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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 117 KB, 540x720, tumblr_o0q769vbMs1rczznzo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9744198 No.9744198 [Reply] [Original]

-Any active gyarusas still active in the US? Japan? Europe?
-Are any of your favorites still doing gyaru?
-Do you still want to do gyaru despite it being nearly dead in the west?
-Winter gyaru outfits welcomed for much needed inspo.

>> No.9744213 [DELETED] 

Oh I was wondering when the next skank general would pop up

>> No.9744225

gyaru only works in japan im sorry gals. maybe in some other asian country but in the usa it makes you look like a in general slut if you are not asian.

im sorry

>> No.9744255

Tryna get into gal for the first time when the UK comm is close to dead save like, 5 people. Feels bad man

>> No.9744258


I think the US comms died too, I know of one circle and it's in chicago. Leader still does kurogal but it seems like all the drama just killed it off. Do any of the uk girls have instagrams or anything?

>> No.9744262

Everything is dead in winter, they usually pop up again in summer and the new version of the Ageha magazine seems to help a bit (https://www.atpress.ne.jp/news/145297).).

>> No.9744311

There’s one gyarusa that I know of called QueenE but they only use Facebook. I don’t follow many on insta but there’s gyaru_princess, opheliaofhearts, rikkaboshi, ani_ageha, klaidonn and Lizzie bee ofc just off the top of my head, someone jump in with more

>> No.9744313

Hope so. Shit’s bleak atm.

>> No.9745485

Please join in UK anon! We're all very dead during winter, I'm klaidonn on insta and I'm in QueenE feel free to dm me on insta or add me on fb- always happy to talk gyaru! I'll make a meet soon I promise aha

Bad feel , cant find my purple lenses
Good feel, excuse to buy more lenses

>> No.9745582

hearing that gyaru is dead in the west breaks my heart as someone in the west trying to start getting into gyaruo RIP me I guess

>> No.9745584


It's mostly dead because of the drama. Every new gyaru was bombarded with "CONTOUR MOAR","GAPE AROUND EYE MUST BE HUGEE", "D.I.A ONLY" and stuff, or groups would be filled with "can I be gyaru is I'm a prude and hate sex?" questions, or just people saying you can't be gyaru if you're pale, you can't be gyaru if you're black, can't be gyaru if you mom did coke once, stupid shit.

>> No.9745604

>tfw no gyaru gf

>> No.9745621

So it got bogged down with drama that was (for the most part) irrelevant to the fashion proper and more about weird auxiliary shit that's more about lifestyle and less about, oh idk, clothes and fashion? absolutely wild.

>> No.9745622

I'd imagine they're saying elitism, related to the clothes, fashion, and maybe lifestyle, killed it.

>> No.9745624

Who cares if its dead? Bring it back singlehandedly, anon.

>> No.9745625


Not saying it's different from lolita or any other hobby/fashion style. but it definitely got to the point where doxxing gals was common place, got to the point where it was turning into in person fights and stuff.

>> No.9745647
File: 292 KB, 1242x1552, 8164EC55-5E69-41E1-A400-ADEE5619F7A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the Chicago gal mentioned in >>9744258
My circle is pretty low key at the moment, we had a lot of members leave due to life and responsibilities and such but we still do panels at cons and the like.

I think I’ll do gyaru for the foreseeable future as I do feel the happiest when I’m all done up. It’s waning popularity hasn’t put the fire out for me or my closest gyaru friends.

Winter coordinates are always funny because I live in a very cold city but I don’t change the way I generally dress I just add a coat lol

>> No.9745657
File: 157 KB, 541x718, IMG_20170308_151918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't wear it, but I love seeing Gyaru!
Pic unrelated.

>> No.9745686

Let's credit people like Lorena and Barbie and the ones surrounding them for letting it die, as they were the one doxxing people on lolcow, PULL, here and directly on FB.

I'm a gal in private and enjoy it, I don't need to be part of a circle.

>> No.9745691
File: 137 KB, 360x480, tumblr_m6aj44jR6D1rzzizso1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Def Lorena and Barbie contributed, and I think it scared a lot of people.


I follow your fan page and insta, keep up the good coords. I'ma glad your makeup got better! It's completely perfect now!

Gonna add some pics to the thread for inspo, I guess.

>> No.9745692
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>> No.9745693
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>> No.9745694
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>> No.9745696
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>> No.9745775

why would you want one?

>> No.9745797

I think gyaru on westerns look fine as long as you're skinny like an asian girl and aren't overly tanned with more cute than whore make up.
It's all about taking parts of the style and then fixing the rest to make it adjust to you.

>> No.9745810

the style is not dead, the community is. Just become friends with other gyaruo individually.

>> No.9745814
File: 64 KB, 528x960, 20374261_1623698317671741_4503305265084947857_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definitely not dead yet. Just no reason to post it everywhere.
This was from last summers international meet.

>> No.9745822
File: 61 KB, 793x793, 25660297_1945768312105514_2213972435264655216_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chris from Velvet here,

I've personally noticed that many, myself included (see picture) have been gravitating away from the cookie-cutter, brand-exclusive gyaru look.
Since there aren't a lot of new "trends" aside from the cutesy ageha stuff, I feel like experimenting more on my own, and it just doesn't feel worth posting?

Definitely wearing a lot more sweaters and tracksuits with this weather.

>> No.9745926
File: 115 KB, 769x1024, DTAfGcPU0AE0c9T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's that time of the year again.

>> No.9745986

I think it can work on westerners but westerns tend to dumb it down. Barbie got so much hate but she dressed the part.
But look what it is now. Look at this thread. A lot of this isnt gyaru. Its goth.
A lot of people cant pull this off so they bash it.
They want this cause its low effort and they dont have to stand out.
More cute. So "scene". Well then go be scene.
There is nothing gyaru about this. You look very nice but this is pastel goth leaning.

>> No.9746038

pastel goth? where are you looking?

>> No.9746047

>more cute so scene
Are you retarded?
More cute make up = focused on natural looking big eyes dolly make up ish
The heavy eyeliner make up makes white girls look like trash, works only on black girls

>> No.9746088

But thats gyaru. If you take the make-up, hair, and clithes away it isnt gyaru. The end.

>> No.9746096
File: 21 KB, 320x512, 1354525860283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>most of this isn't gyaru.it's goth.

There is a sub style of gyaru that lends it self to rock and goth looking while keeping witht he gyaru make up and hair. But okkk.

>> No.9746097
File: 40 KB, 480x640, 914041fb04242bef632298da3a1da1c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taking Hair, make-up, clothes away
Do you know how to read?
Never said take hair, make up or clothes away.
It's about not using the whore make up but the dolly make up version of gyaru instead.

>But that's not gyaru
Shit Lolitas say

>> No.9746098

i prefer looking like a whore, sorry

>> No.9746103

it's not just your looks

>> No.9746108

I just meant as for my personal taste in gyaru stylewise, I prefer the trashier version more than the dolly.

>> No.9746207
File: 110 KB, 500x750, thisisgyaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's goth.
The fuck!? I hate to tell you this, but just because they're wearing black doesn't mean it's goth. See >>9746096. It's still gyaru. The style is a lot more diverse then you might believe.

>> No.9746210

>Looks like a general slut if not Asian.
I realize you're likely trolling, but why does it look different to you on Asians unless you're associating Asians with some idea of 'innocence'. Personally, it looks exactly the same to me no matter what ethnicity the person is. I'm confused.

>> No.9746214
File: 129 KB, 540x720, tumblr_nz2hcw2KLh1rczznzo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dolly make up relates to what Hime and Hime-kaji and maybe Ame-kaji? Versus the what 6-7 other sub styles that look amazing with whore make up. Ok.

mm...whore make up.

>> No.9746243

Can we just start over with this thread? It is a hot mess

>> No.9746704

Why wouldn't you?

>> No.9746843

Unpopular opinion, but I wish people in the sales groups would stop selling their already second hand bought (in some cases stretched out) brand for ridiculous high prices. Your mars setup is not worth 70$ it's at best worth 45$ but more like 20$. Stop overpricing, thanks.

>> No.9746855

same! im not paying 40 for a shirt 2 people have sweat in already fuck that

>> No.9746858

Especially because quality wise the gyaru brands are even worse than shit you buy at new yorkers or h&m and no one's going to pay 40$ for a used h&m tshirt.

Don't want to throw any shade, but the best example is probably arisucookie. She's living of her spouse so she doesn't even need to sell her used brand for instore prices

>> No.9746869

Not that anon, but many styles of gyaru just look like an exaggerated version of thot clothing in the US. In Japan it's recognized as a subculture (although it's stereotypical for gyaru girls to be more promiscuous), but if you dress like this anywhere in the west, people just assume that you're trying to look slutty.

>> No.9746874

These suck

>> No.9746905

can we get pictures of more non-asian gyarus, if there are any?

>> No.9746958

>It's about not using the whore make up but the dolly make up version of gyaru instead.
Problem is that dolly makeup is just whatever is normie makeup in Japan since quite a while already, you barely will look gyaru with that, let alone as foreigner.

>> No.9746959

Is it a problem what people assume? Didn't realize we were dressing for others.

>> No.9746963
File: 64 KB, 467x700, 41ACA807-82E8-4844-982B-A7295923FA83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that anon just means makeup closer to that if Tsubasa Masuwaka versus much heavier kurogyaru make.

>> No.9746968
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>> No.9746973 [DELETED] 

If you want to wear whatever you want, don't call it gyaru because that's not how it works.

>> No.9746975
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>> No.9746977
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>> No.9746980
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>> No.9746981


>> No.9746993
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>> No.9747043

>Buying from westerns
Just spend a few bucks more and buy from mecari
Japanese girls actually take care of their clothing and not just stretch it with their fat asses like western girls

>> No.9747048
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>> No.9747050
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>> No.9747052
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>> No.9747054
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Was searching the gaijin gyaru tag and some gyaru blog said Delandra looked nice. lmao.

>> No.9747061
File: 286 KB, 600x750, 171-6006-0-m-01-pl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not every gyaru style is about looking slutty, take himekaji for example.

>> No.9747067

This is more current larme then himekaji.

>> No.9747074

That's not remotely gyaru.

>> No.9747181

Who are these? They’re so pretty

>> No.9747283
File: 94 KB, 640x853, BB1ACDE9-7D64-4BEC-A8AA-171A44244AD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both are Reina. Her Instagram and tumblr are @yowaseru now.
I really like her now that she’s not always involved in drama anymore desu

>> No.9747408

That’s not himekaji, sorry. It’s maybe larme at best #notalllizlisa

>> No.9747516

Definitely too spaghetti to DM you because you are an icon, but thank you!! I would 100% come to a meet

>> No.9747524

how adorable~

>> No.9747528
File: 114 KB, 600x600, 12MAF_DV7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen people try to sell used yumetenbo/dreamv clothes for $40+ on depop. Gyaru is not lolita, there is not an increase in value over time. Especially for dreamv, of all places. That is just gyaru Forever 21.

>> No.9747534
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>> No.9747535
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>> No.9747538
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>> No.9747540
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>> No.9747541
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>> No.9747543
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>> No.9747546
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>> No.9747548
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>> No.9747549

Did Harutam ever get her nose unfucked or?

>> No.9747693

Nope still botched. But she's living the live of an escort now.

>> No.9747862

Can I request some bright, crazy color hair gyaru that aren’t full OTT Manba style? I dyed my hair blue after having blonde and I’m slightly regretting it...

>> No.9747875

What type of style of gyaru do you like or prefer? Colored hair seems fairly popular in haady gyaru and can probably work elsewhere

>> No.9747948
File: 267 KB, 520x844, ogino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah ok, not the best example, but the point still remains. Himekaji is not about looking slutty.

>> No.9747968

THIS so much. I regularly see Liz Lisa pieces being sold for almost twice the price of their new items on their official eBay store. Come on. Unless it’s super rare, you’re scalping and your shit isn’t going to sell.

>> No.9747969
File: 73 KB, 500x743, E8EFF5AD-DAAA-4ED3-9EBF-876605B9A34C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s still Larme

I guess it’s hard to give an example when you have no idea what you’re talking about

>> No.9747975

Thank you! People confuse lizlisa with himekaji all the time. It's so annoying

>> No.9747981
File: 90 KB, 620x375, IMG_0305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current LL is not really himekaji. It's more larme or otona kawaiii.

>> No.9748072

icon w a t please I am a huge dork who has messy makeup and falls over in my heels
I need to know who you are on fb so I can add you to the uk meets group, if you'd rather message less direct feel free to message via the queene page!

also, just found my purple lenses but it just hit me they're coming up to a year old so need new lenses anyway

>> No.9748078

>she's living the live of an escort now.

Well... I'm not surprised.

>> No.9748207

Any suggestions on where to buy gyaru wigs?

>> No.9748330
File: 27 KB, 179x320, 57A35FD1-5E62-4C44-A190-F9448CFDE8C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exactly do you mean by “gyaru wigs”? Can you post an example of the hairstyle you’re going for?

>> No.9748338

most gyaru don't wear wigs, its hair pieces

>> No.9748353
File: 142 KB, 470x506, purplehair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That bad shooping around the muffin top. cringe

Pink/Purple are the best colors too choose since you can wear any colored clothing with it (red a bit eh but works)

>> No.9748479
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>> No.9748514
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>> No.9748564
File: 1.03 MB, 2560x2560, 7C673A57-7393-4DE1-8C65-AB6E5E16A9E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I’d say that just because Liz Lisa chooses to style their shoots to appeal to the larme crowd doesn’t mean they aren’t himekaji. Pic related. And also fashion has to evolve, and has trends, its obvious that himekaji wasn’t going to stay ten years looking the same.

>> No.9748611
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>> No.9748613
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>> No.9748615
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>> No.9748617
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>> No.9748619
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>> No.9748622
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>> No.9748623
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>> No.9748624
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>> No.9748626
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>> No.9748628
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>> No.9748632
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>> No.9748633
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>> No.9748639
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>> No.9748641
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>> No.9748643
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>> No.9748650
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>> No.9748652
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>> No.9748654
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>> No.9748657
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>> No.9748658
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>> No.9748684

>obvious that himekaji wasn’t going to stay ten years looking the same.
More like that Lizlisa wouldn't sell Himekaji forever, they need to make money somehow.

>> No.9749105

I just wanna know how they function with thous nails,,, skillzzzz

>> No.9749155

Ah, from what I understand many, but not all, of the really elaborate ones are glue-on/stick-on so you can take them off. Nails the length of >>9748611, >>9747543, or >>9747048 honestly aren't that hard to get by with. The only issue is it can sometimes make it hard to type because you'll occasionally hit an extra key. The only other thing I can really think of that's 'hard' is opening cans, but you can just use a butter knife to pop the tab up.

The super crazy ones such as >>9748613 just take practice if they aren't glue-on, I guess. The lady with the record for longest nails awhile back worked as a hairdresser so who knows.

>> No.9749339


>> No.9749556


>> No.9749560

Can you post a modern example of himekaji then?

>> No.9749576

Nah, when their clothes were still dedicated to the himekaji style, they used more vivid colors, like darker browns. They also had more frills, more variation in general.

I don't say LL is bad or anything, some of their things might still be used in himekaji, but most of their popular stuff is pastel vomit prints on the same maybe 3 cuts of sukapants/skirts over and over again. If you saw one you saw them all.

>> No.9749598


People always ask this and it's like..the fleshy tips of your finger are what you use...with everything? not your nails? so it's..easy?

>> No.9749621

There are really just a few things that might get difficult eg certain atms or card readers. Doing 'detailed' stuff or putting on tights. But even with those one can find a way and then when you have to let go of the long nails you'll feel so handicapped I swear

>> No.9749625

Putting on tights or washing my hair is the worst. Everything else is doable.

>> No.9749638 [DELETED] 

European westerners dumb down everything. Either do gyr right or go back to otome.

>> No.9749643

I use my knuckles. for pushing buttons, pulling up thights (holding it between my thumb and knuckle) or atms

>> No.9749786

What other anon said, hairpieces.
Or cyperous

>> No.9751007

Anyone got any gyaru DIY tutorials? Sewing projects, nail designs, all that jazz

>> No.9751011


>> No.9751013

i think they still have them but people use the term chav now

>> No.9751039

>tfw no German meetups

>> No.9751046

there are? not this month but almost everymonth we have meetups in the dusseldorf area.
just contact one of the velvet girls if you want to join!
we havent been actively promoting since well... most of the girls who are still active in this area are already members... or friends of members

>> No.9751112
File: 134 KB, 640x960, IMG_0317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aochan makes me wanna do manba haha. She really is super cute and makes me appreciate gyaru a lot. I started browsing mercari and fril to see if I can find an alba rosa coat.

>> No.9751205
File: 32 KB, 240x320, 9849FFEA-1D2D-4C00-B56E-B8770A2C00BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aochan is so uninteresting to me. There’s nothing special about her or her look at all, but I guess that’s what makes her the most palatable to the Japanese public.

I just bought a coat actually, I can’t wait to coordinate it! I want to do a banba look with it, not the typical manba look everyone does with their coats.

>> No.9751207

Tfw no gyaru gf

>> No.9751229

Why even live?

>> No.9751268

Arda Wigs have some really nice looking for himegyaru

>> No.9751271


like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dLb275BSnA

>> No.9751311
File: 251 KB, 1440x1080, 16819462_585296951663660_7724922226656905225_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black beauty supply stores. They have shelves and shelves of different styles and most will come in strawberry blonde/pastel colors. Also lots of hair pieces and curled weaves.

>> No.9751347

Seconding this reccomendation. These wigs are also heat safe, and meant to be worn as daily wear, so they feel more natural and are tougher than your standard cosplay or lolita wig.

>> No.9751618
File: 298 KB, 1200x1600, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping some pics from a 2006 Ranzuki I've held on to all these years

>> No.9751620
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>> No.9751622
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>> No.9751623
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fuck I swear I rotated and saved before uploading. whatever, continuing on

>> No.9751625
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>> No.9751627
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>> No.9751629
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>> No.9751631
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>> No.9751633
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>> No.9751679

I like Aochan too, she's adorable and I love her style but her makeup always looks the same when she does tutorials for Kawaii Pateen.

>> No.9751695

anyone who has scans/pictures from 1998?

>> No.9751832

Yeah, she's a sweetheart but not very creative with makeup. She always does the same, just in different colours. It'd be so nice if they would introduce some real/other gyaru again. Wish himena would join their channel.

Btw does gehako still have a blog or sth?

>> No.9753510
File: 480 KB, 2048x1364, gal.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we say that hairsmiles are finally over?
Also the last GeNeX event gave us a good look at what gyaru is like nowadays in Tokyo

>> No.9753513
File: 905 KB, 960x638, 26857639_1971296176219394_492859348_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like they became a little more comfortable clothing wise.
Still a lot of staples like dia belts and legwarmers.

I also notice a great amount of leopard and zebraprint, blackxwhite coords. Winter trends?

>> No.9754007
File: 207 KB, 600x493, dia-bras-leopard-gyaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peggy Bundy approves but then again, animal prints were always popular and are easy to find in Shibuya.

>> No.9754443

Bb i need to order lenses too, let me know when you have cash money and we'll do a QueenE GO

>> No.9754444

Post jaw-length hair inspo pls, amekaji if possible!

>> No.9754556
File: 459 KB, 1163x1551, EB7890C1-D8BC-41E1-A66E-259CEA1CAC97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know why anyone would look to black diamond for “trends” in any way shape or form. They are stuck as a whole in 2011 and while that’s not necessarily a bad thing, don’t look to them for trends.

Seasonal trends are the same the world over at this point, but it’s just a matter of each region and culture (and subculture) fitting it into their styles and preferences.

So right now some big things for winter is grey check plaid (glen plaid), slouchy boots, sparkly/glittery party shoes, bright red anything, and cute tights with detailing like fishnets or gemstones attached. All of that is very easily fit into any era of gyaru fashion and yet for some reason, gaijin tend to follow black diamond who stuck in their ways not adding anything that would mark them as trendy or fashionable

>> No.9754558
File: 381 KB, 784x1100, 999D3116-E72B-4780-8B7E-0BFB5005DD87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t have much but I will dump what I have

>> No.9754559
File: 255 KB, 705x960, 75D0C105-537B-499D-A9DF-8D0B87F9921A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9754561
File: 109 KB, 768x1024, 5C7BA3CA-F93F-4C27-AEF2-93819EB342A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9754562
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>> No.9754565
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>> No.9754607

genex* btw and, leopard print coats have been popular in general lately

>> No.9754648
File: 301 KB, 1224x1632, F03DF7B2-FEF1-4EDC-96D3-8B78208A6700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black Diamond and GeNex are in the picture but anyway congrats to them, they’re keeping up with a coat “trend” that’s been semi-popular every year since 2010.

And in the context of gyaru fashion, leopard coats wouldn’t be a new trendy thing at all. If anything, it’s expected for the winter.

>> No.9755432

I think anon meant in wider fashion, there are a fair few on the high street here in the UK.

>> No.9755483

I bump into her all the time in Shinjuku Alta. Her hair and makeup is always on point!

>> No.9755563

didnt know reina was in shinjuku!

>> No.9756873
File: 701 KB, 2048x2048, 5565BB2F-7EE0-4BEE-BC22-18528BD90A8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not in Japan so I wonder who you’re bumping into!

On another note, my Alba Rosa coat was supposed to be delivered yesterday but now it’s in tracking purgatory. I’ll probably kill if another one of my packages gets stolen or “lost”.

>> No.9757022

about alba rosa, a blackdiamond girl told me the producer of black diamond told all members to buy at least one alba item because quote: " he said that maybe the albarosa fashion boom will come back in japan so we were required to buy atleast 1 item" "we have to coorperate to make it boom, I hope it really works"

that explains the sudden increase of alba rosa in pictures

>> No.9757047

will do! need me some blue lenses for sure, maybe pink too

>> No.9757814

Thank you for mentioning proper wigs and not cosplay wigs. Every time I see someone in a cosplay wig, I want to snatch that shit off their heads!

>> No.9757993
File: 1.19 MB, 1080x1920, 18-01-19-23-15-43-434_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First gyaru of the year, man I'm sloppy
Got a new phone so lost the photos of the outfit but imagine a LOT of zebra print

>> No.9758041

You obviously don't know shit about goth.

>> No.9758182
File: 292 KB, 1000x1500, Japanese-Gyaru-Black-Diamond-Girls-2444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lovely as always <3

maybe this will inspire you?

>> No.9758217
File: 413 KB, 1365x2048, 10339277_921042741251489_5750155023736552629_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I had my blue hair I sported it like this, anon. I guess it depends on the length, but blue hair can be gyaru too :)

>> No.9758484

I'd like it better if your lower lash would find it's way back to your natural waterline. You've a beautiful eyeshape and going back to the waterline in the front enhances the droopy effect so much better.

>> No.9758626

I actually 100% agree- i couldn't find my water proof liner to do my water line think I need to concede and buy a new one...

>> No.9758663
File: 1.29 MB, 1215x1620, 20180120_123636_mh1516452369551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow look who's not dead
All my lenses have dried up rip

>> No.9758697

that watch

>> No.9759412

I hate that I'm finally thin enough to look good in gyaru only to find out it's dying.

>> No.9759438
File: 46 KB, 431x360, B83F9DBB-006D-4B0F-9BE6-F4411DB09991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you only wear things because they’re in style and not because you love them then you’ve already lost.

>> No.9759440

Nothing to do with being in-style. I enjoy sharing my hobbies.

>> No.9759486

there are enough gyaru left to do just that though

>> No.9759488


gotta agree, since the thread was made, I see some of my fb friends wanting to get back in it.

>> No.9759492

You don't necessarily have to hang out with other gals though. If there are no other gals in your area just hang out with people from other jfashion comms. Maybe this is normal for me, but in my are there isn't even a real lolita comm and everyone just hangs out and enjoys time with the people they're friends with.

>> No.9761594

Not anon and I agree, you don’t need gal friends but all my friends are normies and when I see akipoyo meets and how cute they look I’m just jelly, very fucking jelly

>> No.9761602

gotta agree. i always wear gyaru around with my normie friends since i don't have any gal friends n they don't seem to care

>> No.9762598

I’m new to gyaru, and looking to start building a wardrobe slowly. Would it be unheard/retarded of to make my own hair pieces from kanekalon fibers? Like hair falls used for goth and visual kei?

>> No.9763220

Depends what you me a by hair pieces, lots of the ott manba wigs are made of them but i can't see it working for anything other than the old school super tan styles

>> No.9763516

would mostly work for oldschool styles, but you can always try

>> No.9764238

I agree with you if the girl is not Japanese or maybe any other type of Asian it make the girl looks like a slut like if a black girl does it or a white girl does it.

>> No.9764581
File: 1.43 MB, 1242x1349, 7BB5CB36-7B7E-48DE-A02B-87C0BD3FF6AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depending on the substyle, they all look like sluts, Asian or not. It could almost be considered a point of the fashion (again depending on substyle)

And for the more modest styles (onee, amekaji, himekaji etc) the clothes cover enough that no one would mistake them for slutty, black white asian or in between.

If you look at a foreigner in himekaji as a slut but not a Japanese woman then you’re just fetishizing the perceived submissiveness/docility of asian women and that’s a YOU problem.

>> No.9764906

Don't bother responding to this kinda shit poster/troll
It's just a waste of time

>> No.9765381

What's wrong with her hair/hairline?

>> No.9765383

All I'm saying is Asian girls pull it off better

>> No.9765396

>Asian girls pull off a style inspired by white valley girls better than white valley girls
It's a dumb argument and you know it. All races can look good in it as long as the individuals know what they're doing.

>> No.9765404

Wait, why were they doxing other girls? What’s the story behind this?

>> No.9765413


Pretty much that's how they thought they'd get girls to back down/give up on exposing their bullshit. Sere/Lorena would try to black mail people with their public nudes/sex work stuff whenever people weren't shaking in their boots because of her. We all know why "Barbie" did it. Doxxing became the "it" thing to do in the Western comm because people doxx'd Barbie and Sere left and right, or rather, they just put their personal stuff out there and had it thrown back in their face. I.e Barbie's scaming/whore around Japan. Sere's custody issues in Australia, etc

>> No.9765474

Sere made the sekai no gyarusa group and turned into her personal army. While she was in her late pregancy months with her second child she got 160% crazy and would personally attack people for simply knowing her now ex husband. (That's how it started and then it just got worse and worse and now we're at the third child)

With Barbie it's also that she scammed a lot of people and she's just rude on a whole different lvl.

>> No.9765496

It's a wig

>> No.9765505

It's an awful one then.

>> No.9765564

This is exactly why these people need to start going to beauty supply shops or finding a good vendor instead of trying to make these cosplay wigs work smdh

>> No.9765764

The problem I think is, I only see it now sorry, that the hairline is white, while her actual skin tone is a lot darker, so if she'd color the hairline with idk makeup or whatever I think it wouldn't look as bad? It's actually very pretty it's just super confusing that the hairline is white.

>> No.9766560

That black girl obviously has black person hair and is wearing a wig lmao , that’s why the hairline is white

>> No.9768078
File: 2.50 MB, 3840x3840, 690AC738-B7DC-444B-A595-65665A2DA9D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my coordinate last night for a friends birthday. It’s not the best but I wasn’t feeling too great, so whatever. I have an order of MA*RS and WC coming in from overseas so I’m excited about it

>> No.9768272

Too many foreignor(sp). Everything is low effort.

>> No.9768726

Where do you see foreigners in this shot?

>> No.9768727

Sorry to burst your bubble, but those are Real Japanese Gyaru™

>> No.9769418

there is only one in there and she's a haafu, please go visit an ayedoctor

>> No.9770940

She is right. There are philipino's, white, and thai's. Not all of them are 100 % japanesse.

>> No.9774191
File: 2.46 MB, 2880x3840, CCBECD7A-6F74-41D5-84DD-0C4A4DEF5D12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to do this collage for something I’m applying too but it made me pretty proud of myself. My coords have gotten exponentially better over the last year.

My last huge order was full of cocolulu, and my current order that’s on the way is chock full of old WC and MA*RS, so I’m really excited to expand my wardrobe with more than kuro brands.

I’ll be at Katsucon this year so if there are any east coast gyaru, I’d love to meet up!

>> No.9774208

I don't see a single 'white' person in this shot, there's a possibility I see, that their are some Asian hafus though

>> No.9774671
File: 314 KB, 1132x1920, citrus 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

citrus is giving me life

>> No.9774707

This is so goddamn ugly. Holy shit.

>> No.9774708

might have to steal her nail colourscheme for my next set

>> No.9774918
File: 81 KB, 420x417, 78464474867486748674867486748674867486748674867486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just binged watched first 4 episodes
Thanks anon!

>> No.9775036
File: 1.22 MB, 792x963, CDB8E463-FAC7-43A5-B092-14C0C85EE78E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something I really like about gyaru pics is how many of them are chubbier/“average,” I have an ED and used tons of gyaru magazine pics to fuel it, but looking at current gyaru, while a lot of them ARE thin, a good amount have squishier thighs and arms, and such..

>> No.9775184
File: 474 KB, 805x805, citrus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recently we are seeing more charas that are gyaru which gives me hope for a full on gyaru anime

>> No.9775764


>> No.9775766

isn't that Barbie?

>> No.9775827
File: 429 KB, 682x1024, tumblr_l66cpigSPY1qbn6sfo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of all western jfash communities hyper-fixate on the magazines and the super thin models, but the average japanese person isnt a 40kg waif, and there are tons of street snaps of normal gyaru with average figures, which makes me happy

>> No.9775829
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>> No.9775833
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>> No.9775934

Oh when harutamu was still at a healthy weight...makes me feel nostalgic

>> No.9776096

Read the thread...

>> No.9776382

with every gal manga adaptation we grow closer to a Gal Gohan anime

for now I can but dream

>> No.9776454
File: 114 KB, 736x588, 008707447474d88f0e4c913a14998350--super-manga-anime (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A full on gyaru anime already exists though

>> No.9776643
File: 365 KB, 1080x1059, 11A6C9F9-FD9B-4FE9-B55D-E9F156F5644E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, it’s ayuyun

>> No.9776990
File: 1.03 MB, 500x281, e1bce3b9418695f9c28b8cb07a431e0e4b9b9591_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Citrus is what's pictured
There's also My First Girlfriend is a Gal from a previous season

>> No.9777224

Same senpai
Gf and I are gonna cosplay Yuzu and Galko next con and be gal pals choo choo, I actually cannot wait
Also Shibuya 10Q made me kek hard

>> No.9777480

Thank you gal-anon!

You're the one lacking reading comprehension, lol

>> No.9777511

My first gf isn't great in the depiction of the gal imo. It's the same joke over and over, at her expense.

Oshiete! Galko chan is another one. Galko is a really great character, but the episodes are short.

>> No.9777576

Has anyone got any dramas or shows with gyaru in them that aren't anime? Other than gal-circle, I haven't heard of any and I couldn't even finish that show back in the day.

>> No.9777588

Agreed, but I like seeing them in non hentai settings
I'll gladly support low effort gyarus in animes if it means production companies see there's a market to tap.
Also, Galko a besto

>> No.9777615
File: 75 KB, 500x666, gal 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she used to be more creative, dunno why she doesn't try harder for the kawaii pateen videos

>> No.9777623

Flying Colors is a movie about a gyaru, was a pretty motivational movie
Else there is the Sakurina movie
Also Switch Girl could be considerd somewhat gyaru - very funny

>> No.9777643

probably to please the boy?

>> No.9777645

you could've scrolled the thread a little to find the answer but keep being lazy >>9774671

>> No.9778840
File: 216 KB, 640x960, aochan 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip gal aochan

>> No.9778843
File: 41 KB, 540x509, tumblr_nkjxqb8kQZ1qfyllbo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he seems pretty out there
but I think these are from some time ago, so probs an old bf

>> No.9778848
File: 546 KB, 528x960, aochan2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9779352
File: 215 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_20180207_111802_270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried a new eyeliner and my gal game is updated

>> No.9779372

Imo an eyeshape as dramatic as this would look better if the whole face was that dramatic, dark skin etc. It's a little much when the rest of your face is more 'pretty gyaru' and less 'OTT gyaru'.

>> No.9779455

better than all those boring "himekaji" *cough* eyelooks

>> No.9779458

I super agree with you anon
My nose contor is literally matte white with three different layers of products in that photo.... I'm so damn pasty
Reminds me how bad I need to start tanning again so I can have bad ass white defined nose stripe

>> No.9779460

I remember years ago wanting to find out who the gal in this picture was. Didn't know it was Aochan lol, absolutely loved how she pulled off a black hair look without looking goth

>> No.9780412

Get on that sunbed then girl, ganbatte!!!

>> No.9780602

the first time in a while we had such an active fb post and it's about a dramatic Japanese gyaru. Perfect.

>> No.9780839

not gonna lie, I'm entertained af. But can I ask, as I don't know Japanese, is she actually being rude? Or are we misunderstaing due to language barrier? I have Italian friends who sound rude af and its just because they talk a lot more directly than in the UK where we like to beat around the bush...

>> No.9781486

What's happening? Which group is it?

>> No.9781487

sekai no gyarusa

>> No.9781511

Haru was indeed passive aggressive. I highly doubt that's her 'character' though but more her being a bit racist?

>> No.9781632

Can someone post some receipts? I haven't been a part of the FB groups for years

>> No.9781722


oh, you're still at it? boring af

>> No.9781748

any bottom lash and eyeliner recs?
I currently use Kat von d's tattoo liner and I don't do gyaru often so I was wondering what some good products for the look are.
Have any anons here attempted to wear the fashion in Japan? I thought it would be a fun idea but I feel like I would stick out like even more of a sore thumb

>> No.9781762

keep being in denial about wanting to be spoonfeed as much as you want

>> No.9782159

I dressed tsuyome gal in Osaka and got nothing but positive attention, as a foreigner you're going to stick out anyway so might as well be yourself.
>tfw d.i.a shop staff compliment your outfit and are super thrilled to see a foreigner wearing the brand
>tfw little kids tug on their mum's sleeve and point at you saying 'gyaru gyaru'

feels good man

>> No.9782209

I recently used the stilla liner and it changed my life
Also there's some super nice diamond lash ones.....princess? I forgot the name but desu the lowers in those ten packs from eBay/ali are my default especially the fluffy ones

>> No.9782214

>or the staff complimented you to make you buy some more (tatemae intensifies)

>> No.9782236

any super dark and matte eyeliner will do
i get my lowerlashes on ebay

and i will in 2 months, but the Japanese people I have met in Europe were all extremely excited, especially when I wore ALBA ROSA they would squeal in joy about how nostalgic it is.
Will come back on this after my trip.

>> No.9782279

I live in Japan and dress in MA*RS and Liz Lisa all the time. Whenever I visit the 109 building, the shop girls always compliment my makeup and outfit, especially if I'm wearing their brand.

>> No.9782308

Not sorry to break it to you, but that's literally what they get payed for.

>> No.9782434

I'm aware of that, but it's still nice.

>> No.9783691

Who cares? It was a fun experience. If you rely on customer service stuff to rate your outfit, you're a retard who needs to get some self esteem.

>> No.9783740

>Who cares?
People who excitedly post about it on 4chan

>> No.9784356


I kinda felt out of place wearing MARS in 109, like... Everybody's looking at you like you are not fashionable enough

>> No.9785038

I was answering anon's question, pull the six foot pole out of your arsehole and get over yourself.

>> No.9785482
File: 1.53 MB, 1917x2556, 5C29EA74-DF5C-48DC-87AD-7AED74E2C1F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so glad I decided to buy some MA*RS recently, I really love the look of it on me.
Of course it’s much sexier because I have a huge rack but I think that fits my personality more anyway.

I am banned from buying anything else from Japan until the end of the year lol

>> No.9785490

Oh anon you're gorgeous! That shade of pink flatters you so much.

>> No.9786634

Discusting. Are you the girl that was edited from the pics of the gal con? I can see why

>> No.9787127

Nobody got edited out of the pics lmao, imagine being so sad and bitter you make up rumours about events you're too poor to attend.

>> No.9787195

Guys what happened to kohaku?? Is she not into gyaru anymore?

>> No.9787202

Glako is too fat desu

>> No.9787213

Hello fren, i still wear the style from time to time, but i came out as lesbian towards the end of last year and it hardcore fucked my life up so i'm taking some me time and not doing the whole comm/SNS/gal circle thing. I'll be back!

>> No.9787214

Who the fuck cares you autist

>> No.9787229

Old school MA*RS agejo isn't popular here in Japan anymore (that I've seen/know of), everything's toned down and almost borderline larme nowadays. Though I still see some girls wear the heavy gyaru makeup.

>> No.9787271

You have a nice face but your inside is rotten. You're probably the ugliest person I have come across.

>> No.9787288

You can have that opinion but I hope you at least gave talking to me a chance before you came to that conclusion

>> No.9787359

I've known her four years and you're full of shit lmao, jog on. Dunno why you're still trying to push this vendetta, nobody's biting.

>> No.9787518

That's right, I swear to god gulls here pull the stupidest rumors out of thin air

>> No.9787972

It's literally one or two salty weirdos who aren't involved in the comm and sit here stirring the shit because they're too ugly/fat/poor to actually wear the style, so they just shit on other people instead.

>> No.9788013

can we get back to actual relevant topics like how good georgies latest looks are? I love her oldschool vibe. makes me want to go tanning again

>> No.9788164

Definitely! I was thinking of going tanning again with a friend as well, Georgie is so inspiring! <3

>> No.9788170

Question, I heard Gyaru are mostly lesbians since Tokyo and other cities in Japan have a growing lesbian community there?

>> No.9788220

I really doubt that anon, do you have a source?

>> No.9788269

probably just a AV gal plot, but I don't want their nails in my cooch that's for sure.

>> No.9788547

>it's a phase
I hardly believe it

>> No.9788759

Honestly choosing between gyaru nails and having a sex life is the true gay struggle

>> No.9788774

literally me right now. I don't want to ditch my nails

>> No.9788776

Is it necessary to stick fingers into vags?? Like can’t u use dildos and stuff like that????!!?!!

>> No.9788777

How does a women get to cum hard easily from a girls nails?

>> No.9788941
File: 110 KB, 1024x419, 343634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EGG returns.

>> No.9789044

you can but fingers are more fun

>> No.9789132
File: 605 KB, 1215x1519, IMG_20180217_203352_264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally took a picture of a gyaru look again. I'm happy with it!

>> No.9789434

It's worth it babe, just get some really nice stick-ons.

>> No.9789662

I've never been involved in the gyaru community but I've always loved gyaru since I first saw it online in its heyday... It makes me sad that (at least from what I've seen) previously gyaru magazines in Japan are labeled "post-gyaru" in bookstores in Japan.

>> No.9789672

Really cute, I dont into gyaru myself but you nailed the look

>> No.9789730

Well, the looks in the magazines depend a lot on trends and those don't look the same as 10 years ago (best example is the EGG revival).

>> No.9789742

Is it true the gyaru community is mostly lesbian as fuck.

>> No.9789975

why is this so interesting to you?

>> No.9791078

Are Reina and Georgie the new faces of this generation?

Or who do you think it is/should be.

>> No.9791419

can we nuke this thread already? it's full of trolls

>> No.9791531

this is so cute, please tell me you have an instagram or something!

>> No.9791663

Please don't go to the sunbed. Use fake tan and good exfoliation.
You gonna regret it later

>> No.9791682

Thank you, it's @_lamiann

>> No.9791744

i have some hobbies that rub on skin major hard and the patchyness is unreal with fake tan
I already smoke cancer sticks and treat my skin poorly so I'll use my glowing cancer bed too

>> No.9791845

Georgie yes, Reina is a literally who outside of this thread, didn't even win any GGAs.
I'd say Agepoyo are the most well known gals currently.

>> No.9792040

Who would you say is leading the scene aside from Georgie?

>> No.9792275

Reina is a secret fatty chan omg

>> No.9792281

we know she isn't a size 0 and she rocks it

>> No.9792300

well, if she were proud of her body, she wouldn't be hiding it by shooping and angles, don't you think so?

>> No.9792315

reina needs to stop selfposting. that’s literally the only reason she’s getting brought up.

>> No.9792840

No she isn't, she's in decent shape, just not typical gal model shape.

This. Her previous drama baiting left a bad taste in my mouth too.

It's really hard to say, a lot of the big names have gone quiet. Noemie and Puya still seem to be fairly influential, but probably not to the same level as the Agepoyo girls. Shiena is still widely followed.

>> No.9792866

It's especially difficult to say as no one is active on the facebook groups anymore. Only Chihiro, Georgie, Shiena and Lizzie post regularly.

>> No.9793154

she's fine. seeing how few people post i don't think we can afford to bitch about the ones that bother imo

>> No.9793162

agreed. At least she is posting wether you like her or not.

>> No.9793306

obvs I’m not talking about her literally posting her own coordinates, but ok

>> No.9793780

Don't waste logic on newfags, anyone with half a brain knows what you mean.

>> No.9795224
File: 610 KB, 1536x2048, 0C9EACD9-8895-4940-BD53-397F03360A29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a gyaru discord?

>> No.9795612

Not that I know of.

>> No.9795952

Could make one, but I really don't think it'd be very active.

>> No.9795965

Staying on a platform that is already used by many is the safest bet. Things like facebook or Line

>> No.9796054
File: 846 KB, 797x433, yuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found yuki's youtube channel and binge watching for inspo. she's too cute!


but hate this I'll change for my man attitude tho, eugh.

>> No.9796056

Why is everyone so obsessed with her?

>> No.9797648

that's obviously staged cuz she's still gal, kek

>> No.9797649

I'd prefer facebook, Line is a hassle