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>> No.11411063 [View]
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>Now we have resorted to personal insults and belittlement. I had a great conversation with you by the way. Thanks.

That was not intended to be an insult. I do not view myself as being anything more than an animal, either.

I've enjoyed talking to you as well, Anon -- so much so, in fact, that I'm behind schedule because of it.

I hope you'll give those works I mentioned earlier a shot. I believe you would benefit greatly from them.

>> No.11411038 [View]
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Kek, well played.

>> No.11411025 [View]
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>Humans are much more than animals with a leg up on intelligence.

No... you're not.

>> No.11411015 [View]
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>Racism or treating someone differently due to their skin color is something someone learns.

If so, it is learned remarkably quickly, with some studies suggesting that such behavior can appear before the subjects are able to crawl.

That's pretty early in the game, wouldn't you agree?

>> No.11410992 [View]
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>The desire for a lambo or luxury for that matter is something that's been ingrained and enforced in society.

Signalling theory says otherwise. Sexual selection says otherwise. Society is the result of animal behavior, not the other way around.

>I agree that reading expands ones thoughts and ideas on a subject, but in my experience, personal experience far supersedes another persons experience. But sometimes you do need another persons experience to be able to understand and expand what you already know.

That's reasonable.

>> No.11410935 [View]
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>Are you a parent? Have you ever seen a human grow from infant to adult?

No and yes, respectively.

>Rather than reading someone elses perpsective or idea on the situation, have you yourself seen it with your own eyes?

Reading exists in order to expand our knowledge beyond the bounds of our own tiny experience; scientific research exists for similar reasons. To rely solely or even primarily upon one's own experience at the expense of these things is to voluntarily impoverish one's own intellect and hobble his ability to make sense of the world and his place within it.

>> No.11410907 [View]
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I encourage you to read the Middleton studies, along with Dawkins' excellent primer The Selfish Gene. Extra credit: The Extended Phenotype, also by Dawkins, and The Moral Animal by Wright.

>> No.11410879 [View]
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>A newborn baby is an untouched piece of clay. It is the world around them that shapes and forms them into who they are.

Every single item of empirical evidence I've ever encountered says otherwise, says that humans are merely animals with significant but ultimately finite adaptive capacity.

>> No.11410818 [View]
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Oh boy, here we go...

>> No.11410815 [View]
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Thank you for opening the can of worms even I didn't want to deal with.

>> No.11410796 [View]
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Much better. I would, however, argue that the distal cause is human nature, which is basically just animal nature with a few optimizations to the evolutionary niche you occupy and tweaks to the UI. If accurate, this would make greed merely a pathological mechanism, with Hugh Manatee itself being the disease.

>> No.11410661 [View]
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>greed is the real enemy

No, that is highly subjective, being entirely predicated upon one's values and goals.

>> No.11410562 [View]
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You, uh, wanna take another run at that, champ?

>> No.11410556 [View]
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>There are enough funds going around this earth for everyone to live a comfortable life, but greed prevents this from happening. Don't you find this even more odd?

No, because I've studied evolutionary psychology.

>> No.11410554 [View]
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>wah anime

You do not belong here.
You have never belonged here.
You will never belong here.
You have to go back.

>> No.11410527 [View]
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13% of the population contributing over 70% of all violent crime doesn't strike you as odd?

>> No.11410521 [View]
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From Wikipedia:

>The heritability of IQ for adults is between 57% and 73%[5] with some more-recent estimates as high as 80%[6] and 86%.[7] Genome-wide association studies have identified inherited genome sequence differences that account for 20% of the 50% of the genetic variation that contributes to heritability.[8] IQ goes from being weakly correlated with genetics, for children, to being strongly correlated with genetics for late teens and adults. The heritability of IQ increases with age and reaches an asymptote at 18–20 years of age and continues at that level well into adulthood. This phenomenon is known as the Wilson Effect.[9] Recent studies suggest that family and parenting characteristics are not significant contributors to variation in IQ scores;[10] however, poor prenatal environment, malnutrition and disease can have deleterious effects.[11][12]

>> No.11406873 [View]
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>people against Trump

>> No.11406859 [View]
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There are both "honest" (or "costly") and "dishonest" signals. Note that honesty in this context isn't defined in quite the same way as it usually is.

>> No.11406843 [View]
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There's no such thing as a "good" person. Or, for that matter, an "evil" person. Both qualities are imaginary.

>> No.11402647 [View]
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In my own experience at least, all herbivores are also Type IV leftists, which is unsurprising considering that the etiology of both behavioral disorders is identical.

>> No.11401062 [View]
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>> No.11400638 [View]
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Why is projection the only thing leftists *don't* fail abysmally at?

>> No.11400619 [View]
File: 124 KB, 1000x998, 1517287116277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I needs it mane.

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