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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9926650 No.9926650 [Reply] [Original]

Any one going? Did you go last year?
Who else is abandoned Animazement for this?

>> No.9926652
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Godspeed to anyone showing up in an elaborate or bulky cosplay.

>> No.9926656
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>tfw the guest you wanted to meet cancelled

>> No.9927049

I might be working parking/security there.

>> No.9927081

I've been considering going. Is it this packed all the time?

>> No.9927129

>0 cosplayers
Yikes... Supercon (in both FL and NC) attracts a lot of normies, probably due to its gust list, but wow. Literally not a single person cosplaying in an entire sea of people.

>> No.9927144

FL Supercon attendee here. I can confirm that FL Supercon is nothing but a sea of normies.

>> No.9927294

I suppose that's in the cosplayer's favor then in a way? More attention on you because it's a limited amount.

>> No.9927303

Ill be going, and like >>9927294 said, more reknown for us. Also do any gulls recommend any photogs in the area? Id like to do a shoot for a new cosplay.

Also, /cgl/ meetup?

>> No.9927410

I was planning on going.. it’s three hours away and I need Amy jo Johnson’s signature... how bad with the normies would it be

>> No.9927435

i thought about that, but at the same time i'd feel out of place if i was one of the few cosplayers at an event, it's happened before. it's almost like cosplaying at the mall or something.

>> No.9927937
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Eh I'm going to enjoy it since I'm only going for a day and it's a cosplay I've been wanting to do for ages.

I had wanted to meet Mercy's VA but she cancelled so I guess me (and Hammond if I get him finished) will just hang around getting pictures and taking pictures of other cosplayers.

>> No.9929656

I'll be going Saturday and Sunday. Wearing Witch Mercy until I get too fed up with wearing the wings

>> No.9930178

>wearing the wings

I'll send up a prayer for you, sis. I'm going in the summer games one and I'm leaving the wings at home after I saw how crowded the place looked. Knowing my luck I'd barely get in the building before someone snapped a piece off.

>> No.9931485

Going all three days. Since it was such a hit at AZ, I'll be wearing my FLCL cosplay.

>> No.9933102

Looks like the con just sold out of 3-day passes today. It's going to be insanity.

>> No.9933989
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How in the world are they going to sell out of Saturday badges which is max capacity and then sell extra Saturday badges for admission after 4pm?

>> No.9933993

I got a Sunday badge only since I don't care about guests and am not into capeshit. Might do a lowkey ghibli cosplay or might wear lolita. I just want to look at costumes and go shopping for useless merch. Supercon isn't worth abandoning Animazement for.

>> No.9934013

It's really not but it is cheaper.

>> No.9934016

>shitty normie western con
only reason to even go there is batista

>> No.9941481

I went last year. It was chill.
I'm on my way to Miami supercon now.

>> No.9941651

This is going to be my first convention of my life. Seeing this thread makes me scared I’ll be the only person dressed up. The two people going with me aren’t going to dress up either.. I am wearing a maid cosplay. Guess I’ll just make the most of it.

>> No.9941793

You won't be the only one dressed up but there will probably be less cosplayers than at an anime con.

>> No.9945419

Con schedule is out!

>> No.9946495

>and Hammond if I get him finished
Are you making a hamster fursuit or making the mech?

>> No.9946510

I'm just making a quick prop of him by modifying a hamster ball and a hamster plush.

>> No.9948528

I’ll be there Friday & Saturday it’s my first time. I haven’t been to a convention since 2012 so this should be interesting. Not too pressed to see any guest right now if anything I just want to enjoy the con & ease my way back into convention going, but I know once I’m there I’m gonna want photos with a number of people.

>> No.9950161

does anybody know if they sell gunpla or anything like that?

>> No.9951178

I haven't been impressed with Supercon thus far, but this year the schedule/programming lineup blew me away. It's a lot like how Animazement used to be: diverse and exciting. I love AZ and will attend as long as it runs, but the panel topics have narrowed and the panel quality has fallen.

>> No.9951288

Do you know if they sell any gunpla?

>> No.9952925

ya'll better post some pics and vids

>> No.9953834

I’m going as the black lantern on Sunday if anyone can find me. I’ll give you a dollar

>> No.9954654

how was everybody's first day?

>> No.9954727

God everyone here is so fucking fat and gross.

>> No.9955031

Not impressed. Seems like a giant merch room with shit on the sides. Not that crowded either.

>> No.9955394

First time going and have to admit today was pretty good. Getting wristbands took about 2 minutes (the entire line experience) and prop check was quick. Dealers room, AA, and guest booths though was a fucking nightmare. I couldn't deal with that and didn't even get down one aisle properly because it was so packed.

>> No.9956194
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>> No.9956198
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>> No.9956798

I thought it was pretty good. The staff were a bunch of dicks with the way they treated lines and the guests. I wish they would’ve arranged things differently too it just seemed weird. That being said awesome time awesome people good vendors

>> No.9959453

Damn didn't know about this one, ended up going the the Asheville one on the same date. Still had a good time, but holy shit everyone there was super young.

>> No.9959688

I think that was the good bit about SuperCon. Most of the people I saw were in 20s or older than that. Not many kids roaming free or packs of teens like at Animazement.

>> No.9960002

That was quite a few "fuck Animazement" post in that FB group.

>> No.9960830

It was my first con. I liked it.

My gf was a handler for erica lendbeck and maile flannigan