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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.9300573 [View]

Suggestion for the month following: mince/ground meat as the star ingredient.
Chili. Qeema. Meatballs. Meatloaf. Burgers. Kotleta rublenaya/Salisbury steak/pannbiff. Ma po tofu. Milionbof. Sausages. Perkedel. And if you're a vegemuhtarian, soy crumbles, I guess.
I bet it'd be nice to see how we each use such an often-overlooked and typically maligned ingredient that literally all of us eat with startling regularity with no thought of it at all.
Just imagine what we'd make of it if we give it just a bit of consideration!
Shit, meatloaf alone is infinitely customisable.

>> No.9298347 [View]

Mine just goes "ping!" like an old timey telephone or doorbell rather than 'beep.' It's on its last legs, though, so it'll soon be time to replace it. Would you mind telling what brand yours was, if you recall? So that I may avoid making the same purchase?

>> No.9298050 [View]

I use my microwave to cook all the time, and not frozen ready meals, either, but actually cook. Since you don't own a nukebox, I'd guess you wouldn't care to know any, but I can name you quite a number of things that can be cooked in there.
Sorry to hear. Lots of us are these days. Hopefully, it's temporary.

>> No.9294302 [View]

Mama raised me right. :3
Thanks, though.

>> No.9294301 [View]
File: 487 KB, 2240x1344, downloadfile-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump with a pic of today's brekkie (another slice of potato cake).

>> No.9290126 [View]

Also, thanks. Forgot to say 'thank you,' sorry. That was rude of me.

>> No.9290119 [View]

>it has potatoes so it must be Irish!
Nah, it's pretty much universally European. You can find variants on it from Germany (Saxony in particular) to Slavic countries (I know the Czechs and Slovaks have something similar) to Hungary and even Italy, where I and my version of it are both from. It's a winter dish. At least in Italy, Slovenia and Hungary.

>> No.9290051 [View]

It's meant to be raisin rather than dried apple but really any dry fruit is fine so dry pear is a-okay.
I like raisin okay, but I also enjoy the play on words by using apple and potato in one dish (earth apple + air apple, basically).

I should mention that traditionally, you eat it with custard or icecream. I've no ice cream and CBF to make custard, so I just eat it drizzled with maple syrup. The real stuff, not the fake shit. That stuff is goddamn ghastly.

>> No.9289960 [View]
File: 668 KB, 2240x1344, downloadfile-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seem to have skipped a foto. Here's the leftover mashed potatoes before I added the eggs etc to it. Not really a necessary picture, I guess, but here it is. It goes between >>9289856 and >>9289866 above.

>> No.9289954 [View]
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Sliced and ready to serve.

Was good!
Only problem, I didn't add enough apple. Needs twice as much, at least. I know for next time.

>> No.9289948 [View]
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Removed from the pan.

>> No.9289942 [View]
File: 823 KB, 2240x1344, downloadfile-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did my name disappear for several posts. Odd.

Anyway, drizzled with melted butter and sprinkled with sugar again. Well, not really drizzled. I used butter flavoured spray because fuck trying to get real melted butter evenly distributed.

>> No.9289814 [View]

Forgive my later-than-expected entry. Would have made and uploaded my entry a few days ago but couldn't because reasons.
I'll be uploading it in a minute. It's the gattó thing I described in >>9255369, but the sweet version (with sugar in it and dried fruit).

>> No.9285188 [View]

Waiting on a contractor to come and gimme an estimate on some repair and remodels I want done here. He's already a half hour late but I don't wanna cook my entry until that's all done. I'll keep y'all updated.

>> No.9277744 [View]

We have a number of potato-based sweets, from lemon-flavoured potato doughnuts to potato chocolate cakes to the one I'm planning to make with the leftover mash (has apple and/or raisin and occasionally walnut in it).
Again, though, it's not very cake-y. It's quite flat, more similar to a pan of brownies.

>> No.9277618 [View]

So I went to the supermarket and they didn't have ubi. I bought a different type of purple yam instead. It's more lavender in colour than the bright purple of ubi, so not sure how well it'll go.
Also, I cooked mashed potatoes last night to go with some leftover roast lamb I have and left some of the mash unseasoned, unbuttered and unmilked so I think I'm gonna make two entries: a brownie-like cake made from the leftover mash and a loaf cake made from the purple yam. Would this be okay or must I pick one only?

>> No.9264056 [View]

Well now! That certainly changes things. I was planning to make either potato-and-plum dumplings or potato-and-apple cake, but if sweet potatoes and yams are permissable, I may make either yam jam or yam cake instead. I've made yam jam and yam ice cream before, but never cake.
I'll probably still go with regular ol' potato, though I'm tempted by the bright colour of purple yam.

>> No.9255369 [View]

Yes, no, no and yes, in that order.
The two 'nos' are beetroot fried rice with chilli and garlic and mustards sauteed with garlic. The carrots were braised with various spices and about a tsp of coconut cream.

Thanks. My brother bought me the set. They're nice and I like them.

Just read up on it and that's similar to a dish we eat where I'm from called gattò. Ours is a mashed potato casserole layered with smoked cheese and various cured meats, topped with fried breadcrumbs. It's served with salad on the side. I was considering making that for the challenge but decided to go with a dessert instead. Gonna pick up ingredients for it Wednesday, although I'm cooking baker's lamb and potatoes for lunch today.

>> No.9253168 [View]
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Bumping the thread with my wholly unrelated dinner.
Ten internets to whomever should guess what it is.

>> No.9251421 [View]

Err... 'grietine,' rather.

>> No.9251413 [View]

In an actual can. Butchers and supermarkets don't sell homemade aspic anymore. For that, I'd have to cross the border into Slovenia, I think. If not go even further and into Hungary. We like our canned aspic, though.

Now, when you say "soured milk," do you mean pasukos or gretine (insert dot where appropriate)? Or something else? Cuz Irish people use both in cooking so I'd wager they were likely taking the piss.

>> No.9251226 [View]

Yeah, I'm completely ignorant on diabetic diets and treatments, but I know all about dietary management because reasons.
Sorry to hear, friend-o.
What were your prior entries in the challenge?
Could cauliflower, which is under 3g of carbs per 100g servings, make for a decent potato substitute for you?

>> No.9251168 [View]

I just don't think there're many cultures left which eat aspic, so many people who voted can't appreciate how wonderful it truly can be.

Are canned aspics common in Lithumuhwania? In Italy, Simmenthal is a pretty common brand of beef aspic sold in cans. And it's delicious.

>> No.9250703 [View]

Seeing as I know no diabetics and that sweet potato is not a common food in my culture, I can only go by what Google tells me and it says sweet potatoes are actually great for diabetics. The boniato variety, especially, can subsitute for regular potato because it's considerably less sweet.
Again, this is all hearsay, but maybe Google is on to something. If you could eat them, wouldn't it make you happy to have a potato-like substitute to make mash from? Since you're more invested in it than I ever could be (being that you're actually diabetic), look into it and let us know if Google has misled me.
I wouldn't wanna live in a world without mashed potatoes.

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