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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9702148 No.9702148 [Reply] [Original]

We have lardasses and skeletons as far as the eye can see, the cute ones are few and far between and they always turn out to be fucking gay.

What gives?

>> No.9702161

For a lot of people, cosplay is escapism to get away from their unsatisfying everyday life and feel like a badass hero for a change. Is it really surprising this attracts ugly losers more than attractive, successful men?

>> No.9702342

Former fatass, proud owner of a semi-decent sixpack here:
The thing is as you start losing weight and getting your shit together cons go from being magical places where you can buy cool shit and see cute girls dressed like your waifus, to grim reminders of what you used to be or maybe still are deep down inside: Fat, unmotivated, immature, bad with money, friendzoned, weird-smelling, fish out of water.

It starts losing its appeal, same with videogames and anime. And also cosplay chicks are not at all like you imagined them, you tend to put them in a pedestal and think of them as unicorns but at the end of the day they're just regular women with slightly weirder hobbies.

>> No.9702392

Have you seen the female community? By God some of you might be fun but there's little to no wife material in most comms. It's more riddled with mental diseases than I held possible.

Before coming to cons I thought the whole "x-acceptance" and "Tumblr girls with mental diseases" was a joke. Boy was I wrong.
In short, it's the same reason why most robots don't get cute girls. You're not cute, and if you are, there's an 80% chance you have a personality that nullifies it.

>> No.9702454

>Guys who are into fashion and dressing up, along with other traditionally feminine hobbies are gay
Who would have guessed?
I've also told girls I was gay so they would leave me alone lmao. It's much easier to do it that way since women are really really bad at dealing with rejection

>> No.9702474
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You better give me a good reason why I should spend my time and effort on doing makeup, autistically styling wigs, and making costumes from scratch, when I could be playing rugby or football, shooting guns, and working with metal

>> No.9702487

>he doesn't do and LARP and rugger at the same time
It's like you don't want to make silly costumes and just be ashamed of your hobby towards the lads.

>> No.9702511

Isn't larp mostly just gay high medival crap?

>> No.9702528
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>not mixing shooting guns, working with metal, and cosplay

>> No.9702533
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This. This isn't meant to insult anyone on this board in particular or OP but the the stock for women in the community isn't all that great. Walking tumblr stereotypes, some of them can be very pretty but theres plenty of room left for them to be conceited or just crazy. I don't even hang out with most of my old fuckhueg friend group anymore because people can't control their lust or their mouths. I do cosplay stuff with a couple of them at their home or mine. I'd say a bigger issue for both men and women is being children well into their 20's, it's incredibly unattractive.

>> No.9702560

>I've also told girls I was gay so they would leave me alone lmao
That does not work at most cons. When the tumblr landwhales hear that I'm gay, they immediately try to shove their awkward, and far too young, guy friends towards me, expecting "yaoi" pics. And if it's not the 16 year old shy and greasy guy friend, it's a fakeboi who is 100% trans-trending and not actually trans.

>> No.9702594

>In short, it's the same reason why most robots don't get cute girls. You're not cute, and if you are, there's an 80% chance you have a personality that nullifies it.
thank you to reminder that

>> No.9702602

Only in the US, not that the general LARPer will be much better but you'd be surprised at some of the communities.

>> No.9702838

I think cosplay is fucking retarded but it's important for my girlfriend so I support her however I can

>> No.9703117

How is it retarded

>> No.9703124

Nice one faggot. Forreal. Nice one. Support your girl.

>> No.9703384

semi-fit guy here

Even if you're half-way decent looking guy cosplaying, cosplay community don't really give a damn about you. It's because there are two predominant side in this community: one is females looking to network among other female cosplayers for group photos (and after 2010, just pad up their cosplay page numbers)

the other, beta loser fanboys who relegate to being photographers just so they can tell their parents they've met girls in real life.

There is no in-between room for skilled male cosplayers because they don't fit their mold. Obviously beta boys don't care about male cosplayers, and female cosplayers trust same gender more than other. This trend got way worse after cosplay became 'mainstream' because NOW there's added caveat of 'cosplay fame' and female sex appeals sells more than male's.

I think a lot of decent male cosplayers realized that and quit cosplay because comm trend nowadays have no room for them. This of course is bad because the less dynamics community has, the sooner it fizzles out.

>> No.9703393
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This is one of my favorite human phenomena

>> No.9703394
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>> No.9703490

Pretty true.

There are some decently attrative/fit male cosplayers, but the moment someone is attractive/fit all the girl cosplayers immediately cry "he's just here to pick up guuuurls!!1!". It's like "fake gamer gurl", but against guys.

Also, a good half of the guys at cons don't really take photos of more feminine guy cosplayers. The exceptions are the exceptionally masculine/cool armor dudes (a guts with good berserker armor, for instance)

I met a really chill guy who did real impressive worbla work at the last con I was at, and he's got little attention despite his good work. Cute girls get a ton of attention for bought costumes.

It's kind of the cancer killing cosplay, making it into a huge popularity contest

>> No.9703568

So what you doin in cgl?

>> No.9703571

Not this anon but have a quick guess? He might be here to get a better understanding of his gf, he might be here to do research for a Secret Santa, heck he might just be here to be a white knight fag and defend her on bullying threads because they're trash.

But in all of these he's a good cunt here for his girl.

>> No.9703642

>men have an extremely realistic idea of a given woman's relative attractiveness

>women have absolutely no fucking idea where the male average lies

What's wrong with women desu

>> No.9703650

Male cosplayers well. the problem is they don't cosplay things that are well. not the DBZ shit, I mean there is this asian guy down south who is a god tier hanzo, I mean fuck, the only thing I see non DBZ male cosplayers that are decent are either Dangan Ropa (because they are being wrapped into it by girlfriends), Overwatch or DBZ, which isn't bad but it is legit hard (or amazing power armor/worbla work, I am seeing Guts cosplay become a thing again)

>> No.9703654

god is it wrong that I hate fakebois so much god fuck like being LGBT is like new trend god I hate this

>> No.9703659

Is this from this year’s nuggetfest?

>> No.9703726

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the hobby of cosplay is so centered around women it's damn near exclusive. Tends to make most men shy away from it when they find out it's impossible to succeed unless they have bewbs and a vag.

>> No.9703728

Being considered cute has more to do than just having abs, silly boy.

>> No.9703730

>And also cosplay chicks are not at all like you imagined them,
Actually they are *exactly* like I imagined them: amine-loving girls who dress up like their favorite characters.....how did *you* imagine them?

>> No.9703752
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>thirsty weeb girls who think they look better than what they do.

>> No.9703753

Because we (at least I) don't want to take pictures of men in dresses. I don't like dick. Go be a faggo somewhere else.

I appreciate masculine cosplay, and I shoot guy cosplayers, but they don't take cosplay as seriously as girls do.

>> No.9703764

>but they don't take cosplay as seriously as girls do.
lol you actually expect us to believe that?

>> No.9703778

The last line is stellar bait. The only cosplayers I've seen with great armor have all been men. I've seen several very good female cosplayers as well, but they tend to sew things (still impressive) rather than mold armor.

On the other hand, I can list off multiple girls who buy all their costumes and have a cosplay page. It's not taking it serious, it's making a mockery of it. Half the female cosplay community dresses up for guys, they don't take it "seriously" at all.

>> No.9703780

I'm ugly on the outside, but cute inside if you want me to start cosplaying , OP

>> No.9703789

>Dangan Ropa (because they are being wrapped into it by girlfriends)
I’ve been cosplaying danganronpa for years and haven’t had a gf since before I started cosplay. Am I doing something wrong?

>> No.9703836

Reasonably fit male cosplayer here.

I think part of it comes from the encouragement side of things. I've done a few cosplays so far- and I'll average about 20-30 people a day coming up and commenting on my cosplay or asking for a photo- which feels amazing as someone at entry level. BUT; I see girls with amazon bought, equally or less entry-level cosplays being absolutely swarmed by beta male's or photographers asking for either private shoots or photo's every 20 seconds

Sounds kinda dumb, but when starting off- a healthy dose of positive reinforcement alongside constructive criticism really helps build someone into wanting to cosplay more. When you're a dude it's kinda just...not there.

Plus there's the tendency for people to think you're a douche for showing off your body as a guy. Thanks Chad's

>> No.9703837

so true.
I haven't seen a single man I found attractive in weeks.
But we have less problem than men to get interested into men we found physically repulsive at first as long as there are interesting enough.

>> No.9703841

>Plus there's the tendency for people to think you're a douche for showing off your body as a guy. Thanks Chad's
Well not that it'll make you feel any better but women get the same thing except when they do it they're attention seeking whores.

>> No.9703845

A fit male in dcosplay will always lose to an average looking female in cosplay, period. Welcome to 2017.

>> No.9703846

Isn't this more the fault of the beta males who clamor for that? They're making it possible by funding it and making it popular so that theres actually a demand for it.

>> No.9703851

Nope; try again.

>> No.9703854

I just did a google image search for the word "cosplay". Out of the first 100 results, 97 of them were female. Plently of guys are into cosplay, but everyone keeps pushing them to the back end so they never get seen.

>> No.9703859

That's true. At the end of the day both sides get ridicule, it's just that (although not necessarily justifying the bad with it) it's very seldom male cosplayers will see contradicting attention in a positive light. From what I've seen, other female cosplayers are the worst for judging females.

There's no real 'fault'. Just because neckbeards gather around girls in cosplay doesn't mean that's a direct relation to males getting no attention. You -can- have both people getting lots of attention; but (cosplay scene pending) it's not often a low-profile (fit or not) male manages to get much attention. The average girl just doesn't clamor around males like average guys group around girls.

>> No.9703869

yet cosplay compeitetions have been around since the late 1930s and were HUGE in the 70s and 80s.....why all of this shift towards women dominating the cosplay hobby now all of a sudden?

>> No.9703870

Not trying to start shit but why 'nope'? It does seem to be directly tied together. If women cared about guys and ogled them as much as the guys do cosplay girls I think we'd see more even numbers. Women just dont seem to lust after every single male cosplayer they see the way guys go after their waifus, even if its a store bought piece of shit costume.

>> No.9703882

I think there's a lot of them but they don't get as popular because of how women react to them. I think (most, not all) women see a hot guy at a con and go "nice, but it would never happen". Meanwhile these guys see a girl with their tits out and are deluded into thinking that girl could like them. It's no surprise considering Patreon is literally "pay and ill give you enough attention to think you'll get a chance to fuck me".

That being said most of the guys I know with a good following have all complained in private to me about how they're tired of the community & even more so find it impossible to make friends because every girl with over 50k followers wants to use them for popularity boost, to the point now that they don't know who to trust as a real friend. We all know more popular female cosplayers have a history of getting bfs/betas to make their stuff in secret for them so its no doubt. I'm not surprised theres a lack of (decent at cosplaying) men in cosplay.

also lets be real? most communities are pretty liberal crowded and not the safest or most welcoming place for men to be in.

>> No.9703883

>Not trying to start shit but why 'nope'?
Because you're wrong, that's why.

>> No.9703886

>also lets be real? most communities are pretty liberal crowded and not the safest or most welcoming place for men to be in.
you say this, yet men make up the majority of convention attendees.

>> No.9703890

I'm kinda playing the devil's advocate here, but while men make up the bulk of attendees, the active cosplay community itself is female-dominanted. Most of those guys at cons just show up, see the sights with their friends, and go home.

>> No.9703892

I see your point, but I disagree. The FOCUS is on the females of the cosplay community. Men still make up the majority, but the spotlight (for some reason) is on the ladies.because somehow anatomy trumps talent.

>> No.9703893

If you pretend to become famous and live off you patrein for sure, It's way harder for us. But if you just want to cosplay and have fun nothing stops you anon.
A lot of cosplayers nowadays only think about fame, and that only ends up in drama

>> No.9703897

....unfortunately fame is what wins competitions, not skill. Gender *is* a barrier

>> No.9703899

Men don't go as hard for cosplay as women do because there's no upside. Men don't get paid for it as much as woman (if at all), they don't get the same attention at cons, and they don't get hit on, so why bother? There are some guys that go all out, but they're the exception, not the rule.

If you really think that men and women, as groups, spend equal amounts of effort on cosplay, then you're retarded.

And fuck people who hate on men showing their body off. If I have to look at these fucking butterball bitches' bellies hanging out of a Love Live cosplay, or be called a creep because I looked at a cute Rem too long, you can show off your fucking 6-pack. Fuck it.

>> No.9703903

Explain or you have no argument.

>> No.9703907

>If you really think that men and women, as groups, spend equal amounts of effort on cosplay, then you're retarded.
Sounds like you've never been to a con.

>> No.9703908

What are you asking?

>> No.9703913

Why is it wrong?

>> No.9703915

Why is what wrong?

>> No.9703916

So you don't have an argument then.

>> No.9703917

Biologically, how is this even possible?

>> No.9703918

I am asking for clarification on what you are asking.

>> No.9703919
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What's biology got to do with skewed expectations

>> No.9703920

Why the original post here >>9703870 is "wrong".

>> No.9703922
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Fucking hell, you two, get a room

>> No.9703923

Not until the other anon explains themselves, then we'll see about a room.

>> No.9703925

I am referring to mate selection and reproduction rates.

>> No.9703926

I will explain whatever yu want me to explain to the best of my ability, as long as you tell me what that is.

>> No.9703934 [DELETED] 

Well, birth rates are in decline across the Western world, most of Europe and North America is at sub-replacement levels as is.
As for mate selection, women can only have at most one kid every nine months (with twins/triplets/etc. being fairly rare exceptions), so they need to make sure they get some good quality sperm to make that investment of time and resources worthwhile. A fertile man can conceive several kids in just one day, so they don't have to worry so much about wasting resources on genetically sub-par kids.

>> No.9703939

lol you're so stupid; I was not on board with anything that >>9703926
happened to say. I was fighting my own argument, not theirs.

>> No.9703942

>lol you're so stupid
H-hidoi yo!
I just wanted to try and give a decent answer to the question of how the OKC ratings tie in to mate selection and reproduction

>> No.9703965

Cosplayers in general are fugly and heavily relly on makeup for their insecurities. When men work on themselves and realize the asshattery and annoying superficialism they just move onto a less toxic environment in which their new appeal has a broader and mind-healthier audience

>> No.9703982

You're probably cosplaying the wrong husbandos

>> No.9703989

Thanks god, there is no such a problem here in Russia. All cosplay girls here lay themselves out to be slim and cute because fatness and neglect are hated in the community.

>> No.9704015
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I don't know if it's biological or social or both but, barring some truly exceptional cases, men are the pursuers and women are the pursued. It's up to dudes to prove they're worth a shit and it's up to chicks to give the yay or nay. Like gatekeeping or whatever. That's just how it is.

If I had to take a guess, I'd say the rise of mass communications and the internet and especially social media has exposed women to a whole new world (Aladdin reference) and thus their standards have shot up while guys' standards are still pretty much the same. What 15 years ago would have been a "ehhh why not?" today is a hard "nope".

>> No.9704051
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Am I handsome enough /cgl/?
This was my first cosplay a couple years ago,so I know its pretty bad

>> No.9704052

Indeed. Most legit wife material has better things to do than play dress up and pretend. They’re out in the real world making money, staying in shape and focusing on adult tier hobbies. The same with men. If you’re over the age of 25 and still cosplaying. Yeah lad. No mature woman in her right mind is going to look at you twice. The same goes for men in their 30/40s still playing vidya. Or women in their 30/40s still going clubbing.

Our culture collectively sets the standards for what is deemed mature behavior. Dressing like a panda and going to conventions doesn’t exactly scream mature defender/provided in the eyes of mature women (women who have the skills to be a good parent).

You may not like it, it might not be fair, but that’s just how it is.

Don’t feel bad you’re not the only ones. My best bro is 38. Still games weekend nights. Can’t get a GF to save his life. They’re all about him until the find his PS4 and then they bolt.

If cos is your hobby and you really love it, great for you. Just accept the fact you’re going to find a quality mate.

>> No.9704063

okay,. give the answer then.

>> No.9704066 [DELETED] 

All this thread proves is that cis women are obsolete and trannies are the wives of the future

>> No.9704067


>> No.9704068

Seconding this.

>> No.9704069
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>> No.9704073

To be brutally honest, fat girls or unattractive girls don't get any attention from photographers or even lonely beta virgins. Eventually they start to get bored, either from sweating too much (like pic related) or being ignored by men if that's what they were after. Cosplaying at cons has turned into a literal beauty contest between the girls.

>> No.9704080

I don't disagree, I cropped it because that girl just looks so fucking unhappy. No idea if it has something to do with the cosplay/photo but I get the feeling it's not. I cosplay because I really enjoy costuming but I'm a dude and mostly do big armor stuff, so most of the attention I get is from dudes and little kids, which is fun but like others have said nothing compared to what some grills with store bought cosplays receive.

>> No.9704082 [DELETED] 

Trannies are 1000% less catty than cis women for the most part, due to the extreme social anxiety. Being treated as a woman at all is enough for a tranny, they'll do anything you tell them as long as you call her a girl.

>> No.9704086


Easy. Women weren’t allowed to work, and then even when wars forced them to, they were always paid much less than men.

They still need money to eat, and apparently the only “respectable” way is to find a husband and have him provide everything. Naturally, you’d start selecting your mate based on his ability to provide, not his looks.

A few generations later the ugly men with money now have ugly offsprings, who in turn go on to make more ugly boys. Meanwhile the ugly girls die alone and childless. So the girls get selected for being pretty but guys are selected for their money, not their looks. The selection pressure was never equal in the first place.

The other factor is Woodstock. Somewhere in the mess that is the Sixties men just decided they needed to be accepted as they are, which apparently means they stop grooming, and they never teach their male offspring how to, either. Male dating advice is often simply “SHOWER. BE CLEAN”. Like goddamn, this is like expecting an “A” for writing your name on the exam without actually doing any work.

Women, meanwhile have progressed to the point where you are supposed to suit your outfit to your bodytype, your hairstyle to your face shape, your colours to your skintone, to maximise how pleasing you look. Makeup has become an art. Skincare is a booming industry. Young girls look forward to makeup and clothes. It’s normal for women to try to look good.

So here we are today. Men were never selected for being pretty, only their ability to provide resources. They’re ugly, plain and simple. Then they go on to take pride in being lazy about their looks. Meanwhile, girls whose genes came from women who didn’t look completely like a squashed ass have figured out how a 5/10 can look like a 8/10 with the right clothes, hair and makeup. Thus the gap between ugly men who take pride in being lazy and women who take pride in trying to be pretty widens.

>> No.9704088

Guy here, not /fit/ but not fat either, I still fit into standard cosplay sizes perfectly.

I like playing a game called ‘scroll down a photographer’s page until you see a male face’. And I mean their face showing, so this doesn’t include Spider-Man or Reaper. It’s not at all surprising many dudes don’t try or give up when the majority will never be seen or given a fraction of attention. I have to plan what/when I’m wearing cosplays around my female friends because I know for a fact I wouldn’t get anywhere near as many photos without them.

Guys are also damned by females just for existing. Went to a meetup last year in a cosplay that showed off my pectorals and it was incredible how little conversation I got. Still not sure if it was just because I was a guy or because of the tiniest amount of skin I was showing but it sucked.

As for being hit on, yeah, guys likely are hitting on girls who cosplay. Girls who cosplay are the only option for guys who cosplay. Many girls who cosplay can date a normie or a casual fan because they don’t give a damn. A guy who cosplays, however, will likely never get with a normie girl because why the fuck would they? A girl would also never trust a guy to go away for a weekend without them surrounded by other girls. So a guy likely is hitting on you, but it’s either get with a cosplay girl, give up cosplay and cons, or accept being forever alone.

Also, the used cosplay market is hugely in favor of women. It’s a rarity when a guy’s cosplay is being resold, and it’s usually just something like a Kirito outfit a girl got her boyfriend to wear.

>> No.9704092

Best post in this whole thread

>> No.9704097

inb4 someone manages to twist this great post into something worth "reeeeeee roastie"-ing at

>> No.9704112

Yeah, pretty much whatever one said. The few attractive females are crazy (ex: attractive asian girls who weebs faun over so the power goes to their head) and the males don’t have a really high power level to even consider dating someone in their hobby or can actually get a gorgeous girl outside of “animu safespacez”.

You have to keep in mind, a lot of people who go to cons are fucking rough looking. An average girl/guy who puts in a little bit of work looks like an angel compared to everyone else. And the ones who clearly are attractive outside of con usually don’t have a high power level and wouldn’t even consider dating anyone there (because they’re usually already dating someone 20 times more attractive)

Like sometimes it baffles me, looking at the photos posted in draw threads or the cosplay self post threads you get a good idea of what the average con goer looks like or people in this hobby. And sorry a lot of you are barely average. Heck going down Instagram hashtags of local cons shows you or Flickr.

I don’t really cosplay anymore because of weebs obsession with asian girls, and being an attractive one is dangerous. Once I got super good at putting myself together I got to hangout with normies who honestly are more fun half the time. Like the rose tinted glasses come off, you don’t want to go back.

>> No.9704115
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Closest I get to that from it is "reeeee boomers." And to be honest who doesn't hate baby boomers. The worst generation by far and the reason things are so fucked today.

>> No.9704119

The Woodstock part is pretty dumb tho, sexual revolution has affected women more drastically than men

>> No.9704128

You effectively said that guys at cons are ugly and unwashed and girls aren't. My experiences at cons are that there's a ton of fat ugly smelly women who hang around cons.

You're just reeeeeeing at boys because of some reverse r9k bullshit lmao

>> No.9704129

Women just started having sex more freely and not worrying as much about remaining pure and virginal for marriage, they didn't get any pickier. It's a good thing for men desu

>> No.9704131

You really don't know what you're talking about if you don't think the tinder and OKC McDonaldization of dating didn't give women more power and make them pickier

>> No.9704133

Didn't know they had okc back in woodstock days, my bad

>> No.9704139

A good thing for men getting their dick wet short term, sure. A good thing for men wanting to start families, not so much.

I don't know, can't really complain about the benefits but it feels like pandora's box, shit's open and it's never gonna be the same again.

>> No.9704142

>thinking this is about sex

Woodstock is the rise of jeans and t-shirt. Women's fashion eventually loops that back to "try hard to look effortlessly naturally flawless".

Men's fashion just never really recovers from it, now dudes are either in jeans and t-shirt, or dressed up for an occasion, very unusual to find someone willing to experiment beyond that. Anything more than bare minimum is apparently gay, or metrosexual (which is also gay), or like a boy band (also gay. Everything is gay at this point, apparently).

>> No.9704144

I did, it was >>9703934

>> No.9704152
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Oh, my bad, thought we were still talking about mate selection and all that.

And don't quote me on this, but wasn't one of the housewife's duties to pick out her husband's outfits out of a combination of nesting instinct and having played dolls in their youth? Like if your man looked like a slob it was on you, and if he looked dapper and handsome that reflected well on you?

>> No.9704153

>Thus the gap between ugly men who take pride in being lazy and women who take pride in trying to be pretty widens.
Pretty disingenuous, friend. The men who take pride in being lazy are the straggly-haired neckbeards. Most men actually do make an effort, just not nearly to the same degree as women. For men, it's accepted that you just need to keep your hair styled, facial hair groomed, and wear the approved clothes (believe me, there's not an awful lot of variety in RTW men's clothing).
Instead, men have to answer to expectations about their social and financial features. And let me tell you, it's far easier to put on some make-up and style my hair nicely than get a respectable job with a 6-figure salary.
The idea that
>men just decided they needed to be accepted as they are
is somehow a common mindset is fucking delusional. It's the sort of thing only parroted by low-status uggo men who are bitter about it.

>> No.9704158


It's okc, not your church elders trying to arrange a suitable marriage between two adults so they can start a family straight away. I'd say the people answering the poll were never really looking for a "mate" to begin with, just a good time.

>> No.9704166

I'm male, decent at cosplay construction, reasonably athletic, and conventionally attractive. I get less attention from my elaborate armor stuff from fandoms that are male dominated and more attention from less difficult things I do from fandoms that have primarily a female fan base and are made up mostly of crossplayers. I get absolutely swarmed in those, comparatively.

I don't do it for the women, though. I'm bi but have a preference for men. My preference for men is partly because of my experience dating female cosplayers. I've dated female cosplayers I found attractive who either only wanted me as arm candy, because they liked a character I cosplay (I do a lot of bad boy types when I'm not really that way at all, I just have the right look), or to make all their props for them but otherwise have no interest in me emotionally.

Not all female cosplayers are that way, but certain characters and fandoms are going to attract certain people. There are probably a lot of great women who get overlooked just like guys do.

Thankfully I eventually found an amazing guy who is also a good cosplayer and attractive as hell. So in my particular case, "what gives" is that I've never been in it for the girls, but the girls I've dated have put me off actively cosplaying in a way that women specifically will notice me.

>> No.9704168


>believe me, there's not an awful lot of variety in RTW men's clothing

And this is where it comes from. It's not you who is lazy. It's some prior generation of dudes who collectively decided that the guys should only do the barest minimum and fuck everything else.

And thus. You're stuck wearing the "approved clothes" even if they don't flatter you. You're stuck doing the barest minimum grooming because anything more is gay, and BB cream is apparently downright cross dressing, using a concealer if you have a giant pimple is probably punishable by wedgie or something. You're stuck taking horrible photos of yourself because selfies are what vain, vapid bitches do, so you never have good photos on your profile. You're stuck with all these non-choices because the culture passed down to you dictates that men have to be plain and salt-of-the-earth and not fancy peacocks. And thus, you're stuck being less attractive, because you're not allowed to do all those things women do that make result in better photos, more attractive profiles.

It's not your fault. The women are in the same boat anyway. All that happened was we inherited this world and apparently there's a whole bunch of stupid shit in it, including having to put on makeup and a nice dress to find a man who doesn't mind if you're the one with a 6-figure salary and need the guy to bend his schedule around yours to accommodate your 6-figure job.

I was just trying to explain how the okc poll was completely rational and expected since some anons seem genuinely confused by it.

>> No.9704170

But isn't that the problem tho?
Everyone is out looking for a good time and by the time they want to start a family shit's too late and the ship has sailed

>> No.9704190

That's not what I was asking.

>> No.9704217

>Most legit wife material has better things to do than play dress up and pretend.
I disagree. It would be optimal to find a woman who will marry me that wears costumes for a living. Every single cosplay sexual fantasy I could think of would be fulfilled.

>> No.9704228

>To be brutally honest, fat girls or unattractive girls don't get any attention from photographers or even lonely beta virgins.
I'm going to have to disagree with that. There's a truckload of photoshoots that have been done featuring landwhales doing crappy cosplay. This *still* far outnumbers photoshoots of men (handsome or otherwise) cosplaying.

>Cosplaying at cons has turned into a literal beauty contest between the girls.
I can see the truth in this. So here's a question: what's the solution to fix this problem?

>> No.9704289

This is sadly perfectly on the nose for whats happened.

>> No.9704335

Why would Chad need to cosplay?
He already has all the attention he wants.

>> No.9704339

>that nice gauss curve
Why are men so fucking perfect?

>> No.9704345

Haven't scientists proven upon researching our DNA that there is twice the diversity of female DNA, since double as much women reproduce than men?
Seems baffling at first, but when you think about it there's much more men having children with several different women than vice versa.

>> No.9704347

I think men are just naturally uglier than women. Makeup plays a part in that too. While I think the men's curve is a little harsh, I probably see 4-5 attractive women for every attractive man I see.

>> No.9704380

>You're stuck wearing the "approved clothes" even if they don't flatter you
What are approved clothes for men?
I tend to wear a wide variety of clothes, but prefer fitted suits, a decently fitted shirt if I can find one (17 neck/28 arms/39 bust tends to make it difficult) and a good vest.
Shit, my girl just got me a purple velvet sport coat, and I'm trying to hunt for pants to rock it with.
That said, I'm not prime with makeup, and I have both masculine and feminine facial features that make it hard for me to figure out what works.

>> No.9704390

>I think men are just naturally uglier than women
I think it's more that men aren't encouraged to clean up on a day to day basis.
Even among my friends, the tally is poor, but when we get together for a night on the prowl, they look damned respectable.

>> No.9704394

Men not soyboys

>> No.9704403

Chad isn't real, he's a caricature /r9k/ created to cope

>> No.9704404

Should hand out raw onions, in no time we'll have a ton of thicc boys running around cons.

>> No.9704407

Le soy boy meemay because people call me out when I say cuck now

>> No.9704411

Y'all are otherthinking this. Playing dress up and making costumes are two things girls just care about more

>> No.9704423

Chad is real, but he doesn't entertain harems consisting of dozens of women like /r9k/ claims.

>> No.9704428

I run a con. This is bullshit. We see more women than men as I get to see the metrics. It's 52% women/47% men with less than 1% identifying as trans. This has shifted to a majority women business at anime cons as it's been that way for years with numbers to back it.

>> No.9704449

Hold on. How easy of a time would a reasonably hadsome fella like me with the 4+/10 girls at cons?

>> No.9704477

Cosplay Hanzo and over 9000 people will love you.

>> No.9704492

Awful, cons are fucking terrible to pick up chicks even if you're Chad incarnate.
Even speed dating is more effective.

>> No.9704497

Because most girls dont go to cons for a quickie or to get a boyfriend, but I think alot of guys think they do.

>> No.9704500

>tfw I am getting into cosplay and going to cons in order to fulfil my fantasies of being gangbanged in cosplay

>> No.9704501

They go to bathe in the attention and the compliments but that's it, the guys there might as well not even be human in their eyes, if you're at the con then you already lost

>> No.9704502

youre just a slut anon, its different

>> No.9704511

But I've only had sex with one person before this

>> No.9704514

Neither of these posts accurately make a lick of sense. Those curves are of questions where you're supposed to rate people *relative to the average* of their sex. Even if men are much uglier than women, if women had a realistic idea of what men actually look like their curve should still look like the men's curve for women, because *you are comparing them to the average person of their sex*, not some abstract imaginary standard.

>> No.9704535

That’s because your a virgin and probably fat as hell.

>I want marriage to based on sexual fantasies.

Someday you’ll mature beyond vidya and playing dress up.

>> No.9704540


Sauce, if anyone's curious.The blogger raises some good points at the end.


>> No.9704663


>if everybody else is ugly, then I must be attractive even though I'm ugly, because everybody else is ugly

I have a feeling that's how you got stuck with woodstock clothes, like crabs in a bucket, if the men are all zero-effort and ugly then surely women have to settle for ugly dudes. Thank god we have the occasional boy band or handsome actor to help skew the graph every now and again. Too bad for your juniors, eh, nobody wants to tell them they can look cute and adorable because then they’d get all the girls instead of you.

We have very different reading of the okc article. One thing the writer never addresses is whether the dudes on okc truly are ugly. Remember, they only poll the site’s users, not the entire human population. For some reason both you and the writer immediately go into denial mode and blame the women. The writer’s logic is literally “I’m not ugly, my friend is not ugly, it’s impossible that guys on okc skew towards ugly”.

Why wouldn’t the guys on okc skew towards ugly? It’s a dating app, attractive dudes have better ways of getting laid than months of spamming every girl in hopes that one replies. Even the photos he uses for proving he and his friend aren’t ugly are blurry, terrible photos. Meanwhile the photos of the women are sharp, clear and beautifully composed. I’m not sure how blind you need to be to see the women’s photos are much nicer than the men’s (disregarding subject matter), even while he tries to argue that men on okc can’t all be less attractive than the women.

The only thing I took away from that article is “don’t bother joining okc, the guys on there skew ugly”.

>> No.9704671

From something I read, and have experienced personally in dealing with women, the trend for women's views of men isn't so much women have unrealistic expectations, it's that women have very different ideas of what's attractive. Men can generally agree on what they think is attractive, but women just can't seem to agree with each other. Of course there are men who more women will find attractive, but female selection of males is more about their personal preferences than an average perception of a male's attractiveness. This is where the skewed numbers come from in my opinion. Few guys really do the trick for a girl, but most don't. It's more useful as a guy to be able to read women better, rather than to simply be more attractive.

>> No.9704684

I think men are forced into more a hive mind about what's supposed to be attractive. Personally I never found women with huge tits and bleached blond hair attractive because no one really looks like that unless you live in Los Angeles or maybe some parts of Scandinavia. I think one of the stupidest things we get taught as men is that trying to take care of ourselves and look good = gay. Attraction is a two person game. It's pretty stupid to expect that a women must look pretty and never fart but she's also supposed to be attracted to your smelly, hairy, farting ass no matter what.

>> No.9704685

Honestly I think men just have lower standards too because i see so many good looking guys out there with absolute butt ugly/fat women. I think a lot of guys underestimate their worth or "settle with what they can get". One of the most attractive guys i know is dating a woman who looks like her face was punched in like a pug's. And no her personality is not good enough to redeem that.

>> No.9704699

solo male cosplayer here
this is how my typical con goes
>get there
>get stopped by security, they need to check all my gear to make sure none of it is real/shape or if I am hiding any bombs or something. the time I cosplayed as the dude from postal did not go well at all. second worst one was hitman. con rent-a-cops do not appreciate fake security badges with their company name on it or another outfit in my suitcase that is a dead ringer for their uniform
>get inside con
>bros always give me tons of compliments and are cool as fuck to talk to/hang with
>but there's only ever like 3 of them, some times none
>every single other little faggy skinnyfat/fatfat male hates me and passive aggressively lets me know with gay little snarky comments I thought only Ray's Mom from Everybody Loves Raymond could do
>females fall into three categories
>the "there's no way that dumb meat head made that or even knows what it is so I'm going to go up to him in fully entitled cunt mode and quiz him on stuff and then get mad no matter how he responds" girls
>the "I'll awkwardly tap him on his shoulder, say hi, and then mumble something about a pic as I awkwardly raise my camera/phone up to his face and then run away like a shy second grader" girl
>and of course the "hey I have a hotel room, drugs/booze, and a really loose vagina. you interested?" girl
I just want to hang with the bros. but they are only ever there for their gfs so can't be assed to hang with me too long

I'm thinking of cosplaying as JC Denton next tome and bringing a fake (real) bomb, planting&arming it, and then going around to all the victims of the blast and whispering in their ears
>what a shame
that is how much con "people" piss me off

>> No.9704702

Males fall under those 3 categories too.

>> No.9704704

I only see two types. the bros and the losers who do nothing but hate any male better than them.
>cosplay as the Duke
>slap some little shits gf on the ass
>"hey man you cant do that blah blah blah u need to leave blah blah"
>fake cigar was actually this disposable vape thingy
>take a long drag and blow it in his face
>"blow it out your ass, kiddo" with a shit eating grin on my face
>walked away while him still spouting off shit
only good parts of cons are fucking with annoying fags

>> No.9704705

>assaulting someones girlfriend

You sound like a cunt.

>> No.9704706

That was a dick thing to do to the girl though you douche.

>> No.9704707

you sound like you're incapable of having a fulfilling stable relationship with another person

>> No.9704709

I spoke to her for a while long before that happened. she was eyeing me up a lot, even did the lip bite

had to do it. fucking hated that little shit of a bf she had.
fucker asked me if I played DN:F. I said yes and that it was a cool game.
>pff you would like that trash
talk shit, ur gf's butt gets hit

>> No.9704711

How great is your life outside of cons that those things make you want to plant a bomb?

How is cute shy girls a problem?

>> No.9704713

I enjoy cosplay almost as much as I like video games. I use to enjoy cons a lot. but when SJW shit started to raise, it all went to hell for some reason. I just want to have a good time at these events. besides those, my life is just work, eat, lift, sleep, and occasionally hang out with friends/lady friends
>How is cute shy girls a problem?
key word there is cute. you think they're all cute? the entitled cunts and loose vagina girls are cute. the shy ones are either 250+ lbs, clearly mentally ill, or just straight up gross. I've met like 2 cute shy girls. one turned out to be lesbian and her dyke gf tried to fight me. the other was there with her mom and was not staying the night so not much to do there.
cons are not a place to meet quality girls. just look at /cgl/

>> No.9704716

Yeah this. Sounds like this guy is ready to reject all women on principle. If he's really that good looking he should be able to find a quality gf outside of cons.

>> No.9704717

>implying I go to cons for girls
sure maybe a quick lay if the girl is cute and doesn't scream STD but that's rare

I go to cons to hang out with like minded people. not cunts trying to act superior to me because my other hobby of lifting makes them feel insecure, or weird girls who take out their daddy issues on me.
ya dont know me
dont try to act like ya do

>> No.9704718

you really dont sound quality yourself anon, you sound like you have anger issues and are a judging asshole, but hey, just the impression Im getting from your posts

>> No.9704719


I judge those that judge me. I'm a friendly and nice person til I am treated badly.
I make a lot of friends at cons. just about anyone who is friendly/nice/normal ends up being my friend because ya know
I'm not a delusional cunt unlike the majority of this hobby

>> No.9704721

Honestly sounds like with your mentality you're just generating a self-fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.9704723

honestly it sounds like you're just telling yourself whatever makes it easy for to write me off as a low quality person

>> No.9704724

The low quality person bit is self-evident. And you seem to think you're only talking to one person.

>> No.9704726

Interesting, I always wondered what was going through the minds of those fat creepy looking guys who thought they were actually hot because they purchased the Wii Fit games.

Now I know!

Simple answer: the few hot, cute, funny, interesting guys in cons are hard to find because there's usually a swarm of girls around them trying to get their attention. If you're a chick with good self esteem and good shape and you don't think you're competitive, wait until you come across this phenomenon.

The sad fact is, hot nerdy guys tend to avoid anime cons like the plague because most guys who attend anime cons are the crazy spergy insecure types that just want to obsessively quote trivia from their favorite anime instead of just having fun, and they know hot chicks at cons usually come with a side order of crazy.

>> No.9704727

>I'm a friendly and nice person til I am treated badly.

lol it's the song of the lonely incel

>> No.9704729

>tfw you are better than all these posts

>> No.9704730
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>> No.9704740

>That’s because your a virgin and probably fat as hell.
167 lbs, 8% bodyfat. Also not a virgin, not by a long shot. Any other assumptions?

>> No.9704749

Different anon, but numbers don't mean shit without a picture-- you could be like those weird /fit/ guys who have the creepy inbred looking face, weirdly massive shoulders for someone their size, scrawny legs and that unique kind of pallour you can only develop after a lifetime of never going outside for fear of coming across a normal guy.

And a reminder re: not a virgin; love pillows, socks, flashlights and your right hand don't count.

>> No.9704750

I'll never understand people who didn't like DNF.

All I wanted was a basic FPS with Beavis and Butthead era humor, and the game delivered on that.

Dunno what other people thought they were gonna get from a game stuck in dev hell, but I was happy with it.

>> No.9704753

Guys have a harder time limit for cosplay than girls.

Most to all of the characters we want to cosplay are in the teen to young adult look from anime. (older if you go with vidya/comics).

Once you reach late 20's/early 30's...you have choices to make. If you have a not so great job, it's time to focus on work and put aside your hobbies for a while that you can't afford so you can live.

If you are well off, you can develop your workshop skills a bit more and not have to duck out of the hobby so much....but your time might still be short.

TLDR: The world will tolerate a useless female cosplayer longer than they will a male cosplayer.

>> No.9704754

Lots of people bite their lips when they're nervous like oh, say, when some creepy autist starts wheezing about Duke Nukem Forever and glaring at her boyfriend.

>> No.9704755

You literally know nothing about female body language cues.

If you are female, neck yourself. You don't even understand yourself.

>> No.9704761

Take care of your face

Get in shape

Find a costume thats flattering for your look/body type

Get a Personalityectomy, preferably to replace the one that's whiny and uses terms like "useless females" because even using the word women causes you to break out in a cold sweat


Nobody's turning down Jon Hamm or Christian Bale for not looking like a 16 year old bishounen. One of the hottest cosplayers I knew was 32 at the time, clean and well made though not super complicated costume, was in good shape, was funny and nice, confident and fun to be around. They're hard to find but they're out there in cons.

If you want positive attention, try to be a bit more like them and less like the virgin that went on a shooting spree because no woman wanted to touch him.

>> No.9704763


>You literally know nothing about female body language cues.
>You don't even understand yourself.

Have you thought about returning that copy of whatever /r/redpill book you're toting around because you're clearly still repellant to women.

>> No.9704778


Woman are delusional

>> No.9704789

>says the over/under weight future catlady who's never seen a penis in real life before
I'd rather take dating/relationship advice from /tg/ than /cgl/

>> No.9704804

>Believing the extent of dating advice should come from a board on 4chan


I'm sure going on to "a female" about "that beta cuck" guy you saw making out with "some roastie" is totally going to make you come across as a balanced and confident guy and not at all like someone who has jizzed on a cartoon figurine with the face of a 4 year old and 32HHH tits.

>> No.9704818


Bruh BB cream just evens out skintone, it’s literally skin-colored pigment floating in some lotion. Concealer is just a more opaque version.

No matter if you’re masculine or feminine, you have skin on your face (I hope). This stuff just makes it look better. There is no “this can’t work with my manly jawbone and girly lips”, it’s just a more even skin tone.

>> No.9704826

Denton is old and busted, Jensen is the new hotness

>> No.9704829


>tfw I’ve done the second

I just take photos of cosplays I like, but I’m generally not up for a soul-to-soul chit-chat hang session.

Is there a nice way to say “I only want your photo and nothing else” without giving the impression that I’m too shy to hang out? Like you’re cool and all but I don’t even play video games, a conversation really isn’t going to anywhere anyway.


Dude, if cons suck that bad for you, just stop coming. Find a therapist and look for something that genuinely makes you happy. Why you continue to shove an unpleasant experience down your own throat is a complete mystery to me.

>> No.9704831

What is it with people throwing /tg/ under the bus today? We're not so bad

>> No.9704837

I dont know how you are but in my experience so far every /tg/ anon I've run across has been a total and complete cunt. Maybe its just those of you that are shitty that are escaping your board and giving you all a bad name.

>> No.9704842
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>living in a tiny city, in a tiny country, in tiny south america
>a con sneaked up on us out of nowhere, friends dragging me to it tomorrow
I just know it's gonna suck, the venue is cramped and poorly ventilated, I doubt that many people or cosplayer will show up, merch is probably gonna be overpriced as balls, the main event is Homer Simpson's latin VA.

At least it will be fun with bros.

>> No.9704861

Exactly. My expectations were set pretty solid: I simply wanted a fun FPS game with aliens, cleavage, and funny one-liners. I got exactly what I wanted.

>> No.9704862

I know how this game is played; if I post a photo, you'll just say I stole it from the internet, and it isn't me. Have fun with your delusions; I'm not playing this stupid game.

>> No.9704899

Am I the only one who likes the fact that there aren't that many male cosplayers? Almost every single male cosplayer I've ever met has been a huge whore who's only there for attention with shirtless-only bullshit cosplays. And the rest are just awkward nerds in boght costumes who refuse the wear a wig and let their greasy hair hang out. I've literally never met a normal male cosplayer who wasn't a ridiculous poon hound and actually made their shit and made it well, including sewing, not just some bullshit armor they downloaded the patterns for. Even Volpin, one of the most known and talented male prop makers, has cheated on his wife multiple times and got his ass thrown out.

>> No.9704917

Maybe I'm just being too idealistic here and missing a bunch of context but how could a simple hobby like gaming, on a ps4 no less, be such a turn off? As long as you have your shit straight and your life in order why would a girl care if you play Destiny in your free time on weekends.

>> No.9704960

>I think one of the stupidest things we get taught as men is that trying to take care of ourselves and look good = gay
That is a relatively recent development, tho.
My father is old enough to remember that a man was expected to keep his hair neat and beard trim, suit pressed and shoes shined, and that was baseline level of personal grooming for any proper gentleman.

>> No.9704963

You don't know unless you ask, and it sounds like you don't really know their dynamic or what the guy is looking for.
This is the point where I make a snarky comment about women not getting men as much as women say men don't get them.

>> No.9704964

You are inhaling bait like a fat bitch at McDonald's.

>> No.9704965

A lot of people wanted DN3D, and the problem is that style of fps is massively out of mode, alongside arena shooters.
To wit, I enjoyed the spectacle, but the humor was dated, the level design no where near what Duke games are known for, and the modern shooter concessions were, imo, unneeded. I'm motherfucking Duke Nukem, I should be able to carry all the goddamn guns I want.

>> No.9704971

>slapping someone on the ass is assault
go back to tumblr

>> No.9704976


From what I've seen, guys consistently make better armor/cosplays than girls do. Guys will also do it for fun, it's the girls that usually have a shit "cosplay page" where they show off their latest taobao finds in an attempt to get a following of desperate betas.

To "make it big" as a guy, you have to know your shit on making cosplays, be in great shape, etc. To "make it big" as a girl, you just have to strip on camera or be slightly attractive. Forget great shape, even, look at momokun.

>> No.9704978

>look at momokun.
She's riding a trend.
"Thicc" girls are very much in style.

>> No.9704979

Just ask them for a pic and then you can start talking about the character they are cosplaying or how did they make a part of the cosplay.
If they're not cunts they won't have any problem talking to you a bit.
In fact sometimes is kinda disappointing when someone asks you for a pic and as soon as they are done they run off, specially when you cosplay a more obscure character.

>> No.9704980

Fuck, I've chatted up Nigri before, being sociable and not pushy is how you get there.
I've never gone to a con looking to get laid, and I tell my boys not either, for a host of reasons.

>> No.9704981

>unwanted sexual touching isn't assault
Le /pol/ fayce

>> No.9704982

It doesn't matter if it's a trend or not. The point is, it's stupid simple to get fame as a female cosplayer than a male, as long as you're willing to throw your pride to the wind. And unfortunately, it's the stupid betas that give them all this attention.

It's these same betas that are so desperate for any girls that they don't even give a damn about the cosplay itself.

There's no male cosplayers that can get away with being 50 pounds overweight and then just play it off as "thicc"

So go answer, no, I'd rather have more guys that make their shit in cosplay since they probably won't try to "become famous" with their shitty preboughts or flaunt tits to compensate for their lack of skill.

>> No.9704985

At the end, your complaint is the mirror of >>9704899.
Have fun at the con, ignore the dramafags. Some girl making money at the oldest business type in history doesn't affect my con.

>> No.9704993
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Running with your tail between your legs? Knew you’d be hideousness and all talk.

>I stole it from the internet, and it isn't me. Have fun with your delusions

It’s called a timestamp sweety, are you not from 4chan or did you realize you can’t larp anymore

>> No.9705033


Yea.... that's the thing, I don't particularly want to chat. Usually the pic isn't even for me, I'd recognise a character a friend likes and simply want to show her that someone did a cosplay of something she likes. Honestly I kind of phased out of watching animu and playing vidya, but I still have friends who do, and mostly do cons to meet up with other friends who do either AA or cosplay or lolita, so about 95% of the time I'd recognise a character only because a friend has it peppered all over her itabag, and I have no clue what it actually is, and am not interested in it myself.

Maybe I'll just tell them they look great and that my friend would love their cosplay when I thank them for the photo. That should be enough to make them not feel completely disappointed that I'm not sticking around to chat, right...?

>> No.9705088

Like I said, nothing will please you, and I'm not taking your bait. Nice try though.

Oh wait, it wasn't a nice try; it was juvenile and immature.

>> No.9705109
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How do I get six pack, I'm already skinny

>> No.9705127

just hold a piece of paper with the time or post number on it so we know its fresh

>> No.9705143

Not like the girls are any better. I may have lost weight to get chicks but holy shit are the women at cons the bottom of the barrel.

I'm going to go find a traditional church and hope to find a single girl there.

>> No.9705155


He can’t because he’s larping.

>*told a timestamp would please us*

>> No.9705159

I'm trying to get my cute guy to cosplay more. Or at least wear aristo. He's sexy as all hell.

>> No.9705307

"Where are the cute guys?"
>saying this in a community where 4/10 girls who use makeup to be 6/10 and then dress up as slutty characters from anime so they can be elevated to 8/10 by guys they don't even like.

>> No.9705323

>lard asses

ehm, have you looked in a mirror?

>> No.9705328


God, this. Most of you bitches are fucking delusional. I don't go to cons to hookup with the nasty autistic fatsos stampeding to the nearest feeding trough. Get real.

>> No.9705333

>le church girl meme

Don't kid yourself anon. Church girls are also just as slutty

>> No.9705418

lol nothing I can post will satisfy you so there is no point in even trying.

>> No.9705421
File: 119 KB, 720x1093, IMG_20171125_210853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not like cosplay girls tend to be too cute either, desu.

>> No.9705466

>Fuck, I've chatted up Nigri before, being sociable and not pushy is how you get there.
By "get there" do you mean you smashed that?

>> No.9705473

I think that many people expect female cosplayers to be useless, that's why they're so tolerant of them.

He said "useless female cosplayer". The "useless" was an adjective to describe cosplayer, not female. Get into English.

>> No.9705586

>I think a lot of guys underestimate their worth or "settle with what they can get"
You have to or you're going to be alone, there are literally not enough women to go around
In my city, comparing ages 18-35 there are about 200k more men than women, that's thousands of men with absolutely no chance of finding someone in the city to have a relationship with just because of the gender balance, and when faced with that a lot for guys will be with whoever they can get so they don't end up alone

>> No.9705610

are you in China? where did all the women go? globally theres supposedly 51% women and only 49% men so why's it so fucked up where you live.

>> No.9705651

There are not more single men than single women; I live on a military base where the ratio is 18 single men for every 1 woman. Fact.

>> No.9705707

Half the women in the military seem to be in contract marriages as well, or if they're a civilian, they're the daughter of your Master Guns or someone else who will kill you if you even think about dating his daughter.

>> No.9705823

>Half the women in the military seem to be in contract marriages as well,
Correct. However that doesn't change the ratio of men to women.

>> No.9705835

We've been over this
There are way more old women and that throws off the statistics. There are millions of young excess men

>> No.9705865

There are plenty of handsome men cosplaying. I see them in person at cons all the time.

A dude could easily get cosfamous if he's got a handsome/cute face, a good body (either muscular or slim but not too skinny twink), did popular characters and shot nudes. But most male model types aren't willing to shoot nude, let alone lewds, or they are too stridently homophobic to deal with the idea that men might sign up to their Patreons.

>> No.9705867
File: 99 KB, 887x591, 20-34-relative.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>theres supposedly 51% women and only 49% men
Not among the age range I listed, you have to start including people above 50 to start having more single women than men
I imagine that's from men dieing earlier and leaving behind widows that now count as single
>not more single men than women
>18 single men for every one woman
What? Those statements contradict each other
Interestingly though the ratio is almost the same as the Johnathan Soma map showing gender ratios in cities shows for LA
I know, pic for ants but I couldn't find a better one in short order

>> No.9705893

>What? Those statements contradict each other
Sorry I mistyped. you knew what I meant though

>> No.9705924

/cgl9k/ the post

>> No.9705926
File: 95 KB, 960x720, 1510541086930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone asks what's up with women

>> No.9705927

Most characters guys want to cosplay have olympian physiques

Most girls have massive tits and some cute accessories but can still be recognized without the former

>> No.9705930

It doesn't, but it makes the number of available women even smaller and throws the ratio off even more. I guess there's always adultery but that's frowned upon if your career is important to you.

I would consider making a patreon if I had a good photographer that lived close. I'm fit, have a good face, and I don't care if gay men look at me. The only thing I'd be concerned about is explaining it to people at my dayjob if they found out about it, which is why I haven't looked too seriously into it. I would get endless shit over it, I'm sure.

>> No.9705937

I will cosplay in cons if I had somebody to go along. I made a 707 cosplay that I still have to wear for a con since I think going without somebody is just boring.

I believe many guys are in my situation and they want to cosplay but they lack people to do it.

>> No.9705945

>I would consider making a patreon if I had a good photographer that lived close

If you have a decent camera phone you could do selfie sets. Use an alias, start an Instagram, then sign up for something like Modelmayhem to find photographers (but watch out for shit GWCs and creeps).

>> No.9705947

Also, Cosplay Deviants accepts men. They pay $400 per set and $400 per video, plus another $400 per duo set so you could easily make $1200 for the same costume if you needed seed money. You don't even need to be male model attractive for that, just genuinely interested in geeky stuff, and willing to do nude.

>> No.9705961

That's not terrible, so maybe I'll look into it for next year, since December is always a crazy month for me.

>> No.9705980

Stuff women bother to read up/learn

>picking outfits that suit their body type
>Properly fitting clothes to flatter their figure
>Cutting wigs so that they both look accurate and match their facial features
>Makeup so that their good features are enhanced and their flaws are minimized.
>Shaving leg and arm hair

Meanwhile with men we just throw on a wig thats close and clothes that closly match and we're good. If we go out, we don't really bother to coordinate outfits, use makeup or accessories and just go with a button up shirt (probably not even fitted properly) and slacks.

We've also gotten complacent with fashion as well. Women have a wide selection of pants, long shorts, stockings, shapewear, leggings, tights, short shorts, long dresses, mini skirts, blouses, button ups, jackets and tank tops available to choose from that allow them to flatter and adjust their silhouette to make a number of different and unique outfits. Long sleek evening dresses, check, poofy winter look, check, baggy overalls look thats complimented with a good sweater and hair styles sure.

On the flip side men got, the business suit, the business casual (which is the suit but no tie and jacket, jeans, log sleeves and sports/workout gear.

Our choices suck but we dont care yet we get upset how we get passed up on like its our fault that we dont know how to properly dress ourselves. My own closet is just filled with interchangeable nerd shirts and jeans of varying degree of darkness and a jacket i picked for warmth while not caring how it looks for me. I remember wanting to get a good pair of sleek looking boots for a cosplay and had to resort to shopping for a woman's boot on account men's boots just fit the same bulky style all across the brands outside of nich goth stuff.

It sounds like I'm blaming the dudes here and that is my intention. We demand so much out of women but not from ourselves and have robbed ourselves out of a wide variety of ways.

>> No.9705984

I suddenly know how women feel when they see a guy posting claiming he's a girl

>> No.9705986

In winter this is not so true, you still have many ways to dress up as a man, but in summer this is another story.
How do you like to dress, a shirt + jeans or a t-shirt + jeans?

>> No.9705988

You think the poster here is a woman?

>> No.9706010


Lol have you met real successful people before?

>Indeed. Most legit wife material has better things to do than play dress up and pretend. They’re out in the real world making money, staying in shape and focusing on adult tier hobbies.

Cosplaying a few weekends out of the year is completely out of the question for these people?

I work at the corporate headquarters of a large corp. What the fuck do the successful people do for fun?

They paint themselves up and go to a sporting event, tailgate, bars, they even go to halloween parties, renaissance fairs, etc..

These are folks that make 200k+ a year, yeah they do more stuff like travel the world maybe once a year.

>Don’t feel bad you’re not the only ones. My best bro is 38. Still games weekend nights. Can’t get a GF to save his life. They’re all about him until the find his PS4 and then they bolt.

For young adult men under ~35 video games are like sports now, it's ubiquitous. I know plenty of senior managers with kids and families, that still game. Women don't run away from guys that play video games, that would be like running away from guys that watch sports..

That aside I AM the only guy at the office I know of that goes to conventions and cosplays.. But it's not like everyone else has highbrow hobbies that completely separate them as a people from us.

>> No.9706016


>Meanwhile the ugly girls die alone and childless.

You do know throughout human history 40% of men have passed on their genes, while 60% of women have managed to?

>> No.9706022

That could also be because men are far more likely to die from accidents or violence. Historically weak or unlucky men, the ones less "fit" to pass on their genes, are more likely to die. On the other hand it isn't overly common for people to die from ugliness.

>> No.9706055

There's more variety to men's fashion than this. It's true that many males of adult age don't try very hard, but nobody is stopping any of them from taking the initiative.

>> No.9706229

Yeah but no one is taking the initiative and when someone does its the other dudes saying that the other person looks gay

>> No.9706245

I wouldn't really call Rick Owens "variety."

>> No.9706249

I've been called gay very frequently by women for using lotion, bb cream, and knowing fashion
it's not just guys perpetuating this, women also have this idea of a manly man who effortlessly looks like a rugged lumberjack with clear skin

>> No.9706307

>friend is cute af
>crossplays, passes easily
>bishounen mode when dressing normally
>growing up and growing out of cosplay (he's been cosplaying at least 5 years)

>> No.9706348


Yes, 40% of guys who are ugly but rich get to pass on their genes. 60% of women who are not ugly but may have no money get to pass on their genes.

The guys are selected for their ability to make money. Women are selected for not being too ugly to fuck. Which results in prettier women and ugly dudes who can make money. The rates work out to be 60% pretty women and 40% dudes who can make money, but it's still pretty women with no money and ugly dudes who can make money, so dudes are still ugly and the women are still pretty. Which part of this did you not understand?

>> No.9706390



There’s a bunch of dudes who review makeup on youtube. One is Wayne Goss, although he’s a pro MUA so maybe that’s a different story. But then there’s dudes like Edward Avila and Ivan Lam, who just seem to be dudes playing around with beauty products.

All of them have six digit subscribers, many viewers are females who like a different, fresh perspective on beauty products. For all of the negativity you received, looks like there’s an even bigger chunk of females out there that not only doesn’t give a shit, but seems to actively encourage guys playing with beauty products.

>> No.9706446

>The guys are selected for their ability to make money. Women are selected for not being too ugly to fuck.

Then why do I know several wealthy perpetually single men and many hideous sexually active women?

>> No.9706464


I don't know. Why do you know such people?

>> No.9706469

for the men: are they actively trying to get with someone? if no, that's your reason for why they're rich and single. if yes, are they socially inept? that'll shut a man down unless he specifically dangles his money out on a hook.

and about the ugly women: some guys would fuck a hole in the wall if you drew a pair of tits above it.

>> No.9706485

shut up you dumb hambeast

>> No.9706504


>My personal anecdotal experience is the truth everywhere.

Geez, is this a problem all guys have? At least I have a sample size of two, the writer who wrote the okc article also basically said "the two guys I know, ie me and my friend, are both not ugly, so everybody take my limited experience as the absolute truth worldwide."

You're in the wrong timeline, regardless. You replied to a comment that replied to a comment that replied to comment explaining historical selection pressure, not current situation. So saying that you currently have anecdotal contrary experiences is pretty pointless when the rest of the commentary is about previous generations long dead and gone, not current ones.

Additionally, I'd like to point out the comment you replied to is talking about passing on their genes, not finding marriage. Single men can still father children while remaining unmarried or divorced. So this doesn't even relate to that at all.

>> No.9706512

Because I meet a lot of people due to networking and my career field.
What you just stated was beyond useless and not helpful at all.
You didn't say anything that made any remote bot of logical sense. I mentioned nothing about anecdotal evidence, nor "small" sample size. If I am in the wrong timeline, well....sorry I didn't choose what century I was born in. I was speaking directly about getting sexual partners and reproducing, which was the whole point of the conversation. If you can't grasp that then idk what to tell you.

>> No.9706523


Redo that chart with only college educated people and see what happens. Professional women in big cities hold less sway in the dating market.

>> No.9706524

>you need to talk to women if you want women they're not actually able to smell the money
>that's so unhelpful, where's the money scented cologne

Though considering your response to >>9706504 I'm willing to bet all my savings that you're retarded

>> No.9706546

>Meanwhile the ugly girls die alone and childless.
Stopped reading.

>> No.9706576

This is so clearly a girl larping as a dude

>> No.9706580
File: 92 KB, 441x363, 1511104639446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw hunky bf
>tfw rope him into doing couples cosplay in exchange for sexual favors that I would do regardless
This thread really makes me think

>> No.9706582

Obviously lol, they act like fa doesn't even exist

>> No.9706657
File: 482 KB, 3110x2073, FAmeetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's usually better to act like /fa/ doesn't exist desu. The only people on there who look even remotely fashionable will probably end up committing a hate crime.

>> No.9706660

>that neck

>> No.9706664

I think someone retouched the photo slightly.

>> No.9706672

>Why don't guys like fashion or put effort into themselves?
>>Here's fa where they do
>Lol that's so cringe and weird

And you fucking wonder why guys don't put effort in

>> No.9706674

I was just saying that it's probably better not to go to /fa/ for fashion advice.

>> No.9706700

Just because you can't grasp a simple concept doesn't make the person stating it "retarded". Perhaps the problem is *you*...

>> No.9706722

This is an edit right?
Is that fucking dylan?

>> No.9706724

Fa's fashion sense wasn't part of the conversation. It was that guys never try to get outside for the ordinary boring fashion
Take you bullshit grudge against fa somewhere else cunt

>> No.9706732

He probably secretly likes cosplay and would do it regardless.

tfw you both think you're bribing each other but not really.

>> No.9706736

Another easy way to get called gay is stating things that are true but offensive.

>> No.9706741

400 is a really low amount, I'm assuming that's how much they pay guys right?
Girls should be able to pull at least 1k per set

>> No.9706770

On the 1.09% chance that you're actually a dude, please get your testosterone levels checked. I'm not even kidding. Your insurance should cover it

>> No.9706772

I don't think any of them look bad to be desu. It's just kinda boring and they're as autistic about their aesthetics as lolitas. Much prefer that to normies in jeans and graphic tees

>> No.9706773

No, that's their standard rate for men and women. Where are you submitting sets that they pay 1k for? You'd be extremely lucky to get those rates for something that isn't hardcore porn. Cos Dev only accept tame nudes.

>> No.9706776

Alas, I doubt I would make a very good trap if part of the point is to pose nude. I have a steady income already. I'd essentially be using it as beer money, and I think having too much beer money at my disposal would be detrimental to my ability to continue to make it, in this case. $400 is fine, but it's bizarre to me that they'd really pay $1000 for nudes from someone.

>> No.9706784

To be fair - if girls didn't wear makeup and body-shaping underclothes, guys would bemoan the lack of cute girls in cosplay and this graph >>9703393 would look a lot like the women's one.

>> No.9706799

Well a good trap would be the only case I can think of where they'd pay a guy the same as a girl or possibly more (based on rarity/demand)

If I ran Cosplay Deviants I'd probably try to get one on a multi photoset/video contract and then bill them ambiguously with the first set or two being full nude but not showing "the junk" and then follow up with increasing level of hardcore (after revealing it was a trap).
Normally that wouldn't work but CD caters to weebs which is very niche to begin with.

It could all be shot within a week but the release would have to be timed out to maximize profit.

I guess bc it's more rinky dink and isn't exactly playboy so they aren't paying that much, but in that case I'm surprised it isn't more like 400 per set for girls and 250-300 for guys.

>> No.9706803

Oh wait they don't do hardcore nvm.

Are they still in business?

>> No.9706824

What happened to the cute women at cons?

We have lardasses and skeletons as far as the eye can see, the cute ones are few and far between and they always turn out to be fucking lesbians, shallow, or men.

What gives?

>> No.9706860

I think my face is too angular to really pass. I know a lot can be done with makeup, but even if they don't want full frontal pics, I'm a little more built in the upper body than most traps and in a slow reveal series, people would probably figure it out before the reveal.

Unless there's a market for traps crossplaying as muscular female characters like Zarya (and who would the audience even be for this?), I think I'm probably not the right man for this job.

>> No.9706896

Because it's 2017. Cute women at cons were a thing about 15-20 years ago. Now it's too mainstream so all the losers attend

>> No.9706898

You're confusing anecdotal evidence and witness testimony, chucklehead.

>> No.9707040
File: 99 KB, 576x768, IMG_7657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guy says guys should use basic, basic, basic grooming
>"Please get your hormones checked,"

When will you fatasses learn, no woman is impressed by your gut, mess ass face, horrific smell, jorts and flip flops.

Most of the guys who made fun of you in high school had already figured out basic grooming by then, how do you go on in life looking nasty and think that looking nasty is masculine?

The only way it makes sense is if you're gay for other sweaty, nasty neckbeards and that's who you want to attract.

Original poster, don't sweat it. If you're putting in time to make yourself look good you're already ahead of these idiots. We don't want hairy, sweaty, unkempt, basement dwelling slobs. None of that is seen as a sign of masculinity; it is seen as a sign of a hotpot of mental dysfunctions.

You think Jon Hamm, Hugh Jackman, or Chris Hemsworth wake up looking the way they do? You really think any woman looks at those men and goes, "so unmasculine"?

Let these idiots in their wolf t shirts keep thinking that, less competition for you.

>> No.9707051

And yet you girls decide to dedicates yourselves to a hobby and hang out at conventions that cater to that type of manchild. It's like jumping into a pool and then complaining that you're cold and wet. You can leave for greener pastures any time, but you don't. You either settled for this or you're unbelievably stubborn.

Assuming you're a girl of course:
I still believe you're a /fa/g, the type that has tons of female friends that think he's gay and once they find out he isn't they slowly vanish from his life.

>> No.9707073
File: 66 KB, 720x422, 29BD3C81-9726-453C-BA17-EA67CF6880E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did you find this picture of me?
Delet this

>> No.9707080

That's why when a hot guy shows up shirtless at an anime convention you mouth breathing types get all triggered.

Yeah, we go to cons and know most of the guys are going to be like you, fat, unkempt, and unattractive. We don't go to cons to trawl for tail. We like anime, we like to dress up, but only the most batshit nuts women go to cons to meet guys.

But when a hot guy shows up fuck yeah we flock to him, and then you fatasses whine and bitch about "these shallow whores just can't appreciate an alpha like me :((((" Between hanging around with a hot guy who can make us laugh and a fat smelly sadsack who just complains? Seriously?

That's why I'm telling that poster, he's on the right track: if he keeps taking care of himself, this is what he'll stand to find at an anime convention. It'll be his ass surrounded by women while you all cry and masturbate in the 18+ panels.

>> No.9707087

>And yet you girls decide to dedicates yourselves to a hobby and hang out at conventions that cater to that type of manchild.

...You do realize there's more anime than "Generic Harem #49: Hiiro was just an unpopular unlovable dweeb until 7 women completely out of his league all move in!!"

Millions of dollars are made from anime, manga and videogames directed at women. If you think something like Cardcaptor Sakura is aimed at creepy men in their twenties then you need to seriously take a look at yourself.

>> No.9707147

Yeeeeeah, we're the one getting triggered.
We're the one jumping on social media to eviscerate them and start drama, we're the ones making petitions to bar them from cons and enforce dress codes.
Are there butthurt fatasses? Of course there are, they're the same type that get butthurt at the superbowl.
Most of us tho? We either don't mind or think he's cool and as for a pic, he's certainly more approachable than the chicks.

Shoujo vs shonen? That's certainly an interesting discussion, one worth having while looking at the numbers.
But if I had to take a guess I'd say it isn't millions vs millions, but rather millions vs billions.

>> No.9707170

>That's certainly an interesting discussion, one worth having while looking at the numbers.

I cannot imagine why people at cons wouldn't want to talk to you. Most girls going to anime conventions are just so ready to have a discussion over an elaborate excel spreadsheet over the numerical breakdown of demographics between shoujou and shounen.

It may be millions vs billions, but that's still millions spent by millions of people who want absolutely nothing to do with you.

How do you guys not get how to not be this akward and offputting? There have been countless posts in this very thread, but you guys are just so deadset on being autistic, and then you whine about how women don't want to be near you.

You are not a "most of us" if us is meant to imply a socially well adjusted guy. You're not well adjusted because well adjusted guys don't care about this shit. I've met plenty of normal guys at cons and know plenty in real life, normal guys don't think spergy number by number breakdowns of statistics in anime demographics is how you talk to strangers. That's weird. You don't come across as intelligent or passionate about your hobby, you come off as weird and kind of annoying.

You're whining about social media and SJW petitions: youre not some 'most of us' in reguards to normal men, you're the butthurt fatass.

>> No.9707188

Why do you immediately go for the kick in the balls? We're having a polite discussion and you make it personal. What's your problem?

If you're so dead set of this paranoid fantasy of yours where 90% of con attendees are creepy mouth breathing rapists then go ahead and organize a girls-only con.
I wish you the best.

>> No.9707219

tfw cute bishounen

tfw no cute bf to cosplay with

>> No.9707225

>girls like watching hot guys do hot guy things
that's not really news anon. what I'm talking about is the people who are around average attractiveness, you know, most guys. For them, using makeup or being interested in fashion is a complete turn off.

to be honest those guys could literally have a channel about them telling stories about which anime girls they jerked off to last night and they would still have 6 figure followers since they're attractive and women will at least fake interest in something if a hot guy is involved.

>> No.9707226

Post area code

>> No.9707232

yes its an edit

>> No.9707233

cosplay is just 5.5's dressing up so they can feel like 8's for the day

it's just more noticeable for females

>> No.9707355


lol bro.

Why do you think they’re hot.

Their skin is flawless because makeup and skincare.

Without the hair, makeup, the fitting clothes and good shooting setup it’d just be two skinny twinky guys.

>> No.9707420


Part of experimenting is meeting failures, and part of finding success is finding the duds. On /cgl/ the girls regularly derail even the selfpost threads and drawthreads with nitpicky comments, and then it's up to the posters to either accept that the look isn't working out and go try something else, or cry themselves to sleep and continue looking ugly.

This is real life, bro. You don't get a pass mark for doing the barest minimum on your assignment. Either you accept when people tell you you look bad, and actively find another way to dress yourself, or you just continue looking bad.

>> No.9707573

You don't need to be a trap to make money, anon.

>> No.9707667

ayrt, and my comment was in response to a poster saying that CD paid more to women than men (which they later corrected). I was trying to make a joke about how the only way I'd possibly be able to qualify for the female rate is if I were a passable trap, but the humor may not have come across the way I'd intended. Sorry for the misunderstanding!

I do think I'll look more seriously into this next year. I have a couple of friends who might be interested as well. We all satisfy slightly different niches visually so none of us would be directly competing with each other. I'm not a famewhore or looking to get laid, but I don't mind people looking at my body (or jerking to it, as the case may be), and if there's a demand and I can get paid, it sounds like everyone wins.

>> No.9707712

Oh, right. I am the original anon with the advice about making money. I thought you were taking the other anon seriously. My bad.

>> No.9707734

>cosplay is just 5.5's dressing up so they can feel like 8's for the day

>> No.9707756

ayrt, and I wasn't taking the trap advice seriously, but I definitely can see where I wasn't clear about that.

Thanks for the advice, by the way!

>> No.9707942

It's a girl that smells a guy who isn't completely 100% socially competent, of course she is going to try and be as cruel and hurtful as possible.

>> No.9708028
File: 37 KB, 1024x404, 1511865126787m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.9708065

That girl on the right somehow manages to be worse-drawn than both the virgin and the chad.

>> No.9708336

>go ahead and organize a girls-only con.
That's an.....interesting idea, to say the least. I'm curious to know how that would turn out, actually.

>> No.9708734

There's a tendency that once a guy achieve the normie look, they never look back.
I wanted to cosplay but never got the time.I went from chubby to fit. Con goers considers me as a normie.
Besides, I still go to conventions but at a lesser extent. Upon glancing onto the normie life, I've seen how boring and cringeworthy a con is and how absurd it all is.
bellow average girls with revealing half assed cosplay collecting orbiters like Ash collecting pokemon.

>> No.9708853

Na, Dylan is truly /fa/

>> No.9708895
File: 220 KB, 980x1620, imaretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute guy on my way to a glorious body reporting in.
what do i cosplay as with my current body?
my face is cute but it's kinda a babyface

>> No.9708897

by working out your abs you lazy cunt

>> No.9708946

You look 4 feet tall.

>> No.9708955

was mad at self-post until i read filename


>> No.9708971

I've had a few instanced where I've gotten hit on at cons. Its just fucking weird, mostly because I'm not there to hunt for a relationship or get laid. Most girls who have approached me either want a picture with me, which is fine, but I draw the line when you start following me around the con, or constantly invite me somewhere. I've been invited to a furry after party, which was a whole lot of fuck that. I won't lie and say there aren't attractive women, but most of them I came across either was already in a relationship or just had a bad personality

>> No.9709862

Pettiness and sneering ahoy. A good 3/4ths of the girls that are cosplaying do it for their followers/"corporate sponsors"/"fame" with crappy taobao cosplays (and obviously want guys to gawk at them), while the other fourth actually have good handmade shit. There will be a handful of girls that have pre-boughts but really love their character and are in the naive euphoria stage of cons.

A guy only con would be more interesting, since it'll probably revolve around guys cosplaying for fun, once again with shitty preboughts, but with none of the "I must get instagram famous" attached. You'll also probably see a fair amount of really nice armor crafting as well. And, again, you probably won't see white knights or betas turn out at this event since there's no girls to protect/harass.

>> No.9709864

>I've been invited to a furry after party, which was a whole lot of fuck that
I think this happens to everyone who engages with furries at a con as if they're anything other than lepers

>> No.9709887
File: 352 KB, 1000x1593, 002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There might also be the whole "I thought this was a guys only con" phenomena going on.

>> No.9709895

>guys only con
You mean like it used to be?

>tfw you will never again be able to engage in autistic shop talk with other poorly dressed nerds and, unencumbered by the stress of being around normie girls, get so immersed in meeting people who share your interests that for one sweet, brief moment you get a taste of the magical fantasy world that you've been seeking

>> No.9709907
File: 12 KB, 438x108, meph567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You mean like it used to be?
Anon I've been going to cons since the 70's and its never been a guys only scene. You're an idiot if you think otherwise. There were fewer women but they was always at least 20% of the con population.
Get your head out of your ass for a bit.

>> No.9709924

I'm a moderately attractive guy and I just use preboughts for the characters I like, because even though I can't sew at all I think it's fun to dress up in a costume and act like a character I really enjoy.

Is that really so wrong?

>> No.9709967

I'd like to think I go alright, i'm an Aussie though....

>> No.9710074

Six pack comes from diet. Ab work outs might make it more pronounced, but abs seriously just come from low BF%

>> No.9710080

That’s backwards though
Abs are muscles too, you have to build them up

>> No.9710325

Bruh you have some shit genetics if you've been lifting for anything longer than a few months and aren't 19.

Go on a serious bulk this winter, train the lower side of your pecs, your lats and your shoulders more. You look like some kind of ottermode fag who didn't learn that to become ottmode you need wings.

Also what's the point of this post except to trigger people who've done an OHP in their life?

>> No.9710709

He looks good, though. Come on /fit/izens, you don't need muscles in every part of your body even your eyebrows just to be attractive.

>> No.9710737

Not sure if self-post.

>> No.9710742

No, some of it may be fat as well.
I mean look at this hunk.

>> No.9713198

I've been doing steroids and frankly it's been making me look hot as fuck

>> No.9713997
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As entertaining as the catfights have been in this thread, hot guys usually aren't all that. Strip away all the make up and keto dieting and you get that average joe you pass on the street every day. And those who are a solid 8/10 without the cosplays are really weird. Maybe it's a Midwest thing, but those I've met don't get much social interaction and thus dont know how to talk to people. It's the 3/10's who are the most fun I've ever met.

If you just want eye candy to drool over, don't look forward to a stellar personality. But again, Midwest thing. I look forward to the opportunity to meet people outside my neighboring states and country.