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File: 83 KB, 500x500, AA-profits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9745811 No.9745811 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>9728446

>Please read the FAQ (always updating)
>Taobao/Alibaba services (broken link)
>Artist Spreadsheet
>How to order from Vograce (now with video on how to set up files)
>Convention List (WIP)
>IP taketowns (based on artists contribution, may or may not have been a one time thing, use as a guideline)

We have a discord channel!
Email graveweaverelf@gmail.com with a link to an art site with images of your merch or a picture of your booth for verification to make sure you do cons. (non jury)

Happy New Year Gulls! Good luck with all those acceptance letters! Let this be year of the profits!

>> No.9745956

anyone else just get back from tabling at sacanime? I did really well, but I'm still new to tabling so Im not sure if that's how it was for everyone or if it's just from me expanding.

>> No.9746055

Anyone going to ALA? Apparently they're moving AA out of the dealers room and into a tent outside. Staff refuses to give any information to artists

>> No.9746070

Saw that earlier, I'm pretty disappointed that they're trying so hard to not divulge info/be open about it ESPECIALLY this close to the con. I'd be much less ~triggered~ if they'd decided to reveal this from the start--it's not like demand for tables would suffer. How do you guys think this will affect sales? This seems like that AX Kentia Hall move except....outside (though I've never sold at AX so I don't know).

>> No.9746178

I have a feeling sales are going to be terrible just because no one's going to know where the alley is. It'd probably be OK if it were at least inside the convention center but how's anyone going to know to go there if it's outside somewhere?

>> No.9746205

The move to Kentia the first year was a nightmare because the climate control went straight to shit, but I don't know how much it affected sales. It sure as fuck made no difference to table availability and I doubt it will for ALA next year unless we're talking A-kon levels of shit sales.

>> No.9746216

I made 2.5k and thats above average for me

>> No.9746249

How long is Vograce closed for CNY? My inquiry hasn't been responded to and I'd like to sort out ordering from other manufacturers if the dates don't work out.

>> No.9746259

CNY is in February this year anon...

>> No.9746262

Okay I wanted to lay out a few facts out here before people started swinging pitchforks at the AA head.

>AA head didn't even know they were being placed outside in a tent until today.
>It's not that they were trying to keep it a secret. It's that they literally did not know about this until now.
>All facility decisions and just about any decision regarding AA is made through upper administration. You'd be surprised by how little authority AA head actually has.
>All ALA social media handling are being handled by one or two people and they are not related to the AA head at all. They only relay info that the Con Chair gives out.
>There has been a lot of miscommunication going on and everyone is trying to play catch up due to it.

It honestly is NOT the AA head's fault. If anything, they're just as lost as you guys are because of how upper management is handling everything.

>> No.9746306

Alright, that's understandable. I did see those pictures of the expected avenue and honestly it doesn't seem that bad--now it's just a matter of how the weather will be (because there is a certain extent to which temp control will work when outdoors, even in a tent) and how it'll affect lighting, moisture, etc.

Another reason why I think people were getting worked up was the way in which questions were responded to. "You'll just have to see for yourself" could have EASILY been replaced with something like "unfortunately we do not have much information about this ourselves, but we will try to learn more about it and let you know" etc etc. Their short answers and refusal to actually address questions whether they knew the answers or not was just sort of unprofessional. I for one am not angry enough to send an angry email, but I'd have liked to have heard about it from a source that is NOT a call-out post on FB.

>> No.9746309

All this does is make me feel more worried about the staff infrastructure of ALA. It might not be the AA head's fault but them not being told anything today doesn't inspire a lot of confidence in the chain of command honestly.

I saw on Twitter that someone saw the tent/pavillion area last year and the flaps weren't secured down so with the wind and rain the water was getting everywhere. I'm hoping they'll actually take the time to secure the entrances this year because past experiences all seem to point to it being terrible in the case of bad weather.

>> No.9746312

Oh just kidding, somehow I skimmed over when you said AA head didn't even know until today.

People do react very quickly in these sorts of situations so I get that it exploded unexpectedly, perhaps while staff was trying to get things in order. In any case, the most we can really do right now is just do what we can to adapt our table.

>> No.9746313

Yes? I have a con in march.

>> No.9746318

I thought you meant that they were closed right now. They shouldn't be seeing as CNY is in February. As long as you place your order before Feb, you should be fine.

>> No.9746319

Sorry, I guess I should provided more information. I am going to be ordering with a few friends and since people are still working on charm designs etc. we weren't going to order until February. I just wanted to know if anybody remembered from last year if they were closed for just a week as some companies or for longer.

>> No.9746326

Yeah as far as I can tell no matter how much they want to, AA head can't do anything about this since he just happens to be the liason between artists and upper admin. Also PR is a really tricky thing. There are things staffer, regardless of what department you are in, aren't allowed to tell or say. I don't know how FB rep fucked up this bad, but I can firmly say that the rep should not be connected to AA head at all.

Actually you're right to be worried. After 2017 ended, the entire infrastructure was changed from Admin > Division > Department to simply Admin > Department. It's actually the reason why there is so much miscommunication going on and everyone is trying to catch up. I don't know the reason as to why the infrastructure was changed, but it has not left much positive outcomes from what I've seen.

>> No.9746334
File: 185 KB, 860x1068, Screen Shot 2018-01-08 at 4.17.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently it was the con chair, not some staffer

>> No.9746340

Yikes - so the Pavillion was used as for the Swap Meet last year, people are saying? Everyone who attended the swap meet last year are reporting that it was freezing inside.

ALA artists - please bundle up!

>> No.9746344
File: 29 KB, 500x314, 1idb4j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great job representing a con right there

>> No.9746349
File: 407 KB, 1350x900, ohgood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"climate-controlled" lol

>> No.9746350

Apparently it was con chair decision too. Man, this guy...

>> No.9746356

>throws us in a tent outside
>literally almost double the number of tables from 120 last year to 230 this year.

Who's ready to be freezing and shitty sales?

>> No.9746413

I'm like in a delusionally irate state of amusement at the fact that they planned to have AA doubled in size and changed location and only just now realize they never told any of us this.

And they only tell us actual information after all the backlash on social media.
Before that tweet got attention, all the innocent questions and messages about artist alley were ignored or blithely answered vaguely.

>> No.9746425

I'm confused as an ALA attendee. What is the purpose of throwing you in a tent? Are the artists in a time out corner?

>> No.9746427


Guessing they just wanted to separate exhibitors and artists and didnt have as much space anywhere else.

>> No.9746432

I'm a little baffled at ALA's decision to do this. I've gone to this every year since they've moved to Ontario and they always have several enormous rooms that are empty the entire time. I sleep in them to avoid paying for a hotel.

>> No.9746437

Fanime did this a couple years ago when the con center was undergoing renovations.

>> No.9746509


They doubled the number of AA tables and doubled the number of exhibitor booths. The con gets more money by cramming as many paying vendors into a space as possible. They don't care if we make money as long as they do.

>> No.9746512

I'd never been to sac before, but my sales were pretty low compared to how I've been doing at other cons. It wasn't a bad con by any means but I probably won't go back. Is summer usually better or about the same?

>> No.9746553

summer is usually way better than winter. For example I usually make at least 3k for summer and winter averages about 1.5(profit)

>> No.9746556

you could always idk, email vograce

>> No.9746563

How the fuck do you shower. Gross.

>> No.9746581

Not that anon but when I was younger (senior year of HS mostly) and slept in my car for conventions, I would buy a monthly membership to L.A. Fitness, since there was one at just about every city I was in, and go to that to shower and get ready. I'm sure even cheaper gym alternatives like Planet Fitness are everywhere now as well.

>> No.9746593

In one of our email interactions, they told me that their Spring Festival Holiday is from Feb.09-Feb.22.

>> No.9746610

you could always idk, read a post fully before replying

>> No.9746613

i remember the last time a 10k attendance con doubled its AA size from 100 to 200 without attendance growth and sales were so so bad that year the coordinator was forced to change back lel

rip ala

>> No.9746614
File: 2.82 MB, 2036x1366, literallyonthehomepage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you even try looking at the website?

>> No.9746624

evidently not, thanks ya cunt!

>> No.9746675

Thanks! That's really helpful. I'll probably try for summer then.

>> No.9746792

kys you retard and stop expecting to be spoonfed

>> No.9746987

Has anyone ever seen an increase in sales on merch featuring a particular character, when that character's VA is a convention guest? Especially signable things like prints?

>> No.9747190

Yeah. I've done special D.Va and Lucio prints for last year's AX and sold a ton of them since people wanted to get them signed. I've had similar experiences with my Stranger Things posters as well at a con where the actors were guests. I had the VA for Flame Princess visit my table once because I had a group Adventure Time print people kept buying for her to sign.

Some of my friends made Zenyatta prints for Sacanime and did really well with them since the VA was there and I know at MAG - the composer for Bastion went around giving gifts to all the artists with Bastion merch.

It's generally a smart idea to bring along merch of characters if you know the VA or the creator is going to be at the con. But I wouldn't suggest making NEW merch unless you're already into that fandom/planning on carrying said stock regularly.

>> No.9747191

I meant Transistor but I got confused since he also did the music for Bastion, my bad.

>> No.9747201

A few threads ago someone mentioned a site that sold lots of different beads/charms for attaching to acrylic keychains, I forgot to save the link, does anyone know what it might be?

>> No.9747246

It was probably delishbeads

>> No.9747260

That was it, thanks!

>> No.9747293

Anybody tabling at San Japan this year? Looks like they're moving towards a lottery system instead of first-come, first-serve.

>> No.9747340

Yeah, they said after last year's sign up debacle, they'd be switching to lottery. I hope I can get in.

>> No.9747422

Hey gulls, anyone here sign up for Momo's AA? Did results come out yet? I've never applied there so I'm unsure if they will send a rejection email or not.

>> No.9747432

>notifications going out to all applicants on or before Jan 15th.

don't expect anything until around the 20th.

>> No.9747439

Oh I see, thank you anon.

>> No.9747518

Apparently Tekko acceptances are going out? I haven't gotten anything and now I'm pissed all over again at the way it was handled this year.

>> No.9747520

I just shower in my friend's hotel rooms when I need to but I'm a girl who doesn't sweat either so it all works out.

>> No.9747522

I got the waitlist email.

>> No.9747583

>I'm a girl who doesn't sweat

Lucky cunt.

>> No.9747662

>tfw east asian girl
>tfw no sweat odor gene
I take care of my hygiene now obviously but as a very depressed teen this was a lifesaver desu

>> No.9747735

fanime and acen cmoonnn

>> No.9747776

Lol you're lucky if Fanime puts out their acceptances at least 2 months in advance my dude

>> No.9748017

Acen sent out acceptances ages ago? And I finally got my waitlist email two weeks ago. Might wanna check your spam folders.

>> No.9748257 [DELETED] 

Got wait listed too... Pissed once again at seeing some of the the people who got in... Same people who got in Katsucon who aren't too good, yet other good people getting wait listed. It's so fucking annoying when some of us rely on this for income, and yet these casual artists who do it for funzies always get in no problem because they have 1,000 products of different characters even though it all looks like shit quality.

>> No.9748444

Is Anime Matsuri worth it?

>> No.9748606

not really, that area is saturated with cons. If you're local its good but there are other better cons that weekend.

Does anyone know how/when Holiday Matsuri sign ups go up? They say they're sold out already but I can't tell if its because they haven't updated their site for 2018 yet or that its really sold out

>> No.9748645
File: 236 KB, 587x723, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you guys think this is okay?

>> No.9748649

can you explain why it wouldn't be?

>> No.9748661

Nayrt but it's basically on model with the show.

>> No.9748681

I don't think this is okay, personally. I feel like once you get to this point, you're just a bootlegger. But like, if you feel comfortable tracing official designs, go ahead and make your money, and I'll mind my business and let the IP holder judge.

>> No.9748685

It's kind of funny isn't it? The artist of poputepipikku started off selling touhou fanart. Now they have an anime and people are selling fanart of that

>> No.9748699
File: 883 KB, 1091x816, baticorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you admit you have an insignificant following and have trouble even just selling your pins, how then can you justify claiming that a much more popular artist MUST HAVE seen your pin and ripped it off?

not to mention they look absolutely nothing alike.

you can't put a unicorn horn on whatever and call it "muh IP"

>> No.9748713

the enamel pins wings look like SHIT

>> No.9748720

wait there's official pop team x fire emblem art? there's a big difference between traced and on model...

>> No.9748722

unless they have a legit patent for "unicorn bats" then they're just being petty and stupid lol

very delusional

>> No.9748728

Kudos to thousand_skies for handling it like a boss, though I wouldn't expect anything less from someone who's actually a professional.

>> No.9748761

not ok. That is just straight up stealing.

I have a friend like this. Her entire life, she has gone around and accused random people of stealing her art. She even got mad at someone for creating a character with similar colors as hers.
These people have mental problems.

>> No.9748774

Tracing a face and slapping on clothes from a different fandom is still tracing lol.

Of course, if that was illegal, there would be 5000 t-shirt companies out of business, so whatever, do your thing. Still gives me hives

>> No.9748792

These people probably just can't wrap their minds around the fact that they're not actually that creative

>> No.9748799

idk it's just a really.. REALLY simplistic anime style isn't it? or is there official art of these two in these poses that i'm missing? The clothing is the bulk of the work so to me it's about as "tracing" as people who make nekoatsume type merch with different character's clothing. Or all the osomatsu fanart with the official faces, simple styles tend to get pretty on model fan merch.

>> No.9748845

I don't understand why this would be wrong when everyone sells Osomatsu-san on-model merch. I don't follow either show or make merch for them (not my brand of humor), but on-model fan art can still be transformative if it portrays situations that won't happen in the source material. The most common example I can think of is BL merch, but I also believe crossovers fall under that category.

>> No.9748847

Anyone hear back from ChibiChibi Con?

>> No.9748848

So much respect for elda right now.
Those pins look like shit.

>> No.9748864

Did they take this down - was there backlash or something, I don't see if on their social media anymore.

nayrt but I disagree with the idea that on-model art is still "transformative" enough to be sold in AAs. That's not how parent companies/IP holders are gonna see it. On-model things are more likely to be confused with official releases and thus in direct competition with actual licensed products. The only reason a lot of companies let fans get away with selling things in the AA is because it's the IP reinterpreted in a different style - i.e. - clearly visually distinct from the source material. Stuff like this really only gives artists a bad name. The company I used to work for in licensing would absolutely issue C&Ds to stuff like this at cons.

>> No.9748907

lbr no one has gotten the osomatsu san style down, you can easily tell what is official and not

>> No.9748971

original pissy-about-on-model-fanart here; thanks for stating this more clearly and logically than I managed.

Exactly. A "simple" style doesn't mean "easy to duplicate," or that there are fewer ways to interpret the design in your own voice.

>> No.9749016

No worries. I actually used to work in licensing so when people say stupid shit in these threads it really grinds my gears.

>> No.9749789

Fanime hotels go up next week. Still no word back about applications.

>> No.9749805

Why does fanime do this every year? Several cons set side housing for vendors (most comic conventions I've been to do this as well as MAGfest). Just set some rooms aside for artists, it's not that hard.

>> No.9749863

they won't even include our badges with the table so I guess im not surprised

>> No.9750159

Hello! I have a few questions about Vograce. It would be my first time ordering from them by myself since I usually join group orders so any help would be greatly appreciated!

1) Has anyone had their button pins made by them? If so, what laminate option did you opt for and how was it? I'm fairly curious about the laminates they offer. Also, do they offer shape button pins like stars or hearts?

2) Is it normal for them to provide different quotes for the same inquiry? I asked Vicky, Rola, and Coco a quote for 100pcs clear double board 5cm acrylics and got quoted by them with $1.48, $1.5, and $1.56 respectively. I also got quoted $25 USD for shipping by Vicky and $35 USD by Rola.

3) At the same reply for the quote, Rola told me that I can send the payment to them if I was okay with the quote so she can arrange the designs and production asap. Is it normal for them to ask for the payment first before everything?

4) Does anyone have any reviews for the person they're dealing with in Vograce? Based on what little conversation I've had with the three, Rola seems to be a lot more approachable. Rola's english is good and they provided a clear breakdown of the total cost. Vicky offered the cheapest per piece price and shipping fee but their english was a bit harder to understand but still understandable eitherway. Coco, however, just sent me the price per piece and didn't bother sending me a quote for the shipping fee and seemed uninterested in dealing with me.

I'm sorry if I'm asking too much! I'd just really like my first solo order from them to go smoothly and without much headache.

>> No.9750183

I haven't made buttons with vograce but I hope I can answer some of your other questions anon

I've only ordered from 1 agent in my 3 years from ordering from vograce. I'm not too sure if the quotes do vary significantly, but I'd definitely go with the cheapest quote offer if I were you. In the end they're all the same product so just save some money and move ahead with whatever agent gives you the most desirable price tag.

It is normal for them to ask for payment first. I always pay for shipping+charms after I've approved the outlines. They will send you a tracking number when your order is ready. I'd say check back in 10 days for 100 charms if you still haven't gotten a tracking number. They might be busy with the last minute rush before their vacation!

I work with Coco and she's very pleasant to me! She might be juggling a ton of orders so maybe that's why she seemed distant. Sorry to hear she wasn't too warm. Besides that, a lot of my friends work with Vicky but some have complained she does misunderstand their specific requests at time. She does get the job done though - my close friend works with Vicky regularly and all her charms look great.

Good luck figuring things out!

>> No.9750334

Other anon covered most of your questions, just going to chime in about Coco. I basically hit her up in the middle of December asking about a quote as well as some different material possibilities - she ran a sample for me and didn't give me a proper quote until I had all of my files in to her by Jan 2nd. My shipping was $40 but it was DHL and I had made it clear that I wanted the fastest available shipping to CA and I had a hard deadline.

All of that being said, she did my outlines in one day for over ten designs and I got all of my charms yesterday on the 10th. So she basically turned everything around in 6 days (weekend included) because I received the shipping info on the 8th. I don't mind paying her rates because that is fucking fast and everything looks great. Regarding her approachability, I amp up my own friendliness and gratitude in my emails to her and she tends to respond in kind so ymmv - it's something I've always done when requesting someone's services and I've never had any issues getting exactly what I want done as a result.

>> No.9750424


I work with Vicky usually and yeah, she sometimes has difficulties with getting some details right but everything has worked out in the end! Just need to be sure to be very clear about everything. Been working with her since 2015 on multiple orders.

>> No.9750458

I used to get buttons made with vograce before investing in my own button maker. I wouldn't recommend it, they messed up the colours more often than they got them right. They don't do any special shapes afaik.
I switched from Coco to Vicky when I had trouble understanding Coco's English. I've been doing orders with Vicky for over a year now, and I've never had any trouble with her. So my experience with them is the opposite of what others have had, I guess.

>> No.9750688

i don't really understand why you'd draw a bat unicorn. is there a pun i'm missing?

>> No.9750700

99% of artist alley art is either fan art or combining one animal with either another animal or a food.

>> No.9750720

I wasn't sure if I should ask this here or not, but I feel better asking here. I'm making resin rings and I wanted to get your opinion if I should get the adjustable ring base, or maybe buy

If there are any ring makers, what do you guys suggest if there are any other better options?

>> No.9750880

Thoughts on crafters being kept out of AA? I’m a 2D artist myself so I didn’t realize it was such a thing, usually at comic cons?

Any crafters ever get any shit from non crafter artists for ‘taking tables’ from ‘real’ artists?

Honestly I’m just curious.

>> No.9750896

craft artist for 4 years. What are you talking about?

>> No.9750909

Pretty sure anon is talking about Comic Cons keeping craft artists out of AA and making them pay for Vendor booths instead of Artist Alley booths.

>> No.9750925

if it is only art, no pins, charms or whatever else, just paper, then I guess it makes sense.

>> No.9750931
File: 188 KB, 1000x1000, pikachu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the same girl who's selling the pokemon sprites as pins, she's selling socks of the same art now. How is this okay but that pop team thing isn't?

>> No.9750954

It's not. We roasted the hell out of this girl, too.

>> No.9750974

Yeah this is not okay at all lmao. This is just bootlegging.

>> No.9750982

Huh, i guess it doesn't matter what anyone here thinks then because clearly nothing was done and she made these socks in addition to those pins after this supposed roasting lol. too bad that other person got scared and took down their art.

>> No.9750985

I'm not sure what your point here is, because yes of course what anyone here thinks doesn't matter. We're not the IP holders. We can bitch all we want, though.

>> No.9751037

Nobody said this was okay - get that stick out your ass.

>> No.9751044

Yeah you could say it doesn't matter what anyone here thinks but if that's the case why isn't everyone else doing stuff like this? It clearly makes money, doesn't it?

Personally, I don't because a) I value my artistic integrity but also b) I value the opinions of my peers. Do you have friends like this? Would you willingly be friends or acquaintances with someone who makes product like this? When you do stuff like this you damage your reputation which is fine if you don't care about the opinions of others and you want to go at it alone. But, in turn, you lose a lot of potential opportunities as well as the respect of the peers around. I wouldn't be able to bear doing AA knowing that everyone was talking shit about me and knowing full well I deserved it. It's a lonely world, I'd rather do it with friends.

>> No.9751051


I have a theory about this. The problem is vendors in Dealer's Hall keep pressing on cons to get AA to make less money. It's the same thing that's causing AA to get shafted on locations, getting moved into basements and outside to tents, getting assignments and emails super late and so on. Old school vendors are seeing AA make more and more money each year, since they have less limitations, more options for merch, are more flexible, etc. They hate AA. So they complain to con heads, who have to listen, because the dealer's room is what many attendees still come for, and even though AA is improving, it's still never going to replace being able to buy official merch or things that AA artists are too broke to afford to manufacture. So more and more con heads are fucking AA as more and more vendors run off their mouths about it.

Vendors can't just demand all of AA is shut down (I'm sure they've tried, which is probably the cause of most 'original only' rules and other fanart limits) because cons know it's popular, and many people in AA are selling above board, original works. So they make demands for specific things like location, or in that case, the type of merchandise. Vendors want to shut down the production of things like charms, enamel pins, clothing, items that are competitive with their own. With print artists, they can always leave those items at home and just bring prints if a con disallows certain items. But a crafter makes only those items. It's especially shitty because most crafters make those items by hand but it's the print artists mass producing similar things which are causing them to get kicked.

Personally, I think vendors need to fuck off and do better if they want to compete. Most of them are the same companies traveling around the country with the same old figures and toys. Then they complain they don't make enough. Maybe it's because your business model doesn't work anymore. Fans don't want to buy 6year old bootleg sailor moon plush.

>> No.9751062


It's like that at comic cons because Artists Alleys at comic cons were traditionally a place for upcoming comic artists to make connections and build an audience. (Basically what we think of as Small Press today.) Comic Cons that don't have the distinction between AA and Small Press want to keep to tradition hence the "only paper goods allowed" rule.

Basically it comes down to how the con wants to curate their exhibitors. Some cons are creating like "Creator's Corners" for people who don't really fall into the traditional 2D art category like comics, zines, and prints.

This is less obvious at anime cons since anime AAs have always been fanart-driven (doujins, fanart prints, buttons, etc) and less original content-driven. It's more about the kind of community culture that different genres of conventions have. Comic cons are trying to use AA as a space to host creators and their original content while anime (and multigenre) cons use AA as a place for fans to express and share their devotion to existing IPs.

>> No.9751064

1) this is not okay this is bootlegging
2) the popteamepic is made by a beloved fanartist of 4chan, the emotional response of someone taking advantage of the author is going to be more visceral

>> No.9751335

Mostly i was just laughing at how someone came in here saying they work for licencors and how they would totally flag it as bootlegged and how they were more informed and it would count etc. but idk nothing seems to actually be done about bootleggers regardless of how people feel or what they say but some people like to act like they have influence over other artists.

>> No.9751357

Do you just like have no idea how licensing works? Like the other anon said, no one can do jackshit unless they're the IP holders other than reporting directly to the IP holders. So whether or not someone has actual power over a SPECIFIC piece of bootlegged art would depend on what SPECIFIC company they work for and what SPECIFIC contracts they have for that IP.

The place I used to work for had a close relationship with Toei and Funimation but not Nintendo so they would have 0 jurisdiction over that Pikachu bootleg. But they have given out C&Ds for shit like Sailor Moon and Hetalia bootlegs (for both online and at-con violations) because those are things they actually have contracts for.

Also even beyond the scope of contracts and licensing - individual artists can report bootlegs directly to the con. Most AAs have rules against use logos or on-model art. Hell, when Funimation announced their fanart stance, some cons even started enforcing this themselves and asking artists to take down fanart that had logos in them.

But anyway, continue being stupid if that's easier for you I guess.

>> No.9751388
File: 20 KB, 673x216, pokemon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone wants to report her to the Pokemon Company, here's the contact info.

>> No.9751390


I actually go around AX and report all the perler bead '''artists''' that have blatant sprite rips. I have no patience for people like this.

>> No.9751399

On the topic of reporting artists at cons, do y'all report? What do you consider worth reporting and what's just worth rolling your eyes at?

Would you use an anonymous tip line if it was made clear to you by staff that there was one? Last con I staffed Exhibitors/AA at we had someone tell us they knew someone was selling bootlegs, but they they clammed up and wouldn't tell us who because they were 90% sure but not 100% and didn't want it to come back on them. Now I'm trying to think of the best way to let people give us information if they want to without it seeming like we're trying to make our vendors do our job for us.

>> No.9751402

I do report. Things that I will definitely report are traces of official work or tracings of other fanwork. Everything else is a maybe depending on how busy I am that weekend.

I was at Wizard World con once and they had a dedicated text line for exhibitors but when we reported bootlegs they did nothing about it.

Just personally guarantee anonymity when artists come forward to you. I've reported someone at A-Kon too and the previous AA heads were very good about making me comfortable and safe enough to come forward to them. You could maybe include some wording in the AA/Vendor contracts? Saying that all bootleg tips will be handled with anonymity - basically set up a whistleblower protection clause within the AA packet itself.

>> No.9751536

I've reported an artist selling food inside of grab bags before.

>> No.9751552
File: 42 KB, 300x300, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has any one bought a gashapon machine for their booth? I'm thinking about getting one but I haven't a clue where to get one that will work with quarters since I'm not sure if the 100 yen ones will allow them.

>> No.9751579

What is the line between on and off model?
Do the style or proportions and and pose/scene need to be different? I feel like I see a lot of fan art sold that is very similar to official art.

>> No.9751605

If someone can confuse it to being official art, then that crosses the line. You should either draw the character from the show in a different art style, or draw an original character in that show's art style. Just don't draw a character from a show with the same art style from that show. That is just copying.

>> No.9751635

>That is just copying.
Personally, I don't think on model = copying. As long as the facial expression is original and the pose is original, then I think it's fine to mimic proportions/lines/colours/etc.

>> No.9751652
File: 108 KB, 586x398, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

changed the pose and face. totally 100% original now.

>> No.9751673
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The poses for the Fire Emblem characters already exist, yeah.

>> No.9751732

What about copying an existing pose (with some slight changes) but drawing the characters in a 'unique' chibi style instead of the actual style? Just curious because I made a charm like that for my own personal use but was considering selling the extras just because. I could post it but i'm hesitant to post my own art.

>> No.9751859

Just post it and be open to critique, and you'll be fine.
These threads generally aren't filled with assholes.

>> No.9751892
File: 95 KB, 1232x292, nutcraker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so delusional.
>omg my ORIGINAL VERSION of an already established story is similar to one that's being professionally produced UGH I CAN'T EVEN

>> No.9751911

That reminds me of that artist who had a dramatic fit over zootopia having a similar name to their web comic.

>> No.9751924

Isn't there a version on these that uses included tokens?

>> No.9751925

With the popularity of enamel pins, what do you guys think of artists make pins out of existing game assets and selling them?


- pins of neko atsume cats that look just like the art assets from the game
- monster hunter item icons
just to name a few

Is this ok? Or is noone saying anything right now to avoid making waves with other artists?

>> No.9751928

It makes waves and people get called out, but the reality is that people other than the IP holder have no power, and smaller/less successful artists are less likely to be called out because they have a smaller audience.

>> No.9751940

Report them directly to the IP holder. I reported that Pikachu sock girl too.

If you see them at a con, tell the AA head.

>> No.9751953

For people who don't do AA for a living, what do you do as a main source of income? I work in the medical field and do AA as a hobby/social thing.

>> No.9751983

Is there? I'll need to look. That'd come in handy if there was.

>> No.9752016

I'm going into the medical field and do AA as a hobby/social thing too.

How's your free time? I think I can get work at a school so I'll have regular hours and lots of holidays and such, which would be idea for still doing art on the side.

>> No.9752038

Way less free time than when I was in college. But I expected that since I work in a super busy clinic with demanding supervisors. So AA is a nice mental break for me and it's honestly really fun to make merch imo. Can't see it as a full-time thing though so props to people who can hustle and go to a dozen cons.

>> No.9752091

Shitty retail.

>> No.9752123

I’ve seen people charge $2+ and have a few 100 yen coins on hand at their booth. Then they just open the machine and retrieve the 100 yen.

>> No.9752125
File: 28 KB, 577x170, otherimage_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one of the Bandai ones and while I like it I only sell original things in it so don't have that many people play. You'll probably do better if you have FotM fanart items instead. It doesn't take quarters but nickels apparently work.

Originally I used this cheap machine and would advise looking for one if you want to get a gashapon. It's a quarter of the cost, comes with plastic tokens and you can peel those shitty stickers off to decorate it how you want. You can also buy extra capsules online if you need more.

>> No.9752133

Thanks! I actually saw one of these but wasn't sure they worked well enough to use. Glad to know someone had one.

>> No.9752235

One friend does retail, another does a mom and pop shop job, and I do pharma graphic design. I've met a cool variety of backgrounds in AA, it's really awesome.

>> No.9752242

These machines cost like, well over a hundred right?
While I do make a few grand per AA, I've never looked at one of these and assumed that they would attract additional sales enough to justify purchasing the machine, finding room to display it, and lugging it around the country. Then again, like 90% of my sales are print sales, so I'm just not too trusting in merch to begin with.

>> No.9752259

Did I say on model = 100% original? I just said that it's not copying if these key features are different. Also I don't consider flipping a pose to be changing the pose. It's still the same pose.

>> No.9752337

The Bandai one is about 100 after shipping cause forced EMS but it's more of a half scale working model than just a toy. The other one you can find between 20 and 30, so if you really want one I always tell people to try that one instead.

I don't make much off of mine but I'm a crafter so I just use it as a more entertaining version of a grab bag. Catches people's attention and helps me move some of my slower selling products. I bought the Bandai one cause I wanted it for my personal collection more than anything but could also use it at my booth.

Also being a crafter it's not a pain for me to bring it places cause I already bring so much stuff as it is, but i could see how it might be annoying to print artists since they usually have way less luggage.

Overall if you want one the cheap one is cheap so you're not breaking the bank to try it out!

>> No.9752355

hows Anime Impulse for everyone? its combined with a beauty and asian convention this time. traffic is good but sales are not as expected considering the price for tables...

i saw people on twitter saying its good but is it really...?

>> No.9752364

Anime Impulse is one of the most known cons to avoid anon....

>> No.9752526

OP here and I make little keychains/charms casually, not enough to justify a whole booth, but I love gashapon and love playing them in AA (most of what I buy is from artists with them) so I figured I might invest in one and let my friends use it to get attention to their table while stocking it with my own little stuff. Because otherwise I'd just have all this stuff piled up somewhere because I price too cheap to sell online.

>> No.9752597

Can we talk about muddymelly for a bit, she is currently at a convention I am at. Why is she still underpricing, and what's the point of the jar of money? I'm really scared to sit next to her in future conventions, it seems like she's going to a lot of them.

>> No.9752665

Oh man, they combined it with a beauty con this time? Or was it there last year?

I'm also kind of curious because I know Anime Impulse is one of those 'AVOID AT ALL COSTS' cons for artists, but it seems its pretty good for regular attendees and one of my favorite international cosplayers is attending so I was pretty shocked to see that.
Thought maybe it improved -- though of course I'm sure none of last year's artists went back to be able to tell.

>> No.9752666

Bring the salt anon, I'm ready to hear it. Did she pull anything new? Still pricing at $5? Blocking other artists' tables?

>> No.9752671

I almost never comment in these threads but this girl needs to be blacklisted, I don't ever want to be at a con with her.
>why is she still underpricing
Because she's a gouging bitch and pretends to be "unaware" while very intentionally fucking everyone around her. It's been thoroughly discussed on here.

>> No.9752677

Which con is it? And send someone to find out what her future cons are if you’re concerned about it.

>> No.9752685
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>> No.9752687

This, I’d really appreciate knowing her con list, it’s not available on her social media afaik.

>> No.9752696

Which con is it, anon? Last I heard she raised her print prices? Is she selling them at $5 again?

>> No.9752697

JSYK, if you ever feel stressed on a FB group, just leave. I've felt so much better since I've left all my creative groups, including AANI.

>> No.9752714
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holy lol

student loans. then, hopefully, an art job.


>> No.9752725
File: 667 KB, 1536x2048, 4EBEF225-DED4-40F1-AFCF-F1E882F10B78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from metrocon back in August. I guess she’s still doing it.

>> No.9752737

Just hang out around her table all weekend and immediately take any money anyone drops in

>> No.9752739

I'm seriously considering blacklisting her from my con... she hasn't done anything against our rules, but the drama it causes just isn't worth it.

>> No.9752750

Please do, she is intentionally ruining the economy of the AA she's at, and if you run a con you don't want that? It hurts your vendors too.

>> No.9752751

I can confirm that they take nickels just fine! I actually had the cheap one on the left for a while before upgrading to two of the bandai machines. They feel a lot sturdier and actually take up less room than the cheap machine (plus they're stackable if you want to do multiple gashapon).

>> No.9752758

Has anyone had any trouble with their gacha machine and con staff? I've heard some cons interpret these as falling into the gambling/lottery category when it's barred by the AA rules.

>> No.9752762

>that art
What's the point of underpricing and this tip jar, if she's actually making appealing work?

>> No.9752771

tip jars in any form are trashy/tacky in my opinion.

people buy stuff based on what they like, not so much price.

>> No.9752776

Have you checked her Twitter? She has a Patreon but is also giving away her PSDs for free if people ask or something like that. I don't really understand her.

>people buy stuff based on what they like, not so much price.

Yes and no. Some people only have set budgets so pricing does come into equation. This affects a lot of younger customers who get spending money from parents or from people who set spending limits for themselves at cons.

>> No.9752777

>free PSDs on Patreon
This is such a weird situation. Is she an heiress or someone with a cushy life or something?

Also I checked the archives and found a post by someone claiming to be her partner at A-kon in July.

>For the record, I'm certain we put the sign up on Sunday. So many people on different occasions approached us to talk about pricing, whom I assume were simultaneously doing their tables in the AA. It reminded me of TPS reports in Office Space. Guys, we get it.
>I mean, I guess they were panicking or something? I don't know how young these folks are who are approaching us and telling us to raise prices, but clearly, there's a gap.
>First and foremost, my partner's not a bitch. Secondly, yes, AA bubble's not in the golden age anymore.
>She cares a lot about attendees having a great time. I would say this is only detrimental to the AA that may have similar work to hers at a higher price point. It still theoretically saves money for an attendee to purchase something at a lower price to then spend the fixed amount of cash that they brought with them (or got from the ATM) on other items/booths that do not offer the same prints that we do.
>I'm grateful for the people who actually understand where she's coming from. It's actually refreshing to read because I'm wading through a shit ton of other comments that seem to be her enemies talking, mostly. She's not out to make enemies. She just wants to make people happy with her work. You can be cynical of her all you want, but she's super genuinely empathetic.
>Thank you for understanding. Her customers were also encouraging her to raise her prices and would tip to what they saw as the value of the work to them. Relative value is hard to teach, but you get it, and I'm glad for that.

Half the thread is bitching at artists for not stooping down to $5 prints.

>> No.9752781

If she doesn't have to make a living from her art then she's probably not affected by treating it like a hobby rather than business. My assumption is that she genuinely believes that her art should be accessible to anyone at anytime regardless of their ability to compensate her, and that prerogative overrides any other feedback she may be receiving from any other sources that run counter to it.

>> No.9752784

Am I reading too much into this or is she trying to suggest that the other artists charged so much that she has to actually chip in to help people pay for stuff from other artists? Like "I know my stuff is cheap but if you need help affording other people you can just take it from us, we don't mind uwu"

>> No.9752786

welcome to capitalism.

>> No.9752796

Nope, I emailed AX just to double check because people were freaking out about it. It's not considered gambling/game of chance because you'll always get a prize worth the cost to play.

>> No.9752797

Yeah I remember this. This person was actually confirmed to be her partner by people who went and talked to her at the con.

>> No.9752798
File: 25 KB, 600x338, 1464954719920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never had an issue at any con but
I treat my gacha and grab bags like typical gachas and blind boxes by telling people exactly what is in them just not what style they're getting. Also haven't been to a con where they've banned grab bags due to the garbage bags vendors sell.

IMO they don't really fall under that category cause you're getting stuff worth what you paid, not paying for a worthless ticket for a chance to win something worth money.

>> No.9752829

what do people like to see on tumblr? i have made a new years resolution to draw less fanart, and now i don't know what to post. cats?

>> No.9752840

For most of the stuff I am planning to sell I can find prices (for reference) on other artist's fb or shops, but never for stickers or buttons.
Production cost for a 6cm/2,36" custom shaped sticker is ~30 cents and for 5,5cm/2,16" button it's 1€
How should I price them? Are buttons even still something people buy?

>I will mostly sell shirts with self designed prints, so I figured why not also put the desings on buttons and stickers
>Also, any crucial tips for first-timers you can't share often enough?

>> No.9752845

>Is she an heiress or someone with a cushy life or something?
Not everyone in AAs is selling art to make a living. For many people, it's a hobby and any cash they make out of it is nice. I'm surprised this girl is getting all of the attention. Every con I go to, there are a few people with dirt cheap prices like her. I think the AA community's issue with her is that not only is her stuff cheap, but her art is pretty. It's not like she has charms or anything, though. A print is a print. Doesn't cost much to make at all. She's probably still making a decent profit. Just knock your prices down a little (not necessarily to her level but lower than usual) if you want to compete.

>> No.9752887

"aesthetic" art is the current trend and atm the only other thing people will be bothered to share besides fanart.

>> No.9752896

I understand this artist seems to have priorities other than profit, but she is seriously undervaluing her very good work, which is probably coming off as less than genuine to others. It's like she's being self deprecating to try to ingratiate herself to her audience. This is the thing that is probably rubbing most of her peers the wrong way. They fight to earn what they're worth all the time, and here she is practically giving herself away.

>> No.9752904

I have no patience for artists with no taste and a victim complex. I hope she gets stomped by competition and just quits art entirely if she's going to keep having such a butthurt attitude about everything.

>> No.9752914

>Also, any crucial tips for first-timers you can't share often enough?
Don't expect to turn a profit immediately.

>> No.9752933

Do you have a link to the $20/$30 ones? Maybe I'm using the wrong keywords, but I can really only find the pricey ones on ebay/aliexpress.

>> No.9752939

https://www.ebay.com/itm/182261148800 Here you go!

>> No.9752946
File: 173 KB, 505x348, Screen Shot 2018-01-14 at 8.23.46 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, now you all have me on a kick. I usually have a small dish of candy, but one of these would be fun.
I'm tacky as hell anyways, might as well embrace it.

>> No.9752968

There are youtube videos of these, just be warned that the controls are pretty shitty and kinda loud. I think decorating machines is a cute idea though!

>> No.9752970

Thanks anon! I was looking under gashapon, which explains why I couldn't find it haha

>> No.9753079

was put on waitlist for the 3rd time in a row for Mtac. why do I even try?

>> No.9753090


Well I think the tip charge is an insane idea. But I don't think people are mad that's she cheap. They're mad shes cheap AND good. Nobody would bat an eye is she was selling her stuff $20 or even higher and sold out, casue then it's like, well shit she's more talented. People are (and I hontestly beavlive this) butthurt that she's making bank on cheap buys of super good art and the "meh" artists can't get their $20 shitty stylized prints sold. If I ever find myself next to this girl I'm going match her prices. I might start just doing that anyway. Free ecomany. I have the right to make my nice bootleg fanart cheap if I want to. everyone should do it. Make AA a hobby thing again, not a life career that supports your living.

>> No.9753091


Wait. So is her design the pin or is her art being turned INTO that pin? Cause that pin is...um...awful. And if she thinks the cute fuzzy cotton candy colored bat stole from her???? Whaaaat???

But post more of this girl. Her drama is amazing! just from these two posts.

>> No.9753100

Dude, one of the artists next to her at A-Kon was Zeiva who has a huge dA following but does mostly originals. The artist on the other side of Melly, iirc, has more followers than Melly on social media and regularly draws in a ton of customers at the cons I've seen her at.

These weren't "meh artists with shitty prints". These were competent artists that have a proven track record. It wasn't a problem of their art not being appealing enough. Their tables were literally blocked off from view because of Melly's crowds and none of the staff members did anything to direct people. Go ahead and lower your prices to $5 the next time you're next to Melly. No one will pay attention to your shit anyway because they won't be able to see your table. And the few sales you will make will STILL be less than if you had met the market price.

I can't believe we're having this argument again, honestly.

>> No.9753104

>Make AA a hobby thing again, not a life career that supports your living.
PLEASE! I'm so mad that I was basically forced to say people could sell fan merch of my comic because they're making so, so much more money than me off of my comic. But you have to support the artists or you become a pariah.

>> No.9753108

What? You could have just said no. Most people understand that indie artists =/= mainstream anime. Don't blame fanartists when you don't have the backbone to protect your own IP.

>> No.9753109

>What? You could have just said no.
Don't be retarded. You don't think I tried that? Even Undertale had to eventually give way to the fan "artists." I can't wait for the AA bubble to burst and all you career AAers to go down with it.

>> No.9753110

Other anon.

Right cause the guy who made Undertale said NO for months and then got so many death threats on him and suicide threats for the artist (not surprising at all) that he finally caved in a said well...I guess...

>> No.9753111

Exactly, thank you. You guys don't even realize how far into your own bullshit you are sometimes. You act like you're entitled to make money off of other people's stuff. At least once a thread, someone asks how to avoid their fan stuff being taken down by Etsy. You come up with these bizarre loopholes just so you can keep making money off of other people's creations. It wasn't a big deal when AAs were small hobby things for people to make a little side cash on. Now people are making thousands of dollars off of AAs.

>> No.9753114

>Make AA a hobby thing again, not a life career that supports your living.

One of my AA friends who does it for a living I think is slowly killing herself. Besides her being UBER stressed about her prints/charms/pins coming in on time and not damaged, she's just always worried about what the next big thing is and when that slightly better artist is going to come in and push her to the side. But I guess she can't just give it up and go find a normal artist job cause this makes her money. But damn, that girl has some bags under her eyes and white hairs.

>> No.9753117

Uh, and the creators of Homestuck, Welcome to Nightvale, Night in the Woods, and Cuphead have all stood by in their no-fanart sales policy and still continue to do so.

>>9753109 You yourself mentioned that you don't make a lot of money on your comic and now you're comparing yourself to Undertale? lmao get a grip

>> No.9753120

>have all stood by in their no-fanart sales policy and still continue to do so

But that doesn't stop people from selling them in AAs, you know that right? I was buying something in AA and the booth next to me had a Night Vale yaoi print of the two main guys? And someone told the person running the booth "I don't think you can have art for that?" And he said, cause I'm sure he gets that a hundred times every day "Nah it's fine, the creator gave me permission, I asked!" The girls left and I was like oooo you smooth mother fucker, you ain't ask nobody for nothing. But that pleased the passer buyers. You think they reported him? No. You think he got permission? No. You think he's going to be keep sell stuff that's he's, quote unquote, not allowed to? Yes you retards of course.

>> No.9753123

>You yourself mentioned that you don't make a lot of money on your comic and now you're comparing yourself to Undertale? lmao get a grip

I think they meant that the fan art is getting more attention. WHICH BY THE WAY! I remember the guy who made that music video for Mystery Skulls, Ghost (pink haired skeleton, you remember) said the same thing and didn't "let" people make fan art for about a year, before he said ok and got all legal papers in order on his end. He still doesn't allow fan merch (though I've seen it) unless he's signed off on it. I think there's a pretty good official shirt floating around at random vendors.

>> No.9753126

Stop larping as an AA artist.

>> No.9753128

Not those anons, but just explain your reasoning to your fans that you can't afford to allow fanmerch when you're still a small creator. Your actual fans will understand, the rest you wouldn't want following you anyway. Or talk to the artists you've found selling your characters directly.

>You think they reported him?
Did you? It doesn't sound like it. Contact AA heads about that shit, most conventions respect creators' fanmerch policies and will do something about it. Otherwise you're part of the problem just silently watching.

>> No.9753136

>Did you?
No. Of course not, I'm at an anime con to chill and have fun. I'm not about to waste my time with that.

>>Otherwise you're part of the problem just silently watching.
That's what I'm saying. You guys in here think everyone in AA is a white knight of some sorts. Nobody cares. I don't and I'm one of hundreds of thousands of attendees.

>>Not those anons, but just explain your reasoning to your fans
Again, you're white knighting the situation. But Anon, you will say, not EVERYONE is a huge asshole like you and will be respectful and blah blah blah blah. Explain to your fans??? Are you serious? Tell me you're not serious.

>> No.9753150
File: 43 KB, 564x376, 669f09b118219139005e4e84b578359d--transformers-comics-robots_sarah_stone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your actual fans will understand, the rest you wouldn't want following you anyway.
>Explain to your fans??? Are you serious? Tell me you're not serious.

Hey, remember when Sarah Stone made some amazing fan art pieces of kissing transformers? Remember how IDW noticed her on Tumblr and then asked her to be the first Transformers female lead artist and make the whole Wing Blade saga herself? Remember when her followers scared her so bad that they would find her and kill her if she ever drew robots again cause they didn't like the fact she was connected to dem kissing gay robots? Remember when she had to quit being a professional artists for Marvel and now draws Overwatch and Bloodborne fan art instead and starts away from drawing mecha?

Yeah, fans are great.

>> No.9753152

>I hate it when people sell merch of my IP
>Hey anon, have you ever tried telling them to stop?
>Pfft of course not why would I do something silly like that, what do you mean make things clear for everyone and actively protect my IP
No cure for stupidity, I guess.

>> No.9753155

Plenty of fans that were made aware of the creators' stance on AA helped them out by going around letting staff know about that shit. Look at Bendy and the ink machine, Homestuck, NitW, etc. Even if you don't believe it, there are loads of artists who rely on their fans (reporting art theft, reposting, impersonation). I'm sorry you had such a shit experience with your own, but communities can be a great tool for indie creators. I never said "everyone in AA is a white knight", I just told you that actual fans will help, which they will, if you fucking ask.

Make your policy accessible, and if you have enough fans who give a fuck about your work they'll help you out. If the fanartist isn't respectful enough to stop selling, ask fans to report at the con or let you know who the artists are and send out C&D letters since you have that ability as the creator if you're that serious.

>> No.9753156

So you didn't even report them and you're salty about it? Most of us actually report things to con heads when they violate rules, so... it just sounds like you didn't do your part?

What exactly are you even proposing here? How are you gonna even enforce a lower market price? What are you gonna do, ask AAs to set standard prices for what everyone sells? That's fucking ludicrous.

Stop being salty because you didn't have the spine to put your foot down.

>> No.9753158

Well no, I mean it's not *MY* IP. I meant I wasn't going to bother reporting someone else for taking someone else's IP, which is what I am assuming artists in these AAs think people go around doing. That's what I meant by white knighting. If it was my IP, well, I wouldn't know what to do to stop small fish in big AA ponds that go state to state selling my merch without me to catch them.

Like everything else on the internet, I could see a tweet from someone I follow with a warning like, "These people are stealing my art! Don't buy from them in AAs", but honestly I see so many of those, that if I were to come up to the theif's booth at a con, month and months later, I wouldn't remember that tweet and by the art.

Guess that's just how AA's and the world works now.

>Please don't steal my fanart :3
>Lol ok. <3
>Steals it anyways and sells it. ;)

Ha, as I type that, I remember about ten years ago how people on DA were up in arms when other high school artists stole their works or just blatantly traced them. They were just doing it to get followers and favs on the piece as just a status/popularity thing. Now people do it and turn hundreds if not thousands of dollars in profit. Oh how the times change.

>> No.9753159

>equating tracing to fanart
Like the other anon said - no cure for stupidity, I guess.

>> No.9753163

>Please don't steal my fanart :3
>Lol ok. <3
>Steals it anyways and sells it. ;)
When has this ever been okay lol. See milkybreads for an example of what happens to artists who do this. Also, people do go around reporting IP infringement contrary to what you believe. You don't even need everyone to do it, just one whistle-blower is enough, so your comment that "not everyone in AA is a whitenight" is irrelevant.

>> No.9753164

>I wouldn't know what to do to stop small fish in big AA ponds that go state to state selling my merch without me to catch them.

I'm not a fan of Undertale at all. I played it once when it came out, never beat it, and then stood in the side lines as the horror of the fandom built up and grew. I did however see how Toby (was that Toby, or is Toby the F.N.A.F guy? I don't remember) made all those posts of Please NO fan merch at the beginning. He may have caved in, but when I see Undertale stuff at AA's give them a healthy glare. I wouldn't buy them, as I said, not really a fan, but if I was a fan, I wouldn't buy them anyway. I guess it's just because in the back of my head I know the original artist REALLY didn't want fan merch. I don't go around reporting booths, but they won't be getting my money, that's for sure.

>> No.9753171
File: 253 KB, 1820x860, Icantthinkofanythingforthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys. GUYS. While we bicker about this, let's take a moment to look at what a gift AA has given us today.

>> No.9753175
File: 923 KB, 500x490, QuestionableUnhappyHornedtoad-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No. Nononononono.

>> No.9753185
File: 117 KB, 660x1000, 1494307992431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lol I looked at the pic and was like 'a table full of pot holders, what's so bad about-' and then I looked at the text

>> No.9753186


How in the hell is something like this allowed?

>> No.9753188

Why is there a sign that says "touch me"??? That's unhygienic as fuck.

>> No.9753189
File: 55 KB, 736x736, pokemon-realistic-pokemon-stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not having a Lickatoung as a pattern.

The fools!

>> No.9753199

>tips to first-timers
Don't over order, work your way up and figure out what's the demand for your inventory.

Start with cheap things (prints, stickers) and work your way up to more expensive things (enamel pins, etc) so you don't go broke if your things don't sell.

>> No.9753221

I honestly don’t get what this comes up so much. It is entirely up to the IP holder yes but jfc, you guys are aware of why fan art, doujin, and Comikdt are so huge in Japan right? How and why it makes IP holders a shit ton of money?

>> No.9753231

Anyone else see that spicy SegaMew dramas on AAIN?

>> No.9753239

But anon, you must have a VENDETTA against her if you're bringing her up in here!

>> No.9753241

Yeah but fanartists in Japan don't typically charge high prices to turn a profit on their merch, they cover just enough to cover the costs of making it, and are usually in it to spread their goods to other fans.

AA in west is an entirely different beast, and I'm sure even Japanese IP holders aren't cool with fan artists making several thousand dollars off their franchises when they have official merch to compete with fans to limited amounts of money to go around. Why buy an official print that goes to the companies that make it when you can pay an artist for a fan print with none of that income seen by them?

>> No.9753245

Someone correct me if I'm wrong about this, but isn't this why scalpers/resellers make more than the original circle or IP holder if a doujin item is incredibly popular? Because it wasn't priced at a rate that would be unappealing to scalpers but still within the price range that a fan is willing to pay?

>> No.9753259
File: 137 KB, 1280x960, FB_IMG_1516011955153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"That's racist" is the spicy drama you were talking about?

Because that's all the drama there is here.

Otherwise just a cash grab for a shitty Reddit meme.

>> No.9753370

You're missing the point. We're all arguing that western AA needs to be more like Japanese doujin. Shit like rubber straps, acrylic keychains, enamel pins, etc. being sold at super high markups intended to make a huge profit, people asking what series to make art for for the most money, how to avoid getting your online art sales taken down by licensing companies like Funimation/Aniplex- that's not how the Japanese fan markets are set up. I don't know how it ever got to this point.

>> No.9753379

Waitlisted for momocon ;_;7

>> No.9753431

Omfg the AAIN is so gross sometimes lol. I mean if it had been a Goku traced over that Jackie Chan meme and the caption mocked his accent like, ‘Ching chong insert meme quote here’ people might see where the black folks are coming from about the damn Uganda meme.

Like at the end of the day, it doesn’t strike anyone as intentionally racist or w/e so you can just argue the intent is what matters, sure. I get that. People can post w/e they want! I’m not saying it should be silenced or w/e it’s just — how they handled it lol? Like go there and read their 70 comments of self congratulating cat pics and claims that the mods are angels and that mean ole’ party pooping black guy that pointed out it was racist (AFTER someone asked, not unprompted) and ‘ruined the fun’.

Like okay? I don’t know it just feels like everyone there is such an uwu idiot.

>> No.9753459

Same... OTL

>> No.9753490

well, I got into momo-con, but waitlisted for mtac and hama. Idk why hamacon waitlisted me, this would be my 4th year. Its a small local con too....

>> No.9753505

Surprise! At least three artists that are _always_ at MTAC magically made it back in again.

>> No.9753512


My skin just literally crawled.

>> No.9753515

Are comic conventions good for selling anime/video game art? Or would that be like shooting yourself on the foot.

>> No.9753531

Video game stuff does better at comic cons. It also depends on the con. Some "comic" cons attract a general nerd audience which will have weebs in it, but then you've got places like Heroescon that have a nice old school feel and I would probably avoid if you're not doing anything related to American or indie comic books.

>> No.9753545

no. I sold a variety of stuff at a small comic focused con and I didn't any any anime leaning items. Video game stuff will sell though.

>> No.9753552

salty af that this got in and I got waitlisted

>> No.9753556

I got waitlisted for Momo but I'm secretly glad because if i got accepted I'd have to pay right away and I want to hold out to see if i get into Fanime or not before i make the decision to go to Momocon.

I'm glad that they gave us like a ballpark ranking system in the waitlist emails though. I was told that I have a very high chance of getting off the waitlist.

>> No.9753594

I got waitlisted, but was told I was at a higher position as well. Kind of wondering if they told everyone that lmfao.

>> No.9753605

Same here. This is the wording they used on mine: "(...)we are letting you know that you are at a higher position on the waiting list for 2018. We do not, however, estimate that we will get through enough of the waitlist for the event based on past history and statistics of cancellation to reach your entry (traditionally we do not have very many cancellations)."

Is it different for any of you?

>> No.9753608

Thanks for the input! I was actually looking at Heroescon, so it's good to know it is more of a traditional comic con. I have more gaming than anime art, but no traditional comic/indie comic stuff.

>> No.9753621

Nope, mine is a lot more optimistic: "...We are letting you know that your waitlist standing is very high. Based on the average number of cancellations we have received in the past, it is likely that we will reach out to you about an available table in the near future."

>> No.9753624 [DELETED] 

word for word. lol. I don't blame them for mass sending, but if that's the case why pretend they're being transparent?

>> No.9753625

i got the same one
iit sucks that im not as high up, but like im glad at least not EVERYONE got the same email

>> No.9753631
File: 552 KB, 600x1200, momocon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guys do a cursory Twitter search for screencaps before you start complaining about stuff like this? Or check with some friends or something? People actually did get different emails based on waitlist ranking.

Like the other anon, I was also told my standing is "very high" and I have a good chance of getting off the waitlist.

>> No.9753699

I'l pay someone ten millions dollars to post to that thread and say "No offense, but that is the grossest thing I have ever seen."

>> No.9753735

Fuck it, I'll do it. Gimme your PP email and I'll send an invoice. I also accept crypto.

>> No.9753746
File: 1.08 MB, 1280x1182, tumblr_odqksxcJk91vg3n1jo4_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since someone brought up milkybreads and this is something I've been thinking about in general, where do you draw the line between inspiration and copying?
I personally don't find the bottom left example in pic related to be copying, and I don't think it would have been given a second glance if MB wasn't blatantly stealing other works left and right.

However, I've seen a lot of call outs for this kind of stuff, and it makes me nervous to post some of my work online because I've definitely ran with themes I saw others depicting. I try to cite my refs and inspiration when relevant, but I'm paranoid as shit when it comes to plagiarism and art theft.

>> No.9753765

Yeah those are a bit tricky. Based on what I’m seeing, they seem to have a decent grasp of some basic fundamental art skills but like — that cat one on the left was def traced.

>> No.9753769

Sorry I meant the on the right*

>> No.9753775


All I can think of it's "copying" of "other copies" of fanart which do not belong to individuals. If it's not an original IP, you have no grounds.

>> No.9753788


And to add to this (same anon) people aren't mad that their art is getting copied or stolen for the sake of ART. It pisses them off because they might be missing out on followers/a large audience to sell their fanart prints to.

>> No.9753793

Legally sure. Still think any tracing of someone else’s work for a profit under false pretenses is gross but that’s just my opinion. Nothing I can do about it but call them shitty people.

>> No.9753795

I mean, yeah. *Shrugs*

>> No.9753804


I semi-agree with this, only because I've had two piece of my art stolen and reblogged under false tumblrs and Instagrams and I reacted very differently to them. One was fanart, one was my original. You can imagine I got 100% more mad and fought a lot harder to get my IP taken down than the fanart piece. Human hubris, I suppose?

>> No.9753805

Art theft is still art theft regardless of who holds the IP rights. If you did something transformative with the work (i.e. - original pose, interpreted characters in your own style, etc) and someone copies the specific transformations that you made that's still theft of your art. This is like saying all the people Jeanette Hayes ripped off shouldn't complain because none of them own Sailor Moon. I'm not saying that the examples that anon linked for milkybreads is definitely the case of art theft (other than the cat on the right yeah, that does look traced) but speaking in general, you're being willfully ignorant.

And do you think people with original IP get mad for the "sake of ART" when places like Zara and Kohl's steal their art and sell to mass market? No. Exposure and potential profit is clearly a big part of it regardless of whether you do original art or fanart. Get your head out of your ass.

>> No.9753806

Maybe I follow too many young, trigger happy artists on tumblr and twitter, but I've seen at least 3 callouts in the last few months for art or art style theft when either the "copycat" or neither of the artists sold works.

>> No.9753808

Tfw a friend wants to start tabling because she is frustrated with school. Anybody has a chance I believe, but it annoys me when people think this is an easy fun job and make bank instantly. This isn’t gonna be any easier than school.

>> No.9753815

>This isn’t gonna be any easier than school.

>Learn to draw (not even well).
>Learn math, science, art, English, secondary language, economics, and take tests that determine your fate and the rest of your life.


>> No.9753822

I mean, sure, if AA was only about learning to draw. But it's about running and managing a profitable small business in a saturated niche market..

>> No.9753829

Maybe I'm shit at drawing, but drawing's far more intensive and unintuitive to learn than studying academic subjects for me.

>> No.9753832

I speak four languages and have a good grasp on social studies and sciences, but my art still sucks.

>> No.9753834

I’m all for calling out art theives but, have any of you ever seen someone who is either not an artist or is a beginner artist who doesn’t really know what they’re talking about yet, call someone out who clearly did NOT trace? And try to ruin their reputation? I saw it once on Tumblr and was so upset for the artist cuz I haaate art theives as much as the next person but some people are just too ignorant to tell the difference between tracing and just similar posing/themes?

>> No.9753849

art school or high school or unart college subjects?

>> No.9753851

This image stirred up some unncecessary drama, imo. Luxjii is clearly very influenced by some of their peers, but it's not a traced work.

>> No.9753857

I don't consider a certain pose to be special in any way.
meh, I hated college with a passion and dropped out to do AA full time. worked for me.

>> No.9753863

This happened to me 8 years ago on LJ. Will never forget. It bled over to offline harassment too at cons. And the person who did it could not draw worth shit, but thought she could.

Also, purely print artists who AREN'T famous/popular, how much money do you usually make at a 3 day con with around 3k attendees? Trying to figure out if traveling to smaller cons is worth it for me as I'd need a hotel.

>> No.9753877

I’m like intermediate level and not famous, made about $600 at two local cons between 1,000-3,000 attendees.

>> No.9753878

what's your long term plans? are you gonna table till retirement? not bitchy, just curious

>> No.9753883

(Same anon)

Personally I wouldn’t travel more than 4 hours and stay in a hotel for smol cons. Did it once and the profit was only $200.

But everyone is different! Like I said I’d only consider myself intermediate level anyway.

>> No.9753891

I'll often heavily reference a pose from a photo, but in my opinion taking from another piece of artwork is over the line. And even then, any one of these viewed on its own could probably be brushed off, but when it's happening so often from the same artist, it's pretty obvious that they can't all be coincidences.

Of course nobody's going to jail for copying someone else's Voltron fanart, but I hope for their own sake they grow out of it.

>> No.9753896

i’m a print-postcard-button based artist with a small/medium online following (600 on instagram, many are my friends though) and the cons where i live are 1-4K. I usually walk away with $1500-1900 gross.

>> No.9753913
File: 242 KB, 500x661, tumblr_p0unt77zZd1urpryuo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped my image and didn't realize like a dumbass.

>> No.9753915

no specific plans. I mostly sell cosplay accessory type stuff, so I plan on just expanding and make new things.

>> No.9753926 [DELETED] 

>I mean if it had been a Goku traced over that Jackie Chan meme and the caption mocked his accent like, ‘Ching chong insert meme quote here’ people might see where the black folks are coming from about the damn Uganda meme.
I'm Chinese, and wouldn't give a single shit. I think people who are personally offended by the "racism" Knuckles meme are too sensitive as well. However, it's also a stupid meme with nothing humorous about it anyways, and people seem to really want to force it on people that ARE offended by it. Like just because you don't agree with people's outrage doesn't mean you should be an ass about it? You can create things that people won't agree with ("problematic" shit flies in AAs all the time) but what upsets me is blatant unprofessionalism and a lack of respect towards those with a different point of view.

Sage for rambling.

>> No.9753940

you mean frustrated with art school?


>> No.9753945

For those of you who sell pillows, do you sell them stuffed? Do you think it'd be acceptable to sell them unstuffed? I know it might ruin the fun of "at con satisfaction" but I'm not sure I'll be able to lug all that stuffing.

>> No.9753948

you do know that the Ugandan Knuckles meme is really fucking racist right? Like the whole thing is.

>> No.9753958

Same. University is such a breeze for me and it's always been. I've never put half the work into school that I do into AA, and I'm graduating with a 4.1 with an additional two minors. AA is mentally and emotionally taxing and probably one of the hardest things I've ever done.

Basically fully print artist here. I'd pull around 2.5k-5k depending on the type of con. Definitely on the lower end if it's the kind with a very young audience since they go for the cheaper and "cuter" types of merch like keychains and buttons, which I don't have.

>> No.9753971

You can always pick some up at a Walmart or craft store near the convention. Last time I ran out last minute, I went to a target and bought some 2$ pillows. You can fill about 3 pillows using the stuffing from one of Targets cheapo pillows, and they're less of a pain in the ass to carry around than the boxed polyfill you get from Joann's.

Personally, I would be much less likely to buy an unstuffed pillow at a convention. And looking from the perspective of a normie customer who isn't into crafts, they may not even know how to fill it themselves. If you can bring your own stuffing and fill your pillows up for your costumers, I think you'll have an easier time making sales!

>> No.9753983

It's also about artist integrity. I'm glad she's thinking of her audiences and how some people are straight broke but deserve some happiness in their lives through a few extra dollars discount or whatever. She's obviously trying to support other artists by saying that people can use this tip jar money, but at the end of the day, she should recognize it does more harm than good.

A lot of AA artists are also professionally looking for jobs through their art, this kind of underselling is exactly what causes "can you do this for the exposure" type environment. If Melly wants to be a Real Humanitarian, she can do it online through her store or something, but it's etiquette to NOT do this at AAs...

>> No.9753997

This seems too close for comfort. I think she could've definitely used the originals as inspos, but this looks like copying. I think similar themes are alright. I'm seeing this with alot of Devilman fanart right now, but it's also really easy to tell how individually they all stand out.

While it's difficult to say "hey please don't trace/copy work like this" to new artists though, because I did/and still do notice a lot of young artists who start drawing because of mookie or viria fanart and mimick their styles until they get a better grasp on anatomy/stylizations/framing etc. Milkybread is probably in the middle of that and should start pushing more towards experimenting with her own styles/framing imo.

>> No.9753998

Honest question, how do you get above a 4.0 in uni? I thought only high schools did that bullshit weighting. At my alma mater an A+ is still just a 4, like a straight A.

>> No.9754006

I sell large pillows unstuffed, but anything that is about the size of a small airplane pillow or plush I stuff but bring a small amount of pre-stuffed and then I just do a run to a craftstore for more stuffing for the ones I bring unstuffed. They are the priciest item at my table in general, so I don't sell too many of them honestly and I try to be clear that I'm only bringing a limited amount at AAs.

>> No.9754009

Do we have the same friend? I've had a friend who recently wanted to try AA, and has been mooching off me for supplies. She's going to try her first solo AA without me this summer at a college con and I'm honestly a little excited to watch her realize how much money she took for granted from me. I'm doing a con the same weekend and I'm excited to tell her no, she can't use my stands or little merch extras etc.

>> No.9754013

Any advice for me? I was really desperate to make some AA friends and tried to get a bunch of my friends to join AAs with me but now I feel like I'm doing a lot of the legwork-researching and reccing merchandisers, posting when AA apps go up etc. I know I brought this on myself, but I'm pretty exhausted with spoonfeeding them when we're all beginners...

>> No.9754023

My school allows for professors to award a 4.33 for an A+ if you get above 100% (through extra credit). Also, I'm going to Law School, and the LSAC that standardizes all law school applications considers an A+ on your transcript to be a 4.33, regardless of whether or not your university considers it a 4.0 or a 4.33, so that's the number that really matters. Weighting seems to be considered the standard, not the exception, in these types of situations.

Is it kinda arbitrary bullshit? Eh sure. Lots of students applying for grad school get screwed when they realize that some people that went to a +/- school have an advantage over their straight A transcript. But a lot of universities do allow above-4.0s.

>> No.9754025

>She's obviously trying to support other artists
On the contrary, it seems to me more of an obvious slap in the face to everyone that's commented to her about her prices. Sort of like "I get the money is important to you, I'm just going to remind you how little of a shit I give about that and literally give away all the money I made that you didn't make."

>> No.9754037

dont do it. they need to do their own shit.

sink or swim matey.

>> No.9754057

'lower spot on the wait list' for Momo, oh well.
also got wait listed for MTAC.
got into Mecha, Tekko and Metro though, so FCFS is being v good to me.

>> No.9754105

Got into momo for the first time and wondering if it's worth doing over fanime or animazement.
I hear very mixed reviews about momo sales wise.

>> No.9754107

I'd do Fanime over Momo... but when will Fanime actually release their acceptances?

How long is Momo giving you to pay for your table? Hopefully Fanime results will be out by then.

>> No.9754113

They're sending out payment info tommorow so I'll know by then, hopefully they give us a few weeks to pay so that maybe in that time we'll hear back from fanime...

>> No.9754143

This happened to me when I started out, and it blew up spectacularly when I got sick of it and told them to handle their own shit. Let's just say they never did AA again after I stopped helping them.

You'll either get to that point or your friends will actually step up and handle their own shit, or you'll be their bitch if you decide not to confront them. Your choice because the likelihood of them suddenly changing is the lowest probability in this scenario.

>> No.9754160

Just depends. Me, along with about 5 other artists were shafted majorly by being put in a hidden corner away from the other artists. I didn't make too much money from that con because of that.

>> No.9754164

What do you draw mostly, if you don't mind me asking.

>> No.9754218

My partner and I just hummed and hawed over what we'd describe our shit as. Original stuff (animal/nature related), 90s western series and she's a furry also makes small costume pieces and sculptures? mainly not anime OR comics, basically.

>> No.9754238

Is it theft to reverse-engineer those little postcard display stands from places like cleardisplay? They're really nice, but they're so pricey to get shipped and I have access to the tools to make them. I don't have one irl to work off of, but I have a basic idea of how they work and could construct it based on the images. I don't know how much of that could be considered copyright infringement though, and how much couldn't be considered that since it seems like a lot of companies have the same basic design.

>> No.9754241

Are you planning on selling them? If the answer is no, then go ahead and reverse engineer it. Plenty of people do that with other AA display pieces.

>> No.9754283

Interesting. I also got thrown on the way low wait list, and my art is nature/fantasy related original stuff, and my fanart is 95% 90s anime. Do you think they are interested in fotm art, or do we just suck hard lol

>> No.9754321

No idea dude! Tumblr and insta followings say we don't suck, but maybe we're just not what the AA heads are looking for?

>> No.9754407

Buying a button maker for the first time! What size buttons do you typically buy? I’m an itabagger so I personally like 1.5-2inch sizes. I guess it depends on the art, but I don’t mind buying the differently sized dies in the future. Just trying to decide which first one I should get.

>> No.9754675

That's not theft at all. It's a generic design made with generic materials.

>> No.9754678

BIG buttons. Everyone is all about the cute star and heart shaped buttons, so the normal round ones need to be as obnoxious as possible, unless you are making a set. Then the 2 inch ones will do just fine.

>> No.9754680

I'd definitely say it depends on the art, but usually if I like an artist's product enough to buy it I really want to show it off! I'd only buy 1 inch buttons of really simple or stylistic art. I think 1.5 is a happy medium and a nice small price point still, but if you've got a detailed and/or painterly style I at least would prefer the surface area that shows it off. If it's more simple I think 1.5 would be enough. I think most won't mind the extra dollar or so for a bigass button though.

>> No.9754696
File: 55 KB, 457x381, miku ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here frequent this blog?

I loved Artist-Confessions back when it was in full force, but this new one is fucking boring and irritating to navigate.

>> No.9754733

1.5 is the size I always gravitate to. 2 inch buttons just feel way too big.

>> No.9754821

So I've never done AX before, and I was able to sign up this year. Regarding the Artist Alley Form, does it make any difference whether I submit it the day it goes up, or right before the deadline, March 1st? Artist Alley packet says "Submit completed Artist Alley Forms early to ensure eligibility to receive a table assignment." Can anyone clarify what this means?

>> No.9754876

10+yrs veterans get first pick of tables before us commoners.

after that the tables get filled as the artist forms are completed, meaning the sooner you complete the form the closer your table is to the entrance.

>> No.9754907

I see. So, was anyone able to send in the form today, or was it a no-go for everyone that tried?

>> No.9754969

it's not fucking racist it was based off a meme from a movie. The producers of said movie have approved of the meme.

For something to be racist it has to degrade the race and put them below them. This is no different from Apu from the Simpsons.

Can these memes become racist? Yes if used by someone with the intent to degrade Ugandan people, however what people are currently doing - harmless trolling, is not

>> No.9754975

I really don't think this needs to be discussed but the meme itself isn't racist- the people using it to make really bad "African" accents, jokes about how "Ebola is the wei" and other literally racist jokes are racist. It started as movie references, now it's fedoras being racist, like you said- the meme has become racist. Sage for OT

>> No.9755017

Does anybody used NyanFire for anything but printing doujin? I was looking for printing clear stickers but it seems like they took down the option.

>> No.9755020

>This is no different from Apu from the Simpsons.

You know there's a whole recent documentary by an Indian man about how Apu is racist and harmful, right? And that the Simpsons claims it's going to actively work on that particular depiction in response to the documentary?

>> No.9755024
File: 102 KB, 575x1024, DTtB09bW0AA_BoK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little update on past drama from here: >>9731835
The artist in question just posted [pic related] on Twitter (@gghostspacess).

>> No.9755057

is someone going to heroescon and is looking for a tablemate?

>> No.9755093

rac·ist: showing or feeling discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or believing that a particular race is superior to another.

please do explain how the meme fits into that definition.

>> No.9755124

>i've been thinking about how i am always joking about the things that hurt me
She's either hella manipulative or just fucking dense. How was she hurt by using her friend's work in her portfolio? What a non-apology.

>> No.9755129

She clearly has no remorse; that much was apparent from the first round of this bs.
Honestly I almost hope someone steals her art.

Anyone else going to Ohayo? It's my first year and also my first time attending a con with a no fanart policy.

>> No.9755139
File: 520 KB, 640x1080, 1507849893181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judging by her comics, words, and actions, she's just really freaking dense. She has zero self-awareness, and I'm genuinely surprised that someone so blissfully ignorant of others' feelings still has friends. I buy her stuff (regardless of her shaky moral compass) because I like her style and her "crimes" haven't been so severe that I'd hate to support her, but I wouldn't want to be her friend. It may be a stretch but I feel that her comics are really telling of where her virtues lie, and I'm always left feeling empty and numb at the stories' ends. She has no substance. She's a flat, two-dimensional void of a person. Her comics give me a weird feeling reminiscent of quietly drowning deep depression.

She gives me a bizarrely uncomfortable feeling overall.

>> No.9755163

okay but for years no one raised an issue with Apu, simpsons never painted apu in a negative or derogative light, stereotypical sure. simpsons initial intent was not to create a character they could degrade and put homer in a better light.

>> No.9755198


One of the origin stories for Apu's voice (by a white guy btw) was that someone told him to make it as racist as possible. The documentary is made by an Indian man working in Hollywood who is explaining why the stereotyping of Indians as a result of characters like Apu is still hurting his actual career and the careers of many Indians and Indian-Americans in Hollywood. You can argue the definition all you want but if an Indian is saying "this is harmful to Indians because..." then maybe shut the fuck up and listen.

I'm >>9755020 and I don't even know this sonic meme, just pointing out why Apu is not the best example of a non racist thing. Also if black people are saying it's racist, maybe it's racist.

Polite sage.

>> No.9755207

how about the ugandan knuckles- the movie makers approve of the meme but there was 1 or 2 twitters of ugandan artists saying they dont like it and its racist

who do we side with in that case

>> No.9755219

If they aren't even going to put in the effort to research I doubt they'll put in the effort to actually do a con. Stop spoon feeding and see if they actually are motivated enough to do anything themselves.

>> No.9755228


I mean, this is my personal opinion, but I'd side with the people who feel hurt by it, because they're still being hurt by it. It reminds me of the cases of whitewashing Japanese characters in Hollywood movies, where Asian-Americans were complaining about it but Japanese people were saying it's fine, and lots of people trotted that out as an excuse for why whitewashing is okay. Japanese people living in Japan weren't being harmed by it, but Asian-Americans who can't get acting jobs and rarely see themselves in mainstream American media were and are. I don't know enough about this specific situation to know whether there is a class difference between the movie makers and the artists, or some other circumstance that could affect why some say it's fine when others don't, but I'd rather err on the side of caution. Even if people in the same group disagree, it's important to respect it when some of them say it's harmful to them. Ultimately, it's better not to hurt people, I would think.

If it was just some white American teens on Tumblr saying it's racist, then I might feel differently, but since you say it's actual Ugandan artists saying it, I think it's fair to back down. Is this meme that important?

>> No.9755249

nayrt, I wanna hear more about this. You say that her work makes you feel uncomfortable but you still buy it? Do you just skip buying her comics or are you ok with the discomfort her stories bring?

Like I know that for myself I only want to be surrounded by things that captivate me and bring me serenity, so hearing the opposite's completely piqued my curiosity. And of course this translates into the work I do, I want to have something interesting to say but still invoke a feeling of beauty and fulfillment rather than emptiness.

>> No.9755260

Your comment made me curious after having never seen or read any of this artists' work, so I went and looked her up
Holy shit you're right,
> a weird feeling reminiscent of quietly drowning deep depression
that is exactly what her comics feel like.

>> No.9755382

Japanese american anon here popping in about the accent stuff. Personally I see it as racist to mock an accent in a clearly negatively comedic way based on bs stereotypes. Japanese people in Japan make up 99% of the population and are very unlikely to experience the kind of mockery I dealt with growing up here. So yeah. The meme seems pretty stupid and racist to me. But I’ve also been ‘ching chong’ ed at enough in my life to be a bit sensitive to it. (and by sensitive I mean it just pisses me off.)

>> No.9755448
File: 609 KB, 500x435, miserable.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I buy all of her comics! As strange as it is, I like comics that remind me of my worst times when I'm in a better time. Her comics are (unfortunately) relatable and vague enough that I'm not plunged into drowning myself yet still reminded in a way that motivates me to be better and make me never want to look back. I'd hazard a guess that she's in the "numb" stage of depression. The stage where you've been battling (and losing to) the illness for so long that you end up going into a protective passive state (because it's better than actively wanting to die), thus losing all the interests you once had. You end up losing so much of what makes you "you" and it results in you being a blank void of a person. There's no passion, no hope. There's no substance to her being because she's so low that it's now just basic survival instinct that keeps her going.

At least, that's how it was for me.
...I hope she gets better.

>> No.9755458
File: 135 KB, 407x396, mioo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to add: this kind of stuff isn't what I exclusively read. I fucking love Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun, Nichijou, and other comedies. Her stuff is a rare bitter snack. Comedies are my main meals. Inspiring stories (FFXV, FMA:Brotherhood, LotR, MP100, etc.) are occasional treats since they get me really emotional, and I can't handle that intensity most times.

>> No.9755558

>Also if black people are saying it's racist, maybe it's racist.
I can say it is raining outside on a clear day, doesn't mean it is raining.

> I see it as racist to mock an accent in a clearly negatively comedic

luckily, thats not what the knuckles meme is doing.

>> No.9755661

Is there a way to not respond/reply to Facebook messages on your business page and still keep your response rate up without banning the person?

I have a friend of a friend who is driving me nuts with sending my art page messages, but I don't want to block him to avoid drama with my friend. I'd rather just ignore and hope he gets the message. Will simply viewing the message count as a response?

>> No.9755689

Thanks for clearing that up! It actually makes a lot more sense now that you've explained it more, and it's very enlightening to hear about your point of view regarding this. By the way, I'm really sorry to hear that you've had to go through that and I'm glad you're in a better place now and continuously working on it.

Interesting that you mention epic/inspirational/emotional things being too intense, as that's what I like seeking out as my primary consumption, but the things I leave on repeat when I work are almost always comedies as well.

>> No.9755732

Lol w/e you say neckbeard. Put away your self-affirming dictionary no one gives a shit.

>> No.9755839

nice bait

>> No.9755843

For those gulls who sell normie shit online, do you have a different store with exclusively non-fandom stuff in it or do you throw it all in together?

I'm worried that trying to sell non-fandom stuff in a store with a bunch of fandom merch will turn people off, but I don't really know how that tends to go. Especially if the original works have a very different style from the fan things or are very different products (i.e. fan merch is like prints, buttons, charms but normie merch is beadwork or other handcrafts).

Worth separating stores, or just keeping everything on one site for simplicity's sake?

>> No.9755927

AnimeMidwest AA sold out in 6 minutes. So glad I'm quick at this shit. It'll be my first time attending, whats the usual crowd like, age-wise?

>> No.9755951

Naw you gotta talk to the Neckbeard-chan in the way that they understand. Here, how about this:

a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

Ooo look neckbeard-chan, a dictionary definition ooo, is it working? Do, you, under-STAND, me?

>> No.9755980

That is your call. If you sell equal parts of normie and fandom, then you might want to split it up, but if it is 80% one or the other, I wouldn't bother.
If the same type of people buy both, i wouldn't separate it.

are you feeling ok? o.o

>> No.9755999
File: 88 KB, 577x812, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know what this is about? people on my tl have been talking about it nonstop

>> No.9756010

Oh yes, I showed it to my wife and I made her giggle ;)

>> No.9756022

someone counted all appearances of goro in the planner and apparently he's only in there 15 times so they feel like they were cheated/lied to or artists "wasted their talents" not drawing him

>> No.9756045

That's pretty stupid, I guess people will complain about anything.

>> No.9756050

People make it sound like it was a bunch of upset fangirls but in there is no tweet at all about it.

>> No.9756089


Isn't that the character that was part of the main squad but fucked them all over in the end? These people have a complex if they don't see why people might not like him much...

>> No.9756105
File: 392 KB, 1279x1165, p5 planner drama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a shitty crop of the main thread, there's probably more in med's mentions but it's also full of people showing her they received the planner

I don't know how many people actually threw a fit about it or just voiced disappointment, but enough that a statement had to be made.

>> No.9756111

Holy shit, that dragyeol person sounds unbearable and entitled. I've never played P5 but google says he's a villain, a traitor, AND a short-term party member, so it doesn't really surprise me artists ended up not including him in their pieces. It seemed like the artists for that project did a ton of work, med especially.

>> No.9756117
File: 135 KB, 720x828, IMG_20180117_220658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL I love how 'not drawing goro' = 'they hate goro', fandom is so fucking stupid sometimes

>> No.9756149

Holy shit this is so dumb. I feel bad for this med person. "Screen" people? Like what, "hey we can't include you in this project if you don't wanna draw x character, ur talented but no can do" what the fuck?

"It's just a waste of their talent to let their bias towards a character affect their work..." bitch in what way????? a) just because they preferred to draw another character doesn't mean they're biased against another; b) how the heck would a bias affect the quality of their work; c) what the fuck does them drawing a certain character have anything to do with their talent?

Sorry, this just makes me so mad lol.

>> No.9756150

as much as dragyeol is an idiot, that med reply was not professional and fed the idiot troll bait lol

>> No.9756370
File: 197 KB, 1301x911, IMG_9902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about selling master studies with slight alteration? I know parody of art and anime happen but I don't see any of the artists style in this. Kind of similar to the pop team epic upthread

>> No.9756437

I'd be all for having 'genuine art' but with weeb twists. It's something I could put up on the wall and guests wouldn't really look twice at it compared to obviously weeb shit.

>> No.9756471

To me this falls pretty clearly under parody. Like the Tangled concept art that parodies The Swing

>> No.9756575

at least they are borrowing from good art that is out of copyright instead of someone's teen titans prints

>> No.9756805

She probably does have deep seated depression/self image issues considering her adult career/education has been built on lies and stealing. If I got cheated to get into school, cheated to pass school, cheated to make money, and lied about it all for years, I'd feel pretty hollow and worthless, too. Especially since art is "her passion," not some dumb subject she doesn't actually give a fuck about.
Newsflash, success doesn't feel as good when you don't earn the things you have.

>> No.9756990


Yeah I agree. Old images like this eventually become public domain. So people could even just like... use them with zero alterations. I know some crafters go for public domain images for their resin work. Like putting an old portrait in a resin bezel or whatever. Its fine with me. Better than stealing modern artwork.

>> No.9757086


>> No.9757156

I love shit like this, usually. There's at least one AA artist who's made it like her ENTIRE schtick though, putting different anime characters into different paintings, and I always side-eye her booth.

>> No.9757157

How did she cheat to make money? I remember her cheating thread but I got bored by the art school part to read the whole thing

>> No.9757194

is it common for vograce to just not respond to a price quote request? it's the third time I'm trying to get a quote, and my messages say "read" but there's no response.

The only reason I could think of why they would ignore me is that my order is too small for them to bother with, but it's 170 charms, so I don't believe that should be the case with me??

What do I have to do to actually get my order in with them?

>> No.9757230

Maybe they're busy and will reply later, or they read it and forgot to reply to it. Just probe them if you need things fast. My first order was like 20 pieces and it got a reply within a day lol.

>> No.9757321

as I said, it's my third time starting a new inquiry over a period of time. this last inquiry i've been poking them once-twice a day, even asking if i'm doing somethign wrong, but there's no response??? I don't understand what is up

>> No.9757323

They could be swamped with orders right now, since they go on vacation soon and everyone's trying to get their stuff in.

>> No.9757342

What makes it okay/not okay for you?

>> No.9757436

How are you contacting them? I had to go through the messenger system on the alibaba app before I got a hold of anyone, and then from there out it's been purely through emails which is infinitely easier. It also helps if you catch them first thing in the morning 10am China/HK time.

>> No.9757581

She completed other people's school projects (essays and art) for money. That shit would have had her thrown out of her college if found out. I know someone who was forced out of school for ghost writing essays. Plagiarism isn't cute or funny.

>> No.9757716
File: 83 KB, 741x862, IMG_2051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asked Fanime if they had a ballpark estimate of when acceptances would be going out, hopefully this ends up being accurate.

>> No.9757721

I hope this is accurate!

>> No.9757725

How are you anons doing on etsy this month? I’ve only made 25 dollars so far...

>> No.9757767

I'm doing very well actually! Nearly double what I did last January.
Dead months happen. Last year, February was my dead month, and the year before that, January was my dead month.

>> No.9757816

is AX jobbing on the forms again or is it just my account?

>> No.9757823

hopefully! I think the past two years, they sent out acceptances late jan-feb

>> No.9758077


Not that anon, but I think it's when it's the person's whole thing, like they don't really seem capable of anything else. In that case it's clear they're a mediocre or even bad artist who is exploiting the fame of the works they're copying, because their own work isn't appealing enough. It doesn't require all that much skill to do that, but somehow people hold them up to a higher standard because it's based on "real art". I hate nothing more than being compared to another artist who has clearly found some hack and told I'm inferior to them because the normie bystanders can't tell the difference in skill. Maybe there's nothing legally wrong with it, but it's definitely a scam and not worth respect.

>> No.9758447
File: 113 KB, 736x911, 1fe9d0099a7cc9e74a3189dd3081a07b--yuri-on-ice-instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It bothers me when it makes up most of an artist's work, like they're just flipping through art books trying to find another painting to drop anime characters into. Starts to feel like another Two Things T-Shirts booth at some point.

The ones I really like are the ones that understand the characters they're using, and put them in a painting in a way that plays on their personalities and relationships. Posting one of my favorites as an example of what I mean.

>> No.9758466

I agree with you that parodies of master paintings definitely land better when the artist brings in the personalities of the characters... but the specific example you linked would bother me to high heavens because it would imply that Viktor is cheating on Yuri with Yurio if we go by like the actual intentions of the original Fragonard piece. The original is meant to have the dude in the bushes getting off to the lady in the swing while her unsuspecting husband pulls on the swing ropes.

I personally really like it when artists also show that they have a basic grasp of art history & the story behind the actual paintings as well.

>> No.9758483

Is that the whole story of it? I knew that the shoe supposedly symbolizes orgasm, which... okay, which also has some troubling connotations when applied to this interpretation. But the image of a fucking ice skate soaring into the air and Yurio's face are so fucking funny to me.

So, again, highly personal, and I never said doing lots of crossovers isn't "okay," it just strikes me as kind of a weak art career plan.

>> No.9758522

I think I know who you're talking about. I always find it hilarious when I table right next to her. Everyone around her has for the most part original compositions and then bam- her stand.

I am fine with parodies once in a while, but her attitude towards other artists around her was not good so I didn't walk away with any good impressions.

>> No.9758549

What did they do to other artists?

>> No.9758799

if we're thinking of the same person, she has a nasty and entitled attitude too. i agree that i think parodies of famous works are fun here and there, but when it's an entire table it just screams "i have no creativity/skill" desu.

>> No.9758954

If it's the same person we're thinking about. She always thinks everyone is copying and stealing ideas from her. Which is pretty hilarious when her whole convention art schtick is based on selling artworks that are based off of other existing artworks.

>> No.9758982

now I'm kind of curious. There is someone making an entire table out of selling anime repaints of master paintings?

Care to drop a hint as to who it is?

>> No.9759003
File: 339 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got the registration map for momo. Can someone help me figure out where the entrance is? I want to make sure I'm in a good spot before I commit.

>> No.9759012

anon, learn to read. you don't get to choose your own spot.

>> No.9759021
File: 160 KB, 880x639, 30EF5E8B-595E-4B54-B38A-43D6FD93536D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’re probably talking about lothlenan. She basically only does this type of parody work (Morty in The Scream, Rose from SU in The Swing, etc.).

>> No.9759026

She was incredibly rude to me during set up because my stand was taller than hers and I usually stick my pre-made art layout back and front so if you were at her table, you can see a hint of the back of my stand peeking from an angle.

Instead of asking nicely for me to take it down (which I don't think is a huge deal, would have done so anyway when I was finished), her tone was pretty bad and basically blamed me for infringing on her ((idk what you can call this since it's not quite a space. but more of a view.)) I mean it's fine to ask politely for me to move the backing, but to put on an antagonizing tone right from the start to your neighbor is just not how people should act.

here anon, all I remembered was that she had a starry nights x jirachi print and googling that gave up the result instantly.

She goes by Missy Pena/ Zimmay.

>> No.9759037


It's Missy Pena / Zimmay.

>> No.9759038

i think theyre talking about missy

>> No.9759048
File: 149 KB, 1544x1080, uuuuuuuuuugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me strength /cgl/, I can't motivate myself to do anything. For weeks now. I thought this was a cool idea....maybe. Or something.

>> No.9759054

That's not what I meant, my table is pre assigned but I just want to make sure it's in a good spot since it's in the front or the far back depending on where the entrance is.

>> No.9759064
File: 188 KB, 600x920, zimmay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lothlenan isn't as bad as Missy. You can see she actually puts more effort into studying the original master copy. And emulating the paint brush strokes. But it doesn't make her work any more original though. Her non-master copy artworks are pretty bad. She doesn't know how to draw or paint that well. So she's made master copy parodies her thing to sell at cons after getting tumblr famous from them.

Attaching this picture, because I think it's hilarious that both Lothlenan and Zimmay did the same parody of the same master painting.

>> No.9759105

Oh I didn’t even know about Missy! Yea you’re right, at least lothlenan spends a lot of time on her studies I guess, even if it’s parody art. I just remember seeing people ripping apart the picture I posted for lighting and saturation.

>> No.9759156

Its in a slightly different place this year and different layout, and its not a room, its a giant open area with everything.
The left side is a wall, so I imagine against that wall is the worst, especially since it looks further away from the other tables. My set up was similar last year and I didn't do very well in sales.

>> No.9759167

This is so funny, lothlenan's is definitely way better though.

>> No.9759263


I've been contacting them through alibaba's message center.

There's a new development - I kept politely asking for a reply once every day or so, or even an explanation for why they don't want to or can't take my order, but the chat has now been deleted entirely! THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING

>> No.9759271

This is the first time I ever hear about Vograce acting like this. Do you need your charms ASAP? If you're not in a hurry, I'd suggest you try again one more time after they come back from break, just to see if they're still being dismissive to you or not.

>> No.9759279

Respectfully, What the fuck am I looking at

>> No.9759452

someone make a new thread? this one is autosaging and almost off the board

>> No.9759527

Someone did >>9759500