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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.10241823 [View]
File: 463 KB, 499x276, 1519143318992.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah sorry sweetie but no olives are not great in fact I despise all of so much that were olives not a thing that ever existed I'd be fine with that in fact oh let me think maybe I was 5 years old when I first tried it. I gagged I gagged and I puked it was that bad experience let's go back to today when I see an olive at all I think to myself well I have money in my pocket I don't need to use that money to purchase an olive therefore I dont It's simple as that it's as simple as that because I'm an adult male who knows exactly how to avoid eating olives; olives have a metallic aftertaste; I'm not wrong about that and if you disagree with me on that notion then quite simply you're not good at detecting taste; I have a great taste palate and I know the best things about wine, so yes, you cannot argue with me on these specifics about the taste of olive. If you argue with me you will lose simple as that honey don't even try.

>> No.10240090 [View]
File: 34 KB, 180x180, godard-2011-he-devil-she-devil-with-a-twist-art-print-michael-olives-martinis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Olives taste bad. They always have a metallic aftertaste. Ever notice that? It makes my tongue feel bad for the rest of the day. When I put olives on my pizza (THIN CRUST verily!) it has the peculiar characteristic of ruining my pizza! No sir, no ma'am no fan of olives I am. To wit; there are many cultural linkages that cite the olive as one of the most intellectual treats, and nay, I concur in jest, for there is not one positive thing I can think to say about the thing. It would be a lie.

The olive is bad. If you agree post here and tell me more about how you hate the olive. If you do not hate the olive convince me to fall in favor, and if you cannot, then alas you're just another fool. Yes, verily, we are all fools to this ball with a texture like that of spoiled wet mushrooms.

>> No.8746470 [View]

Well no fool am I! haha
Look guys, I make stew all the time.
Sometimes only with ingredients that rhyme!
Best use of leftover meats before aquiring slime!

Stew is what I do. Oh, do-ey do-ey do!
If ya knew me well you would know it was true!
Stew! Stew! Stew!

>> No.8433932 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 24 KB, 500x499, star-wars-jar-jar-binks-talking-alarm-clock-figure-doll-toy-22-tall-thinkway-b86dcd395c2eaf00f166973ce9d28971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was a kid I had this Jar-Jar Binks doll. It doubled as an alarm clock that would wake you up to Jar-Jar shouting at you to wake up. I woke up to him. I slept beside him. Alone as a child as I often proved to be, it comforted me to have Jar-Jar by my side. The backlash against the character hadn't penetrated my impression of Jar-Jar. We didn't have prominent access to messageboards or places to discuss such matters back then. My mind was not warped by some other guy's ideas of what's status quo. To me, this Jar-Jar doll was my friend. I hugged it tightly like it was the only gift I had ever received in my life. A true undying friend. Who cares what others thought of him. He loved me as much as I loved him. What mattered was OUR bond. That's love. I don't care if it's just a toy. I lost him in garage sale. Never thought I would miss a toy like that.

Jar-Jar helped me growing up alone and I will never hate jar-jar.

>> No.8427204 [DELETED]  [View]


This.. this right here. This is exactly why you don't teach gender roles at an early age. It makes so-called men, although I personally consider no more than tiny shrimpy boys, turn up the dial on their toxic masculinity on others. I'm sorry. It isn't cool. Nobody is impressed in how offensive towards women you make yourself. It makes you look small and ball-less as a matter of fact. Meanwhile us cultured male browsers who know how to get along with women are left with stimulating discourse and possible flirtation should the moment call for as much. Grow up. You're not cool. It's a new year. Act like it.

>> No.8427177 [DELETED]  [View]

Hey there. I am sorry to hear about your anorexia. I have similar eating difficulties. If you'd like to keep correspondence to discuss our similar complications in life then my door is always open. You sound very sweet. I hope we hit it off with a burgeoning friendship. I could really use it right now. Don't know about you. Just respond if you have any interest. Thanks.

>> No.7988985 [View]

I saved the screens so a court would know you are lying if you tried to profit from my intellectual property. Even if you are joking you are still on the borderline of federal offense charges being lobbed against you if you pursue any further. Tread lightly.

>> No.7988732 [View]
File: 1.69 MB, 2173x1194, EDGARS JUICE NICKELS 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An explanation of the distribution process when I say you can share this with 2 other individuals. This would be a truly social/possibly romantic treat much like a milkshake with two straws. I'm seriously proud of this idea and I will continue to ignore any hate directed my way. Haters and critics make me grow stronger like pesticides create superbugs. Keep it up. I'm strong.

>> No.7988508 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 3.43 MB, 2749x1527, EDGARS JUICE NICKELS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most candies nowadays are cheap knock-offs&modifications to already popular candies. The template never changes. Nobody is expected to have an imagination in the industry. Willy Wonka is dead. It's upsetting.

That's why I'm asking for you to pitch the next great candy. Something innovative! Something tasty and profitable! Nothing derivative! Be Original! That's all I am asking. To the left is my idea, Edgar's Juice Nickels, which I am particularly proud of. It makes my mouth water and the components and how it works is similar to what I want to see from your projects. Don't be lazy.

>> No.7716715 [DELETED]  [View]

Hi. Bye. Harassment won't be tolerated.

>> No.7715635 [View]

Well it's not. The 'creme' does not taste like 'creme'. it is bird poop.

>> No.7714770 [View]
File: 268 KB, 620x388, caramel-cream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those in need of a reminder.

>> No.7714762 [View]
File: 2.19 MB, 1060x1144, Terrible Candy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meet the Airheads Soft Filled Bites. They are quite literally the shittiest and most bland iteration of a candy I have ever tasted. The taste can actually be best described as "air" because none of the flavors tastes of anything and that middle white part is like some weird Circus Peanuts sort of bland marshmallow that doesn't taste of anything either. It's comparable to that aerated white sugar center of Bull's Eyes (Caramel Creams). The texture is all off. If the board meeting responsible for this candy pitched "churro abortions with our logo on them" then it would come as no surprise. Airheads Soft Filled Bites are a waste of money. I am very surprised they have had the shelf life that they have had. They don't even have a catchy name. I wish they would stop fooling the people who loved the original airheads into thinking Airhead is a candy in need of a soft chewy abomination of what made the original product stand out . These are a disgrace. Boycott them.

Score: [2.3/10]

>> No.7710169 [View]

Wow, somebody likes these things? They are quite literally the shittiest and most bland iteration of a candy I have ever tasted. The taste can actually be best described as "air" because none of the flavors tastes of anything and that middle white part is like some weird Circus Peanuts sort of bland marshmallow that doesn't taste of anything either. The texture is all off. I honestly hate these things. They were the biggest waste of money I have ever spent on candy. I am very surprised they have had the shelf life that they have had. I wish they would stop fooling the people who loved the original airheads into thinking Airhead is a candy in need of a soft chewy abortion of the original product. These are a disgrace. [2.3/10]

>> No.7128358 [View]

Why not just use the word "inform" or just ask if anyone is knowledgeable in the freaking thing. You do know what a thesaurus is right? It has words invented before the lingo you picked up before you found this site took over your entire persona and you became an individual stand-in for the will of a group of other equally dependent leeches feeding off the others for warmth and a sense of belonging in a world where their meekness causes them to live a futile crawl away from the ever enveloping void chomping away at the bits within their failed existences and drastically narrowing horizons you freaking unoriginaly and misinformed putz. Why don't you take a month off and go on a hike or join a club or do anything where you aren't surrounded by other people like you and providing you that feedback loop of warped sensibilities and stupid reductive negativity towards everything? Why don't you just... fix your stupid life? Why not? What the heck is causing you to stall this? What is your problem? Seriously, what the heck is your deal?

>> No.7127351 [View]

How can you work for an establishment with such little regard for the LGBT community?

>> No.7127322 [View]

Not engaging. You are both irredeemable.

>> No.7127291 [View]

Who died and made you king of anything at all? You do not tell me what to do and your skewed perspective is not regarded as fact by anyone other than your own freaking self. Last thing I need right now, after working my second bum shift, is to have some little vulture try to get a rise out of me on my third favorite board here. I'm trying to have a good time. You're trying to ruin other people's days. If anyone should reevaluate themselves it's you! Now kindly, please, just as a favour to not just me but all of society, please just leave me alone. You do not know the struggle of my life. You have no idea how much I only want to feel a little joy in it. I do not need you ruining it.

>> No.7127275 [View]

>>7127261 #
Take a hike and take your libelous conspiracies with you.

>>7127268 #
No I was merely contributing to a fun prose game, jagoff.
Maybe you should STOP ASSUMING THINGS.
I am trying to have fun. Can't you guys just play the game?

>> No.7127263 [View]

Avocado, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Avo-ca-do: the tip of the tongue making a trip of three steps down to the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Avo. Ca. Do.

>> No.7127242 [View]

Yeah... that didn't happen. Get lost.

>> No.7127225 [View]

I doubt The Paris Review, a highly respected and read literary journal globally, needs any help with hits.

Can't explain what that image is supposed to prove. Maybe it doesn't count the opening post.
I do not self-bump and try to get away with it.

>> No.7125884 [View]

Growing trees takes at least 3 years to do compared with other available things you can oil.

>> No.7125881 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 660 KB, 1200x592, velveetacheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Game: Put the name of any household object in front of the first lines of Lolita.
>Example: Velveeta, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Vel-vee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Vel. Vee. Ta.

Have fun!
source: http://www.theparisreview.org/blog/2015/11/24/the-worst-game/

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