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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 523 KB, 640x480, 28308158_10216046060249703_1710522210_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9792418 No.9792418 [Reply] [Original]

what's your worst florida con experience? could be from mega, or super, doesn't matter. just has to be a florida con.

>> No.9792421

Going to Brodercons and walking around the dealers room 50x because there's nothing better to do and regretting paying overpriced tickets for those same events.

>> No.9792878

i'm planning on going to supercon. i went when it was in miami with the homestuck dude as a guest but its since moved to ft lauderdale. is there anything i should be aware of before i get there?

>> No.9793094

I went that year too and I haven't bothered going since it moved to Ft Lauderdale. I think it'll be back in Miami though because the reason they moved was because the MBCC is under renovation or something.

>> No.9793324


>> No.9793466

Megacon 2014. They put it into the smallest con space at the convention center and there were a record number of attendees, almost 100k. People could barely move around the floor, the Fire Marshalls were called and that was the last year I ever went. It was also the same weekend as 2 other major events and it took me almost 3 hours to get to it even though I live less than 30 minutes away. I actually handed out water to the poor cheerleaders who had to walk to their tournament from the highway because traffic was at a stand still.

>> No.9793496

It’s a Florida tradition to snip the thongs off unsuspecting gulls

>> No.9793522

I don't see how traffic could be that bad. Metrocon 2015 was the same weekend as the stanley cup final at the lightnings home ice which is about a 10 minute walk away from the convention center and everything went smooth.

A couple years before that was Red Bull Flugtag which was a disaster though. Idiot dudebros all over the con area.

>> No.9793540
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>> No.9793599

It was. It was really backed up on i4. We left at 10 and didn’t get there until 12- 12:30. It was the same year they had the whole walking dead panel fiasco. The final four was also at the same time.
It was my 5th year going and it was never that bad before. Maybe that’s why they moved the dates closer to summer?

>> No.9793650

Remember that creepy metrocon panel about what girls want from men and in dating that was so terrible, the staff had to come in midway and shut it down? I was at Metrocon, but didn't go to that panel. That was my worst experience. I wanted to see what it was like firsthand, but knew it would be terrible and didn't go. Now I wish I did to see it get shut down.

>> No.9793665

if i remember right, i think the dude asked one question and then security came in and shut it down. a few friends went, they said it was pretty empty. just the guy by himself with a few people in the audience probably just to see what his deal was.

>> No.9794771

Florida /cgl/ discord when????

>> No.9795421

That's funny because I keep hearing that was the last good year for Megacon.

>> No.9795444

I want the full story, details pl0x

>> No.9796374

I remember reading about this on the post-Metrocon thread.

>> No.9798069

remember the clusterfuck that the macc was the last year broder had supercon there? it was the year he had the homestuck dude.

>> No.9798216


Man, I hope I can convention hop one day. so much stupid shit happening that I missed out on.

>> No.9798876

Yeah, I remember. I think it was 2013? I spent half that convention sitting in a corner on the second floor with my crew because I was carrying a huge prop and I kept bumping into people with it and not only that it was pretty heavy and it took forever to get around due to the amount of people in that place, so I eventually got to the point where I said fuck this shit and just sat where I got stuck.
What do you mean convention hop? Isn't that how going to cons work or am I missing something?

>> No.9801137

Man, "Supercon" in general. I moved out of Florida a few years back, but both times I went to Supercon it was just a minimum-effort shitshow. Nothing really stood out as awful (except the broken and overloaded AC, the WMD-grade con funk, and the handful of box fans they pretended would cover it up), but it was just generally clear the owner just didn't care and cheaped out on everything possible to make a few more bucks off of everyone. The second year I had a better time giving up Saturday afternoon and just inviting a couple friends to go swimming at my hotel's pool for the rest of the weekend.

>> No.9801166

I think they mean having funds to go to them very frequently or even back to back

>> No.9803761

Brought a friend with me to the party floor for Anime Iwai. Was a little frustrating as she was drinking age but I wasn't. Either way the bad part was one of the louder rooms broke out into some dude being accused of feeling up a passed out chick. The word "tumblr-ina" was getting thrown around a lot so we left.

Odd enough was all involved parties showing up nonchalantly the next morning.

>> No.9804002

What years were these because I remember the AC thing and they kept closing the hotel pool earlier and earlier every year.

Oh, I see. Yeah, cons aren't cheap especially when you throw in cosplaying to the mix.

>> No.9804639

I want to say 2012-2013 or maybe 2011-2012? I moved out near the end of 2014 so it can't be that. The second year I spent some rewards points to stay at a nicer hotel that wasn't associated with the con, so we had no problems with pool times or anything.

>> No.9805260

Yep, sounds about right. What hotel was it?

Dude, funny you mention that because I'm a mutual friends of both parties that were involved in that incident, after it happened they both called me at like 3-4 in the morning.

>> No.9805795

I wound up at the Conrad, out near the beach. It's a really beautiful hotel, and I remember that having the hotel call me a cab to get to MACC was faster than doing a shuttle or trying to find parking the year before. I want to say cheaper than gas/parking, too, but it probably broke out about even.

>> No.9806556

Damn dude the beach ain't anywhere near the MACC.

>> No.9806629
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>Damn dude the beach ain't anywhere near the MACC.

Yeah, I remember trying to find parking sucked total balls.

The Conrad isn't one of the hotels right on the beach, just... close enough you can get over there for a walk in the evening, if that's what you want. (It's been a while, my memory's a little hazy.)

>> No.9810607


>> No.9811542

Chibi-Pa 2009, hands down.

Back in those days, Mike Broder & Jason Bailey were still vying for control over the South Florida market, & taking/switching sides was all too common place...

I'd done a lot of work with some neutral conventions, namely YasumiCon and NarutoTrek (both now defunct for nearly a decade). Jason reached out to me to put together a small set of volunteers (about 8 people) to run his pachinco machines, aid with set-up, and we'd get a share of the pachinko profits (which was never going to be a lot, but money was money). I was already helping out as a low-level staffer, and requested a comp'd room for both me & the staff I'd be providing, and all sounded great.

When day zero came around, the room was there, and all looked good. Chibi-Pa's musical guests (can't remember the name, only that they were a band) and their room wasn't available till fruday. I had soace (majority of my staff wouldn't arrive till friday anyway), and tgey crashed with me. I was thanked the next day by the unofficial con runner, Orlando P. (Who essentially ran the show that weekend. Jason & Lynn were a mess).

However, the next 2 days were an absolute NIGHTMARE. Our room was recinded for more staff (we're talking 15 people in a single corner suite). The pachinco balls were never brought to the con (so no money making to be had. The machines sat unused all weekend) and my staff was essentially scattered to the wind for different departments, and worked like dogs.

To make matters even worse, 2 of my volunteers were completely new, with no training, and ended up going AWOL, and got kicked out of the con for getting grabby with a girl at the glow-party... I was furious at every one, & everything. It was, and still is, my worst con experience ever.

>> No.9811888

Its alright. The dealers room was a bit small last time I was there, but had a decent selection of artists and vendors. There are some good panels and game rooms, but again not that many. The rave is alright, they don't really dress up the room much. And the building they had it in when I went everything was kinds scattered around. They have probably grown since I last went though, its been years.

>> No.9811890

Oh fuck, I was their during the red bull stuff. Didn't the panel situation end up being a shit show, and they had a problem with a lot of sexual harassment.

>> No.9811892
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I know they had a maid cafe the last year of J-con. A bunch of people ended up getting pepper sprayed at the rave. Some dude in a mask and army fatigues was running around all day groping underage girls. Someone at the rave though they saw him in a crowd and unleashed habanero hell on like 30 people, myself included.

>> No.9811959

Hey guys, I just decided to start up a Florida General cosplay discord, I'm new to the whole thing so I'm going to just run with it. Please feel free to join, this goes to everyone.

>> No.9812603

NarutoTrek was a terrible idea to begin with. I mean kudos to them for trying something different, but it was a dumb idea. I'm gonna go a limb here and say you're one of the AGA peeps.

As I recall this happened because a girl caught her bf dancing with another chick at the rave?

>> No.9815738

Metrocon is the con to go to for harassment and, their favorite, sexual harassment. Two years ago the "brute squad" (the assholes running around in kilts) were asking to see girls underwear claiming they needed proof they were wearing underwear. They also have contests to see who can cut the most badges during the con. They'll say your badge is counterfeit then cut it in half and have you escorted out of the building. Any excuse to harass or bully cosplayers is good enough for them.

Then there's the Ybor drug dealers in the dances and sex in the bounce houses. You know, the stuff their "security" is supposed to be there for. The con is run like shit and no one on staff cares about anything but your money.

I stopped paying to go years ago and only ghost the halls now (it's not hard to sneak in). There isn't much to do, their shows are a joke and food, parking and everything is hella expensive.

>> No.9816734

I was going to join but requiring two-factor authentication for a dumb 4chan server is retarded no thanks.

>> No.9816789

No reason to be a prick about it, someone in the Florida general was asking about a discord server so I decided set on up. I guess you're right about the whole two factor Auth though, first time setting up a server is all and I thought that just applied to me. Its off to make it easier on everyone

>> No.9820068
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God I hope getting my weakened ruined wasn't over someone getting jelly over her personal autist humping a con thot. People ended up in the hospital because of that shit.

>> No.9820071

I hate to say it, but I'm like 99% sure it was.

>> No.9820199
File: 116 KB, 500x353, -HERE-S-JOHNNY-JtHM-version-johnny-the-homicidal-maniac-39420844-500-353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had some bad cons, but even the worst of them can be salvaged with the right people. But awful people can turn the best of cons into a fucking nightmare.

Let me tell you about Johnny.

>Only ever cosplayed Johnny the Homicidal Maniac or an OC
>Lied to me about his age( said 18, as like 23)
>Always tried to pull me away from other friends at cons
>Tried multiple advances even after I told him to stop
>Straight up stalked me at cons, found me online and found my address to send me things I never asked for or even wanted
>Got very aggressive when I didn't want to speak to him because he had been creepy
>Said I was his soul mate and our stars aligned and I belonged to him
>Told him to fuck off I'm not interested
>Radio silence for months, then comes back with an apology and says he was in a dark lonely place and has a girlfriend now (he didn't)
>Young and naive so accept
>Next con he asks me to help with his cosplay, it was a fallen angel oc (fucking kill me)
>Wants me to paint black latex on him. Don't think much of it until he says I have to use my bare hands. He had pants on and he loaned me some supplies so grit my teeth and do it
>Later on he leads me to his car to 'put his cosplay away' and shows he his fucking duffel bag
>Its like 50lbs of dildos, leather straps, knives and fucking lube
>Start getting soul mate message again about how he wants us to carve each others skin up
>Delete myspace and never look back

Forever ruined megacon and metrocon for me. I knew what lurked in those halls. He was such an eye opener for me and taught me how to not be so much of a pushover when it comes to friends. I've heard from others he pulls this shit on the reg, I wonder if any other guls have has the displeasure of meeting this specimen.

>> No.9820217

Holy shit anon. Do you still go to Megacon and Metrocon and if so do you still see Johnny?

>> No.9820225

No, I moved out of FL shortly after. And I have no idea what he's up to, thank God.

>> No.9820236

Maybe that's for the best because that guy seems like he was out of his god damn mind. I see con creeps like him all the time, but I'm a male so I don't see much of the other stuff.

>> No.9824887 [DELETED] 

why do people still attend the shit show that is florida supercon?

>> No.9824890

why do you normie fucks still attend the overpriced shit show that is Florida Supercon

>> No.9825006

What other option you got in south Florida? Everything else is super small or a 4+ hr drive north to Orlando.

>> No.9825018

drive up north anime iwai is the only decent con in soflo

>> No.9825023


>> No.9825024

I like Iwai just fine but you cant seriously compare it to super. They arent even close in terms of size, scale or scope.

>> No.9825025

not at all

>> No.9825026

I get tickets for free, that's the only reason.

>> No.9825027

supercon is nothing more than a giant dealers room you buy an overpriced ticket only to give broder more money once you're inside

>> No.9825028

understandable, that's the only reason anyone ever should

>> No.9825029

No thats megacon

>> No.9825030

Super is shit.
>walk around a giant dealer room for 5 hours

Lol Super is shit tier con

>> No.9825031

>implying supercon isn't just a smaller megacon

>> No.9825032

Supercon is becoming like Megacon. Are you blind?

>> No.9828090
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Is Mike Broder the SoFL Joffrey????

>> No.9828094

I’m not the biggest fan of Super but this is just dumb. There’s always lots of worthwhile panels and guests. The main area where I find Broder cons to be lacking is in the community aspect, as in people don’t really form meetups, make parties, etc. Very different from Iwai in that regard. Though it seems they attempted to amend that last Supercon by making official cosplay meetups for a few popular series. Not sure if it was successful or not as I didn’t attend any.

>> No.9831860
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which one are you anon?

>> No.9834883

meeting el yoni king

>> No.9838762
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>> No.9839357

to be fair you should had just ran off once he mention painting black latex on him.

>> No.9843036

anybody see that one fight that broke out during the rave at a brodercon?

>> No.9844027

Don't forget, their staff are just as bad as the Brute Squad. They sweep sexual harassment and activity under the rug. A girl got drunk, was sexually assaulted, and one of staff outright said that "Rape and Sexual Assault are just kinks people are into.", then proceeded to have us tossed for "falsifying".

On top of that, they use it as bullshit leftist propaganda platform to preach upon.

I hope that fucking con goes under.

>> No.9844796

what is the brute squad?

>> No.9845446

Some idiot broke his leg dancing at the rave at Holiday Matsuri last year.

>> No.9846090
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I found the culprit.

>> No.9846167

The name of the Security Team at Metrocon.

>> No.9846459
File: 355 KB, 337x439, LejMjxU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've had fun at supercon. pic related

>> No.9846467

i legit know the person behind the pepper spray incident but i have no proof other than them bragging to me about it .... we are no longer friends

>> No.9846469

literally this....................... broder cons are trash desu it's worth it to travel

>> No.9848213

expose them on here

>> No.9848217

pensacon was good but a little sad
that is all

>> No.9849303

sad how?

>> No.9851162

To where?

Please tell us where this magic con of awesome is?

>> No.9852778

>>Delete myspace and never look back
This made me laugh more than it should have.

>> No.9855971

not the same anon, but anywhere

>> No.9859256


Tell us where.

>> No.9859261

Broder cons aren't that bad... The emphasize they place on so many guests attract way too many normies that just end up making the con super crowded. Regardless, there's a lot of content and vendors

>> No.9859355

read the post you just replied to again

>> No.9859356

travel to cons like colossalcon or dragoncon. don't stay in your little fucking bubble of brodercons. you're only harming yourself.

>> No.9859357

what do you enjoy about brodercons? walking around for 2 hours going in circles in the vendors room? wow how exciting.

>> No.9860630

>what do you enjoy about Megacon? walking around for 2 hours going in circles in the vendors room? wow how exciting.


>> No.9863280


>> No.9865571


Do Florida Man go to florida cons?

>> No.9868351
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After volunteering for this con for just 2 Supercons and seeing it all behind the curtain, all I can do with this photo is grimace everytime I see it.

Just a fucking rotten group of people.

>> No.9869522

> Supercon
> Not mentioning Tony Cubbin

Seriously, some people think he is worse than Broder.

>> No.9870273

Deets plox

>> No.9872872

>worse than Broder
I got to hear this...

>> No.9877050

yes, just not supercon

>> No.9879154

I tried, seems someone deleted the deets

>> No.9879638

curious to know also.

>> No.9884142

post it on FL cgl discord

>> No.9884934

send a link to the discord pls

>> No.9885775


>> No.9889420

Volunteered at Broder cons for many years

>Mike is a toxic mental case
>Sandy, his wife, is a toxic mental case
>Keeping shit-tier scumbags in their circle of friends
>Screaming, throwing shit around like an overgrown toddler during conventions, attempting to micromanage everything, causing the breakdown in communication between multiple departments
>Treats volunteers who put in 72 straight hours of non-stop work like complete shit, but pay large sums of money to assholes who steal from him
>Hires known rapists (you know who Frank was before you hired him Broder, you retard)
>Smelly Ben preying on underage girls

Overall, the people who run this show are huge pieces of shit who've scammed and intimidated their way to the top.

>> No.9890067

>>Hires known rapists (you know who Frank was before you hired him Broder, you retard)


>> No.9890091

>Sandy, his wife, is a toxic mental case

Explains why I saw her literally yelling in people's faces at the food vendor lines

>Treats volunteers who put in 72 straight hours of non-stop work like complete shit

Every staff member I volunteered with at this con did this.
Except for Gary, he's a pure soul that will soon be horribly stained by his wife Ursula (Yes, that's her real name) if she hasn't already.

>> No.9891946

Ursula is a fucking disgusting nightmare of a "woman". She's a fucking asshole that feeds off of Mike's toxic bullshit. I think she enjoys it.

Frank, who runs south florida's "Frank-e-oke's" karaoke show. He's a piece of garbage who sexually harasses young girls, and apparently runs a sex dungeon or something. This was known by many, many people before Broder hired him.

>> No.9893077

Are the annoying guys who wear kilts at Megacon this year? I'm surprised no one has tried to sue them or whoever runs the con for harassment

>> No.9893086

A few years back I attended MetroCon with a friend of mine and some of her friends I didn't know very well. They were running a Phoenix Wright live trail audience participation type deal (which I found out later was basically just an excuse for her to cheat on her husband with one of the aforementioned friends) and asked if I could help write some dialogue. I was basically roped into writing the whole thing the night before alone. I didn't even really get to see the con since so much of it was revolved around the drama within this group of people I didn't know or give a shit about. Our Godot in particular was a huge bitch and threw a massive hissy fit and started drama with our Ema because she was riding his best friend's dick. Dude almost walked out on the whole thing.
Somehow despite all that the second day of the show was a pretty damn good success (at least from what I've heard when people recognize me from it) but boy if I could go back I'd have ditched the whole group from minute one. The stress was 100% not worth it, plus everyone in that group is now broken up over other dumb drama so now I have to keep hearing people ask me if we're ever going to do it again, and I sadly have to tell them it's not likely. Easily the worst experience I've had at a con ever

>> No.9898297

Wrong con.

>> No.9899526

>Take old script/write new script
>cast new cosplayers

>> No.9902406
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I totally agree, I hated interacting with those people

>> No.9905334

Almost everything at metro is half assed and done at the last minute. That's why it's always shit tier shows that look and run like the shit they are. I did a few years as cast for them and will never go back.

The whole con is nothing but booze fueled drama and fail. If you like getting yelled at, harassed and hit on (if you're a girl) then its the con for you. Otherwise go to something fun and less expensive like Tampa Bay Comic Con or HolMat!

>> No.9906368

current metro cast here, you sound bitter. Didn't make it onto the chess board?

>> No.9906662

still sounds better than supercon

>> No.9906706

i went to metrocon for the first time last year and the staff was super nice to me

>> No.9907520

>go to something fun and less expensive like Tampa Bay Comic Con

Ugh...I'll take Brodercon over Cuntbag Croix any day of the week

>> No.9908648

>current metro cast here, you sound bitter. Didn't make it onto the chess board?

Sorry/not-sorry to disappoint you but not everyone thinks Metro's chess match is the magical epitome of Florida performing arts. I could cite multiple reasons from professional theater experience but you wouldn't care. Enjoy your kool-aid and don't forget to tear up during the love-in at the end of the con.

I couldn't wait to get off the chess board. Nick Fazio is a creeper who can't keep his hands to himself and Alex's insufferable ego is unbelievable. Watching the two of them bicker was the highlight of my Metro days. Have fun busting your ass for literally nothing. I prefer getting paid to perform and actually having an audience.

>still sounds better than supercon

It is. I've been to Super a few times. I don't go anymore because it's a long drive I don't feel like making when I can save my money for Holiday Matsuri.

>i went to metrocon for the first time last year and the staff was super nice to me

Consider yourself lucky. They harassed a friend of mine and cut his badge because "it looked funny". He was going to buy another but I told him it wasn't fair and opened an exit door and let him in. He paid for his badge and did nothing wrong to have it cut.

>Ugh...I'll take Brodercon over Cuntbag Croix any day of the week

I agree but I don't have the time to drive over to the other coast. Mega is a good alternative as mall-cons go but I'd rather save my money for Matsuri.

>> No.9909065

I'm curious as to how the chess match could improve, I love learning about theater

>> No.9917692

Metrocon's chess match is actually the best I've seen so far, it blows Anime Boston's and Fanime's away.

>> No.9917728 [DELETED] 

Already exists anon https://discord.gg/PKUwDAU

>> No.9917746

>caring this much about Metro

>> No.9917766

I wonder who you are then. The One Who cheated on Kelsey King or the one who got his Dick sucked at the sex party that Nick and Alex threw.

>> No.9919339

HAHAHA! Oh MetroCon, never change. I can see the chess match still gives preteens an inflated sense of self. I got tired of watching fatties flail around onstage with Party City wigs.

>> No.9919447

>caring this much about my opinion on the chess match

>> No.9923799

Haven't been in 2 years, but I swear for a 6 year streak they would always completely fuck up the stage tech for the Chess Match. I'm not talking small problems. I'm talking opening intro videos having no sound/too quiet, mics cutting out off and on the whole show, actors walking on before introduction/exposition videos, their fog portal just freaking the fuck out whenever it wanted, etc.

Metrocon's performances are a complete and utter shitshow and it's entirely the con organizer's fault. For its first few years, Rhythm City was a great small show with good music, effects and audience plants. And then once it got popular, the same exact stage tech problems started showing up. The music in a fucking breakdance show was desynched with the performers half the time.

>> No.9924025

>I'm curious as to how the chess match could improve, I love learning about theater

Been busy with con/shows so catching up. The short answer is: "I wouldn't lift a finger to help Metrocon." The con owners are creepers, especially Fazio and his bitch wife. The whole thing is disorganized and unprofessional and, honestly, run more to stroke their egos and their cocks than anything else.

It's a toxic environment. There's a bunch of really good reasons reasons people and shows have left Metro and enjoying success at other cons.

Enjoy sweating in your warehouse on ratty old carpet scraps.

>> No.9924364

How is Fazio a creeper? Been working with metro for 2 years and I've never seen him do anything untoward.

>> No.9925246

It's still better than other cons' chess matches believe it or not. They don't even put half the effort Metrocon does into theirs, not saying Metrocon's Chess Match is perfect, but it beats all the other ones I've seen.

>> No.9925758
File: 234 KB, 750x498, SUPER-COSPLAY4-750px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm entering the Supercon costume contest, the main one on Saturday. Can someone give me the rundown, like who are the judges, is it difficult, is it fair, etc?

>> No.9926382

Judges this year are Handsome Jordan, Stella Chuu, and Danielle Beaulieu. Coming from past experience being in this contest, there's a LOT of people who enter, and there's a lot of crazy costumes entered. What division are you entering in?

>> No.9926544

I'm technically masters a now, but I don't think I belong in that category compared to others I've seen.

>> No.9927141


>> No.9927336

Get an early slot for pre judging if you can. As previous anon said they get alot of entries and I would expect judging to run late.

Judging always seemed fair to me. Dont forget the basics though. Bring progress pics and reference. Have a few points of your costume your most proud of ready to go over in more detail. Try to point out mixed media/method especially since the judges are pretty varied in areas of expertise.

>> No.9927356

As punishment I really really hope this guy didn't shave before being painted with liquid latex.

>> No.9927441

Thanks! I don't think I'm going to win anything, but I'm still looking forward to it.