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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9900993 No.9900993 [Reply] [Original]

It's been a while since I've seen a Mori thread, so I decided to make one again. I know it's mostly too hot to pull a full mori coord and wear it casually, but it can't hurt to talk about it, right?

I'm also taking a two week trip to Japan next fall, so I get to wear mori in Japan! I was wondering, does anyone have any recommendations for places I need to go?

>> No.9900994
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>> No.9900998
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>> No.9901041
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;^) the Shire is peak mori

>> No.9901078

you're damn fucking right, FUCK YEAH this is what I want to see in these threads

>> No.9901170


>> No.9901457
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Yay I missed the Mori thread, glad to see a new one popped up!
Sorry for selfpost, but I put together my first Mori coord recently for a friend's uni project, and I'd love some feedback on it ~

>> No.9901465
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>> No.9901556

it's a cute outfit anon but you need to find a way to take better photos

>> No.9901747

clean your damn mirror and do something with your hair, it looks like you just went for soft natural waves but braids or accessories would help.

>> No.9908526
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I've always been a little dissapointed that the round doors in their houses don't roll into the side of the hill.

>> No.9908531

I think you look adorable. Love it

>> No.9908937


Very cute outfit!

Do any mori girls or boys on here make their own accessories? Looking for some ideas for knitted/crocheted stuff.

>> No.9911680
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hey guys this is my first mori coord
pls no bully

>> No.9911710

Agree with the hair. I know its a natural fashion but put some effort into it, anon.

>> No.9920594
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>> No.9920595
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>> No.9920596
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>> No.9920598
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>> No.9920599
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>> No.9920600
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>> No.9920602
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>> No.9920604
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>> No.9920607
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>> No.9920608
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>> No.9920610
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>> No.9920612
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>> No.9920615
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I hope you all have a lovely midsummer!

>> No.9920989

Sorry if this is a dumb question, I'm not really that up to date on mori stuff, but is this from a taobao shop? Is it still available and where can I find it if so?

>> No.9921000

Does anyone still wear mori in Japan?

>> No.9921039
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Mori disappeared quite a few years back in Japan.

Anyone tagging stuff as mori now is just wearing Natural/Casual brands (like SM2, Haco, Studio Clip etc)
that emphasize simple comfort and less layering.


>> No.9922394
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It's that time of the year when i have to stop wearing mori if I don't want to die because of a heatstroke.
Feels bad man.

>> No.9924505


https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPw1layEOiwxuUDsHQdxlhF5Y6F7wJLxy a playlist of mori music that people suggest in these threads, as well as some of my own personal tastes. When I make the next thread next season, I should include it in the OP. Feel free to add anything you think belongs there.

>> No.9924937

Can we get some more male mori inspo? This is the first I've seen this and it looks fuckin rad

>> No.9925226


For some reason Youtube won't let me add anything, so I'll link my contribution here:


>> No.9926541
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>> No.9926551
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>> No.9927811

/cgl/ Mori Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPw1layEOiwxuUDsHQdxlhF5Y6F7wJLxy&jct=U_-AY15KvCahTIwbolxk9PM6EoArGw

This link should work!

>> No.9928851

Thank you for putting together such an amazing playlist, I've fallen in love with Ichiko Aoba, specialy the radio album, no album has made me cry in a long time

>> No.9931219


got any guys fits?