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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9686463 No.9686463 [Reply] [Original]

How did you get started in this hobby in the first place?

>> No.9686485

One of my friends suggested we go to a convention with a whole group of people dressed as Ace Attorney characters, which we did.
Met some great new people, had plenty of fun, and decided this was something we should do more often.

>> No.9686500

In 2000 it sounded fun, believe me.

>> No.9686501

>Loved frilly dresses and cute things and animu as far as i can remember
>Stopped and hid shamefully as a teenager because peer pressure of being "normal" aka no fun allowed
>One day on the internet stumble upon japanese street fashion,lolita,cosplay,anime/manga fan groups
>absolute excitment and happiness (if you forget about normie friends being bitches and leaving, starting to bully me even, but i got new friends anyway)

Ace Attorney is great!

>> No.9686504
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i wanted to be the princess, no more feeling like one

>> No.9686507

>found out about anime when i was like 10
>got into alt fashion when i was 12
>hits my weeb phase at 13
>finds out about lolita online, weeb me loves it
>eventually finds cosplay online too
>tried cosplaying at 15 for the first time while going to my first con
>gets my first lolita dress a year afterwards

i gave up on cosplay but i still admire it from afar and would like to try a few other cosplays. as for lolita, that's going stronger than ever.

>> No.9686508

It is, great series for first time cosplayers too because most outfits are relatively simple.
Of course with me being the fucking autist I am, I went for Godot, including a light-up mask. Didn't actually form it to fit my face and didn't add any padding, so I was in serious pain for almost the whole day.

At least it looked pretty cool and I fixed most of the comfort issues with later revisions.

>> No.9686512

Showed an intrest in cosplay and then got a lot of support by friends and co-workers (in convention industry). Did one or two, didn't like the savage nature of the contest aspect, but was under a lot of pressure to be competitive.

Left cosplay.

Always knew about Lolita, watched it casually from afar. Then my Mom died. She really talked to me a lot, for hours, on her deathbed about how investing in stupid shit that brings you happiness is worth it as long as you recognize it is stupid shit (and don't, say, get life priorities screwed up). Make an order with bodyline shortly after. Then a closet child order. Automatically enjoy Lolita more then cosplay; no one is trying to influence how I dress based on "omg ur so skinny, you should cosplay this one character...!". Feel really in control of being dumb and frilly; like meeting other girls who have similar perspective on the fashion. Like sitting around in giant dresses, sipping tea and knowing there's nothing productive about it. Happily Ever After.

>> No.9686643

This has a happy resolution anon I'm happy for you.

>> No.9687024

Falling in love with manga heroines

>> No.9687029

Through being an enormous fucking weeb.

>> No.9687492

oh god that picture is highschool me but with sailor moon and lotr stuff
it physically hurts to look at

>> No.9687770

I got into cons from my anime club around 2013-14 I think. it was a small con. I didnt cosplay that day, but in 2015 I went as super saiyan goku that year.

>> No.9687804

A lifetime of failure, regret, and being a disappointment that will ultimately end in my suicide.

>> No.9688010

at least you had good taste

>> No.9688068

What cosplay are you going to wear when you off yourself?

>> No.9688098
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Dressing up for Dragoncon got me into it. I really don't go too much conventions besides Dragoncon and some Halloween parties. But I love it and love funny and effort and getting results. My halloween pushing me past two minutes the scarecrow was fucking fantastic this year. I am now working on my professor Frink cost play for the convention in September.

It is a fun hobby of mine and I got mad respect for the people who cosplay

>> No.9688101

Myself. It's the only fitting costume for such a dishonorable being.

>> No.9688128

Technically I started cosplay in 5th grade when I was Cassidy from Pokemon for Halloween. Didn't cosplay again till after highschool when I had money and could sew. I actually still fit into the dress my grandma made me for Halloween back then which is insane since I'm 60lbs heavier and 5 cup sizes bigger too.

>> No.9688142

Just because you can get it on doesn't mean it fits.

>> No.9688190

No it's still not too short or too tight. She probably made it knee length back then as it's about mid thigh now. I was a tall kid and it was probably a bit baggy back then.

>> No.9688207

My interest was piqued by gawking at Sakuracon goers

>> No.9688280

>emo fucker in middle school with no friends
>start high school
>make friends
>friends all join anime club
>join anime club and become a weeb
>go to con with friends
>friends want to try cosplaying next year
>cosplay with them next year

And so on. Ten years going strong now, all because I am sheeple.

>> No.9688297

One summer I was staying with my dad and only played video games. He thought I was wasting my time so he taught me how to sew, then I decided to dress up as a character for a con and sewed it on my own

>> No.9688306

I went to a convention for the first time and little old weeb me was amazed at seeing my favourite characters coming to life. Proceeded to stalk cosplayers on cosplay.com and deviantart. When the con rolled around again, I made a cosplay for it. I wish I could as enamoured as I was back then, because now I'm a bit too critical about the quality of people's costumes.

>> No.9689436

I'm mostly interested in prop making.
I'm starting to get interested in cosplay because sometimes a prop doesn't feel like enough.

Also this >>9687024 >>9687804

>> No.9689443

My boyfriend at the time thought I'd look cute in gothic lolita. Ten years later, we're still friends and I jokingly blame him for the fact that I got contents insurance 5 years ago specifically for my wardrobe...

>> No.9689541

collected anime figs growing up, my kid sister got into my room and destroyed them all while playing with them.
Got into cosplay as a way of "collecting" my favorite characters and showing appreciation instead.

>> No.9689554

Crushing boredom in the Army

>> No.9690929

ive made my own Halloween costumes sense i was a kid and it just feels like a second Halloween for me going to cons to dress up. its also fun trying to make "movie quality" props and trying to top the last costume

>> No.9692442

>high school
>see kid that's always by himself cutting paper
>ask him what he's doing
>he explains pepakura to me
>see he's building a halo spartan suit
>ask if I can help him
>when we finish his he asks if I want him to help me with one for me
And that's how I met my best friend in the god damn world

>> No.9693172

My father does professional photography for cosplayers so I adopted his interest in it as well

>> No.9693197


>> No.9693315

I found sample magazine at my local arcade advertising a new magazine coming out called shonen jump.
found a convention by becoming obsessed with the comics.
bonded with my mom by learning to sew and make costumes. I think it made her really happy to share a hobby with me

>> No.9694738

I was attracted to alternative fashion from a young age, and my eye was drawn to people who looked different partially because I have trouble recognizing faces. I guess I enjoy stereotypical cute and girly things, and j-fashion has a lot of that. I never really liked wearing pants either so that was a plus.

I'm just attracted to the femininity and cuteness in j-fashion when most alternative fashion where I live focuses on either grunge or sex appeal. It was seeing scans from gal magazines and Punk Rave's goth/punk stuff back in the day that spurred my interest.

>> No.9695684

That's cool. Are you down to share his or your work? Would love to see it

>> No.9695722

Easy, time travel back to 2002

I wonder how kiddies born afte the 90's get into cosplay and anime. I wonder how they feel about having missed the manga/anime gold rush of the 2000's. And I wonder if it will ever be like that again?

>> No.9698074

Back in the day, I was making Final Fantasy character shrines on geocities. Saw others and saw that people had pictures of cosplayers on their sites. I wanted to cosplay. Had a crush on dude from high school, went to college anime club. Said club was going to convention as a group trip. Went. Cosplayed an FF character for the first time.

15 years later, I still cosplay FF, still make character shrines that nobody visits because only 20 people still make them but whatever. Oh and I wear lolita too.

>> No.9698136

That is the cutest fucking thing, you better treasure that friend of yours anon