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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.8475156 [DELETED]  [View]

Alright, you really aren't being Kool, but that's fine.

I can't stop you from messaging me, but this will be my last reply to you.

-Chef Lightning

>> No.8475146 [DELETED]  [View]

Your entitled to your opinion friendo and I can accept that.

Please don't message me anymore though, thanks. I still hope you have a Rad day!

-Chef Lightning

>> No.8475130 [DELETED]  [View]

>But what's with the tripcode
I use the tripcode so that people can know that they are talking to the authentic kool kat Chef Lightning. Be warned, and this might surprise you, but there are a lot of people here that try to pretend to be other people.

>cringy ass name
I think you meant Kool ass name (I usually don't cuss, but will make this exception because it sounds kidn of neato)

>creepy way you talk
I don't talk creepy, I just talk fun you silly billy. I've done it ever since I started volunteering for the youth pastor's youth group at the local baptist church

>> No.8475114 [DELETED]  [View]

Hey friendo, no need for the meany words. We can all be friends here!

I just love to give cooking advice and worldly advice in general to anybody in need, all while have a rad and fun time!

Catch ya on the flip side, and remember, stay Kool!

-Chef Lightning

>> No.8475095 [DELETED]  [View]

Sure thing Kool Kat!

What would you like advice on? I've been known to give some RADACULOUSOME (rad + ridiculously + awesome) advice in my time on a wide range of subjects! :)

-Chef Lightning

>> No.8475081 [View]

Hey there friendo! Here is some great advice on how to fix that little problem of yours!

When you boil them, throw in a few dashes of vinegar and couple of teaspoons of salt

When they are finished, put them in an ice bath in the fridge for 30 minutes.

You'll find they are SUPER DUPER easy to crack and peel without messing up the exterior.

If you need any other rad tips, just let me know, I'm always here! Stay Kool friendo!

-Chef Lightning

>> No.8475072 [DELETED]  [View]


Hey there Kool Katz. Let's settle it down with all the arguing and fighting and agree to disagree. Why don't yall talk about something yall agree on, that will calm the water friendos!

Let me know if yall'd like any Kool advice!

-Chef Lightning

>> No.8475038 [DELETED]  [View]

>A fully cooked burger can be "too juicy" as it is, why would I want ground beef still bleeding

Hey friendo! I thought I'd drop by and correct you a little bit so you can be more educated in the culinary arts! That way you can be just as rad and informed as us Kool Katz

It's not actually blood that is juice in a juicy burger. It's actually just a mixture of fat, water and myoglobin

Let me know if you have any questions, and as always, stay Kool!

-Chef Lightning

>> No.8474959 [DELETED]  [View]

Hell yeah Friendo! I'm free anytime and on same timezone. Just let me know what time and what you want to cook; It will be a Rad-iculous time!!!

Thanks for joining The Kook Katz brah!

-Chef Lightning

>> No.8474946 [DELETED]  [View]


OOPS, forgot my trip code! I can be so silly sometimes!

-Chef Lightning

>> No.8474910 [DELETED]  [View]

>I wonder the same thing about namefags.

Hey now, friendo, gonna have to ask you to cut it out with the name calling. Any threads I participate in are rad and fun places.

Keep it lit friendos ;)

-Chef Lightning

>> No.8474799 [DELETED]  [View]

>im down for whatever i guess as long as it doesnt include me meeting anyone in person lol

Hell yeah, I love makign new friends! You can be a Kool Kat just like me!!!

What time zone you in, we should do a cook along on Tuesday night! I'm thinking something totally off the wall and berzerk; it's going to have to include some bacon and srichia!!!

>> No.8474791 [DELETED]  [View]

This entire thread is just one rad chill gettogether and having fun friendo

What's your favorite tunes buddy?

-Chef Lightning

>> No.8474667 [DELETED]  [View]

I'll have a Red Bull and Jager, double bull and Jager brah; hope you fellows can top my radness.

Catch ya on the FLIPSIDE!

-Chef Lightning

>> No.8474648 [DELETED]  [View]

Nah friendo, it's usually just Papa Johns

Stay cool ;)

-Chef Lightning

>> No.8474640 [DELETED]  [View]

Hey man, I really like your bomb ass threads dawg

We should totally team up and do a cook along together. With your skillset and my coolness, we could totally rock this shit brah!

Let me know what ya think

-Chef Lightning

>> No.8474635 [DELETED]  [View]

I whipped some up as a psuedopoutine a few nights ago. Was hot diggity damn rad and good.

Let me know if you'd like that recipe player

-Chef Lightning

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