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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9908663 No.9908663 [Reply] [Original]

Let's play Cards Against Humanity! Use thread to set up games and post caps.

Join here:

Add your own cards here:

View cards in a particular deck here:

Rules for adding cards:
Always leave draw 0 for black cards.
Use four underscores "____" for your blanks in the black cards.
Watermark your cards CON for Convention related cards, COS for Cosplay related cards, EGL for Lolita cards, and CGL for both Cosplay and Lolita cards or /cgl/ board specific cards.

I recently renewed gulls.co and it was anonymously requested I put the server back online. If this thread gets deleted oh well but anons have shown interest in getting this going again.

>> No.9908683

This sounds really fun, can't wait for it to get going

>> No.9909989
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Page 6 bump.

>> No.9910344

bump of interest.

>> No.9910351

Want to start a match but don't know how long I'll be left waiting. Anyone here?

>> No.9910363

I'm around! I'm happy to start a game.

>> No.9910365


>> No.9910374

good thread

>> No.9910376


i lost my organizing password ages ago, i was helper-anon of lots of names

will hop in and see what is up

>> No.9910409
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imagine not playing right now

>> No.9910418
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Helper Anon out, thanks for all the games gulls

>> No.9910625

Welcome back helper anon!

How'd it go last night guys? I haven't played a single match on the new server yet, but it should be faster than before.

>> No.9910724

Lol that was my card

Fun! As much nostalgia I have for flash games, I wish this had a mobile app

>> No.9910761

I ran a few quick games last night under the name Frillyasshat and had a great time, thanks so much for setting this up

>> No.9910909

how do we set this up again

>> No.9911129

I can try to set a game up, but I'm going to need a couple more players

>> No.9911148 [DELETED] 


I hope this works.

>> No.9911160

don't really like tripping, but anyway

gulls, I'm going to set up a new game by the next hour (7pm/19:00 CST) and will put up a new link by then

>> No.9911206

Two of us are waiting for a game to start, anyone want in?

>> No.9911218

I'm dumb, where are he instructions and can the be played anon or with just a throwaway username? My comm is death on anything associated with the chins.

>> No.9911224

you can access this link, but the server link in the OP's post will give you directions and a place to fill your alias if you please. You can use any nickname or remain anon.


>> No.9911823

can we have a discord server for this?

>> No.9912055

Not much I can do there as the entire game is designed this way in the vision of the original guy who wrote it. I'm just hosting, but I will see if I can enhance anything for mobile users.

Thank you for playing!

I'm not the type to set those up but if someone else makes one I will join.

>> No.9912874

yeah but you're the organizer, it would help for when you start the game you just use "@everyone" and everyone in the server will get the notif

>> No.9912896

Doesn't have to be him making the games. Make a discord server if you want, no one's stopping you. Just maybe admin him later?

>> No.9913017

I was never the organizer. I was always the host. People are welcome to come and go and start their own games as they wish, which is actually highly encouraged. The board was originally supposed to be the source of organization, as it felt more inclusive and transparent than managed by a "clique", but if someone else wishes to organize games on the server through another method, that is also encouraged.

I will join said servers in case something happens during a game or something but yeah, there is never any restriction on when the games can be organized or played by whomever.

>> No.9913865 [DELETED] 

I was going to call you an idiot for being engaged to someone you've known for one month. But wtf, an arranged marriage? At 19? I feel so bad for you. Don't you have the choice to not do it?

>> No.9913866 [DELETED] 

My wifi got messed up and I loaded the wrong thread. Sorry gulls.

>> No.9913956


>> No.9914225

I love organizing games, so I can set up a discord for anyone interested, and we can play a game in 30 minutes or so?


>> No.9914250
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I'm hosting a game now if anyone is up to it! Seems a little quiet today, let's change that!

>> No.9914267


>> No.9914304
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Well, we tried our best

>> No.9914993

anyone wanna play right now?

>> No.9914997

Hell yeah, getting in. One game only though, it's near bedtime

>> No.9915196

I'm working non-stop until tuesday, then I can play, so I hope you are all still playing by then. I loved it last time.

>> No.9915795

my head has been killing me the last few days and i am swamped with work. i love you Mr. Freeman and i love this game, it is a bit bad timing right now though. i am gonna bounce back so hard, just wait and see

>> No.9916056

Can discord anon send another discord invitation? The last one isn't valid anymore

>> No.9916063

Yeah I want to join too

>> No.9916065


Yeah here you go.

>> No.9921789

Page 9 bump because I just paid for another month.

>> No.9925372

Page 8 bump. I would like to keep this thread/site alive at least through AX.

>> No.9925475

Requesting another invite to the discord, please.

>> No.9926210

who is around, i wanna play

>> No.9926213
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motherfuckers get in here

>> No.9926228



>> No.9926231

game is started, losers. not too late to join and still have a chance of winning

>> No.9926245
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>> No.9926248
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>> No.9926257
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>bought the custom cards for CAH
Any suggestions on what I should write on there? Preferably convention related cards (just in time for AX)

>> No.9926287

"Incels." as a white card

>> No.9926354
File: 70 KB, 984x318, Screenshot_20180628-232554_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good round, correct choice of winning card

>> No.9926389


>> No.9926442

If anyone is awake they should join. We need more people.

>> No.9926463

i was only in for like 3 minutes but it was fun i hope ppl r playing more when im not busy!

>> No.9926535

The discord invite has expired, can we get another one ?

>> No.9926873


>> No.9927132

Friday night game, anyone? I'm on.

>> No.9931216

The server will be up throughout AX for those with cell service, are bored. I figure peeps can use it in lines or before panels or even at room parties to communicate if it gets too loud.

Never played this in person with others yet so I'd be interested to see how it goes in a room full of people live.

>> No.9932044


i have a couple times, it is fun shit

>> No.9939234

i am slain by work and illness, pls live for another week, game-chan

>> No.9941715

Maybe we can get a game going on the weekend!