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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6476667 No.6476667 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think /cgl/ will start to die off now that we're not allowed drama?

Personally I don't think it will - I think it will start to get flooded with noobs and weeaboos and no one will be allowed to complain because "no singling out the idiots!"

>> No.6476671

It'll be fine. I'm actually rather enjoying it right now; people seem a lot more kind without the drama.

>> No.6476677

I've been visiting this board less and less without the drama. this used to be the only place you could find truly honest criticism/opinions, completely unfiltered.
>plus it was fun.

>> No.6476678

/cgl/ is going to become a gigantic hugbox where no one is ever wrong and everyone is special and unique.

>> No.6476680 [DELETED] 
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We electric nao, let's party.

>> No.6476686

Honestly, I feel like a vital part of it is dying. Yes, people were catty, dramu hungry shitbags, but their ruthlessness was honest. It helped me learn so much, much more so than if everybody had been tiptoeing around flaws that needed to be pointed out. I loved every part of /cgl/. It just feels a little empty without that blunt, unforgiving aspect. And it was fun. So much fun.

>> No.6476688

it sucked before, but now it sucks even worse. i've already begun migrating to other boards. i was never really a dramafag anyway but i've already had completely related threads be deleted because the new mod is so far up his ass.

>> No.6476689


So what you're saying is /cgl/ will become a second EGL?
I don't see it working out that way. I don't think this rule will be upheld for long.

>> No.6476691 [DELETED] 
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But wasnt this the wish of the anon's? That no more tripfags would cause up drama and so on? And now you want it all back to the good old same is that it?

Make a wish and let's see.

>> No.6476692

This, so much.

The only thing that was annoying on /cgl/ before the crazy mods came along were the stupid "WOAH, YOU ARE WOMEN! ON THE INTERNET!" threads from /jp/ and /r9k/.
Everything else was perfectly fine.

But like any new rulers, they thought they could make it even better than it was (even though everybody liked it that way) and are now destroying the board.

>> No.6476696

Let me get this straight. We asked moot for a janitor that would uphold the rules and now that he's given us one we don't want them anymore. Are we twelve?

>> No.6476697

And you're welcome to leave as fast as you came. You did not last long and in the end that's the way it should be.

>>anywhere on 4chan
Sometimes the amount of new-ness you women exert just concerns me. The drama needed to be less than it was, it's been out of control for a while. There was a rule in place a long time ago that never got actually set in place because of lack of janitors. Hence the JOKE on the rules "ALL DRAMA ALL THE TIME."

Honestly maybe the board will go back to it's roots, depending on how good this janitor is. We might actually go back to having a lot more substance.

>> No.6476701

It was only a small percentage of /cgl/ that wasn't happy with how the board was. Maybe I shouldn't have ignored that thread by moot for more interesting ones.

>> No.6476704

Seems like the board has already slowed down significantly and to be honest, it's getting kind of boring. I mostly lurk CGL for tutorial and help threads, but it seems like there's this air of no fun allowed, even though I know that's not the intention of following through on the rules.

>> No.6476705

Never ignore a admin thread about your board if you give two fucks about the board.

Regardless, doesn't change the fact that the drama was bound to be eradicated anyway.

>> No.6476708 [DELETED] 

Any girls ITT want to post their feet? Thanks in advance.

>> No.6476718

I've found myself coming here less and less. Drama has been a part of this board since it's very creation, and now that's it's gone it just isn't fun any more.

I really resent moot for what he's done, and the new janitor needs to fuck off.

I feel like I have to constantly tiptoe around everything.

>> No.6476720
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Some of us (possibly including myself) took it too far with certain individuals who the drama surrounded. Perhaps if some of us hadn't become so infatuated with said lulcows and start to go as far as contacting family members, posting personal info etc etc and just kept it to ragging on their Cosplay or clothing then maybe this might not have happened. This was a tricky subject regarding PT because her life resolves around Japan, anything weeaboo, Cosplay and in all honesty a lot of things that are close to all our hearts (That's why we come here right?). So her entire life was bound to be splattered across the pages instead of just focusing on the smaller things like say, her new, small shirt. It's always been known that, sort of like an unwritten rule, that across these boards, unless a person has done something extremely incredibad like chuck a bunch of be-headed kittens in a river. Their personal information shouldn't really be posted. Especially if it has been dug up and not available to the public. I mean that's what /b/ CAN be for. We're not /b/

I don't really know what I'm trying to say here. I guess I do miss the drama threads but I believe they should have been a bit more tame and we took it too far. We ruined it for ourselves

I also find it very contradicting to have scammer threads that belittle a person multiple times. One scammer isn't going to have one complaint. It's multiple and they all rag on them. So what's the difference really? They're supposed to warn other buyers or meets. Not shame the person like we were doing to Dakota and more

>> No.6476724

I got banned the last time I did...

>> No.6476729

I will protect you.

>> No.6476740

imho it'll die. The dramu was kind of funny, it let people take sides on different issues, and let the community grow.

This board best chance would be to open it upto Jfashion (which neither /cgl/ or /fa/ seems to want) and to let a little dramu go. there are lines, but heaty debates are a great read.

>> No.6476764

But it IS open to Jfashion now. The only difference is they cut out the dramu

>> No.6476765

I'm laughing pretty heartily at posts like OP, >>6476678 and >>6476677 because apparently not singling out one girl to hate in 24/7 threads means everyone has to be nice? You can still talk about shitty cosplays and scammers and tell other anons they're ita as fuck, you just can't have stalker /i/nsurgent threads about specific people all the time. If anything I would think seagulls would get that much bitchier and cattier towards one another without one designated person to prey on constantly, not turn it into a hugbox.

>> No.6476776

If you know of /i/, then you know how long threads that have singled out one person on /cgl/ have been going on for and how little content those always fucking were. I'm atleast happy to see someone who shares the same opinion.

Besides PT threads were too much. The girl really got too much shit. Much more than ANY other cosplayer that was stalked and constantly posted in the past.

>> No.6476811

I lost my best friend to /cgl/ drama after somebody posted her non-stop because they found her mildly annoying.
(Which - Ironically enough somebody admitted to it on /adv/ earlier today. Thread timing? Thread timing.)

I mean nobody but the local community gave a fuck but she quit after her phone number got posted and she got called out for it at a con.

That kind of shit shouldn't have ever been allowed to fly - People were and will take it out of hand because of the whole anon factor.

I rarely saw constructive criticism - Just people tearing people apart because of some of the most mundane shit.

The board feels...healthier now.
You can still ask for advice and you'll still get no bars hold opinion for it - but people aren't going to stabbing each others backs and posting shit about people nobody actually gives a fuck about.

Also PT threads were old after month 3 - People who found that shit funny probably have severe autism or something.

>> No.6476834

I hate it when people say they
>lost a friend
when they aren't dead
No. Your friend is still there.
Go make up with them.

>> No.6476837

Also; People saying the board will die because their precious malicious intentions are gone need to grow up.

We were fine even in the beginning when drama was mild. It was never non-existant but it was nowhere near the level of high-school shit it was today.

And the lack of drama probably means most of the high-schoolers or people set in that mentality will finally fucking leave - leading to a healthier board for discussion and when drama does pop up it's at least not obnoxious and about somebody who did probably done goof.

>> No.6476839

Nobody's seen her in 3 years.
She hasn't replied to anybody in that time.

There's a chance.
Either that or she completely shut everybody from the community out to get away from the shit.

I'm hoping it's the latter.

>> No.6476843

I'm sorry to hear that.
Have you tried contacting her kin or a mutual friend outside of lolita? That is, assuming there is someone to contact.

>> No.6476848

>And the lack of drama probably means most of the high-schoolers or people set in that mentality will finally fucking leave
This. However always feels good to figure out who is still set in that mentality by stirring up drama on /cgl/, maybe in some ways it won't coax those girls into being in that mindset as much and give them room to grow up.(just not in MY community.)

>> No.6476847

Multiple people have.

It's kind of a lost cause and was a worst case scenario with dramu. I can always try messaging her on Facebook again but she's never responded.

>> No.6476851 [DELETED] 
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She died, and you will forever live with the guilt that caused her to... is actually you, enjoy it.

>> No.6476854

Was she just an internet friend? I mean...if you knew her IRL why wouldn't you just go by her house to check up on her.
But on those terms, try to find out who is a real life friend and have them check up on her?

>> No.6476856

I feel like the board is dying. It is incredibly slow to where I barely even come here. I do think the drama was overboard but, this, this is completely boring.

>> No.6476857


She moved before it got out of hand.
The thought crossed my mind but it'd be pretty hard to track her down without knowing where she lives now.

Thanks for the kind gestures guys but it's better to drop this - It was merely only an example as to why the shit needed to stop. Not intended to start a discussion.

>> No.6476863 [DELETED] 
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You're still the cause ~ Tell me, how does it feel? Look at the innermost part of your heart ... can you see it? Its your fault.

>> No.6476866

Really if her response to random anons is to just stop talking to everyone she met forever, that isnt /cgl/ fucking up..that is her being crazy. Obviously it depends on why that happened in the first place, but all she had to do is to lay low for a bit until it blew over and keep the friends she knew were there for her. You were her 'best friend' and she coudlnt just leave a message somewhere saying here is my new number!

>> No.6476865

I'd post a fucktarded reaction picture and make a >mfw regarding the fact it was a transvestite most likely who did it...

But okay.

>> No.6476868

So she was stirring up shit on /cgl/ about your local community? What?

I don't see how the two posts are related.

>> No.6476870

I'm seriously put back at how low the IQ the people on this board have sometimes.

>> No.6476874

>Also PT threads were old after month 3 - People who found that shit funny probably have severe autism or something.
I agree.
Did we really need three PT nude threads every fucking day? What a bunch of crap. Though I probably would've opted to lie low for a while if I were in her position rather than continuing to feed the trolls by maintaining an online presence, she really didn't do anything to warrant years of relentless bullying on here.
I don't mind occasional legit drama where someone actually did something to attract the ire of their respective community, but continually stalking people just to make fun of them is pretty pathetic.

>> No.6476880

Highly doubt /cgl/ will start to die off. One, it's the off season for conventions. Two, it's the middle of the holiday season. Three, the first two reasons plus the lack of off-topic trolls and drama spam is what is making it slow.

Once people aren't freaking out over the holidays or working overtime because of them and conventions pick back up, so will the board.

Take a look around, we still have drama going on. Hell, I have two marked right now that update every ten minutes or so. The new janitor just isn't letting the board get away with shit like a ton of Ashley/PT/Ginseng threads anymore.

>> No.6476881
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How far does the "singling out" rule go though?
Like if I made a Mana or Maki&Asuka thread would it get deleted?

>> No.6476886

That's discussing a celebrity in our "community" - A legit one.

I see no issue.
The only time the calling out is bull-shit is when it's entirely malicious and is about somebody nobody literally knows or gives a fuck about.

>> No.6476888

If you make a thread about Mana to talk about how ugly he looks or how you heard from a friend of a friend that he did something scandalous, it probably would get deleted. If Mana stole a bunch of money from his customers or is in legal trouble over using someone's prints, then it's perfectly fine.

>> No.6476895

I really think what we need is one Drama Thread, for PT and Asherbee and all the drama stuff to be put in. Like the Homestuck General. That way it keeps the people who like the drama from spilling all over the place and constantly bitching. It would also not be singling out one person, as it would be, well, a drama thread.

>> No.6476901

No. Go to another site with that shit.

>> No.6476904

But you're still singling people out within the thread for doing absolutely nothing.


What have they done drama worthy lately? Nothing. PT just whines about her job and Ashley does horrible make up. Yet they go through an entire thread a day just by themselves. If you made one giant drama general it would go through at least three a day.

>> No.6476908

Yeah, fuck this shit. I love cosplay and all but it's never actually that fucking interesting to have threads about it.

>I miss you pt-sama

>> No.6476921

I'm glad the threads are gone. I used to go into the PT threads a lot, but now that they're against the rules I find myself not caring about her. Honestly, PT doesn't do anything exciting or even really gossip worthy. Whether that's her having learned her lesson from last time or from her completely and utterly fucking herself over, I don't know. Frankly, I don't much care.

All PT has done lately, is bitch about her job, her parents, how nothing fits, how guys don't like her, how she won't make it to Japan. Everyday.

Hell, there's a LJ comm and a chan for PT and /cgl/ lolcow drama. Those haven't seen much action. I think that speaks for itself.

>> No.6476955

Well, some of the elitist-ish girls in my comm always think less of you if you browse /cgl/, because of the drama. Maybe I can actually talk about threads now without the whole, "UGH THOSE PETTY LITTLE CATFIGHT STARTERS? WHY WOULD YOU BE TALKING TO SEAGULLS GAWD."

>> No.6476956

Holy moly I didn't mean to start a whole big thing here.
Sorry to dredge it all back up. I really hope you can contact her. Seriously, there is no time like the present. If she was a good friend, there should be nothing that can stop you from trying to find her.

>> No.6476957

public figures are fair game legally, so i don't see why janitors would have a problem with them here.

>> No.6476958

At first I thought, gee, I'm going to miss PT threads.
And then you remind yourself that she's a human being.

>> No.6476962

Oh shit! It's happening here too?!
Because all the way back to /co/ there was this mod that prohibited calling each other idiots and some speech about "the difference between (nice) honesty and being an ass" and turning /co/ back to love or some shit.

>> No.6476964

>Frankly, I don't much care.
And yet you somehow know that the LJ and chan are very slow? I think you're experiencing withdrawal from no dramu.

>> No.6476984

Probably, Anon.

>> No.6477112

It won't die, but it's not as fun now that we have a cunty janitor.

I'll never understand the concept of banning certain things like shitposting, drama, and racism on one board known for it, while it just goes on to exist on other boards anyway.
It's fucking 4chan. Who's the idiot that comes here and expects SFW content and no drama?
Moot really fumbled this IMO, but hey, it's his toy so I suppose if I don't like this board I can always go someplace else.

>> No.6477191


Yes, you will seem so much cooler to people in real life who don't check /cgl because /cgl changed one rule.

>> No.6477197


Seriously - why are we pretending there are standards here? This is what we're here for.

>> No.6477278

It's not what /b is for. Doxxing is against global rules and you will get banned no matter where you are.

>> No.6477321

What I don't understand is why that particular rule is being upheld really strictly while the rest are pretty much ignored. It blatantly says in the rules that fashion threads, barring lolita and general J-fashion belong in /fa/, yet people are still going "well, /fa/ knows fuck all about women's clothing, so I'm going to post here". And threads about dieting to fit brand or a certain cosplay don't belong here either, the rules says they belong in /fit/ or /adv/. This is what's pissing me off the most about these new rules. I can report the other threads, but fuck all happens.

>> No.6477493

That chan died last week, btw.

>> No.6477547

Okay, samefag. Not that I have to prove it to you but I've /cgl/ quite a long time, dating back somewhere around 2007ish. I was >>6476688 and I made a thread for a particular cosplayer I liked asking to share pics and it was deleted within minutes. I reposted it and it was then again deleted within minutes. The mod obviously is a piece of shit because he took the "singling out a particular cosplayer" too fucking serious, because again, he's not from this board, and deleted the type of threads that make /cgl/ exist in the first place. There were also some cosplay tips and tutorials threads I've seen deleted which obviously did not hit the bump limit.
I haven't seen this happen to threads other than the ones I've been in though because I'm not on /cgl/ that often as it is so I wouldn't know if they were isolated incidents.

>> No.6477571

how can tutorials be deleted????????

>> No.6477591

>it will start to get flooded with noobs and weeaboos
>implying this wasnt day 1 of /cgl/

>> No.6477615

I honestly hate Yukapon. She's a huge whore and a gook lover.

>> No.6477626

Nope, it's back up again.

>> No.6477644 [DELETED] 

I think the board is better off with out it. While poking fun at nameless noobs and cosplay's or poor taste is fun it really ruins the board when the first 5 pages of it are smattered with vendetta and eceleb drama. I mean I don't want to a see YOU CAN'T SAY THAT IN THIS CHRISTIAN SPACE type moderation but i've seen way too many threads targeting a specific person (to the point of IRL stalking and harassment) far too many times during my stay here, and i'm not talking about PT or Ashley.

>> No.6477658

Link please.

>> No.6477670


>> No.6477688

Drama was a part of 4chan for a long time.
Honestly cgl went easy on their bullying victims; no one died or was sent pizzas; no one even got into a hit and run lol

But my main concern was tripfags; this board seriously has the worst (yes even the pedos on /tv/ are better and that's just sad) and i'm happy to see with the low activity, they have stopped posting as well due to lack of attention they can recieve.

Yeah I've stopped coming here, no reason for me to now. There are more comms out there for what I want to read about now.

>> No.6477697

This. Tripfags were our cancer, not the drama. There was usually only one thread a day per lolcow (and this was limited to Ashley, PT and Koti, plus whoever was flavour of the day) which is easy enough to hide, whereas there were usually several tripfag threads, and other perfectly on-topic threads derailed by tripfags. If it were plausible, forced anon would have fixed this board, not getting rid of the drama. That, and stopping raids from /a/, /fit/ and /r9k/.

We've ruined the board for ourselves, I don't get the sense of fun that I used to get with this board anymore. In addition, drama threads created a sense of camaraderie here. You know that picture '/cgl/ discussing cosplay vs /cgl/ discussing PT'? That was really what /cgl/ is like. Now that drama is not allowed, there's nothing really for us to bond over (I know bond isn't the right word, I just can't think of the right word right now.)

I'm still going to visit here, I'm not a cosplayer or lolita but I like looking at pretty pictures, but I've noticed the time I spend here is less and less and that I'm spending more time on other boards. I may be incorrect in saying this, but board traffic also seems to be slower than usual. It may be the time of year, but I'm pretty sure the board was pretty busy this time last year.

>> No.6477725

Bond over talking about costumes.
Now how much you dislike somebody you probably never actually met.

You all sound like a bunch of autistic basement dwellers who get their only kicks in life from dressing up in costumes and spitting on people.

>> No.6477734
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OP here, I went to bed when this had no replies and suddenly feels happened.

I looked into hosting a chan board but I can't, I just don't have the knowledge or the time to devote. Would people use a message board style site with the same rules as a chan style one? I can host those. I can host em good.

I was thinking, I'd have one category for lolita where all related topics go, clothing and wearers, with a Resources subforum for tutorials and the like. The same for gyaru, cosplay and whatever other fashions were needing whole categories. Then an "Other" one to hold all the smaller ones, like cult party and general tumblr fashion if that makes sense.

We'd all still be anonymous and my admin account would never be used unless urgently needed. The only real rules would be ones to keep the board from being baleeted by the host.

What do you think? I don't want some shit like half the gyaru ones that come and go, so I'd like a lot of input before anything happened.

>> No.6477738

I would certainly use it, but I think it would be difficult to get a decent number of seagulls to start using a completely new website, and the message board style wouldn't be so good for posting images. i think it's still worth a try though.

>> No.6477747

I did think about the image issue. If my base doesn't already come with one, I'm going to add an option to upload an image with your post using the Browse... button a similar way to here. You know how you can get a thumbnail posted to the bottom of a post? Like that. Irritating, and it will be hard to get used to, but I really hate the hugbox atmosphere we're developing here.I'm not saying, let's all bully individuals. It's not that rule I take offence to. It's the whole concept of censoring our opinions in case some babby comes along and wahhs.

>> No.6477758

Yeah, I guess that would be a way to work around it. I agree with you about the hugbox issue, and also I don't think there's any website where we can discuss j-style to a point of actual usefulness. Tumblr is only got for photos, not practical advice, and even though /cgl/ allows j-fashion now, the odd gyaru thread is all we seem to get out of it.

>> No.6477761

I like /cgl/ more now. Sure, it's a lot slower, but it's just more pleasant (not to mention on-topic) in general. /cgl/ isn't going to die, it's not going anywhere... It's likely going to return to the slower activity from a few years ago. /cgl/ definitely isn't going to become a "hugbox" because as others have already pointed out, it's still a part of 4chan. There will still be cattiness and bitchiness and if you pay attention, it's still going on in many active threads.

Also, it's December. Con season doesn't begin to start up again until the beginning of the year. Once spring hits, I'm sure people will be posting their progress, talking about upcoming cons, meetups in the warmer weather, and so on. Right now things are really slow and part of it is because of the usual slowness /cgl/ gets off-season every year.

Plus people are still getting used to the new rules and the mod(s?) are just figuring out their jobs. Deleting progress threads and helpful things like that is definitely obnoxious but I would gladly take it over the front pages I'd gotten used to:
>PT thread
>2nd PT thread
>tfw no gf
>why are all you women such whores?
>/cgl/ crush thread
>1 thread related to cosplay

>> No.6477766

what i really miss most is all the other j-fashion threads. i feel we used to have a lot more mori/dolly kei/general street fashion threads going on before the janitor came, and it still hasn't picked up again despite being officially allowed now. at least somebody is taking care of gyaru.
and yeah, it's really slow.

>> No.6477769

Board anon here, everything you've said is relevant to cosplayers. If you're a lolita, there's fucking nothing here anymore. The only nearly interesting thread for us is one whining about how not everyone can have AP's latest release... that's it. we can't discuss Daily Loli or BtB anymore because that would involve drama and so even if we want to discuss drama neutral secrets, it would still get deleted.
To develop in gyaru especially, you need to see how it's *not* done. I wouldn't have learned about 75% of my loli knowledge without "how not to do it" type threads.

>> No.6477770

I know this has nothing to do with the new rules but I'm just happy that I don't have to see flan's or spoony's face every day anymore.

>> No.6477776

I miss the ita/daily_lolita/fail threads. I got posted a couple of times as well, and it definitely helped me improve more than it made me butthurt.

>> No.6477778

I agree. And not even just fail/drama threads either. We can't talk about lolitas that inspire us, we can't talk about the models, we can't talk about the beautiful daily_lolita coords because that ALL falls under the singling out rule.

>> No.6477782

Me too, and I agree that it def helped me too!

Sorry to namefag everyone, I just want to make sure I'm noticeable in case anyone wants to talk message board content.

>> No.6477784

And it's against the rules if you're not being a dick?
I'd bring that up for discussion for the mods.

Changes were made because of the amount of wank going on. Things are going to be strict for a while but it's entirely possible to speak out and get things changed while it's fresh.
Especially if the intentions are good and not 'i wnt 2 path teh pixi"

>> No.6477787

I agree. There is an aspect of drama that comes with lolita, the critiques and fail threads that yeah, as >>6477776 said, must have helped learning lolitas while still being...entertaining.

Also, gtfoegl has really slowed out, and some thought it was because /cgl/ could discuss the dramas and fails better by being anonymous. LJ can be anonymous but there are plenty of ways it can get uglier.

>> No.6477790

Yeah, if you look through the archive under deleted OP posts only, you'll see tons of board-related loli threads that have been deleted. It's sad that our nazi janitor doesn't acknowledge the EGL portion of the board...

>> No.6477791

I'm fairly sure we have one or two janitors, no mods. If they were mods, we'd all be banned.

>> No.6477799

This. I didn't have many places online where I could be completely unfiltered about my cosplay opinions. I came here to read about dramu because let's face it - it's interesting and helps you to develop as a person because you learn to avoid other people's mistakes because the critique cgl used to give was so ruthless.

And also this. The strange moderation of this board is what's killing it, not the dramu. Completely related threads are deleted and the contributors banned, but unrelated azn pride/r9k virginfag troll threads remain for days and days on the first page even though reported multiple times. The WAYWT and other attention whoring tumblrfag threads are what's killing cgl. The shitty non-contributing tripfags are what's killing cgl. The random newfag wandering in and starting LOL LE BIG BOOB/DAT ASS COSPLAY/MIDRIFF THREAD HURR is what's killing cgl.

Seriously guys. There are a billion nice and fluffy cosplay communities and forums online, if you don't like catty cosplay bitches tearing at each other's hair because they can do so anonymously, then leave.

cgl isn't really dying as a board, but it's become stale and uninteresting.

>> No.6477802

At first I misread your post and I thought you were insinuating that "tfw no girlfriend" threads were relevant to cosplayers and therefore imperative for board survival

I'm no Lolita, I'm not going to even pretend that I've seriously dabbled in the fashion. I can see what you would be saying though, but are all of the drama threads we used to have still necessary? Daily_lolita threads should, in my ignorant opinion, probably still be allowed... There are plenty of cosplay threads pertaining to the most recent cons and i would think daily_lolita threads would essentially serve the same purpose. As long as the threads aren't targeting one specific person, but maybe cover all the noteworthy girls for the week or however long the thread is or something. And likewise with ita threads. We still have bad cosplay threads here which seem to have no issue. I don't really lurk the lolita threads that often but if they're being deleted maybe the lolitas should send moot an email? If a polite email was sent to him explaining why the threads don't violate the rules and what could be done instead, I think he'd listen and maybe talk to the mods. I think he would see the difference between a daily_lolita thread and a catty gossip thread, as long as the posters understood and respected the difference too.

Again, I'm not a lolita. But I like seeing co-ord threads, dream dress threads, appreciation threads, brand threads, scammer threads, meetup threads, and even ita and BtB threads. I hope the lolita community doesn't leave /cgl/ but when a large number of posts in the thread devolve into "she cheated on her boyfriend" "she buys replicas and claims they're brand" "deets?" "look how ugly mr yan's new model is" I can kind of see why those threads might become less... necessary...

>> No.6477803


I agree a billion percent, I got a lot of help. I look much better now. Still not great, but a lot better.

>> No.6477815

Can't we just make a cosplay/j-fashion drama thread, and then talk about whoever we want? It works for the Maiko talk.

What I understood is that we're not allowed to open up a thread with 'lol PT sucks', but making a general cosplay/j-fash drama thread and then talk about PT is allowed.

>> No.6477817

of course not all of them are necassary. Like I said before, my main problem isn't with the new rule itself but with the idea of us not being *allowed* to express our opinions because someone will have their widdle feelings hurt. Have you looked at secrets this week? There's one that just says "I hate old school" and three angry responses pretty much saying "DONT TELL ME WHAT TO WEAR". That's the kind of place this will become - you won't be allowed to say anything unless it's complimentary and asslicky. We've gone from one extreme to the other; in depth drama is not necessary to the fashion, but neither is the "lovely lolita" behaviour that only thirteen year old weeaboos expect from the community.

>> No.6477903
File: 10 KB, 175x220, 1324674689907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have I missed something or what? (I've seen the thread with moot but didn't read it except for a few posts.)

We've had janitors before who more or less often deleted some dramu threads. It was like that for a while and then the janitors seemed to have fallen asleep and new threads came. So what makes you think there'll never be dramu threads again?

Don't bury yourself so quickly, /cgl/.

>> No.6477919

I just miss the PT threads. It's nice not to have any of the other drama and the mod seems to have finally killed off the 'tripfag culture' that made shitposting so appealing, but what is /cgl/ without PT? It's like trying to rebuild /r9k/ without misogynists. Sure, it's not what the board is about, but it's an essential part of its character. I'm hardly on /cgl/ these days.

>> No.6477927

This probably all happened before it was an actual janitor, it was a global janitor shitting up the board before. The actual janitor most likely has browsed this board, a lot. They're not going to enstate a newfag on a board that is prone to them.(lets face it, most women did not exist on the chans before. Even if around 2006-2007 is a turning point, there was still significantly less than there is now.)

Also I'm one of the people you quoted and am not the same as the other.

>> No.6477928

The mods will loosen up on the EGL stuff with a bit of time. To ban casual criticism is a bit heavy-handed. But I am entirely glad I never have to see a Kotakoti or PT thread again so in the short term it's worth a minor loss.

I just hope the casuals and DAT ASS cosplay threads don't take over in the vacuum created by this.

>> No.6477936

Screen shot it. Make a case. Because I honestly haven't been seeing any disappear, imo it would be unfortunate if the janitor was dismissed but if they're really deleting lolita threads...then this janitor is gonna get dismissed fast. I mean it's obvious the janitor is going to be a cosplayer over a lolita, anyway.

>> No.6477949

I went through the archive. It looks like the only lolita threads that have been getting deleted are the ones about specific lolitas and the ones about rehashed LJ community drama.

>> No.6477959

I think it's almost legit to delete those, though. However I think the janitor should really be trying to delete only negative singling out of lolitas(ignoring our ita threads. which I know ONE got deleted. No singling out for those, but..it's the same as a "bad cosplay thread.")
HEAR THAT JANITOR? You best be good and pay attention. You may not know a whole lot about the lolita side, but maybe you should wait until there's another janitor to handle that part of things if you're not listening.

>> No.6477968

I think the janitor is learning. They did leave the most recent ita thread alone: >>6461533

>> No.6477970

They were not, the janitor sucks. And you are pretentious AS FUCK with your whole "do ho ho you newfags, womyn didnt exist on the internet until 2012 therefore y'aaall newfags".

Now enjoy the janitor you just defended sticking a huge one up your ass. We have a reason to complain.

>> No.6477973

One issue I see happening is that until now the majority of /cgl/'s lolita discussions have revolved around drama and singling people out.

So of course it's going to be difficult for the lolitas to get used to the rules finally being enforced. The transition seems to have been easier on the cosplay side of this board.

>> No.6477982

>>So of course it's going to be difficult for the lolitas to get used to the rules finally being enforced
Could be, but there's always been a lot of lolita content on here that's not just drama. It's never entirely been just drama content... Shit, the dramafags of egl had their gtfoegl livejournal to let steam off. Now all the more reason to go revive a shit livejournal community, if they don't like it.

>> No.6477989

True. There's still a ton of lolita content on here though. I just went through the first few pages and there are lots of lolita threads. They aren't drama but threads about actual lolita stuff like coords and shoes and new people asking about their local lolita communities.

>> No.6478006

I am fucking glad for the death of retarded bullshit lolita drama rehashes - especially the type of drama that is "let's chew the cud on the old wank that's already on livejournal" or "ooh ooh ooh when are you going to post on getoffegl about this".

Also, some of you cunts really need to cut it out with bringing every single drama ever. What the fuck was even up with all the random tumblr drama and bullshit "doll thread general".

>> No.6478015

I've sent moot a couple emails about how the moderation is killing the board. If other people could do the same that'd be great!

>> No.6478020

it's not, though.
Go kill yourself

>> No.6478032

Not being able to have your petty bitching about other people isn't going to kill the board, it just means it's going to be more egl/cosplay related.

>> No.6478033

i don't care either way, but what i don't understand is why people seem to feel drama is so unacceptable. you're on 4chan. of course there are and should be limits, but you can't go on 4chan and expect anons to not be jerks.

>> No.6478040

I'm sure there's going to be SOME drama. We can always hang out on that new dramu livejournal if you're that desperate. I kind of like having it all in one place, but separate. The fact that it still lives on, but isn't the main focus will probably prevent the place from becoming 100% hugbox.

>> No.6478042

because unlike all other boards, this board is one of the closest to meeting each other outside of being anonymous. We are basically cosplay convention, lolita meet ups, and other events that involve real life and meeting one another. Along with being mostly women, who are more prone to drama, we have the element of real life in there. So some people will choose to come on here and drag someone through the mud more than they already have, drama-wise..

Lets face it, we see too much of people's dirty laundry and this isn't the place for airing it out.

>> No.6478047

>Honestly cgl went easy on their bullying victims; no one died or was sent pizzas; no one even got into a hit and run lol
Calling CPS on Ashley's parents and calling the cops on Dakota to get their parents to mow their lawn is going easy?

>> No.6478053

Don't forget sending screeds to pixyteri's mother about not raising her daughter properly or threatening to send purinyappikura's journal posts to her mother "since she just leeches off her to be a whore in Korea".

>> No.6478056

You can't logically expect half of the women in this thread to know all the facts about /cgl/, most of them barely have lurked it from time to time and not very long at that.

They all seriously believed the Frances troll was legit a person on here. Anyone who's been around for long enough and lurked for long enough knew it's always been multiple trolls.

>> No.6478070

You have to remember, though, that the people that do those things are always told they're taking it too far, and to leave the drama on /cgl/. I think most of us do not appreciate when someone wants to take it too far, and contact authorities/a parent.

>> No.6478077

I'd like a quick head count of those in favour of my earlier idea if at all possible. All those who might use such a board say aye!

>> No.6478081


/cgl/ didn't call the cops on Dakota or her family, that was a completely irrelevant thing from years ago and had nothing to do with 4chan. It was actually her areas council or whatever the American equivalent is that served them with a fine for letting their front yard get out of hand.

Where the he did you get that it was /cgl/ that did that?

>> No.6478084

Anon-chan is obviously in favour of hugbox mode and wants to blow all past drama out of proportion.

>> No.6478097

Thank you!

>> No.6478103

Honestly, I always find PT's hijinks amusing, but I can always just follow her. I almost think it doesn't need a discussion, her type of crazy speaks for itself.
Besides, most of you are kissing her ass and then coming here and sharing anything she's confided in you. That sort of backstabbing is pretty ridiculous. Stop being a bunch of two-faced bitches and confront her. Maybe if enough people were honest with her and she saw how many friends she blocks/deletes something would finally click in that head of hers. Instead, she thinks that those of you so invested in her life to actually talk to her on a regular basis actually care about her well-being. I'm blocked because I was just honest and upfront with her from day one. No fucks given.

>> No.6478125
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I'm not really relevant to the board so it's not like my opinion matters much, but I'm not sure what I'm in favour of.
I do think that a lot of the drama got way out of hand, particularly when PT's home address was posted here. I'm staunchly against any kind of harassment that involves colliding somebody's personal life with their internet life because with the internet you can just erase your identity and vanish... it's a lot harder to do in real life and can damage a person irreparably.

On the other hand, it's hard to pretend that the board hasn't gotten boring. The janitor/mod is being way too heavy-handed in his/her duties but I suspect that will lessen up given time. As a lot of people mentioned before, one of the better aspects of the cattiness and drama was that it allowed people to receive real, unbridled criticism and the result was that they were allowed to grow in some respects.

It's annoying visiting other boards and seeing that places like /fit/ are allowed their FPS threads to go unharmed, or /tv/ their creepy Bella Throne paedophile thread that are allowed to go on, and it feels like they're now being allowed certain liberties that /cgl/ isn't. I mean, this "IS" 4chan for gods sake, what do you expect coming here?

I was actually browsing /cgl/'s chanarchive today and looking at all the archived threads and guessing which ones would now be deleted if they were posted here today. Made me sad.


>> No.6478161

Why not just make a drama general thread? It'd include everyone that is usually discussed.
Is that acceptable or not? I mean...its not just one person.

But I don't think thered be an influx of weebs. I personally don't see how
No drama=maor weebs

>> No.6478181

Lesbehonest here.
The mmain reason people are bitching now is because no pt/ashley/dakota threads.
Anons have created a seperate site for the dramacows of /cgl/
Fucking go there.
Some of you don't know when to slow your roll and by that I mean trying to insert yourselves into these peoples lives.
>oh someone should call/fb message/their friends/family/job
And other shit. If you cray bitches didn't take it too far I don't think those threads would be a problem.
Got no one else to blame but yourselves.

>> No.6478630
File: 151 KB, 1351x536, deleted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our nazi janitor is seriously out of control. He/she just deleted a moe cosplay thread, and then pic related. I understand the latter wasn't entirely related to cosplay, but it was about cons! How is that not on-topic? I'm honestly afraid to start any threads now just because I don't want to get banned or something for posting something the janitor dislikes.

>> No.6478644

I thought moot said we were getting new janitors?

>> No.6478647


>> No.6478651

How is lying about having a boyfriend at a con even remotely cosplay or lolita-related? you posted a 'don't hit on me silly boys' thread.

>> No.6478655

I made that board by the way


I could see you all lurking in it when I last posted it but not giving me any feedback. So, thread dwellers... should I turn on guest posting???

>> No.6478678

He got rid of our old janitor, but we apparently have a new one that goes on deleting rampages.

I said it wasn't completely cosplay-related, but it *was* con-related. If we're not allowed to discuss what we do at cons, what are we allowed to talk about...?

>> No.6478680

Posting about doing that in a thread about dealing with convention creepers would be fine but it's kind of off topic otherwise

>> No.6478686

discuss what you do at cons within threads about cons?

>> No.6478693 [DELETED] 

oh my, famous time?

>> No.6478728
File: 98 KB, 418x455, 1312063942730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked cgl then, I like cgl now

>> No.6478749

I don't mind too much but I feel there has been an increase in people trying to whiteknight shitty cosplay and itas and getting people clearly from tumblr and livejournal who keep on getting offended at everything. I wish we didn't get those people.

>> No.6478751

This. I know that when someone decided to make PT a online dating profile, me and some other anons told them that it's not funny and to stop. I personally think that guy cosplaying PT was taking it too far as well and I don't think that was ever funny.

>> No.6478768

Seriously fuck everyone in this thread whining about their precious dramu being gone from this board. PT/Asherbee/Dakota/etc. threads shouldn't ever have existed on this board in the first place. It has nothing to do with cosplay or lolita and I don't give a fuck about those people's lives or what the latest "drama" is... you people must live extremely boring lives if those threads are fun for you. I'm happy with the changes and hopefully this board can refocus and actually be worth visiting.

Hell, I don't even like Yaya or JNig threads. I'm tired of hearing about people.

>> No.6478792

My honest opinion? I don't really think we need that board. maximum.faggotry.org is close enough to 4chan for it to appeal to us for everything we're not allowed here. It's slow, but it's possible that's because people don't know about it, maybe because they've left now that drama is not allowed, or maybe because they're not around when the link is posted. Maybe we could get someone to add it to the sticky?

>> No.6478806


I miss maryjane. I want her to be my financial dominatrix. QQQQ

>> No.6478803

I just got warning ban for reporting a tripfag ban evader. wut.

>> No.6478818

what the fuck is a financial dominatrix? Don't you have to pay money to see a dominatrix in a first place?

>> No.6478828


What the fuck is with all these faggots coming to *chans? Everyone is meant to be a target.

>> No.6478829 [DELETED] 

Well you see, its someone that'll spank/degrade your money instead of you and have you watch it while taking pleasure in seeing your money getting burned up and what not... i guess.

>> No.6478836

She'll give you money after she's given you herpes.

>> No.6478834 [DELETED] 

So i guess the term Lolita having a sugar daddy is actually a financial dominatrix.

>> No.6478837

Instead of seeing one live, they basically call you names and make you do stupid shit over webcam/IM/the phone, and you have to regularly pay just to talk to them.

UnseelieAllure is a financial domme now.


>> No.6478845

Yes. The big difference is that a financial dominatrix is not one who insults *you* personally, but your taste, your style, your value as someone who provides her with financial support or gifts. FinDoms humiliate you by making you spend huge amounts of money on her--then tells you that the items you bought her are worthless/useless/sub-par.

Personally, I don't see the turn-on, but I suppose that's a sticking point with most fetishes.

>> No.6478848

Like hell she is. She just hops fetish to fetish like some kind of money-grabbing tree frog. No dominatrix in her right mind would make videos *on her knees* begging her "worms" for money. Ugh.

>> No.6478852

It is a shame. I would totally buy MJ games and shit on steam over some delicious femdom. She's gone now though.

>> No.6478856

I don't think it will die. It survived just fine before. But I honestly miss the drama from a few years ago when this place wasn't as popular. Because that drama revolved actual convention drama, or drama with our tripfags that were cosplayers. It was less "I hate this person lets follow their lives and hate everything", and more "What the fuck is going on with this cosplayer?".

I stopped coming here regularly when people that weren't cosplayers (or lolitas) started becoming tripfags, and it just became this jumbled pile of shit. I feel that at that point we started to have less of a community feel, because I felt that the anons and trips lived in harmony with each other. Even if it was a love hate relationship, we were all in the same hobby, with the similar goals.

>> No.6478862

Why would you go for maryjane of all people? Even her feet are ugly

>> No.6478880

I liked her asuka cosplay and she admitted to liking femdom

>> No.6479153

Loosely related threads that mention cons or cosplay do not constitute being board related.

>> No.6479188

>Cons and cosplay
>Not cosplay board related

Did you even read what you typed before you posted it?

>> No.6479222

Honestly? I don't want /r9k/, /a/ and /jp/ to go.

I find them cute. I want them to stay. They're the cutest guys on this site.

>> No.6479225

Are you retarded?
Let me put this in terms that you can understand.

>board about cosplay
>A thread about ducks
>How many people that like ducks cosplay?

Kill yourself.

>> No.6479230

/q/ thread discussing the janitor problems /cgl/ is having. Apparently we're not the only board having issues with power-crazed janitors.


>> No.6479235

New janitor feels threads? Alright.

Dear Janitor,


>> No.6479239

Might be a good thread to just start on your own. Seriously.

>> No.6479247

Isn't that Crown and Crumpet in SF?

>> No.6479249

n0chan.com/cow/ is a good board for discussing lolcows

>> No.6479262

You know what's stranger? This thread is off-topic, this thread is against the rules.

Where is our janitor? Did they give us a janitor that only comes on 1h a day? Hence "deleting sprees."

MOOT DID YOU EVEN READ THE APPLICATIONS?!? God effing damnit. I even applied for this volunteer shit-work, where's my email?

>> No.6479269


I applied for the same shit. Seems all the people who had the potential to be competent mods or janitors were ignored.

>> No.6479274 [DELETED] 

>Implying they should care.

>> No.6479286

>Implying we need a janitor that isn't around.

Also good-bye pinned topic. Hello, moderation.

>> No.6479291
File: 294 KB, 1600x878, uj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh surprise, surprise. Moot threw a bitchfit and locked the thread.

>> No.6479298

I love the way moot pretends to be this impartial dude when I know for a fucking fact he asks random girls from 4chan who have added him/he's added on AIM to show tits and blocks them if they don't.

He's such a dick. So damn transparent he uses 4chan to pick up girls.

>> No.6479302


I don't understand this.

Moot is now making money off of the users of 4chan via the passes, so why is he going out of his way to fuck up his product and make his customers miserable and frustrated?

He's acting like a fucking brat over his own failures and the way people react to them.


>> No.6479304

Why would you even make it obvious that you were a girl to moot, anyway? It's just asking for that, unless you were on a personal level from speaking previously multiple times... I mean shit..

>> No.6479309

I just don't like him because he did it to an ex of mine. Really brought him down a few notches in my mind.

Fucking animal collective fan probably too.

>> No.6479316

You're far too mad, go calm down. What he said is not unfair at all, he has a fairly large site to make decisions on and he's not taken advantage of the site's popularity in any way in all these years. In fact, I RESPECT Moot for not selling out like facebook.
He probably doesn't honestly even make as much as you think. With the amount that has to go into a site to run with this amount of users, I can't really imagine him making too much extra. Along with trying hard to keep ads to a bare minimum. You bitches need to learn a bit more about the site you're using before whining

Or just go somewhere else.

>> No.6479315

What about BITCHES BE BITCHES threads where we make greentext stories complaining about bitches at cons, without even using their names?

>> No.6479318


Oh shit, go on. I'm interested.

INB4 moot comes in here and bans everybody in the thread.

>> No.6479319

Happened years ago, before I'd even met her. But I trust her judgment enough to know it was the truth.

>> No.6479332

You fucked this up

You worded it incorrectly, you should have left that "board culture" mess out and stuck to the actual wrongdoings of the janitor (like deleting the moe cosplay thread)

>> No.6479334

Your girlfriend probably added him and started flirting.

Honestly I wouldn't blame him for telling her off in that manner. Most 4chan women probably want moot's dick, when they add him.

>> No.6479338

It's quite possible she added him with flirting in mind, but apparently he was sort of quick with asking for tits.

>> No.6479341

She could have been stretching the truth, you know. Everyone does it to some extent.

>> No.6479343

Well, what kind of women do you think he's used to having add him? Women from 4chan(most likely /b/) and half of those show tits. Because admit it, most women from 4chan are not going to be used to the meme "show tits or gtfo" and will show them pretty much to anyone on the internet.

>> No.6479349

>It's quite possible she added him with flirting in mind, but apparently he was sort of quick with asking for tits.
This is a crock of shit. I rarely use AIM and don't Skype with 4channers. Nor have any of my conversations on MOOTCHAT even gone there.

You're a multi-banned shitposter who is mad that they can't shit up the board with off-topic threads any longer.

Stay mad, and keep lying. It will certainly take you places.

>> No.6479351

I love you moot.

>> No.6479356

Moot has been this way ever since canv.as fell flat on it's fucking, failed face, behaving like a spoiled child and beating his fists against the ground whenever anybody says or does something he doesn't like.

I love how ever since then he's casually sidled back into 4chan and begun implementing all of these changes and posting regularly in order to appear "prominent" and "current", and now he's set up the 4chan passes as a way of recuperating his monetary losses from canv.as. Yet you still get people sucking his dick dry despite the fact it's pretty common knowledge what a dirtbag he is.

>> No.6479357

>moot is among us

Dear lord thank God maybe cgl will actually improve.

>> No.6479363


moot can you please ban this bitch?

She contributes absolutely nothing to this board and constantly derails threads to make them about herself

>> No.6479364


H-Hi moot...

>> No.6479365


Oh and now look who's shown up.
Am I going to get a ban now for hurting your feelings?

>> No.6479360

>You're a multi-banned shitposter
Jesus fucking Christ who is this nutjob

>> No.6479361

i thought moot...was...gay....

>> No.6479366 [DELETED] 

I can see this thread turning fun soon enough.

>> No.6479368

Dude, she knew what degree you were taking well before you told anyone on 4chan, as well as a number of other things that only someone who spoke to you would know, and that I won't reveal here.

I honestly don't care, my annoyance was that I thought you weren't that kind of person to be honest about it. And her revealing that led me to believe you were no better than the average /soc/scum.

>> No.6479370

Spoony you're being downright ungreatful. How much time have you enjoyed browsing this site? How many friends have you met through using it?

>> No.6479372

Well good to know my defending you meant nothing!

Well, really it is nice to know you're better than that anyway but I wouldn't blame you for acting that way anyhow.

>> No.6479374

Moot please delete
And ban all those who support it

>> No.6479376

I think the reason who cgl is so catty is because you've got like these women who are surrounded by dudes on every other board where they are constantly called sluts and whores and bitches and dudes keep talking smack about them.
and the only place that has discussion is cgl so all their pent up frustration gets unleashed here, but they take it out on each others.

truly a sad discovery.

>> No.6479382

To be honest, that thread is technically not against any rules because no one is being singled out

>> No.6479384

Why ban a mad tripfag who would just ban evade?

You're free to leave whenever you'd like! But you won't.

In that case, I can't tell if it's you or her who is full of shit. Said conversation never took place, I never share personal details about my life with random 4channers -- especially not on AIM, and I have never "tits or gtfo'ed" anyone.

>> No.6479386

>asks random girls from 4chan who have added him/he's added on AIM to show tits and blocks them if they don't.

Oh no. moot acting like the average 4chan user. Give me a break.

I miss the drama threads. Oh well. At least we still have the weeaboo horror stories.

>> No.6479392

moot how many bans have I recieved? I don't remember.

>Also I'm trying not to troll now. I swear.

>> No.6479395

>In that case, I can't tell if it's you or her who is full of shit.

That's what she told me. She supplemented it by telling me a few things about you (for example, your degree) that I later found out was true.

Don't get so mad about it. Like I said, it's not some territorial thing on my part. I just never had you pegged for that kinda dude.

It wasn't MOOTCHAT either, it was another AIM account.

Who knows, maybe she made it up for attention, but even though she's an ex now, it just doesn't seem like her character.

>> No.6479402


I am grateful for the sites existence, however I'm not going pretend I don't think he's a gigantic jerk just because he owns it. I remember when 4chan was a place you were able to share information unrestricted and unbridled, it's frustrating to see what it's turning into on account of this guys ego.

Why should I be grateful that a guy is making money off of people only to turn round and abuse them.
That's all I'm going to say, I can't be bothered with the tantrum that's about to start on account of me not gobbling up every dingleberry clinging to moots anus.


Try again genius, it's called a dynamic IP. I don't intentionally ban evade but you should take it up with my ISP if it bothers you that much.

>> No.6479396

But but

You should still ban her for being a shitposter


>> No.6479398

No. Your theory is baseless and makes no sense.

As far as I'm concerned, you're unisex until you fucking admit to being one gender or the other on any of the boards. If you can't ignore misogyny so much that you HAVE to respond, then you need to find a new site in general. There's plenty of things I don't agree with that I've seen on 4chan as a whole.(multiple boards) You don't need to respond to every thread like you're on Gaia.

If "they" want hugs for being of the female gender then they can go somewhere else, that's not 4chan. We don't need to know your gender, you're anonymous.

Women are regularly like this to other women(but moreso in highschool.)

>> No.6479399

Hilarious that you go from being a decent person to outright bitchy
>inb4 you disagree with me so must be a whiteknight
You have the option to leave 4chins if you're going to act like a little bitch when shit doesn't go your way anons.
If I get banned for the drama thread, that's fine. Just thought that by not focusing on one person would gather all the "bbaaaaw no dramu4me" users. Guess not.
Does it bother me? Nope. 4chann is not datsrs y'all.

>> No.6479404 [DELETED] 
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This calls for ... TOLD status, but i dont have any pics for that though.
Nice job mootikins.

>> No.6479412

MOOTCHAT is the only AIM account I have ever used to interact with 4channers. As I said, she is full of shit, and you are clinging to some made up story for God know's what reason.

4chan has always had rules, as has /cgl/.

Sad you can't get away with breaking them any longer? Tough shit.

>> No.6479418

Moot have you considered pulling the plug on 4chan for an extended period of time?

>> No.6479417
File: 10 KB, 251x226, 1340941316092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw moot finally called spoony out on her shit

>> No.6479419

Why are you even on this board? None of your post seems relevant and it's always touhou photos.

>> No.6479422

You can easily find out what his degree was by watching a few of his speeches on youtube. Troll/10. Leave mootykins alone.

>> No.6479420

I'm not 'clinging to it' Moot. Put yourself in my shoes, if it's a girl you trusted, and she gives you some supplemental evidence, then you'd believe her too.

I'll take your word for it though, simply because it's not beyond the realm of possibility she could have been in an attention whorey mood, and because you seem pretty vociferous about it.

>> No.6479423

>Moot have you considered pulling the plug on 4chan for an extended period of time?
No. I use 4chan daily, as do about a million others.

>Why are you even on this board? None of your post seems relevant and it's always touhou photos.
It's all they have in life.

>> No.6479426 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, 1354964862206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take pleasure in being mean to people like your kind, that's reason enough for me to be here.

>> No.6479424

>Beloved Moot kicking Spooony's ass
This made my day.

>> No.6479430

Please stand aside woman, this is two men resolving their issues openly in an amiable manner. Take your jezebelian chicanery back to /soc/.

>> No.6479431

Does this mean you're coming to hang out with us more?

>> No.6479432

People lie all the time. But simply: don't trust an ex. That's just looking for problems and you seem to still trust someone that is no longer worthy of it.(not there)

>> No.6479436
File: 65 KB, 600x178, venture-bros-ignore-me1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, not sure if this was brought up or not. But there was discussion earlier on a on topic thread being deleted? It was a moe cosplay thread.
If this has been addressed, ignoooreee me.

>> No.6479435

Go use gaia then. Plenty of women on there. Our board doesn't need you.

>> No.6479438 [DELETED] 
File: 344 KB, 611x320, 1351975187303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ara ara ~ Arent you the tsun type there, it only makes it funnier for me.

I'm only here to make friends with you though Mooti ~

>> No.6479440


Moot can you please just permaban Spoony and Page?

I think there should be some kind of system for tripfags where they get banned if they only ever use a trip for offtopic shit, like Spoony.

>> No.6479439

Maybe you're right anon.

She did do a lot of things to make me not trust her I suppose. But then, I wasn't the ideal boyfriend either.

Sorry Moot. We'll leave it at that.

>> No.6479445

As someone who has spoken off and on with moot since earlier this year, he's never once asked to see my boobs which means you're all full of shit.

Or possibly my boobs are just that unimpressive and no one cares. But probably the aforementioned.

Spoony, I know you really love PT threads but aren't you acting a bit OTT?

Being a little tighter on the drama is not a bad thing IMO. People are still going to be as catty and bitchy as they were before, it just means there won't be ENTIRE THREADS dedicated to it.

>> No.6479442

It's true, no one is going to leave.
If you care enough to stick around and post on the boards, you probably have no other place to go. As much as it's a shithole, it's our shithole.

>> No.6479443

Or circlejerking.

>> No.6479448


If he was able to ban the Beiber-poster, surely he can handle Cunt and Page

>> No.6479453

Just ban all the gross virgins from other boards and /cgl/ will be fine.

>> No.6479451

If moot bans all the people you dislike as of now, you'll just find someone else to gripe with in the future and the circle of hatred will continue

>> No.6479452

So...moot.. was this the only janitor /cgl/ was getting? I'm tired of sitting by my email.

>> No.6479454

>Spoony, I know you really love PT threads but aren't you acting a bit OTT?

Girl that is the hugest understatement.

>> No.6479459

It's not just about banning people that are disliked, it's about banning people who contribute nothing to this board, shitpost, and constantly derail threads

>> No.6479461


It's not a matter of "we don't like her, so she should be permab&!", it's because she's a desperate attentionwhore who has fuck all to do with cosplay or lolita with no reason to be here in the first place, much less trip.

She acts as though her sole purpose for being here is to be off topic and talk about herself, which is in no way shape or form beneficial to /cgl/.

>> No.6479462

But, I want to see your boobs, Don't talk down about yourself so much!

>> No.6479465

We should keep a running thread of glory-days-of-/cgl/-relevant threads on other boards. For example, there is a social justice Tumblr thread here: >>8098742

>> No.6479470

I've actually seen her contribute quite a lot to hair and makeup threads. Also with apparel. She has and also cosplays. Just because she has a more extroverted persona online doesn't make her any different

>> No.6479473

Sometimes the /cgl/ mod is a bit of a Nazi

if someone makes a vaguely disrespectful comment, he will delete the enitre thread instead of just the offending posts

>> No.6479474


What I'm saying has absolutely nothing to do with PT threads. I've said myself that even I think they got way out of hand and PT should be left to her own devices (it's probably the only way she'll ever come back to reality, if people just leave her alone).

This is about moot constantly throwing his weight around and acting like it's a privilege that we should have to put up with shitty janitors, idiot mods and a captcha system that is constantly failing unless dig into your wallet.

>> No.6479479

Yeah, it is true she's never done lolita, the only cosplay photo she ever posted was an attempt, and nor has she posted herself in j-fashion or anything. Just face pictures, nudity, tits, contributes to drama threads and stalking.

I know for a fact I used to see her on /r9k/ a while ago and the idea I got was that she basically streaked across the boards and tinychats.

But honestly? There's too many people on /cgl/ that have just basically made it home to their off-topic LOLSORANDOMxD-shit. It's been this way forever, as soon as the tripfags started meeting each other at conventions and circle jerking themselves and personal business on here.

>> No.6479480
File: 15 KB, 460x276, 1321392657379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just because she has a more extroverted persona online doesn't make her any different
I'm not even sure I have a suitable reaction face for this, so this one will have to do.

>> No.6479483

>This is about moot constantly throwing his weight around and acting like it's a privilege that we should have to put up with shitty janitors, idiot mods and a captcha system that is constantly failing unless dig into your wallet.

But 4chan is a privilege

its moots site and he can do what he wants with it

>> No.6479484

Maybe you should put your glasses on, my captcha works just fine

Captcha arm engigin

>> No.6479485

Why is it that I feel like no matter what type of mod we get, a hand full of people will always hate them.
The only thing about this mod has done that I have disapproved of the moe thread being deleted. What else has this mod deleted that we are so upset about?

>> No.6479487

So what you doing now, moot?
In your personal life. Dating anyone?
Reading any good books?

>> No.6479490

She has one failed cosplay

She constantly derails threads

Pretty much everyone hates her, aside from the guys who want to fuck her

>> No.6479491

>I know for a fact I used to see her on /r9k/ a while ago and the idea I got was that she basically streaked across the boards and tinychats.
>/r9k/ tinychats
Ah. It all makes sense now.

>> No.6479488
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Goddamn, Moot beat me to it.

>> No.6479489

Fuck you Spoony. This board sucks because of bottom feeders like you. I finally get why you're so infatuated with PT; you're essentially just like her. You want attention even if it's the bad kind.

>> No.6479495
File: 475 KB, 831x495, 1349303606558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when Spoony first came here from /fa/
She posted tits in her first thread, bless her.

/fa/ warned us at the time that we didn't want her

>> No.6479494
File: 315 KB, 1250x1036, anta full baka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is about moot constantly throwing his weight around and acting like it's a privilege

I'ts HIS site. Don't like it? Go make your own.

>> No.6479496

>Why is it that I feel like no matter what type of mod we get, a hand full of people will always hate them.
Because that is the way of any moderation on any site of the internet. And the same with knowing people. It's impossible to go through life with EVERYONE liking you.

Forum board consists of 1,000,000 people. Spotlight is on you, judgement as well. People pick and pry.

>> No.6479498 [DELETED] 

We NEED janitors/mods. It's fucking awful when we don't have any. But it's going to take a while to find the right one? We can't just have someone from within the community or /cgl will throw a fit. And since someone from the outside would have a clue about the dynamic of /cgl I'm not surprised we've had problems.

So it figures it'd take a while and a lot of trial and error to find the right people.

As for captcha eh? Sites that get a lot of hits are expensive to fund (I ran fansites which were far easier for me because I could use google adsense). Most places would not be up for having advertisement here for obvious reasons, I guess he has to fund this site somehow. Captcha doesn't bug out of me very often, I'm so used to it now it doesn't even register as a nuisance.

But just my two cents spoons.

>> No.6479500

Circle lense thread, photoshoot thread, and a sewing thread I think.

>> No.6479501

Personally I'm interested in how that lolita meetup with moot on Dec. 1st was.

>> No.6479503
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>> No.6479504

I'd love it if /cgl/ was more like other slower boards like /c/. Maximum content, minimal live journal face book shit.

>> No.6479505

We NEED janitors/mods. It's fucking awful when we don't have any. But it's going to take a while to find the right one? We can't just have someone from within the community or /cgl will throw a fit. And since someone from the outside wouldn't have a clue about the dynamic of /cgl I'm not surprised we've had problems.

So it figures it'd take a while and a lot of trial and error to find the right people.

As for captcha eh? Sites that get a lot of hits are expensive to fund (I ran fansites which were far easier for me because I could use google adsense). Most places would not be up for having advertisement here for obvious reasons, I guess he has to fund this site somehow. Captcha doesn't bug out of me very often, I'm so used to it now it doesn't even register as a nuisance.

But just my two cents worth of common sense.

>> No.6479506

I've never personally been to the r9k tinychats, but I know she's been in the cgl one.

Don't be readin' inbetween them lines, moot.

>> No.6479510

There's never going to be the RIGHT one. You people expect way too much from people. Who is he gonna pick? One of your trip buddies. God no that would be awful.

>> No.6479511

The tumblr kids have found this place. Makes me sad.

I still don't understand why the moe thread got baleeted. I mean who can hate moe? Also, they were wearing costumes.

>> No.6479515


Oh, I don't think that's really the problem, and I totally get where you're coming from. If you go to /q/ though you'll see that the problem isn't just /cgl/ exclusive, it's happening on so many other boards it's more then just a coincidental pattern. I don't know what the hell is up with the janitors/mods moot or whoever is in charge of selecting them is doing, but it is actually like they are picking out the most incompetent channers they can find.

What's annoying is when moot even fails to address that he's created a problem and just goes "tl;dr shut up" and then bans or threatens to ban anybody who disagrees with him.

>> No.6479513

Oi, moot, I know this is probably the wrong thread for it, but it's sorta on-topic.

Are "sexy cosplay" threads now forbidden? I noticed something about creepers being targeted in that other thread and I can't tell if that counts as being creepy or not.

>> No.6479517
File: 74 KB, 598x642, 1329784448711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6479520

a tripcunt is mad they cant break the rules with impunity any more?

seems legit.jpg

>> No.6479521

I was looking for that circle lens thread...now it's too late for me to be able to get the right info for this upcoming con. I'm gonna have to wait till next year.

It's not to say I can't find the right info elsewhere, but this place has beat other places for asking other buyers questions.

>> No.6479522


There should be a board specific quiz or something. To test one's janitorial qualifications. Questions about which types of threads are and are not okay, questions about old ass /cgl/, etc.

Not sure how that would work, though.

>> No.6479527

/c/ is still alive? :(

How can it exist without pupu..

Regardless, /c/ is not going to have personal bullshit besides a name on the actual artist and artist dumps. /cgl/ is a different world. Now you're breaking my heart, because I dumped it when the janitor disappeared and I didn't understand moderation back then.

I forever will believe you don't answer emails after that email.

>> No.6479529

>We can't just have someone from within the community or /cgl will throw a fit.

No, if you cared to continue to read the whole paragraph.

Also trip"buddies" really? Me of all people?

And there's no reason why we can't find someone suitable with a bit of time and patience. I know that's not really /cgl's strong point, but still.

Considering how much 4channers suck in general I don't loathe him for having to try and find competent mods/janitors myself. I'm honestly surprised things aren't worst than they are all things considered..

>> No.6479536

That's actually a good idea. You'd want somebody from the community but not somebody biased. A little tough.

>> No.6479539

Here's the problem though: someone can still be a good mod or janitor even if they don't know the board's "lore" or "culture". They might make more questionable deletions or flags but as long as they stick to the board rules and don't go singling out things willy nilly, it should be fine.

>> No.6479541

It's impossible. Just get a person who enforces the rules on the rule page. "culture" threads can go suck a dick.

>> No.6479544

Maybe our janitor is an oldfag and is aware of the board's culture. That wouldn't make a difference. Rules are rules.

>> No.6479545

I dunno, ai. You're friends with Masa, the biggest shitposter on this board and you'd let him get away with shit you'd tell us to stop.

>> No.6479548

This board's culture was created from the results of the rules never having been enforced.

>> No.6479549


I wasn't surprised with the first shitty janitor, but moot said he removed that one and that we've got a new one now, and it feels like the same old shit all over again. If I didn't know any better, I'd say it was the same janitor.

And for all the rest of you, keep on suck, suck sucking. Maybe if you're lucky you'll squeeze out a mod position, or you can like, just keep telling yourselves that. Whatever helps you sleep better at night.

>> No.6479554

I could have sworn ...

sewing general
There are two photo shop threads and I guess you could either create a new thread to dicuss posing (or just got to /p/) or discuss photography here >>6478066
didnt find anything on circle lens though..

thats a bit much.

>> No.6479550


Then why shouldn't they be enforced now?

>> No.6479551

>the biggest shitposter on this board

.. maybe three years ago.

>> No.6479559

Or maybe the first janitor wasn't the problem. Maybe people like you who used the board exclusively for drama shitposting were always the problem.

>> No.6479562

>And for all the rest of you, keep on suck, suck sucking.

same to you. its a shame you havent been permabanned.

>> No.6479566


>Mad because she can't convince Moot to run his site her way so she has a place to get attention
>throws a hissy fit and says everyone's just sucking moot's cock because he's moot

Bitch, shut the fuck up. Nobody really likes you here, and you don't need to be here. Now that the PT/Venus/Dakota threads are gone, you're one of the last major shitstains left on this board. It's time for you to get the fuck on and go.

Stop crying about wanting moot to run his site your way and go post your mediocre tits and ass on Tumblr like all the other generic white bitches with daddy issues.

>> No.6479567

Tell me, what's the upside to drama threads?
Are there any?
I certainly cannot see any. Only a bunch of catty bitches hissing at people better (or in rarer cases, worse) at cosplaying than them. Cosplaying is a fucking hobby, let people have fun, jesus christ, we're all fucking nerds dressing up as fictional characters.

>> No.6479569

It's worse when it's lolita. We wear this shit everyday! I don't really want drama bitches in my community, either.

>> No.6479570

I'm just saying you ain't some unbiased person. You can, and do, make exception for your friends even when they shit post up a storm.

>> No.6479571

I'm not here for the lolita side, but damn, you're right, I can certainly see it being even worse for lolitas.

Can't we all just get along?

>> No.6479572


Why do people think this is about drama threads? I'm talking about all the completely relevant ones that have been getting deleted.

I think you people need to remind yourselves that tripfags also lurk, probably more then they post.

>> No.6479576
File: 85 KB, 500x700, disthr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah shit Spoony, you pissed off Moot so much you actually got him to speak.
Not sure if impressed, or feel second hand embarrassment.

>> No.6479579

Can you give any examples that aren't obvious dramabait? If so, please do.

>> No.6479585

I think modding drama is a good thing, but completely removing it is like challenging society itself. I think plenty come here to liberally communicate with people unlike the way they do in their daily lives.

Yeah, there were some things we got carried away with, but it unfortunately was the act of one or two outliers who absolutely wanted to ruin PT or Ashley's day. That was the extreme. But you could tell some people just read it to get entertained.

I'd rather just hope for a janitor who can remove the off-topic posts but understand that some light gossip is part of any lifestyle or hobby scene.

I get the feeling that PT will start to taunt /cgl/ when she realizes that we're not allowed to make threads about her, and it might make /cgl/ pretty angry enough to want to ruin her day outside of 4chan.

>> No.6479591

The moe one for starters. Sorry, I just love moe. (._.)

>> No.6479590

You know, you could have collected any reminces of what little composure you have and state yourself in a manner that moot would listen to. Seriously, look at your posts. Look at all the posts you've ever made here, you really think that your not being a hypocrite when you make statements like this?
>throwing his weight around and acting like it's a privilege
I'm not sure how,when, and why you think you're so damn entitled to have /cgl/ ran your way. Quit embarrassing yourself. The rest of us can suck it up, so can you.

>> No.6479593

It was the one discussing con photoshoots.

>> No.6479596

It's actually against the GLOBAL rules to have this thread.

>> No.6479600

already been stated

>> No.6479598

I never said I was unbiased anywhere ever? That being said I'd like to see you give me an example of that recent to even the last year. I have often argued with my friends here when I've not agreed with what they were saying.

I make exceptions for no one.

Anyway quit bickering with me. I said that whoever the mod/janitor is shouldn't be from the community anywho.

>> No.6479599

Did Claudie get banned? I haven't seen her post lately since those couple of threads talking about her being underage.

>> No.6479604

I think she just dropped trip. Because there was an disgusting anon that was being pretty merciless with her.

>> No.6479607

This gray area shit just doesn't work. It's too uneven.

>> No.6479613

I don't like the really over the top drama but I think sometimes it can be helpful/amusing. For example, drama over scammers is clearly a useful drama. Someone like asherbee was amusing though it might've gone too far. Still it was funny the same way bad cosplay threads were. I also feel sometimes singling out creepers like brolitajenny are good to, the last thing a lolita wants would be him clogging up their tumblr asking how they feel about crossdressing. Overall I've been on /cgl/ for a long time and there has been drama that has helped out. Shitty drama and shitposting from tripfags or tripfag circlejerks is the kind of drama I could do without.

>> No.6479619

About what?

>> No.6479623

That's exactly what I think. The over the top drama is just really useless, and it can be amusing, but if not needed, it can go. Exactly, there have been some useful drama threads that have really helped people.

>> No.6479636 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 301x345, 1354219363840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She died, last time i talked with her she said something about wanting to kill herself, that was ... 4 days ago.

>> No.6479642

How hard is it to keep the drama contained in the threads that it's relevant to? No one is taking your precious drama away. They're simply no longer letting you make entire threads about it.

>> No.6479641
File: 112 KB, 366x366, Usrs?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that scammer thread is in any way useful and isn't just another pointless vent thread to let victims bitch to each other about their feels

No, that thread is useless too and it should go.
If you want scammer and DNB warnings then there should be a sticky. There is literally no reason to have a thread on cgl when there's better sources like
>the LJ post and the FB stickied mod post

>> No.6479644
File: 33 KB, 612x660, hnnnnnnnng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this mighty mootastic bitchfest extravaganza

Merry Christmas, /cgl/. This is the sweet, sweet oasis, for which we have trekked through the dramaless desert.


>> No.6479646

Her being underaged. They shooped her photos so it looked like someone jizzumed all over her, would always bitch at her in whatever thread she posted in (despite her being helpful), and wouldn't let it go. This was during a time that there were better things to bitch about then one person being underaged but the anon found it to be blashphemy to think otherwise.
So I'm sure she just dropped trip and still posts.

>> No.6479654

What about obvious drama baiting that doesn't get deleted, like the hijab in lolita thread? I'm pretty sure it's still going on with just as much /pol/ racism bullshit.

>> No.6479656

Yep. I wish Moot would come back and delete that.
I respect that he wants rules, okay cool. But he needs to enforce them.

>> No.6479655

>posting ponies outside of /mlp/

>> No.6479659

Nah, it was more than one person because I was one of them. I just wanted to pick on someone that day.

>> No.6479662

Well, my Applejack folder was the only one with an appropriate reaction image for drama of this scale.

>> No.6479665

It shoudn't be. I don't really prefer threads solely about it. I'm agreeing with you in that it can exist as long as it is contained within the relevant threads.

>> No.6479670

Well then you're creepy as fuck if you're the one wondering where shes at.

>> No.6479671

Oh. She really shouldn't have been posting underaged, but that's really low.

>> No.6479676

She shouldnt have been here then and should be banned

>> No.6479678

I wouldn't call it creepy. I pick on trips (and random anons) every now and then, but it never goes beyond that. I was just wondering if all the bitching about her being underage actually got her banned.

>> No.6479683

You don't think some threads in the past calling out livejournal users that have done wrong in the sale community isn't useful? I've seen stories in scammer threads/egl sales threads about people getting gross ass stains, broken brand, people just not sending things and shoddy shopping services. Maiko isn't just the only troublesome person in the lolita community that has been talked about. Technically I guess it's singling out/drama but I think it's still useful to learn who not to buy from. I also think there's been good information from certain threads regarding communities and people to avoid in certain groups. Drama but at least you know who to avoid IRL if you don't want to be apart of any of it.

>> No.6479684

Out of all people, why pick on Claudie? She's a lovely and very nice girl.

>> No.6479693 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, 1354578937868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound perfect! Let's group up and be mean against more people!

>> No.6479694

I like her, I don't care if shes underaged. She's a hellavalot more useful than anyone here who is of age (lyk spoony)
But to save the hour long debate that I'm sure this would turn into.
>We disagree and our minds wont be changed no matter what the other one says

>> No.6479699

Yes, its creepy. You weird fuck. You're thinking about underaged girls and if one in particular comes to this site still.

>> No.6479705

Oh please. Have you never wondered why you don't see someone's post anymore when they're usually fairly active?

>> No.6479707


Or how about

The rules of this site are black and white, and if you are not 18 you are not permitted to come here

There is no "opinion" about that

>> No.6479716

Or how about, I don't care that shes underaged. Preach the rules to someone that follows them all the time. I certainly don't.

>> No.6479722

No excuses pedo.

>> No.6479725


>> No.6479731

Check the archive. I think it was in the Oishi project, or whatever it's called, thread.

>> No.6479733

So can the mods stop deleting board relevant threads?

>> No.6479735
File: 186 KB, 834x639, 1327210771974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>acting like it's a privilege that we should have to put up with shitty janitors, idiot mods and a captcha system

So when are you going to either start paying the hosting bills for 4chan or buy your own website?

>> No.6479759

Circle lens = J-fashion, imo.
Shouldn't be deleted.

>> No.6479763

You're just mad because moot isn't in love with you. You are always mad when people aren't kissing your ass. The only reason you stopped with so much PT/Dakota hate is because people started calling you out on your bullshit.

>> No.6479765

Cosplayers use circle lenses as well.

>> No.6479773

to be safe it should be put in an existing jfashion thread, then, like gyaru or something

or in a relevant cosplay help thread

>> No.6479804


Why? It's not like there's not enough information about them to fill up a productive thread. There are safety precautions, reviews, storage and sanitation concerns with any contact lenses, and I can see things like that getting glazed over in a thread with a pre-existing and only slightly related topic.

>> No.6479809

well I was just saying, if you guys are worried about it getting deleted those might be good places to put questions about lenses until moot decides if theyre okay to put here

>> No.6479833

I get what >>6479773 is saying. To be safe to keep them from being deleted we could put them there.

But >>6479804 is very correct. There's so much information about circle lenses, especially now on how they are regulated and require prescriptions. Both cosplayers and j-fashion people could benefit from knowing about stores, reviews, and good advice about them.

>> No.6479910

Who the hell is PT?

>> No.6479918

is this a subtle attempt at turning this into a PT thread?

>> No.6480011


Google pixyteri. The end.

>> No.6480409
File: 114 KB, 336x433, 1351667294823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moot posted in my thread and I missed it

what the fuck is wrong with me