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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 93 KB, 719x960, This fucking guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9807889 No.9807889 [Reply] [Original]

Strap in. It's time to bitch about a creep and a genuine rapist PoS.

>Be this guy
>Shitty tin foil Cyborg
>Autistic (of fucking course)
>Really loaded Nigerian family
>Have cool friend who's girl.
>Really like her but no homo
>One of her friends starts talking to me. Says this tin foil guy is my friend's boyfriend.
>Don't really buy it because we've been friends for six months at that point and she never mentioned him
>Go to MCM in London.
>At night In club. Banging out Nightwish. This club has some fucking awesome tunes
>Friend keeps asking to dance but I was "busy" with another girl. She gets insistent and I realise something is up. So I give her a couple dances to the tune of Nemo.
>Get autism glares from tin man all day.
>Next day
>Friend's bag gets stolen.
>Tinfoil-man acts all hyped up and agressive.
> "Anon's friend I will fucking stab who ever took it." We leave the autist to his autism. He got waaay too aggressive.
>Go home
>Ask friend if they were together
>No, anon. I keep trying to tell him to piss off but he thinks we're together.
>think nothing more of it as we have escaped the autism. So I thought.
>Next con. At hotel. Me and friend.
> Friend tells me she stayed with Tinfoil man at his house.
>my face is Y dou?
>He was insistent on staying in the same room as her.
> Told him to fuck off.
> Goes to a separate room.
>He follows.
>Tries to sleep next to friend. Tries to rip her clothes off. She physically pushes him away.
>Fucking want to punch this guy.
>LFCC Day One
>tinman is really clingy.
>Dressed as bombshell Mira. Have heavy worbler Trident.
> He keeps going towards my friend.
> Fucking have to pry him off her with my trident.
> Still not listening
>Decide to act like me and friend are together. (still no homo you gay fucks)
During masquerade performance this fucker emerges. Blue Beatle cosplay. Of similar quality to image post.
"As cosplayers we have to stick together. We must love each other and have no boundary."

>> No.9807906
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>After masquerade.
> Guy just openly fucking grabs me. Gets face to face level.
>Fucking stinks of fish.
>Repeats same speal as before but now he's fucking grabing me and rubing my shoulders with a super intense look on his face.
>Ready to just nut him at this point but my friend says to leave it.
> We all go home
> Back at con next day. Dressed as Jessica Jones.
>Wearing high heels. Look sexy as fuck but Tinman has this weird macho thing and doesn't like women being taller and more aggressive than him.
>I have a massive go at this piece of shit for what he did to my friend.
>"Could you please just fuck off. she's not interested in you."
>He avoids me the rest of the day.
A month later.
>Massive Marvel/DC Cosplay meet up.
>Friend goes but I got work.
>Tell her to watch out for tinman.
>Later that day
>Skype call from this fucker.
>Mfw he figured out my skype info.
> He shouts at me on skype through another person's phone (Which he stole btw)
>Insists my friend is his girlfriend. Says he can do whatever he wants to her.
>Shows me picture.
>MFW I see a picture of my friend unconscious with drinks around with this fucker's tongue down her throat.
> Ask friend on skype what the fuck happened.
> She says she can't remember what happened that night. She was drunk and fell asleep.
>Show her picture.
>Friend vomits.
>he keeps messaging her despite her telling him to fuck off.
> few weeks later.
>Friend messages me.
>She had an abortion
> Before. She asked him what he was going to do about the baby.
>She was cosplaying Jessica Jones
>He was cosplaying Luke Cage.
>"That's alright. Jessica and Luke have a kid in the comics."
>He doesn't fucking live in reality.
>His justification for raping my friend and impregnating her is that Luke and Jessica have a kid in the comics.
>we just fucking ignore him and his fucking bullshit messages at this point.
>Six months later.
>He breaks up with her over text

>> No.9807915

>Text says,
>"I'm really sorry, I don't think things are working out. I know you must be upset. But I'm breaking up with you"
>She texts back.
>Year later
>See him at MCM with tinfoil Cyborg horror show.
>Everyone there is fucking supressing laughter. Me and my BF bitch about him to people.
>"Oh be patient, he's autistic."
>Fucking MCM.

>> No.9807920

And why are you posting this here instead of running it to the police services?

>> No.9807921

Because it’s the UK anon. Only whites are arrested for crimes anymore there.

If anything she’d get into trouble for everything she did because he’s autistic and cant be held legally responsible anyway.

>> No.9807922

>Rich Nigerian
Also friend doesn't want to push charges.

>> No.9807938

>ITT: things that totally happened

>> No.9807950

Do it anyway, this is definitely punishable by law.

This is such bullshit. Get your /pol/ nonsense away from here.

>> No.9807956

>In club. Banging out Nightwish
what the fuck kind of club is this
is it located in heaven?

>> No.9807957

The fuck are you saying?
I guess your story is made up then

>> No.9807966

This is tue fakest Story ever

>> No.9807967
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He's an imbecile, but your friend is a bigger imbecile for not even putting in at least an attempt to stop it. Today it was her, tomorrow it's going to be someone else. Get a paper trail started, and stop thinking that posting all about him on a site called Four Chan is going to do anything, because it won't, and it makes (You) an even bigger imbecile yet.

>> No.9807988

Do you have any idea at the utter shambles the UK law system is right now? This autistic chap would count as a vulnerable adult. Meaning according to the law he is not responisble for his actions. At best it's a legal gray area. A legal grey area a rich family able to afford lawyers could exploit. I get it that "the land of the free" has much fairer laws though. No misuse of the legal sytem there.

>> No.9808015

At least they could put him somewhere he can't hurt anyone else. But if he's capable of everything OP described, he's functioning enough to get tried as sane. I'm autistic and I've never raped anyone, and if I did you can bet I'd be tried as sane. Just because there's a chance he won't get jailed doesn't mean it's a waste of time to press charges, if everyone thought that way prisons would be way less overcrowded. File that police report.

>> No.9808079

>Blue Beatle

A rape-enabler and a retard. Makes sense.

>> No.9808095

Ok so can we all agree that, reporting to authorities aside, the moral to the story is don’t be nice to people who raise obvious red flags. Trust your gut. Stay away from them. Being nice to creepy fuckers just enables their bad behaviour to continue. No one owes them shit, you don’t need to be polite to people who will possibly assault you later and you don’t need to humour them.

>> No.9808117

Of course these incidents took place at the most cancerous conventions in the UK. When will people get their shit together and stop going?

>> No.9808118


> Assaulted multiple times
> Keep hanging out around crazy autist
> Things go from bad to worse

Whilst your friend did not deserve any of this to happen to them, you have to decide between reporting the shit that has been going on or avoiding the dangerous situation. Neither of those have been done here, this guy will carry on with no repercussions and more victims will pile up.

The UK police is not nearly as bad as everyone is making out, reporting it at several of these stages would have been perfectly valid. If you didn't want to go to the police you had many opportunities to tell event staff and have him at least made to have supervision and saved fellow weebs and your friend.

Tldr: Don't make retarded decisions, and report this kind of shit.

>> No.9808389

>don't report very obvious crime with so much fucking evidence it's insane

99% of these "let me tell you a story about a rapist" is shit that's made up because of an awful vendetta, since, you know, you can get arrested for much less than "openly raping someone and having the photos/chat logs to back it up"

There's con creeps, I will admit that, but this level of fantasy is insane.

>> No.9808399

As other people have stated, This guy has gotten away with a lot. Speaking as someone else who goes to MCM this creep does a lot of shit. He's fondled girls. He's invaded personal space. Took advantage of girls multiple times. Done some really bad shit. People have tried reporting him in the past but it "mysteriously" all seems to evaporate. One time I tried to report him I got a passive aggressive

"But he has autism"

From one of the organisers and they did nothing. It seems to be a company line when it comes to this individual.

MCM in general is pretty lousy on dealing with rapists and creeps. It's not a good convention to go to. Way too much toxicity.

>> No.9808412
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The absolute state of England.

Best bet if you really don't feel confident in the law is to gather up all the people that have problems with this guy and just make a public statement on social media and related forums I guess.

>> No.9808419

what did you expect from an autistic black guy?

>> No.9808426

Okay guys. I'm seeing some stuff on here and honestly a lot of ignorance about UK Law.

To make a witness statement, you need to of actually been at the scene of the crime. I am working off of what my friend told me. I would be told to piss off if I went to the police.

My friend didn't press charges for one reason. We know based on how this person has been treated before that he would not get punished. Either by police or event organisers. No matter the evidence. And there is a lot of evidence. His family are very wealthy. I can only speculate but I think they might have a hand in his "innocence." This could even mean a lawsuit for us if people mentioned that we were the ones who filed charges. Libel is a serious matter and people have been put away for saying "harmful" things. Even if they are true.

From most of the posts here. I assume most of you are american. So you won't know that the MCM group of conventions is notorious for letting people (rich people) get away with various acts. Any time someone has tried to do something it always just fizzles out. It's a really toxic community in general.

With nothing else left to do. All I can do is warn you guys. And it is just a warning. You can do what you like with tinman. But people know him and people do stay away. Make your own decisions anon.

Something, something, the cancer that is killing /b/

*insert rant*

>> No.9808427

Right at the end of the story. We tried that.

"Oh be patient he's just autistic." even on social media. It's so fucking frustrating.

>> No.9808434
File: 22 KB, 490x313, BEADY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, must have missed that.

>> No.9808448

at least extort some fuckin money off of his parents you fucking cuck

>> No.9808474

I like you. But nah. That shit can bite you in the arse so fucking bad you're seeing gas chambers.

>> No.9808479


We found the jew.

>> No.9808482
File: 405 KB, 640x960, 1355110384448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She fucked a black guy. She's pretty much as trashy as you can get OP.

Just avoid all of them in future. Go after good girls like MaryJane instead.

>> No.9808487

This. Any interest I would have had in a girl would dissipate the moment I discovered something like that. No offense dude.

>> No.9808493

Ah, Now this is the 4chan I was looking for. I was worried for a bit.

>> No.9808495

I'm >>9808487 and I'm not even trolling.

I'd probably still fuck her if it fell into my lap, but no way am I dating her after finding that out.

>> No.9808496

Cool. We found another autist then.

>> No.9808498

>You wouldn't date a girl who literally got knocked up by a random black guy, you're an autist

Ok then femanon. Whatever helps you sleep better at night.

>> No.9808499

Speaking as a woman, you're making the dangerous assumption women would be interested in you. Cool, don't fuck women who fuck black men. More pussy for me then.

>> No.9808500
File: 99 KB, 1162x550, happened.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got one lads

>> No.9808501

Christ, how disgusting. I hate that he's Nigerian too, as if we don't already have a shit reputation.
If this is true, I'm sorry you had to go through that. I'm sorry that happened to your friend.

>> No.9808503

>More pussy for me then.

Enjoy your AIDS.

>you're making the dangerous assumption women would be interested in you

You dress up as cartoon characters.

>> No.9808505


>> No.9808507

show what you just said to your girlfriend. I'm sure she'll get a good laugh out of it.

>> No.9808508

>You dress up as cartoon characters.
And autists who dress like cartoons still wouldn't want you. Life is funny.

>> No.9808511

She'd agree. We're both from Eastern Europe, you don't lose your job here for saying mean things about black people online. Sorry m8.

Nothing /r9k/ at all about what I said. Most white guys don't want to date white girls who have been impregnated by random black guys. Like I said, deal with it. If that means dating black men - then by all means do it.

Keep pretending to be desirable while you spend your 20s dressing up as cartoon characters while everyone else with a brain is settling down with someone for marriage.

>> No.9808513

Nigri ain't touching your dick dude.

>> No.9808517

What's with /cgl/'s obsession with Nigri?

>> No.9808521

The most autistic people are the ones who deny their autism. Yes, settling down for marriage in your 20's is very sensible. I'm sure you won't tie yourself into an awkward finacial situation based on the ignorance of youth. Anyways, what fucking board do you think you're on? This is cosplay. Where people dress up as cartoon characters.

>> No.9808524

>implying cosplayers don't marry each other

>> No.9808526

No one cares.
You're not even married, probably because no one wants your useless neckbeard self.

>> No.9808527

Hot women with the illusion of approchability does somewhat nerdy things with her tits out. And soyboys think if they pay her patreon they'll get nudes or sex.

>> No.9808529

>The most autistic people are the ones who deny their autism.

High IQ anon incoming.

>I'm sure you won't tie yourself into an awkward finacial situation based on the ignorance of youth.

People who marry in their 20s have more stable marriages. And "ignorance of youth"? You're on a board full of arrested development adolescents who can't save money even when they're in their 30s and will literally die alone in nursing homes with no family to speak of.

>implying cosplayers don't marry each other

yes, and it's as cringey as it sounds.

>if you don't want to date girls who were impregnated by random black men, then you are a neckbeard

You live in a fantasy world. Appropriate I guess.

Can't fault Nigri for that - it's shrewd. From a quick google it doesn't seem like she's ever done actual porn or anything that degenerate. Which alone puts her ahead of a lot of seagulls (remember how many gulls did cosplay deviants, or even hardcore porn?)

>> No.9808532

Who needs a high IQ anon when you're on the prowl.

>> No.9808534

>You live in a fantasy world. Appropriate I guess.
No, if you
>Go to 4chan boards about a subject you're not interested in, derail a thread to degrade its practitioners and talk about how they should be married at 20
Then yes, you are a neckbeard. If only your kind would just invest in sex dolls and leave us alone.

>> No.9808535

To be fair, you need a high IQ to understand anon.

Also paragraphs of text explaining in detail why you aren't autistic and are in fact morally superior to the goym.

>> No.9808536

>Can't fault Nigri for that - it's shrewd. From a quick google it doesn't seem like she's ever done actual porn or anything that degenerate. Which alone puts her ahead of a lot of seagulls (remember how many gulls did cosplay deviants, or even hardcore porn?)

It's not even that. JNig has never even posted nudes of herself, or had them leaked. By that fact in and of itself, she's less trashy than the average /cgl/ poster. Most girls here have posted nudes on /soc/ or /b/ at least once, or given them out to guys they've met online.

JNigger isn't even slutty. She's just, like you said, a shrewd girl who makes skimpy cosplay and is fairly good at marketing.

>> No.9808538

I'll remind you it was insinuated I was undesirable right after I made this post >>9808487, in which I stated I wouldn't want to date a girl who had been impregnated by a random black man. So we can conclude that this was the only opinion it took to convince the couple of you replying that I was a "neckbeard".

>> No.9808543


Are people actually speaking to the organisers, or are they just talking to the door bitches? Because if it came from an actual organiser, you know the ones who get paid to do that shit as a full time job, I'd be utterly amazed.

As for the other point, if he has done this to soo many different people on different occasions, someone needs to report him to the police. Save the pictures and texts, keep an eye on friends around him. Or if you refuse to do the first 2 options, don't get drunk alone around the known perverts who try to rape people. It's common fucking sense.

>> No.9808545

>not into cosplay
>goes to a cosplay board
>reads a greentext where someone is raped, and all he can say is "Wow I couldn't deal with a girl who fucked a black guy :///"
>anons reply "Good news, no one here wanted you to begin with"
>his reply is "W-Well you guys dress up as cartoons! Cringy! You should be married by now!"
>somehow, he thinks this is defensible and worth making long posts with replies to all the anons telling him to piss off
Instead of shitposting on a board about things you don't even like, why don't you pay attention to your girlfriend (assuming she's real, which I strongly doubt unless "she" has incredibly low standards or is very autistic herself)? Why don't you get married instead of talking to strange women on the internet? Very shameful behavior, anon.

>> No.9808547

>anons reply "Good news, no one here wanted you to begin with"


>> No.9808549

>Speaking as a woman, you're making the dangerous assumption women would be interested in you. Cool, don't fuck women who fuck black men. More pussy for me then.
Selective amnesia doesn't work with 4chan posts. Again, go and get married instead of spending your time with other women on the internet.

>> No.9808556

Assburgers is flowing free tonight as the joke flies over your head.

>> No.9808557


You are a cosplayer.

>> No.9808558

mfw anon doesn't understand the concept of lesbians or bisexuality.

>> No.9808560
File: 27 KB, 542x542, 27867376_413194882469951_4589200878187654351_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9808561

Dykes are gross.

>> No.9808568

Hey, I resemble that remark!

>> No.9808569

Once again, you are a cosplayer in your 20s. You were and are undesirable, unpopular and awkward. You think these standards don't apply to you because neckbeards at anime cons want to fuck you?

>> No.9808570

>Most girls here have posted nudes on /soc/ or /b/ at least once, or given them out to guys they've met online.

Kek'ed because it's not even an exaggeration. Remember that lolita who posted for input on her coord while camwhoring on /soc/ at the same time?

This board is trashy and slutty as fuck. Don't think you have any right to act superior to Nigri. Nigri hasn't fucked any guy she met at a con afterparty, room party or during the show in the toilets, as most of you have.

>> No.9808571


That's a lolita, not a cosplayer. Most of the truly trashy gulls have been lolitas (Charlotte Charms for example) because it's a disgusting "hobby" which has a huge overlap with the DDLG and other fetish scenes. Don't bring normal (non-whore) cosplay into this.

>> No.9808578

The thing with Nigri is I think she's the wrong sort of person to represent cosplay. She puts on very skimpy outfits. That's fine on it's own but it attracts a certain kind of demographic. Horny weird men. The cosplayers who just want to make nice costumes and possibly make some money on the side as a hobby get either ignored or worse start attracting those creepy guys even if they don't want to. I'm not gunna say I'm the best cosplayer but I haven't posted any nudes nor do I want to attract that kind of person but it is frustrating seeing Jessica's low effort bikini shots get more attention then the people making other cosplay. It encourages other people to make similar levels of cosplay and degrades the hobby as a whole.

>> No.9808665
File: 44 KB, 420x420, baito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplayers have entire hobby-endorsed sets of themselves selling softcore porn in costume for sale. Lolitas are like sharks if they so much as THINK you might be doing something sexual with the clothes.

>> No.9808744

And you're a pathetic man with no hobbies except trolling on internet message boards. Even cosplayers can do better than you, which is why you're alone.
There's a reason you're not married, but you're telling others they should be, and it's not one that reflects well on you.

>> No.9808862


what about all that no homo stuff in OP?
it's not adding up, obvious maleanon...

>> No.9808867
File: 387 KB, 674x337, anonpls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a huge overlap with the DDLG
you couldn't be more of an ignorant, troglodyte homunculus.
Lolita is gorgeous and pure and you're probably just jealous and too horrible at money management to enjoy it.

the fashion has nothing to do with actual practice of any fetish

>> No.9808877

Girls joke about that shit all the time to take the piss out of men insecure in their own sexuality. Not all women are delicate wallflowers.

>> No.9808883

Anon clearly never met any emo girls before they went exctinct.

>> No.9808889
File: 97 KB, 433x433, i dunt undastand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn nigga why you gotta do this shit, your cosplays already looking haggard as hell

>> No.9808894
File: 60 KB, 625x626, 00295A2E-FE96-4DED-967C-BAB12160556C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, 99.9% of lolitas are not into DDLG and other nasty pedo shit.

>> No.9809055
File: 19 KB, 148x149, 1508194598290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that the majority of this thread is a guy talking with himself

>> No.9809083


Yeah, they'd just sue her for libel if she pressed charges.

>> No.9809836

These bots are really good, anon.

>> No.9810374

Do yourself a favour anon and google the Rotherham sex scandals

>> No.9812256

>Speaking as a women
>More pussy for me
Tranny detected

>> No.9812261

>what is a lesbian

>> No.9812605

Oh this guy. He didn't seem too bad to me. I just laughed at his Blue Beetle costume.

>> No.9812915

Ayyy omo naija

>> No.9812939

you made the world a better place by not reporting this man to authorities and not further perpetuating negative black behavior in the media. not all heroes don't wear capes.

>> No.9814936


>> No.9815031

I really hope you're trolling nigger.

>> No.9815912

>harry street photography
>abused his ex
>creeps on LoveLive cosers
>got a warning for trying to do upskirt shots of people at minami while his current gf is there looking visibly upset.
there's a fuck ton more if people want but cut-long-story-short avoid the fuck outta him

>> No.9817591

I think i heard of this guy. Do say more.