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9956865 No.9956865 [Reply] [Original]

Tokonatsu: 3rd-6th August
AL 30th Aug -2nd sept
Hibana 2-4th Nov

NO KITA in 2019 due to Warwick Refurb. Share your pain.

Discord: https://discord.gg/JjadjRV

>> No.9956894

I guess next year I'll actually have to consider a holiday instead of using conventions as mini holidays throughout the year.

>> No.9956901

Me and some Pals are looking at booze weekend away at a city renting an apartment instead

>> No.9956907
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I can't believe UK cons are dead in 2019. I guess

I will have to put up Gardencon 2 to fill the gap next year.

>> No.9956913
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>Tfw didn't think I'd be able to make Toko but fate has given me the opportunity.
Getting everything sorted within 5 days is gonna be rough but I'm still pretty happy.

>> No.9956921

>Sleeping bag
>Air bed/those roll out things
ez modo m8

>> No.9956925
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I have to prepare mentally for social gatherings because I'm an emotionally stunted manchild.

>> No.9956927

How can we be sure there will be another AmeCon is the committee has a break down everytime somebody says something they don't like?

>> No.9956930

Just bring your impeccable humour and you'll be fine

>> No.9956939

Just do nothing but mollycoddle them and it'll all be fine. Shit, but fine.

>> No.9956946

If anyone thinks Amecon is actually happening again they're going to be badly disappointed.

It's a shame it's gone out on such a low, the committee should be fucking ashamed of themselves. Ayacon had the right idea, quit while you're still good.

>> No.9956957

What happened?

>> No.9956960


>> No.9956982

beware the piss hog

>> No.9956995

Feedback panel, one of the staff said that there was a lot of negativity after the accommodation issues and whoever did social media said it was hard to fit in around working and responding as fast as people would like and they and to step away for a bit to maintain mental health. Better summary in old thread >>9944289

>> No.9957003

Part of me does genuinely feel for con committees and think no matter what they do someone will be pissed.

But you can't be soft and at the end of the day the chair largely has to ignore the attendees and do what they feel comfortable doing and it's then the social officer to try and spin that as the committee listening to the attendees. Even when they aren't, they're just doing their own thing.

>> No.9957007

So was Ame a shitshow, or were the committee just useless. Been seeing mixed reactions to the weekend on my facebook

>> No.9957011

>haven't recovered from the Sunday night heavy drinking
>work tomorrow
knew I shoulda booked an extra day. send help.

>> No.9957024

Not a total shit show but it was pretty weak overall. Some good panels and events but the only good stuff was brought in by attendees.

The only thing the committee brought to the table was a shit ton of self entitlement and a load of whinging.

>> No.9957025

I didn't really enjoy it as much as usual. It felt like there was fuck all regarding panels and the masq/omake were subpar compared to previous years.

>> No.9957029

get the neet life bro

Building work overan, so lots of last minute changes as rooms were unavailable. Turned up for a karaoke to find it had been cancelled and turned into the bring and buy.
My FB feed is people had fun, but it could have been better. Fun is usually down to your mates rather than events. Closing ceremony was also kitanott running next year, kinda a downer.

>> No.9957030

On an entirely personal level I had a great weekend and actually enjoyed myself more than I have done at a con for a very long time. The only thing that struck me as truly weird and disappointing was how quiet and sparse the dealer's room was, but that probably had a lot to do with people dividing themselves between Ame and MCM. I know there were things that really didn't work though, and I hear the end of con party was a shitshow.

The bigger thing for me is that certain members of the committee did not cover themselves in glory before the con and they didn't do anything to redeem themselves during it. And with how long Ame has been running, they should know better than to act the way they have.

I've been to every Amecon and will absolutely support it if/when it returns in 2020, but they need to shake up the committee and get some trusted names in to replace the weakest links or they may not command the community respect to run again, and that would be a shame.

>> No.9957036

>Fun is usually down to your mates rather than events.
Can definitely confirm this. Did barely any events this year except Karaoke, parties and ball, but made some great friends through cosplay and some good drinks. Great con for me all round but not for the reasons Ame would want.

>> No.9957048

I've only been to MCM and LFCC. Now I'll have to wait until 2020 for Kitacon.

>> No.9957070
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Do you have a video? Sounds like you're exagrating this or just plain making it up.

>> No.9957073

Doubt Kita is running 2020 desu. What with the committee basically changing. Kita might still run a small event in 2019 though just not a full on Kita.

Warwick is out as a venue till 2020 at the minimum but realistically that might be till 2022 instead.

Unless a suitable venue is found no con can run.

>> No.9957077

Third the friends thing - Even terrible cons can be amazing with the right groups.

Really enjoyed Ame this year though. Not Aya but still a damn good con.

There weren't a huge number of panels but I think the bigger issue was that similar panels were on at the same time on occasions. I did find time to eat this year though which was nice though.

The student union club being used again was also good. The final club night was a bit subpar though. Very busy but no one seemed that interested.

>> No.9957078

i had a great time, didn't attend a single panel and only consumed a small/medium amount of alcohol.

for me the last day was a let down as the music at the ball was utter shite and then the music/venue for the final party was also shite. Really not that hard to keep everyone happy with cheesy shit music, someone has to be responsible for that mess.

i also get a large majority of people attending are socially awkward and anxious but the amount of people just stood in the middle of the ball and the dancefloor at the party afterwards just looking at their phones and talking was annoying. Go stand at the side somewhere and let dancing queens strut pls.

>> No.9957079
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As long as it doesn't go back to Keele...

>> No.9957098

Think party was busy because someone said the games room had to close early due to another event needing it on monday, combined with the rain it meant people had little else to do. The thread on amesocial said the music choice was a bit off seeing as it was a "rock out"

>> No.9957103

>Announcements Ame 2020
>"We are proud to announce Amecon will be returning for 2020"
>Audience go wild
>Several attendees start crying in joy
>People stand to cheer and clap
>This continues until palms are red
>One or two people start to actually become younger
>"Yes, Amecon will be returning with the help of Michael Tower! A round of applause please for Mike the new Amecon con committee member"
>This timeline ends, life no has no meaning. Humanity is lost for eternity.
>Sex with children becomes legal.

>> No.9957139
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>Planning Holiday to Japan 2019.
>Love conventions, but don't have the holiday-days nor the cash to do a big convention that year too.
>Super thrilled to travel, but a little bummed that I'm missing everyone and everything at Kitacon next year.
>Kitacon cancelled.
>On the one hand it sucks that it's not running.
>On the other, I'm a bit glad because I'm not missing out on anything.

>> No.9957179

so lads, is it just mcm and alcon for the rest of 2018 and all of 2019?

i love sunnycon but fuck doing cons on july unless we get a nuclear winter

>> No.9957416

Looks that way.

I'll be honest I only enjoyed Ame because of One or Two friends. People kept bigging it up because they enjoyed Kita last year. The disappointment for Ame started when their shit show of a registration process started. They never replied to e-mail went to Facebook group similar posts of other members saying they've had no replies (some going back 2 months) and no replies from staff on Facebook either. Then the Time table was released and it baron. I had a bad feeling about it. Turned up to opening ceremony and some bearded fuck rudely shouting rules at the attendees in a fashion that is supposed be deemed as OK because it's fine it's for their own good. We are not kids m8. Then in the rules no parties in dorms comes up, ah I see fun is banned here right now that feeling of uncertainty makes sense. Long story short Ame sucked as a con but the attendees were amazing. Oh and the committee can get fucked with their break downs on stage because the mean people online said means things we have jobs I need my safe space bullshit. Welcome to the real world if you cannot handle step down and let somebody who can handle it take your place. Attendees shouldn't have to hold back on feedback because you cannot do your job right. We don't stand for this shit at any other con, so what makes AmeCons committee of cucks n snowflakes any different?

>> No.9957424

what about going to another convention abroad in the summer? it would be a holiday while still enjoying the convention life

>> No.9957426

>people complain about accommodation and how the con is run and yet they still attend

>> No.9957429

same here anon, a bunch of people posted about how much fun they're having, kinda made me jealous that i wasn't able to attend

>> No.9957433

oh crap did that happen!?! i couldnt hear that part during the livestream! no wonder people are upset and making memes

>> No.9957449

Was my first AmeCon on the back of everyone saying it's the same as Kita, may not go back.

>> No.9957483

That's the plan after Gardencon 2 my dude.

>> No.9957500

Lan set up in the games room was the best. I really hope hibanna keep adding more pc's with more games to that set up.
Glad they moved the parties to the club. The main auditorium was like a school disco at kita. I hope they start bringing in musical guests again.
Badges were on point as usual. Wish they'd opened registration on Thursday to avoid the line.
Considering all the bullshit the venue threw at the committee, I think they did well. Especially when they do it for free :^)

>> No.9957507
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>> No.9957514

I was there, we're not baiting you.

>> No.9957534

I'm the same, I have a few trips planned later in the year and next year for FFXIV related events and then I'm planning on going to Japan in 2020. I felt so sad that I'd have to choose between cons and proper holidays, but now I can hopefully do them all!

>> No.9957536

No, it didn't. All that was said was that Ame would be back in 2020 but they didn't have a venue yet.

>> No.9957548


>> No.9957555

I used to enjoy Ame when Will was the chairman, maybe it was better, maybe it was because I was younger.
Between AmeChibi and Ame 2018, i'm starting to worry about Amecon. Good weekend, but mostly due to the social with other attendees.

>> No.9957558

the bit that gave it away to me was the fact that it isnt 2019 yet, it wasn't mentioned which con this happened at.. and the having sex with kids

>> No.9957559
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>> No.9957570

Greentext it you cunt

>> No.9957584

> ame good because of company I was with
>Registrations was slow to respond to emails/facebook
>events schedule underwhelming for my interests
>Bearded MC annoying for telling us not to get smashed and throw parties in the halls
> I had fun, but due to the m8s I was with
>committee needs a shake up as they need to evolve with the more demanding attendee requests/concerns

>> No.9957631

My way was cooler simply because it's clearly annoying people

>> No.9957638

we all have short attention spans

>> No.9957648

are you ben collins?

>> No.9957651


For you I could be.

>> No.9957658

Forgot about that fat cunt

Really nice guy, too good for this community tbqh

>> No.9957671

I never swap Ben Collins at Ame should I feel sorry about this?

>> No.9957672


fucking phone!

>> No.9957685
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>tfw Ben Collins calls you pretty

>> No.9957689

hi dragon!

>> No.9957699
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MFW committee use "we do it for free" as some sort of catch all excuse for running a shit event.

>> No.9957703

Its a meme from v you sperg

>> No.9957711

Anyone venture onto Tinder this con? Apart from the regular orgy people. Didn't even think to check this time around.

>> No.9957760

Tinder was almost empty, nothing interesting to report or screen shot sadly

>> No.9957773


I skipped tinder this time round because of the orgy. Just didn't have time for both.

>> No.9957779

Everyone's either super shy or already in some kind of relationship.

Or at the orgy.

>> No.9957788
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>cons over

im depressed as fuck, nothing to do for a few months outside of wishing I was dead or going out to the weekly boardgames meetup.

I just want to take the next 10 days off, not eat and eat some dnp(its getting cooler now anyway) and be a skeletal so i can at least look forward to something short term

>> No.9957825
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>no ame or kita for 2 years
>hate camping so no toko
>probably too poor for hibana and dunno if friends are going

>> No.9957829

see you in alcon bruv

>> No.9957865

You tried talking to people at the con and cucking yourself instead?

>> No.9958085

"Yeah, It was nice to meet you anon. We have so much in common and your cosplay is super cute. I can't wait to tell my boyfriend about you."


>> No.9958089

Post con blues setting in proper. Actually considering Hibanacon now.

>> No.9958124

Most people I've seen talk about it have positive impressions of Hibana, and the price is really good too considering it's a hotel con. Definitely think I want to attend even if I can't convince a full group of friends to go.

>> No.9958185

> Kita/Ame Spring cons stop happening after hyped
> Everyone says nothing is wrong
> Ame Committee can't do jobs right
> Con goes to shit
> Kita wont run in 2019
> Blames 'building works'
> Turns out most of the committee has left
> Couldn't possibly be linked

Looks like UK con culture is fucked until competant staff who can tolerate weebs can be found.

>> No.9958191

It's very much an old school comfy anime con. Nothing flashy or new but panels are solid and it's a good friendly crowd. Pros:
-very relaxed and comfy
-older attendees, less stupid bullshit
-good variety of panels and screenings
-city centre location
-hotel is cheap and reasonably nice, lots of areas for casual tabletop and/or drinking games

-parties are absolutely dead
-lack of good photo locations
-it's really small

For me personally it's worth it, hoping I can wangle a DJ slot this year to work on the party situation.

>> No.9958195
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I guess it's back to Anime Expo next year then for me

>> No.9958201

I'm optimistic about Shenny taking over, worked with him before, he is very controlling but has the receipts to hold up for it most the time. He managed to turn the shit hole that was MCM eSports into something semi successful after ESL UK fucked it up so much. Not sure what he's done for the con scene or whilst on the Kita committee but I guess we'll find out.

>> No.9958218

Read the venue website. The rooms usually used won’t be avaliable as they are rebuilding the arts centre after gutting it completely for some modernisation blurb.

Half the committee did leave as it’s a good point to pack it in if you know you can’t run for 2-3 years it’s difficult to care.

>> No.9958221

Shenny has always shown he knows what needs to be done, don't know how he was with work at MCM but from what I know Kita wise wouldn't call him controlling.
Apart from him, is there anyone who does decent work left at Kita though?

>> No.9958311

Japan in 2020? Brave boy, won't it be super expensive due to them hosting the olympics?

>> No.9958845
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>cosplayer posing for pics with someone
>she poses with the girl taking a pic, arms around each other
>ask if I can take one
>cosplayer says yes, cool
>feel like she seems unsure whether I mean of just her or of both of us like the last person took theirs
>say "Just you is fine." as in, I don't want myself in the picture and she steps back
>her friend also backs off a bit as if I meant it in a way that was more "can you get out of frame"
>didn't want to waste their time more by stumbling over myself to explain what I meant
>take picture and leave, thanking her
>feel like a huge mean cunt for the rest of the day

>> No.9958859

The Goose Nest is basically the art center being cloned to use while they knock the old one down and rebuild it.

I really don't get why they can't run next year. The uni still has to function as a uni. It will still have a number of large rooms.

>> No.9958861

>older attendees, less stupid bullshit

>> No.9958873

God I can't wait for Toko

>> No.9958879

Shit, looked it up and that sounds hella fun.

Might go next year.

>> No.9958919

>really small
>lack of photo locations

so whats the fucken point? unless you live locally or at most an hour away it seems like a waste of fucken time

>> No.9958930

Drink with friends around people with similar interests?

Any drama at Amecon this year?

>> No.9958941

just go to your meetup.com's local anime group or something if you want something that small.

>> No.9958960

Most of the drama has been the committee throwing their toys out the of the pram when people gave feedback.

They seemed so surprise people had feedback and were not ready to hear constructive feedback

>> No.9958979

None of which are suitable for an event like kita or may not be avaliable all at once on a set weekend in the 6 week window where a summer con can run.

>> No.9959004

You know they're building a temporary stage right which can seat several hundred?

And the rest of campus isn't changing all that much. It's still better than loads of other venues. Warwick probs gave Kita the boot as they don't know the new committee well enough.

>> No.9959012


kek i think this was me, dw about it

>> No.9959018

You were the cosplayer or the friend? And which con?

If it was you, I am so sorry and I hope I didn't come across rudely to you/your friend.

>> No.9959019
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Can we discuss the real issue with Amecon.

Fuckers who wore these at night.

>> No.9959026
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>> No.9959028


the cosplayer, and ame!

if it wasn't then something ridiculously similar happened to me and you're not alone in the awkwardness

>> No.9959032

Post-Amecon Gull power level rankings?

>> No.9959040

i was wearing pink ones but they're prescription, pls don't kill me~~

>> No.9959048

Nah, this was at MCM Manchester.

It's nice to know this isn't unheard of and that hopefully they didn't assume I was saying it to be rude, at least.

>> No.9959053

the bright lights hurt my eyes!

>> No.9959054

relax, its not like anyone can understand anything with that fucking northern accent, I can only imagine how people try to communicate in liverpool MCM(no wonder it got canned)

>> No.9959056
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>Train tomorrow morning for Toko

>> No.9959069

I just went to the events and screenings and stuff and played games with my friends, had a nice time. It doesn't particularly offer anything that other cons don't, but it's very comfy. Probably not worth a long journey for, but I live nearby.

>> No.9959076


>Thinking all accents from the north sound the same.

You need to get out of your bubble more.

>> No.9959079

They all do sound the same. “Horrible”

>> No.9959102

You run a summer con you need at least one room that can hold everyone for your big events. A stage that holds several hundred is not sufficient for a con with a membership between 1500-2000 people.

>> No.9959105

As mentioned elsewhere just the committee being a bunch of piss babies whenever they got called out on their many examples of awful event management.

>> No.9959134

Guilty as charged - I regret nothing.

>> No.9959159

Snowflakes running cons need to just git gud

>> No.9959198

They literally filled that stage with just the Happy Hentai Panel attendees. And stage 2 means most the art centre is gone next summer.

Uni doesn't make all the space they have available either. If there's another event on around the time you want to run you're fucked.

>> No.9959217


Let's get real for a minute, it's not as though southerners sound any better.

>> No.9959228

im ready to spice up my con life (even though this isnt known as a "con")

>> No.9959237

Mr Skinnnnnnner, managers office. managers office Mr Skinnnnnneer

>> No.9959256

It's probably not even about the new committee. Warwick have probably just got fed up with the shit the events always cause and decided to book something else.
Got to be a reason cons almost always change venues every few years

>> No.9959292

is this a fuckin joke? mcm manch has 40k attendees and their main stage with normie shit actors and eurocosplay qualifiers hold less than 1000

>> No.9959296

Just throwing this out there too - There is a huge screen outside too. If the OP ceremony was projected on there I imagine even if Butterworth was open people would stay on the steps.

>> No.9959325

MCM is a trade show, you drop in to buy shit, not the same. Residential cons with a fixed full weekend membership need a room that can hold all attendees.

>> No.9959331

name a single fucking con in the uk that has a main stage with 700+ capacity topkek

>> No.9959370

Butterworth hall at Warwick seats 1600. The main event room at the NEC hilton can have seating for up for 2000. Easy enough info to find if you spend 30 seconds on Google.

>> No.9959524

They won’t allow live broadcast as the Uni is not completely closed off for just the con.

>> No.9959622

Despite the fact they stream stuff online all the time.

Just put it on the big screen.

>> No.9959647

Guys can we be careful? We are suggesting ideas this could be considered feedback we don't need someone from Ame coming here to break down and cry

>> No.9959651

Late reply, but I'm hoping to go after the Olympics. It is something we've thought about though, so we might push it back to 2021.

>> No.9959737

Good point, better start praising them for all the hard work they didn't do so they can all have a great big group hug at how great they are while hiding how much they loathe each other.

>> No.9959744

Did anyone else see the Disabilities officer at the opening ceremony, look at her, and think yes she looks exactly like you would expect a disabilities officer to look like?

>> No.9959759

She just looked like Tumblr personified to me.

>> No.9959803

I look forward to our very own LGBT and Woman's officer in the coming years. It's something I feel the UK con scene is severely missing. #MeToo

>> No.9959830

How alright is london mcm actually?

I have to go and renew my austrian visa later this year so I might as well go ahead and pay a visit there, is it worth the extra 25quid a day ill spend on the hostel?

Its just a tradeshow but it is kind of fun memeing around with tons of people.

>> No.9959847

Who were you looking at? Ame doesn't have a disabilities officer. One of the reasons people were getting pissy with them.

>> No.9959859

>go to mcm
>havent seen this many fucking wheelchaired fat fucks in a long time

jesus christ, last year I even had a legit mentally handicapped 25 year old sat next to me, he was babbling on about how his head hurt.


>> No.9959877

You joke, but its probably coming given how it’s infested other fandoms

>> No.9959890


We already have panels on this shit and shit like disability representation, of course it's coming.

>> No.9960015

Well there was a tumblr fattie walking around with 'amecon disabled access officer' or something on her hi-vis.

>> No.9960038



>> No.9960039

Nutrition is ableist I guess

>> No.9960082

They had an accessibility officer which I imagine dealt with all that crap. Judging by the fact she was being assisted in walking with crutches by the closing ceremony she's got a good idea of what's needed. I'm not sure what more the attendants could want from them considering we've been doing alright for decades now.

People are just pissbabies who want to be coddled for their self diagnosed 'disabilities' and making the real ones who do need help look bad.

>> No.9960116
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Ame was a good con.

>> No.9960273

I don't think she was on crutches in the opening ceremony, was she? I assume she'd just busted her knee at some point over the weekend. Plus she knelt down on her bandaged knee to take a photo of everyone on stage, so she ain't that crippled.

>> No.9960318


You're an idiot who doesn't understand real disability.

>> No.9960330

The idea that you need to be disabled to be an Accessibility Officer is a bit weird and outdated, imo. As long as she has good intentions and makes the con easier for its disabled attendees, what's the problem?

Though I am able-bodied scum so this isn't really my battle.

>> No.9960333


It's not just a bit weird it's counterproductive. Anytime someone needs them quickly / to do anything they won't be able to. Tres dumb.

>> No.9960336


No she wasn't, however she could very well have a condition which is ok on some days but can flare up when it feels like it or if it's been irritated by running around for a day or two (like at a convention).

For example MS sufferers can be fine for part of a week but then are suddenly unable to get themselves off the bed the next. It's just the nature of the beast unfortunately.


No problem on my end if she is filling the role if she's disabled, my point was that she's probably more equipped to deal with it than someone able-bodied who could be a victim of ignorance when faced with someone who is disabled.
People don't tend to gain that experience unless they know someone with disabilities (and even then the exp may be limited to one type of disability e.g. mobility but no knowledge of blindness or diabetic shock) The other type of person who could deal with it potentially is someone who earned these credentials through work through HR or something like that.

That being said, I just don't think an accessibility officer is necessary. The gophers do a good job of pointing wheelchair users to the lower levels of the auditoriums so they can park up, and if there was a blind person they could easily help to guide them by lending an elbow.
As long as ramps are available to use and they're able to use the necessary bathrooms (I noticed the one in the Duck was completely flooded beyond use by saturday though) they tend to get by ok on their own. If something does happen, then the con/venue is obligated to have someone available on call and that clears up most problems. People have the common sense to call an ambulance if things get too hairy.

Most people who are disabled tend to not want to draw attention to themselves and want to create as little trouble as possible, but then you get the people who are actually ok and just want to be coddled and have the staff at their beck and call when they may not necessarily be equipped for the job.

>> No.9960342

She existed however I should have said Accessibilities officer, still she looked exactly like you'd think

>> No.9960383

He lost loads of weight looks amazing. We will never have a chair so pleasant chilled and friendly ever again

>> No.9960384

Not disabled, she broke her fucking ankle or something kek
I emailed and didn't get a reply for weeks, so I ended up trying the old Kita address I had and someone replied on there instead

>> No.9960385
File: 899 KB, 1275x713, received_10216885750920421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

swerving by here to check out the latest amecon drama like

>> No.9960389
File: 276 KB, 1310x681, astolfo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my trap outfit came the week after the con
>literally a ghost town until like MCM london/birmingham, which are just corporate shit (lots of fan meets at least.. except for fate which had like 5 people out of 40,000 attendees)

ill just starve in a corner and be more skeletal then.

>> No.9960396

How feminine is your penis? Asking for a friend.

>> No.9960398

Were they more tumblr than the Kita one?
Because that would be impressive

>> No.9960405

She was fat had glasses from what I remembered and dyed hair

>> No.9960414

If you're dtf hmu

>> No.9960453

Anyone know of any anime clubs/cons down south (Brighton). I'm on the younger side (18) but not at uni which has been more isolating than I thought it would be. Just want some anime pals. Ty

>> No.9960455

The lusty leopard

>> No.9960466
File: 32 KB, 480x360, 766ED1DE-AA65-4545-9BBE-096B8C328D88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I think this is actually a gar bar like the one in the police academy movies.

>> No.9960476

Lusty leopard is the strip bar Barney Stinson frequents

>> No.9960497

Are you on about the Ame one or the Kita one right now?

>> No.9960514

check the prev thread it should be archived.

That music will always haunt me.

>> No.9960519

Ame m8

>> No.9960542

The Kita officer was a goth or metal person and seemed nice enough. I think she was using a wheelchair a few times last year if that helps. The Ame one constantly had a sour face on like she hated everyone and was definite tumblr material.

>> No.9960555

While we're all moaning about the con the gophers who try to seat you in big events can go fuck themselves.

There's so much room anyway, why bother? Who cares if there's huge gaps in some rows. People will find them if they need them.

>> No.9960568

Well the confusion there certainly answered the question.
At least the Ame one didn't drag a loud ass dog around with it

>> No.9960569

Shh, you don't want to take their special moment away from them now do you?
I swear half the gophers just live for those con moments where they get to act all high and mighty.

>> No.9960581

It’s to control the smell.

>> No.9960586

>arrive early
>these fatfucks send you to the very BACK for some reason
>midway through theres a lot of empty seats even at the front row

fuck these waste of organs

>> No.9960589


Just chad walk straight past them and sit wherever you like, what are they gonna do?

>> No.9960591

You leave me no choice but to ask you politely again.

>> No.9960662

And slap them on the arse at you do right and call them sugar tits?

>> No.9960690

Swoon, so confindent.

>> No.9960705

So that's where the gophers were. Didn't see one or get my badge checked all weekend.

Had a mate loser conning who managed to get into nearly everything. Only time he ever got stopped was by the Warwick bouncers at the parties.

>> No.9960712

*slaps anon's arse too*

Want to come home with me?

>> No.9960719

Only if you are the one true Ben

>> No.9960749

For you, I can be.

>> No.9960753

On a related note, Captain Tyler can fuck right off.

>> No.9960755

I couldn't wait for him to shut his face at the closing ceremony.

>> No.9960811

where can one buy stockings and pantyhose for trapping without breaking the bank?

i need a saleslady to actually help me so it cant be too poverty like tkmax

>> No.9960942

Are you joking? Just go to M&S. They're called tights.

>> No.9960948


Was that the dude with the Russian accent in the crosstag tournament? That was peak cringe.

>> No.9960950

Yep him who used to be known as shinji

>> No.9960952


Jesus. Never seen him before but that was fucking awful the entire way through.

>> No.9960955

>britbongs call stockings/pantyhose tights

so what do they call actual tights? like you know, the one ballet people wear

>> No.9960956


Tights. They're the same thing you triplefuck.

>> No.9960958


No they're not, whilst pantyhose and tights are the same thing in Europe, stockings are not.
Stockings only go part way up your leg and unless they have that special sticky layer at the top of them, they will require a garter belt to keep them help up.
Go educate yourself you failed fuck.

>> No.9960959


I am aware of this, the question was what do we call tights. The answer is tights.

Go do something productive with your life.

>> No.9960961

>britbongs call stockings/pantyhose tights

> so what do they call actual tights? like you know, the one ballet people wear

So since you are going against 2 statements, you will need 2 answers. First part is false, so you can't just say tights and call someone out when you are wrong.
You're probably one of those guys who says they could be a more convincing trap but you just don't want to, yet can't name basic garments.

>> No.9960962

Sheer leggy cover o dingles

>> No.9960974

Get the fuck out of the brit thread if you're not a brit, Brexit means Brexit

>> No.9960979

Im starting to doubt it does m8.

>> No.9960986

>brexit means brexit
>london, manchester, etc are literally 60% pakis, pajeets, niggers and slavs

talk to me once you've deported these filth.

>> No.9961000


Brexit means the end of your country, kek.

>> No.9961008


Tights are tights, stockings are usually referred to as stockings or thigh-highs.

Just take pantyhose out of the mix and its pretty much the same.

>> No.9961019

>Implying you're not a filthy chav untermensch yourself

>> No.9961039

Cracked me up watching Snowking attempting to hide cringing during the awkwardly long Yu Gi Oh bit.

>> No.9961236

Check out the smoothbrain on this kid.

>> No.9961402

I was actually surprised about the lack of gophers to check badges, plenty waltzed on in without a single check, only time mine got looked at was for a few panels and security at the parties. It got checked no end of times at Kitacon. Ame just gave up it seems.

>> No.9961601

Parties and VG room for badge checks oh and I think the ball. All other times walked around as I pleased

>> No.9961633
File: 2.45 MB, 4128x2322, toko_with_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 3 of Toko. All grass has died, leaving behind a desert peppered with steaming tents and the withering corpses of the inebriated. Water is but a memory- some say Ops has a secret stash, but none have the strength to raid it. The few surviving cosplayers desperately seek shade under overhanging flesh of the hambeasts who were able to persist with their inbuilt fluid storage alone. Myst watches from the storage shed, muttering into a radio which will receive no reply. His sanity did not survive the discovery of Snowking's dessicated corpse on the event field. In this harsh climate, the events team, who have long since abandoned clothing and human speech, hunt the weak from within the woods, hydrating themselves on the blood of the fallen. Save us.

>> No.9961636


>> No.9962412
File: 25 KB, 465x291, Dj2t8myWsAYujhJ.jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you survived toko without getting caught up in any drama and had an over all great time
Next year I think I might copy those guys who had a projector and bring my own so I can do gay anime screenings.

>> No.9962419

That was an absolute power play, looked so comfy.

>> No.9962441

I want to do that for every con
i normally bring a laptop for BNHA and JoJo but a projector would complete it

>> No.9962451

Which one of you tried to set the Liverpool Animeleague hotel on fire then?

>> No.9962472

How did everyone find Tokonatsu?

Other than some of the guys at the bonfire being creeps i found toko really great! And it was nice to meet the Britgull discord squad, they seemed pretty cool.

>> No.9962474

on a side note what drama happened at Toko?

>> No.9962485
File: 982 KB, 320x287, 1362591966076.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Sun was being a fucking dick all weekend

>> No.9962508

That was old man Whithers, owner of the haunted amusement park

>> No.9962519


You and 99% of the crowd...

>> No.9962520


Long live the events team savages

>> No.9962521


There basically wasnt any major drama except josh punching kareem in the balls

Stoners being weedbrain morons and baiting up the whole place was a thing thr whole time

>> No.9962526

I have no idea who you are but presumably not a cunt so come drink with us again

Josh being a wasteman isnt drama, that's an annual occurrence

>> No.9962533



>> No.9962534


That was sorta my point the only "drama" wasnt really drama just standard josh things

>> No.9962557

Last year they had Gunbuster on and it was supremely comfy

>> No.9962569

More info

>> No.9962590

well the sun has been a dick for the past month at least and will continue to be until october apparently

>> No.9963097


>> No.9963119

Feminists forced them to scrap page 3 they're no longer the favourite

>> No.9963566

There were PEOPLE who attended that?

>> No.9964018

The dude was super friendly, they were in the tent next to us last year so we chilled with them a couple of the nights. Sitting around with a crew watching Yugioh Abridged Movie and drinking ciders through the night was really one of the memories that made Toko amazing.

>> No.9964175

Only thing I noticed that was worth mentioning, a group moved into the "Quiet" section of tents, set up a gazeebo and table and were doing music and drinks until the early hours on at least one night, but I think chilled out a lot once someone told them to shut it. Maybe they just didn't know.

The only thing con-wise that was a bit of a dissapointment was the events-team dropped the ball on a lot of sunday events, which is a shame because I was hype for tug-of-war. Seems like between people being drunk, hungover and tired as fuck in that heat they just said "Fuck it, there is the slip n slide, here are the waterguns, go fuck eachother up with refreshing wetness.".

Regardless, loved it, already hype for next year.

Kiku Victory.

>> No.9964395


>> No.9964536

Was with the events team when that happened, they cancelled it all because nobody was bothering to come to anything in that heat.

>> No.9964901

Fair enough cant really have a tug of war with four people.

>> No.9964904

what day should you wear your best costume in mcm london? and what day is the easiest to find your fandom group meetups?

will fridays be good or are all the weabs too scared to call in sick for school/work?

I imagine saturday to be filled to the brim with chav children and people in wheelchairs

>> No.9964953

Saturday has historically been the day that people will wear their biggest/best costumes, presumably since that's also when the Masquerade is scheduled for.

As for meets, again, probably Saturday due to that being the most popular day.

Friday is an excellent day, though a lot less people attend (which can be terrible if you want to be stopped for photos, but is excellent if you want to browse the dealer's hall).

>> No.9964957

I see, thats kind of lame, I wanted to make the most con buddies on a friday so we can have more fun that night and on sat, I guess ill save my trap cosplay on saturday.

>> No.9965049

Discord. We're actually alright people.

>> No.9965167


Missed a word, should have read:

Despite discord, we're actually alright people.

>> No.9965743

Shit, missed another word.

Despite discord, we're actually alt-right people.

>> No.9965900

Anybody going to Play Expo tomorrow?

>> No.9966428

so uh, is the only thing left to do for 2018 MCM and alcon?


come to think of it, thisll be the entirety of 2019 as well, but im hoping sunnycons new venue isnt going to be a disaster.

>> No.9966483

Hibanacon mah dood

>> No.9966488

Hibanacon as the other anon said, and also Doki Doki and I think Thought Bubble is in autumn?

>> No.9966498

Wtf is doki doki? I thought it was that breakaway FB social group

>> No.9966504


isnt that literally a ghost town

>doki doki
isnt that a super small event? im in manchester and I know how small that venue is, I got bamboozled into an ALcon event there back in my naive days and that place was fuckin tiny.

>> No.9966507

Not when it's the only fancon of note happening brah.

>> No.9966510

doki doki is like, 30 mins away from me anyway so ill go, but going to a ghost town con and paying for lodgings and shit, nah

>> No.9966684

No? Like it's a small con but there were enough people that I'm hoping they expanded the event space this year.

>> No.9966699

From my recollection their venue has a capacity of about 400-500 badges.

Something like Kita gets some 1600+ people if you start including staff gophers and stalls. So yeah Kita/ame are much bigger but neither of them is particularly big to begin with.

Either way if neither Kita or Ame run next year they will need to re-think their event significantly.

>> No.9966718

The Glasgow showmasters event important enough to matter here. Anyone go, was it even worth it?

>> No.9966733

Anyone going to EGX? I know they have cosplay contests, but do many people even cosplay there?

>> No.9966742

Why? Are they obligated to run a big con?

>> No.9966833

from what everyone on 4chan/other conventions told me

>almost no cosplayers
>just a bunch of fatfuck normies and chavos who went for fifa #1231543
>wait in line for 5 hours to play 5 minutes of the latest assasshit creed #14141
>no panels
>nothing good going on

Why not just youtube a guy doing a review and touring EGX? youll see how atrocious and shit it is that its pretty much a mystery why anyone would willingly go there

>> No.9967130

No. But you bet they'll be actually filling up and potentially getting to a lot of drama bullshit otherwise.

>> No.9967767
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I saw this laying around on my Twitter and I lol'd as there's only one guy I can think of that we all love to hate that fits this to a T (although am sure there's plenty more in our stellar community)

>> No.9967768
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>> No.9968868

AlCon only uses one of the sports halls. Doki Doki uses both halls and is generally 10x better because it isn't run by Anime League and isn't just focused on pop culture, there is decent panels and demonstrations on there. It's expensive for a single day con ticket imo (10 online or 15 on the door) but they give some of the money to charity so I can give them a pass I guess.

>> No.9969245

So alcon onsite list is out there only 160 people on it, last year list has 300 plus. Alcon going to be a bigger ghost town than last year.

>> No.9969431

>wanted to get a pic with batista on mcm london
>72 fucking quid

is this a joke? pretty sure even prime tom cruise didnt charge more than 20bux for a photo.

also LOL at some steven universe faggot charging 30quid

>> No.9969650

Batista is bigger. You are paying per m2

>> No.9969709

Who will I see at Alcon from here? Every one bitches about AL but someone is always there

>> No.9969774

m3 m8

>> No.9969819

yeah, literal not-self aware autistics, pedophiles and obese tumblr users and some poor 18yo whos having his first con in this shitheap.

but mostly 70% empty space

>> No.9969856

Maybe because his characters are two dimensional?

>> No.9970159


Just fuck it off and come to Doki Doki man.

>> No.9970250

senpai you're the faggot for wanting a pic with a celebrity at all

>> No.9970272

I bet he waers clothes with another mans name on them.

>> No.9970605

I'm already paid up I am looking at trying new cons next year. Me and a mate are going to hit up our first sunnycon

>> No.9970807


Ahh shit unlucky about AL. I guess you never know and it's the friends who make it but still.

Sunnycon might be good at least.

>> No.9970956

sunnycon is really fun, I 100% recommend it if the ungodly heat wont get to you.

I seriously hope their new liverpool venue(on august, thank god) wont disappoint

>> No.9971144


So if anyone has someone they want to rob or stalk at Alcon, this is probably helpful. Fucking idiots.

>> No.9971161

>50% booked


>> No.9971460

Does this count as a GDPR violation?

>> No.9971462

Yes, for sure, but you can't report it unless it's your info and you've asked them to take it down.

>> No.9972086

Holy shit.

>> No.9973975
File: 8 KB, 227x200, laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame FB group
>Someone links to a story about the dangers of fake service dogs
>It gets deleted within the hour

Did I miss a shitstorm? Or has Isaac sunk his/her/zir/whatthefuckever into the admin now?

>> No.9973986

People are still posting in that? Ame was like a month ago now.

>> No.9974092

GDPR covers liability for data breaches where the breached party is found to not have taken appropriate security measures to protect user data. This would be the funniest end.

>> No.9974164

It was just Obayed trying to get people to pay attention to him as usual.

>> No.9974344
File: 15 KB, 640x479, oCKvqEi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate to ruin the mood (I know we all want to see AL go up in flames), but as no real names are on the list (only badge names), it doesn't actually count as a GDPR breach........unless AL decide to put up a list of matching badge names and real names......then that would be different.

Also, a lot of gullible kids are actually consenting to being on the list too.

We're all going to have to find some other way to ruin their day. Mebbe someone can just go to Alcon wearing a wire or something.

>> No.9974359

It counts as a breach if it can be linked to other information- most of these would turn up all sorts if you googled them.

>> No.9974449

I did see that. The name was in moon speak so I couldn’t tell who it was. I did look back to see if there had been any replies but as you say it was deleted.

>> No.9975779

Can someone just shut Andy Valentine up

>> No.9975795
File: 49 KB, 720x566, Poor Nigri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right seeing as we're talking about british cons I shall now rant about MCM and LFCC. Anyone else feel like it's too expensive for not much to actually do? The only reason I go to MCM is to meet with friends from all over the country but now it's £70 for the privilege of three days of getting leered at by creepy 50 year old photographers, moaned at by cos thots and white knights, and watching fights at the pub right next to the convention. It just seems like an utter pisstake but there's nothing really better. CosXpo was mostly for self indulgent circle jerking of cosplayers and it seems like no one really wants to make anything better.

>> No.9975797

Rezzed was pretty good and PC focused till it started being just another EGX. But with more self absorbed SJW indie devs.

>> No.9975896

british cons are cheap as shit what are you talking about?

stay away from MCM liverpool if you dont like scalies and chavs robbing and harassing the shit out of everything and orange orangutans that are 60lbs overweight being offended by everything while exposign their bellies and cellulite.

>> No.9975898


You mean the MCM they stopped running?

>> No.9975907

they stopped running it cause it was full of scalies and chavs robbing and harassing the shit out of everything and orange orangutans that are 60lbs overweight being offended by everything while exposign their bellies and cellulite.

>> No.9975914

Totally agree! And when you go to MCM security reporting a incident sexual, bootleg and others and just get ignored

>> No.9975925

I would love to live in a world where £70 is cheap. Maybe there are cheaper conventions but a lot of those are out in the middle of nowhere relative to where I live and if you don't have a car you're fucked.

>> No.9975927

Lewis Falcom Williams is a name that keeps coming up in regards to London MCM and the trouble he keeps causing. He's been escorted off by police and he's still not banned.

>> No.9975931

mcm london is 50 quid for 3 days. mcm in the shitholes(north, brum) is 13quid a day, getting to them is a 3 quid bus ride where you just nap for a few hours.

Americans pay 1000 just to fly to their fucking con plus hotels, because hostels dont exist in that country.

>> No.9975934


does that mean I can creep and gro- I mean glomp all the traps and not get punished?

there was this cute felix kid just all by himself in manchester, you have no idea how much I wanted to uh, interact with him.

>> No.9976094

>I would love to live in a world where £70 is cheap.

It's called being a productive member of society.

>> No.9976203

Sometimes I forget most cosplayers are living off of their parent's money and don't realise how fucked wages actually are. Bearing in mind MCM used to be £25 for all three days. And the hotels and hostels were cheaper. Even then if it's cheap by your definition It's £70 you're paying for what exactly? There's fuck all to actually do at MCM. It's overcrowded to shit and everything is overpriced.

>> No.9976205

You're talking to people who spend thousands on shitty scraps of worbla and ugly trainers.

>> No.9976231

you're right, I should spend 300quid+ a month being a piece of shit who spends it all on the bookies then bragging when I win a 20, or what about spending my 3 day weekends in the pub drinking piss cider for 4 quid a pint? i should smoke a pack of ciggies for a tenner as well every couple of days, then the highlight of my year is going to vegas to meet amerimutts to waste away my money on shitty casinos and eating dogfood in the buffets and interacting with homeless herione addicts and beggars in the streets!

Fuck, I really have my priorities messed up compared to my boring, brainless boomer piece of shit coworkers.

>> No.9976357
File: 6 KB, 230x220, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using the word boomer unironically

So how's that house deposit coming along, millenial? Or did you spend it all on avocados again?

>> No.9976420

They spent it all on overpriced foam swords on Etsy.

>> No.9976426

I mean if that's what you want to do go for it. I'm going to spend my shitty wage on food, bills, and rent. Y'know, stupid boomer capitalist things that I should be letting the well off parents everyone has buy for me.

>> No.9976752
File: 279 KB, 1000x861, 76D871A2-2AE2-448C-B655-FE935E1EFE92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry sonnyboy, I just spent some of your inheritance on a 30’ lift kit and tyres on my Ford F-250 super duty

>> No.9976820
File: 72 KB, 403x347, 1529538870726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kids this days are such entitled wusses. Back in my day, I bought my first house at age 19 (3 bed detached). All it took was landing a normal job by giving good, firm handshake. These kids are too lazy to do anything but play "Fortnight" and dress up as Chinese cartoon characters... and they blame us for their problems? Pathetic.

>> No.9976838
File: 371 KB, 1500x839, 478959B2-DBF7-4E73-A1CB-9B58847573B1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear you brother. Want to come over for bbq after I’m done fishing?

>> No.9977340
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Post tfw you steal dads elixir for stairs pre drinks

>> No.9977355
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>> No.9977372
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>> No.9977389
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>> No.9977459

>MCM is expensive
GTFO Boomer I'm better than you I spend my money on overpriced conventions.
>Rather spend money on not dying
Fucking boomers how dare you spend money on food. I have it so fucking hard compared to you. My mum wouldn't give me an allowance today!

>> No.9977994

Imagine being enough of a failure to take the boomer memes seriously.

>> No.9978075
File: 118 KB, 750x703, lucky_star_now_that_was_an_anime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in my day we didn't have memes, just the good old outdoors and anime on VHS

>> No.9978192


I'd pity you but it sounds like it doesn't really matter since you'll be dead soon.

>> No.9978243

>implying i wont live till 95 and take all your social security money

sorry kiddo but youll have to keep working till your 70s to pay for my benefits

>> No.9978278

Pls come 2 Netherlands

>> No.9978372

Doing either France or Usia. Not sure which yet.

>> No.9978682


>Drinks Monster
>Think's he'll live past 50


>> No.9980549

Reccs on/experiences with hotels for mcm london?

>> No.9980572

Holiday Inn or Hampton on the east end of ExCel are pretty decent.
Aloft if you're a fancy fucker.

>> No.9981935

MCM London October - first time going. I’m doing my best cosplay on Saturday and can’t decide which day to do my other two. I’m a massive camera whore and basically crave attention, so I don’t know if I should do the more recognisable one on Friday or Sunday.

>> No.9982010

Sunday. Most people are still arriving on friday

>> No.9982868

Any Alcon drama?

>> No.9982895


Right here my dude



>> No.9983871

Obayed is boarder line bullying Mel and it's really not cool. He has a problem with AL/Towers fine, but he keeps tagging her in shit to antagonise her and the shit he's doing, if it was towards any one else people would be saying it's bullying. It's not cool really.

>> No.9983881
File: 42 KB, 552x676, 1536012946249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and yet....

>> No.9983890

You only have to look at his profile to see he's is bullying her though....

>> No.9983892


and threatening to sue people for feedback isn't bullying?

>> No.9983904

Ah yes the publically bullying someone is OK argument. Love it

>> No.9983908


Ah the private bullying is OK argument. Got it.

>> No.9984111

Following his facebook avidly, that's to Pip Dunbar to be fair who is an utter fuckwit. For someone who genuinely thinks his "hearts on fire" song is remotely good (aka laughable), he's as deluded as fuck and extremely creepy. Wouldn't be surprised if he's trying to hit on Mel in a seriously harassing way or something.

>> No.9984114

That's not sueing, that's an outright criminal prosecution threat. Civil and criminal cases are very different

>> No.9987921
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>> No.9988021

Fuck off Obayed and stop posting your shit/drama on the AmeCon Social group some of us don't care and just want to enjoy ourselves.

>> No.9988410

i need some advice, is it worth going to MCM May next year just to get closer to a guy i like?

>> No.9988515
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>> No.9988533
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>> No.9988551

Yeah its not worth it, MCM is too expensive and boring for me. Whats the point in going when the "friends" you go see there arent really your friends but people you know.

>> No.9988561
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>> No.9988612

i wish! Too bad he has a bunch of lady friends around him

>> No.9988667
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Fuck me instead

>> No.9989270

But I've never been to MCM, anon!