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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 87 KB, 646x776, azzan 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9723905 No.9723905 [Reply] [Original]

TAT Disaster strikes at a local event near my place.

Apparently an infamous military sim coser /stalker got into some dispute with other cosers and KABOOM went a pepper spray.

Didn't expect such an incident close to home >.<

>> No.9723907
File: 298 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-12-17-22-43-04-832_com.facebook.katana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some update from one of the attendees. 1/3

>> No.9723909
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>> No.9723910
File: 1010 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-12-17-22-42-46-178_com.facebook.katana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Of the screenshots I have. xD
The last bit seems to be a screenshot same as OP

>> No.9723921

from the choice of words i was expecting a terrorist attack or some shit

>> No.9723923

I think it might be a botched terrorist attack??

>> No.9723924
File: 164 KB, 1080x1055, IMG_20171217_231435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bear Spray...

>> No.9723943

nah. terrorists don't use irritant sprays. terrorists want blood. it's just some asshole wannabe creeper.

>> No.9723948 [DELETED] 

theyre muslims

>> No.9723959

it has nothing to do with religion

>> No.9723965

He aint milsim coser thou

>> No.9723969

Bear spray what the fuck

>> No.9723970

For God's sake, he's not our guy in the milcos community. No recognition at all.

>> No.9723984

>terrorist attack at an anime con
>with pepper spray
Why are Americans and Europeans still so retarded about the world outside their own? It's almost cringy.

>> No.9723999

His name is Azzan he is atheist

>> No.9724002

>nothing to do with religion

>> No.9724004

Yep. Some time back he was being a creep and harassing some of the Malaysian female cosplayers. Created quite a scene back then. Someone even drew merch of him and sold it.

>> No.9724013

Not a milsim coser tho

>> No.9724017

darn merch? seriously ?

>> No.9724018

> Be WithoutSexGuy
> IQ over 1000%
> Brings bear spray for self defence
> Attempts to test Bear Spray
> Shuts down whole convention
> Gets Arrested

Status Gained - Legendary

>> No.9724027

Nothing related to terrorism really. This Muhammad Azzan guy has been known to be your stereotypical perv who hunts for cosplayer's pussies in our country.

His infamy was brought to light when one female cosplayer exposed his sexy taim messages to her. But you know the drill; guy's still thirsty won't give up so easily.

Went under disguise by cosplaying as a tactical unit this time. But then drew attention to himself by using a bear spray. Not sure whether if he's got the balls of steel or just an absolute fool.

>> No.9724043
File: 102 KB, 1051x571, spraymace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

form his fb..this guy really has big issues..
i hope he is banned forever from any future con

>> No.9724068

they're in a muslim country tho?

>> No.9724115
File: 112 KB, 1066x1064, IMG_20171218_035032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the most popular merch being sold was this sticker.

It was after he said he wanted to grab a girl for a few hours, but without sex.

>> No.9724116

Remembered that incident. He messaged the girl in a very harassing manner.

>> No.9724120

Didn't the event security check his belongings?

I thought the bag checks in Singapore were getting more thorough.

The last convention I travelled to Singapore in November. I had my bags checked inside out before I could even get into the event hall.

>> No.9724129

Isn't this Gamergate?

>> No.9724136

Comic fiesta from what I heard

>> No.9724138
File: 256 KB, 1077x1692, IMG_20171218_041708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently he is the one with the red arrowing pointing.

That's Milsim right.

>> No.9724139

yeah but gamergate is a harassment group that pulls off attacks like these at cons

>> No.9724144

Not your guy doesn't mean people won't link him to all of you. Unless you make a clear statement about it.

>> No.9724146

That's scary. Almost like a convention terrorist group

>> No.9724148

this guys is making me crack up lmao
legendary post
also,does anyone on here know a "Aqil-Senpai"?
i've been trying to find information on him since 2014

>> No.9724172

At least he didn't blow himself. But, that's an asshole thing to do

>> No.9724203

>using >.< and xD

can you not

>> No.9724291

he was a muslim because every Malay born in malaysia will automatically be a muslim under federal law...

but if not mistaken he already drop religion and declared himself as atheist in one of his facebook posts??

this guy is famous for sexual harrasment over here though... beware of this pervert... even weaboo community, otaku community, gamer community and cosplayer community regardless religion and race all hates him over his annoying characteristic...

>> No.9724298

to be fair anyone can just throw on a pair of BDUs and voila now you're tactical airsofter. if anything he's on his own and has gained enough infamy that no one should link him to another group before thinking of his creeping.

>> No.9724344

2 things.
1. Why do people post their weapons on social media. It just makes it easier for police to use as evidence. 2. Can anyone anyone at all find more said FB posts about this guy.

>> No.9724502

I love these types of popcorn. Wish i were there to throw some fireworks or firecrakerrs for the lulz its gonna be funny

>> No.9724519

Chlorine gas at that furry con, bear mace in Malaysia. Is someone going to keep it going by mustard gassing the next sdcc?

>> No.9724539

Details of Azzan's previous disaster


>> No.9724541

maybe in another 3 years if the time difference between chicago and malaysia is any indicator

>> No.9724544
File: 62 KB, 538x771, Pervert-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so is he trying to be a gentleman pervert or something?

>> No.9724546

would love to see those messages

>> No.9724563

Why the fuck is everyone just berating azzan as the asshole the one who deserved it? Why not mention that the other group provoked azzan way before the event few months back till he gets paranoid and bring such a weapon to defend himself from the bunch of jackasses.

We all know he have been daring people to come meet him but is there a need to provoke him?

>> No.9724570

Because it's not okay to mace or bear spray people/the public just because you *feel* threatened?
If the people had actually attacked him, maybe I'd understand it, but they didn't. On top of that, this shit is illegal in a lot of places because of how bad it can fuck you up.
Don't bring weapons to a con, and definitely don't use them.

>> No.9724572

Thing's happened

>> No.9724580


Attacking isn't just about physically, mentally as well. This thing was supposed to be taking place at cosmart with all the huha where the same geng actually waited for azzan, mentioning themselves in live videos and comments on social media.

Azzan is an asshole, we all know that, and yeah he's wonders alone all the time. And better yet he knows that if he gets into trouble no one will help him.

So as so many huha went on with posts mentioning to hurt him, that's when his panic button in his brain caused him to be paranoid.. Not to mention he was face to face with the person who's responsible for all the huha.

Put yourself in the shoe of azzan, would you be scared as shit if there's a group more than 10 people surrounds you and that one person who keeps provoking you happen to be face to face with you. What would you feel?

I am not saying azzan isn't wrong here nor supporting him, it's his fault being the asshole at the first place. But I could say that he's like this because of all the provoking.

So does provoking azzan makes us better than azzan?

>> No.9724608


A part to handling sociopaths and creeps like these is never confront in public about their issues. This only emboldens them and makes them more willing to stand their ground and cause a scene as we have seen here. The community had plenty of chances to defuse someone like him years ago and the Malay cos community chose this direction.

>> No.9724613

Security was very very lax. Don't think you got checked unless you were visibly holding your weapon so most people who got checked were just the ones with big swords.

>> No.9724624

Might not be the best time right now, but this thread reminds me that I really like hearing about the cosplay community in different countries. I think a lot of us in America/the West can forget that other regions have communities as complex as our own, with their own infamous con creeps and scandals.
//end blogpost

>> No.9724634


Yes I agree, but my opinion is that the group shouldn't have pranked and provoke him like this. Could've been a more civilised way.

>> No.9724697

I am in for more chaotic. Best if there's explosions so that less people can attend CF

>> No.9724699

I don't know why Azzan doesn't get the point.

He made a huge mistake. Yet he doesn't recognise it as a mistake.

He knows he is in danger. Yet he still walks into it.

Plain retarded and stupid imo.

>> No.9724702

Well. This had been going on for far too long already. I think the peeps are already very serious about removing this threat.

As much as it did end as a disaster. I hope this incident will remove Azzan for good from the community. Safety for us girls.

>> No.9724703

Typical 3rd world mentality provoking the guy to act with the stupid reason of "we are just following him around because it's funny to do so." Sadly another person who was just a bystander that restrained azzan when he pulled out the bear spray got hit by the spray and he wasn't even part of the group that provoked him to act. Well done weebs wished it was you guys instead that got sprayed tho.

>> No.9724707

That's why Malaysia don't deserve better cons. Probably AFA also avoided Malaysia because the foreseen such disaster with the mentality of the people.

>> No.9724716
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>> No.9724719

This could be a good wake up call for better security

>> No.9724720

Justice is cruel sometimes.
At the same time. Cruel means are needed to protect the girls as well.

Maybe it's better things ended up this way as now he is truly labelled a public enemy

>> No.9724725


Rules and policies as such should be done at all conventions.

>> No.9724730


>> No.9724770

he's definitely either banned on sight or going to be harassed on sight. expect him to now go to cons with a mask/balaclava and a fake name on his badge.

ngl i've carried tools and weapons of various sorts at major conventions. conventions have easily exploited holes unless you want to go TSA style in which case they still have holes. remember that your security cordon is maintained by a bunch of words and some minimum wage workers who don't give a shit.

>> No.9724792


Inb4 acg banned in malaysia

>> No.9724793


Basically, Melayu.

>> No.9724798


Removal of threat is fine. Ban him and put him in the blacklist. Have a restrain order from the event.

Not following him around making him paranoid

>> No.9724814

Ban those group too. "Ayahanda" my butt!

>> No.9724816


Yeah that's the problem with Azzan, I joined ACG back at 2013, and during my first con, I have already heard about this guy being extremely thirsty about getting lolis and doing gravure shoots. I heard that he was lurking back from 2011/2012.

Good point that this idiot doesn't understand that people doesn't like his way of approach or photoshoot yet he insist to be an idiot.

But sadly to see it ended in a very immature way, both Azzan and Shafeeq. Both retarded as fuck.

>> No.9724819

Well. You need a major incidents like this before authorities are even bothered.

>> No.9724820

Killing 2 birds with 1 explosion.

>> No.9724825
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Dont only read on one side.
He was provoked.

>> No.9724826
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>> No.9724827
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>> No.9724832

a discharge in malaysiaaaaaa


>> No.9724835 [DELETED] 

>Insect people continue to act like subhumans
Wow it's fucking nothing, friendly reminder that Koreans are a straight 20 points higher on the IQ scale than SEAniggers

>> No.9724838

more merch incoming.

>> No.9724843

this in Malaysia btw,
i dont think they have a bag checks,
but they already warn attendee not to bring any replica or something that look like real weapon .

perhaps this fella thought that bringing real weapon is OK

>> No.9724847

who de heck is this aqil ?

>> No.9724866

So he is able to harass and provoke girls. But he is unable to swallow his own medicine. Such a joke and hypocrite.

>> No.9724868

he looks bad for spraying without them actually doing anything. being nerds they wouldn't have done shit.

>> No.9724869

He does stalk and harasses girls to strip for him to take lewd shot. And even stalk the girls to convention grounds to do so.

I don't see what's wrong with people doing the same to him.

Fighting fire with fire. Nothing wrong.

>> No.9724871

Isn't it more evidence that he is mentally unstable and should be locked up. Why inconvenience and endanger everyone by letting this psycho go unchecked to begin with?

>> No.9724883

not really. he felt threatened, he decided to spray. that's not grounds for being put in a mental institution. does he look bad for not having an airtight self defense case? yes.. there's lots of creepers and people who have done creepy things but we don't lock them up. should you shun them? sure.

>> No.9724884

Suddenly everyone forgets about the infamous murder, rape and the AMG shimakaze. Of course the Malaysian ACG will single out malay troublemakers, especially garbage rate cosplayers who wanted to be the voice of authority on fagbook comments.

Fuck azzan and his antics, sure, but the fact is there's creeper everywhere in anime/comic cons around the world lmao.

>> No.9724886

>Suddenly everyone forgets about the infamous murder, rape and the AMG shimakaze
You're going to have to remind us folks who aren't in your region.

>> No.9724925

They've never done that.

>> No.9724926

the English and irish will follow you around poking you for miles. this isn't just 3rd.

>> No.9724935

OP forgotten this ain't no real shit and thought its some doujin his been jerking to

>> No.9724937
File: 134 KB, 340x340, 1482241795633.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP tots or gtfo, if you can't prove it exist, don't spam it here

>> No.9724939
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>this thread
inb4 race wars on which is the less fuckup when everyone is no different for this kinda stuff

>> No.9724941
File: 44 KB, 720x720, 1401b90d5c7c0af5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>murder, rape and the AMG shimakaze.
care to elaborate on that, anon...

>> No.9724976


Sure. Proof here.

>> No.9724979

Definitely no learning from past mistakes. Considering they're still letting mental humans run around.

>> No.9724982

With him bring like this. I strongly believed that he might simply pepper spray a girl into submission out of disappointment of rejection if the situation ended up as such.

He's obvious mentally unstable and insane considering the stuff he posts online.

>> No.9724986

So are you telling me, if I'm a victim of his harassment I can also spray the fuck out of him as well. I would just look bad and get sympathy because I have a poor case of defence?

He sprayed. He injured people. There's nothing more to say.

Whoever deals the first punch. Guilty. That's how it is right?

>> No.9724989


Official reports are picking up.

“Security found a metal baton, paintball gun, knife, bear spray and a pepper spray in his possession during a search after he was detained,” this obviously doesn't sound like self defence. Sounds more like he's planning to attack to be honest. With alot of dangerous weapons.

"He said the supervisor and another 19-year-old patron then headed towards Exhibition Hall 2 to apprehend the individual.

“However when both of them approached him, he lashed out and immediately sprayed an unknown chemical on their face,” he said."
Basically obviously attacking the security staff.
I don't think he was being threatened by the gang. He literally refuse to adhere to security instructions and opened fire.

>> No.9724993

Exactly. With the sort of advances he's made in the past, I would be worried for the girls' safety.
There's really no reason for him to have that there. I don't understand how anyone could think bringing bear spray to a convention was a good idea.

>> No.9725001

He wasn't actually attacked so him spraying looks bad for him. If they had swung at him he would have had a self defense claim.

Those are all things one can use for defense just as much as they can be used to attack so just having them does not mean he would have used them offensively. Would he have used them if he was not approached? Therein lies the difference. His biggest fault is being caught with them. He should have just left the area.

>> No.9725010

He shouldn't even have continued going for conventions to begin with.

It's like openly jumping into a pool of sharks. Plus he already self made himself into a huge target

>> No.9725014

He attacked the security staff. Which part of that is proper self defence. None.

Even if it's for self defence for him to bring those stuff out. Doesn't it seem weird if the security would even approach him. Unless he was flaunting his self defense equipment and already alarmed the public.

>> No.9725027

We've already established it wasn't a proper self defense case. The attendee going with the staffer most likely told them "hey this dude is creepy you should kick him out." That's not unheard of and has happened to people at local conventions even if the person has not actually done something at the event yet.

I can't fault him for continuing to go to conventions as they do have stuff that people want to see. If it was me I'd be hiding my face to avoid confrontations.

>> No.9725034

Ehh, by the looks of it, you country did nothing after all the allegations that he been made and yet his somehow roaming free in all of the particulars events.
I wonder if its you guys have a very short mind-span on this kind of situation or you guys weird down the third world.

>> No.9725036

>I wonder if its you guys have a very short mind-span on this kind of situation

This is a country where people forgot about the election season government pummeling when some literally whos from Sulu try to claim Sabah as their clay and invade.

Mahathir was right about "Melayu Mudah Lupa" (Malay forgets easily) regardless of what you think of him.

>> No.9725038

same with America
Bui is still out there but doesn't go to cons anymore. King Lin is around and still contested in just how much shit he did (def creepy). EMCP and other photographers on east coast are doing their creeping. there has been no police activity and at most they're shunned by the community. somewhat tolerated even (the east coast photogs)

>> No.9725040

Long story short, he and Shafeeq, together with his macais should just be banned from ACG all together.

Azzan being his thirsty dick lurking for little girls to prey on

Shafeeq being hisbshitty attitude and causing discomfort to everyone, and yet being hail a leader. No less than a troublemaker in the ACG scene.

Everyone in ACG supposingly is about having fun and gathering with friends. Not to create more drama.

>> No.9725051

Not too fond of ya country's history, he still seem more reasonable then ya currents.

Not a american. nor I don't even know regarding that case.

This azzan fella sounds any weird ass weeb to walk this face of the earth and this shafeeq on the other hand is "hurr durr im edgy blaze fgt". Sound typical for this community.

>> No.9725052

I not you guys know or not, he got cuber bullied for some time now. Almost a year? With threats and stuff. Some are very bad threats. You should check out the provoker/bully FB. There is more to it.

>> No.9725055

Any source or screenshots?

>> No.9725060


go to facebook and search for

> shafeeq.heros

this is that edgy blaze lord shafeeq's facebook. scroll down on the photos and you'll see a lot of azzan memes and harrassment

>> No.9725061

was mentioning them to show that it's not just one country or community that doesn't do shit about creepers.

>> No.9725064

Where does that in any way mentioned that she cosplayed as Shimakaze?

Picture proof or else its a lie

>> No.9725065

mir muhammad shafeeq search this name.

>> No.9725068


I don't know who started the shimakaze thing. But I only seem to find her other cosplay photos, but not Shimakaze

This link got her censored cos photo though

>> No.9725069

I think the key issue isn't a shimakaze.

I think the biggest issue was a murder in the Malaysian ACG community.

>> No.9725077

The big issue is the misleading or rather sensationalized statement that a shimakaze cosplayer was killed/rape but not a shred of proof that the cosplayer that was involved was a Shimakaze cosplayer. I mean the mere mentioned of shimakaze is ahem as other anon suggested "suggestive".

Just the mere mention of a cosplayer being killed should have suffice.

>> No.9725113

Another shimakaze incident isnt related to the murder iirc. It's about a pervert in shimakaze cosplay at animangaki who kept taking upskirt photos. Things didn't blew up out of proportion because the photographer got a lot of "connections" and I guess have a lot of fangirls. I'm not going to bother digging up 3 year old posts.

Then there's also japanese soldier uniforms, and another infamous person who cosplayed as a jewish rabbi at some bon odori festival.

Shit happens man, but blaming one race isn't really the best idea. Don't get me started on Indian SJW with obnoxious english trying to fit in ACG community.

>> No.9725174
File: 37 KB, 600x600, elliot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on the bright side, we got another Supreme Gentleman in the making. Dude's broken. assuming no one will help him this time, he can only help himself.

>> No.9725175


Lol who cares

>> No.9725180

>not knowing how to sage
It's okay anon you tried

>> No.9725200

1. He is proven as the "without sex" guy.
2. He abusing people, but when people abusing him, he got mad.
3. When he starts a long time ago... and then when people starts now.... he is afraid and getting BEAR spray.
4. He still come to CF. For what? For spraying anybody who tell him that he is right, abusing people?

A. He plan this very well as bear spray actually not an easy item to bring in Malaysia. It can be any way, but still in illegal means.
B. He plan clearly that anyone that target him, he will open fire using that can.
C. Whatever he claims, he cant deny that he plan all this.
D. Whatever he claims, he cant deny that he having that fucking fetish.
E. He cant deny that he will be abused for reason "D" above.

Z. As if he try to defence as per (i)self defence, or (ii)provocation,
(i) His weapon is more powerful than others (bear spray),
(ii) Difficult to approve, refer

However, when words alone could form the basis of provocation, it
becomes necessary to look at the relevant characteristics of the person taunted,
to decide if he was provoked and to determine what degree of self-control was required of him.

But, if he sprayed the CF staff, it is a different story. 352 Penal Code, 3 months jail max, or rm 1000 max, or both.

>> No.9725217

I was there when it happened. My face and eyes was burning like for about 2hrs... Thank God it wasn’t a real bomb. Looking back at it I’m a little more thankful it was just pepper spray. Still, it hurt as fucking hell and I would really love to punch the guy in the face.

>> No.9725235

I doubt 3 months is enuff to fix this retard.

And to be honest, the CF staff was not the only victim. So I believe the offense should be greater.

Ah well. Justice...

>> No.9725294

He should be charged for every human he hurt.

>> No.9725298

I think the huger implications is on the security and safety of the country and conventions being questioned.

Also people already have a generally not too good impression of cgl. We being escapist etc.

Now we have an Azzan making it to the headlines.

>> No.9725342

A real bomb would probably happen at this rate if Azzan is left unchecked.

>> No.9725346

Any idea if he would be charged for owning an illegal item like the bear spray??

>> No.9725398

He'll probably only get a fine since it was not malicious

>> No.9725437

Is this post ironic? Do people even understand what Gamergate is or is it just a boogeyman you read about in some mainstream article? You have no clue what you’re talking about.

>> No.9725600
File: 49 KB, 550x400, dancevege.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, it's the reverse. Vivian james cosplayers get kicked out of cons after being harassed.

usually gamergaters to go LAN parties and FGC tourneys and not weaboo cons. the harassers in cons are usually self-professed white knights aka male feminists.

>> No.9725601

Which part of it is not Malicious.
Even if it's just a fine, I think he needs mental rehab

>> No.9725632

If he had planned an attack and you could prove it he might get a jail sentence. As is it looks like a scuffle between some nerds.

>> No.9725667

Shafeeq had nothing to do with this. People are just hating on him just because of him being infamous, trying to make him look guilty. Azzan's motive is to cause a ruckus. Do we really need to play the blame game here?

>> No.9725669
File: 221 KB, 962x1086, IMG_20171219_122106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well. His motive was a girl named Lisa.
Well, he should really wake up his idea now.

Basically he is a pervertic psycho and I doubt he was truly provoked. Saw the video of the "provoke" and honestly, he was self provoking himself.

And I really hope this Lisa girl stays safe. This guy is pure insane

>> No.9725671
File: 378 KB, 1080x1686, IMG_20171219_122538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup someone mentioned about it.
First part here.

>> No.9725674
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Part 2

>> No.9725699

go fuck yourself

>> No.9725700

Bear mace is actually much less potent than pepper spray

>> No.9725701

A bunch of people should just beat the shit out of him til he stops coming.

>> No.9725723

that's a little extreme and makes those people no better than him. possibly even worse.

everything from the "makes way to event" part onward sounds plausible. above that point is reaching pretty far though.

>> No.9725744

Are you absolutely fucking bonkers as well as aggressively retarded?! This guy is a sexual predator, a pedophile. He shouldn't have been there to start with. The organization has enough proof to ban him for life.

>> No.9725749

>be muslin country
>Lets just coddle pathetic freaks, incels and pedos
>what could go wrong?
>its our Culture!

>> No.9725754

so a bunch of wannabe white knight snagletooth malays wolf pack a single military dressed Malay in a dick measuring match and single Malay freaks out in defense because snaggletooth wolf pack tried to pretend they are hero's to save da pussy. Sounds about typical of this fucking goat fucking country.

>> No.9725755


got more news about him

>> No.9725756

>3 hours without sex guy
What is the story behind this name? Can someone explain?

>> No.9725760

see >>9724544

>> No.9725766
File: 346 KB, 1080x1510, IMG_20171219_153352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well. This person is a staff of CF and is saying extremely worrying things.

So if someone is gonna set up a bomb, they are just gonna let it happen. Ridiculous.

Such security measures might as well not even bother about security. There to solely check ticketing. Hahaha. Money faces

>> No.9725774

that's actually pretty common for liability purposes. same reason why a lot of jobs tell you to just stand back when people are stealing shit and do not confront the thief. if you're not specifically responsible to fight on behalf of the company they don't want you to do it. it might be "the right thing" to act but in a lot of cases insurance will cover losses and you getting hurt is not.

>> No.9725776

The protocol for security checks in Singapore allows such checks to be done. Shouldn't Malaysia adopt such measures as well? It's everyone's safety at risk here.

>> No.9725778

depends on how things are legally set up. the venue security staff are probably able to refuse people but CF staff aren't. in a lot of cases you aren't allowed to touch someone's stuff without permission (submitting to a bag check is giving permission in that case) and if the person doesn't allow the check the venue staff should refuse them. as far as a guy with a weapon goes that's back to the liability , plus a safety thing because you don't want to provoke someone. the venue staff are likely instructed to call the cops if it really comes down to it.

>> No.9725791

Dont try to cover him. When he just throwing shit words, it is very light when people left him just like that. Now when he throwing real shit like bear spray... I feel he need to be convicted. People give him too much chances. As per others provocation, he deserved it. If he giving that kind of shit to my family members, the sun will not shine tomorrow for him. Actually, the solution is very easy. Dont come to any CF events or any fucking cosplay events. He can got fucked... not good for his future

>> No.9725801

both sides are fucked up. one is a creeper. the others are being assholes because they are "morally right." call him out on his shit, warn others, refuse to interact with him, but don't take it to the next level by confronting him like they did. azzan acted like a cornered dog once they surrounded him. if they had warned CF staff then maybe he would have been asked to leave and nothing more would have happened. if he continued to persist the cops are called because he's trespassing and they take it from there.

>> No.9725807

1. He carry weapon. Damn it, weapon!
2. He has history, harassing people

Doesnt matter he is being provoked or not, but you cannot deny he lashing such dangerous chemical to other people.

Others are innocent but implicated.

I give one example.
Let you drive and kill others.
Never care if others have valid licenses or road tax.

What matters if you are killing people. Law is subjected to that.

In this case, he possess dangerous chemical. He sprayed people. Innocent people. Who gonna be accounted for? Cf? Or the culprit, him?

>> No.9725813

he's convinced he needs it to defend himself. leave that mothefucker a wide berth. fuck if anything ya'll are confirming his suspicions that niggahs be out to get him. let the cops handle that shit.

>> No.9725817

So, you now tell us, if he is provoked, you approve his actions of running amoks? Means that you can just kill anyone?

Please go. You are blatantly defend a proven terrorist actions. I feel that you are the friends of his. Today is others day, but tommorow, it can be you, or your relative.

We never defend provocations, but for his case, he is that famous sexguy, and for this action alone is not different from a paedophile.

>> No.9725819

There's a bunch of photos of the murderer here if you scroll down a bit. His Naruto cosplay makeup made me chuckle a bit.

>> No.9725820

you let the RIGHT PEOPLE handle it. ie THE COPS. we live in a functional society not a fucking vigilante movie. well, maybe you fucks out in malaysia do

>> No.9725822

No. No. Thats another case, if you know any story make other thread.

For this story, fuck him because CF will be in other kind of light tomorrow.

I go CF for many years, this kind of people is definitely shit. No live, no girl, like to peeking skirts, take boobs picture as it is nothing....

And he do it to your mother.... sisters....

To tell you the thruth, if the one got fired is your mother, father, brother, sister, uncle or your untie.... You are the one who angry the most.

>> No.9725823

What is the purpose of foruming... dont want to talk... go away... because all the things police will handle all the time...

Because the solution at the end, let police handle it... fuck it because you can finish all the forum like that tooo...


1. Hey, there is JB masacre...
2. Let police handle it meh...

Not need to write anything more. All forum will got only 2 posts

>> No.9725825

>dont want to talk... go away...
gee this is fucking ironic

>Please go

you tell me to go and right afterwards say people should talk? you don't like it when i oppose your viewpoint and say that no we shouldn't be vigilantes?
>What is the purpose of foruming...

>> No.9725830

You already say, let the police settle it.... you are the one say that, so you should not have any argument.

So you can go.

It is useless when you know what he do, and you already say, let police settle. The answer will be the same. You like him, thats it, and thats your view. Any arguments not hold any water to you.

This is not about vigilante or not, but, you can think right, it not always wise to fuck people around and go on. And it is not wiser when you spray people. And it is fucker when you do it in the event i like so much.

He is no dog. He can go, go away from bullies... but why he do that...?

>> No.9725835
File: 398 KB, 990x1261, seasgonnasea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, you let the police handle people because they're legally able to. you don't fucking go up and roll on him and pretend oh we're the good guys we can do whatever the fuck we want. yeah he's a creep as his text messages have shown but that still doesn't give you carte blanche to do stupid shit. confronting him in a circle? he should have left and those guys shouldn't have put him in that corner to begin with. video showed him being cool up til the point someone touched him.

>> No.9725838

So, he is the good guy then? As for that he is not good as his facebook also. As we also judge, you also the same.

Wait? What is the time he spray?

Bonus question, he spray at the bullies or the CF staff? At all video, the attack is targeted to staff?

CF staff bully him?

>> No.9725839

both sides are bad. one is a creeper. the other shouldn't be stalking and surrounding him. considering he had been stalked by those fucks for a while it's no surprise he thought the next people chasing him were more of the same.

>> No.9725840

For that, i need to agree. It is very correct.

Only one thing, the creeper one no need to bring weapon of mass destruction. Somebody innocent will be hurt in the process

>> No.9725844

the creeper felt he needed it for his protection and being confronted probably confirmed his suspicions. would they have persisted in harassing him if he hadn't pulled out the baton? would the baton even seen the light of day if he hadn't been surrounded? that's why the proper people are used for things like this. assumably he's been carrying for a while and no one learned of it til now. there's a saying: "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" and the people stalking him almost won the showcase showdown

like some of the people on facebook have been saying, ban both from events. works for me.

>> No.9725848

Thats why he is stupid playing to others game.

He is doing what others want for most. Spraying others.

Think wiser, thats why running amoks never be wise, at the end he failed.

Yup, it is better to ban both of them forever. CF needs tougher security

>> No.9725851

Lol. You call this a disaster?

>> No.9725853

You don't get "provoked" into pepper spraying people. If you get mad because someone's taunting you and spray them that is a choice you are making.

That's like saying a rapist got "provoked" by a short skirt.

>> No.9725875

This is why Malaysians are dumbasses.
You have this incident going on and all you do is bickering and pointing blame. This is 4chan. You find joy and fun from this kind of shit. Lighten up and have fun.

It's either swallow it and have some fun over such misery or get out to your normie social media and be a family man. We don't need your shit here.

>> No.9725878

Well on his fb he declared he was going to stalk and harass a girl already.

I mean. Which part of that wouldn't attract social justice warriors to take action?

In fact, if he wasn't "provoked", imagine the girl rejected and ran away from him. He opens fire at the girl. Or stab her with a knife which he has.

To be honest. He needs mental help and he needs to be locked away from society

>> No.9725880

Well alot of them only make noise and not take action.

I mean, we got missing aeroplanes and their first solution is dancing with coconuts.

Now we got a botched terrorist attempt and all they are doing is like trying to justify a psycho's actions.

>> No.9725896

Don't group us together just because we are Malaysians.

If you look carefully. This whole incident only involves 1 race being a problem.

>> No.9725901

hey i'm sick of our politicians playing the race card too but you don't need to bring it here

There will always be creeps, and there will always be assholes, no matter what place or race. you don't need to be one

>> No.9725917

Found the Berkley student. If whites are so much of a problem, why haven't you hung yourself to remove a white from the world? Fucking hypocrite virtue signalling piece of garbage. fuck off.

>> No.9725918

two wrongs don't make a right you snaggletoothed Asian version redneck.

>> No.9725920

>bear spray a weapon of mass destruction

Well, I have finally found the cradle of librard ideology. From a Muslim dominate country of all things. the fucking irony is fierce.

>> No.9725981
File: 703 KB, 2048x832, 10204226346415387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a timeline of what happened. This is 100% true because I know the parties involved. Of course, you're free to not believe me.

>guy with bear spray (Azzan) is a creep for years prior to this, and has a very bad reputation
>shitposter and his groupies (Shafeeq) hound him
>Azzan makes a Facebook post (I think?) asking to meet Shafeeq and 'settle it'
>Shafeeq agrees
>Azzan chickens out
>Shafeeq and groupies continue attempts to meet him
>fast forward to the event
>Shafeeq's group follow Azzan around for some time
>Azzan gets spooked, takes out a baton, and starts making threats
>he runs away and Shafeeq's group leaves him alone
>staff attempts to apprehend him
>Azzan freaks out and uses his bear spray
>commotion is caused

It's not a big deal, but the weeaboo community in Malaysia are making it out to be some terrible event. There have been some decent memes produced for this momentous event, however.

Don't attempt to reason with Malaysians. This thread has been linked on jewbook, so expect newfags and retards to show up.

>> No.9726003

Which part of not a big deal does it look like to you.

Azzan is not a big deal. Sure. But he's been a problem and still being allowed to roam unchecked.

But the lapse in security and safety of the attendees is.

The lack of anti terrorist measures and malaysians being noisy as fuck but let a mad man run loose for years. I think that's the biggest concern.

CF is a small ass event. Luckily. Imagine if it was AFA and a Japanese guest got hurt. Or if idiots like Azzan snap at a live concert.

Worse. If he corners a girl and snapped at her.

>> No.9726152

pepper spray being sprayed is not terrorism you moron. This is two dumb Malays being fucking idiot weebs.

acid is terrorism. car of peace is terrorism, explosions are terrorism.

>> No.9726214


>SINoALice guildmate

>received Intel

Nigga wuht

>> No.9726270

Malaysians are the maximum height of weeb.

>> No.9726372

If he was sexually harassing my friend and none of the staff was going to do anything about it. I'd get a few friends and beat the living shit out of him.

>> No.9726417

Its a fucking bear spray you moron. Learn how to read before you blame.

>> No.9726443

Bear spray has less of the irritant in it than pepper spray which makes it even less effective as a terrorist weapon

>> No.9726448

I can't believe it. Stupid Malaysians are still making a big fuss out of this and it still goes on until now. Thankfully I left the doomed country because of the idiots in it. Malaysia is one major source for weaboos, and every cosplayer who cosplay for fame. Fueling my drama needs is the only good thing about it.

>> No.9726451

Mass panic and injuries. Although no lives were lost. I think it's still quite an act of terror.

If he had decided to go with something more destructive, wouldn't it be simply a huge disaster.

I mean. His intentions and mentality is fucked. We can only thank God he didn't get his hands on a bomb

>> No.9726453

Cosplays and shows of skin. Then complain people like Azzan stalk them.

>> No.9726457

Tell me more about it. I'm aghast at the mentality of Malaysian (Not just in ACG crap). This is why events like AFA had decided to give up on Malaysia after an attempt to enter its market and people wonder why.

>> No.9726513

Woah, he tried to pepper spray a girl?
Did the girl attack him physically?
Because if he tried to pepper spray a girl who didn't physically attack him, he's very dangerous.

>> No.9726514

who tf wants to grab a girl for a few hours without sex?
beta as fuck tbqh.

>> No.9726542

Stupid. Bear spray more irritant than peper spray. It is 10 times more powerful you dumbhead. Research first before talk because it make you look stupid

>> No.9726585

guess i'm in bizarro world
>Bear spray has a much lower concentration of oleoresin capsicum, and should only be used as a bear deterrent. Pepper spray is a self defense weapon intended to incapacitate human threats, and it is very effective at doing this due to its higher concentration of oleoresin capsicum.

>A typical pepper spray used for self defense will have an oleoresin capsicum (OC) concentration of about 10% or higher. A typical bear spray has a oleoresin concentration of about 1 – 2 %.

>> No.9726645

In general. I think Malaysian cut corners to save themselves the hassle and costs. Yet they are selfish to put others at risk cause of it.

Lack of proper security measures is one. As seen in this incident.

I can't blame people for playing vigilante because authorities and organisers ain't doing shit about it.

In addition, many Malaysians are relatively relaxed and much slower at work. It's not that they can't do good work. It's just, they are too relaxed. To the point where things like security or organising events, they miss out alot of details.

Then when something goes wrong. The blame game starts.

At the same time, I have read about all the weird news happening at Malaysia. Violent. Aeroplanes. Black out during voting.

If these things can run amok, I think Azzan is a small matter.

>> No.9726653

Don't attempt to reason with Malaysians. They are extremely egoistic to the point even though they are wrong, they will insist they are the correct ones and anybody who defy them are dumbhead and "look stupid". Voted the same corrupted government for the past 50 years and watch their currency fall against superior USD, crime rates rise over exponential rates.

Their only substitution to their lack of intellect is to fill it with Ego. Malaysian ACG is a toxic community that the only things matter to them is fame and money. Malaysia is also a 3rd world country and it's full of poor people, doesn't help when their parents are teaching the wrong stuffs like racism and survival of the fittest ideology which results in selfishness. Also doesn't help they are incapable of reading online to improve one's knowledge which even normal children can do. This is why this thread existed when it is not even a big issue to begin with.

>> No.9726666

Whoops, you replied before I can post my response below.

Yes you are right. They cut corners to save out "unnecessary" aspect of things. When things go south, everybody plays passing the blame game. Greed is everywhere in Malaysia. Blame corrupts government but in return starts practising corruption. Comic Fiesta is all about the money. Don't think they will give a shit about safety until things happen.

Too many wannabes but talk too much nothing gets done. This is Malaysia and why it is rotting.

Those weird things you are referring to are linked to corruption and it's 3rd world country mentality. It's now practised as the norm. The more you stay in Malaysia the more relaxed you become, ending up being dysfunctional. Too much holidays kill the brain cell and money. All the smart people had already left Malaysia. Smart people are not appreciated, so the only option is leave, remains are the dumb and stupid people.

>> No.9726673

The beta males siding with the cosplayers in this blaming game because they just want a taste of Vag00, hopefully sempai noticed them and they live happily ever after. White knights, white knights everywhere.

>> No.9726728

RIP English

>> No.9726811

Since when Malaysians can English.

>> No.9726902

Still not a weapon of "mass destruction" you fucking wannabe self important back island reject.

>> No.9727128

Wait a sec
Shot him

>> No.9727263

Not true.
I was there.
I witness Shafeeq or Syafiq or whatever his name is harassing Azzan until he snapped.

>> No.9727322

Do you even understand Malay.

Can u even recognise the people?

>> No.9727343

Do you?

>> No.9727405

Did the CF organisers make any proper announcement on the matter?

Or are they trying to sweep this under the rug???

I mean, even if the matter is not resolve, wouldn't a simple apology be at least given. To show some sense of responsibility and concern over the matter?

>> No.9727416

from what the people who know how malays operate are saying.. nah, fuck that

>> No.9727857

They should really wake the fuck up

>> No.9728046

Because two groups of fuck wits are the conventions responsibilty. How about the white knight vigilantes and azzan or whatever the fuck his name is issue an apology and kiss on camera.

Don't blame comic fiesta for this, blame your own redneck selves for acting like fucking retards.

>> No.9728235

Yes, feel the Malayhate flow. The seanig infighting is glorious.

>> No.9728282 [DELETED] 

their 'security small fries' fucked up, and they know it....

The way I see it they will not make statements and deny anything that points fingers at them until cleanup work is confidently done. Classic cover up lol

>> No.9728622

They caused the drama. But the organiser are not doing anything to diffuse it.

Typical Malay lepak attitude.

Forever breeding ppl like Azzan

>> No.9728625


Reflect on the Malaysian flight that disappeared a few years back and the organization surrounding that and you have your answer.

>> No.9728790

Because it's the organization's responsibility to babysit you fucking apes.

>> No.9729079

Milsim, not Muslim my dude

>> No.9729476

Muslim Milsim.

He's the worst possible combination.

>> No.9730396

>*kisses ur lips for 3 hours

>> No.9730411

between these fuckers and Liui, when do we make the earthquake sink both islands.

>> No.9732326

I think CF has brought about nothing but problems these year. Seriously the management better buck up.

>> No.9734021

No wonder they trying to cover up

>> No.9736308

Your dumb ass is grasping at straws, correcting trivial mistakes but his point still stands. Please, stop embarrassing us Malaysians and learn to know when you're beat

>> No.9736328

Gamergate has not had a single attack attributed to it, even the FBI has said so per their investigation. Multiple Pro-GG events have been threatened with bombs and attacks, but none of the AntiGG threats have ever proven to be real.

The closest that has ever been proven is a guy named Ralph who attempted to co-opt the movement (Henceforth known as GGR or GamerGate Revolt) assaulted a cop, and a guy that Ralph hired killed his dad over pants on head Pizzagate shit.

Source; I used to meet up with 30+ members every quarter to get shitfaced. No stabbings or bombs, none of the women with us got raped or harassed.