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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9789106 No.9789106 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Guests you're sick of seeing at cons.

Pic related, seeing Vic on the guest list of any con will usually bring down my opinion of said con at least a little bit. There's so many con horror stories about him out there. Edward Elric or not, why do so many cons continue to book him despite this.

>> No.9789108
File: 122 KB, 1066x1600, Todd_Haberkorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have nothing against Todd Haberkorn, in fact he seems like a fun guy at his panels, but I don't think I've been to a single major convention in the last few years where he wasn't there. Surely, all of the attendees have his autograph or a selfie with him by now. Get some new guests.

>> No.9789115

The same ~8 voice actors that Funimation recycles for every dub

>> No.9789118

>caring about dub voice actors
Do Americans really do this?

>> No.9789121

Pretty sure he's been to every con I've been at in the last 3 years.

>> No.9789125

Apparently enough to keep letting vic creep on girls half his age at nearly every west coast con.

>> No.9789129

Some dubs are better than the original, anon. See Gurren Lagan and a good bunch of latin american dubs.

>> No.9789133

Usually it’s because of Toonami/childhood characters. 90s kids rarely got subs, even fansubs on vhs

>> No.9789136

This. Funimation always sends the same dozen or so voice actors to conventions and pretty much nobody else. I get that it's because they're the most popular VAs, but c'mon. Mix it up.

>> No.9789138
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>mfw the only major convention I go to is Anime Boston, where I'm pretty sure he's banned

Does anyone know why he's banned from AB, by the way? I heard a rumor it was because he got some underage fans to give him booze, but I don't know for sure.

>> No.9789141

Adding Code Geass, Panty and Stocking, and Space Dandy as great dubs. Some are on par with the Japanese ones

>> No.9789329

Also adding Hellsing Ultimate. The dub is a million times better than the sub.

>> No.9789332

Katsucon needs to step the fuck up on Japanese guests showing up on Feb and bring live music guests like Man on a Mission and Kotoko.

>> No.9789334

Panty's VA was garbage in the dub

>> No.9789338

The usual people at Animazement.

>> No.9789347

Latin Americans do this as well
But that's easier to justify since the voice actors don't limit themselves to anime or cartoons, they get lots of work dubbing western TV/film

>> No.9789510

At least here in Florida, (Holiday Matsuri is a repeat offender) we get too many no name "cosplay guests." Like, I understand Alyson Tabbitha and Leon Chrio being legit cosplay guests but what gets me is why must there be like 10 (not exaggerating) local Florida cosplay guests that hardly anyone has heard about? Then of course they have nobody visiting their tables in the vendor's room.

>> No.9789535
File: 317 KB, 1024x1820, meeting_vic_mignogna___nycc_2017_by_cocokanadechan-dbq7m30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vic's only "fangirls" who swoon over him are the obese Yaoi fangirls even though he doesn't like the genre as a whole. But I agree OP, tired of seeing him at cons.....and his song covers aren't even that great.

>> No.9789553

Any youtuber ever

>> No.9789556

Warwick fucking Davis.

>> No.9789560

are they at least good?
Because I’m sick of cos thots getting all the fame with their shit craftsmanship and commissions, I want actual talented guests

>> No.9789607

>Panty and Stocking
my nigga

>> No.9789612

What the fuck is he wearing?

>> No.9789628 [DELETED] 

Somebody sounds jealous.

>> No.9789680

Eh, I thought she was okay. Overall I liked the dub as much as the original, mostly because the comedic timing was tight as fuck

>> No.9789700

it's called fashion look it up

>> No.9789840
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Seconding Florida cons, Pikabellechu and her stupid car.

>> No.9789860

Iirc it's because he treated everyone that didn't suck his dick (staff included) like shit and acted like a pre-madona the whole time.
Also I think that's where someone slipped EdxMustang yaoi under his door and he threw a tantrum over it

>> No.9789864

Add YuYu Hakusho and Cromartie High School and you've got yourself a list.

>> No.9789867

>Been out of the con loop since about 2012
>Come here out of curiosity
>Vic is still going to cons
>Same frosted tips
>Same mid-2000s grunge pants
>Same tight t-shirt
>Same low self-esteem fat girls
>They're just into Yuri on Ice instead of Hetalia or FMA now

It's honestly kind of comforting.

>> No.9789868


>> No.9789871

War never changes

>> No.9789917

Every fucking year, every fucking con, nothing but washed up Power Rangers in the already-shit NM con community.

>> No.9789959

Oh man, I've seen this chick and her down syndrome husband already in the first 2 cons I've attended this year. Thank God she doesn't travel to South Florida... Speaking of Florida though, where's our state thread at????

>> No.9790007

Pretty much this.
About 2 years ago, I met this (overweight, highly sheltered) 23-year-old who was just now getting into anime and per the recommendation of many of her peers, started with FMA and only waited fujoshi bait anime after that (Black Butler was her fav).
Vic got announced at a local (small) convention, and when I explained to her that his nickname is Vic the Dick she just wouldn't have it for anyone insulting her precious Edward Elric. The con happened, she got a selfie and a picture signed, and she would throw a tantrum anytime I told her that he was insanely homophobic, a major diva, etc. saying, "WELL HE WAS NICE TO *ME* WHEN I MET HIM" like, bitch, you saw him for all of 10 seconds. He's becoming more and more irrelevant as each day passes, of course he was glad to see one of the very few fans he has left.

>> No.9790033

Power Rangers or Power Ranger cosplay guests.

>> No.9790037

I saw him at Anime Mid-atlantic and my first thought was "what's with those faggoty mid-life crisis jeans, and why does he look familiar?"

>> No.9790040

Unless it's Jason David Frank, yes. Pretty sure Justin Nimmo (White Ranger of In Space) has been to every comic con in my area

>> No.9790043

I was thinking basically the same thing.

>> No.9790044

what the actual fucking shit

>> No.9790311
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I've seen J Micheal Tatum more times than I asked. Can anyone confirm if he's gay? Just wondering.

>> No.9790329

Pretty sure he has a husband, anon

>> No.9790395

He’s gay

>> No.9790396

This person is a guest? Having a yellow car does not equal pikachu

>> No.9790414

He's quite gay. He did an 18+ Q&A panel at SakuraCon two years ago and it was basically an hour of "What's the gayest gay you've ever gayed?". I think there were a total of three questions that weren't sexual in nature.

>> No.9790427

Unfortunately, yes. We've got some real jackasses here who will snub the original Japanese VA in favor of the American VA. It's so damn embarrassing istg

>> No.9790461

Funimation isn't generally sending the guests unless there's a special event or premiere. The reason you see a lot of the same VAs is because many of them now have agents specifically geared toward con appearances. One agent will often represent multiple VAs, which means you'll end up with all those VAs at the con.

They help with contracts and making sure the VAs get paid and generally not shit on if they can prevent it. The more VAs attend the cons, the more the get paid, and then a percentage goes to the agent.
The real annoyances as of late are the rediculous amount of cosplayers who flood con staff emails trying yo get booked. Many of them are your tits and ass cosplay "models" or your bottom of the barrel 'I started cosplaying two years ago, but I should be a guest!' thinking they will somehow get cos-famous or to just feed their egos. I don't know. I just know those are annoying as hell every year.

>> No.9790462


Well i dont see whats so wrong about going with dubs unless their rude and snobby about it

>> No.9790489

>half his age

You forget how old he is these days?

>> No.9790494
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He's a really sweet dude but literally all he's known for is voicing Gir. It's always so uncomfortable to walk by his booth at cons because the only people stopping to get stuff from him are hardcore Zim fans but there have barely been any since like 2009. I've seen him at almost every comic con I've been to in the last few years he must just be really easy to get.

>> No.9790503

I'm actually getting tired of JDF instead.

>> No.9790557

>Not mentioning the original dub of Ghost Stories

>> No.9790631

Very sorry about your autism.

>> No.9790968

Prima Donna, I think.

>> No.9791164

It's not just popularity. A seasoned VA takes less time in the booth so they save studios money

>> No.9791174

Oh but I loved him with Jonathan Ross on TBFQ

>> No.9791176

Lauren Landa is an annoying diva who acts bitchy to anyone who's not cosplaying one of her characters. Went to get her autograph at a con last year on my badge at the final signing session she did, and she acted OFFENDED I didn't want to buy one of her prints or give her anything Kyoko to sign.

>> No.9791248
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Ivy Doomkitty

>> No.9791513

Cosplay guests.

>> No.9791541

It's not that the fact that there are cosplay guests in general at most cons that get on my nerves, but the low standards most cons seem to have for cosplay guests.
A lot of the time, they're just not that good. In fact, there's one costhot who lives in my area, buys all of her costumes, but still gets invited as a cosplay guest. She's not even that efamous or anything--her social media platform with the most followers is her instagram with ~3k. C'mon.

>> No.9791618

Y'all saying you hate cosplay guests, but at the con I staff for cosplay guests are routinely both our most popular and our cheapest guests booked. They offer a lot of relevant programming in panels, and the rooms are always packed solid. For a mid size convention it's hell to get a Japanese guest and expensive to book a Funimation VA anyone's heard of, cosplay guests fill that much needed niche of both relevant and possible to book.

We don't tend to bring anyone in with less than a 50K presence, though, and we only book cosplayers with notable construction, wig, or acting skills... somehow that ends up being mostly fujoshi rather than costhots.

>> No.9791624

the fuck? gordon ramsay's a weab?

>> No.9791657

I’m tired of getting actors that havnt had a good movie or show on roughly 10 years. We have had Christopher loyd, Elvira, some trash actors that died in the first seasons of supernatural, walking dead and once upon a time. Wrestlers no one cares about any more, and JDF. It’s predictable and literally only appealing to people who are ten years away from death.

>> No.9791669

cosplay guests also run the highest risk of running your con through a grinder because they didnt get the special chocolates they demanded on their pillow delivered by a specially trained ferret.

Fuck cosplay guests.

>> No.9791822

Deadlift Lolita
My local con has them every time and it gets annoying to see their gimmick act show up again and again

>> No.9791835

In NC it seems like most of the cosplay guests at the smaller cons are either affiliated with this women's cosplay group called the Fandames or this (I guess it's an online publication?) page called the Variant.

They aren't cos-thots and they aren't bad, but they aren't great either. No big armor builds or impressive prop work. Even most of the sewing isn't at the level I'd expect from a guest. Most of the guesting around here really just seems to be about who you know and tradition.

>> No.9791837

What con is this? I've never seen them and would like to

>> No.9791844
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>someone slipped EdxMustang yaoi under his door

>> No.9791848

Pretty much any con run by ryan kopf has them every single time.

>> No.9792006

Greg Ayres - He's everywhere and I dislike him
Vic Mignogna - Also everywhere and dislike him
Johnny Yong Bosch - I don't dislike him but he has been at every con I've been to in the past 2ish years

Cosplay guests, twitch streamers, youtubers - Talentless and egomaniacs. Mostly man children from my experiences.

>> No.9792034

i wish JYB would go to a con i'm at, he seems to be the one VA I can't get to. Meanwhile Vic and Greg is at every single one.

>> No.9792115

Is it true that JYB was supposed to be a guest at colossalcon east, dropped out, and then went there anyways?

>> No.9792117
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It's not like we can ship original VAs over here and expect them to understand English.

>> No.9792120

Cons frequently have translators for industry guests. Trigger has translators and half of them speak English anyway

>> No.9792121

Otakon used to have japanese VAs somewhat frequently

>> No.9792129

Wasn't he the #1 reason why they couldn't make any more IZ in the first place? Did he finally run out of money and decide to go back on his self-ban from doing GIR's voice?

>> No.9792130

Ok, I don't actually have an answer myself, but who do you all actually want to see coming to conventions?

>> No.9792132
File: 189 KB, 1024x1335, France-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she may not have the haircut but her face screams that cunty kind of "can I see a manager?" look.

>> No.9792133

Has Vic been in anything recently?

>> No.9792142

the last panel of hers I was in she literally used the "can I see a manager" voice to tell off a girl who had her cell phone out because "everyone here paid to see this panel and this panel is only for them"

Poor girl was humiliated.

>> No.9792146

The most recent credits on his imdb are RWBY volumes and a South Korean show called Mecard, which I am not sure how to describe. It seems like a mix of transformers and pokemon but with cards too

>> No.9792160

Didn't he also work on some graphic novels as well? I know I own two volumes of that Reality Check one.

>> No.9792173

He was Rin in the Free dub a while ago, that’s the last “real” credit I can think of

>> No.9792175

I stand corrected and pleasantly surprised.

>> No.9792188

Yes it is. I was really looking forward to seeing him as a guest, too.

>> No.9792231

Japanese VAs, vidya game VAs, whole casts if they can get them. Like AX17 had the main English cast of P5 and that was great. Having one or two English VAs isn’t as exciting as a whole cast for a product they’re trying to promote or for an anniversary. It feels more worthwhile and gives some incentive to see panels or get autographs while everyone is there.

>> No.9792241

Broly just got confirmed for Dragon Ball FighterZ so I assume they’re going to try to get him for that again

>> No.9792248

Ryan seems to get alot of the same guests and run many of the same panels for them. I had a guest approach me at a convention I help out with. That guest was very annoyed with Ryan's process since Ryan refused to change anything about their panels even after the guest specifically asked for the change. I feel like he does get some good ones but it seems as though 80% or more of his list is the same thing.

>> No.9792311

what's with those fucking pants

>> No.9792357

Like his vocal performance his sense of stole hasn't changed since FMA

>> No.9792361

Sense of style* fucking phone posting

>> No.9792379

Hasn't Vic on record stated he hated voicing Broly?

>> No.9792403

Yes, it hurt his vocal cords. So maybe they’ll get someone else, who knows?

>> No.9792417

Anime Matsuri had the Sailor Moon musical cast last year, and I thought it was a great idea. It was kinda poorly executed, but the Q&A and special show they did was fun (from what I saw in video anyways, would love to hear what someone who went thought ). While Sera Myu may not have as many fans, there seemed to be a big crowd for it anyways. As >>9792231 said, big casts would be better than one or two smaller guests

>> No.9792433

Team Four Star at San Japan

>> No.9792446

Don't worry, it sounds like they won't be together much longer based on Kaiser's tweets

>> No.9792448

do people honestly still watch abridged videos? I thought those died out after 2012

>> No.9792453

DBZAs writing got allot better during the Cell arc. SAO abridged is better than the actual series, and it only covers the first 13 episodes (the good part of the series)

>> No.9792460

Sick of anime directors that no one cares about and nobody jrock bands, and dub VAs. those are the only ones i see at every con i go to

>> No.9792465
File: 137 KB, 800x529, Warwick Davis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Warwick fucking Davis
The fuck? That man is a treasure. Why wouldn't you want to see him all the time!?

>> No.9792483

I'm genuinely surprised at the DBZ one's popularity. I remember the whole "Abridged Series" meme took off with the Yu-Gi-Oh when i was 15. I've never found them particularly amusing, and didn't think they would stick around

>> No.9792488

Most cons can't afford big-name guests. Only AX, NYCC, SDCC, and Crunchyroll Expo really have the buying power to bring in real heavy hitters from Japan. Thus you're stuck with Youtube/Twitch personalities or dub VAs/Producers. I will admit that i get upset when cons get a Japanese band that might have only done one or two songs for anime (or in some cases non at all)

>> No.9792494

I dunno, I think hellsing abridged is pretty fucking hilarious but it really did die off around the end of yg abridged popularity.

>> No.9792499

What the hell am I looking at? It doesn't look like a movie...

Does Warwick Davis Larp?

>> No.9792598

I wonder if this happens in Japan to their seiyuu. I know they have fan events that people go nuts over but do they get invited out a lot or do they do the special event and that's it....keeping appearances rare?

>> No.9792674
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You better not be pulling my leg here

>> No.9792781

Basically any cosplay guests. The conventions here only invite local folks who wouldn't get a table at any out of state cons.
Also Vic constantly being invited and asked to be invited again and again.

>> No.9792836

Like I get it. Vic is probably an ideal, prim, and proper guest to all these staffers. But god damn is it so stupid seeing him "headlining" every convention. I guess there really aren't a lot of relevant VA's that can take the time out of their life to guest a con.

>> No.9792851

>doesnt know pikabellechu
She holds the Guinness world record for largest collection of pikachu merchandise.
The car is neat the first time you see it, but then you see it at every other Florida con you go to for the rest of your life.

>> No.9792983

and maybe Vic needs the money

>> No.9792994

Oh well I'm sure. If he makes about $10,000 from one con as an appearance fee (trust me that isn't unbelievable at all) and does 25 a year; he makes bank while only sacrificing like 100 days out of the year.

>> No.9793064

It's very much not $10,000 per con. I can definitely confirm that's incorrect for Vic.
Honestly voice actors tend to make more from cons in some cases.

>> No.9793073
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>> No.9793074


>> No.9793075
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>> No.9794189

The point stands the same. It just means he makes even more.

>> No.9794391

I chuckled

>> No.9795246

Any GTA con-goers here? I hate the 404's. The first time I saw them they were alright, but they do the same shit every fucking year and recycle jokes all the time. If you've seen them once you don't really need to ever see them again. I wish they would stop coming so something more interesting has the potential to show up

>> No.9795251

How dare you.

>> No.9795253

She still does this? I remember 10+ years ago she was going around claiming she was an official Disney Esmeralda and that 20th Century Fox hired her to officially play Anastasia at events.

>> No.9795254

Broly was his only voice that he did that didnt sound the same, funny that he hates having actual talent

>> No.9795256

>ywn have a harem of clingy fat girls half your age
Considering suicide

>> No.9795261

They're not just a GTA thing. They're a Canada thing. The last show of theirs I went to was about 10 years ago. It was an "adult" one and it was fully of womenchildren screaming "YAOI! YAOI! YAOI!". Unfortunately, they pack rooms to capacity, so cons won't stop inviting them anytime soon.

>> No.9795263

Good now SJ can get better guests

>> No.9795264
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Shame that they didn't get them back this year, especially after it was implied they would be returning.

One time MTAC had the original Sailor Moon musical Sailor Moon actress but it was a bit of a mess since it was so last minute. The translator with her wasn't the best, and we were originally told that it was a planned retrospective panel, but when she showed up it was actually 100% a Q&A so everyone scrambled to think of questions. But it was still really fun and the actress was ridiculously sweet. She said she was worried no one would show up because she didn't know if people in America still like Sailor Moon.

Her band came with her too. I felt bad because they con pushed the schedule back so much that people thought their concert was the rave and some dudebros ended up hurting a few people in the crowd with their rave "moves."

And I know Yuuta Mochizuki, who played Tuxedo Mask in the musicals for a while, has said he'd like to do convention appearances related to his time as Tuxedo Mask and not just Kamen Rider.

>> No.9795648

I try to get most of a cast if I can however that can get really pricey as a smaller con. You have to balance some of the smaller roles with larger ones. You can really break a budget fast.

>> No.9795653

Also forgot to add to my previous comment: It's not really the best to funnel all of your hopes, dreams, and cash into one group of guests. If you're a smaller con, it's good to balance with a small group from one show and then throwing in some other things people will enjoy. I feel it alienates some of what attendees want if I'm only getting something from one show or game, especially if I cannot afford to book other talent.

>> No.9798321

Far cheaper than inviting the original japanese VAs

>> No.9798842

I don't care if people like dub voice actors, but I'll be damned if I know any of them outside of JBY. And I only really know JBY because of the Power Rangers.

>> No.9800226

Liam o’brien was a huge diva fuck that guy

>> No.9801670

Any Overwatch voice actor

When can I stop seeing them at any con I go to?

>> No.9801676

You sound like you have a story to tell

>> No.9801704

what's wrong with them? They seem pretty fun

>> No.9802249

Animazement sucks fucking baaaaad the whole Convention scene in that area is really off putting the people are pieces of shit

>> No.9802251

it's the inbreeding.

>> No.9802265

I've seen it every AWA I've been to. Never realized that chick owned the thing.

>> No.9802269

lol I've met Frieza's English and Japanese voice actors like three times now. I'm surprised I never see Vince Micwhatever at AZ. He's usually at Ichi.

>> No.9802272

What he does appeals well to first timers though, it's consistent and works. Not to defend him obviously but the last couple kopf events I went too weren't that bad. I've talked to a lot of younger con attendees at shoots and whatnot who really enjoy the events he puts together. I can never decide if the good he does outweighs him being a shitter.

>> No.9802286

>Panty and Stocking
>great dubs


>> No.9802546


Panty and Stocking dubs were great, much better than Japanese dub.

Drink bleach

>> No.9803176

his face is slowly falling off with each new headshot

>> No.9808758

Is she even relevant anymore? I don't even see a reason to give to her a patreon. Still wouldn't mind meeting her.

>> No.9808766

As far as I can tell they're all really nice (Symmetra brought her dog on stage at sac anime) and it's a relevant franchise.

Just don't go to their panel or something.

>> No.9808788

Yeah, they do. I'd say they're as close to celebs as most cons get. Getting a big english dub name usually is the hallmark that a con is big enough or worthy enough. /cgl/ is autistic over it, but most aren't that bad and their panels are pretty entertaining compared to most.

>> No.9808809

Younger attendees tend to go for English VAs that were in their favorite dubbed anime on Toonami, however some of the anime VAs went onto Overwatch or Critical Role which is a good crossover. Cons usually alternate between same guests every other year if they can unless they're super cheap tier & provide well-attended panels

honestly like all the power rangers live in Texas so that's how those cons get them all the time

interesting... I know that some cons pick VAs that fit the con's theme of the year...

I'm assuming that he does a contract for promising to book & pay for appearances at other cons, which is profitable on the guest's end, especially when the con is footing hotel, food, and flights...

>> No.9810169

>Japanese dub

What did he mean by this?

>> No.9810262

I agree all the cons I been to as of recently they were there.

Just one con but I remember they brought them all next to the dealers room at anyc so there was a big crowd and line on the other side all three days

>> No.9811034

I only went once to see what it was like. I wanted a valid reason to say the con wasn't that great instead of just constantly complaining about how much I didn't like Kopf. I really didn't care for the con itself. The whole vibe of the con felt entirely different than any other one I've been to. I will admit he does grab some decent industry choices however I feel like everything he does is in retaliation to ACen. Kind of annoying that he seems to make that his whole underlying principle. Hating a con is one thing, but I feel like Kopf takes it too far. I can drop more details if people were curious.

I spoke with one of the voice actors he has at almost every con. That voice actor was annoyed with all the same paneling. Nothing changes per year or con. Ryan likes to keep the same thing and it gets really stagnant for the attendees programming wise. He does tend to book some guests that way but it varies per schedules of course.

>> No.9811036

Vic Magnolia once stole my sunglasses at a con for a photo op and never gave them back

>> No.9811047

went to a 18+ panel at holmat and his boyfriend was there so yes

>> No.9811050

i walked past him and richard horvitz once at their table and overheard him joke "i'm gonna go kill myself" lmao. both of them are pretty open about poking fun at their weird fans too

>> No.9812019

>why do so many cons continue to book him despite this.

He's probably cheap to bring and casual weebs still love him

>> No.9812051

RIGHT, I'm visiting cgl for the first time in like 5 years and this brightened my day a little

>> No.9812343

Doug Jones, Robin Atkin Downes, Scott McNeil

>inb4 Who
People who were deeply routed in your childhood and don't get nearly enough recognition as they deserve,

>> No.9814118

>Johnny Yong Bosch - I don't dislike him

You should. His ego is on par with Vic but at least Vic can FAKE it & is pleasant.

Bosch though is a complete turd

>> No.9814123

This aren't even the worst ones anon. He dresses like a panty raid at a Ren fair.

>> No.9814276

Because Matt Mercer went from literal who to Troy Baker sound double to fairly big VA star who hosts a super successful live program and regularly still does games and anime, while Crispin Freeman and Keith Silverstein have also been established guests even before Overwatch

>> No.9814935

Honestly if you're specifically referring to Kopf cons, I'd rather have DLL than most of the guests that come back for every goddamn con he has. It's wild that they still invite SPG even though their fame is dying out, not to mention the "big guests" this year are questionable, at best.

>> No.9814997

Yes more details on Kopf please

>> No.9815008

What do you not like about Greg Ayres?

>> No.9815701

Anime Boston probably 6-7 years back. He decided that he wanted to DJ a set at the rave (while it was still called the rave) and he 'spun' Mindless Self Indulgence for an additional 15 minutes which fucked up the orders for the people that were invited to actually DJ. The last guy that was supposed to go got shafted and supposedly wasn't paid all because Ayres wanted to fuck around with shit music.

Also he seems like a neverland kid. Looks 45+ but acts 12.

>> No.9815755

>Critical Role
I hate CR, not because of any disdain for D&D, but rather because i hate watching other people play board games and the fact that it's all the hosts seem to talk about now when they make outside appearances. I wanted to get Travis to sign my copy of Catherine, but he was too busy signing CR posters and fanart

>> No.9820504

Aussies will know
the fourex ninjas. Can't find any pics, but they do the same fucking costume and annoying skit every year. EVERY fucking con. Not guests but Im sick of them.

>> No.9820513

Funny how dissimilar the Ayres brothers are to each other.

>> No.9820691

I went to a vic mignona panel at anime expo 2011. He was advertising his Bible VA that he did with some other VA friends. I saw a lady in mid 30s I think, looking in love with him because he was a Christian too. But I forget some other stuff that happened.

>> No.9820720

I want to see more japanese VAs and Im glad AX has been doing that more lately. I want to sugita tomokazu and kamiya hiroshi.

>> No.9821066

im going to kill you. take it back.

>> No.9821135

Sometimes I wonder, would it kill them to get the REAL voice actor? Like even one? Idgaf about dubs, 99% of them are fucking terrible and ruin any anime

>> No.9821424

Domestic people are cheaper than the actual Jap voices

>> No.9821476

Pretty much. I hate them too, but they put butts in seats and badges on weebs, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.9821571
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Doesn't speak english, mediocre 'crossplay' at best and seems to have no credentials or achievements other than being 'a famous cosplayer'. At this point she's mostly invited to be a ticket printing machine.

>> No.9821668

Got more details on Johnny Yong Bosch? I don't follow him much these days, but was a big fan several years ago.

>> No.9821938

He's arrogant, he demands that you book his band if you book him, & after working with him a few times I suspect that he doesn't like white people.

>> No.9821951

No shit but it still sucks ass that's all we get. Never once have I or would i go to a dub actor panel. It's so fucking embarrassing.

>> No.9822053

I remember when Scott would routinely come to AnimeFest. I miss those days.

I used to know somebody who went to one of her panels a few years ago and supposedly she claimed to have ~insider information~ on new Pokemon that of course turned out to be bullshit. Also pretty sure her acclaimed Pokemon collection includes bootlegs.

>> No.9822222
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Oh wow amazing I keep getting the same "good" dub list for at least 2 years from you lot

>> No.9822225

Because the new dubs that are put out are low effort shit. American dubbing is not very good right now

>> No.9822452

Right from the get-go, interpreters cost $800/day or more, and you have to have them hired on for all working hours that a guest is on site (Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday). That's before flight ($1K+), other travel, food, the booking fee, etc.

Assuming booking fees for decent Japanese VAs are similar to the fees for big name dub actors, a Japanese guest worth having can easily run $7K - $10K.

The ENTIRE BUDGET for my con's guest department is $11.5K. To book a Japanese voice actor would mean you would get literally no one else. Many of our small time guests provide 9-12 hours of programming each. If we sacrificed them for the sake of a single Japanese guest, not only would our convention guest list look pathetic in advertising, but our official programming for the year would be virtually empty.

It honestly, legitimately, is not logistically possible for a small or medium sized con.

We're currently looking into grants to see if we can fund a Japanese guest that way because we really want to have one, both for personal fulfillment of awesomeness levels and because it would be great for growth for the convention, but that's a whole new ballgame a lot of conventions just don't have staff experienced in playing.

>> No.9822682

I don't know about the "doesn't like white people" thing, given that he married and had a baby with one and it looks like everyone he hangs out with/is friends with is mostly white. But if he truly has to bring his bands with him everywhere, I could see how that might get annoying.
Could you explain more about the arrogant thing though? In what way?

>> No.9822715

That's quite disappointing. Doing a quick Google search, there have been other encounters on ONTD/other forums of him being a jerk or entitled. Seems like Eyeshine disbanded last year.

>> No.9822734

Is it a Power Ranger thing? Some of the other PR actors can be assholes (ex. Jason David Frank - egotistic, but sometimes nice to fans)

>> No.9822744

Different anon here and I concur with what >>9822452 said. It can really get expensive for smaller cons. We have bit more to toy with but it depends where you're flying the guest to. Is it a midwest con? East coast? You have to factor those costs in. We could get a japanese guest however we've planned out next year's and then the following will be our 10th year. It's alot harder for us as well since we're not near a central airport. It costs quite a bit more for us to get guests out as it's an extra jump. The other thing that needs to be thought about is the voice actor's schedule. It depends if they have other work or cons that coincide with our con. At this point, I have attendees just drop ideas for guests and I can see the dollar signs in my mind. It's hard to actually give this breakdown without people feeling upset about it. "But you have X dollars!!!111" Right, but you need to balance the list. If we got one japanese guest, and then maybe a couple of english dubs, we'd have a very lacking booklet like the anon mentioned. We'd also have some upset attendees that might be surprised to see we only have 3 voice actors compared to our 10 last year. If you set that bar, you need to hold to it. Guests are so subjective. We cannot say that we'll all like the same list. Me, I prefer more english dubs and youtubers aren't really my jam. However, this isn't about me, this is about what you, the fans, want. I read the feedback every year to see what people want and try to balance it off of that.
I feel you other guest relations anon. <3

>> No.9825697

Agreed with Greg being everywhere, usually as a recurring guest in particular cons.

>> No.9825723
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>> No.9825741

the reason i don't watch dubs anymore. what a queef

>> No.9825819

Am I the only one who hasn't seen Vic at a con I go to? it might be because i'm from the UK

>> No.9825856
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> The most recent credits on his imdb are RWBY volumes

Utter fucking shit on RWBY. He even plays a drunkard, something that he's tried to downplay in the past.

>> No.9826223

Britfag here.

Any of the 'literally who?' youtubers that 90% of cons over here seem to advertise like they're AAA-list celebs.

>> No.9826335

I really enjoyed his performance as Crow. Actually, I didn't even realize it was Vic at first just that it was a great voice and fit the character. I guess it was a reminder that he can actually act and not just be generic anime voice #5 sometimes.

>> No.9826956

What are the horror stories, anon? I'm only familiar with him from Star Trek: Continues

>> No.9826967

I'm always excited when he's at a con. Especially after the skull fucking incident he started at otakon a few years back.

>> No.9826981

tl;dr version is he creeps on underage fans and tries to induct people into his weird Christian sect/won't shut up about religion.

>> No.9827146


>> No.9827245

>the skull fucking incident
You can't just say that and then not elaborate, anon. Please explain.

>> No.9828009

I wanna know too.

>> No.9828102

Chiming in just to say it's definitely not Vic as Broly in DBFZ.

>> No.9828247


Cowboy Bebop, my dude. Some dub productions just outshine the original audio.

>> No.9828307
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>Mfw these fags are the only """celebrities""" at the one convention my state has

>> No.9829142

valerie starenchak aka pikabellechu needs to stop. she is desparately clinging at anything to stay relevant and crams all designs into "princess" dresses. These dresses are usually good will scrounges but she will always claim that she made them herself. I think the only reason she gets so much replay is because of her car. No one really cares about her.

>> No.9829580

He has a reputation for being creepy and trying to sell his non-denominational Christian music at panels regardless of the actual content of said panels

>> No.9831220

My local con has had an extra from the walking dead as a guest for three years.
An extra.

>> No.9831701

KIERAN STRANGE. Whatever that fucking man/dyke/transfag thing is. Every fucking year 'it' is announced as a musical guest of honor.

>> No.9831872

Maybe they're free

>> No.9835920

He's finally started to calm down on the ACEN hate at least. He tried to run a con in Ohio on the same weekend as ACEN a couple years ago. It went about as well as you'd expect.

SPG still brings in enough money for them to be worth it for him. Staff don't like dealing with them, but he'll stick with what he knows as long as its profitable.

Dude just needs to learn to lean on his people a bit more. He has his cons on such a system that he could have a 100% brand new staff and the con would basically run itself. If he had even the barest amount of trust in his staff, and gave just a little bit bigger of a budget to a couple departments, his cons could probably become something more than barely decent.

I can probably delve into more, if people have any specific curiosities. I enjoy the work though, so I won't share anything that might out who I am in case someone from the "Ryan can do no wrong" squad is lurking.

>> No.9835921

Oh yeah, they were at A-Kon last year. I never did figure out why they're famous.

>> No.9839239

Better than subs maybe, but you can go right fuck yourself if you think any post-creation VA has the competence to match (let alone surpass-) original content. No matter the language.
Besides, we know what the real problem is here: you can't read more than 10 words/minute or learn Japanese.

>> No.9841642

I've yet to see solid evidence on Vic that doesn't originate from a story that originated from tumblr. It is kinda fun reading the stories anyway though.

>> No.9841722

It's definitely a good thing for the D&D community now. Like people can play tabletops and have communal story telling again instead of scream nigger at the guy that killed you in fortnite.

>> No.9841726

Theres literally video on him saying homophobic shit. Just google vic yaoi homophobic video

>> No.9841757
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There's nothing. First link also comes from tumblr. Thanks for proving my point.

I also did click the tumblr link and the first point's video, it was not homophobic at all.

>> No.9842386

sounding like an Internet Tough Gal here but i would legitimately have called her a hoe for that, booted and banned or not

>> No.9842694

it was at sakuracon this year too not sure why or what they add

>> No.9842701

That makeup is awful...

>> No.9842716

Holy shit, she’s still at it?

>> No.9843476

>originated on tumblr
People have been saying shit about Vic for a lot longer than tumblr's been around.

>> No.9843590

>Just Google bro
Lazy idiot, I'm not going to do research that proves me wrong so telling me to Google something is useless

>> No.9844006

I've heard 0 about him until like 2014, and tumblr was already around.
Like if the stories were true why wouldnt some of these cons that he is "banned" from have a PR about it? The accusations are serious shit too.

Are you trying to roleplay or something dude lmao.

>> No.9844447

/cgl/ has been passing around Vic stories for eons, but like you said above, there's rarely anything resembling solid evidence. That being said, I've seen enough people calling him a prima donna or a homophobe to find it fairly believable.

>why wouldn't cons say anything
To be fair, people can be really shitty about coming forward with that sort of thing.

>> No.9844456

I was at a con in Windsor Ontario a couple years ago where he was a guest. He dragged his panel out almost half an hour past its ending point, and the last 45 minutes of the panel was a rant he did about how people keep calling him a homophobe just because he is deeply religious, and that disliking homosexuality doesnt make him a homophobe. It was crap, and I was in the front row so it was too awkward to leave.

>> No.9844499

My current home state hasn't had a lot of decent comic conventions come through yet. This summer we'll have a wizard world.
>facebook page announces a couple guests
I fucking hate spergy whofags. Most of them mentioned how they've already met a lot of the cast members too... Why wouldn't you want someone new for the con?

>> No.9844511

>there's rarely anything resembling solid evidence.

I have some great vic the dick stories honestly, since he's at every Midwestern con. the greatest thing about vic is all these stories sound unbelievable and horrible but then you meet the guy yourself and you realize "oh shit the greentexts were true" sometimes you get other anons who also witnessed vic do the same dumb bullshit.

wouldn't say he's a pedo though.

>> No.9844863

I saw JYB last year at Sakura-Con. He did an autograph line on Sunday and vowed to be there until there was nothing left to sign. I was in line for two hours, and I wasn't even halfway deep. Photos with him were free. He had a lot of prints, and you could have one for free (he took donations). He didn't say a whole awful lot. I can't opine about his personality, but the man appreciates his position and puts in the work

>> No.9845070

>Japanese VAs, vidya game VAs, whole casts if they can get them

Seconding this. Also Crispin Freeman. I have yet to see him at any of the cons I attend. I also would like to see certain musical guests. Like FLOW or Home Made Kazoku since they have contributed memorable themes for anime. As well as all musical talent involved with the SMT and Persona series. Honestly my list for musical actsis longer than my list fille voice actors.

>> No.9846136

It's one of the reasons why I never will attend there. Fuck the cosplay guests. They're just shitty, fame hungry shits who refuse to work an actual job.

>> No.9846150

RWBY has been going downhill since it began. Now costhots like Microkitty wanna join RT and voice and still sell shitty porn vids of RWBY.

JFC Rooster Teeth is gonna sink hard

>> No.9846225

Wizard Worlds are literally all Dr. Who Star Wars Marvel Potter. They are specially tailored normie cons.

>> No.9846878

Yeah Im not a Vic worshipper by any means so I could believe he's a prima donna but from all the vids I've seen he seems alright.

I've seen alot of stories like this but never videos taken about it. The stories now are so widespread I would imagine if he went off on a tangent about not being a homophobe or being super dramatic, someone would be like "oh lemme start recording this for proof" or someshit.

Post em homie

>> No.9848817

You in Idaho?

>> No.9848828


He doesn't even voice Ed in the Brotherhood version which is the superior version.

>> No.9852170

I went to some anti cosplay bullying program panel she hosted at swampcon with a bunch of my loud goon friends and she was not happy.

>> No.9852365

Vic sexually assaulted me so for all I care he can burn in a fire

>> No.9852387


>> No.9852397


Every time someone mentions Eyeshine I remember Maguma’s story about the drunk quarterback named Dante that tackled him at ALA 2009 and screamed I MET THE MASTODON, NIGGA! THE MASTODON!!

>> No.9853672

Ex staffer here, i can give you guys some deets on guests that are the worst. Ive been doing that for about 13 years, ive got way too many stories, would make for a great thread. A few quickies for you:

> Spike Spencer. alcoholic egomanic, tried to pickup my 16 year old friend, didnt care her age
> Vic. Cant confirm a lot of stories, but he i believe a good amount of them, only because i have seen him act this way firsthand. also watched him assault a friend, too young to realize how bad that was, she hasnt been back to a con since.
> JYB. decent guy, fake as all hell, never woek with him again
> DC Douglass. a literal alcoholic. one of the biggest assholes i ever worked with, made fun of everyone, and not friendly jabs, i mean cruel shit. top tier asshat.
> Christina Vee. pompous "queen", world revolves around her. If youre not helping her, youre in the way.

I can make a whole thread about this, might someday

>> No.9853677

Not surprised about Spike, honestly. He tried to seriously flirt with me when I was 17 at a small con I was at about 3-4 years ago in Texas. He was being kinda subtle about it, so it's no wonder I didn't really think about it until about a few months later. It's much less gross than what your friend experienced, but still. He was definitely a little creepy, and his words are grimy in hindsight even still.

>> No.9853874

Well come on, he constantly has greasy hair and looked like a 7th rate Loki.

RT is shit. RWBY is shit. The whole thing is shit.

>> No.9853945

>Christina Vee

Don't worry you won't see again. She has quit being a guest at cons due to some assholes threatening her life.

>> No.9853950 [DELETED] 

I think you responded to the whole anon, but deets on those threats, holy shit. When was this?

>> No.9853951

I think you responded to the wrong anon, but deets on those threats, holy shit. When was this?

>> No.9853984

Dig through her twitter feed. She has talked about it.

>> No.9854068

Nayrt, but apparently she just went to Kawaii Kon a month ago, and I can't find anything more recent than that after digging for a while. I know she recently cancelled her would-be latest appearance, but I can't find anything that suggests she's stopped guesting in recent times.

>> No.9854149

Because she canceled the smaller cons then stop taking any more booking. The con I work for tried to book her. This is what we were told. She has vaguely tweeted about the threats but she must have purged them. She's not showing up anywhere in 2018 beyond Kawaii Kon for the time being.

>> No.9854162

On another note, why were they threatening her? Is it over a role she did, possibly? All I've seen on my social media feeds today and yesterday is shit about VAs getting death threats in both the Western and Eastern spheres, honestly.

>> No.9854164

How long ago did Spike try to pick up your friend? Was it before or after he got married?

>> No.9854170

I was absolutely oblivious to it for whatever reason, but iirc, this was actually right after he got married. And also iirc, he brought his wife with him to the convention, too.

It was that shitshow Bara no Toshi Con out in Tyler, TX. I still don't know what happened to it other than hearing about the owner gambling away all the funds for the con. The whole event for me was rather weird and chaotic, as for literally everyone else involved.

>> No.9854307

Depends, was he married before or after 2007

>> No.9854366

Wayyy after 2007, he was only married, what, four years ago? Unless you're discussing his previous wife, but I think they broke if off before 2007, unless I'm mistaken. He drunkenly mentioned that at a panel I was at wayyy back.

>> No.9854606

but he is Ed in Brotherhood. its the voice actor for Al that changed

>> No.9854968

Tony Oliver at any east coast con.

Also anyone know what happened to Scott McNeil? Guy seemed to just vanish

>> No.9854989

Last time I saw him was Delta-H Con in 2015. Other than that, I haven't really heard from him, actually, which is odd.

>> No.9854993

I saw him the same year at Matsuricon. All I can find is something about a break-up. But its vague and he doesn't keep up on online sites at all. Great guy, sad to see him MIA

>> No.9855193

FMA remains one of the most popular anime to this day, so it makes complete sense why con attendees would want to go out and meet Vic. It also helps he voices other popular shit like RWBY

>> No.9855481

Most of the decent dub actors have now moved on to American/Canadian animation (pay is a lot better and you don't have to match mouth movements)

>> No.9855494

Funimation VAs LOLOLOL, DC Douglas is a much more entertaining guest

>> No.9855497

he was dating someone 20+ years his younger. flew her all over, realized it wasnt working out, broke up with her, hit him harder than he thought. hot bod on her tho.

>> No.9855503

Who the fuck is that anyway?

>> No.9855505

He's only been to MCM Expo iirc

>> No.9855514

DC was great the few times I met him, but I can believe him being an alcoholic, drank almost a full bottle of whiskey at one of his erotic fanfiction panels

>> No.9855547

>horror stories

It's been over 10 years since I saw him at a con, but I've heard he hosts Sunday Bible services at conventions. I'm curious what the horror stories about him are.

>> No.9855618
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Does anyone know what exactly happened?

>> No.9855731

lel i keked

>> No.9855889

Apparently she wasn't paid, and neither was Chloe Hollings and. She has every right to talk shit, from what it seems.

>> No.9856134

woah really? story? hes a pig no surprise there

>> No.9856149

Yaya Han,

She uses the free travel to literally whore herself out while shes in town(I mean the actual definition of whore).

If you see her there, shes there for hooker dollars, no the con. Thanks to Nova Australia for letting me in on that

>> No.9856338

not true but alright

>> No.9856390

It is true, sorry but when the largest con organisers of Australia tell you: yeah sorry mate

>> No.9856756

He was at the SFBall due to being in Star Trek Continues, he was a lot more bearable than he is at anime cons

Some dude had a Vic My Little Pony Friendship is Magic plush

>> No.9857340

Jfc I hope someone makes a Yaya Han vid and posts it to pornhub if she is going there to be a high class hooker.

>> No.9857343

Is he actually a pedo or was this just an /a/ maymay?

>> No.9858054

My experiences with him lead me to believe he's addicted to the fame spotlight, and doesn't have boundaries. Craves attention, and doesn't filter whether or not what he's doing is okay to do around/to underage fans. But not an actual pedo.

Lots of stories of him ending up at room parties with middle school/high school girls, that kind of thing, but I haven't heard anyone with details about situations more scandalous than that.

>> No.9860432

Is he often at cons? i heard he's pretty cool IRL, the only bad thing he did was crying over TPP (he even said he coudn't finish the game because he didn't voiced snake)

>> No.9860434
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forgot the pic.

>> No.9860443

It's absolutely difficult to get a hold of him. I cannot find much contact anywhere. I've tried digging but most stuff either bounces back or no response. It's between him and Troy Baker that I'd like to flip tables over.
I've been trying to get in contact with him too and it's a beast. Pun intended.
Spike I can see that
Vic: We had him our first year as a con (that was over 8 years ago now) and was a total diva. I found out recently that his agent got sick of his behaviors and bitched him out. I'm not sure how long ago this was but it was shape up or ship out. He was at a larger local con last year and I even touched base with their GR head to see how it went. No problems and everything went fine. Vic's trying to dispell the rumors however this is what you get when you do stupid behaviors for years. It comes back to bite you in the ass.
DC: Never had a single issue with him. Does he drink? yes. Makes fun of everyone: Do you read his twitter? This is pretty commonplace. I bantered with him quite a bit and he was absolutely sweet to anyone he ran into. Very fan focused.
Christina Vee: She cancelled on a local con this year and i heard she's a drama queen however I've never worked with her directly.
Yea critical role threw matt mercer into the land of money. His agent is a bear so I found other ways of getting a hold of him. His agent stalks him around other cons and won't leave him alone. He's too nice to tell her to back the fuck off.
going to follow up with the vic story

>> No.9860450

Con chair here and no, we wouldn't want to smear a voice actor. When you actually post a voice actor saying "Don't get this man, he's an asshole" how is that in any way inviting for other voice actors to come in? Any guests that we get in that are problematic are definitely passed around from con to con. It's more of a non written list. We had him our first year as con. I wasn't running the con at the time but I was an attendee. I heard about everything: He ordered $300 or more in food and drinks from one steakhouse that was in the hotel. He arrived 15-20 min late to panels. Barged into panels that weren't his and said "I'M HOLDING AN AUTOGRAPH SESSION GET UP HERE NOW." He played the piano in the lobby that was blocked off and had a sign saying "Do not play." He argued with staff along with defying anything that was asked of him. He hit on my sister in the autograph line who was 17 at the time.
When i started staffing the con in 2014 or so, I stepped into guest relations only to have everyone who had worked since year 1 tell me to NOT invite him. They all started handing me stories. Again. It was clearly a sore spot. We'll never post something about it. I'd like to have other talent here at the con and not run a smear campaign.

>> No.9860536

Ex-chair here too, I completely understand. We don't get to actually post what we want in WRAC, but if only I could tell how I felt about people I've worked with. I'd be blacklisted in a heartbeat lol. It's a shame, we have to live in anonymity or we could hurt our friends. Needless to say, I wish there was a "staff horror stories" page where old staff members could post all of the things they have seen over the years, because wow do I have loads of them.

>> No.9860622

>My experiences with him lead me to believe he's addicted to the fame spotlight


>> No.9861030

I know! Having a page would be amazing. There's so many weird stories I've had as well. WRAC page is very...mandated as all hearts, rainbows, and sunshine. Which to a degree it is, but we all have our disagreements. I mean it is over a thousand or so people on that page so I do expect some form of spat once in a while. It's a great networking tool, though.
It genuinely breaks my heart when I have attendees asking for a voice actor that I know is shit behind the scenes or just all around. I politely accept their suggestion but sometimes my face gives it away. I'm a bit too honest. I'm of the mindset that people can change over time. If they haven't, I refuse to go near them. Vic attended a con last year and had perfect behavior. I'm not implying that this negates his past behavior as he's learning how much it really fucked him over.
Something else thought worthy here: Sometimes the guest is an ass because of how poorly staff treat said guest. Not saying that this happens in every scenario but it's happened. I've had guests that come in and really rip other cons/staff for the lack of professionalism and even payment. So it can definitely be a mix of both things: the guest behavior and con staff/con overall.

Oh god. Yes, vic loves his spotlight. However he -has- toned it down back from my post a little bit above here >>9860450
That was over 8 years ago. We'll see how it goes.

>> No.9861163

I remember someone posting in an old /cgl/ thread that they did that. Fucking good old times.

>> No.9861171

A lot of the guests who end up at Youmacon. Most of them are super nice and easy to work with, but it got stale a long time ago. I understand the whole wanting to see close friends again and all, but even when people request different guests nothing happens.

Wow, same here. If I land this new job I'll be able to afford cons again, at least.

>> No.9861179
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>tfw I saw FLOW at AX a couple years ago
>haven't been able to afford a con since for multiple reasons
It was worth it.

>> No.9861286
File: 940 KB, 1920x1080, wired_obsessed-bonus-content-see-how-to-build-captain-kirk-s-chair-from-star-trek-continues-with-vic-mignogna-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post em homie


>interviewing little kuriboh, vic literally shoves me aside and tells him "*I* VIC MIGNOGNA, am your biggest fan!"
>that didn't get enough attention so he said it two times after that until a group of squealing fangirls surrounded him
>he literally thought using his name in a compliment gave the complement a higher value

at that point, realized most of the stories about him were true because jfc

I know there were other seagulls that witnessed this one

>vic has his own star trek panel where he would try to see if anyone knew more than him and if he won he'd spray you with water
>friend's sweet elderly mother beats him
>he was in utter disbelief, arguing against her
>people had to look it up, and show him he was wrong
>even though he lost fair and square he sprayed her in the face with water anyway because he was salty

>> No.9863437

i wouldnt call them a "guest" per se but i would be happy if the Tea Time with Deadpool crew fucked off and never showed up at a con again. their main guy is a fucknugget who is like 30 smoke weed erryday and abused his ex

>> No.9866530

Any Argentines here?
I've seen James Mart a few times and holy hell, he has to be the most boring motherfucker invited to our cons.

>hey guize, I watched cartoons when I was younger
>I sing OPs in such a mediocre manner that most people don't want to sing along! (which was funny at first, but sad as I kept noticing people not caring, lel)
>I do shitty comedy

I looked up his social media, and he's basically a nobody here. Anyways, I never want to see him again, he's so dull.

>> No.9866672
File: 342 KB, 1536x2048, 777E31D2-1B25-412B-A0BC-3AEA9766D077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite past time at cons is snapping pics of Vic, because no matter what he’s doing he either looks like a creep, or a pissed off “let me speak to the manager” mom

>> No.9866697

Why didn't you report it to authorities?

>> No.9866700

I've wondered if he has some sprt of personality disorder, like HPD.

>> No.9866714

He was these three past days at McAllen TX and he was OK.

>> No.9866732

man I wish AM wasn't such a god damn mess....

>> No.9866753

Were you staff or an attendee?

>> No.9866764

Replace Panty and Stocking with Golden Boy, and sure.

>> No.9867040
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so tired of seeing Vedetta/50% Dangerous at every TN event.

>> No.9867046

>those scene kid haircuts
The fuck am I looking at

>> No.9867053

Their "fashion line" is so much worse. I wish they'd fuck off already but they seem to be close to every con director and all the young weebs love them since they're ~s0ooOo0 EdGYyy~

>> No.9867081
File: 59 KB, 667x1000, Edited-69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stuff they actually have an actual hand in sewing and designing from scratch is cheap looking fabric and amateur tailoring. None of it ever fits their models right. 300+ to look like you rolled around the bargain bin fabric scraps at Walmart.