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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9694185 No.9694185 [Reply] [Original]

Is any of you guys planning to cosplay characters related to the new Danganronpa game? Or even the old ones?

>> No.9694187
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>> No.9694199
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>> No.9694219
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Waiting for my Maki cosplay to arrive! Tho I have a question, should I use a black wig of 150 cm or a shorter dark brown one? Because I don't think I'll ever find the right colour with the right lenght

>> No.9694481
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A black wig sounds nice anon! I'm sure it'll look cute her design goes well with a dark color.

>> No.9694513

Shorter is gonna end up being better. If you're wearing her to a con, chances are, your wig is gonna get tangled fast. It'll be easier to maintain throughout the day and less likely to tangle if it's shorter. Which would look better than a ratty one of an accurate length.

>> No.9694726

I'll be debuting as shuichi saihara at ANYC

Really wanted to do Kokichi, but Goodwill didn't have any good white coats to tailor up.

>> No.9694728

Gf and I did Junko and Nagito at Youma. It was fun being a Shitposting Hope Boi.

>> No.9694819

I want to cosplay Kokichi but... so does everyone else. I guess that's not really a reason not to do it, though. He's literally the second, if not The most popular character in V3?

>> No.9694970

I did Korekiyo at MCM about 2 weeks ago, it was quite shabby but I still had fun with it

>> No.9695000
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Cosplaying Maki cause she's the only V3 girl that matches my overall look and designs I'm geared towards wearing, however my heart belongs to another.

>> No.9695023

I don't know if I should do one of the girls who I can actually pull off or my absolute favorite (Rantaro). I'm looking forward to seeing more new good DR cosplays in general, though, now that most of the underage fanbase seems to have trickled out.

>> No.9695039

I really want to do Tenko but my bodyshape would fit Maki a lot more.

>> No.9695548

So I'm guessing Maki and Kokichi is gonna be the most popular ones from the cast cosplay wise?

>> No.9696212

I cosplayed Kaede and debuted her at Anime Boston 2017. I'm for sure doing Kaito for next AB, and eventually I want to do Miu, Maki and Kiibo.
I've also cosplayed Peko, and a lot of people seem to like it.

>> No.9696353

I'll be doing Korekiyo for a con in the near future. I like his aesthetic a lot and imo I think that my body type pretty much matches his, so I've got good hopes for this one. I'm also planning on putting on lipstick underneath the mask just in case anyone asks me to take it off or if they ask if I have it on underneath. I'm kind of glad though that a lot of younger fans already cosplayed/got V3 out of their system months ago when they couldn't wait for the game to come out. V3 wasn't my favorite in the series though, so I'll probably go back to cosplaying past games after this.

>> No.9696750

Probably going to display Himiko because I'm small and relate to her laziness way too much. Might do prologue Himiko though for the time being!

>> No.9696777
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gonna cosplay sayaka, kirumi and mikan at ohayo and katsucon! I pretty recently debuted mikan at youma and had a great time too. Looking forward to seeing new drv3 cosplayers in 2018, i know almost all of my con lineups next year have a dang rope somewhere

>> No.9697476
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OP here. I plan to cosplay Kaede and Suichi at locan cons this year and next. Unfortunately DR isn't really popular around here but I'm sure it'll be fun.

>> No.9701882

I'm probably going to be doing Korekiyo sometime soon in the future, too. Chances are I'll have to buy the costume, though, since I don't think I'm at the level to make something that complicated yet.

>> No.9702684

This actually strikes me as a surprise. I always thought Shuichii would be more popular among fans to cosplay but it seems it is Korekiyo instead huh

>> No.9702687

Oh, make no mistake - the last time I was at a Danganronpa shoot (Youmacon), Shuuichi was by far the most popular. However, I kind of feel like Korekiyo appeals to the 4chan crowd (just look at /drg/), so it's not surprising that people from here would cosplay him.

>> No.9702715

I feel like in reality the lipstick would just smear all over the mask and all over your face. I could be wrong, though.

>> No.9702890

Shuichi is technically the most popular character in V3 according to a character poll but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s gonna be a tie between him and Korekiyo. Oh and Kokichi

>> No.9702941

For Korekiyo's lipstick I would recommend a liquid matte lip to prevent smearing.

>> No.9703363

I cosplayed Kokichi at a con earlier in the month and just had a bunch of people come up and tell me how much they hated my character. Felt pretty bummed about it but I'm
gonna be cosplaying him again with my boyfriend as Shuichi at a con in January so I guess I'm a lil bit more excited.

>> No.9703677

I'm really shocked they'd hate him desu, he was my favorite but I also really thought he'd be the biggest fujo bait.

>> No.9703839

How could anyone hate him? He literally did nothing wrong

>> No.9703848

Who are your favourite danganronpa cosplayers? Looking for new people to folllow!

>> No.9703853

I love your kokichi!

>> No.9703879

Kokichi is an evil bastard but he's a great character, people are nuts.

>> No.9703885
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(V3 Spoilers)
I knowwwwwwww. It was always some shit about him second-handily killing 3 people, the biggest one being Kaito. Honestly he's one of the more interesting trick cards in the series and he has a nice design.

>> No.9705242

I really like @nattouh-nguyen on instagram. Her ndrv3 costumes are flawless!

>> No.9705777

last time I was at a v3 meet in October there were about 5 shuichis 5 kokichis and 1 of every other male character, whereas there was a pretty even spread of female characters

>> No.9705898

Don't let that discourage you from cosplaying him, Anon. Sounds like the same kind of people who shit all over Nagito because 'hurr durr he killed my waifu'. I'll never understand why some people feel the need to harass someone for cosplaying a character they don't like.

Planning on cosplaying Kokichi myself, and maybe Kirumi or Miu afterwards. Gonna wait a few months until the hype dies down even more though.

>> No.9705934

I see a lot of Kaede's coming out of the work due to how easy it is to BS her outfit.

On the men's side for see a lot of skinny/fat Gonta's and fugly Kaito's without wigs

>> No.9705944

I cosplayed as Gundam and the best part is that you can easily tell that 99% of the Gundam's at AX (myself included) got their coats from the same spot

>> No.9706235

A lip stain would do the trick!

>> No.9706473

I like @ naattoou and @ merynyan on twitter, naattoou can cosplay any character she's awesome

>> No.9706495

I mean, he pretty much kills Miu out of self defense, someone else had to do it or he'd die too, and Kaito was 100% going to die anyway.

>> No.9706593

Wow, her Ibuki is awesome, people usually mess up the wig

>> No.9706606
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>> No.9706609
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>> No.9706611
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>> No.9706848

I've cosplayed touka, i plan on upgrading it to genocider. next i either want to do chiaki or ibuki. maybe even finish my kirigiri cosplay.

>> No.9707124

Do you know if this maki has Instagram or Twitter? She’s very cute!

>> No.9707259
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I wanna cosplay one of the warriors of hope from AE/despair girls (specificially Kotoko or Monaca’s military outfit from the AE episode of DR3). If I don’t do that it’d probably be Chiaki, Celestia, Touko, or possibly a gijinka of Usami

However, I’d also really like to cosplay the beta/concept art version hifumi’s sister, fujiko. (Pic related!)
Kotoko actually gets her hair style from this concept art. I’m not worried about people recognizing me (since I’m doing this for me) but my current problem is colors.
According to the wiki her hair is white in the beta pic, but unfortunately I can’t read the sheet either way.
I was thinking of doing the colors like her final design or like her brothers colors but for the outfit I’m not sure what sort of school she goes to since it’s most likely not Hope’s Peak.

Thanks for any help!

>> No.9707280

My bf and I are cosplaying Kaito and Maki Roll. I'm hype.

>> No.9707286

Everyone just thinks that the Shuichis are Naotos

>> No.9707332

Any cute Maki? There's only a few decent ones on Instagram

>> No.9707516

@mery_nyan on twitter, she looks like irl her

>> No.9707517

she's @mery_nyan in instagram and @merynyan in twitter, she's canon maki for me

>> No.9707529

you fuggo stop self posting and gfto

>> No.9707631
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I plan on cosplaying Miu - do I hate myself and buy boots with a heel or do I love myself and buy flat-soled boots?

>> No.9707634

if it were me it would depend on how long i was gonna wear them.. cry and get insoles, just get a chunky heel

>> No.9707970

I’ve done Ibuki but I want to redo her, and cosplay Tenko for sure sometime in the future. The V3 cast all has great designs so it’s hard to narrow it down to who I really want to cosplay.

>> No.9707997

I've cosplayed over twelve Dangan Ronpa characters across the games with no plans of stopping. I have a problem but I don't care.

>> No.9708003
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I bought an Arda Delilah in espresso for her and I love it, it's perfect, but only if you really know your shit when it comes to wig care. Put it in braids too and from the con, bring a brush and detangler, have a friend willing to put up with your hair monster. I had a Kaito with me for that purpose~.

>> No.9708012

Miu would never wear flats and you know it.

>> No.9708025
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selfpost, but for when I did her I did a chunky heel. It's a good inbetween.

>> No.9708030

SAME! Can’t stop won’t stop lol

>> No.9708031

You look great!

>> No.9708051

That’s probably the best solution. Thanks anons!

>> No.9708149

Thanks anon!

>> No.9708188

Im planning on cosplaying Miu, her wig color is really hard to find and I ended up with a peachy pink. Which one are you going to use anon?

>> No.9710034

I want to cosplay as Shuichi and I've got pretty much everything figured out except for one minor (not very minor at all) detail: his coat.

What the fuck is it and how can I find it/try to modify an existing coat into looking like it? All of the Shuichi cosplays I see on sale have the coat but it looks like garbage.

>> No.9710180

Miu is the one in pink right? Haven't played 3 yet but I've cosplayed junko, and their hair color looks really similar. So I'd agree with a pale peachy pink, but maybe look up other Miu cosplayers to see what they did

>> No.9710255

I’ve liked most of the ones that I’ve seen? It’s just a light pinstripe male uniform coat. You could buy a black one and paint the lines on?

>> No.9710427

My local beauty shop has some nice quality pink wigs, so I’ll probably get mine from there. Sorry I don’t have a better suggestion

>> No.9710609
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>He literally did nothing wrong
I will never forgive chapter 4.

But he's still a cutie and I enjoy his memes.

>> No.9711437
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I used heels and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, you just have to break them in before you wear them to a con so you don't kill your feet

>> No.9712205

Looks awesome so far, anon! Good luck with the rest.

>> No.9712924

I made my shuichi coat out of an oversized pinstriped suit. I basically found the largest size at a Goodwill and stretched one side over the other to make it look assymetrical. I used the same color grey fabric for all the details (buttons, stripes on shoulder, pocket flaps, etc). I bought these buttons that you can put cloth in and used the same grey fabric (taken from a pair of gray pants). I bought the patches on etsy.

It's 100 doable, and I agree with the premade jacket looking like ass.

Shuichis costume (IMO) is one of the easier things to make if you're starting to sew. Pretty fun project. I'm also a bit proud about cosplay and prefer handmade by a wide margin, so his cosplay was a no-brainer

Hope this helps

>> No.9712957

I always use heels when I can. Even if it's less accurate, it does make legs look longer and better, so always worth it. (unless heels are SUPER out of character)

>> No.9713353
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I plan on cosplaying Kaito but I don't want my wig to look like shit. Anyone cosplaying him or know of any good Kaito cosplayers for reference?

>> No.9713423


I dislike him but at the same time I realise that if he incites that sort of reaction from me then he's actually doing his job very very well. I recognise him as a well thought out antagonist. People aren't supposed to like or trust him because nothing he does makes any sense other than just causing some harmless anarchy - something he shares with Junko, except she isn't harmless and I hate her way more.

Dont let people bother you, they just don't understand him very well as a plot device. It's unrealistic to expect people to love every single character but more often than not you can usually get something out of them being there. A lot of the plot wouldn't have panned out as it did or been as interesting as it was had he not been there.

>> No.9713427


Thats really funny because I cosplay Chiaki and my other half cosplays Nagito, but a lot of the people we encounter adore seeing him and will always stand up for him - not that I blame the character but the way they vocalise it make it sound as though they've had conversations with people who do.

>> No.9713625

What the hell? I like Kokichi because he is such a troll.

Evil? Nah... not really. He is just crazy.

The worst character for me is Tenko. I don't like femnazis.

>> No.9714258
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>not liking Tenko

>> No.9714347
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>liking Tenko
t. femnazi and also sfw-fag

Kokichi is awesome! Fuck you all, SJWs!

>> No.9714582

These costumes, dear fucking god. Are they made out shower curtains? They look like pure shit. Rantaro's shirt is especially bad, but shuichis coat has such weird folds and maki's outfit has such an artificial gleam...

Nearly every DR cosplay I've seen uses the same shitty taobao costumes, and they all look like the shitty Halloween costumes you get at Party City. Same shitty nylon material and same shitty gleam/oversaturation. The funniest part is people paying for a photographer for that. Might as well buy one for Halloween lmao

Then again, that's 99% of cosplays at cons in general.

>> No.9714680

are you retarded?

>> No.9714683

Didn't know underages were allowed on 4chan

>> No.9715281

Nah, I'm just incredibly autistic about cosplay craftsmanship, or the lack of it since they're clearly bought.

Why hire a photographer to shoot a costume you bought, especially when it looks like shit? What are you showing off, your credit card skills? It's the same as the costhots, except they're not thots. Which begs the question, why?

>> No.9715329

Maybe they're just doing it for themselves and fun, don't gotta be so shitty dude. As long as they don't claim to make it themselves there shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.9715413

Chill the fuck out

>> No.9715473

Lmao get over yourself. If you’re so autistic about craftsmanship, why not show us some of yours then :)

>> No.9715489

I'm not at the level that I'm proud of it yet, but point taken. My bad for being so autismo about it.

I guess I'm just tired of all the normies that put in the bare minimum of effort of just buying their shit and then bragging on their instas about it. I know several girls IRL that are sponsors for random weeb brands and all they do is just take photos of themselves in shitty taobao costumes and rake in the bux. It's a large part of jealousy to be honest.

I feel like it takes away from the gritty appeal of cosplaying for me personally. Like just buying it instead of making it dilutes the appeal of cosplaying. I'm struggling to find a comparison, but yeah, you're right about it, I should let it go.

>> No.9715526

Ya you sound really jelly anon of their success. They're probably way prettier than you.

Work on your attitude more along with your cosplays. There's nothing wrong with buying a costume from time to time

>> No.9715617


In all honesty its not your place to say what makes a wholesome cosplay experience. Sure, making your own and going through the motions of cocking it up and finally getting it right might be your personal preference to what makes cosplay what it is, but it isn't the case for everybody.

I have a friend who used to make all of hers, and then gradually wound down to buying a few. It's mostly because of work and other stuff, and then shes gone back even further to only making like one a year because again, work, getting her own place, better job offers etc. Once she's figured that out she'll be back on all cylinders.
She's tried a bunch of different approaches to cosplay but I wouldn't say one is worth less than the others. She still had fun and wasn't stressed out or tired at the cons trying to do the impossible. It might be the same for other people and they might want to enjoy it without the time constraints, stress etc. Maybe they just don't enjoy the making aspect and enjoy just having their picture taken as their favourite characters?

Different folks, different strokes.

>> No.9719952
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>> No.9720842


I hate Tenko's stupid bell collar and I don't understand how it fits her character though. (Yes, I know it's part of the character model and this cosplay is just doing the character accurately)

>> No.9721104

It looks like tangled garbage so clearly you do not know your shit.

>> No.9721803
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Everybody knows the Robot is the fucking cutest
I'd cosplay K1-B0 if his costume wasn't so fucking difficult