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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 509 KB, 1767x1080, gulls 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9687216 No.9687216 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>9661641
>Our store list got revamped.
>"Rules are rules and apply to everyone, famous or not."
>FACTS happened and that's about it.
>Holland != The Netherlands.
>The Lidl airbrush kit is actually good.
>Wheelchair creeper at ACC.
>Overly detailed description of the major Dutch cons.
>Minque got a reboot with new owners. Let's hope this time the service won't be shit.
>Why is X getting invited to cons and the importance of networking.
>Are room checks a thing at Dutch con hotels? Not really.
>Viencon started selling tickets; €90 to €140 p.p. for 3 nights of Center Parcs.
>Anon: "Cosplay is about attention so anyone saying they don't care about fans or being invited to things is blatantly lying."
>What workshop or lecture by Prop-Anon do you want to see at Animecon?
>Foreign Anon likes Tully.
>Fancy new WIP items that keep getting better and better.

The five next major events:
>Dutch Comic Con Winter Edition (November 11th & 12th, Utrecht UT), a comic con that has some events to keep you entertained.
>Castlefest Winter Edition (November 25th - 26th, Lisse, ZH), to many known as the lesser edition of Castlefest.
>TomoFair Amsterdam (January 6th & 7th, Amsterdam, NH), a crowd management experiment to see how many people you can fit into a venue without anyone dying.
>DynamicCon (January 21st, Eindhoven NB), the second edition of a smaller convention targetted at cosplay.
>YayCon (February 11th, Amersfoort UT), an anime and fandom con targetted at the LGBT community.

Links and advice:
>Defending yourself on /cgl/ often only makes things worse. It's best to take things posted here lightly and move on.
>Our con agenda, store list, newcomers guide and more: https://churi.nl/
>Dutch Thread Discord: https://discord.gg/kjQxd4S

>> No.9687218


>> No.9687219


>> No.9687220
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>Dutch Comic Con Winter Edition (November 11th & 12th, Utrecht UT), a comic con that has some events to keep you entertained.
Of course I forgot to change that even after correcting myself in the last thread. The correct date is of course 18 and 19 November.

>> No.9687223
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I will not buy this OP, it is scratched.

>> No.9687484
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More WIP stuff, finally had time to paint the horns on my glaives, but I'm still missing leds to make the final last horn unfortunately.

>> No.9687557

looks really nice, anon!

>> No.9687860

I'm in doubt wether I should approach an alixpress seller for misleading prices. The item I've been looking up has gotten even more expensive, like 10 euro, right before the 11/11 sale. So tired of sellers with their fake prices, it might have been even cheaper wihout the 11/11 coupon thing going on.

>> No.9687879

what is stopping you?

>> No.9687897

What do you want to achieve with this? It’s not as if the seller lowers the price because you said so.

>> No.9687902

As if they care. It's no secret most Ali sellers raise their prices somewhere mid-October to make their singles day deals appear good. Realistically speaking you'll only be saving yourself a few bucks at most and probably end up ordering more stuff than you normally would.
Still, if you're planning on making larger orders don't forget to engage in their app exclusive 5 minute coupons showers. They are valid on all listings but demand you order at least $n worth of goods. Still, $10 off on a $50 order you were already planning to make is totally worth it. The next one starts at 1:10 Dutch time by the way.

>> No.9688542

I actually did ask a seller and they actually lowered it, but I don't think most sellers wil. I'm just the lucky one.

>> No.9688578

Oh look Taeyon is invited to be an Animecon judge... Again. Couldn't they find someone else? It was just two years ago. I like her but I think it would be nice to give someone else the chance to come.

>> No.9688583

Maybe send Animecon a message stating you want to judge? Having a critical seagull for a judge would be fun.

>> No.9688633

Thanks for the advice! I was right in time to pick up some more coupons. I've rathered about 1300 coins as well so hopefully this will be a good haul.

>> No.9688703

I was already done with asian guests before they became a regular thing, just because people with asian fever (sadly enough some of my friends) are drooling over them. I rather have kamui, who can at least give lectures, at cons.

>> No.9688972

I just hope they bring someone new, I don't really care who though. I just want new judges, something new, so it's idk somehow more exciting? We already know Taeyon so it's not really 'exciting' anymore for most of us who know her.

>> No.9688994
File: 1.25 MB, 1240x1754, TULLY FOR JUDGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just want new judges, something new, so it's idk somehow more exciting?
Just saying, it wouldn't get any more exciting than this.

>> No.9688996

I think that would be way to exciting for most of us haha. I vote for Tully for cosplay-judge !

>> No.9689031

Taeyon is juist the first judge announced. Animecon has had both new and returning judges for years, so I'll just wait and see who else they bring to the table before complaining.

>> No.9689529

I hope one of the judges will be a cosplayer me and my friends requested for....

>> No.9689532

It better not be fucking Pretzl.

>> No.9689549

I actually don't know who that is.

>> No.9689563

Bless you child.

>> No.9689565

//feeling blessed by anon

>> No.9689942

They rarely ever have Dutch cosplayers as judges or guests.

>> No.9690004

my hovercraft is full of seagulls

>> No.9690579

Make that never. Animecon makes a point out of not assigning judges from countries that participate in their own competitions. If a Dutch cosplayer would judge in a compo at Animecon, it would be a compo where no Dutch participants will enter.

>> No.9690693

Ah yes. I wasn't sure if it ever happened in the past so I worded it that way.

>> No.9690951

Wtf is that video in CosplayNL that was posted with Chantal Janzen visiting DCC ....

>> No.9690971

Silly music to set the tone: check
"So it's like carnaval?": check
Elitist guy explaining cosplay: check
B-stock of people walking by who clearly don't want to on video: check
Someone showing off their ass or cleavage: check
Karaoke cringe: check

Yeah, this seems like an average mainstream media video about cosplay. Also this was at ACC Anon, not DCC.

>> No.9690978

Cracked up with that victorian dude. Preformance art, sure dud, whatever u want.

>> No.9691150
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Uploaded the video to YouTube for those who aren't on CosplayNL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yl8-GjgpwA

I have to admit his way of talking, this not so subtle facepalm and cocky explanation of cosplay put a smile on my face too. I do hope he was instructed to react a bit over the top, otherwise he's really taking cosplay way too serious.

>> No.9691159

Where can I buy washable hair dye? Tried l'Oreal and it was shit

>> No.9691194

I don't really know him, but apparently he's really this serious about cosplay.

>> No.9691199

I'm sad to inform that I do know this guy personally.. And.. He's totally serious and like this IRL as well... Maybe even worse IRL than he's like on this video

>> No.9691201

Etos, Kruidvat, maybe Action? I know my sister always used the Garnier brand to dye her hair so maybe give that a shot? Not sure what you'll be using it for however, but if it's for cosplay why not just buy a wig?

>> No.9691207

Good brands are directions, manic panic, available at large.nl, attitudeholland and shops that sell alternative clothes. Primark has pink, blue, purple and red. Action has pastels (heard they are shit as well) but yeah wigs are a lot better. I've dyed my hair firetruck red and black (permanent) before for a cosplay.

>> No.9691210

I've tried kuidvat. those really cheap ones only last one day and you have to use the entire bottle.

>> No.9691212

Thank you, I don't wear wigs in hot places

>> No.9691216
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>Hot places

>> No.9691230

acting out the character you are cosplaying 24/7 is probably the cringiest thing ever, IMO. I rather be /just dressed up/ than /cosplaying/ LOL.

>> No.9691243


dont forget artctic fox

>> No.9691267

I think theirs are semi-permanent though

>> No.9691305

They last about as long as directions and manic panic from my experience. They fade really nicely. And smell like bubblegum. c:

>> No.9691430

All washable hairdyes are shit.
The only way to get a really nice result is bleaching your hair and dye it with (semi-)perminent hairdye.

>> No.9691816

your own hair only looks good on live-action things aka cosplays of real actors. With anything else, your hair doesn't have the volume/lenght/color to look nearly as good and you have weeks to style a wig instead of a morning for your own hair. Your styled own hair also doesnt last as long in the proper style.
No, because your own styled hair will look so much better when your sweat is ruining it. Bonuspoints when you dont wash it the whole weekend (or longer) and it looks greasy and gross.

>> No.9691873

If your cosplay has bright colours and isn't live-action, wear a goddamn wig. It looks a 100 times better than trying to 'style' your own hair.
As >>9691816 says; you can only get away with it if it's live action, with real actors who have their own hair.

>> No.9691928

Also, you're destroying your hair. Wigs just be resold and you'll get some of your money back. If you don't destroy it, you'll get almost everything back you paid. I rather have a sweaty head than bald spots from all that bleaching. /unless you have really light hair, but dyeing your hair is still not good.

>> No.9691953

Just ask one of your sugardaddies in the Philippines to follow you with a fan to keep you cool.

>> No.9692073

It's good to see that even CosplayNL is bouncing against the excessive amount of persons asking for 'professional cosplayers' for their movie premiere or otherwise commercial enterprise in exchange for a drink.

>> No.9692178

Entitled little brats they are.

>> No.9692200

I know right? How dare these people demand to have at least their travel expenses covered while Pathe cinemas uses their presence to promote the premiere night of a movie? It's sickening to think anyone would demand this from a commercial company!

>> No.9692224

I don't really see anything bad with that

>> No.9692228

The 'bad' thing is that they hate on cosplayers that are willing to work for free aka a ticket and free food/drinks. In a way of 'we can't ask money for it because some are willing to do it for free'

>> No.9692325
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>need some basic leather gloves
>have small hands
>size s at most stores still give me an extra fingertip

Do I have to import from china or something

>> No.9692337

It's called sewing it yourself

>> No.9692346

If you don't have chubby fingers basic 2 dollar gloves at ebay/ali are great.

>> No.9692508

If you have darker hair, you should think twice. The hair needs to be completely bleached. Bleach is crap, it destroys the hair, and it breaks it. Be prepared for easily tangled hair, excessive hairspray use for at least some volume and if you happen to get wet during a rainy day, you will look like a crack head....

Bleaching is best with two people. Especially the back is a damn pain in the @ss...For a cheap and considerable option you can best buy hydrogen peroxide and bleaching powder at a hairdresser supplier. I use 12% because i have thick black hair. But if you’re brunette or blonde always use 6% do NOT use 12%!

Do NOT buy a blondie package at the drugstore. Even brands like loreal have a considerable ammount of hydrogen peroxide and lots of other chemicals to make sure that within the time limit shown on the package, the hair must become blonde. This is to prevent people too impatient returning the product out of a dissatisfying result. Premade instant hairdye is a lot more damaging that self mixed stuff (AS LONG AS YOU READ THE DAMN MANUAL AND DO WHAT IT SAYS)

Alright, mix the bleaching powder and hydrogen peroxide gel in the right amounts in a PLASTIC cup, do NOT use iron or metal. Use vasiline and carefully smear it at the areas around the hairline, behind the ears and the neck. It will prevent itching. Let your friend brush in the bleach. Time is key, you should try to spread the dye throught the hair within 20-30 minutes. I will explain why.

By mixing the hydrogen peroxide and bleaching powder you make a chemical reaction. Together with WARMTH and OXIGEN the colour in your hair will be removed, thus making the hair light. You can even remove basically ANY kind of color from your hair, also if you used permanent dye before.

By explaining, i do hope you now understand why the hair right on your scalp will become MUCH brighter than the rest of the hair, making dyeing long hair a pain in the @ss.

>> No.9692554

Personally you can make pretty decent non toxic and washable hairdye yourself. The following ONLY WORKS once your hair is already super light or bleached to death.

Buy a kind of conditioner from any brand you like that says that it is extra “moisturizing“. It means that the ph-level is extra high so it will “close” the fragments of your hair. Bleach or shampoo is slightly acidic and that will cause the hair fragments to open up slightly.

You can easily notice that if you skip conditioner and wash hair with only shampoo, the hair feels different and gets tangles much easier.

You can mix a moisturizing hair-mask or conditioner with food coloring dye. Those bottles from the toko or foreign supermarket. This stuff is non toxic and super concentrated. But there is a small trick to make your mixture a little thicker.

Add baking soda or cornstarch with a slightly larger ammount of fooddye and mix it to a sauce like substance and mix that with the conditioner. 1 unit dye and 3 units of conditioner.

Now wash your hair with shampoo. And dry the hair ONLY using a towel. Smear the colorful mask in your hair, nice and thick. Leave the mask in for a long time 45-90 minutes minumum. It isn’t harmfull and after washing and blowdrying you will notice the hair is quite soft and revived if you used a decent quality conditioner.

This result works best right after bleaching. Like i said, bleach will open the hair segments making adsorption of nutrients from the colored conditioner much easier. The hair will also be nourished reducing the damage done by bleaching.

As a final touch you can mix the gliss kur anti-klit spray or some other kind of volumizing stay-in with a few drops of your prefered fooddye. To protect your clothes from stains, always spray while wearing a towel. Your colour will look amazing and the items you need are really cheap.

If you are dissatisfied about a colour and you wish to udo it? Simply wash your hair with silver-shampoo.

>> No.9692973

Try going to vintage stores and such, women used to have much smaller hands. That's where I get my gloves.

>> No.9692975

Anyone knows which seller sold foam katanas/master sword etc at cons?

>> No.9692989

Can gert please fuck off with trying to promote girls their cosplay pages? Thirsty much/

>> No.9693015

No, but that sounds like a LARP seller.

>> No.9693050

I doubt anyone ever actually seeing the guy anywhere except for cons.

>> No.9693060


>> No.9693303
File: 973 KB, 1200x1600, Handcast2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did some lifecasting today. Other hand will come another time.

>> No.9693305

If I steal that, can I use it for fingerprint recognition? It looks so detailed!

>> No.9693321
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>> No.9693346

No the fingerprint side has the airbubbles. Not a lot, but enough to not work for fingerprints.

>> No.9693384

Also here's a video on how I did it:

>> No.9693412


>> No.9693520

Just look the name "Gert" up on Facebook and the one with the most mutuals is probably him.

>> No.9693526

This is how I search for cosplayers that are talked about and I don't know by name.

>> No.9693600

Oh that guy.
One of those "I'll send all my Facebook friends' friends a friendship request".

>> No.9693607

good point. That guy. Pretty sure he disappeared instantly after my first facebook friends wipe.

>> No.9694071

See I looked at that profile and still went: who?
talk about irrelevant.

>> No.9694167


>> No.9694180

Don't set your expectations too high. The only crafting skills some of these newer famous cosplayers have, is just pressing the buy button and transferring money.

>> No.9694685

I just saw the meet and greet pics of kimu cosplayer. They didn't even reach the 100 attendees that they limited it to.

>> No.9694880

It was expected tho. Fucking funny

>> No.9695067

I have been looking for pictures, but it was a group fan meet with a few other cosplayers?

I saw some pictures on 'Extreme Moments'. The girl with her wig in her face was Kimu? Because I had difficulties to see her face.

>> No.9695083

I wonder if the people noticed shes just a plain white girl without the edits.

>> No.9695090

Nigga, just sell them democracy futures.

>> No.9695121

Yes, with three other cosplayers. Don't really kno them either. But the girl with her whole face covered is pretty much her.

>> No.9695143

0 effort went into styling that wig, it looks like she slapped it on the way she got it.

>> No.9695175

Mashu doesn't even need much styling but it still looked horrible. At least try to cut it to fit the size of your face.

>> No.9695179

She was probably hiding her face because she knows it doesn't live up to the meitu'd blur she portrays herself as online. What a way to live.

>> No.9695185

I guess it's one way to hide your face.

>> No.9695186

good for her only ±50 people saw her IRL.

>> No.9695227
File: 145 KB, 1442x960, FB_IMG_1510805661359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case. I didn't even recognize her without that heavy blur over her face.

50? More like 19.

>> No.9695228

Yeah I somewhat know about the character and I’m pretty sure it could atleast have been styled a bit, or thinned out

>> No.9695245

they had 3 rounds or something 15 people or something

>> No.9695252
File: 10 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey people from the Dutch 4chan forum, come to Viencon! Or do you want Tomo forever?

>> No.9695256
File: 581 KB, 1536x2048, 23511159_1711611132183960_4028303156497113902_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont think she can even style wigs

>> No.9695261

what do you mean style wigs? the listing said it was prestyled so it should be fine.

>> No.9695280

well, take out the bobby pins for example

>> No.9695335
File: 174 KB, 450x450, linny_la_vante_ishygddt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Competing in multiple competitions with a cosplay you've already won a major competition with
I seriously hope you gulls don't do this.

>> No.9695340

Sandbagging time!

>> No.9695353

Couldn't even recognize her

>> No.9695367

I really hate this shitty behaviour. I'm not completely sure, but this isn't the first time she did this right?

>> No.9695377

Competed with it at AnimeCon, and won the ECG Prelims. Then also competed with it at FACTS (remember the diva behaviour?) and ACC apparently. Now she's trying it again with DCC.

I think someone needs to tell her it's an unwritten rule to not compete with winning costumes over and over again.

>> No.9695478

>I think someone needs to tell her it's an unwritten rule to not compete with winning costumes over and over again.
I'm pretty sure if people explain this bit of common courtesy to her she'll just throw another diva tantrum. Except instead of demanding a con to make an exception in the rules for her it will be her saying this isn't not a real rule and thus isn't doing anything wrong. A reverse FACTS tantrum, if you will.

>> No.9695497

Have you tried Hema? They usually have leather gloves every winter. My tiny hands only have a bit of extra pinky in their small.

>> No.9695513

Yeah I bought some other gloves at Hema but the leather ones are too big sadly

>> No.9695516

which one is it?? And holy shit that pink haired one has a very unlucky toad face

ACC too? That's so shitty

>> No.9695539

I'm not sure about ACC. But all the others, yes.

>> No.9695542

Do it often enough and the community will spit you out in due time. This isn't just a Dutch thing either, in case she defends herself. This is a global courtesy in the cosplay community.

>> No.9695672

Who's the white guy sitting at the table wit the yellow jacket?


>> No.9695673

Is that Kimu?

>> No.9695682
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caption this photo

>> No.9695694

Fcking hilarious xD

>> No.9695699
File: 582 KB, 1439x783, naamloos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't use those filters IRL am I right?

>> No.9695708
File: 73 KB, 958x701, HAL1.1-SITE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

official map of tomofair, graphic design is my passion

>> No.9695718 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9695721

wat de fuck hahaha
You should repost this in photoshop thread

>> No.9695732

anyone else notices how she just shrugs 24/7

>> No.9695733

or how she does that weird hand thing to her face all the time in almost every picture

>> No.9695735
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>> No.9695740 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 539x960, 23319380_1443057839146737_6071091990896272719_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel this one would be more fitting for the bad Photoshop thread.

>> No.9695743

Im fucking dead mate

>> No.9695748

You and I both my friend.
And I'm sure some of those Philippine fans too after the event,
from the inside.

>> No.9695751

Atleast they got some signed photos of her to remind them of their shattered dreams.

>> No.9695760
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>> No.9695763

I have this feeling she's going to find some reason to complain about her stay there soon.

>> No.9696078

If this is a cheap advertising trick and you're actually from Viencon, I dare you to put it on the official Facebook or Instagram page, Viencon is a new con so it'll be known as that 'one savage con'.
Not sure if they'll actually want that though seeing they're new and their first edition got cancelled.

>> No.9696086

Tomo vs Viencon

Let's see who will win?

>> No.9696089
File: 407 KB, 1200x900, armpjes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9696106

I am not a cosplayer, so I had no idea how she looked like, but I could directly spot here between these people and not on a possitive way. It’s nice that she could go to the philipines, but she looks pretty average.

>> No.9696107

Oh that's right. This is already the 2nd edition of Viencon after the failed first edition. What's the deadline for them to pull the plug this year when they don't get enough reservations? They'll stop when they fail twice in a row right? Right?

>> No.9696117

As much as I hate to say it. Tomo even if hated, have already won hands down. It's not the lack of success that's the problem with Tomo after all. Viencon need to pull of at least one succesful edition to even qualify to be compared to other existing events. sorrynotsorry

>> No.9696128

>Has a cheap life
>Sees a DCC ticket on Ticketswap for cheaper than usual
>Logs in to buy it
>"Another user is already proceeding with this order"

>> No.9696131
File: 77 KB, 600x536, Girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she didn't even try with make-up

>> No.9696141
File: 61 KB, 506x339, 8039488772666883119181791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost time. Better get ready for my fans.

>> No.9696156

I do hope she still had to pay for own flight and what not. If not I really wished I could had seen the look on the con staffs faces the moment they saw they flew over someone who is as real as her facebook likes.

>> No.9696159

kimu could go to the philipines bc she asked to be there and had a fund raiser to gather the money for a plane ticket
now people can see her shoops irl nice :)
shall we wait till some big con in nl she said she wasn't going to anymore for ages?

>> No.9696167

Actually, It's a Discord joke anon. That aside, I doubt marketing your con on /cgl/ would be that effective. You've got a relatively small target audience, most of which being well informed about the con scene or a major part of it already. Once more we're still critical seagulls so we'll probably raise more questions than there are answers. Not exactly worth your time from a marketing standpoint if you ask me.

>> No.9696171

Cheap cancer or a long weekend at Center Parcs. Yeah I'll pick the latter thank you very much.

>Counting cancelled and rescheduled plans as an edition
Boy, I sure am looking forward to the 7th edition of TomoFair Capelle aan de IJsel!

>> No.9696173 [DELETED] 

>>Counting Viencons so far
Same as Epicon, 0 so far.

>> No.9696175

>>9696171 Good one.
I make it better: I choose none of them. Tomo can suck it and Viencon doens't sound interesting at all.

>> No.9696176

>Counting held Viencons so far
Same as Epicon, 0

>> No.9696177

I'll be sure to ask for an autograph at the next Dutch con she's at! It would go well on my wall of shame right next to my traced autograph of TCC and Linny's autograph. Wait, who put another copy of Linny's autograph up on my wall? That's such a dick move, you're only allowed one slot on the wall per autograph!

Actually EpiCon had one edition. They had plans for a second edition later that year but that never happened after the staff ran off to mootMexico with all the money.

>> No.9696178

This actually made me laugh more than it should. Good job, anon

>> No.9696183

At least youll get to see Kimu IRL at Viencon. So grateful that Viencon has invited her as a cosplay guest since she said she wouldnt visit a con in NL anymore unless she was invited as a guest.

>> No.9696188

I'm real glad to see my cunt radar still works. I got some vibes when I was in a competition with her but couldn't really pinpoint it; she came off kind of haughty. Looks like she really is!
>sage for being late

>> No.9696191

I always felt she was awkward, not sure if it was haughty. But I get what you mean.

>> No.9696206

Except for the fact she didn't get invited.

>> No.9696207

They did? At least invite a guest that has talent in making cosplay than a guest who has talent for gathering money from indian guys for her own profit.

>> No.9696209

>Asks question
>Doesn't bother looking for an answer
Worst. Critic. Ever.

>> No.9696210

They didn't invite her lol, don't worry

>> No.9696217

This. What’s the use in inviting someone who sees cosplay as a goddamn race, I saw this girl selling cosplays she didn’t even receive yet. I don’t see how you could have fun doing that.

>> No.9696235

>Buy low quality cosplays from China
>Make selfies while wearing them, Meitu them to hell and sell those pics on Patreon
>Sell off shitty cosplay with a profit in Dutch sales groups
>Keep making free money being fake as fuck while a bunch of internet strangers go REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE about you
I don't see how you wouldn't have fun doing this!

>> No.9696250

Didntsaw anons answer above me because it was posted 2 min be4 me and it took a little while for me to go thru the thread but its nice theres always an anon like u :^)

>> No.9696252

Who some anons are really gullible hae...

>> No.9696277

This post gave me cancer. Plz stop writng liek dis cuz no1 lieks peeps who write like dis and it it rly makes ur post hard 2read when u maek ur posts liek 1 long sentence sono1 will rly read it or take u seriously when u do but lucky it makes it cleer ur not from hier so hi xD

I see what you did there..

>> No.9696282

You forgot the part where you throw a pity party on your Facebook feed after a minor inconvenience to soothe your ego

>> No.9696306
File: 70 KB, 876x582, blurryaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How was the Philippines?

>> No.9696308

it's just tht 4chan is horrible an buggy on mobile and 3g so it takes metoo long to actually type shit

>> No.9696321

If you're using Android just install Clover and enjoy the best mobile 4chan experience around: https://floens.github.io/Clover/

>> No.9696346

>everyone thought i was a man

>> No.9696379


>> No.9696435

The new Minque owners don't know a lot about their actual products, do they? Seems like it's indeed just a couple of cosplayers thinking they can just take over a shop and hope for the best. Their technical knowledge is pretty mediocre, if not just low.

>> No.9696452

They wont survive anyway, Cosplayclues has more accessable (wig) stock, better prices and lower shipping rates. Plus they already snooped up all the customers minque left behind.

>> No.9696453

Yeah. And CosplayClues actually knows what they're selling.

>> No.9696468

thanks, i' using 4S though, but switchinf to note soon

>> No.9696537

There were these two girls I saw all the time in Henk's Amsterdam who IIRC dressed like Black Widow and Loki. Are either of you ITT? Does anyone here ever go to Henk's?

>> No.9696616

>Does anyone here ever go to Henk's?
Not anymore. I used to visit his store back when he still had that tiny yet cozy store on the Zeedijk. I used to live nearby back then and at the time he was the only one selling my favourite manga series. Then I moved away and the last thing I heard was him selling a shitload of bootlegs in his store and at cons nowadays.

>> No.9696628


I go there often, the owner that's not Henk himself knows me for buying a specific comic. They sell so much bootleg though, buttons and bookmarks and that sort of stuff. It's also really overpriced and often crowded with girls with their hair in two pigtails and a Len Kagamine itabag, and teenage boys with pickle Rick t-shirts drooling over the massive amount of Rick and Morty merch they sell now. I just go there to get my comics, if another good comic shop would open in Amsterdam I would go there just as happily.

>> No.9696660

>the owner that's not Henk himself
Alfred? Old dude who used to have a ponytail and sometimes wears reading glasses? Young metal guy who still has his ponytail?

>> No.9696664

This sounds like the young dude has stolen the old dude's ponytail.

>> No.9696668

Why is that people 9/10 times say that in cosplay you can be yourself? Like that's the opposite of cosplay unless you're one of those lame 'I'm my oc' people.

>> No.9696677

I pass by Henk walking to uni every day I can be fucked to go. Say hi, anon.

>> No.9697161

Maybe otaku kin are more numerous than we feared?

>> No.9697176

Both Viencon and Animecon announced a new guest, any opinions?

>> No.9697185

I'm okay with Animecon's guest. I don't know who Viencon announced.

>> No.9697254

Are you at the OMHP? I used to go there but they moved the law faculty to Roeterseiland.

>> No.9697307


>I don't know who Viencon announced.


>> No.9697358
File: 87 KB, 1440x644, Screenshot_20171118-172337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not the first time Linny pulled this crap. Just look at her awards list on Facebook; she won three times with the same outfit at three different cons. I can't believe TCC allowed her to compete at DCC knowing fully well she already won the ECG preliminary with her cosplay.

>> No.9697377

That's worse than I thought it was.

>> No.9697384

She looks like a dude here. If you have a big jaw/mouth area you’re insecure about, the answer is not to wear a wig that hides everything but your jaw/mouth...

>> No.9697411

What the hell she won three times with her monk too? What else did she compete in with that costume. Such a dick practise to do this.

>> No.9697423

At least she has a winning chance in winning the /cgl/ award for biggest sandbagger ever. Swan, you better keep your bitch in check if you don't want everyone to despise her...

>> No.9697441

Intriguing, CGL awards.

>> No.9697447

I'm all for it.

>> No.9697462

>Best convention of 2017
>Worst convention of 2017
>Sandbagger of the year award 2017
>Drama magnet we're all tired off the most 2017
>Overall MVP 2017
>Best meet host 2017
Yeah I'm down with the idea of having a Dutch Thread awards. Anyone else got some more award ideas?

>> No.9697540

Please make this a thing

>> No.9697588

>Most fake/photoshopped
>Most bought likes in the year 2017
>Best newcomer

>> No.9697590

Winner gets a golden Tully

>> No.9697616

>Most obvious self-poster
>Most ovious shitposter
>Did the most attempts in keeping the thread positive

>> No.9697655
File: 689 KB, 703x632, henks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.9697658
File: 72 KB, 674x382, oh no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9697672


>> No.9697678


>> No.9697934
File: 171 KB, 720x960, 175855D0-E49F-4C78-A6DA-328AB029ACE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9697942

Who the hell is this?

>> No.9698358

That is the most slutty looking representation of an exercise in futility I have ever seen. Mopping a sandy beach while sitting in the sea, while wearing little more than your underwear on a cloudy autumn day. There is something oddly engaging about how nonsensical and downright dumb it is.

>> No.9698375

What happened at FACTS?

>> No.9698398

Our lovely Kimu

>> No.9698432
File: 36 KB, 457x485, should_have_picked_dva_instead_of_mercy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FACTS turned down her request to make an exception for her in their rules regarding bringing helpers backstage
>She goes on a sob story on how this means she couldn't compete unless someone would offer her a place to put on her costume
>Questions it because they did allow her helper last year where and mentions she won the solo comp as if means something in this matter
>Even says she might never compete at FACTS again if they don't make this exception for her and lies about how everyone at the con can see you dress backstage
In the comments people offered her their hotel room to change in but she declined because it would be a 5 minute walk from the con. Some dealer friends offered her to change behind they walled stand but that too she declined. In the end she ended up changing backstage with all the other competitors and a gopher helping her put everything on as per rules.

>> No.9698435
File: 101 KB, 478x906, apply_ice_to_burn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the best part of all? This comment by a former FACTS competition organiser calling her out on her diva behaviour: 'Rules are rules and they apply to everyone. Winner or not, "well known" or not.'

I love this woman for being so damned sober.

>> No.9698440

Well in her defense, the character actually looks like that. However, I too am questioning why she is mopping a beach....She could have chosen a way better and suiting swiming cosplay..... Also, that contour between her boobs, looks like she just got a brown cryon and she just put down a straight line

>> No.9698451

>Also, that contour between her boobs, looks like she just got a brown cryon and she just put down a straight line
no problem man you got photoshop for that, no need to actually try

>> No.9698460
File: 92 KB, 729x1024, oXdwAcG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It reminds me of Pixyteri in her prime. Totemo kawaii legit Azn girl hanging out alone in skimpy cosplay in some desolate location looking miserable, confused and uncomfortable. You get a sense that whoever is behind the camera is cruelly taking advantage of an intellectually disabled female relative... until you realize the camera is on a tripod.

>> No.9698464
File: 185 KB, 562x750, 175855D0E49F4C78A6DA328AB029ACE4-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more curious about why this photographer decided to take the shot in this angle and with such poor framing. If he had simply lowered the angle and maybe took one step to the left to get the hills more in the background this could had been quite the funny "artsy" shot.

>> No.9698467

I get the idea that this is just a behind the scenes snapshot, as she is intensely looking at someone else. Maybe the photographer didn't want to be in the photo which resulted in this lame photo.

>> No.9698472
File: 70 KB, 500x582, 9041DC44-87ED-48D6-8CB5-A66937CFE7E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you shoot a Summer costume in Autumn. Can’t comprehend.

>> No.9698504

it's a BTS shot, will see how edited it'll turn oit when she posts it on her facebook

or maybe we'll never see it because it's ptreon exclusive but im not paying a single penny for that

>> No.9698528

Can't you see? It is a BTS shot.

>> No.9698574

Gee, I do wonder if it's a BTS shot. Could anyone please confirm this? (One post was enough gulls, no point in repeating eachother)

>> No.9698582
File: 245 KB, 1125x947, 914FEE34-D563-4A62-8BA8-58CACDDDC48C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like Kjcphotography has too much money to burn.

>> No.9698583

but just in case you didnt realize yet, its a bts shot

>> No.9698591

gotta love some sarcasm

>> No.9698592

>its a BTS shot
God damnit anon, whose BTS shot is it? You've gotta be more specific with these things!

>> No.9698595

Isn’t this Xiuemi?

>> No.9698597

No, I'm anon.

>> No.9698603
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, It_Was_Me__Dio!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it was me

>> No.9698604

I apologize, it was a bts shot of our great lord and savior kimu sama the cosplayer

>> No.9698614

Exactly, it's our beautiful lovely kimu cosplayer

>> No.9698616
File: 126 KB, 1066x1200, CtOAPnMXEAAk8HT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>our great lord and savior kimu sama the cosplayer
That's a weird way of spelling SakuraFlor.

>> No.9698618

Isn’t that the porn star?

>> No.9698621

Sakuraflor doesn't blur her face till the point her nose fades. She doesn't deserve the crown.

>> No.9698623


Time to get salty: she won best costume.
>Sandbagging award in the pocket.

>> No.9698626

Maybe she should, though

>> No.9698627
File: 1.19 MB, 2112x2816, tuly huis den bosch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, you must be confusing her with this Sakura coloured slut.

>> No.9698636

Heeft één van jullie Anneke van der Stap ooit ontmoet?

>> No.9698638


Is it difficult to read, anon?

>> No.9698643

I actually got to have to agree with this one

>> No.9698649

why does she look so uncomfortable

*second sandbagging award

i would blur my nose till fading too if i had a nose like kimu

>> No.9698651 [DELETED] 
File: 335 KB, 750x726, sandbagging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9698653

I'm gonna be that asshole:

>> No.9698654

Why would you go to Henk, when you can get the same crap bootleg shit directly from AliExpress, for a lot less than he sells it for?
Looks like cons are finally waking up: haven't seen Henk at any con worth its salt, the past year.

>> No.9698655
File: 335 KB, 750x726, sandbagging hurrr prize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imma just gonna drop this here.


>> No.9698656

I love you anon

>> No.9698659

God bless you anon

>> No.9698661

I feel flattered

>> No.9698663

Nayrt but you forgot the second one.

>> No.9698675

>random cat ears, overwatch cap, shitty daddy kink collar

Holy fuck how does one even think this shit looks good?

>> No.9698684

did you snap a photo of akuma going on one knee for a woman while his girlfriend was watching because I freaking lost it kek guy will go on one knee for anyone but his own girlfriend

>> No.9698687

Oh hey, long time no see. Now fuck off again.

>> No.9698735

What did you guys think of DWCC?

>> No.9698739

Bit small, but thats expected from such an edition, other than that it was fun. Liked the things on stage so i watched that for a while

>> No.9698788

>Bit small

You either didnt go last winter edition or you didn't see everything, but it was so much bigger than last time. I'm glad they expanded because it was quite busy.

>> No.9698804

>the only thing bigger than my teeth is my ego
>the only thing smaller than my jawline is my sense of sportivity

>> No.9698851


>> No.9698899

I kinda feel like reposting this on facebook if she boasts about her win online.

>> No.9698900

Wasnt it CWM though? As the tea cup thing won ecg

>> No.9698905

If you do don't forget to explain what sandbagging is. I'm sure many people are familiar with the unwritten rule but not the phrase itself.

>> No.9698909

Why bring that up. Let her rest in piece

>> No.9698914

who cares what he does with his money? calm down anon

>> No.9698916

I don't even know who she is, another cosplayer who made the poor decision to do porn?

>> No.9698917

Oh yes, sorry! CWM it is.

>> No.9698923

Please fix the second “price” first tho

>> No.9698925

Just Google the name.

>> No.9698953

No she is a girl from the community who went missing in 2005 and was found murdered almost 2weeks later

>> No.9698954

Used to, but now I only come to special events and to say hi too two employees I'm friends with.

For most of my stuff I go to another comic store in the center of Amsterdam. Cheaper and the staff notifies me when something comes in which they think I'll like (my wallet hates them).

>if another good comic shop would open in Amsterdam I would go there just as happily.

We equally have a few good comic stores in Amsterdam. Two even within 3 minutes walk from Henk. One is American based and the other more European, though they still sell American aswell.

>> No.9698958

Anyone watched the competitions today? Who won?

>> No.9698976

>who won
>misses the entire sandbagging convo

Also someone with a hocus pocus costume won something. That was awesome from what I've seen.

>> No.9698978

I only went sunday, but I'm a little bit disappointed they didn't really do anything with the winter/Christmas theme.
Felt like a smaller normale DCC edition. Beyond that, not bad.

>> No.9699013

I'm not saying she has big teeth, but she's 95% calcium.

>> No.9699021

And we’re 80% Natriumchloride. And rightly so. Sandbagging deserves all the NaCl.

>> No.9699038

my talents and qualities are finally being recognized

>> No.9699039

* nvm I can't read, don't mind me

>> No.9699063

Oh so she is dead. i thought anon was kidding Well I'll let myself out then.

>> No.9699524 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 384x512, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please rate.

>> No.9699525

Don't be mean.

>> No.9699548

Are you seriously pretending to be sakuraflor right now?

>> No.9699562

I'm pretty sure they are pretending indeed.

>> No.9699587

They're pretty bad at it. Sakuraflor would say: "aaaah thanks love" or something with love, hun, sweetheart. Poor attempt.

>> No.9699604

Hocus pocus?

>> No.9699607

No, i read it wrong. i thought they were talking about me but I misread it,calm your tits.

>> No.9699609

^ same goes for you guys

>> No.9699628

Yeah her name was vanja I think she was amazing

>> No.9699634

Nice, i saw her costume, it looked pretty good!

>> No.9699641

How were the rest of the acts?

>> No.9699717

can you blame the guy ? kid looks like the bloating girl from charlie and the factory and damn that not just a double chin but a triple chin my familia can hide in that

>> No.9699761 [DELETED] 

This ignorance of noobs in our community, though. Everyone who has been around long enough knows about her and the murder case, as it was quite the shock.

>> No.9699770

Dude, everyone who has been around long enough in the community knows about her and the murder case, as it was a real shock. It's clear you're not one of us veterans.

>> No.9699771

Yeah, how dare someone not know about something that happened over ten years ago! Newfag!

>> No.9699785

Not blaming anyone for not knowing. Just why bring it up ya know?

>> No.9699848

Been cosplaying for 6 years so not a veteran. Plus a murder is a murder, unless it's on a convention, inbetween travelling to a convention or somebody I know, it just goes past me.

>> No.9700118

The self post is strong in this one.

As for the other topic. Let the dead rest in peace. It was not pretty then, it is not pretty now. No need to bring it up and the original question is silly on an anonymous board.

>> No.9700122

Please stop samefagging.
Or at least try to put some proper punctuation in so it looks like you are actually trying.

>> No.9701169
File: 289 KB, 1200x900, IMG_20171121_181458r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for some WIP

>> No.9701170
File: 303 KB, 1200x900, IMG_20171121_181304t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9701198
File: 137 KB, 1040x780, IMG_20171121_183746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9701243


>> No.9701291

Your time has come! please make this happen.

>> No.9701489
File: 522 KB, 1759x1759, tomomap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tomo in charge of graphical design
This has to be the ugliest and most useless map I've ever seen. There is no sense of scale nor are any of the maps connected through paths or doors making it absolutely useless. Start off with a proper basis, for instance trace the fire escape map, and add your own stuff on top if it. That way you'll at least have something people can actually use to find your way around.
The colour scheme used physically hurts my eyes to look at. Readability is the one of the most important things and going black on bright red is one of the worst things you can do. The actual font sizes have zero consistency to them which makes the map look "crowded" instead of calm. Also the fact that you have a font for your logo doesn't mean you should use it for fucking everything. Go with a nice balanced font for screen and print readability and stop putting everything in caps.

Follow these basic guidelines and your map might just end up looking like something that isn't a disgrace to the world and your family. Or you know, just hire someone with some actual talent and knowledge to do these things for you if you want to appear professional.

>> No.9701534

You know, i've been wondering if these are official maps or just whatever some troll in the thread drew, and I still don't know which it is.

>> No.9701537

It's legit: https://www.tomofair.nl/plattegrond-tomofair-amsterdam-2018/

>> No.9701590

Tfw dutch hermione cosplay doesn't even look like hermione, but gets sponsored anyway.

>> No.9701597
File: 2.10 MB, 1280x720, chantal dans.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course she gets sponsored, she's fucking Chantal Janzen! /jk

>> No.9701605

Goddamn it OP...

>> No.9702026

Alright gulls, it turns out Linny was simply not aware of the unspoken no sandbagging rule. You can't really blame someone who doesn't know about such things, and I guess it once again proved the importance of talking things through one on one before resorting to posting here. Everything has been explained to her husbando and from now on they know.
I'd suggest we simply move on as always, finish off this thread and wait for what the next thread will bring us. Spoiler: probably a lot more shitposting as we're nearing the last convention of 2017.

>> No.9702034 [DELETED] 
File: 516 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-11-22-10-40-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They know but than again this was his respons

>> No.9702037

Jesus I thought anon was joking. Is there anything they are competent at? I know elementary school kids who could design better maps.

>> No.9702038

Love myself some classic shitposting, OP.

>> No.9702041


Best paint map ever!

>> No.9702069

She is someone being hellbend on becoming "cosplayfamousu", trying to mingle with already "cosplayfamousu " people, picking costumes to make of popular characters and games she herself does not know or play. Guess you are right, she was too busy with that and forgot to read the rules.

>> No.9702070

Don't forget: all that and then spend as less time doing so, so you have minimal risk if you fail. So exploit as much as possible.

>> No.9702075

She looks like a crossbreed between a rabbit and a horse in all her pictures

>> No.9702102

This is completely incomprehensible wut

>> No.9702110

Well as expected, she is trying real hard to show herself as the victim in the situation.

>> No.9702151
File: 228 KB, 448x881, dat_ego_trip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore that, I suck cocks.
>Gets called out on sandbagging
>Plays the victim card and actually has the guts to say she deserves multiple prizes for all her effort.

>> No.9702156

>hey maybe you should be a bit more considerate of other cosplayers
>”omg stalker! jealousy! vendetta!”
Aaaaand BINGO!
It can’t ever be that she’s doing something kinda thoughtless, no, everyone else is the villain who’s out to get her. How old is she again?

>> No.9702183

Her relationship for over 10 years also broke because of her cosplay obsession. Good for her she now has a cosplay bf. And she is around 30 years old so she should have known better. Hopefully she learns from her behavior.

>> No.9702194

plenty of inconsiderable people in the world i guess.

>> No.9702195


>30 yo old

top fucking kek

>> No.9702225

Looks awesome!

>> No.9702230

Don't you understand? Tomo wants to keep their (bad/failure) events as cheap as possible, this map fits with their reputation. (TomoFail anyone?)

>> No.9702310
File: 69 KB, 600x800, ThisIsYouFaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This could be on a Chinese t-shirt.

>> No.9702418

You forgot to put it in the Hobo Std font.

>> No.9702505

Wtf is wrong with her English, though....

>> No.9702512

A lot.

>> No.9702516

Tbh that was the reason I unfollowed her page a long time ago, it was bothering me too much.

>> No.9702775

I'm having strong flashbacks to those crappy pc games you played in the 90s, that some kid made and put online. Or 90s bootleg Ebay games.

*kinda wants to fotosoep in a over pixelated seagull and Tomo mascots as enemies.*

>> No.9702797

if i still had the 2d game i made for a course once i'd have replaced the sprites specially for you.

>> No.9702981

I found kimu on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KowE4inEHY

>> No.9703006

She's walking and looking so stiff? What the hell

>> No.9703025

Awww, thanks anon. That's a nice thought.

>> No.9703043

It reminds me of a certain anon here that also has a bad punctuation.

>> No.9703144

I just realised she may be one of the mediocre cosplayers I have walked past thousands of times at Animecon in the past.

>> No.9703191

Question, did any of you guys order from Bodyline recently? How long did it take for your order to arrive and did you have to pay customs?

>> No.9703202

Haven’t ordered recently, but you will most definitly pay customs, unless you ask them to lower the value. You used to be able to do that while checking out, but now you have to mail them with your order number and to which ammount you want get it lowered. (They mostlikely won’t reply on the mail though, but they will do it.)

>> No.9703217

Not recently but it took them about 1 month and had to pay extra over 1 out of 2 packages, because they only ship packages up to 1.3kgs I understood.

>> No.9703229
File: 593 KB, 886x490, Schermafbeelding 2017-11-23 om 15.21.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry she improved a l- ok nvm

>> No.9703233

Wow that's so different from all the photos!

>> No.9703236

God what a potato.

>> No.9703240

Sad thing Dnstj is actually quite good at filming. Sad to see him waste his talent like this.

>> No.9703247
File: 38 KB, 500x375, 1374381748638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone this thread is under attack by Auto-Sage Gundam. Please evacuate to the new thread >>9703243 while Nethergundam buys us some time!

(New thread >>>>9703243)

>> No.9703268

god what a teslet

>> No.9703270

but this isn't dnstj video in the Schermafbeelding

>> No.9703312

It's a screenshot from that philipino event

>> No.9704120

Loleh? Is Kimu retiring? It said so on her private page that she might.

>> No.9704163

a couple of years back I ordered Rocking Horse shoes from Bodyline.
I ordered the right size according to the size table. But they were about 3 cm shorter, so I wasn't able to wear them at all.

Paypal gave my money back. But they did fight the claim. Also yes I had to pay customs.

>> No.9704252

She said that like 15x times this year only or something