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10577597 No.10577597 [Reply] [Original]

TL;DR USA is a collapsing super power and maybe we should stop considering Americans on lolita/j-fashion forums.

As an European I'm biased but I'm willing to hear what everyone has to say about this subject. I understand this board was made by an American so it can stay American but maybe there's should be Eurasian alternative.

I was about to make this thread before but now a good example of this problem popped up >>10577324 I'm not saying there's no racism, transphobia or fat-shaming in Eurasia. It's hard to speculate nationality of a bigot at an anonymous forum but European comms have so far been very inclusive. We should combat these injustices when we face them in reality.

Americentrism is a greater problem with big sizes that they believe are normal all around the world (and the entitlement to demand brands making bigger sizes). It's one of the reasons why most of the Western indie brands don't look so good because they're "forced" to make garments for every size and give less of an attention to the actual design to look good.

There are bigger sizes made by Japanese brands but not enough people are buying them. There's not enough buying power to make it profitable and it's very understandable 'cause poverty is what makes people obese in US. Healthy bigger women with money fit shirred Angelic Pretty, Baby etc.

It was clear that USA is on it's way out but Covid-19 made it more evident. China already is the new super power, like it or not. I would like to enjoy this time of transition with Europeans and Asians coming together and talk about our favorite fashion without considering Americans (because they haven't considered us in a long time).

Have any other European/Asian felt this way lately? Are there other americentrist problems in the international community that were not mentioned? And Americans, what are your thoughts?

>> No.10577600


As a mixed race American, I'm kinda sick of the Americancentric bullshit in general. America is not the center of the universe and I wish people here wouldn't try to apply an American standard onto other countries. I swear I almost want to move back with my family overseas if it weren't for martial law going on there right now.

>> No.10577603

I'm Southeast Asian and I live in my respectful country but my stepdad is a white guy. Why do people refer to the United States as America? America to me is Canada, United States, Mexico, Cuba, etc. etc. North and South America combined which, is very different cultures. That'd be like a white person bunching all Asian countries together saying we all have the same mentality's o this confuses me as someone who does not live there. Can someone explain why people do this? I am just confused so I apologize if this does not make sense.

>> No.10577604

OP here. "America" was not mentioned, only "Americans" as in "the people of the US". Is there a better equivalent for the people living in USA? Americentrism is a real word for "a tendency to assume the culture of the United States is more important than those of other countries or to judge foreign cultures based on American cultural standards."

>> No.10577605


SEA person living in the US. Some people here actually think that "America" only applies to the US. I agree that the Americas covers more than one country. But yeah, Asians do get generalized hence why people think we're all Chinese/East Asian.

>> No.10577606

I'm so fucking sick of hearing about American politics and problems 24/7. Wish I could mute America for at least a year

>> No.10577610

ah ok! thank you for explaining! my english is a tiny rusty

Im sorry i did not know that's what that word meant. We dont have a word for that here so i got confused. interesting how a word like that uses the Americas as a whole for one country it is about

>> No.10577611


Same anon. I've found going offline from time to time super helpful, and you have less of a headache.

>> No.10577613

The worst thing we imported from the American continent is the SJW culture and to some extent tranny/sissy acceptance. The mid to late 2000s were much more fun and less political and I stopped going to meet-ups in 2015 when it became unbearable.

>> No.10577615

So are you american or not? Feels like you have lost your sense of reality by not going to meets in 6 years or you’re a bigot trying to shit the thread. European comms are woke but we are adult about it. Meets are not unbearable.

>> No.10577616

I'm from Europe and there is nothing wrong with enjoying the fashion just by myself.
Maybe you are lucky, but there were open communists and antifa supporters in my comm and at some point a sissy joined and this is when I said nope, I rather be a lonelita.

>> No.10577621

Are you from one of the Ruhrgebiet coms in Germany? Because that's exactly what happened to me too.

But I think op has a point here that I've never really considered. We measure so much in American standards even though Europe is different in so many aspects.

>> No.10577623

I’m an American and I’m ashamed as fuck. We suck, the world knows we suck. I’m about to 90 day fiancé my self out of here. The entitledness and performative wokeness is so tiresome, especially as a political leftist—- it’s embarrassing. I wish we would take a back seat but it’s obviously not going to happen, but I 100% appreciate and continue to remind people in comment sections that their viewpoint is extremely exclusionary

>> No.10577627

Leaving the US was the best decision I ever made for myself

>> No.10577634

Eurogull Opinion; Americans are supper conservative compared to European standards most Americans would be considered prudes.
I think that is why shit like this >>10577324 are more prominent. Also as prude as they are, they tend to be very rude. A racist European would have the decency to be racist in private Americans Loooove to shout their opinions over rooftops and whoever doesn't agree is THE ENEMY.
Most embarrassing behaviour.
Now on the plus size issue I will have to disagree, one of the most prominent independent brands that does plus sizes is Lady Sloth, a Polish brand with plus size owners. Also in the asia side Haenuli (RIP) and Enchantlic Enchantilly both have plus size lolitas as their owners & offer(ed) bigger sizes.

>> No.10577635

I'm mad that the being morbidly obese is normal, bigot! bullshit has caught on in Europe. Fortunately EA is still full of shitlords.

>> No.10577638

UK lolitas deserve to be shamed for being the forefront exponents of American grievance bullshit over here

>> No.10577639

At least they had the decency to leave us alone

>> No.10577643

Not really - I wouldn’t actually say that TERF Tory island has a lot in common with woke amerifat culture. Our left wingers much closer resemble those in Europe than america. (Speaking as a Brit who moved to Germany in her late teens and has never come back lol)

>> No.10577648

Damn bitch you're typing whole paragraphs

>> No.10577651

The American centrism and fake wokeness in Lolita would not bother me as much if the politics in my country was not equally influenced by it.

>> No.10577653

Everything already said in this thread plus thinking there is some kind of general white culture outside US. There is so much variation in Europe, definitely different races and some of the nations were also oppressed. I feel like you have to care for US shit but they fail to aknowledge how different history can be even for that white person. As some other anon said, Europeans are generally not so forward with their thoughts and it makes me extremely uncomfortable how they push their social politics into lolita and expect completely unrelated people to care. Might be my personal opinion but the rethorics are also kinda heavy and even radical - I can't come up with better word. Political environment is definitely tense and polarized, I would love that to stay away from lolita.

>> No.10577655


>And Americans, what are your thoughts?
Second generation American here. Americentrism can be annoying, and it's very annoying when you're from an immigrant family that white/rich/suburbian read as "one of us" only to then act offended and alienated that we don't share the same culture. Although, I would argue that historically it makes some sense for American culture to be so self-centered; it spent a lot of time isolated and trying to "find itself" up until mass communication methods like tv or radio re-connected it seamlessly back to the old world. And as a former colony that did not peacefully settle things with it's "parent" nation, maybe they did need time to try to form an identity not tied to France (the south) or England (east coast) or Spain (California).

I guess what sounds odd to me though is that when I talk to Japanese Lolitas and people who lived in Japan / are an employee of a Japanese company, they just... Don't seem to pay attention to Americentrism? Like, whenever I bring it up as a problem I get teased for it myself because they say for the last 10 years they've been focusing on meeting Chinese customers needs. Even the plus-sizes, I get told, are for the Chinese and American market, with barely an acknowledgement that there are plus-size people in Europe. So while I agree with a lot of the points on this thread, whenever I talk to people in professions around import/export, they always tell me that believing in Americentrism is a key symptom of having a Americentrism mindset and not an international point of view.

>> No.10577683

America is kind of short hand for United States of America, so when you hear "Americans" you think people from the USA. When you refer also to Canada, Mexico, etc. you say North America. And then for Brazil, Chile, etc. you say South America. This isn't something unique to the US; I've lived in Eastern Europe, Canada, and USA, and in all three countries people have referred to USA as America, and US citizens as Americans. And in fact, I know so many Canadians that would outright bristle at being called American, simply because they want to be considered distinct from the US hahaha. Idk why this is a thing, but as you said, it may be similar to lumping Asian countries together. Also similar but actually opposite, so many American people say Asian and only mean people from China, Korea, and Japan, and totally ignore the existence of SEAsia, India, etc.

>> No.10577700

As a non-fat American looking to expatriate in a few years, I still think it's annoying whenever Eurofags bitch about American centrism. I'm all for the separatism if it means I don't have to see the bitching. Plus it means I don't have worry about lying on customs forms anymore lel.

I recognize it's a problem among the dumb part of our population, but it irks me to lumped in with them. America definitely has its issues, but it's not like all other countries are perfect meccas.

This little nugget is racist. Sub Americans with any other ethnicity and it would be ~exclusionary~ uwu. If you don't like us on a forum started by us, you're welcome to make your own.
>TL;DR USA is a collapsing super power and maybe we should stop considering Americans on lolita/j-fashion forums.

>> No.10577705

Let me guess, OP. You’re mad about the thread in Rufflechat last night?

>> No.10577709

Only an american would have the audacity to say that the comm should distance themselves from japan in a fucking Japanese street fashion

>> No.10577715

I have felt like this for a long time. I hate this Americentrism thinking that the entirety of the west and all white people are expected to be like Americans and judged as such despite each country in Europe having their own culture and laws, all very different from America's. Especially since everybody seems to be expected to consider the American viewpoint because it's international not your country, but never do people seem to think Americans need to consider non-American viewpoints as well.

Most issues in America aren't existing in the same degree in most places in Europe. Altrough issues like racism, poverty, over weight, etc exist in Europe too, a lot of things related to that will be interpreted and reacted to different because the underlying issues is different here already. Americans really need to understand this and stop acting that everything rude and bad in the USA must be rude and bad in the whole west.

Just like that, they need to start realising not everything popular in the USA is popular in the entirety of the west. We don't always know every popculture stuff you have. That's not us being dumb or out of the loop. We're half a planet away, and got our own media next to the common American ones. We don't always get to see your popular stuff, or sometimes we just don't care because culture is different half a planet away. And this can be different for each country in Europe.

In my experience, quite some Asians also tend to do this tho. Making the west equal to America. Generally the ones that don't have contact with actual Europeans.

>maybe we should stop considering Americans on lolita/j-fashion forums
I don't think they need to be stopped considered at all, but they should be stopped considered as the one and only norm for the west.

>> No.10577716

>>10577603 Even in American media America is often used as synonym to United States of America. Even the word American dream only counts for the USA. We're not stupid, we know the continent America isn't the same as the country. But you can generally tell from context which one is intended. I don't get why Americans get so mad about this. They also call some European countries wrong all the time.

>> No.10577721

>I understand this board was made by an American so it can stay American but maybe there's should be Eurasian alternative.
you really think Hiroshimoot is going to make whole board for that? Containment boards only get made when the shitposting overwhelms the board like moble game thread on /v/ or vtubers on /jp/ you'll have to start shit posting hardcore to get a 'European alternate fashion' board

>> No.10577730

Don't Eurofags just make their own threads anyways? Go hide in there

>> No.10577732

I agree that if you flip the script on this, it instantly becomes rather politically incorrect. But maybe it's good to openly let people converse like this on an anonymous forum to relieve tensions? I think a lot of the twisted ideas we have about each other sometimes comes from everyone being afraid to test if their preconceptions are accurate or inaccurate, because they don't want to hurt anyone's feelings (which I 100% understand).

This is the 2nd gen American and I feel those feels. Overtime I've sort of come to believe the USA is really a collection of regional clans (southerners, dustbowl, east coast, so on) made up of tribes (something-hyphen-Americans) that then all pretend there's a unified monoculture. The more I read into history, the more I think Americentrism is rooted in the country trying to hold itself together; remember that the last widow of an american civil veteran only died within the last 10-15 years. We've been at the brink of breaking apart several dozen times. I think "American Culture" as it's shoved on the world is the unity we want to convince ourselves that we have.

>> No.10577734
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Whenever people use anything but the metric system my opinion of them changes.

>> No.10577741

hurr durr i monke cannot understand why ppl use diff tings dan me!!!111

>> No.10577745

These people act like Americans don't ALSO use the metric system too.

Clearly lolita and jfashion wearers do because we have to know how clothes with measurements listed in cm will fit.

>> No.10577747

you sound like the type of person who gets mad about languages mixing English words into their vocabulary.

>> No.10577748

Like Japanese?

>> No.10577749

Wow, does it hurt your brain to think that other people measure things in a different ways...but it still gets the job done regardless?? You must be pissed when your mom tells you to measure, "just a pinch of salt." What's a pinch of salt mom?! WHAT'S A PINCH ?!

>> No.10577751

I'm American and honestly I didn't even know American politics have any influence on people's personal thoughts abroad. Honestly, i just don't know much of anything about this issue having almost no international perspective, so go off? I guess? You do you?

Granted, my experience in interpersonal relationships has been less polarizing and extreme than it has been. And my social groups tend to not be prudish, maybe as a matter of choice. So in regards to American culture and its influence, i guess it mainly depends on what gets communicated the most regardless of the reality. i simply can't speak to that.

>> No.10577754

Nihongo, Tagalog, Español, Français, Italiano, and so on and so forth.

>> No.10577759

Funny how people outside the US are paying attention to the US while screaming our country needs to stop thinking the world revolves around us. Yes, the US isn't shit in the grand scheme of things. But look at how much shit we get our nose in nationally. Of course the world is going to pay attention to our country.

>> No.10577760

Same, I'm American, maybe all these uptight Eurofags could just do what we do and ignore the loud stupid fat ones. I see Europeans commenting here and on other lolita-related SM all the damn time. They're not invisible.

Sorry my fellow countrymen/women are idiots (on both extremes). all I hear about is politics here and it's all stupid and honestly I'm disappointed covid didn't kill of more of these stupid obese motherfuckers.

>> No.10577762

America really is the most important place on earth. You just have to accept that. It’s why you hear so much about it compared to any other place

>> No.10577763

As a South American I say fuck Unitedstatitians and Eurofags.

>> No.10577764

I'm not getting mad or look down at them, but I am quickly lost in conversation when I have no clue what sizes, weights and temperature we're talking about because they use the American systems. Not blaming them per se, just staying out of the conversation, but it does create a distance.
With sales I'm a bit more upset tho. You already need to know cm sizing since Japan and China use it and most dresses come from there. So since everyone needs to know that anyways, why only list inches (especially on listings that ship outside the USA).

>> No.10577765

The public school system in the united states requires the students to learn both systems of measurements and therefore are taught both. I'm a middle school math teacher so this is hilarious to me that people think these kids go without even recognizing other units of measurement exist. Yeah kids will forget some when they get older, but the gist of it will stay in their brains just like any other basic math/numbers thing they learn.

>> No.10577766
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Gulls, the metric system is simply superior to any imperial bullshit that you cling to. I don't care what you think of me, I think inches and feet as a concept should be magically erased from modern society, and you can't change my mind.

>> No.10577767

I guess they just list what they know and you can easily google the conversion since you're already on your phone or computer anyway?

I list and know measurements in cm because that's what brands use but if someone lists in inches or in a shoe size that isn't American or UK and I don't know it I just...google the conversion or a chart?

>> No.10577769

For sure, and both science professions and recipes tend to use metric in the US.

>> No.10577770

Who the fuck lists measurements in inches on LM? I'm an Amerifag and I use the lolibrary measurements which are naturally in cm. Those people are dumb or are weirdly smart for having to do all that conversion math???

>> No.10577772

Eurofags and others complaining about it are the real idiots for assuming countries that do any sort of science don't clearly have to use the metric system at least sometimes.

They love to shit on Americans for supposedly knowing nothing about other places but couldn't rub two of their brain cells together long enough to consider that you can use *gasp* more than one system of measurement.

>> No.10577773

No ones trying to change your mind. I laugh at idiots like you for making the same arguments woke high schoolers bring up to sound cooler than their peers.

>> No.10577775

A lot of Americans would prefer to use metric, it was even attempted once but it had obvious difficulties like road signs and speedometers LOL

>> No.10577777

Yankistan is an extension of the Anglo empire, they'll even going to be directly ruled by a cadet branch of the House of Saxe-Coburg Gotha.

>> No.10577779

yup it would be hard AND expensive to replace every sign, label, etc that uses it. Our government in the United States is already shit at spending money in the right places so this would kind of be a nightmare of a task to do.

>> No.10577781

I’m sorry I can’t hear you over never having been fined custom duties in my life despite regularly ordering hauls worth hundreds or thousands of $.

>> No.10577782

Where's the public signage lobby of the construction-industrial mafia when you need them.

>> No.10577783

I know OP says they're European, but somehow I'm positive that Chinese hands typed that post.

>> No.10577784

I'm OP and I can prove to you that I'm in fact European.

>> No.10577785

Honestly i can't stand americans and their petty dramas, especially lately
Always feels good to find some more euro lolitas to follow <3

>> No.10577787

you know it's bad when your country's bragging right is about being able to consume to no end

>> No.10577788
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>> No.10577789

The world is a Capitalist society. Get over yourself

>> No.10577792
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>> No.10577793

There’s UK and Dutch threads but nothing else. My own country is so small so an European thread would suit better.

>> No.10577794

But you think China is the new superpower even though their current economy was literally built on the backs of ethnic slave labor. And you can't admit your own continent is collapsing faster than the US. France is completely eaten up by migrants; England and Germany are next. If you see "Americentrism" everywhere and are basically just butthurt about plus sizes, that sounds like a you problem. And all of the replies saying "I hate the US and can't wait to leave," congrats, you're weak minded and easily led by the media. Please leave soon.

>> No.10577795

You can blame Soros and his intense lobbying for that.

>> No.10577797
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USA? That mix of Germans, Irish, French and Slavic people still exist and they didn't kill each other yet?
t. European who was living ubder the rock for last 100 years.

>> No.10577798

We'll be still there in a thousand years unlike you. Stop listening to jews all day and maybe you'll make it (doubt).

>> No.10577799

Oh so Europeans and the rest of the world doesn't buy anything got it. No clothes, shoes, food. Nothing.

>> No.10577800

>is the new superpower even though their current economy was literally built on the backs of [...] slave labor
you know, this sounds really familiar...

>> No.10577801

USA’s super power was also built on slave labour, that’s how super powers work. I don’t like super powers but there always has to be one country that’s the best of them all (capital).

>> No.10577802

Capitalism doesn't just mean "buying things".

>> No.10577803

you're the one bragging about regularly ordering hauls worth hundreds or thousands lol

>> No.10577804

im nta but ok.
Capitalism is an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market. Aka That shit revolves around the purchasing of goods and services bro. Quit avoiding the fact that the world is controlled by capitalism. If you know what Capitalism is then you should get the point.

>> No.10577807

>why are people from other my countries not centering my country's units of measurements???

It's not just Americans who make themselves the center. This post has the same energy as the people who complain there's a Spanish option on stuff now. Just this in: We all center ourselves by default as humans. Conversion info is easily accessible online, there's no reason to get worked up about it.

>> No.10577809

The big difference is that China is doing it now and no one cares; the US ended the practice over 150 years ago and people still bitch about it. I suppose if the US still practiced slavery today, no one would care? Do I have that right?

>> No.10577811

the only wiggers you should be concerned about is the one at home

>> No.10577813

Correct me if i'm wrong but aren't most of those distasteful coords that look mostly put together just for photos coming from USA?

>> No.10577815

USA hasn’t ended it. They’re using free prison labour. And we can talk about all the manufacturing jobs that went abroad, USA is the one who started funding child labour.

>> No.10577817
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USA and EU are both capitalist world.
But have different level of government regulations in market sphere.

USA have so much regulations new companies must follow that it's currently hard to create new companies that would be able to compete with huge USA corpos. EU has far less regulations and that's why EU has no problems with oligopoly unlike USA where government constantly breastfeeds large companies while creating more and more regulations that kill smaller companies.

That's why healthcare, internet access, airplane flights and many other hings are more expensive in the USA than in the EU.

What I find dumb is that ameriburger zoomers instead of seeking the proper solution of that problem which would be abolishinmg most of regulations to at least EU levels - they propose exact opposite and want EVEN MORE government regulations. Which is like extinguishing fire with gasoline.

>> No.10577818

negroids deserve it tho

>> No.10577819


>> No.10577820

Using the work of criminals isn’t the same as kidnapping people who’ve done nothing wrong and exploiting them. Literally just don’t commit crimes and they wouldn’t be in the position to be worked the way they are. I’m fine with a bunch of thieves, murderers, drug dealers, abusers, and pedophiles being worked without pay.

>> No.10577821

idk man just wait till u see the Latin comms

>> No.10577822

>ethnic slave labor
>china was built on less than 5% of it's population
Do americans really?

>> No.10577823

To create criminals all you need is make laws to put them in jail.

>> No.10577824
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Burn this cursed shit show. In the name of Mana-sama...begone!!!

>> No.10577825

>What I find dumb is that ameriburger zoomers instead of seeking the proper solution of that problem which would be abolishinmg most of regulations to at least EU levels - they propose exact opposite and want EVEN MORE government regulations.
go away sexy libaberal!

>> No.10577827

Yeah totally. Murderer and rape shouldn’t be punished, I’m sure nobody would do those things if there were no consequences!

>> No.10577828

My small country had multiple threads here but they revolved around events mostly. It's possible. I would be down to discuss some European stuff, even more regionally like Nordics etc.

>> No.10577830

That's why you have guns, right?

>> No.10577832

Most people aren't in prison for murder and rape

>> No.10577833

I agree! Let’s give a gun to everyone. I’m sure that will stop children from being molested by their parents. What kid wouldn’t shoot daddy? What elderly person WOULDNT be able to outspeed an assailant to reach their gun to protect themselves? Clearly they just want it if they won’t defend themselves

>> No.10577834

Working prisoners is a baseed concept
1. It creates an opportunity for gaining job experience which is a an important part of resocialization
2. Prisoners who do not work are literally funded by society - which means you and me work so they can have "free" bed and food.

>> No.10577835

I'm from the US and imo the cutest lolitas come from Europe

>> No.10577836

That's the price of freedom.

>> No.10577837

I have better idea. Let's give guns only to murderers and rapists! Guns are for criminals, bot for law abiding citizens!

>> No.10577840

>> Guns are for criminals, bot for law abiding citizens!
* Guns are for criminals, not for law abiding citizens!

>> No.10577841
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ah yes the most kawaiiest of them all

>> No.10577842

No, no it isn’t. The price for freedom is having it taken away when you abuse it. Children and other defenseless people shouldn’t “pay” for their freedoms because they can’t defend themselves. You criminal apologists are psychotic

>> No.10577844

Everyone becomes criminals. Where's the problem ? If you don't think your life is important enough to defend yourself, maybe you should just accept death and exploitation.

>> No.10577845

>which means you and me work so they can have "free" bed and food
everyone should have at least free bed and food anon.

>> No.10577846

Ah yes, the famous "Guns makes you a criminal phenomenon".

>> No.10577847

Most prisoners are better off than homeless people according to you. Maybe we should just let them sleep out in fields like the animals they are

>> No.10577848

Guns also kill people. Once I sat a gun down on the floor and it just went wild shooting everyone in sight!

>> No.10577849

>everyone should have at least free bed and food anon.

And who is going to work for these everyone? If you substract everyone from a set of working people (who should have free bed and food) you remain with an empty sey. Null. Nil. Nada. Zero.

>> No.10577850

I've seen worse desu at least they're not obese just a bit chub

>> No.10577851

lol, you're just pretending to be retarded, everyone gets gun, no one is a criminal, shoot whoever piss you off, what's so hard to understand

>> No.10577852
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You're picking the ugly ones gull. Why haven't you put Jo there to prove your point, as we all know all Europeans look like Jo

>> No.10577853

I wish I hadn't fallen in love with an american so I could have married myself off to someone that lives in a developed nation.

Thankfully he hates the US just as much as me and hopes to be able to GTFO someday.

>> No.10577854

Cute word for overweight.

>> No.10577855

You’re calling someone else retarded but you also believe giving everyone a gun is a reasonable solution. Read >>10577833

>> No.10577856

KKEK i was going to but then i remembered cupcake existed

>> No.10577857

It is, the alternative is tyranny of the state.

>> No.10577858

divorce them then. it was your choice to fuck a burger

>> No.10577859

>Guns also kill people. Once I sat a gun down on the floor and it just went wild shooting everyone in sight!

I know few models of USSR made machineguns which unironically can behave that way when loaded. Freakin low quality engineering.

>> No.10577860


Well yeah you can’t expect anything quality from slavs

>> No.10577861

Add a targetting system and it's clearly an avant-garde design ahead of it's time.

>> No.10577863

I don't get you. Homeless people should not even exist.

>> No.10577864

Soviet sentry towers. Za rodinu! Za socyalizm!

>> No.10577865

With guns there would be no homelessness.

>> No.10577866

But they do. And so do criminals. It’s almost like we need a structure to regulate these things... Hmm.

>> No.10577867

You do know most countries already waste enough food to feed not only their population but of other smaller countries as well, right? No one would be losing nothing, we just wouldn't be wasting things away like we already do

>> No.10577868

But that's exactly what I am saying. if everyone had a chance to get food and a place to live there would be no homelessness

>> No.10577869

I agree so much

>> No.10577870

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