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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.7810108 [View]
File: 148 KB, 612x816, tumblr_mojlz15adt1sr9n3so1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!! I'm going to be doing her EAH version since I own her doll. So regret not buying her MH version when she shelfwarmed. Ah it would be so cool to see a Gigi cosplay! I don't think there has been one yet. Best of luck on that and your Apple cosplay!

Speaking of Cupid found this amazing cosplay of her MH outfit!

>> No.7810082 [View]
File: 61 KB, 407x750, tumblr_inline_n6ie4zNw5O1r9h7bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait to see it! I love Apples design but just so meh on her as a character. She's a lot better in the books though. I cosplayed Draculaura before! (I never got a good photo of my costume so sorry for the shitty photo) and so far I just have the wig for Cupid. Haven't styled it yet though. Not sure for Lizzie yet. Might just be a smaller con but depending on how well it goes I'll probably bring her to Sakura Con next year as well. Oh man I can't even imagine how you'd do Gigis wig! Or would you do her New Scaremester outfit?

>> No.7810063 [View]
File: 377 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n9c9sxJCea1s2bljjo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who you going to cosplay OP? I'm doing Cupid in her EAH Dress next then Lizzie after her (just ordered her today she finally went back on Amazon) Really want to cosplay Vandala (Or any of the new Haunted ghouls) as well but want to wait for her doll to come out first.

I loved how MH had an official cosplayer at SDCC. Her Casta cosplay was beautiful!

>> No.7802683 [View]

Those two Lindas are perfect. Just Love it.

>> No.7786759 [View]

I'm not sure what that means but thank you?

Oh god don't worry I know. It was so last minute and made in two days in which the power went out for half the day for one of them. (A semi ran into a big power box so over half the town was without power and I basically just gave up on my cosplay and said fuck it) but I still had fun and would definitely like to remake the costume and cosplay her again.

>> No.7784420 [View]
File: 197 KB, 662x960, 1621836_10152234184590965_7491178828240996431_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to just remake everything entirely because I just feel so blah about it. So my crappy Sailor Neptune.

I still had fun at the con. Had this little girl run up to me so excited and asked to take a photo with me. Probably the best reaction to a cosplay ever.

>> No.7770745 [View]
File: 199 KB, 210x425, Robin_Movie_10_Second_Outfit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could always do Robins second outfit from Strong World!

Hnnng he is beautiful. Ivankov was one of my favourite characters in the Impel Down/Marineford Arc. Really hope we see more of him.

That's a really good group! I love the Frankie!!!

There was a super cute Horn Point Choppper at Sakura Con. I'll try to find a photo. This thread really makes me want to cosplay One Piece again. I had so much fun the first time.

>> No.7749352 [View]

No worries! It was awesome being able to talk with you for a bit today!

I'm sorry that wasn't me! I didn't play DDR at all this weekend. I can't remember if I saw you or not but your seifuku sounds adorable! Hope you had a good con!

>> No.7747210 [View]

But I came up and talked to you yesterday in artist alley. I was the Sailor Neptune. I'm sorry! I should have clarified it was me. You looked great btw! I'll come find you today. I'll be wearing a short pink wig with a black bow and a dress that has eyeballs, skulls and purple bunnies, carrying a One Piece backpack and a Sylveon plushie! (If anyone sees me please feel free to come say hi!)

So far having a great con! (Besides my Neptune heels murdering my feet) I hope everyone else is too. I'm really happy they got building 9 as well, it's really helped not make things so conjested. Only have gone to the Zapp panels and the 404 18+ show but both were amazing. Had a wonderful time embarassing myself at the variety panel trying to act out Bible Black.

>> No.7739847 [View]

Sorry it's taken me so long to respond! Been trying really hard to finish my costume. Thank you! I won't be bringing Pascal but she has been my favourite to cosplay. I'll be cosplaying Miss Pauling from TF2 on Friday and Sailor Neptune on Saturday! Considering bringing Nausicaa for Sunday but I didn't get a chance to fix it so really unsure.

I hope I can get a photo with you if you're doing Princess Sailor Neptune on Sat! I'm just doing her first sailor fuku. Look forward to seeing your cosplay regardless.

>> No.7737453 [View]
File: 127 KB, 412x640, huurrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could give everyone who's spoken up here/selfposted (in which you are all really pretty!) a big hug and tell you how wonderful you guys are.

Personally I've been self-conscious about myself since middle school when I got picked on because I was one of the first kids to get acne. Ever since I've been super self conscious about my face and hating it. I still am not totally happy but a lot more than I used to be. I've started using witch hazel and it's really helped with my acne and made my skin really soft. So hopefully I can be happy with myself more in the future. I have a lot of scars on my forehead so it's why I always wear bangs. I'm not brave enough to go out without bangs/have a hairstyle without bangs yet. Which really can be bothersome because I don't want to cosplay characters without bangs either. I tried something new with my makeup and liked it!

>> No.7737425 [View]
File: 61 KB, 500x375, sfeld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hooray for being a loser who doesn't get invited to parties! Haha hope to see you at the meetup!

No joke. All anime is banned. It's a Seinfeld convention now

>> No.7737079 [View]

Well I'm a derp who can't read. Thanks! Yeah I plan on going to the meetup! Just gotta get my ass out of bed on time, haha.

>> No.7737041 [View]

When will your second panel be? I can't seem to find it on the schedule.

Finally decided on cosplay lineup. Friday I'll be Miss Pauling from TF2 and on Saturday will be Sailor Neptune. I've been really sick for the past week so I'm really hoping to be better by Friday. Looking forward to it this year. The con seems to be a lot better now that they are under new management imo. The pins are really cute too. Anyone going to be getting the pins?

>> No.7724739 [View]
File: 505 KB, 280x193, tumblr_mt8wgjU2Rq1su8qv2o3_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You deserve all the awards you worded it perfectly. I've had a few times where I'll be cosplaying something and will see someone from the same series and say I like you're cosplay or something and they just have no clue who I am cosplaying.

Personally I think it's annoying, especially if you go to a meetup. Obviously people will be talking about whatever the group is and if you're going to whine because no one is paying attention to you then you shouldn't be there. League isn't even a hard game. Like I enjoy it and I really enjoyed meeting other players and made a lot of friends doing so. Like if you're going to cosplay from it at least try it out or look up videos of it to see if you'd like the game.

>> No.7718075 [View]
File: 201 KB, 1585x479, dinao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gnars alt skin is the cutest thing ever. I'd love to make a kigu for it. Arcade MF was posted to the PBE as well so it will only be a matter of time before the Firsts!!1!1 jump on that.

I wonder how many "sexy" gnars we are going to see within the next month.

>> No.7713494 [View]
File: 37 KB, 600x600, title_yl8z5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got it done at a salon sorry! I know she mixed a couple red tones to get the colour. This one might be close?

>> No.7712348 [View]

I'm sorry I didn't get to reply to you in the other thread! Yes I will be there!

>Interested in the VA ladies attending this year?
I really like Monica and Karen. I doubt I'll attend any of the panels though.

>Any events you're looking forward to?
The Sailor Moon one of the new VA's. I also like the 18+ 404s show but it seems to be different this year.

>Are you getting dressed up?
For sure Caitlyn from LoL and hopefully Sailor Neptune. If not just going to rewear Draculaura and Nausicaa.

>Have you been before? What are your thoughts on A-thon in general?
I think this is my fourth year? It was a lot better last year than the previous years. I always have fun even if its just hanging out with friends. I still really wish they would move the vendors to somewhere other than the parkade.

>> No.7712343 [View]
File: 516 KB, 1500x1500, coloursmaybe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your wigs are amazing!!

I've been wanting to get more into wig styling and really enjoy it but I'm still not very good. Unfortunately never got to finish the curls for my Perona cosplay in time. I sewed in a pack of wefts so hopefully there will be enough hair that I can go back to it. I have a lot of pink wigs I noticed as well haha.

>> No.7712306 [View]
File: 198 KB, 1292x853, dracusparkle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't even have any purple on her?? I know Monster High isn't super popular among con goers but I'm not sure how it looked like a Twilight Sparkle cosplay.. It wasn't just once it was all con. But there were some kids who thought I really was Draculaura so that made my day.

>> No.7707062 [View]
File: 271 KB, 684x846, thigh2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I new it was natural but still hoped I could get rid of it. Thanks so much you guys!

It's a lot worse on the back/side of my legs (pic) So don't worry I know the feel.

I think the pic makes them look a lot smaller than they actually are but they are small I guess?

I used to have a ton of muscle in my legs years ago when I used to figure skate so I'm really hoping I can build that back up. Thanks for the advice! Haha sorry I'm in Canada.

I'll try to do it more often and more reps. I think I'm at 20rep/set. But you look awesome! I have the tummy pouch too, I have no idea how to get rid of it. Good luck though!

>> No.7705479 [View]
File: 195 KB, 528x912, thighs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! I'll try those!

I hope it's okay if I selfpost as well just have a question about it. If I keep up with the excersizes will they get rid of my cellulite? I don't know if you can see it in the pic but I have it mostly on the sides/back of my thighs. I'd like to be able to do more cosplays that show off my legs/butt but I'm a bit self conscious about the cellulite. I'm afraid that tights won't hide it enough.

>> No.7703224 [View]

Thanks so much!!

>> No.7703067 [View]

Yo this feel, but I always feel self conscious about my thighs being fat.

Besides squats/deadlifts do you have any other recommendations for thigh/butt toning exercises?

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