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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9804145 No.9804145 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a straight guy and I often find female footwear adorable. I'd just like to buy and wear these, but I don't have money, nor a way to explain it to anybody around me. I often wish that heels didn't go out of men's fashion :(

>> No.9804147
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>> No.9804148
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>> No.9804149

Liz Lisa often has really good sales. You could buy some just to wear at home. I think the hardest part is finding ones that will fit well?

>> No.9804150

What a fag lel

>> No.9804151
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>> No.9804176

I kinda feel the same, I like them a lot, they are just too cute, but I wouldn't wear them myself. I want to buy a pair for my gf who is now getting into lolita.

>> No.9804189

Another reason for us to wear RHS instead

>> No.9804202

yikes dude

>> No.9804204

he's a man. why would you go and recommend a brand that doesn't even make western WOMENS shoe sizes, let alone big stupid man feet

>> No.9804206

I'm western and a woman and they fit my feet just fine. Don't act like all women in the west have huge sasquatch feet. Are you retarded?

>> No.9804216

Clearly fetishised bait but okay >>9804206
The average foot size in most countries is a European 40, which most brands don’t make, you dumb trout.

>> No.9804222

The fuck? You are factually wrong

>> No.9804241

I think the problem is that >>9804204 worded their post to sound like the majority of, if not all, western women could not fit in Liz Lisa's shoes. Which, while Japanese brand shoes tend to run smaller than Western shoes, but as >>9804206 said, there are western women, myself included, who can wear Japanese shoes just fine.

I've seen a lot of girls complain that Japanese brand shoes don't come in their size though, so it's a mixed bag. Japanese shoe sizes tend to accommodate a US Size 5.5 to a US 7.5 which is a pretty narrow range, but then again their clothing sizes tend to be relatively narrow compared to Western sizes so I guess it comes with the territory?

>> No.9804245

You're an absolute idiot.

>> No.9804246

>mfw asian and can't fit into most brand shoes
>mfw I have no face

>> No.9804271
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>> No.9804273

This is so cute lmao

>> No.9804276

American Duchess makes men's heeled shoes. They're high-quality reenactment pieces from days past, when wearing heels was fashionable for men.

>> No.9804309

I was reminded of this series too!

>> No.9804310
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Honestly as long as the "fetish bait" doesn't involve other people, I'm fine by it. OP sounds like he just wants to wear pretty shoes by himself without involving others, and that's fine.

Besides, men's fashion needs a bit of a bump out of the slump it's in. Would be nice if dudes everywhere could at least recognise that personal grooming goes a few steps above "just take a shower" rather than complaining they weren't naturally born with the good looks, when something like a good haircut, hair trimmer and some effort would go a long way towards making them look better.

>> No.9804932

what series is this? it looks cute.

>> No.9804983

Op, which dancer is you?

>> No.9805092

It's a webcomic, called "Why Did Men Stop Wearing High Heels?", you can read it on lezhin.com

>> No.9805099
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Source? This is relevant to my interests

>> No.9805101

nevermind im just a retard

>> No.9805107

Must suck being a man. Dressing ugly all your life.

>> No.9805113
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There are solutions for that.

>> No.9805159

Sauce for that pic?

>> No.9805163
File: 35 KB, 630x450, Dolce-Gabbana-Winter-2013-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't think that's true, or that the solution even has to be crossdressing.

I think that, even if we need to push the envelope a bit with men's fashion now, even some Western designers release some interesting pieces. Dolce and Gabbana has some great men's wear pieces sometimes. Pic related. And then you start delving into J-fashion...

And that's not touching handmade or custom stuff. I'd love to see someone with Sakizou inspired designs for men in their wardrobe. Sourcing shoes to match is gonna be a bitch though, though if you've got the money, there's bespoke again.

It all just depends on a guy's resources and how ballsy he is as far as what he's willing to wear.

>> No.9805174

I wholeheartedly support this. Men who aren't afraid to be stylish are very, very attractive.

>> No.9805203
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I really despise how this sort of thing has become so ingrained in either foot fetish or sissy territory. If looking cute makes you feel good OP, do whatever makes you happy. Women are free to dress rugged and masculine without judgement.. men on the other hand have a long way to go before it's widely accepted. I

If you're interested you might have some luck searching for "cute/pastel mens fashion" and I remember a story recently about a japanese brand making cute cardigans and stuff in mens sizes. Again, I don't think it means you're a fetishist or gay or trans, you should be able to dress yourself however you want.

>> No.9805356

OP here, sorry for not replying before, but here I am! I'll reply to all of your posts individually here :)
Yes, the hardest part is finding a size that fits. I am average in height and my shoe size is I'd say average for a male, which is around 42 for Europe. Sorting any kind of shoe store products to that size leaves me with pretty much nothing...

Yes, this comic is amazing haha

True, I feel like men's fashion suffers from the lack of diversity. Yes, there are some extravagant outfit pieces in the worldwide market, but really, men are mostly limited to wearing shirts, pants and the same kind of shoes, for not so formal occasions. It's just really monotone compared to women's clothes :(


Not sure if this reply was meant as an insult or not, but I'll assume the latter. It's not that men's clothes are "ugly" or that I dislike anything about them. I in fact have multiple suits and also like to dress myself properly and nicely. It's just that I feel like there's too little diversity and that male fashion is monotone.

Yes, we need to push the envelope a bit, however, this is a change that will probably take an absurd amount of time, if it ever happens. I'm pretty content with wearing whatever I'd like in the street mainly because I genuinely don't care if people laugh or judge me for wearing such things. My main concern with buying any kind of "deviant" clothing item is that somebody will stab me with a knife on the street, which is a very realistic scenario.


Just like I told before. It's a matter of my safety. If I go out with the wrong things on me, I will most probably get stabbed and dumped in a dark corner someplace. Women are indeed free to dress rugged and masculine, and I often feel sad that men can't given how "ballsy" most of men want to be. I think it takes much more balls to go out wearing a skirt or heels than being a fucking hooligan and wrecking somebody's car

>> No.9805357

I hit the character limit :p
To continue my reply -
Thank you for the suggestion, I'll check it out :)

>> No.9805360

Maybe if you weren't such a huge faggot that used emojis on a fucking image board you wouldn't have hit the character limit

>> No.9805389

fear of being stabbed is a copout

openly gay people and a lot of trans people go out every day of their lives risking being attacked and the occurences are very rare. women go out every day risking harrassment. men can blend into the background and never have to interact with strangers outside.. people are not as judgemental and aggressive as you think.

if you live in a terrible place i could understand, change priorities from expressing yourself with fashion, to leaving your shitty location so you can express yourself and be happy

>> No.9805482
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>I'm a straight guy
anon, I...

>> No.9805537

I have a question that's sort of related to OP's. I'm not a dude, but I have wide feet and big toes and have a hard time finding anything that has a big enough toe box and isn't a men's shoe. Danskos have enough room, but they look like fucking clogs. Does anybody have any recommendations for cute shoe brands/types that have a roomy toe box that's not super conspicuous? Or am I stuck with clown shoes?

>> No.9805572


Your style selection is going to be very very limited because some of the styles suck but I've had some success with Hotter and Rockport's brands (Cobb Hill). I haven't tried them personally yet but I'm eyeing some of Earth brand's shoes too.

If you're willing to dye your shoes too, that helps.

>> No.9805575

Thank you!

>> No.9805577


You're welcome!

Sorry I forgot to mention that it also depends what type of shoe you're looking for. I lean more towards classic so I can get away with like pumps and t-straps and that kind of thing. Finding sweeter styles in wide is murder.

>> No.9805581

No that's fine, I actually was looking for classic, as it happens. I figure for gothic I might be able to find a square toed pair that works.

>> No.9805603

Yosuke USA makes a mary jane with a more squared toe. They're actually in stock at Tokyo Rebel right now. I own them and the toes area is very wide and roomy.

>> No.9805605

Those are cute af, I wish they had them in my size (I am a US 10-11). Thank you though, everything I look at gives me a better idea of what to search for.

>> No.9805687
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Honestly, if we're talking about things like >>9805163 then it's not that much of a stretch as far as "gender appropriate" clothes go - It's still men's fashion, just a very fancy kind of fashion. It's definitely quite OTT for daily wear but the same thing can be said about lolita, really.
Have you ever looked into ouji, aristo, or even vintage dandy? You can definitely dress more creatively and not delve into crossdressing, and with some patience and resources you can find clothes that suit you in different colors beyond black/blue/brown/beige, including pastels.

If shoes are an issue, look into more alternative shoe brands - American Duchess is a good place to start, and iirc their light colored styles can be easily dyed and customized;
Fluevog is on the more expensive end but they have some light colored shoes including pic related, and The Gothic Shoe Company offers styles beyond pikes (though imo pikes can work too, depending on your style), including some models with heels, and they also take custom orders.

Generally speaking men's fashion isn't as "adventurous" as women's fashion and demands more creativity on your part, but it's absolutely possible.
As for public reactions, the public can be dumb about it but chances are no one is going to stab you in broad daylight just because you're wearing a frilly top. Worst case scenario people will think you're advertising something and might nag you a bit with questions/requests for photos.

This is for OP and for any guy reading this btw; I genuinely hope to see more confident, creatively dressed guys out there.

>> No.9805698

hey OP did you know it's possible to just

buy the shoes

and put them somewhere that you look at them every day and they make you happy

and not need to wear them to be happy

>> No.9805751

What annoys me is that LizLisa shoes run at least half a size smaller than normal Japanese shoes as with my EU size 40 I fit the Japanese LL size just fine. Eg btssb shoes in LL can even be a little roomy for me. But LizLisas LL is like an EU 38/39 most of the time, but not always. Which is even more annoying. I wish they’d stay consistent

>> No.9806370

Kinda defeats the point, yeah?

>> No.9806610

I mean yeah if you're into that, but it's hard to justify buying a pair just to display, somehow that's more depressing.

>> No.9806799

Is pretty cute

>> No.9806823

I have owned several pairs of Liz Lisa shoes and I only thought that the open toed shoes/sandals ran small, but I don't own anything of that style from recent seasons, so it's hard to say.

I'm a solid 39 and everything other than the sandals I had fit me just fine.

>> No.9808106

How much is the rest of the series after the freebies? Can't be assed to register only to see how much it is if it isn't worth it.

>> No.9808111

Never mind I'm stupid, of course they'd make the FAQ not that visible. Meh, maybe if I had a shitton of iTunes cash doing nothing I'd be inclined to cough up cash for the crap conversion rate.

>> No.9808133

>the occurences are very rare
this is extremely incorrect. you should feel bad.
if you looked up how many trans people are murdered or maimed it's disproportionate, same goes for feminine men. just because you yourself haven't seen or experienced it doesn't mean it isn't a huge problem.

"straight" males get extremely aggressive about striking down "homo stuff" that offends or tempts them. self-hate and fear mixed with always being allowed to solve problems with violence leaves a lot of bloodied victims.

>> No.9811870

Show us the numbers.

>> No.9813294

You can just go to any manga site and read the rest there.

>> No.9813504
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nice thread

>> No.9813506

These dresses look pretty crappy. Looks like cosplayers attempting lolita.

>> No.9813509
File: 26 KB, 400x517, 1-Platform-Heel-White-PU-Lolita-Shoes-21524-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks cute

>> No.9813510
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>> No.9813517
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>> No.9813519


This isn't lolita.

>> No.9813679


It is cosplay. That's Marron and Honey from Yumeiro Patissiere.

>> No.9817375

Psh, so much for that piracy warning.

>> No.9817478


>> No.9823717


>> No.9823755

I don't know but I'm kinda tall and my feet are size 6 (euro 39) and i dont think i can wear them

>> No.9824076

>I'm kinda tall and my feet are size 6 (euro 39)
You have girls' foot size.
I wear them at size 40~41, and I'm tall too.

>> No.9824153

Just as >>9824076 said, you have a girl's foot size, which is usually 38 or 39. I wear 42+ which makes it literally impossible for me to find anything nice.

>> No.9824154
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Antaina on taobao does custom shoes.
I ordered from them before and the quality turned out good, the price was fine and their English was good enough for them to understand what I wanted
(Having example pictures helps too.)

If you have a lot of money to drop there are enough high quality professional shoemakers out there you can commission too.

>> No.9824234

So they also do custom shoes that aren't listed in their shop? There are a pair of Bodyline shoes I want that are never going to get restocked, so I've been looking to commission someone for them.

>> No.9824258

Yeah. I requested a pair of shoes they've never made before at all.
I drew my own sketches and collected reference images and they were fine with it, so you should be good.
(I had mine commissioned about 2 years ago but it looks like they still do these services, just shoot them an email, they were pretty helpful for me.)

>> No.9824259

there are taobao shops that sell bodyline style shoes, just search, on mobile and don’t have link but i bought some pairs a few weeks ago

>> No.9824271
File: 73 KB, 282x236, 2806_600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much anon! I'm going to email them immediately.

I know there are, but I've been looking everywhere for these particular pair of shoes without any success (unless there's a taobao store that sells these that I'm completely oblivious to)

>> No.9825871

If you don’t care about brand AliExpress is the place to get cute Lolita style shoes, most under 30 dollars and there are many that go up to size 10 US! I get most of my shoes there, and is great for getting Lolita shoes to start off.

>> No.9831707

This person is correct. I wear a size 39 (which is a size women's 7.5 US). This is also a size LL by Japan's standards when it comes to brands like Yumetenbo or Jesus Diamante. On Taobao sizes normally end at 38.