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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.6729337 [View]

Do you think picky eaters are born, or is it bad parenting? Like what if you took a picky eater and just made zer eat seitan, would that fix zer you think?

Also, what are your thoughts on the new cultivars of wheat being developed with the help of visionaries like Dan Barber, will it teach picky eaters that wheat isn't poison? Or will carnism win yet again?

>> No.6720971 [View]


I ran out so breakfast is just locally made quark today. What kind of factory farmed garbage are you inhaling this morning?

>> No.6720949 [View]

>I get squeamish if I'm served meat that isn't boneless skinless chicken breast or well done tenderloin

The only way you're getting ride of BSE prions is by incineration.

Ironic that all these self-proclaimed "omnivores" have never eaten meat in their lives.

>> No.6719732 [View]

Carnism ruined meat.

In exchange for massive quantities of low quality trashmeat, we got freakish horrifying diseases.

Good job, carnists! Now you're only allowed to eat tenderloin and boneless skinless chicken breast, well done. Anything else is vegan of course.

>> No.6715962 [View]

Grocery store chicken is basically a biological weapon, I'd be reluctant to eat it even after soaking it again in cetylpyridinium chloride (it's already been done) and cooking it until it's a charred husk. No thanks to that. I only eat chicken maybe twice a month and when I do, you can be assured it's from a farm with a name, within bike distance (I don't own a murderbox).

I do this mainly for the taste but it is also superior from an ethical, ecological, and health perspective. It doesn't need to be overcooked. I suspect you would make childish faces and go "eew yucky" if you were to taste a real chicken. It's a shame, but carnism has taught you that you can afford meat. Notice how this means either your definition of "afford" or "meat" is wrong. Most likely both.

>> No.6674939 [View]
File: 73 KB, 538x360, kensignton4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir Kensington would have been better, but you should do what you need to do to cover up the taste of industrial-scale suffering.

>> No.6674896 [View]

Do you know that the price of meat and the cost of meat are two different things?

Did you know that if subsidies were removed and the price of meat was the cost of meat, you wouldn't feel so entitled to your 3 kg of antibiotic pink CAFO hormone slime for every meal?

>> No.6650643 [View]
File: 627 KB, 1123x488, Carnist_Science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just the influence of carnist culture. The meat industry has brainwashed 300 million Americans that rice and beans are a joke food, a punishment reserved for the very poor who had the gall to be poor and not afford CAFO-extruded antibiotic pink hormone slime, the thrice-daily consumption of which is a sign we've Made It®

The sooner people can root out and eliminate this kind of diseased thinking, the healthier we will be as a nation

>> No.6568076 [View]

This is the correct amount of meat to serve. A modest slice like this, high quality and presented elegantly. As an occasional treat, perhaps monthly.

I wish fear gripped American carnist racists would come to their senses and understand the truth of the matter.

>> No.6553837 [View]

>having standards
This means being vegan, though. We should all only eat CAFO pink slime hormone garbage, anyone who disagrees is from PETA.

>> No.6553814 [View]

I don't think you know what "vegan" means

I'm not even vegetarian

>> No.6553767 [View]


But as a society, we still can't afford meat. We just pretend otherwise because it keeps the masses compliant.

>> No.6553760 [View]

On a gas stove, 10 minutes isn't long. The smoke means it's working
If you have electric, just go to MacDonald's

>> No.6547063 [View]

Looks like paan

>> No.6543025 [View]
File: 72 KB, 640x480, IMG_0252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op, do you ever visit Florence Prime Meat Market? It's in the same neighborhood and it's very good. Try the Newport Steaks when you're there.

>> No.6504484 [View]

It's a cultural hangup from when meat was a luxury that most people couldn't afford.

What people don't seem to understand is that meat is still a luxury, and no one can afford it.

>> No.6455924 [View]
File: 33 KB, 425x312, 516UoAYKaPL._SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah beach cliff is nasty. Even "expensive" sardines are still crazy cheap, there is no reason to eat that crap.

>> No.6455917 [View]

I'm not, but I find vegans and vegetarians to be much more agreeable, intelligent, and educated than carnists. I understand that I could live without animal products, but a little bit here and there is easier and more convenient than going all in. I for one welcome our new vegan overlords.

>> No.6452542 [View]

Saying it's ok to ruin a recipe because the ingredient is too expensive is the same as saying not being able to afford it.

>> No.6452432 [View]

>hamburger is expensive

I don't know how to say this without sounding like a douche., but if you can't afford meat you could just... not eat meat?

You do not NEED meat to be healthy, it's just a tasty thing that sane people eat as an occasional treat.

>> No.6445426 [View]


Reminder that people who only know Thai, Indian, and Chinese food don't even know Thai, Indian, or Chinese food. They know shitty knockoff versions made with Sysco slop from the so-called "heartland", mistakenly also referred to as the "real America" [sic], and other blighted culturally barren hellholes.

Seriously, if you don't have an immediate, intuitive preference between kinilaw na isda vs peruvian ceviche, while liking and respecting both methods, you shouldn't even be on a food board and should fuck right off back to your White Castle microwave sliders from Wal Mart. This is a completely reasonable thing to expect for normal people, and yet...

>> No.6436510 [View]
File: 143 KB, 640x480, bistroparisien-gilleskleinviaflickr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's something like a Parisian zinc, but maybe in an Anglophone country? Based on that car, I'd assume somewhere in the US. So it is probably the kind of food you find at an authentic roadside diner, perhaps on Route 66.

>> No.6430699 [View]

>1 Whole Chicken £3.50
>1 block Cheese £2
What kind of nasty chicken and cheese are you buying?

Eat more legumes, carnists.

>> No.6428290 [View]
File: 76 KB, 239x239, 1390702894766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is there any habañeros in there? I've heard los Méhícáñós really love their spicés. Every time I visit the barrio for some tacos de lengua, I feel invogorated by the redolent olor de los spices.

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