turkey necks, and so on.

Tilapia is shit.

>> No.6178678 [View]

>eating carnistas

Cannibal scum pls leave

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