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9876394 No.9876394 [Reply] [Original]

Post cute drummers, cool make-up, hair ideas and good coords (bonus points if they're appropriate for summer). You can also talk about music I guess.

>> No.9876403

Is this the appropriate venue in which to chatter about the Malice Mizer/Moi dix Mois show in September? Who's going? Also, who's going to the Schwarz Stein show the next day? I managed to get tickets for the Malice Mizer show and would like to get tickets for Schwarz Stein as well.

>> No.9876533

Holy fuck. Where they playing?

>> No.9876537

I am fucking jealous. I hope they come to the UK. Sorry I couldn't help you though.

>> No.9876542


>> No.9876569

Any good hair styling tips for visual kei?

>> No.9876603

There are tons of tutorials. Do you have a more specific question?

>> No.9876689
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>> No.9876690
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>> No.9876693
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>> No.9876694
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>> No.9876695
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>> No.9876696
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>> No.9876701
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>> No.9876706

Any of you going to see Kaya perform in LA?

>> No.9876851

any NEW tutorials? not just the old CURE pages

>> No.9876978

They're playing in Tokyo at Toyosu Pit. I'm so excited. The general admission tickets (standing only) haven't gone up for sale yet in Japan, so you might be able to get an SS to purchase some.

>> No.9876983

I went last time when he performed in RAGE and honestly, skip it if you aren't into the club scene. I was really out of my element and the only fun i had was when he performed but i spent the night waiting around for his sets. He didn't perform many songs. I'd say go to the tea party to get your money's worth of songs and stuff.

>> No.9877053

>skip it
>go to the tea party
What? The performance is at the tea-party

>> No.9877363

He will also perform at rage, i thought tou were referring to that. He will be at three events in total this week. Drag con, rage club in La, and the tea party. I assumed you meant the rage club, and gave my advice on that.

>> No.9878034
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Monologue sanctuary is working on interview translation about Malice Mizer. I feel like it's been 12 years since I read translated interviews.

>> No.9878275 [DELETED] 

s c e n e k i d s

>> No.9878349 [DELETED] 

No offence and I know this is bait because of your name but what are scene kids?

>> No.9878454

Can we post some good shops to buy visual kei? I know the taobao thread has a few, but everytime I search it on tb I just get unrelated results. I'd rather not buy overpriced ebay shit.

>> No.9878464

Have you considered buying a new magazine yourself?

>> No.9878465
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>> No.9878468
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>> No.9878469
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>> No.9878470
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>> No.9878471
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>> No.9878473
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>> No.9878474
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>> No.9878478

i want to try this but i imagine it'd hurt a lot to take those feathers off?

>> No.9878493

What style? Like Deorart, Algonquins, Drug Honey, Listen Flavor or Sex Pot Revenge? Male or female?

>> No.9878611

in other words no

>> No.9878634

I mean i have some but i don't have a scanner and don't really feel like buying one, the magazine isn't even expensive

>> No.9879364
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>> No.9879367
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>> No.9879369
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>> No.9879373
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>> No.9879374
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>> No.9879377
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>> No.9879383
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>> No.9879675

I'm a fan of Deorart and Algonquins, and gender doesn't really matter. Just want to grab some pieces in my next order.

>> No.9880033

So did any of you meet Kaya?? Or should I ask in the lolita general?

>> No.9880116

I just go to http://kerashop.jp/ and look at the category of what I need instead of at the brand

>> No.9880623

I went and i have met him several times before. What would you like to know?

>> No.9880891

Can we talk about how garabage of a song Kaya's FABULOUS is?

>> No.9881175

Definently not one of his best. I am not feeling the look of this single or direction. I hope his next single is better.

>> No.9881946

I kind of like the song, I just don’t consider it Vkei anymore on this point.

>> No.9881947

visual kei is not just a type of music, it's a scene

>> No.9882322


>> No.9882326

you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.9882342

how did you get tickets? it was a lottery, right?

>> No.9882345


>> No.9882373

I've seen this image a few times and only just noticed they're wearing handcuffs together

>> No.9882460

lol. precious newfriend.

>> No.9883063

Jiluka, hands down has the best looking members in the Vkei scene right now

>> No.9883094

Yep it was a lottery for overseas fans. I hedged my bets and put in for two standard tickets, and had my boyfriend put in for two premiums. Apparently, general admission/standing only tickets have yet to be sold in Japan, so it maybe worth contacting a personal SS.

>> No.9883248

The whole look, music and everything just doesn’t fit the scene. Better? I love Kaya, but I don’t consider his current path VKei.

>> No.9883252

Interesting to note is that he doesnt consider himself a drag queen. The producers i think are just trying to generate spaces he can market in. Drag is popular right now, so they are trying to get some interest through that it seems.

>> No.9883282

Kaya indeed doesn’t see himself as a drag queen, but the current single and all the club promotions does feel like his management are promoting him like that. Which is why his current path is giving me club kid vibes. I do feel like he looks much happier in the drag scene, if you look at all the photos from drag con.
However, I do wonder if they would make more money with this approach, as his Japanese fans seem to dislike it. They kept asking him questions about his sexuality, gender and if he was a drag queen or not. Drag might sell here, but it definitly doesn’t sell in Japan.

>> No.9883721

sena has permanently changed my view of lightning from ff13

>> No.9883734
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No I don't get it

>> No.9883857

That's what i believed everyone was discussing. I'm talking about his management in the United States. I really don't understand properly why they are promoting that way over in America, maybe they are promoting him differently in countries depending on what brings more profit.Also I'd like to note in Mexico he wasn't promoted as a drag queen just a "japanese singer", it's very interesting.

>> No.9884191

I was so surprised when I saw them live that Sena looks exactly like he does in his instagram
Granted he wears lots of make-up, circle lens, ect but I feel like there’s so much shoop in vkei that it was a really nice surprise!

>> No.9884196

Yeah the boys are hot. Too bad their music is fucking awful. The guitar and base are okay, but the “lyrics”...Jesus.

>t. Old fag

>> No.9884696
File: 85 KB, 1396x1410, Malice Mizer - Beast Of Blood - Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows why the fuck is the Beast of Blood single sold out everywhere? I can't seem to find it for less than $50 used.
Gardenia and Garnet are available new in stores and used for like $5.

>> No.9884713

I think a lot of MM releases are out of print now, once the stores sell out of old stock then that's it.

>> No.9884716

Yeah but that's why I mentioned Gardenia and Garnet.
Hell, even Memoire DX is still on print, as is the Uruwashiki single, which are the oldest MM releases, but BoB is sold out everywhere.

>> No.9884720

It was one of their most popular ones, and likely sold out long ago.

>> No.9884729

While I mostly agree, there's undoubtely a specific sound that visual kei used to have, I don't think it's present anymore though.
Here's a good article on the subject

>> No.9884756

>thinking anyone cares if you're an oldfag

>> No.9884758

I already disagree with the first paragraph

>> No.9884759

I wish so damn bad I were seeing MIRAGE during these reunion shows. Also that Matina anniversary show....

>> No.9884779

The one in "Purpose"? Or the one in "What is Visual Kei?"
Also, why did you disagree?

>> No.9884809

isnt vkei is a subculture? not really a genre?
since the beginning theres been angura kei bands that do crazy shit and they dont have anything in common with the mainstream vkei bands besides wearing stage outfits and makeup

>> No.9884812

I think it's mostly a scene, but there was definitely a "VK sound" in the late 80s and early to mid 90s, after that things went weird.
But yeah angura has existed since before VK, with bands like Kinniku Shoujo Tai.

>> No.9885023

But in the 90s there were also DJs that were considered visual kei

>> No.9885224

Which ones?

>> No.9886385

I'm not new, I actually misread that post. Visual kei is a type of music played within a very specific scene.

>> No.9886388
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>> No.9886390

Visual kei has always had a sound. Kinniku Shoujo Tai was never angura kei.

>> No.9886415

>Visual kei has always had a sound.
Predominately, yes, mainly in the early 90s to the mid 90s, when Luna Sea and Kuroyume reigned supreme and every band wanted to be them. Lots of different bands did their own spin on both these bands, some with more success than others. But then you got guys like Malice Mizer or Shazna who did their own thing, mixing different kind of music and still being considered some of the most important VK referents.
I think it's wrong to say that VK is a genre, but there used to be a specific sound characteristic of VK in the early days.
Not to mention the very first VK bands sounded nothing like the classic VK of the 90s, with bands such as X, COLOR, D'erlanger or Buck-Tick, all very different to each other, ranging from metal to post-punk and new wave. So, from the very beginning, there wasn't a set sound for VK. It only developed after bands like the above mentioned defined a particular sound.
As for King-Show, Angura isn't a music genre either anyway, but the bands that are associated with the angura movement within visual kei (like cali=gari, inugami, etc) all are influenced by King-Show (and other underground bands from the 80s), and King-Show has a lot of angrua influences, from literature to cinema and theatre. They are one of the referents when it comes to angura music, even though they're too broad to be classified only as "angura". King-Show has also been associated with visual kei a lot, they performed with Buck-Tick and other bands that are referents of VK, and I believe at some point Kenji himself said that he could be considered part of VK, but King-Show always had their own cult following, independent from any particular subculture. Well, the original King-Show fanbase were the nagomu gals, ancestors of the lolitas.

>> No.9887859

>posting these idiots with mediocre music and a terrible vocalist (both sound and personality-wise)

>> No.9888418

Well, I see more of your points now. I guess they all just sound Japanese. I still think of visual kei as a genre in terms of the Japanese music industry. Thanks for the thoughtful post.

>> No.9888423

Because I like them, and because I like the menhera trend. R-Shitei and Ensoku are probably better though, but I still like the musicianship and showmanship of 0.1g. It's okay, I'm sure we like a lot of the same stuff overall. But I'm curious as to why you hate 01.g so much.

>> No.9888650

>still think of visual kei as a genre in terms of the Japanese music industry
But when you compare the visual kei of today, does it sound anything like the VK from 10, or 20 years ago? Not counting veteran bands that are still going, of course.
A lot of the "neo VK" that dominated the 10s are heavily influenced by western metalcore and screamo, same as how many of the 00s VK was influenced by nu metal and death metal.
90s VK was more eclectic, as it's harder to pinpoint the exact influences bands like Luna Sea had. There's punk, post-punk and goth rock elements in their music, but it's all blended together in a way that's almost like a unique sound.

>> No.9888651

To put it simply I don’t know about the other members, but the vocalist is a piece of shit to his fans and I don’t fuck with that. I don’t necessarily hate them they’re just really not any good compared to other bands and the vocalist ruins the entire band for me.

>> No.9888735

Yeah, a large amount of bands do take influence from the old school sound. Even the metalcore ones use the same chord progressions and melody writing styles as old bands. Simply put, the sound didn't change over night, it's been constantly changing.

>> No.9888737

Can you cite any instances of that? That's a big claim to not cite anything.

>> No.9888739

Visual kei is as eclectic as it has ever been, you may just be looking at surface level bands.

>> No.9888903

What are some modern bands you'd recommend? Something that doesn't sound like mejibrey and all these other guys.

>> No.9888920

The Gallo (ギャロ), Marco (マルコ), Sibilebashir (シビレバシレ), Develop One's Faculties, Chanty, gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy, Kiryu (己龍), Scarlet Valse, Under Fall Justice, Vampire Rose, Ensoku (えんそく), Sick2, R-shitei (R指定), Mamireta (まもれた)

Hope you enjoy these

>> No.9888941

>gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy
I was going through these bands and none of them picked my interest, except for this one. Sounds good!
No wonder, it has veteran guys from old cult Nagoya bands like Merry Go Round and Lamiel/kein.

>> No.9889189
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>> No.9889216

Absolute long shot, but did anyone go to Aicles revival live? Or is anyone planing to go to the next one on 7/25 at Shibuya duo MUSIC EXCHANGE?

>> No.9889233

You musy have extremely niche tastes if not a single other one of those bands appeals to you.

>> No.9889235
File: 47 KB, 707x980, Aioria-Michiru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I did like one of them! Except when I looked them up, as I said, it was a band made up of veteran guys who I already know and like.
The others I guess it's not that I dislike per se, but none of them picked my interest. Any particular song you'd recommend from each? I just listened to the first thing that came up on YT.
I've known some of them for a while though, like Kiryu or Ensoku, they're alright but yeah, not up my alley.

>> No.9889238

>did anyone go to Aicles revival live?

I really wish! I LOVE Aicle. Never been to Japan, sadly.

>is anyone planing to go to the next one on 7/25 at Shibuya duo MUSIC EXCHANGE?

There's more??? Thought it was a one day only revivial. Are they coming back or something?

>> No.9889239

I'm not trying to insult you, by the way. Niche tastes can be really cool.
Let me drop you some links in a bit.

>> No.9889252

They haven't announced a full revival yet, but I'm hoping they will after this next show. I think Rubi has some footage from the revival live posted to his twitter account.
Emiru said that when Aicle broke up he hated VK and never wanted to return to it. But I guess he had a change of heart of the years because now he likes it again, however he doesn't think he would start a new VK band

>> No.9889338

Funny enough, I see Yeti promoted all the time on Like an edison and similar pages, so he must not hate it that much. There's a bit of vkei flavor in Yeti even if they pass as indie rockers. I'm really interested in his feelings towards vkei now that he's spending time doing vkei stuff with his former bandmates.

>> No.9889344
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Tarrot - 奴隷MARMAID

>> No.9889462

ntayrt but the vocalist absolutely kicked a girl out of one of their concerts and made her cry for not knowing the furi
Also, I've never been to one of their lives before, but I know a few people who have and heard he'll also basically force you to do the furi if you're not participating. Like, literal get down from the stage and get up and personal with you.
So if Gosan's at a taiban, a lot of the girls stand outside of the stage room because of that.
At the same time though, people who like the band have had good experiences with them. So if you like them, that's fine and good but a lot of people don't like them because of the vocalist.

>> No.9889760

Don't people who don't know furi at any live generally stand in the back?

>> No.9889767

I've learned not to believe stuff like that unless I was there myself. Heard so many people literally make things up about lives that I went to with them.

>> No.9889789

Yeah...tanuki syndrome is real. I trust bandmen themselves more than bangya. I know people who I met at small events who have been to Japan and basically take that as a free pass to make up any stories they want.

>> No.9889791
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>> No.9889792
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>> No.9889795
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>> No.9889804

Cool hairstyle idea

>> No.9889917

But this wasn't like a xxxbandman slept with so and so, there were like hundreds of witnesses who literally saw him do this...
It's similar to when Mejibray's Tsuzuku collapsed on stage or when Kiryu's Mahiro talked about his eye condition getting worse, especially before they tweeted about it after the concert. I don't know why people don't believe things that happen at concerts.
I mean you don't have to believe it I guess but I don't think a bunch of people would lie about seeing the same thing...

Yes, they do and sometimes the vocalists will yell at the girls who aren't doing anything in some sort of attempt to get them involved but usually they just keep standing there.
So Gosan's vocalist just kind of brings it to the next level I guess.
Again, you don't have to believe it but I have a hard time not, especially because even the one person I do know who likes Gosan, she acknowledges that he's kind of obnoxious.

>> No.9889930

whoops I forgot to add, I also feel like someone would have said something if it wasn't true.
Even on Tanuki, people will call out posts for not being true so if someone can find me information of it being false, I'd love to hear it.

>> No.9889932

That fanny pack, though.

>> No.9890099

I guess it just doesn't bother me that much. I know guys who do worse things for the sake of performance. Anyway, I like their music and aesthetic.

>> No.9890101
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Tell me your thoughts on Ensoku?

>> No.9890127
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>> No.9890128
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>> No.9890130
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>> No.9890131
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>> No.9891047
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>> No.9891055
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>> No.9892121
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>> No.9892126

I'd love to talk to you anons rather than all of us lurking

>> No.9892238
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>> No.9893100

What's the biggest thing Yoshiki and Paul McCartney have in common? That's right, they've both been irrelevant for at least 20 years.

>> No.9893369

I live in a small neighborhood in Tokyo. Like there is no reason to go there unless you live there or want to go to the one famous ramen shop. I was coming home a couple days ago and almost turned a corner right into my favorite band’s vocalist. I was too scared to say anything, but now I regret not thanking him or something. I’ve loved their music for more than 10 years. Ah well they have a meet and greet for their (awesome) new single in June and I already bought a ticket to their tour finale in August.

>> No.9893393

Nice fanfic

>> No.9893531

You can't post this kind of story without naming the band

>> No.9893604 [DELETED] 

I wasn’t sure if it was too much information to say or not...but it was Sono from Matenrou Opera. I don’t know how I could possibly prove anything, but here’s my receipt for the ticket preorder I guess.

>> No.9893605 [DELETED] 
File: 338 KB, 1578x1267, EBF58D0A-A9C6-43CC-8E3D-ADC300CAB5FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic

>> No.9893609

That's mean.

>> No.9893654
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>> No.9893669
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>> No.9894276

I wonder if X will ever release the album. I don't even think they have anything done on it, but Yoshiki will never admit that.

>> No.9894310

It's BS without any photos
It's truthful. It pisses me off that Yoshiki is allowed to set a definition of what makes a band visual kei when he hasn't even been involved with the scene for such a long time.
I've seen every one of these, please stop.
Yeah, it's a shame. I wonder who will release a real album first, X or L'Arc.

>> No.9894325

>Yoshiki is allowed to set a definition of what makes a band visual kei when he hasn't even been involved with the scene for such a long time.
Well, I don't think anyone else except for Dynamite Tommy is ranked higher in terms of VK authority.
Anyway, I don't know what kind of definition he has of visual kei. Everytime someone tries to define it, it's always something vague like, "it's just a way of expressing yourself" and what not.

>> No.9894375

Matenrou Opera. Yeah I obviously can’t prove shit though. So believe what you will. If it was an idealized interaction it would be far more interesting than me being terrified. Posted a receipt for the ticket last night, but it got removed.

>> No.9894421

>Posted a receipt for the ticket last night, but it got removed.
But anon, that's a blatant lie. I watch this thread very closely and no such thing happened.
I don't believe a single detail of your story. You don't even live in Japan.
So, who are you trying to impress by lying? Yourself? Or are you just a chronic liar?

>> No.9894452

That's really cool. If he liked the ramen shop and comes back you got to remember what you want to say next time.

I used to walk home after work and I pass a small, but famous train station. I overheard a photographer in there talking with the station master about how he was shooting for a visual kei band. I was curious and really wanted to stop and figure out which one, but then I got lazy and realized I'd rather go home. I tried to keep an eye out for any promotional photos with that station, but I never found it.

>> No.9894458
File: 338 KB, 1578x1267, 0F941781-DA6B-4095-A333-C16E96456B99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean I can try it again? I don’t have anything to prove though.

>> No.9894459

Ok well I'm btfo and jealous of you now. Sorry for doubting you. Good taste btw.

>> No.9894463

Nah it’s cool. People do totally just lie on the internet. Will post cheki from the release event too though.

Invisible Chaos seriously sounds amazing from the preview. I’m interested in what the other two songs on the single will be like!

>> No.9894464

I'm a newer fan, only listened to Pantheon 1 and 2.

>> No.9894481

Do you have suggestions where I should go next? :)

>> No.9894536

Holy shit anon welcome to the Opera. 喝采と激情のグロリア or Avalon are my top picks. Justice was really great too. In my opinion those were more cohesive albums than either Pantheon Album. I love songs from all of them though of course.

>> No.9894544

Actually I forgot! The Phoenix Rising mini-album has three amazing songs on it as well! Mask, 愛した人, and GREEN WORKER are amazing compositions.

>> No.9894777

I like a lot of their music. You should check out Gloria, Innovational Symphonia, and 落とし穴の底はこんな世界. Those are some of my favorites! Im happy more people are starting to like them. Sono has an amazing voice!

>> No.9895085


>> No.9895650

This so fucking much. I also loved Yuumeji's look but the songs felt pretty dissapointing. I kinda wish he didn't left Kamijo's label.
I think he discovered he can appeal to a wider audience with this approach. Not a bad thing at all, but I hope we also get old vk Kaya sometimes.

>> No.9895675

I thought Yumeji was perfect

>> No.9896615
File: 696 KB, 1280x800, wwooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anybody going to Tokyo in Tulsa to see Datura?

>> No.9898163
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>> No.9898936
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>> No.9899195
File: 114 KB, 600x447, A-58770-1282915195.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid question, are rondò veneziano visual k?

>> No.9899374

Cool hairstyle

>> No.9899376


>> No.9899580
File: 27 KB, 200x290, profile01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like what Hiron from After Image/Amadeus would be doing now if he was still in the music biz

>> No.9899601

Where the cheki at?

>> No.9899615

Idc if this was a joke post, thank you kindly for bringing them to my attention.

>> No.9899728

You're right, that is a stupid question.

>> No.9900232
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>> No.9901146

What’s everyone’s favorite brands right now? I bought 4 pieces from Civarize’s summer collection and a tie dye cardigan from WRouge recently. Also met the jewelry designer of Elan Vital at an art festival recently. His stuff is awesome. 100% worth the price for sure.

>Tfw when the hot Civarize shop staff guy knows your name now.

>> No.9901247

I wear a lot of Sex Pot Revenge. But I also like Deorart, H.Naoto, and Sixh.

>> No.9902327
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>> No.9903614
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>> No.9904774
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>> No.9905095

This still exists?

>> No.9905874
File: 151 KB, 400x600, sixh___ibi_by_kytrax-d3ixp2v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think its around anymore. But I bought some stuff from him in the past, and its just super comfortable, so I continue to wear it today,

>> No.9906086

Follow up to why I keep seeing famous V-kei band men in my out of the way neighborhood: There is a huge sound studio down a side street. I’m a musician myself and I had no idea this place existed and now I feel stupid.

>> No.9906100

Does anyone know the best English-friendly way to find out about VK gigs in Japan?

I used to keep up with them all via forums and LiveJournal, but that was in 2008...

>> No.9906138


>> No.9906191

Use eyelash glue. Then the oily type of liquid makeup remover to take them off

>> No.9906211

I would just follow the bands I'm interested in on twitter. Maybe you can also follow some venues that are near you and/or do a lot of visual kei.

>> No.9906922
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>> No.9908121
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>> No.9908562
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>> No.9908631
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>> No.9909188
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>> No.9909370

Why didn’t they shoop the fungus off of his stomach. A ton of people have that, but still!

>> No.9910292
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>> No.9911436
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>> No.9911824

I am secretly hoping he will be Jupiter’s new vocalist. I miss his presence in the scene.

>> No.9912202

I miss him as well. I'm happy he started an instagram and posts karaoke videos, at least we can hear him sing that way.

>> No.9912635

Is there a discord server for visual kei? I found some for jpop/idols/entertainment but not visual kei

>> No.9912638

I thought about making a server for mana/dix/mm/moitie but I don't know anyone personally who would be interested so I think I wouldn't be able to make it active. People tend to be really quiet in a new server until others start talking.

>> No.9912640

I know there are groups for specific bands but I don't know of a general one.

>> No.9912651

what are the jpop/idols ones? i wish there was a directory or something

do you have links?

>> No.9912658


>> No.9912899

What is his username?

>> No.9912910

I just got back from Harajuku a few weeks ago, but I have no one to show my VK finds to...would anyone be interested if I posted them here? I also would like coord advice since now that I'm an adult I went crazy on spending so I've never actually put together an outfit before.

>> No.9912913

Nobody wants to put together an outfit for you here. Ask the coord help thread.

>> No.9913030


>> No.9913867

Thank you!

>> No.9913913

I'd be interested!

>> No.9914745

Its all lolitas in there, anon, and no offense to them but I'm not interested in their opinion on my clothes. No one said you had to have an opinion on what I wear either.

Thank you, anon! I'll get some pictures up when I don't have to be up for a wedding in 6 hours lol.

>> No.9914753

It's not the lolita only coord thread faggot. Fuck off.

>> No.9914772

I can read, but I'd rather get opinions from VK fans and they're here in a higher concentration here. Why does this bother you so much? It will bump the thread with relevant content anyway.

>> No.9914778

Shut up, you don't have to look at it

>> No.9914789

>weh I don't wanna use proper threads bc I don't feel like it

I hope your favorite bandoman gets in a car accident and can't play any more.

>> No.9914797

Right? It's not like the last few visual kei threads died prematurely because of lack of activity or anything.

>> No.9914799

So how about instead of filling it with content that has a whole other entire thread dedicated to it fill it with announcements for new releases? Gaze's new shit is up on itunes now, LM.C announced a new album. It's not like there's nothing else besides your shitty outfits you can post.

>> No.9914804

I'm not the anon with the new clothes, I'm the one who wants to see them.

>> No.9914809

Fine. Someone else's shitty outfits* Is your autism calmed down now?

>> No.9914812

You're the one having a fit lol

>> No.9914824

Stop projecting.

>> No.9914858

Maybe it's not written down but the coord help thread is generally for lolita. I wouldn't go to the coord help thread if I needed help with kimono, gyaru or mori. And even if anon doesn't want help, it's fine to post hauls here.

>> No.9915161
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>> No.9916750
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>> No.9916986

Why do you always only post one picture?

>> No.9918366
File: 25 KB, 400x400, Ywof5Wmz_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9918369

This isn't VK

>> No.9918373

They used to be, and now I'm sad that they arn't

>> No.9918378

Okay but it doesn't belong here any more.

>> No.9918395
File: 78 KB, 600x571, 9315d40d26d997f9aa9b66cb7015d2ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah sorry, I just thought mentioning that 2 members from a prominent band in the visual kei scene changed to shitty pop, and thought it would be a topic that could stop this thread from being so quiet all the time.

>> No.9918400

Why can't you post current Vkei shit instead

>> No.9918417
File: 1.83 MB, 5787x3750, ダウト閃光花火5138_空絵合成_-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can post too you know?

D=out's latest mv is quite nice.
Kouki looks cool in red, too bad most of the mv is in black and white.

>> No.9919454

DatuRA is disbanding and I’m moderately peeved. Their bassist is a pretty cool guy. Oh well I have tickets to two more lives at least.

>> No.9919455

Fai's bitching makes me glad for it. what a little shit to insult fans.

>> No.9919486

Unless you know him personally, I haven’t seen much bitching. He just seems disappointed.

>> No.9919487

On his twitter, he called them "fucking fuckers" and said that the disbanding was their fault. Fuck off.

>> No.9919490

He went on a long twitter rant calling Japanese fans names saying it was their fault and that western fans are okay.

>> No.9919495
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I can cap his ~woe is me my music will die~ bullshit too if you want.

>> No.9919500
File: 117 KB, 633x854, IMG_4527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Essentially it seems like they weren't popular in Japan, the vocalist bailed because of it, and now Fai is/was throwing a colossal bitchfit about it blaming Japanese fans and people for not supporting them.

>> No.9919501

I mean Ayato has like 4 stalkers and recently they’ve had a few people crash their shows with purposefully bad behavior. So yeah it probably is a contributing factor, but he’s not talking generally about their fans.

>> No.9919503

And yet he felt the need to baww about not getting enough support from their japanese audience and call them fucking fuckers. Totally unprofessional.

>> No.9919512

That's not what I see in the caps

>> No.9919514

Well, I'm sorry you either can't read or are delusional.

>> No.9919519

I know you're probably upset about their disbanding but to act like he's not doing anything wrong by lashing out and insulting people like this is laughable.

>> No.9919557

This is me
This is another poster, but I’m glad someone else can actually read.

I said it above, but what he’s talking about is stemming from a VERY specific set of incidents recently. You kind of have to either have been there or know one of the members to understand. Indies fans HAVE been particularly shitty lately. Some of these girls make me hate working in the industry.

>> No.9919564

Doesn't change that he shouldn't be acting like an unprofessional little bitch.

>in the industry

If this is R, please settle the fuck down. I'm grateful to you for bringing over guests but defending Fai's shit fit of "weh I will never play again Japanese ppl are fucking fuckers I cri" is ridiculous.

>> No.9919565

I don't care about them, and I think it is unprofessional to go on a twitter rant, but I don't see where he's blaming lack of popularity for their disbandment.

>> No.9919568

Not whoever that is. I’m just a writer.

>> No.9919570
File: 56 KB, 1242x202, IMG_4520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here u go. Just4 u since reading is so hard. Saying overseas likes them but not in Japan.

Writer for what then? If you're "in the industry." Sounds like horse shit.

>> No.9919572

I write music. I’m not anyone important and don’t have any special contacts. I just go to a lot of live events.

>> No.9919576

>I'm not anyone important

and yet you're so willing to throw around that you're ~in the industry~ to act like you have actual experience in this. I am legitimately happy that DaturA's shit band is disbanding, especially if their members are such cunts to people.

>> No.9919579

I'm guessing you don't have a lot of experience when it comes to talking with foreigners with shit English

>> No.9919580

Jfc who pissed in your cheerios?

>> No.9919581

Why are you so salty lmao
He made a very vague post about disbanding because of fuckers who are Japanese people, that's all

>> No.9919584

I'm guessing you can't read english in general if you can't grasp the context given from the caps above
Because I don't like bandmen who think it's okay to act unprofessional and shit all over people, whining about how they'll never play again. They should be greatful to have had support to begin with. It's 100% his choice not to play again and him acting like a raging cunt blaming everyone else is not reasonable.

>> No.9919585

Considering his other English tweets, that could very well mean that HE likes everyone overseas

>> No.9919587

I still don't get why you're so upset unless you were his fan and feel personally attacked by him

>> No.9919592

I'm not his fan, I've always thought DaturA was filled with sketchy shitty people and this confirms it.

You're reaching so hard.

>> No.9919593

It could also mean everyone overseas likes Japanese people

>> No.9919594


to add on
He clarified that Japanese people were fucking fuckers, and that people over seas are okay.

>> No.9919596
File: 32 KB, 720x278, _20180621_041550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf he also randomly called someone's dad?? Creepy af

>> No.9919597

he called his father

>> No.9919598

He says his father was missing and he's relieved after finally being able to call him. Learn to read motherfucker.

>> No.9919599

Look, I'm all for giving caps like I did earlier but this is just chalked up to you being retarded.

>> No.9919600

You're reaching so hard

>> No.9919605

>being so assmad about someone posting caps of a band member being a dick you try and mimic them to discredit their argument

Nice try. DaturA is still breaking up at Fai is still a whiny little cunt though.

>> No.9919615

Sorry but they must be retarded if they are swearing at their fanbase for being too small, it's just hard to believe

>> No.9919627

It's hard to believe but Fai's a cunt and you can go to his twitter to verify my caps.

>> No.9919639

I've seen his twitter I just do not believe that's what he means. It also still doesn't explain why it gave you a meltdown.

>> No.9919651


stop projecting

>> No.9919692

I mean this anon >>9919501
explained what’s been going on. If it was my band I’d be upset at those people too. It seems buttmad-anon just doesn’t understand bad google-translated English or has some vendetta against the band.

>> No.9919695


everyone's favorite ill applied buzzword. The true mark of someone who doesn't have an argument

>> No.9919774
File: 1.51 MB, 1928x3254, DFB03C18-0AD3-4221-8CC1-5688B698D93E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Malice Mizer 25th Anniversary ticket raffle for Sunday 9/9
>Results are in
>I’m in

>> No.9920715
File: 25 KB, 656x416, malicemanabob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better make a tereko of it and share it with us poor mortals who can't attend.

>> No.9921419

>Kenji himself said that he could be considered part of VK,
Well, there's this performance of him in a session parody band of Buck-Tick doing Aku no Hana.
>that fanservice part at 2:40

>> No.9921422
File: 19 KB, 320x213, sharaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone likes Metronome?

>> No.9922145

an cafe is disbanding

>> No.9922150

Good. Hopefully they'll just let it die this time instead of continuing to drag the dead corpse of a band out any longer.

>> No.9922940

I have a little question and I felt like this is the best place to ask. I am going to attend a few concerts during my trip to Japan. And I noticed that I still need to pay a drinking fee for most concerts, but none of the artist mention the height of the fee on their website. I thought it was 800 yen, but I don’t know if it differs per venue. Does it differ per venue or is it 800yen in general?

>> No.9923499

it’s usually ¥500 (one coin), very rarely ¥600. Never seen ¥800

it’s often posted on a sign outside the venue, or you could ask staff

>> No.9923506

I thought they disbanded years ago. Damn, they were also one of the first visual kei bands i liked too, but at the same time, bye bitch.

>> No.9923509


I saw someone post about it and be so upset they were like 'i'm not even going to take the time to explain bye' and I'm like wtf why so dramatic.

I remember that they were ok, not great just ok. Now they're going too huh.

>> No.9923522

why do you hate them?

>> No.9924207

Thank you anon! I will make sure I have both amounts with me and then look out for a sign. I don’t want to slow anyone down by looking for the money on spot.

>> No.9924292

If you’re in Japan it’s good practice to just keep several hundred yen in your pocket or something. Shit happens (losing your wallet) and you don’t want to get stranded somewhere.

>> No.9924655

Thanks for the tip! I always keep my bank cards and money seperate, so I don’t think something like that would happen, but I will try to have some more money separately as well. Most of my clothing lacks pockets, so I would have to look for another place to store it.

>> No.9924661

It's usually 600 yen in my town. When you enter the venue and give them your ticket you pay the fee then.

>> No.9924901

That's just a good idea in general. People rely too much on digital purchases these days.

>> No.9924902
File: 613 KB, 689x1034, 04384_a9d7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just discovered Makoto's projects. Very nice.

>> No.9924910

i like their look

>> No.9924941
File: 21 KB, 260x173, 260px-Doremidan_-_Gekijou_Shouroku_promo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's their OHP and twitter

Pic related is their old band, Doremidan (ドレミ團) which a lot of people here probably know a lot better than I do.

>> No.9924946
File: 189 KB, 487x500, 2663047631_757bc2ae75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not true, they're all leaving except Miku. He could reform the band with new members.
Their early work was awesome and a lot heavier than the CD covers suggest.

>> No.9925311

I’ve noticed that foreigners that come here rely way too much on credit cards. If you don’t have at least ¥5,000 you’re going to get into a tough situation at some point.

>> No.9925313

They should just let it die

>> No.9925321

Again, that's just true anywhere, but I do appreciate the extra importance of that principle in Japan.
I want Miku and Kanon to at least continue making music in some form, but Kanon probably won't.

>> No.9925327

But continuing an cafe at this point would be like a zombie walking around. It died a long time ago and what remained was an empty shell. Let it die anon. An Cafe died with Bou's leaving

>> No.9925337
File: 259 KB, 1000x752, 20623_znkqcs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An Cafe didn't die with Bou leaving. Gokutama Rock Cafe was great. Hell, even their last two singles were great. An Cafe didn't have a specific time of death, they've been losing steam for years. They had two good singles left in them and now they're done.

>> No.9925345

Bou leaving marked the era in which listening to them started to feel like watching an old loved one with dimentia. You remember what they once were, but now they just keep asking the same questions you answered five minuets ago over and over and shitting themselves and you get the feeling that just smothering them with a pillow is morally right because it would put both them and you out of your misery

>> No.9925373
File: 68 KB, 650x714, gulls1-page-001.jpg.gallery~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're impossible to have a real conversation with. The worst part is I bet you think you're funny.

>> No.9925461

I'm sorry you see someone who has a different opinion as "impossible" to have a conversation with, but that's just not the case.

>> No.9925464

Lmao they became way more successful after bou left

>> No.9925620

successful =/= good. Just look at miyavi

>> No.9925640

You didn't say good or bad, you said dead

>> No.9925642

>can't even glean the simplest of shit by reading

It's not my fault you lack the level of thinking required to understand what people are saying.

>> No.9925651

normally when people say ''x thing is dead'' they mean they have less or no activity

>> No.9925654

I said it died, not An Cafe is dead. Phrasing is important you dumb shit, because saying it died can imply a wide range of things like the spirit of it was gone, the quality changed, or they stopped activity. Like the phrase "the day the music died" doesn't mean that music stopped, just that the spark was gone. Goddamn I can't believe I'm sitting here explaining the nuances of the english language to a literal retard.

>> No.9925664

actually english has so little nuance compared to my own language I never bothered taking lessons

>> No.9925665

Ah, this makes sense as to why you come off as retarded.

>> No.9925777
File: 149 KB, 900x1200, DflEGZuVAAIvEyW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we get some Chaos love going?

>> No.9925852

>liking An Cafe
They were always a joke among serious VK fans.

>> No.9925857

Please get off the topic, you've posted so many times and nobody cares. Please stop shitting up the thread.

>> No.9925858

They're like the one direction of VK bands

>> No.9925859
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>> No.9925860

That was me, I'm the one who was saying An Cafe died, but that's a different person. Please stop being delusional and trying to police others posts with your misguided assumptions.

This is me

>> No.9925861
File: 43 KB, 600x932, 17623-yl7cmwqwk6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doremidan is seriously great.

>> No.9925863

I think you got the wrong seagull, but anyway, I'm serious. An Cafe was always mocked for being too poppy and safe, and their fans too young (I guess not anymore, but eh).
Seriously though, if you like them, that's fine. I never liked them. And I'm speaking purely from a music stand point. Their songwriting is very bland.

>> No.9925866
File: 725 KB, 1976x2048, IMG_4565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm excited that LM.C is releasing a new album since it's been almost a few years since VEDA came out. Their recent lives in the US were fun, including the private live they held at Tekko.

>> No.9925867

I don't think there are any an cafe fans in this thread

>> No.9925868
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>> No.9925869

Then why are some people throwing a shit fit over anon saying they died forever ago and why is someone saying they want some of the members to continue their music careers?

>> No.9925871

Aww man, I wanted to go, plane tickets within the US are stupidly expensive!!!!

>> No.9925872

oh! i remember doremidan

never listened to them but fun is the all i want from a band desu

>> No.9925873

Insane levels of samefaggotry

>> No.9925875

It was super fun! At Tekko they let us get any item signed, even non official items and one person even got their arms signed and got them tattooed over. I got front row at Tekko and I have to say it was a lot more fun than Afest, because there were confetti cannons. The Hardrock cafe performance was also pretty special, maya told his translator to chug beer for us on stage and it was just a really good time.

They say they're coming back soon and I hope you can come then anon!

>> No.9925877

Tbh I didn't see the comment that comment, and the other one just misunderstood you. Literally her only argument was that An Cafe is not dead, not that they were a good band. Anyway, it's okay to like things you don't, you know?

>> No.9925878
File: 112 KB, 600x900, 1makotoa_1m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just discovered Makoto's works the other day. I wish I had found him earlier, the swingy hard rock stuff is exactly the kind of bands I like, i.e. Merry, cali gari, The Gallo, Sibilebashir, Marco

>> No.9925880

What's with the shade on Miyavi? I love his collabs with pop/idols

>> No.9925882

I'm a guy but thanks. I do like An Cafe, especially early An Cafe.

>> No.9925883

>inertia's visual kei board is no more
Holy shit, RIP.
There goes a big chunk of the VK western fanbase's history.

>> No.9925885

That's the one thing I agree with samefag-chan on, Miyavi is a sellout. I'm sad about it.

>> No.9925886

Why is it people bitch when these threads go too slow but cry samefagging at discussion?

>> No.9925889

To be quite honest, I never found Miyabi to be a good songwriter. He's a talented guitarist, that's it.
His songs in Dué le quartz were very mediocre, and his singing voice is really shitty. He tried hard to be hide when he launched his solo career.

>> No.9925890

Setting aside him being a sellout, I think it's bad parenting for him to drag his kids along and on stage and put them out for the public eye as much as he does when his initial fan base is made of a bunch of thirsty skanks who cried over him getting married. Not to mention him doing shit like pushing people for laughs.

>> No.9925893

The only talented dlq member was kazuki.

>> No.9925894
File: 96 KB, 690x1092, 454232-angelina-jolie-and-brad-pitt-speak-with-japanese-actor-miyav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My problems with him come from him getting involved with the Hollywood liberal establishment and pushing Syrian refugee crap. Japan has a healthy conservativism to it, they don't need to get that crap pushed on them.

>> No.9925896

you just KNOW

>> No.9925898

Well he's batshit crazy, you can't really expect him to not get involved with something like that.

>> No.9925902

Even Gackt is more reasonable at this point.

>> No.9925907
File: 215 KB, 900x1200, Db_7PkQVwAAXUFP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, it's autosaging, see you gulls next time!

>> No.9925909

LM.Cs lives are always fun. And the vocalist speaks enough english to have a heavy amount of humor in his USA performances without the need to drag a translator into everything he says.

>> No.9925921

I wish there was a refugee camp in my area desu
Nothing but old people here and tons of jobs that young Dutch people refuse to do

>> No.9925925

Gr8 b8 m8

>> No.9925926

I don't want to make any more visual kei threads, you guys are no fun. The previous ones I made were dead and the next one will only be made because someone is thirsty for wank.

>> No.9925927

It's true though. Not even Dutch but all their refugees are put in nice cities where young people are also trying to find housing. It's retarded af.

>> No.9925934

Okay then don't.

New thread.