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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 126 KB, 960x960, 39714706_2251717588190075_8915914990494416896_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9985870 No.9985870 [Reply] [Original]

Been a few years and upsets in the community. Are there any actually talented cosplayers worth their numbers? Most just seem like a shit show these days.

I enjoy following Kamui. Her short videos on her builds are fun and she doesn't seem too audience-pandering.

>> No.9985885

I love cowbuttcrunchies' work. Its very high quality and they go the extra mile for each of their props, accessories and outfits. Kinpatsu is also up there in both quality and numbers.

>> No.9985934

Seconding cowbuttcrunchies. December Wynn's work is so clean and beautiful as well. J. Hart will forever be cosplay goals.

Tbh cosplay is stagnating in regards to who is highly regarded in terms of costume/propmaking. It's always the same few people brought up over and over again.

>> No.9986046

Thirding CBC, they have a lovely attitude, and their entire group seems pretty solid.

I also absolutely adore Kimidori Cosplay, she has a tonne of indepth albums of her work on facebook. Her work is everything I aspire towards.

>> No.9986049

I like Willow Creative from the Netherlands. She's really good.

>> No.9986090

Garnet Runestar - partners with J.Hart sometimes, solid plus-size tailoring, good eye for detail
December Wynn - beautiful silk painting + details + construction
MsMajorSam - likely aggregated some of her watchbase through sheer attractiveness, but imo it's well-deserved; intense structural corsetry and tailoring

>> No.9986180

This might sound assholish but I think good cosplay needs to have two factors. Good costume and a person who resembles who they are dressing as. An ugly person can have a great costume but that doesn’t mean they will look good as the character. Talented costume makers seems to be what OP is talking about.

>> No.9986284

Garnet Runestar buys likes and followers and uses follow bots lol

>> No.9986462

OP here. To be fair, I don't know who she (Kamui) cosplays most of the time. I feel like between "FIRST" cosplays and the amount of pure content out there... Idk. I just don't care about half the shit I did five years ago. I have other stuff to do. But the costumes are interesting. I'll turn in my geek card if I have to.

I don't disagree - cosplayers tend to have a certain look they don't/refuse to change cosplay to cosplay. A lot of popular cosplayers looks attractive because they're california girls with the same make-up for every cosplay and don't try to look like the character.

I think alysontabbitha is great at changing her face for a character. I don't know how she does it - maybe I'm just stupid at make-up - but she seems to know how to manipulate her face pretty perfectly and I've always admired that.

I don't think it's assholish to say "you don't you don't look like -" if they did the same makeup they normally. It's something I think people overlook. They want to look pretty at the expense of the cosplay.

>> No.9986488

I doubt this vendetta-boomer

>> No.9986681

I've been really enjoying isaisanisa on instagram.
She's admitted that her craftmanship isn't contest worthy but she is always pulling out awesome looking photoshoots!

>> No.9986800

Ive seen quite a few cosplayers that have very few numbers but great craftsmanship. Unfortunately in this hobby if you dont cosplay the hype-train / atm trends then you wont get the same attention as someone who does. Even if your cosplay is well detailed and crafted and theirs looks like shit.

>> No.9986835

Ginozacostuming. Her paintjobs are absolutely amazing. I love it.

Cinderys is also a great cosplayer + she creates cosplay designs herself as well.

I like Fenvaria a lot too.

Kamui is great but she has kind of an attitude. Sometimes it's like she's forgotten what live and cosplay was like when she just started/didn't make her living with cosplay. Passive aggressive remarks, her way is the only way and such It's a pity. Her crafting is really really really on point though and I love seeing her builds.

>> No.9986837

Live and and should be deleted from this sentence. This damned phone keyboard.

>> No.9986846
File: 350 KB, 1428x1684, gr socialblade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nayrt but her socialblade does show that she uses a follow bot. she doesn't buy followers or likes though.

>> No.9986915
File: 516 KB, 440x554, Sixth Doctor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy creates fully screen accurate replicas of Doctor Who outfits by himself, sometimes searching for the original pieces that are decades old to do patterns. He spent years perfecting some pieces, it's very impressive.

>> No.9986933

you have to understand that cosplayers are normal people and when you read through the hundreds of comments she does everyday it gets tiring.

>> No.9986965

That doesn't warrant the ego trip she has sometimes, though.

>> No.9986970

Alyson Tabbitha is great at makeup but her actual crafting is lazy and shit tier, which is a shame because of her makeup talent

>> No.9987001

>ego trip
it’s called confidence

>> No.9987009

>if you're making things in a different way than me, you're doing it wrong
>it's called confidence
Sure, Kamui.

>> No.9987014

True, but even then, she is an influential person on the internet now. She makes her money with the stuff she does and the popularity and messages is something that comes with the job description.

>> No.9987015

sorry you can’t come up with an actual answer :,(
you might want to work on your confidence ;)

>> No.9987026

I don't disagree that she's popular for a reason; she's damn good at what she does. I can acknowledge her hard work in her craft while still admitting she's full of herself at times.
Answer what? You didn't ask a question.

>> No.9987028

I agree about kamui and I see it in fans too. When I started, I was told every time about crafting techniques I was doing it wrong and to watch kamui, "kamui didn't do it that way, that's wrong". It's like people forgot that half of the fun if the hobby is experimenting and seeing what works yourself, and just want to follow a premade guide.

>> No.9987040

This. I feel like cosplay is so about the right and wrong nowadays that people don't experiment as much anymore.

>> No.9987041

Yeah, that's kinda what I'm saying. I just tried to explain why I think getting a lot of messages is not a valid reason to be stuck up or arrogant to other cosplayers that aren't as big as she is or do things a different way.

>> No.9987165

I just don’t agree as to why you think it’s been stuck up or air again when people are asking her how to do things her way she’s only answering them. Doesn’t have to be nice because it’s her personal account, she can things the way she wants, no obligations.

>> No.9987209

>Air again
Bone apple tea

>> No.9987268


This guy is also one of the biggest douche bags on the planet

>> No.9987324

Share the ones you love, sometimes I feel like the community is drunk in who gets popular and who doesn't

>> No.9987328

I tend not to read a lot of comments on her stuff, it's hard to explain. I just like her original posts and videos like "Hey, this is this, this is how, cool right?" and then I stop reading. It's one of the rare accounts I don't delve into comments. I'm not surprised but it's kinda nice I don't see a "Hey guys, LETS TALK" post every month" or something like it. At least a pretense of "professionalism".

>> No.9987341
File: 716 KB, 750x833, CE3A7A94-3F3E-4818-9E5B-E86510E494C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love atelierlicorice's work! She's talented and her beadwork is amazing! She's also super sweet and likeable.

>> No.9987362

Some talented cosplayers that I follow on IG:

@Littlesparkzlfg mostly blizzard stuff but very clean foam work and nice WIP photos.

@Spoon_makes Does mostly 3D printing but is worth following for her electronics/LED work which IMO blows Kamui out of the water.

@Leahstevoart another who does solid LED work. Does massive foam armor and props with excellent detail.

@Cyehra Top notch detailed armor, I think works exclusively with foam.

>> No.9987451

Discount Kamui that doesn't know how to use makeup either

>> No.9987473

Stop shilling yourself. Your work is above average but you're hardly "talented" or "amazing".

>> No.9987590

She has a lot more variety than Kamui.

>> No.9987591


>> No.9987640


you can be either talented or hot but never both

>> No.9987755 [DELETED] 
File: 156 KB, 900x1175, angela-clayton-evening-gown-1860-7872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes not really a cosplayer anymore but i really enjoy Angela Clayton @angelacostumery. She usrd to cosplay and her costimes were always so well made and designed. Now she mainly does historical pieces and vintage clothing, but you can still learn a lot of techniques to use in your cosplay through her videos. And she has a very friendly attitude as well.

>> No.9987756 [DELETED] 

Shes not really a cosplayer anymore but I really enjoy Angela Clayton @angelacostumery. She used to cosplay and her costumes were always so well made and designed. Now she mainly does historical pieces and vintage clothing, but you can still learn a lot of techniques to use in your cosplay through her videos. And she has a very friendly attitude as well

>> No.9987757
File: 156 KB, 900x1175, angela-clayton-evening-gown-1860-7872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes not really a cosplayer anymore but I really enjoy Angela Clayton @angelacostumery. She used to cosplay and her costumes were always so well made and designed. Now she mainly does historical pieces and vintage clothing, but you can still learn a lot of techniques to use in your cosplay through her videos. And she has a very friendly attitude as well

>> No.9987770

She's the super rich girl, right? I know cgl used to have the biggest hate boner for her because her parents are rich, so literally all she did was sew. I've loved seeing her improve over the years.

>> No.9988016

at the beginning she didn't sew either, it was her mom or grandma I can't remember. I see she has improved from her wonky historic stuff, that's great. Her attitude a few years ago didn't help as well.

>> No.9988048

Deets? You can't say shit like that and then not give examples. He seems to take pride in his work from a quick glance at the Instagram. And he seems to make things very professionally.

I'm also curious about all the Kamui hate. I get that it is annoying when people tell you to make something like she did as if it is the only way, but when has she herself been nasty? I've never seen it, so I'm just curious. I follow her page because I always found her humble and she posts really helpful things too which gets harder and harder to come by thanks to Patreon causing everyone to think they have to charge money for every single stupid idea that pops into their head and make it into a tutorial.

>> No.9988111

Details? What was up with her attitude?

>> No.9988124

take it to lolcow, I'm sure there's already threads on both of them

>> No.9988152 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 1036x170, Angela.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was around when she posted on cgl. The main problems that people with her were
>she was underage but always wanted to fish for compliments on her body, especially her legs
>lied about making her own costumes at first. Her mom was the one that made her costumes when she first started posting on cgl.
>sheltered/spoiled to the point where she didn't understand that other people didn't have infinite time/money to spend on their costumes
>let compliments and her fame on tumblr go to her head easily and thought that it made her superior to other people

You can still read her posts in archives since she was a trip (r8POZnvokni).

Not all discussions about people need to be moved over to lolcow.

>> No.9988155

asking for dirt and community dramu on people is for lolcow.

>> No.9988190 [DELETED] 


I beg to differ. CBC is a known shit stirrer and has made up lies about other cosplayers.

She has an “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?” sort of personality and put another cosplayer on blast for them accidentally tripping over one of her costumes.

She exaggerated a mere accident and I can never look at her in a good light ever again.

>> No.9988200

How new are you? Dirt and drama is the entire reason /cgl/ was made. This board wasn't always such a hugfest.
Oh, that's why I don't remember her being a bitch. I used to autofilter any trip.

>> No.9988244 [DELETED] 

Uhhh momokun purposely kicked cbc's costume and made jokes about it on twitter before bawleting everything, writing a fake apology, and following cbc while pretending to be a longtime fan.

>> No.9988355

Hi CBC, glad to still see you’re a salty bitch.

>> No.9988557 [DELETED] 

Fuck off momokun

>> No.9988563

This. I like to experiment with my costumes a lot and try out different materials and techniques. I hate it when people start going on and on about the "right" way to do things, i.e. the popular way. My costumes look good because I make a ton of different designs including prop work and sewing and try out new stuff all the time, but if you want to be Kamui #483795 with the generic WoW worbla builds then go for it. If that's your thing then you do you, but stop limiting other peoples' imagination.

She used to whiteknight herself here all the time under her trip and appeared to be super catty, especially when she was bitching about Blizzard not hiring her as an "official cosplayer".

>> No.9988609

I cowbutt crunchies makes good cosplays but I like their attitude even since a lot of famous cosplayers are so toxic or stuck up now. They are super nice to their fans, post tutorials, and donate all of their patreon money to charity. I wish more cosplayers would take a page from their book.

>> No.9988619

>They are super nice to their fans, post tutorials, and donate all of their patreon money to charity
That's super big of them, I gotta admit. Most big cosplayers are always asking for more money for themselves and keep all their tutorials and even WIPs and photoshoots behind Patreon tiers and it just sucks out all the sense of community and makes everything about making a buck, usually with softcore porn. This seriously gives me more hope.

>> No.9988686

I love her stuff too, she’s also super sweet

>> No.9988779

I love her!

From what I know, she gets money from her parents like an alliance that she spends on sewing because she's still in like, high school and they support her hobby. She's always seemed very nice to me. And she's already sold a pattern to simplicity.

>> No.9988795

Not Simplicity, McCall's, and I think she has a handful of patterns out now

>> No.9988900

really love hee-hee's work. her wigs are all so well styled, and even if a design is crazy and complicated, they never end up looking crunchy at ALL and they're super accurate. Plus she seems really nice

>> No.9988909
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pic got lost in the aether somehow

>> No.9988928

looks like emo harry potter

>> No.9988947

it's the p5 protag dumbshit

>> No.9989014

Literally sold me. Thanks!

Yeah. I feel like this is a great chance to post cosplayers you feel deserve more recognition or you just enjoy following.

I haven't followed a lot of cosplayers for that reason. I really enjoy following maul.cosplay. he's funny, cute, has a cute wife and I just don't see a lot wrong with him.

>> No.9989084
File: 1.34 MB, 1242x1541, 35CB45BB-9AB4-4521-BAC3-C508EDE31A93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have mixed feelings about heehee because they’re nice and do work like that Protag wig, but turn around and pull shit like pic related and it’s embarrassing. Their wigs can be pretty crunchy though, seen one irl and the proportions were hysterical, crunchiness included.

>> No.9989180

hmmm you have a point there, some of it can be attributed to animu proportions just not translating to IRL, but a lot comes to proper scaling by the stylist

>> No.9989219
File: 543 KB, 493x740, ficjcidkgtzypzhiqebzblkctvxyftwwidzwffdp-740[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Layze Michelle. Lots of progress shots, seems detail- and construction-oriented.

>> No.9989329

This is a fact. Rare exceptions such as Marie-Claude Bourbonnais exist, but she is a dying breed and part of the last generation of cosplayers.

>> No.9989445

Not really. There's plenty of attractive, talented cosplayers. You're not going to get movie star level hotness, but every craftsperson isn't a gremlin.

>> No.9989454

Maybe it has to do with what you consider hot, but most people who are the master Crafters are going to be in their early to mid 30s because that's where they are when they've been crafting for 15-20 years. They aren't going to be Instagram model level attractive at thay age though.

>> No.9989609

That's where we disagree. MCB is 38 and by far much MUCH hotter than the cosplay counterparts half her age.

>Not really. There's plenty of attractive, talented cosplayers.
I mean yes I do agree with you to an extent. But talented, hot, AND famous worldwide? Now there's probably only 2 or 3 on the planet.

>> No.9989632

Why do you care so much about attractiveness though? We're talking about crafting skill itt, attractiveness has nothing to do at all with how well someone can see or make armor. It has no bearing on their skill as a cosplayer at all.

>> No.9989647

her LED related videos are great, I want to buy one of her books.
I still dont like her accent though, it seems that her english pronuntiation is pretty weird, at least with some words.

>> No.9989648

This. Nobody cares if an artist or a musical is a 10/10 hottie, so why expect that from a skilled crafter? Most popular ones are moderately attractive which I'm is good enough.

>> No.9989653

I *don't* care about attractiveness. I'm just saying that attractiveness combined with talent and a hard work ethic is rare to nonexistent. If anything, I will praise the skilled, unattractive cosplayer over the talentless hottie.

>> No.9989657

As much as you want to deny it, cosplay is a visual hobby. You can cry about looks not mattering, but a slightly lower quality cosplay with a better looking cosplayer will look better overall. You’re talking about costuming, not cosplaying.

>> No.9989662

>You can cry about looks not mattering, but a slightly lower quality cosplay with a better looking cosplayer will look better overall.
Going to have to disagree with you there. cosplay contests are judged on integrity, construction, and performance. If it is based on looks, any bimbo could show up with a bikini and win. It's not a beauty contest.

>> No.9989664

actually yeah. Did you notice how all of the boy bands and girl groups are comprised of attractive people? The RIAA doesn't care about talent - they can hire dance instructors and use synthesizers to make them sound good and perform on stage. Sex sell, and they know it. This is why talent and skill are secondary to looks when it comes to the music industry.

>> No.9989667

Except that’s not true; there’s a reason why people who can’t even construct shit are invited to be part of judges at masquerades.

>> No.9989680 [DELETED] 

We're not talking about the music industry moron, we're talking about masqs. If you try to show up at a masq in a stapled together cosplay, you will never win, not matter how attractive you are. Ugly people win best of show all the time because they have better craftsmanship than everyone else.

It sounds a lot like you just flat out haven't cosplayed or competed.

>> No.9989688

It's not about *being* the judge, it's about *being* judged. I don't think anyone gives a shit if J Nig judges them on their cosplay lol

>> No.9989690

They occasionally have judges who are instafamous instead if Crafters to try to get more participants, but for the most part it's talent based for picking.

>> No.9989693

Who is "they"?

>> No.9989701

I've never heard of anyone who is "instafamous" being a cosplay judge at any reputable masquerade competition. Usually it is the veterans of the field.

>> No.9989702

The people who run masqs. I thought that was fairly obvious because you were talking about how judges were picked.

>> No.9989707

Hasn't nigiri been a judge at a few big name cons? I'd count her as more of a "big name" guest judge than a crafter since she has traditionally done minimal work on her cosplays

>> No.9989709

um....no....I have never heard of or seen anyone who was "instafamous" get brought on to a judging panel. Normally that position is one appointed to a retired cosplayer or seamstress who has earned it.

>Hasn't nigiri been a judge at a few big name cons?
Not that I know of.

>> No.9989723
File: 524 KB, 1638x2048, IMG_20180910_183156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like following arkadycosplay. She has some weeby posts but her builds are great and she always seems to have fun.

>> No.9989724

Oh god, whatever that is, that looks like a fuck-ton of work.

>> No.9989736

That is good stuff. See....THIS is talent, skill, and hard work in action. Not "LOL I won because cleavage"

>> No.9989745
File: 127 KB, 640x960, unicorn_gundam_cosplay_by_miragecld-d56sbf8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clive Lees mech suits make me drool

>> No.9989748

You can’t judge people’s construction if you have no construction skills or knowledge, retard.

>> No.9989749
File: 73 KB, 450x798, 4949891729_57d9929737_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goldy was the cosplayer that inspired me to get into the hobby. Hes been at it for years and always produces really high quality stuff imo.

>> No.9989751 [DELETED] 

Wrong, it’s actually really common. >>9989701
Also wrong, there’s tons of masqs that have some insta famous thot with 10k followers being the judge. Nigiri’s definitelu been a judge more than once.

>> No.9989752

That is exactly my point. That is why I am skeptical that talentless people with no construction experience are appointed as judges.

>> No.9989753

Wrong, it’s actually really common, especially with smaller cons.
Also wrong, there’s tons of masqs that have some insta famous thot with 10k followers being the judge. Nigiri’s definitelu been a judge more than once.

>> No.9989754

>Also wrong, there’s tons of masqs that have some insta famous thot with 10k followers being the judge.
Cool, name them.

>> No.9989755


>> No.9989757

No, you’re missing the point. The fact that cons appoint judges with no construction or crafting knowledge shows that the value of cosplaying isn’t solely in just the crafting, it’s about the overall image that the cosplayer creates.

>> No.9989758

Is that the name of the convention or the cosplayer? In either case, I have never heard of it/him/her.

>The fact that cons appoint judges with no construction or crafting knowledge shows that the value of cosplaying isn’t solely in just the crafting, it’s about the overall image that the cosplayer creates.
Do they? Because while I do believe that it is possible to have happened, I have yet to see any evidence that it happens at all, or even "often" as it has been stated.

>> No.9989788 [DELETED] 
File: 1.04 MB, 750x1334, 4A0FF0AE-7680-4D6B-931F-93D77317AF7E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alodia is a famous cosplayer from the philippines, and she judges tons of contests. She makes nothing and is famous because her family is rich and paid for her to be famous basically.
You seem to not go to many conventions or pay attention to con news, if you’ve seriously never heard of anyone who has no crafting skill being invited as a judge. Pic related.

>> No.9989791
File: 725 KB, 750x1334, 0133AD09-6987-4EFA-AE39-98EC7B53CD64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s judged for AX and Anime Impulse as well.

>> No.9989794

>You seem to not go to many conventions
Been to 34 conventions
>or pay attention to con news
Literally looking at con and /cgl/ stuff daily

Learn to read, bruh. I was told there were "tons of masqs that have some insta famous thot with 10k followers be the judge"
So you named ONE thot and TWO cons (one of which is an expo and technically doesn't count). Try harder. I will wait.

>> No.9989797


If only kamui used all of that make-up to tone down that stuck up personality

>> No.9989799


>> No.9989800
File: 76 KB, 508x676, FB_IMG_1536625118525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a cape made of feathers she painted gold. Watching her make it was so much fun.

>> No.9989801

That's freaking awesome. This is good cosplay.

>> No.9989802
File: 123 KB, 1067x1334, FB_IMG_1536625100884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another post of some of her great armor builds.

>> No.9989808

This is some seriously good shit.

>> No.9989816

Shit, I'm jealous. Pretty much all I can do well for cosplay is sewing, her prop and armor making is amazing.

>> No.9989842

>AX doesn't count as a con
Crossboarder gtfo

>> No.9989854

>y-you have to list every single girl and convention in the world!!!!
>a-anime expo isn’t a convention!!!
newfag please leave, you’re embarrassing yourself.

>> No.9989866


Well, I was told "tons", and I was given ONE name and TWO cons, one of which technically isn't a con (although I went to Anime Expo in 2013 and it was boss as fuck).

>> No.9989882

Anime Expo is literally the largest anime convention in the USA. Newfag please leave. Anon gave you examples, you can go look up judges yourself if you still are too retarded to understand that conventions aren’t the magical wonderland that you imagined.

>> No.9989888

>Anime Expo is literally the largest anime convention in the USA
I didn't deny that, 'tard. What I am saying is that if there is SO MUCH evidence and SO MANY exmples, why did you only name one person and two "cons"?

>> No.9989898

>one is called "expo" so it's not a con
are you retarded?

>> No.9989903

>one of which technically isn't a con (although I went to Anime Expo in 2013 and it was boss as fuck).
Nice try backtracking, retard
You should reread, there’s been two girls mentioned and a total of three cons mentioned. You can look up the rest yourself.

>> No.9989907

Nope, just educated.

Exposition: a large public exhibition of art or trade goods.

Convention: an organized meeting of enthusiasts for a television program, movie, or literary genre.

If you think the dictionary is "retarded", then go to Noah Webster's grave and file a complaint.

Good luck getting a reply.

>> No.9989910

Oh, so when is 2 = "tons"?

>> No.9989913

You actually only named one girl, someone named Alodia, whom I have never even heard of. 1 =/= 2

>> No.9989921

so you are retarded, good to know
get lost crossboarder

>> No.9989926

Read again sweetie. You can do the rest of the research yourself if you please, I’ve already provided you examples of girls who’ve judged multiple conventions. You should actually go on a few cons before trying to act like you know anything about them next time, so you don’t accidentally say that the largest anime convention in the US isn’t a convention because their name includes the word “Expo”.

>> No.9989927

The facts don't care about your feelings.

What board am I crossing from exactly?

>> No.9989931

I don't really care, but giving some pedantic dictionary definition to say AX isn't a convention so its masq doesn't count as a masq is pants on head retarded

>> No.9989932

>I’ve already provided you examples of girls
>who’ve judged multiple conventions

Look, kitten, I've been attending cons before you have, and you clearly don't even know what a con is. So guess what? You claimed there were "tons", so fucking put up or shut up. Name a dozen of these girls and their respective masquerades they have judged. Go on....I will wait.

>> No.9989935

So which is it, newfag?
Is it a convention like you stated here >>9989888
Or is it not?
>inb4 th-that t-totally was a d-different retard anon replying!!!

>> No.9989936

so MAGfest is a festival not a con because they chose to name it "fest" right?
god you're stupid

>> No.9989941

>tips fedora
why are crossboarding newfags always trying to insist they’re such oldfags? this is the equivalent of the “i have 40 dresses” newfag lolitas

>> No.9989944

>moving the goalposts again

>> No.9989950

This is truly copypasta worthy. Learn to read and count kiddo, and it wouldn’t hurt to brush up on those googling skills.

>> No.9990144

Anyone who thinks judging panels are some pure land of expert seamstresses is clearly neither a veteran competitor. Judges can range from professional Hollywood costume makers to costhotty insafamous girlswho just buy spandex suits. I've completed at a dozen contests of different sizes and the judging panels can be anything, although for mid-range anime cons, most often they are local craftsheavy cosplayers

>> No.9990149


>> No.9990189

There still are attractive and skilled cosplayers out there. >>9987341 is cute in a kawaii anime way and >>9987757 has a classically beautiful face. December Wynn is also gorgeous irl.

>> No.9990201

>Also wrong, there’s tons of masqs that have some insta famous thot with 10k followers being the judge.
Look at what was originally posted. That is what I have been calling into question this entire time. You're dodging the question. I want you to back up the original claim. "Tons of masqs"? Cool, name half a dozen examples.

>> No.9990221

Different anon, but there's judging problems at every level. I have to assume you don't know many people involved in contests in the USA at least if you've never heard of these problems.

Tiny local cons: I've heard tons of stories from friends around the country about judges awarding their friends or judges who aren't qualified because they're just friends with staff or well known in their tiny community.

Larger cons: Tend to get good crafters but it can be hit or miss whether the judging panel is good. Some cosplayers aren't good judges because they aren't critical enough or they don't have enough skill variety to judge different types of cosplays. For instance, a panel of judges who can only sew won't be able to accurately compare armor cosplay difficulty or finishing to needlework.

Comic Cons: Can be the worst of the lot because judges are sometimes either cosplayers with ultra high follower counts, or celebrities, or people assigned by a sponsor. I've seen great judging panels but I've also seen nightmare tier ones.

>> No.9990229

>post some masqs that do this
>anon posts a couple
>ok now post a few dozen
kek, even if anyone did, you'd just move the goalposts again because you're just a dumbass crossboarder who came to argue

>> No.9990312

Once again, not a crossboarder. I don't even know what that means. And I was told there were "tons" of masqs that do this, not "two"

>> No.9990313

From what I understand tiny cons are the worst because if you are friends with the judges, you basically win automatically. Super clique-ish

The larger cons are the best IMO because people travel to be there, and often times 90% of the attendance isn't local and therefore don't really know each other.

I have never heard of there being a masquerade at a Comic-con before. One of my friends went to Comic-Com in 2003 and again in 2005 and when I asked him about a cosplay competition he said there wasn't one.

>> No.9990314

>"I have yet to see evidence of it ever happening"
>Someone posts it
>"Ok now show me two dozen more"
It doesn't even matter incel-kun, you're just gonna move the goal posts again and say it's not good enough again. The fact that you didn't know it happened seems to suggest you don't either go to cons, or you don't compete in competitions, which is stupid if you're in a thread about competition grade cosplay

>> No.9990315

>Comic cons don't have cosplay contests
Oh no, you're retarded

>> No.9990373
File: 1.90 MB, 916x1200, Screen Shot 2018-09-11 at 10.23.34 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukinecostumes on Instagram makes really detailed and aesthetically pleasing costumes but her pictures look like shit so her account looks awful.

>> No.9990380
File: 2.59 MB, 1106x1186, fuwafuwanwan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwafuwanwan is extremely talented as well. Her costumes are absolutely gorgeous. She's one of my favorite cosplay accounts since she posts a lot of progress photos.

>> No.9990446 [DELETED] 

Cool, then show me a Comic Con cosplay contest from 1971

>> No.9990555

Is this a Monster Hunter cosplay?

>> No.9990617

It's Nergigante armor from Monster Hunter: World yes

>> No.9990633

Yikes, yeah, there's a very much "young instagramer" vibe there and not in a good way but it's nice to see she's still passionate. Sometimes I come across an account and the posts seem meaningless, only posted to stay relevant and on feed and it's kinda sad no longer seeing passion in the hobby.

>> No.9990634 [DELETED] 

Then he lied to you.

>> No.9990635

Then he lied to you.

>> No.9990639

>I have never heard of there being a masquerade at a Comic-con before
Are you an idiot? Does New York Comic Con or Emerald City Comic Con ring a bell? Comic Cons usually have the only contests with huge cash prizes.

>> No.9990658 [DELETED] 

How much of a smug newfag are you to not recognize Alodia? Jesus Christ, how embarrassing.

>> No.9991257

It's just a shame she spent ages making the cape gorgeous, and the actual dress she spent 2 minutes on and it's shit and inaccurate. One of the ECG finalists this year made the costume perfectly however

>> No.9991259

Crown championship heats

>> No.9991260

met her two times and once talked to her online in a Facebook comment thread, she was a huge stuck up bitch every single time.
no idea what's wrong with her, she looks like some insecure but cute otaku but in reality she's just your average legbeard.

>> No.9991281 [DELETED] 

Oh yeah? Then show me your pics from a 2003 Comic-Con (Not SDCC or NYCC)

>> No.9991351

It's 2018 not 2003, you ignorant fuckmuppet. The cosplay scene and the contest scene has changed a lot in fifteen years. Did you know that in 2003 absolutely no cosplayers were on Patreon? I guess that means it's TOTES IMPROSSIBLUH for any cosplayers to make money from Patreon in 2018!!1!

If you're trying to prove an argument, consider using relevant facts and recent data; not your colloquial "I know a guy" stories that are older than some cosplayers.

>> No.9991390

Minimal to zero skill to be judging contests. I do less conventions now so I don't know who are the current popular instafamous cosplayers who are judging contest, but 2-3 years ago these were some of the staples at conventions.

Leanna vamp
Ivy Doomkitty
Canvas cosplay
Meg turney
Brit Bliss

>> No.9991393

Leon chiro

>> No.9991401

>Canvas cosplay
Without a lot of drama, can someone explain how Canvas Cosplay managed to reach the level of fame he's at now? I like his Maui but most of his cosplays are mediocre to bad, he's not attractive the way the other girls in that list are, and yet he's got a partnership with Singer, publishes books on how to be a cosplay celeb, and guests at a con about every two weeks. He's a nice enough guy but I've never understood this.

>> No.9991405

Even though he has no line, and rarely makes anything, the cons I work for feel cosplay /minority/ representation is more important in the cosplay community then actual crafting skill. #cosplay2018, Canvas has a ton going for him. Male, gay, cross dresses, not white, plus size.

>> No.9991416

Thanks, that makes a lot of sense.

>> No.9991500

That Sophie cosplay looks like utter shit, though.

>> No.9991620

I think her forte is crafting/building, not sewing. I remember her talking about the patterning and things for the dress. At least, that's what I think.

I mean, the movie itself was shit so I'm not about to start judging accuracy for what was obviously a passion project.

I've also seen a lot worse dresses. I'm glad it's not a golden bikini.

>> No.9991651


His book recommends approaching cons and telling them they should invite you as a guest, so probably a case of fake it till you make it. Nice guy but there's zero reason he should be well known with how poorly made his costumes are.

>> No.9991799

Not to forget she also works extremely fast, I mean her fatgum took just 2 days if I am not mistaking?It may not be competition worthy but she truly delivers for the time she spends om them.

>> No.9991825

I met Major Sam at Ozcomiccon this year and she is such a lovely person and her work is spectacular to see up close!

>> No.9991869

It looks fine. It definitely needs a good press but that can be excused since she used silk and silk wrinkles easily. The rest of the costume is well-made and intricate. She did all of the beading with glass seed beads by hand and even made the faux jade buttons herself.

>> No.9991999 [DELETED] 

No, it doesn’t. The material looks wrong, she used completely inaccurate trim instead of ruffles, and it looks overall cheap.

>> No.9992003

No, it doesn’t. The material looks wrong, she used completely inaccurate trim instead of ruffles, the lace and trim are stark white in contrast to the ivory cream, and it looks overall very cheap.

>> No.9992111

Throwing in a recommendation for SomersetSews, she's a bit on the silly side but her workmanship always seems to be solid.

Shame she has a long history of begging for donations for rent/food while not taking a break from speed building. I suppose she's probably gotten better but I'm super dubious on her.

>> No.9992115

I'm glad I'm not the only one annoyed at how much isaisanisa bags for money.

No, I'm not going to find your cosplays, not am I gonna fall all over deciding who you should do next. I followed because I found your work talented, but I'm becoming less and less interested as I realize it's a pandering game. Like, I realize the passion for these characters is still there and that's why I still follow, but my own costumes cost me enough, and no one's finding those but my own hardworking self!

>> No.9992116

Fund* not find

>> No.9992127

Kamui speaks funny

>> No.9992221

nayrt but you sound like you might be coming at this from a lolita/high fashion perspective instead of an 'is the cosplay good?' one, especially with that lace comment. It's a really well executed cosplay and the stuff you posted is all nitpicks, not "utter shit".

>> No.9992240

Fabric is subjective. The dress could be any solid woven fabric, including the fabric that fuwafuwanwan used. If the dress was obviously a specific fabric and she used a wildly different one instead (like replacing brocade with chiffon), I'd be inclined to agree, but the fabric looks fine.
The trim looks like she took creative liberties with the illustration, which isn't uncommon in the cosplay community.
None of your criticism warrants calling the whole costume "utter shit".

>> No.9992281

I like her accent and think her speaking is relaxing in tutorials

>> No.9992301

Lolitas are the cancer that is killing this board. I wish you would stay in your own threads ffs.

>> No.9992305

Nayrt, but I agree, it looks awful. Why would you pair silk with shitty polyester trim.

>> No.9992352

(both on ig)

Nikitacosplay -- Mostly does Disney princess stuff but her sewing skills are fantastic.

Tsaritsa_cosplay -- She's taken it easy lately but her Mercy cosplays and Alexstrasza cosplay are amazing. Also genuinely nice

So yeah you can be hot and great at crafting

>> No.9992356 [DELETED] 

Can anyone spill about kamui and her ego tripping? I don't follow her too close and this is the first ive heard if it

>> No.9992357

I've never really seen her have an ego desu. Don't quite know what the above anon was talking about. Her online stuff is mostly all about her work with barely any person information or input

>> No.9992387

Granted the only time I’ve met her was during pre-judging at a con, I did attend a panel and the only thing I can think of is it possibly being a language/culture barrier. She /is/ German. She’s also insanely popular and needs to keep a certain face. The panel I attended someone was talking over her and implying Bennie did all of the work and she talked back to the audience member and told him how offensive he was being. There’s nothing wrong with keeping face when you have to deal with shit like that all the time.

>> No.9992406

Shit is a strong word, but these are not the materials I'd use either. It looks nice, but it also looks like it could benefit from better materials. It's not black and white.

>> No.9992407
File: 1.07 MB, 1440x1792, Screenshot_20180914-130523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xaiguemarinex is another German cosplayer but I've been following her for a while. Kinda fun to watch younger cosplayers grow up and try harder things and start getting invited to things.

>> No.9993600

Cool, then show me pics from a Comic-Con's masquerade (not NYCC or SDCC) from 1982.

>> No.9993769

>Posts this argument with the date 2003, deletes the post, then re-posts days later with the date 1982 instead

I can't decide if this is a shitty attempt at trolling or a shitty attempt at starting a new meme.

>> No.9993775

mods deleted the other post for trolling, it was remade to try to epic troll again

>> No.9994683
File: 471 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180918-143305_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Wisperia Workshops wigs, they are amazing, but does this kind of attitude rub anyone else the wrong way?
What's the point of holding an AMA if every response to a question is "go buy the tutorial"?
I get it, if you are good at something, make money from it, but I think $80 for a video tutorial is a but much.

>> No.9994741

I’m guessing they are just tired of repeating themselves and actually just wanted more interesting, less spoon-feedy kind of questions.

>> No.9994746

I remember them doing some shady shit last year. I can’t rememver exactly what it was but it definitely made me unfollow them

>> No.9994905

Wisperia charges a LOT for their tutorials and patreon and constantly hawks them out. Tutorials are $30 and for a mere $300 you can access everything. I wouldn't be surprised if this was just a ploy to remind everyone to go buy this stuff.

"What brand of wigs do you like" is such a basic question too.

>> No.9994934

This attitude is really prevalent with a lot of cosplay creators these days, unfortunately. NipahDUBs is another one who acts like a smartass and tells people to go subscribe to his Patreon for the tutorial when they ask him a simple question.

Call me old-fashioned but I don't think that stuff like that should be behind a paywall? Especially since 95% of it is regurgitated tutorials from deviantArt.

>> No.9994951

>my friend said there wasn’t a cosplay contest at an event 13 years ago
>therefore they don’t do this thing today despite it being a huge thing
inb4 >Listen, sweetheart, you said masquerade and not contest so here’s me jerking off to merriam webster

>> No.9994954

As a lolita, this costume looks great, eat a bag of dicks

>> No.9994965

Stop responding to trolls. This is why they keep commenting and making threads on this board.

>> No.9994966

This stinks of vendetta.

>> No.9995093

>this cosplay looks bad
>n-no it doesn’t!!
>yes, this is why it looks bad
don’t selfpost if you can’t handle criticism

>> No.9995099

Nope, I’m not a lolita, but nice try. It’s not nitpicking when the sum of the parts looks bad. The “little tweaks” and “creative liberties” that she made make the cosplay looks extremely different from the source material, and very cheap.

>> No.9995102

Adding on that her use of the trim isn’t an upgrade, but a downgrade instead. I understand embellishing cosplays to make them more fancy, but downgrading materials and making them look shittier than the source is definitely not normal and a sign of lazy construction.

>> No.9995786

Quantumdestiny is one of my favourite cosplayers to follow. She’s a good all rounder and has been on the scene long enough to be classed as one of the best. But I do think that is one of her downfalls though- she knows how good she is and she seems so fucking up herself it’s untrue. I love her but damn, she was tweeting about some guy that let her know her false eyelash was falling off during a photo shoot and she got SO pissy about it lmao. Like damn girl he’s doing you a favour by telling you shit like that so you can go fix it so you don’t have an eyelash falling off in all your pictures.

>> No.9999366

This! It's infuriating to see the number of judges nowadays who are judging competitions when they just have high followers but their knowledge is laughable!

>> No.9999369

>>9989936Anime NYC isn't a conor expo, it's nothing just NYC, duh!

>> No.9999372

New York Comic Con has a yearly one

>> No.9999376

He got known as a Moana cosplayer at the height of its peak and hires editors to shop the photos he gets back from his photographers and networks at the cons with anyone and everyone he can, trying to get in good with the instagram owners of those share accounts to spread his name. As far as his books, anyone can publish now on Amazon if you can cover the costs.

>> No.9999443
File: 80 KB, 230x298, 1527229487386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is not talent. this is hard work and dedication to your hobby. words can't describe how much i respect people who have this amount of patience. i wish i could do just one impressive cosplay but i always find stupid excuses for not doing it because i'm afraid if i don't finish it in 1 month i might feel like giving up on it.

>> No.9999654

>i'm afraid if i don't finish it in 1 month i might feel like giving up on it
One positive thing of getting older is that you chill out a lot more about what you feel like you "have" to do. If you're no longer playing catch-up with whatever's trendy at the moment in order to appease your perceived audience, you can dedicate longer build times to bigger projects.

I'm one of the older people in my cosplay circle - the chat is always full of people saying that they want to cosplay from a property and a dozen others jumping in with character claims (I can count on one hand the number of times that these aspirational groups have actually seen reality), but I've been slowly chipping away at a few semi-obscure characters for the last few months. Will they be splashy and eye-catching when they're finished? Maybe, probably not. Are they well-constructed and made to exceed my personal standards? Fuck yes.

>> No.9999727

Same! I stepped away from cosplay for a year or so, only doing very casual cosplays with found clothes and things. The only cosplay I made was one I didn't want to put much effort into and loved it.

I realized I had just put so much pressure on myself to get everything done quickly and then hated it because I didn't do it right. Being honest with my skill and enjoy the process.

>> No.9999749

I feel this so much. Getting out of cosplay groups and just doing relaxed pair or single cosplays has made me love doing cosplay as a hobby again. Also valuing location shoots high over crappy con photoshoots has made my deadlines a lot softer and my cons stress-free.

>> No.9999920
File: 52 KB, 526x326, a76c6e55cb369c6ab98e187afb9bed6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> had just put so much pressure on myself to get everything done quickly and then hated it because I didn't do it right.
this is exactly me. i just always want to see the results as quickly as possible. i get very excited and worried at the same time and always wonder if i'm doing it right, if it's gonna suck or maybe it's gonna be amazing and then i just have to finish it. i hope this stupid phase/state of mind will pass over the years.
i'd like to make a wedding dress-like cosplay with lots of pretty details, gemstones, beads, with tons of ruffles, layered petitcoat but all of that would cost like seriously A LOT and I live in a country with one of the lowest income in europe lmao

>> No.9999991

Littlesparkz is really full of herself, and aside from her foam armor, her costumes are kind of trash. She whined on Facebook not long ago how "no one likes her posts on instagram" anymore - when she's getting over 500 likes per post. She competed last year and sandbagged her godawful Arthas costume from HotS at Twitchcon, Blizzcon and a local event where she lives.

>> No.9999995

oh god Kamu. She was pretty awful, and still is. She got mad at Blizzard last year for not accepting an awful genderbend Deathwing costume and kept saying Blizzard should hire her as a judge for the gamescom contest. there. She is still super catty. At least she stopped caring about Blizzard stuff so much, and since her attitude towards them after her Blizzcon win and how she acted with Riot no video game company will touch her as a model.

>> No.10000087

This post kind of sounds like vendetta. Everyone is complaining about instagram's new algorithms. 500 is nice but it she dropped from 1000 to 500 because of bad reach she can complain all she wants.

Also sandbagging is only a "bad" thing if the con doesn't allow re-entry, or if you want a big award and then sandbag a small con. Blizzcon lets you enter anything even if it's won awards and many people do, and besides she only won a category award at Twitchcon. Twitchcon was a rigged shitshow anyway, so I can't fault anyone from that competition from re-entering anywhere.

I admit that she only has one skill though and that's cartoony foam armor. She does it very well but her sewing skills aren't up there.

>> No.10000092

I really like Okkido's work. Shes from Hungary i think. Niche stuff, mostly WH40K but really solid build quality on her armors. (Although her new howling banshe mask looks like it's made from play-doh. Hope she fices that)

>> No.10000266

she didn't drop from any number, she consistently was and still is getting at least 500. She had said that she would drop from Blizzcon if she won at Twitchcon then stated "I hope no one gets mad at me for not dropping. I ~have to be on stage~ at Blizzcon". Not vendetta. Just sick of her ego.

>> No.10000401

>Twitchcon was a rigged shitshow anyway


>> No.10000727

More shops than COSPLAYERS but I love following Fireflypath and DangerousLadies.

Fireflypath is more inspirational for photoshoots but DangerousLadies is always fun to watch. It's nice to see how things are made (even if I have no interest is getting into resin molding) and it's nice to see a shop feature women, no offense to all the great male fabricators out there.

Anyone else fascinated how far the hobby has come, technology wise?

>> No.10000834

Honeyrabbiit is qt and honesty I adore her sewing skills. She also does a lot of cool art!

>> No.10000854

Don't vendetta post.

>> No.10000920

think u mean to say selfpost

>> No.10001143

Agreed, Fireflypath is one I look at a lot when I want inspiration for fabric dyeing!

I’m always in awe about how far cosplay has come. I started about ten/twelve years ago when the only decent wigs were either Cosplay.com or getting lucky on eBay, and searching deviantart for tutorials. I constantly wish I had access to the resources that new cosplayers have these days, just thinking about how far I would have come if I had been able to start out stronger than I did makes me so bitter.

>> No.10001300

I've been subscribed to Fireflypath's DA for the last five or so years but haven't been able to alter my perception of her work from some negative chatter she received a few years back
>someone had received a wedding dress with hot glue strings hanging off the fabric
>other claims of poor construction and poor customer interaction

Anyone have affirmative experiences/stories that she's improved in her craft and relationships? I like the vision and aesthetic she has going on, but it's hard to fully appreciate her stuff when it's so colored by negative memories.

>> No.10001773

I've never heard of that! But then, I never looked. I'm interested if it's true/if she's improved.

It reminds me of Daddy Designer, who I used to follow and has a big fandom but then heard he uses hot glue a lot too and once you look - yeah, you can see it. Plus, it bothers me that he doesn't hem his dresses.

>> No.10001812
File: 271 KB, 1125x1114, BD4FBE19-BD39-4262-BBD2-3D09C1915820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10001870

I really like their wigs but I hate glued hairlines. I think it always looks bad, and so many of their wigs are totally ruined for me by them. Why wont they use lacefronts

>> No.10002596
File: 30 KB, 447x364, 1515616485466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thisis the opposite of talent lmao

>> No.10002605

Don't reply to bait, dipshit.

>> No.10004396

DD is notorious for poor construction. He also can't actually pattern anything that isn't a princess dress.

>> No.10005563

he just did a commission for Beato from Umineko for Moomoo as well and the dress looks worse than the Chinese EBay ones

>> No.10006495

I saw that. It's... unfortunate.

Are there any Disney cosplayers that aren't bitches? I used to be in the community and it just seems to attract the bitchiest girls who HAVE to be the sparkliest pieces of shit with the most expensive bought-costumes.

Wondering if anyone had a decent Disney person to follow.

>> No.10006498

Wow so tru my local Disney’s are shit too
I like following japanese Disney cosplayers

>> No.10008063

Oh! I used to watch Jin (beyonfinfinity) for years. They were the first cosplayer I really looked up to. Anyone have those? (They seem to keep doing what they were, I just grew out of the normal fandoms).

>> No.10008131

Different anon here, she does. She also pays for visibility on FB since her engagement is so low. I see sponsored posts from her in my feed before, not even for sales, just on random pictures.

>> No.10008289


>> No.10008341


>> No.10009532

Can we stop blowing smoke up her ass? She's good but she's not that good. She's also a smug bitch who thinks she's gods gift to cosplay.

>> No.10009537

thats what she tends to do. spends time on one piece then half asses the rest then complains about muh disease if/when people point that out.

>> No.10010865

I’m going to drop a few random crafters whom I follow on Insta because they post inspiring WIPs:

Dessi_desu (also a fantastic artist)
Jedimanda (although she’s a costume contest shopper/sandbagger, which is bad cosplay etiquette imo)

There are way more that inspire me, but I’m tired and going to sleep! This is a pretty good list already.

>> No.10010960

>such a lovely person
are you sure you were talking to major sam and not someone else?

>> No.10010983

My fucking sides

>> No.10011339

her cosplays may not involve any real talent but boy is she talented as getting attention and money for being as close to a porn star as one can get without actually showing puss

>> No.10011346
File: 102 KB, 1080x1080, 41322820_276796449603034_5365609178657065916_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh yeah. Very "talented".

>> No.10011388

I was about to say butterface, but her body ain't that good either.

>> No.10011519

Integrated corset dresses are not easy to make friend

>> No.10011558

>Extremely well-made custom corset
>Hand-beading and stonework

Spoken like someone who has no idea what effort actually looks like.

>> No.10011596
File: 135 KB, 567x850, MajorSam-Julietta01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, very. Why do people always do this? Try and shit on talented cosplayers by posting their more casual ones. At least post her Sakizou or Evie Frye

>> No.10011597

Seconding downen, enayla and jedimanda, all are incredible. Though jedimanda newest project is letting her down, it's shit

>> No.10011600

Even if >>10011346 is "casual" it's some pretty damn good corsetry, which is not exactly easy.

>> No.10011602


>> No.10012801

Yeah Jedimanda is super talented but I had to unfollow after i heard about the sandbagging. that's not cool in my book.

>> No.10012805

? ?????????

>> No.10012810

From what I've heard her patreon tutorials are all "Hotglue everything together" She might make it look amazing, but thats beginner level bullshit

>> No.10012871

I used to be a patreon, everything is Shit Tier. Her wonder woman cosplay tutorial is a fucking joke

>> No.10012880

I don't understand why she pretends like she can sew or make great armor? Everyone follows her for her makeup so she should just stick to that. Pretty much everyone specializes in one thing... I can't think of a single cosplayer who's amazing across the board.

>> No.10012892

Cowbutt crunchies is damn good all round.

Agree completely though. Alysons makeup is incredible and it's such a shame to see her actual costumes be so shit when she has the patreon money to buy worbla rather than fucking cardboard for armour

>> No.10012896

What did she sandbag?

>> No.10012941


>> No.10012943

Entering a contest at a smaller/lower impact con after winning at a bigger con with the same costume.

>> No.10014043

Gencon and something else, if I recall, and she tried to enter a costume that won C2E2 at Dragoncon

>> No.10014073

Iirc the costume only won the regional qualifiers not the whole c2e2 comp.

>> No.10014119

>This is a pretty good list already.
Yeah, it's a pretty good list of pretty trash "cosplayers"

>> No.10014124

Then contribute a better list?

>> No.10014137

I did already earlier, on the J Nig thottery thread

>> No.10014279

I'd say the only I'd defend as good on that list are Avantgeek and Dessi_desu

>> No.10014447

>thottery thread
They said good cosplayers, not lewd softcore porn models, anon. This is a craftsmanship thread so either post an actual list or leave.

Downen_creative_studios is a good follow too, and despite Jedimanda's attitude problem her craftsmanship is very detailed and nice to look at.

>> No.10014456

>This is a craftsmanship thread so either post an actual list or leave.
That is what my list was, if you had actually bothered to read it. I was telling all those chucklefucks who worship J Nig that there are WAY more talented cosplayers on the planet, and the majority of them aren't from the USA

>> No.10014467

I actually went into the thread trying to find your so-called list of craftspeople, and not only did you not post a list of crafters but you didn't post a list at all. So again, put up or stop whining about how bad someone else's list is.

>> No.10014476


>> No.10014507

Oh, I follow enaylacosplay, I like them.

I kinda hate dessi_desu's art and I can't decide if it's because it feels like a copy of hannah_alexander_artwork. Like, it just feels like "alternative intricate dresses for popular characters" instead of anything really inspired. But their art IS good and I still follow for the cosplay... Idk.

I only just started following Avantgeek and I like the cosplays.

From my list:

Maul_Cosplay (I mean, duh)
davidmccarthydesigns (disney)

>> No.10014511

I've never seen her complain, usually she seems to not give a shit about if someone doesn't like her cosplay. At least that's how I've always read it. Sometimes she'll talk about her illness but mostly it's just goofy voltron pics.

>> No.10014575

We're discussing cosplay, on a cosplay board. If you want to piss on everyone's parade, kindly go fuck off and do it elsewhere.

>> No.10014576


>> No.10014579

Replying to bait isn't cosplay discussion. If you want to be trolled into replying to bait, go to /b/ instead.

>> No.10014818

post your body

>> No.10014868

Get out of here with your trolling, cross-boarding trash

>> No.10015321

Get outta here, trolls

>> No.10015866

Alyson also uses hot glue on her wigs to create hairlines.

Her Wonder Woman tutorial was a cringefest. She spread resin onto her armor using her hands instead of a brush.

Just as anon mentioned, her makeup is good but her craftsmanship is below average.

>> No.10015867

there was also absolutely no fucking need for the resin if she was just going to glue foam on top. The painting of the bracers made me die inside too

>> No.10015878

Why does she pour the superglue? It's fucking superglue.

The comments were also cringey as fuck.

>> No.10015881


Does anyone know how long she's been cosplaying?

>> No.10015883

nearly 10 years I think. All dat patreon money and she still uses fucking cardboard to make armour

>> No.10015887


She is showing the community that you don't need a lot of money to make great cosplays.

>> No.10015889

bullshit excuse for shit craftsmanship. EVA foam isnt expensive, and she could easily make things well if she wasnt lazy as hell

>> No.10016256

That raises an interesting question though - She's famous for her make-up... does she HAVE to be good at craftsmanship?

Maybe she's not lazy, maybe she really doesn't make armor well. I think armor is more 3D art while make-up is more 2D and so it's not crazy to think she might have a harder time making it.

It's probably not a good idea to make tutorials on the subject but then again, it's expected of popular cosplayers now.

Just some thoughts.

>> No.10016260

Kamui was a complete bitch to me IRL at a German con. Can't prove it though. Let's just say she's your typical stuck up legbeard

>> No.10016287

It's not like being accustomed to 2D mediums debilitates you from making things in three dimensions. After all, traditional artists tend to me more adept at cosplay than a carpenter, for instance, where they are required to have a good understanding of 3D space. But the skills of a carpenter have little overlap with cosplay, whereas 2D arts do. Of course, working with 2D media won't give you all the skills you need right off the bat. That's why you practice -- something Tabbitha is in fact to lazy to do.

>> No.10016289


>> No.10016291

>showing the community that you don't need a lot of money to make great cosplays.
You missed the key part of that statement where you actually have to make a great cosplay on a shoestring budget. If your cosplay looks like shit it doesn't prove anything. Making garbage cosplay for the price of a hamburger doesn't suddenly mean it looks good.

>does she HAVE to be good at craftsmanship?

No she doesn't, which is why she should stop trying to encourage newbie cosplayers who don't know any better to use garbage techniques. She can make her cosplays however she wants but the second you start telling people to make things in a bad way, you're doing a disservice to the community.

>> No.10016293

Which is why she wasted an expensive material (resin) coating thermoplastic (??????) that was getting covered in craft foam anyway. Right.

>> No.10016298

I just meant that there are parts of cosplay I'm more skilled and easier to adapt to than others. I can't pattern my own stuff no matter how much I study, it just doesn't click in my head, but crafting props or painting or detail work is a lot easier for me.

I'm just saying she might be more prone to some aspects of cosplay than others.

I don't follow her closely so I wouldn't know if she's lazy or not. She might just not want to practice.

I also don't care about her specifically, I mean in the aspect of popular cosplayers in general. Tabbitha is good at makeup, does she need to be good at crafting? Does not being good make her lazy or just specialized?

In terms of this thread, does talent have to be all-around or specific in one field? Because I have people I follow for wigs versus armor and the like.

Again, just thoughts and wondering how we as cosplayers - or at least cosplay fans - hold each other and others to certain standards. Are they fair and realistic?

>> No.10016800

>Again, just thoughts and wondering how we as cosplayers - or at least cosplay fans - hold each other and others to certain standards. Are they fair and realistic?

>> No.10017413

>does talent have to be all-around or specific in one field?

Skill in cosplay is hard to quantify as "specific in one field" because "specific in one field" in cosplay means you're at minimum proficient at a ton of things to produce an amazing end result.
For example, you could consider "talented at sewing" to be a specific field, but there multiple processes that go into that talent such as
>pattern drafting
>fabric dyeing
>the actual sewing

However, Alyson Tabbitha's "specialty" is just lazy. Other cosplayers look to improve their craft as a whole and to learn new techniques and to improve upon skills they already know. Alyson, on the other hand, relies on her makeup to carry her cosplay while the rest of it looks mediocre at best.

>> No.10017491

Yeah it's not even like she's attempting to improve her skill or technique in crafting, she just uses the same old shit she always has, with it looking mediocre

>> No.10017494

Honestly, her makeup isn't even that amazing. Yeah, it's clean and looks good in photos, but that's about it. It's not like she uses prosthetics or does sfx makeup.

>> No.10018033

That's true, I'm always just amazed how she changes the look of her face but wondered if it looks at all ok in real life. Again, not really defending her, I barely follow, I just always liked her looks.

I do like the idea that talented in cosplay means always striving to become better. It's something I've seen even the most elite fan give credit to.

>> No.10018258


She hot glues and uses acrylic paint on her wigs.

>> No.10018442

IMO the way comic con breaks down its categories (Needlework, Armor, and FX) is an accurate depiction of how most cosplayers specialize. I know lots of armor makers who are amazing at fabricating, 3d printing, and casting, but are afraid of a sewing machine. Cosplayers who are talented at sewing have a huge needlework skillset and are sometimes decent with armor too but rarely amazing at both.

There's so many processes to learn in that "one" field, most cosplayers can't or don't need to take on a second one.

>> No.10018542

But if you're literally doing cosplay as your full time job, surely you should strive to improve your skillset anyway you can?

>> No.10018572

I personally always try to learn something new from each costume I make. Whether that's new techniques or improving on existing skills. I'm finally, after years, getting more proficient behind the sewing machine, but it takes practice. Like everything else.
I'm currently rather fond of leatherworking. I like to approach cosplays as a learning process, but then again... I don't crank out 6 costumes a year.

>> No.10018593

Funny how even with "talented" cosplayers its the hot ones getting the attention

Would people care about Alyson Tabbitha's "talent" if she was ugly?

>> No.10018671

>IMO the way comic con breaks down its categories (Needlework, Armor, and FX) is an accurate depiction of how most cosplayers specialize.
This is a complete lie.

>Funny how even with "talented" cosplayers its the hot ones getting the attention
Exactly. Much like pop stars, talent is meaningless next to looks. I can't think of a 400lb cosplayer or pop star who is famous for their "talent"

>> No.10018703

Honestly I wonder how much of her perceived talent is makeup and how much of it is just having an adaptable face structure...

>> No.10018728

What I take away from this thread is whether the majority of cgl thinks a cosplayer is deserving of the “talented” label seems to be determined by this formula:

Cosplayer MUST be any two (but only two) of:
-Skilled at cosplay

If a cosplayer is skilled, they have to be either nice or attractive to be “talented” and so on. If a cosplayer is only one of these attributes, people will cite examples of them not having the other attributes to illustrate that they aren’t a talented cosplayer.

It’s also apparently not possible to be seen as possessing all three of these qualities.

>> No.10018745

Which of those two do kamui fill, i have heard people say she is both ugly and a bitch, so does she have max skill in cosplay then?

>> No.10018770

Tbh I think if Alyson Tabbitha was ugly, we'd treat her more like Momokun. They have roughly the same amount of cosplay "talent", but Alyson at least knows how to do flattering makeup.

Seconding the other anon. There are people who say that cosplayers that are considered talented who only fill one of those categories like Yaya, Atelier Heidi, and Kamui.
Plus there are cosplayers who are all 3 such as >>9987341 (based on other people's comments in this thread).

>> No.10018773

Top tier gods then..
I think I know a few more cosplayers that also fill the three categories, maybe popularity can be considered..
No wait
popularity is in proportion to skill levels in all three categories?!
i’m enjoying this too much lol

>> No.10018779

Kill yourself, shitstirring trash.

>> No.10018801

People can’t talk about how skilled she is without someone else saying she’s a bitch or ugly as if that has much to do with her skills.

I don’t necessarily agree with the formula, that’s just what I’ve observed seems to be the criteria for “talented” that people won’t dispute or outright dismiss.

>> No.10018815

lmao how is that shitstirring tho
try to provide a legitimate answer than to just be angery

>> No.10018974

I thought we had determined earlier that the three qualities (that any cosplayer can only have two of) are:
-Crafting skills (aka talent)

Hence why the hottest girls who are best at cosplay are the ones that aren't internet famous.

>> No.10018975

The problem with using attractiveness as a qualification is that everyone has a different opinion on it. Kamui is by no means ugly, but because she isn't 10/10 hot, people will harp on how unattractive she is. If your criteria is model levels of hot, you're going to have a very short list.

>> No.10018976

>This is a complete lie.
Okay, then give some examples of cosplayers who specialize in two or all three.

>> No.10019072

Cowbutt Crunchies, dumbass

>> No.10019079

If you can't give more than one example, that isn't really proving your point, is it?

>> No.10019083

Look, you stated that people don't specialize in more than one category, so the existence of one exception proves your point wrong. The reason only one is listed is because you blatantly overlooked one of the most obvious examples. People that specialize in more than one are somewhat uncommon, sure. But saying that there aren't any is pants on head retarded. Sorry you feel so limited in your skills that you have to project your shortcoming onto others, sweaty <3

>> No.10019084

On second thought I realized I misread your original message, my apologies. But the point still stands, it's not as uncommon as you think.

>> No.10019100
File: 139 KB, 900x1200, DpjqiapU4AALlp5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I follow quite a few crafters and commissioners on twitter/insta who do really lovely, clean work and also post great progress pics, so i'll drop their handles here!

> @limited4mind (On twitter): Goes by HeMi, does beautiful sewing work. Specialises in mostly iM@s costumes.
> lita0_0 (On Insta) : Sewing specialist, does lots of cutesy and idol boy work. Used to post work WIP stuff but still posts finished works.
>@s_satoimo (On Twitter): Lots of mixed series, likes cutesy idolish outfits.
>@classewig_p (On Twitter) : Impressive wigs, posts tutorials and videos pretty often.
>@thizurun (On Twitter) : Lots and lots of super cutesy idol/precure etc. costumes, does lots of embellishing etc.
>@tomjya (On Twitter) : Goes by Tomo, also does lots of commissions. Really pretty and detailed costumes!
>@Lennethxvii (On Twitter) : Very focused/sort of pedantic coser who pays lots of attention to detail.

Most of these cosers don't speak/post in english so I doubt they would've been posted here- Just sharing them because I admire their work!

>> No.10019153

Thank you so much!

To add an English-speaker I love to the list...

@c80sthingamabobs (on insta) is great with wigs and just won a big cosplay contest to compete internationally. She's always been fun to follow.

>> No.10019199

I don't think she's ugly (she's average) and idk about her personality, but personally I don't think she's that skilled because she constantly takes short cuts. Her stuff is always more disappointing irl than in her pictures, too.

>> No.10019224

het Aleytrasza is literally 1:1 Kamui cosplay stuff.

>> No.10019234

>Adam Savage
WHY DID NO ONE POST HIM YET? I want his workshop so badly :(

>> No.10019242
File: 641 KB, 2048x2016, jhart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised no one has mentioned J. Hart yet. His work is absolutely gorgeous.

>> No.10019326

I always forget about him! Does he only post in Facebook though?

Oh, there's a great foam YouTube channel, evilTed I think?, that's also super helpful

>> No.10019343

My point is that I try to keep my boner out of judging someone's cosplay as much as possible. The whole point of evaluating skill in the form of craftsmanship has nothing to do with how hot the person wearing the outfit might be. This is why I find it abhorrent that costhots who build their brand on cheap costumes and ample cleavage tend to be consistently ranked as the best.

>> No.10019473

That's kinda why I started the thread. Wanted to know who people find talented, not really attractive. I didn't know Kamui was mean when I posted her, I only follow her insta and don't read comments.

>> No.10019504

Honestly cosplay has changed so much even compared to 5 years ago.
Buying costumes is easier than ever with ebay stores, aliexpress, and taobao resellers. You no longer have to have friends/family that live in China or to scout out a SS to buy premade costumes.

That created this cycle of anime comes out -> taobao store sells costume -> cosplayers are able to keep pumping out fotm cosplays by buying cosplays -> people who don't cosplay think fotm is "teh bestest cosplay evar!" -> those people give attractive cosplayers who cosplay fotm attention and sideline costumers in favor of fotm waifu-chans.

Crafting definitely isn't as valued as it once was since you can buy costumes for so much cheaper on Aliexpress/Taobao for a fraction of the cost and there's no labor involved. Actual costumemakers get so little attention that threads like this have to exist because I have no idea who the good costumemakers are anymore and have just been following the same people for years and years on end.

>> No.10019575

Funny enough, though, easy to buy costumes has really helped me get more into crafting. I was struggling so much with the sewing and fitting that now that I don't have to focus on that, I can build props and armor and things.

I know it's not the same and I agree with everything you said. I just thought I'd share that's it's nice there's at least more tools out there for crafters too. While they don't get popular, it's becoming so much more easier to explore. Can you imagine resin casting at home 10 years ago? (Maybe it was a thing, old, but it just seems like everyone does it now as opposed to before). Or 3d printing your own props?

>> No.10019623

Cosplay as a whole is a dying artform; it's nowhere near as popular as it was a decade ago.

All of the ebay/taobao store bought garbage is great for selling mass quantities of *costumes*, yes. Perfect for Halloween and porn parodies. But *cosplay* is different entirely: you have to DIY.

The mass influx of newbies who depend on store-bought garbage for the flavor-of-the-week anime/comic/movie/series only helps those of us who make our own stuff stand out, and in a good way. That being said, it logs up cons with annoying normies who otherwise wouldn't be there.

>> No.10019677

I know you're really far up your own ass, but cosplay isn't about crafting itself. It's about dressing up as a character. Costuming is about making shit, not cosplay.

>> No.10019890

Actually resin casting at home was more of a thing back then than it is now. Mostly due to the costs and being able to achieve similar effects with foam. Foam is so much cheaper, that the amount of sculpting and casting has gone down in the cosplay scene.

>> No.10019974

clearly you've never been part of or even attended a cosplay competition....

>> No.10020092

Competitions ≠ cosplaying. Not every cosplayer competes anon. Some people actually do it for fun. Who knew, right?

>> No.10020458

You seemed to have missed the point, so let me fill you in. I didn't say that competitions = cosplaying.

Not every cosplayer competes, but often times, the best ones do.

And how else is one supposed to get judged on the quality of their performance and craftsmanship of their cosplay? Hmmmmmm well I highly doubt they just ask their parents and friends "whaddya think?". Hint: they compete in contests and get judged.

>> No.10022109
File: 101 KB, 596x900, Hornet-Heroes-of-the-North.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so-called list of craftspeople
lol because whole people and their entire careers just vanish because you can't be bothered to read what as posted.
>I was telling all those chucklefucks who worship J Nig that there are WAY more talented cosplayers on the planet, and the majority of them aren't from the USA
Agreed. For example, MCB from Canada.

>> No.10022110

>Costuming is about making shit, not cosplay.
Then you don't seem to know the definition of either term.

>> No.10022709

Don't you love when people (not everyone here) sit around and judge the stuff other people work really hard on while never making anything themselves... also damn guys talk about em like they arnt people why dont ya...

>> No.10022802

>Don't you love when people (not everyone here) sit around and judge the stuff other people work really hard on while never making anything themselves
I honestly don't know why people do that. I suppose it's a cosplayer's version of "armchair quarterbacking" for NFL fans. I personally wouldn't be criticizing others if I hadn't spent years learning the craft, doing self-improvement, competing, and eventually winning, then *finally* judging masquerades and cosplay competitions.