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File: 716 KB, 595x842, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9642412 No.9642412 [Reply] [Original]

Chocolate clusterfuck edition.

Old thread: >>9639430

Please keep newfag questions in the questions thread where they belong.

>> No.9642418

It's been so long since Angelic Pretty have actually released a decent print. I'm living for their current plain ones, but now it just feels like they slap random drawings on there and hope for the best, rather than beautifully crafting new work

>> No.9642427

I think you're right, they also don't have the logo on the bottom of the shoe. And here I was trusting people on LM to not lie about brand shoes. I'll have to be more careful now.

>> No.9642431

I really do like this, it reminds me of that AATP chess print

>> No.9642433

They've had some good ones recently but this newest one is absolute garbage.

>> No.9642455

Which ones did you like
Misty night royal game is 1000x cuter than this tacky abomination

>> No.9642474

I got both holiday collection and lovely shopping.

>> No.9642479

I still can't believe that people have actually bought Lovely Shopping, especially at full price

>> No.9642481

I really liked Romantic Cat and Holiday Collection though. But otherwise I'm really dissapointed.
On the other hand, I have time to hunt down my wishlist dresses instead of saving my money for a bloodbath.

>> No.9642482

I love lovely shopping, it's one of my favourite AP releases of this year.

>> No.9642484

You may think it looks nice, but it still is Angelic Pretty being lazy with their prints. I quite like some of their new stuff, but it's nothing compared to what they used to be. Before I would get a dress in the mail and just observe it for a whole hour, and keep going back at it, just to look at all of the details (eg Belle Eqoupe Rose, Castle Mirage, Holy Theater etc), but now they just draw a picture and slap it on, something even I could do

>> No.9642497

Ribbon Berry Bunny is actually adorable as well from this year. But I agree, this new print is terribly over-designed without thought.

>> No.9642501
File: 374 KB, 768x340, 4564738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the concept but the way it was designed gave me flashbacks of 1st grade when you had to bring those stupid valentine's cards in to class with candy in them.

>> No.9642506

hopefully the buyer knew its secret shop. I wouldnt have looked too hard at it, but the mint and pink insert seemed strange. Plus something looked a bit off, my tea parties are ina bit worse shape and dont look as sad.

>> No.9642507

i really LOVE the print but i hate the cuts and the material.... I wouldve bought a skirt... but they didnt make one...

>> No.9642509

just a reminder to join the EGL Discord Server. we have vetting measures to prevent scammers, drama llamas, and creepy boys from ever joining the server.

>> No.9642513

Sorry other people's taste offends you?

>> No.9642515

I only started liking AP a couple of years ago and I still dislike their older releases. Holy Lantern and Misty Sky were bestsellers so why would they spend a lot of time/money to make something detailed?

>> No.9642523

whoops. forgot the link. https://discord.gg/M9rbd

>> No.9642524

Why are brands releasing mostly shit (especially AP) since some years?
AP is starting to make things that look like knockoffs of their older prints circa 2010 (here,it looks like Melty Chocolate and Chess Chocolate had a tacky baby). Like that poor attempt at redoing Petit Patisserie and Sugary Carnival (in awful cuts and washed out colours).

I haven't really loved a print since 2013-2014

>> No.9642527

I mean,I guess everyone has different taste and i'm not gonna be a dick (they might even do something nice with it!), but i found this dress horribly ugly. It looked like cheap taobao. But once again, AP's quality is getting lower and lower

>> No.9642534

nayrt but same, the print is adorable but way too busy for an all over dress. The cutsew dress is cute too but I'm not willing to pay full price for it. The shiny fabric throws me off a bit too but I still would've bought a skirt in a heartbeat.

Maybe if the cutsew dress is still there in the winter sales I'll buy it, I could always wear it with a jacket and have it look like a skirt? Not willing to buy the other OP the JSK either because of the all over shiny fabric but I really like the print for more casual wear.

>> No.9642540

How many of you gulls post coords to CoF? How many of you post to IG, Tumblr, or other social media?

I know that cgl is known for its critical opinion of any and all coords posted on the internet, so I was curious how many of you post your coords.

>> No.9642544

CoF and IG, tumblr when I remember.

>> No.9642548

I don't post to CoF, I don't have fb. I would like to though if it was more anonymous. I only ever post to tumblr and sometimes twitter.

>> No.9642552

What other brands besides AP?

>> No.9642557

Holy shit this dress is ugly
The ivory colorway could almost work, but even then its an ugly print

>> No.9642559

I post to CoF (sometimes), tumblr, amino, and twitter

>> No.9642563

I only post to instagram... and occasionally my facebook when i like the coord/photo. I feel to embarrased to post to COF because my comm members always sound stupid/pretentious and i feel like i would look or come off the same way.

>> No.9642565

I don't understand why you all pay so much attention to AP if you don't like them anymore. I feel like whenever I go here there are people bitching about AP but other brand releases are hardly ever posted here.

>> No.9642613

I love that new carnival Pony print but it's just too busy for an all over dress. If they had made a skirt i would of bought it in a heartbeat. Hell, Id even go for it if thry had at least made a cutsew OP like they did with a bunch of other releases lately

>> No.9642616

You could just wear it with a cardigan or something

>> No.9642625

>daydream bed
>ribbon berry bunny
>creamy cherry
>suyasuya toys

Just to name a few good recent ones.

>> No.9642640

Sorry for your shit taste.
Most of these look like something you'll find on taobao

>> No.9642642

IG only. My daily coords usually don't feel polished enough for CoF and I keep forgetting that daily group exists.

Nayrt but I'd say AatP's hits have been few and far between compared to a few years ago. They used to be my favourite brand but in the last ~3 years they have released only one thing that I liked enough to put in a reservation.

>> No.9642654

Do you guys avoid posting on CoF because you're anxious about the reaction you'd get from places like cgl? Or do you just prefer to enjoy your hobby privately?

Do you feel like you don't get the same reaction on IG? Its more personal somehow?

>> No.9642658

Nayrt but no they don't, please stop your tantrum.

>> No.9642660

I would love to see those nice taobao dresses

>> No.9642676

It’s much more personal and I feel like it’s a good way to find new lolitas and see all their coords.... but also ignore lolitas who’s coords you’re not fond of. It’s also good for record keeping of cords but get a more realistic feeling of if it’s a good cord. COF gives likes to subpar clusterfuck cords and often ignores good but basic ones. Instagram of course has it’s spam likes from hashtags but it’s optional about what you put on there. Plus I like tagging the print or dress so others can find worn photos of it especially for less common since I struggle finding them

>> No.9642684

This. I feel most of them don't even wear AP or like the brand, they just discuss it because it's the most popular.

>> No.9642687

I'm not any of the anons you replied to but I avoid posting to CoF like the plague because I don't have any good pictures and if I posted I already know what cgl would say.

>her coord is ok but she needs to stop taking selfies with her phone
>insert nitpick here

I also don't care about asspats that I know CoF is all for- I don't think I've seen real concrit there but I have seen it here buried under insults.

Honestly both outlets are just garbage.

>> No.9642688

none of those people but i stopped posting on CoF because it never really did much for me. also all the crit i received here was never on my coord but just outright insults/weird vendetta posts. the combo of both makes other platforms more appealing.

>> No.9642690

I just bought my first brand (Emily Temple Cute) dress. It feels so good man, I'm so excited to start building up.

>> No.9642691

I really wanted to like this, but something about the colors and composition of the print makes it feel really Taobao

>> No.9642693

Holiday collection is okay I just don't like it as well as CR or British Bear which feel similar to me

>> No.9642706

I just posted once on CoF. My outfits are generally too casual for the group, so I just use IG and twitter.
If any gulls want to drop their Twitter or accounts that you like, I’ll follow you guys!

>> No.9642707
File: 340 KB, 1149x853, mcrossrip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so uh
i let my friend borrow my milky cross OP during con season.
one of the stars are missing from the frontal bow, and a small tear near the upper arm/armpit area of the arms has appeared. due to the nature of the material, i assume it's unfixable? at least with my skill level.

with that said, i had already planned on selling it (+headbow, smaller clip bow, and tights)
how much do you think it's worth all together now with that? i've never had a damaged dress before so i don't know what to do.
(never lending my dresses ever again)

>> No.9642708

also like to note i said 'arms' but it's only on that arm.
she's not large so it's not like she ripped it by simply wearing it, i'm gonna assume she just moved her arms a little too much/weirdly for this dress?
i don't know.

>> No.9642713

I'm excited for you, ETC is my fave brand

>> No.9642715

I hope you're getting her to pay for the damages...

>> No.9642716

The prints are still simple, lazy, and a bunch of images scattered all over the place

>> No.9642718
File: 86 KB, 356x374, 1382745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she gave me 50 dollars. would of just preferred she 'bought' the dress off me and her to resell it if she wanted
but hey, some people just aren't that great of friends as you thought.

>> No.9642721

Your friend sounds like a total ass, sorry that you have to deal with this.

>> No.9642723

I wonder why holy lantern and misty sky were so popular, they have everything gulls hate

>> No.9642728

Gulls are a loud minority. If you haven't noticed usually releases gulls shit on sell out and ones that get praise here go on sale

>> No.9642733

Did you have a price range in mind? I'd love to buy it off you

>> No.9642751

Can anyone recommend a good chest binder? I've heard about underworks, but what do gulls with big boobies use? TIA!

>> No.9642752

The OP even reminded you to take questions like this to the thread they belong in. Are you trying to start the shitposting like what happened in the last thread again?

>> No.9642757

Figured this would be a better place to ask. Where do you suppose I ask?

>> No.9642760

Do you not know how to use the catalog or is it that you lack reading comprehension entirely?

>> No.9642761

This is actually the ugliest thing I've ever laid my eyes upon.

>> No.9642773

Daydream Bed is an Imai Kira print, newfag. How could it look like taobao?

>> No.9642774

Sorry the other anon is being a bitch

>> No.9642775

The last thread got derailed due to anons asking stupid questions in the general instead of the appropriate thread, I'm not being a bitch. It's literally in the OP.

>> No.9642778

you really don't know what's good. AP repeats cute and popular motifs such as strawberries and cherries, because they do every year for tradition, but the prints are still different.

>> No.9642781

Interested. What price were you going to sell it for?

>> No.9642799

holy shit so sorry, anon, that sucks. I'm about to lend a few dresses to comm members for a cat themed meet, nothing fancy, just taobao dresses, but I'm terrified now!

>> No.9642801

I usually talk about it because I fucking love AP but haven't bought anything that wasn't second-hand in years because it's not nice enough to pay full price. With how many "agree!"s I get every time I say I love AP I imagine many others are on the same boat

>> No.9642803

I can see how a tradition to repeat prints/motifs can be seen as lazy, though I don't see it that way myself.
If you think about it, there's a pretty limited range of things brands can draw print inspo from, so no wonder there are similarities. I disagree with the notion that it's a recent thing, i.e. brands got lazy recently - to me personally all the sweet prints of the pastel vomit era look the same. I'd say to each their own and stop shitting on things that are simply not for you, but that'd be a stupid thing to say on 4chan.

>> No.9642812

New AP stuff is way more generally appealing than pastel vomit. There's a reason why they're the most popular brand now and not when all they did was ugly pastel prints that blended in with the background.

>> No.9642814

Here's a question! Are there people here or maybe someone you know from your comm who travel between the States and Europe however regularly? School, business, doesn't matter, but preferably the same destination.
Idea: these people could make great shopping services for people who don't want to pay 70-100$ for transatlantic shipping. I don't know if it's just me, but I often find stuff I'd love to buy from US sellers, and I don't because shipping is a bitch.
Let me know what you think about this. I know of lolitas in Japan who help people get stuff from sellers who refuse to sell to shopping services, and that got me wondering if something like this could work.

>> No.9642817

lol agreed

>> No.9642821

It ain’t that expensive, so just buy what you want and get over yourself. Japan SS works out because there is irl store to shop from, but there is no point in paying markups from a Us Lolita store vs Japan.

>> No.9642829

Different anon here, but I'm sure they mean buying from US individuals (for example, sellers on LM), not stores.

>> No.9642830

Sorry people took advantage of you, anon. Just keep in mind not to let anyone borrow unless you're prepared for this. At least you got... some money, I guess.

>> No.9642836

I actually think Misty Sky was pretty gull, but it was a sleeper hit initially that didn't get much response here as well. It's simple and wearable, which is what I always hear people complain about here.

Holy Lantern is really kind of similar. It's not a really complex print or OTT looking and it could be used easily for daily wear. I personally think it looks super mall goth, and a lot of gulls agreed, but there's so many colorways now, one is bound to work for someone.

>> No.9642852

What are the unwritten "rules" or guidelines for what baby/aatp look for in fashion show models?
General age, height, etc?

>> No.9642860

Is your friend a lolita?

>> No.9642862

Youthful looking, under 5'5, slim are generally what brands are after. Shoe size is important, since you'll need to fit into the brands shoes.

>> No.9642865

Despite that, I've been with others in shows who are over 5'9" and have too small feet. As long as you can "fit" into the shoe, you're good. You might just have to stuff them.

>> No.9642867

They're generally after shorter people but if you have the right measurements there's a high chance of being picked no matter how tall you are.

>> No.9642868

They were popular back then too dumbass.
Style just changed

>> No.9642898

I'm sorry my message was ambiguous, I thought I mentioned Lacemarket somewhere, but I didn't. The second anon is correct, I meant buying second-hand.

>> No.9642974

Just CoF, and only my meet coords. My daily wear stuff isn't usually trying hard enough.

>> No.9642978

I don't think it's a bad idea. It would work as long as the traveler in question actually had a US address that's paypal verified so that sellers don't get spooked.

>> No.9642982

Are you sure the dress fit her well? That sort of damage doesn't typically happen when you "move weirdly", the OP's shoulders were likely too narrow for her.

>> No.9642987

It's somewhat because of cgl reactions, yeah. I've posted on CoF twice and I never got posted here. My outfits are decent, but nothing entirely unique/great or completely awful so they just fly under the radar. I also don't usually wear coords that are interesting enough to post on there so I post them on insta instead.

>> No.9642990

Thank you for the link! Very much appreciated.

>> No.9642994

Sorry anon. That really sucks. You could tell her you are pretty bummed about it, and offer to give her the $50 back and she can buy it off you. If she refuses, I would name and shame her to your friends. That is super dickish of her to do.

On a similar note, I lent my friend a dress to wear on her birthday. She didn't tell me she was going to disneyland and wore the crap out of it. Mystery orange and brown stains all over, generally looked tired and sad when she gave it back... months later. Yep, someone who I thought was a good friend, kept it for like 3 months and returned it dirty without even an apology.

I don't lend out dresses anymore.

>> No.9643002

I just hate fb, so obviously I can't post to Cof.

>> No.9643006

The vertical print is really interesting but the rest of the dress is so distracting and unbalanced.

>> No.9643060

I'm >>9642642 and I honestly don't really care what /cgl/ thinks. A pic I shared only with my comm was posted in an ita thread once and I was surprised to find that it didn't affect me at all. I don't post on COF because my social anxiety extends to social media, and every time I see I have many notifications my chest tightens and I get too anxious to open the app. On IG I can control how visible I am through the tags I use so I can share my coords and get some interaction without the anxiety of hundreds of notifications to scroll through. Weird, I know.
I also don't like FB in general.

>> No.9643073

Not fat

>> No.9643075

They were popular, not the MOST popular, dumbass. BTSSB was more popular back then.
Style changed because the newer style is more attractive to people. Suck it up sweetie.

>> No.9643097

She asked about LP in the questions thread and it's still unanswered lol

>> No.9643106

Which era are we talking about? Because while BtSSB has always had a loyal following, even during the Milky Planet era AP had by far the most hype of any lolita brand.

>> No.9643110

I think this is really hard to measure so no point in arguing about it. But Baby was the most popular brands in my comm for years, incl milky planet area. Novala Takemoto created a "lolita boom" with his movie and books, and they used Baby in the movie.

>> No.9643151

>Do you guys avoid posting on CoF because you're anxious about the reaction you'd get from places like cgl? Or do you just prefer to enjoy your hobby privately?

I've stopped posting to CoF for that exact reason. The nitpicking and open insults on cgl on CoF threads is ridiculous.

It took me years to regain the courage to post worn coords on the internet again after I've found one of my coords being destroyed by mean comments on cgl back in 2012. You weren't even commenting on my coord, you were just nitpicking on my facial expression to the point of personal insults. I decided to only post floordinates then and gained a huge following on insta/tumblr, then I slowly started to post some worn coordinates again on my social media which were also liked and which I often found in inspo threads on cgl. This year I've tried the test again to post on CoF. Same mean comments on cgl. Now I'm back to insta/tumblr again.

It's not worth it unless you have a thick skin and can brush it off. I'm also more of an introverted person and don't really feel comfortable with too much attention and I feel like insta/tumblr are less open places which allow you more privacy than fb. As a result I've learned to enjoy myself. I rarely attend meets and am a lone lolita for the most time.

>> No.9643162


Anons actually already answered her in the first general, one even pointed her to the luckypacks LJ so she can see for herself that LP releases are unpredictable, and another anon namedropped IW as being the most likely to do a Halloween blind LP. I think no one wants to touch that question now, not even sure if it's the original anon posting anymore or 4chan troll decided to make it their new game.

>> No.9643175

Kamikaze girls hype was already kinda dead when pastel vomit came up, I remember I went after it in order to win oldfag points back in 2010

>> No.9643183

That doesn't negate what I said

>> No.9643197

I get that, the point is that an SS works for stores, shipping from us to Europe as an individual isn’t that pricey to warrant a SS. If you are such a cheap ass you can’t pay for shipping how will you afford an SS in this case? It costs a lot more to ship it to someone and get them to put in with their baggage/pay for the extra.

>> No.9643204

Really? I've been asked to pay 80usd for shipping to Belgium, for one dress. But besides that, there are sellers who refuse to ship outside the US and I wouldn't mind paying extra for something from my wishlist.

>> No.9643329

That's a terrible idea as someone who has gone to Europe three times from the US and had the airline lose my checked luggage twice

>> No.9643370

holy. thats alot. i know US shipping keeps going up but for ONE dress even tracked shouldnt cost that much unless they overnighted it.
Its about $45 normally to ship a dress tracked

>> No.9643385

The last time I remember baby being more popular than angelic pretty was in 2006. Angelic pretty has been the most popular by far since around 2008. I'm not sure where you're getting your info, are you new?

>> No.9643389

Your comm is an anomaly. Ap in general has led the pack in popularity for a good decade

>> No.9643410

Way back in the day the most popular brand in my comm was Moitie, then around 2009 or 2010 AP suddenly became much more popular to the point where sometimes I was the only one at meets wearing a brand other than AP. Baby has always been second in line for sweet in my comm, and it's really only the nostalgic oldfags (like me) who prefer it over AP. There's also way less brand loyalty to Baby vs. AP; I know many girls who exclusively wear AP main pieces but nobody who exclusively wears Baby.

>> No.9643426

And you are so sure about that how? Do you have any numbers?

>> No.9643441

I'm not taking part in this discussion, just want to say my SS exclusively wears Baby. It's pretty inspiring she's so devoted.

>> No.9643455

Really all you need to look at is how much the average AP dress sells for second hand compared to any other brand.

>> No.9643462


Thanks for your responses. I got into lolita well after the Livejournal days, so I've been trying to find a lolita community I like. For whatever reason I just don't find FB a great platform for lolita friends but I was curious if perhaps I just wasn't putting out enough effort. Sounds like I'm not the only one who doesn't love CoF.

>> No.9643466

That's cool! Is she Japanese? I'm no expert but I've always heard that brand loyalty is a much bigger thing in Japan than in the West.

>> No.9643492

Similarly, I've had people asking from 70 to 100$ for shipping to my country, my friend had more than 100 because apparently the dress was very heavy. And, as anon correctly pointed out, some people refuse to ship outside the US altogether.
I see US internal shipping+shipping in Europe + a reasonable SS fee being around the 50$ mark max, and with many sellers offering free shipping within the US, even less than that.
Of course, if the SS person would have to pay for extra luggage, it would negate the purpose of saving, but there are people who travel for business and are able to pack lightly.
Anyways, it was just an idea, #9643197 no need to be an ass when you clearly don't know what you're talking about.

That's very unfortunate, but shitty airlines aside, in most cases lost luggage is usually found in a week or two after being loaded onto the wrong plane. Packages also sometimes get lost or damaged in transit, it's a risk we all take willingly.

>> No.9643504

Do you? I mean, we're all talking anecdotal here, you included. It seems dumb to require numbers but not provide any yourself.

>> No.9643516

Not really an oldfag (started in 2011) but even though I love old AP and used to love it, Baby comes first!

>> No.9643530

Meta also really used to be popular in the old days, since it was the first main brand to have an English webshop.

>> No.9643533

Yes, she's Japanese. I don't talk with her about personal stuff a lot but I've seen her wardrobe, it wasn't huge or anything but really nice. She's also mentioned going to Baby tea parties.

>> No.9643581

Recently sold a pair of dresses to one person and valued shipping at $25. It ended up being $19.76 and the buyer wants me to refund her the difference. Is this normal?

>> No.9643586

kek, your memory is failing you then

>> No.9643587

You're the one trying to state your anecdote as fact.

>> No.9643589

I'd consider it a dick move if a seller overcharged me, let me know they overcharged me, and wouldn't refund the difference.

>> No.9643590

Yes. Unless you stated something like you would only refund shipping if it was more than a $10 difference or something. Otherwise, next time, don't mention there was a discrepancy or don't show your shipping charges on the label.

>> No.9643591

No, it's not. The shipping price includes shipping and handling, which means it includes the packaging, how long and how far you have to go to ship the package, paypal handling, etc. Unless the difference was extreme, like $20 vs $40, I'd tell her to fuck off.

>> No.9643597

What the fuck? It should not include any of that, it's not like you are providing a special service. Nobody asked you to buy packaging, just use a bag you already have if you're so cheap. Shipping = the actual price of shipping, if you want more than that you should charge a handling or a service fee.

>> No.9643601

Honestly since she already knows now, just give her the $5 back. I could see that being enough for someone to leave negative or neutral feedback.

>> No.9643602

Lol, you aren't running a business. This is so dumb. How can you assign a price to those things? It's just an arbitrary number.

Also, if you shipped flat rate, the packaging is free, you can literally go and grab 20 of those boxes at the post office.

>> No.9643606

Yes, and most sellers do this for amounts over 2 dollars.

>> No.9643613

Yes? This is why I hate sellers on LM.

>you would only refund shipping if it was more than a $10 difference
I don't buy from sellers that do this. It's obvious the scammers do it to make a little extra cash on every sale.

You're the dick seller. Packaging costs like $0.20 on amazon and you get the box they ship it in. You're the one who wants to sell your item, that costs money in the real world.
>inb4 you charge paypal fees too.

>> No.9643620

Don't hate all of us. I charge $10 to ship in my country when it costs me $14.

>> No.9643626
File: 224 KB, 640x640, Baby dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recognize this Baby dress?? It looks similar to Arietta, but they're two different things

>> No.9643652

That's why you state that it's shipping and handling, because retard anons like you think that shipping = only the literal price of shipping. If I live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, I'm not going to drive an hour out to the post office on my own dime to ship a dress that you bought.
>You're the one who wants to sell your item
And you're the one who wants to buy it. It's not a privilege to sell your shit, you fucking idiot.
You're an imbecile if you think that people have to pay for your packaging and the time it takes to ship, not all shipping is flat rate.

>How can you assign a price to those things? It's just an arbitrary number.
Ok, clearly I'm tallking to an idiot here, but let me try to explain it to you slowly. You see how much packaging takes. You add that to the shipping price. You see how far and how long it takes you to get to the post office. Calculate how much gas you use to get there and back. Add that. Is that easy enough for you to understand sweetie? I know basic math must be really hard for you.

>. Nobody asked you to buy packaging, just use a bag you already have if you're so cheap
Oh please, stop showing how stupid you are. We all know if the package gets damaged then you'll run to paypal to file a claim, so packaging has to be sturdy enough to withstand shipping. If you want to pay for other people's packaging, go ahead, but not everyone is going too pay for your packaging when you buy something.

You anons clearly have no idea how to run an online business (and that's what it is, if you're selling shit online, it's a business, that's why if you sell enough, you can get taxed for it even if you're just ~casually selling your used clothes uwu~).

>> No.9643661

Man, anons on here are ridiculously entitled. This is why you should only sell to people you trust. She's not entitled to a refund, she already agreed to that price and paid it. If you want to be nice, you can refund it, but you're not in the wrong if you don't refund it.

>> No.9643664

> Packaging costs like $0.20 on amazon
kek, if you buy it in a $20 pack of 100 it is

>> No.9643677

>And you're the one who wants to buy it
No, I really don't want to buy from you. It's not my fault you live in bumfuck nowhere. Either ship on your own dime or don't sell your crap. I'm not paying for you to get to the post office. It'll be quite obvious by your shipping prices. Quit pretending what items you have are special, I can just buy them from someone else.

>entitled to a refund
It's that person's money, not your's. So you're not entitled to her money just because she gave it to you under the impression it was going toward shipping costs. You're a liar and scammer if you keep money that's not yours. Write it in your terms that you're going to keep it so I know not to buy from you.

>> No.9643689

You could use a forwarding service (like shipito), combine your stuff and mark down the package if you wish.
I've done that 2x now and it worked out fine.

I personally would never carry things in my luggage that aren't mine.
If you do, make sure it is what it says the person claims it is, and not drugs or some other illegal shit.

>> No.9643708

Who hurt you? It's easy to ignore sellers who overcharge on shipping. Most postal services have an online postage calculator.

Any negotiation over costs (of an item or shipping) should occur before payment is sent. If the seller didn't disclose the actual price of shipping and the buyer found out after the fact, then a refund would only be out of courtesy.

>> No.9643718

>Who hurt you? It's easy to ignore sellers who overcharge on shipping.
>Any negotiation over costs (of an item or shipping) should occur before payment is sent.
Actually that's exactly it. Sellers that don't list their charges and refuse to negotiate before the sale. I can clearly see they sent the item first class and calculate how much they paid even if they don't list it on the package. I've had so many sellers do this. I really hate these types of people as I try to be a kind seller and go out of my way to make it good experience. Then we got these scammers here trying to make an extra dollar for their online "business".

>> No.9643728

>mfw the gulls who don't want to refund shipping are too stupid to just do "free domestic shipping" and integrate the potential highest shipping cost for whatever method you're using, potentially making some extra $ if shipping is cheaper

>> No.9643729

>No, I really don't want to buy from you.
Then don't? If you're purchasing the item, clearly you're the one who wants to purchase it.
Stop projecting because you think you're entitled to a refund of money you already agreed to pay. You aren't. If you paid for shipping, you're paying for all costs it takes to ship the item. If you think you're so right, go try and file a paypal claim. They'll laugh in your face. You throwing a tantrum is pretty hilarious.

>> No.9643732

Because if it sells for that price, you can get that price + shipping for it too, thereby making even more money :^)

>> No.9643737

>i'm a ~luvly~, why can't all other lolitas be ~luvlies~ too!!! uwu
Not everyone wants to lose money on shit that the buyer is supposed to pay for. I'm sure you were really hurt when someone overcharged you $3 dollars on shipping in the past, huh? Must suck to be a poorfag.

>> No.9643739

Free shipping always looks more appealing tho

>> No.9643740

Tack that shit onto your selling price. People are not assuming shipping prices include handling prices.

I can't believe someone is actually calculating the price of gas into shipping, just lol. Are you measuring out the tape you use and calculating the cost of that as well? It seems like selling lolita is your only income if you're being so anal about this.

I wish I knew who you were so I could avoiding buying from you.

>> No.9643741

>(and that's what it is, if you're selling shit online, it's a business)
Oh, and I hope you're reporting all your sales to the federal government.

>> No.9643744

You're not legally obligated to report unless it's over a certain amount.

>> No.9643751

Shipping price has always included the entire cost of shipping an item. Sorry you're a retard. Do you ask ebay sellers for a refund too when they say shipping is $10 and it turns out to be $8? Nice projection, but you're buying shit, and the seller isn't obligated to treat you like the little charity case that you want to be treated like. Learn to run a business, instead of crying about how people are meanies for not wanting to pay for your shit.

>> No.9643755 [DELETED] 

It's obvious this gull is a scammer and likes to pull that shit so I really doubt they report it in their taxes when they do make over that amount. They are probably irohamomiji, gemgem or that cherry girl from Ohio.

>> No.9643768

>wahhhh scammer!!!!!
kek, what a projection. Paypal actually will cut off your account if you make over the threshold amount and don't give them a SSN to report that you're making that much to the government. Must suck to be so uninformed and entitled, but that's America for ya.

>> No.9643770

AP pretty much dethroned BTSSB with sugary carnival, if not before then

>> No.9643772

I don't shop on Ebay so I don't know. I wouldn't ask a store like Forever 21 or something for a refund, if that's what you mean. But when I buy from a specific person, not a BUSINESS, I don't expect to be paying for handling or for fees. I don't consider people on LM or Ebay to be a business. All snarkiness aside, it just seems like we just have different ideas of what we consider to be an online business. If you have registered yourself as a business, have an LLC or something, reporting your income, and are paying taxes on it, etc., then by all means, sure.

I often drop off packages on the way to do errands and shit, I don't see any need to add fees for gas. Packaging is often free. If you really want to add a couple of dollars, I'd hope you would add this in your TOS and be upfront about it. That's all I have to say.

>> No.9643776

Lmao this whole chain of bitching could be resolved by people just hiding the shipping cost on the label.

>> No.9643777

Like I said at the beginning, I always state the price as shipping and handling. Packaging is only free when you're paying the overpriced flat rate prices, and unless the dress fits into the padded flat rate envelope, it's not worth to send by flat rate.

>> No.9643779

There's still super entitled anons like this >>9643718 though

>> No.9643781

Luckily most people don't know how much shipping costs at all, it's rare I see someone actually asking for the actual shipping cost. Most don't know the different services and all sorts of stuff.

I just take the price of an item as a whole. There is absolutely no functional difference between a $25 item with free shipping which isn't free or a $15 item with $10 shipping charged but the shipping is only $6 or whatever. I generally go with "free" shipping so people don't complain. But there is no difference in your wallet, just in your feelings.

>> No.9643797
File: 26 KB, 480x392, 48154a9f946dba392128e88f1a73a2f0--pastel-grunge-pastel-goth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, I'm almost afraid to ask this but what's the general consensus for the prices of brand blouses? I can't really see any financiallly responsible person spending 1/3rd the price of a dress when there's no sale. Also second hand blouses shouldn't be at retail price imo unless it's brand new with tags. Lolita costs money, that's all well and good but blouses are a racket. It's the thing to get the most wear and tear and they get dirty faster even if you're super fastidious. I wish brands could put a bit of leeway there, I can easily drop 400$ for a specific dress in a style I love but blouses have me pic related.

>> No.9643803

No. If you do that's nice but shipping estimate is just that. If they don't like the price they shouldn't buy it. Only refund if you promised specific type or cost things

>> No.9643807

Why are you so cheap, I do buy boxes and envelopes to ship in. They are not free unless you get priority or express shipping which costs more. If you reuse envelopes, they can break open. I had a seller do that to me and it messed up the dress.

Why on Earth would you put a $300 dress in a shitty reused paper envelope? I guess if you're a cheap retard like you

>> No.9643809

I have a couple brand blouses/cutsews (IW and Meta) and the quality is head and shoulders above off brand. That being said, I'm with you. My mainpieces are usually the "centerpiece" of my coords and I don't usually drop the same amount of money on a blouse.

Someone put it this way to me: if the blouse is something specific you need, if there is nothing else like it, then price is worth it. So its okay to have off brand blouses right until you need a brand blouse.

>> No.9643811

>not allowed to ask newfag lolita related questions
>entire thread bitching about shipping prices

>> No.9643813

I do free shipping but still consider the market price of the dress and the cost of both first class and priority. The expensive shipping is just not worth it if someone does a charge back. It is almost impossible to get usps to give you back the $50 or more in insurance. They damaged a box of textbooks I sent insured once, in a nice sturdy box. It was completely shredded and they would not pay...

>> No.9643815

I buy them on WW, I can justify $60 blouses but no fucking way would I spend over $100 on a blouse. Brand blouses are so nice but there just isn't enough material and no print, why TF they cost so much

>> No.9643816

Eh, gull logic.

>> No.9643817

I don't have a printer to make my own labels, and my post office puts the cost on the label so there's not really any way to hide it. I refunded her, but in all honestly most of my hesitance was because I had already given her a $38 discount on the dresses.

>> No.9643818

I cringe at paying high prices for blouses but I would buy a couple of high quality ones if I had money to. They can be the centerpiece or "make" the coordinate themselves and apparently it just takes a long time to make high quality ones.

>> No.9643819

This. I had one girl first buy the item and then refuse to pay the invoice. She calculated the prices herself and & demanded a $2 discount for shipping discrepancy. I mean, who cares about $2? IMO if you buy the item, you already agree to that final price. I don't ask the buyer to pay me more if the shipping ends up being mroe than I estimated.

>> No.9643822

I had a seller offer me free shipping, and when I got the package I had to pay around twenty bucks. It was my first purchase and I didn't want her to leave me negative feedback if I complained so I just paid it. She never left feedback for me at all so I kind of regret it now, though it's not an amount worth holding a grudge over or anything

>> No.9643823

Damn, I hope you left her negative feedback. What a bitch.

>> No.9643824

Brand blouses are nice! I see them as a good investment because they're worn frequently. I would hesitate to pay more than 50% of retail price for a secondhand blouse though.

>> No.9643825

Like the others, I also buy some secondhand, though honestly my main source of blouses is IW's periodic sales. I swear their blouses are the highest quality of all the brands and sometimes their sales are ridiculously cheap. The only blouses I'd probably consider spending $100 or more on would be Atelier Boz, they have some super unique looks, are high quality or so I've heard, and are fairly rare.

>> No.9643864

Are you the girl who did that to me? Because you're neglecting to mention you said it was for PayPal fees. And refusing to pay was actually just questioning your price for all of one message.

>> No.9643865

Can confirm that Boz's blouses are good quality. Some of their designs, such as the Mistress and Andrew blouses are staples released every year. Just watch out for some size inconsistency between designs.

>> No.9643880

About how big does Boz run? I like that IW has large blouses, and AP and Meta do back shirred blouses. I want to buy a gothic coord but I have 96 cm bust which is very unfortunate for moitie and aatp

>> No.9643889

Might be ok if you get the men's size.

>> No.9643893

I buy blouses both new and on sale. Generally I buy new if it's one I think will sell out and never make it to the sales rack (which has so far held true). I've found the best blouses are IW because they have different sizes so I can get a better fit. AP is always short on sleeve length and too large in the waist. The tulle lace doesn't hold up as well to washing, while IW lace I don't have issues with (it's smaller which helps). But I really enjoy the detachable pieces on AP blouses and tend to mix and match for different coordinates. Baby blouses are really unique materials so I enjoy them for that. But so far I've gotten ones that are suffocatingly hot because polyester. They are really nice soft polyester, but dang I can't breathe even in winter. I do like their cotton ones though (except for again sleeves too short). I only have one cotton moitie blouse and it compares to the Baby cotton blouses with a better sleeve length. Boz is also beautiful and I love the fit and fabric. I need more Boz blouses, I wish it was easier to buy from them...

>> No.9643894

You're right at the max for some Boz mens blouses, but some do run a little larger, even up to 103cm sometimes. Be careful with their jackets though, some do run larger but a lot would be tight at 96cm bust.

>> No.9643913

Not that anon but you are an absolute dumbass if you think shipping charges are just the actual postage. It's generally an estimation for the seller's cost.

First of all, if you buy the listing, you are agreeing to the postage price. End of story. If you didn't like it, don't buy it in the first place. If you find out it was a bit less, you already agreed to buying it for that price, so you don't have a right to bitch about it.

Second, a difference of $5 does not warrant getting your bloomers in a twist. Some people miscalculate because online calculators are shit and it's a pain in the ass to spend time from your day driving to the PO just to get a quote so you know 100% sure how much it is, and even then it can vary day by day or by PO, because it's a broken system.

Third, unless someone is outright scamming, like charging $25 for shipping and it's only a $5 label, who gives a flying fuck about a few extra bucks? YOU AGREED TO THE COST. Getting salty because it was a few bucks less is beyond immature. Pick up extra hours at work if it makes such a huge difference. Or, maybe, don't waste your money on frivolous shit if a few bucks makes you have a hernia.

Do you walk into the PO and demand you only pay $3 for the $15 postage too? Because that is how much it actually costs to mail small packages, the rest goes to the post office as profit. When you buy shit online, do you really think the postage they charge is the actual amount? When it's free shipping, do you really think an overcharge of a shipping cost isn't calculated in the listing price?

Some people don't put PP fees in their listings, some people delcare their sales at the end of the year on their taxes, some people buy nice boxes and tape, some people have to spend a lot time to drive/wait at the PO and guess what, time is money? There are a slew of reasons shipping is overestimated.

Stop pissing yourselves about shipping being a few bucks less because that is simply now how the world works.

>> No.9643915

I use IW as a source for most of my blouses too. The quality of their blouses during sales seem lower than their "normal" quality. Does this hold true for other gulls?

>> No.9643919

Wow.....that is awful looking.

>> No.9643959
File: 278 KB, 710x356, 09291157_59cdb6a10eb94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what blouse is this lady wearing in the pic? I thought it would be available along with this release but the blouses they're offering are nothing like this one

>> No.9643965


I don't see how this works, since it's generally the same blouse as retail, they just sometimes do a 10% off sitewide or put the ones that didn't sell well on sale.

I guess if you're waiting until they're 40% or 50% off then you're generally getting stuff that other girls have already looked at and rejected even at 10% to 30% off, so I wouldn't be surprised if they're just not as pretty as the blouses that sell out at full price. I'd imagine the quality is pretty consistent, though, just maybe the materials aren't as appealing.

>> No.9643968


Damn, she actually makes the dress look appealing.

Can't help with the blouse. But, AP releases stuff every weekend, so there might be a new blouse coming later on that isn't associated with this print.

>> No.9643980

Wow this girl sounds delightful
I would mention this somehow in the feedback cause I wouldn't want to sell to such a cheap, picky person

>> No.9644013

Can someone re-post the link? It's saying it has expired.

>> No.9644024

Imai Kira isn't saved from drawing tacky shit you idgit

>> No.9644026

>t. poorfag bitter that they can't afford superior imai kira prints

>> No.9644030

>t. brand ita with no taste

>> No.9644056

This sounds like custom fees and in this case it's entirely on you. I doubt there is a shipping option that will make the buyer pay the shipping upon arrival.

>> No.9644061

I used to think the same thing until I started trying to make my own lolita clothes. Now I'm happy to pay for brand blouses because holy fuck are decorated, nicely fitted blouses a hassle to make. I could churn out a fitted JSK in a weekend but even just fitting a blouse pattern to my measurements takes a full day of frustration and tears, not to mention working with chiffon. Take my money IW, you deserve it.

>> No.9644076

I would definitely cancel the sale tho. I do actually run a business and I only charge the cost of shipping. Most bigger businesses don't even charge that.

>> No.9644078 [DELETED] 

We are not running a business

>> No.9644082

Some of the mens blouses should be ok for you, but your best bet is to look at the individual blouse measurements on the Boz website. The Mistress blouse is one of the bigger running blouse designs, I believe that it goes to over 100cm bust on the mens size. One of the other great things about their blouses is the sleeve length being over 60cm. I struggle with a lot of brand blouses because of sleeve length, but not Boz.

>> No.9644091

Why are you so angry?

I don't really buy secondhand anymore, but when I did I don't remember ever paying for "handling". People often included handwritten letters, gift wrapping, the original brand bag, small gifts (like stickers). Buyers sometimes linked me to pictures of them wearing what they bought from me. It was a nice experience and didn't feel anything like running a business, but more like participating in the global lolita community. I'm pretty sure it was frowned upon to sell for profit, but if you stated that the price is not just going to postage and the item, there's no issue imo.

Good blouses can be more durable so you don't have to buy new ones as often. It's also easier to coord blouses from the same brand as the main piece, I love it when it has the same lace in a different colour. Tbh I haven't found cheaper blouses I love yet, I have a couple taobao ones that I never wear.

>> No.9644122

The blouse I had in mind was bought at 40% sale, I believe. It had some production issues and I noticed the shoddier than usual stitching, so I contacted IW about both things, with their reply to the stitching being along the lines of "if you wanted better workmanship, don't buy the blouses on sale".

But you may be right about the material; it wasn't as nice as the other blouses I have from them.

>> No.9644134

>Most bigger businesses don't even charge that
Oh anon, you're a fool aren't you? Your tiny etsy resin store probably doesn't make much profit, does it?

>> No.9644136

Nayrt, but if you actually think only one person thinks this way, you're not very bright. When I'm selling a dress, I'm selling a dress. I'm not trying to be part of the "global lolita community", I'm getting rid of clothes I don't want to wear. Same as if I sell on depop.
>I'm pretty sure it was frowned upon to sell for profit
Yea, tell that to the people selling Cat's Tea Party for $800, I'm sure they're not making a profit at all.

>> No.9644146


I've gotten blouses in luckypacks that were perfect, just kinda fug. So I don't think it's about being on sale. In all honesty I wonder if it's a blouse that somehow slipped past quality control when it shouldn't have.

I do notice that IW has a bit of an odd attitude about sales items, though. I visited Japan during sale season and bought stuff from their Osaka shop, a mix of both sales and full-priced items. The full-priced items were carefully folded with a lot of care and placed into nice new plastic bags, sealed with a sticker, and then placed into a paper bag. The sales items though. They used a slightly wrinkly bag and simply tossed the clothes in unceremoniously. I mean, nothing was really wrinkled or damaged, and it's not like they were rough or anything, but it's like they were very clear, "this is bargain bin stuff and not worth folding cutely", lol.

>> No.9644151

People do shit on them and they aren't well liked in their local comms, at least not in mine, but I'm pretty sure some of you are trolling or just not lolitas so whatever

>> No.9644154

She isn’t responsible for your customs or handling charges. Please don’t give bad feedback because of things out of their control.

Depends on the brand. I usually think waiting for a sale is worth it but if it’s a popular style you don’t want to wait. Buying secondhand, it isn’t worth retail at all so I would haggle or wait for a price cut.

>> No.9644161

Your comm isn't representative of all comms, and besides salty people on cgl, barely anyone talks shit about people selling dresses at market price. If you're too stuck up your own ass to realize people have different values and experiences than you, sure, you can keep telling yourself that all the internet people who disagree with you are trolls.

>> No.9644171

How the heck do you use Lolibrary? I keep trying to search but the second I type anything into the search bar I have the page loading indefinitely.

>> No.9644177
File: 39 KB, 718x288, 20170929_103836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're doing the same but apparently you think that the existence of kamikaze girls proves your point

>> No.9644179

Kek, I'm not the anon talking about Kamikaze girls, retard

>> No.9644182

Nayrt but in my county if the sender didn't pay enough postage they deliver it anyway and the receiver has to pay it

>> No.9644183
File: 278 KB, 500x600, 08091438_598a9fca107af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure it's this one and it's already up!

>> No.9644199

Just curious, what's your lm username? So I can avoid you like the plague

>> No.9644200

are you really calling me a retard for doing the exact same thing you did...?

>> No.9644203

>customs fees
I'm in the US buddy.
Yes, if the seller makes a label and only puts $2 on it, they will still ship it and make the receiver either reject the package or pay the make-up

>> No.9644205

I bought one of their bags in store on discount because it had a defect. Japanese people care about pristine condition items so items that have a defect usually have a discount. I bet they just put them on the site as a sale.

>> No.9644206

See >>9644203

>> No.9644211

Yea, because at least I'm not a retard who assumes anons are all the same while proving that not all anons are the same.

>> No.9644212

You should post yours first so people know not to sell to you. Go on, we'll wait.

>> No.9644220

>but when I did I don't remember ever paying for "handling"
diff anon here but lmao if you're US-based you nearly always pay for "shipping and handling", it's a business thing here. if you haven't noticed that when buying from online sellers (like on Ebay for example) you must be living under a rock completely.

>> No.9644222

Thanks! I will start looking at Boz men's, I thought I was hopeless >>9644076

>> No.9644223 [DELETED] 

I'm not from the US and I've never bought from ebay, but it doesn't matter because I was talking about secondhand lolita sales, not American businesses.

>> No.9644225 [DELETED] 

>>9644220 #
I'm not from the US, I've never bought from ebay, and I was talking about secondhand lolita sales, not American businesses.

>> No.9644226

I'm not from the US, I've never bought from ebay, and I was talking about secondhand lolita sales, not American businesses.

>> No.9644227
File: 211 KB, 716x1155, ccf7fe1e-4483-409a-936c-e2bb51855136..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon is too retarded to know that you can SCHEDULE your local post office to come and pick a package up for you so you dont have to waste an hour driving to it and complain like a stupid little bitch over an issue you're creating yourself and dont possess the cognitive skills to research a better solution to your issue

Women like you are why men don't take us seriously.

>> No.9644234

>assuming we're all the same anon
At least it's quite obvious with your name-calling.

>> No.9644245

I'm not leaving a $300 package at my door for some rando off the street to steal before the mail person comes to pick it up

>> No.9644249

You know not all areas have this, right?

>> No.9644253

What are you talking about? I didn't assume you were anyone or call any names. Still waiting for your LM name though, I wouldn't want to sell to someone as rude as yourself.

>> No.9644279


>> No.9644285

> irohamomiji
What's wrong with this seller? Does she just sell a shitload of stuff? I was considering buying an op from her...

>> No.9644289

this was not enjoyable in any sense

>> No.9644295

I've bought from her and it was fine. It's probably some sort of vendetta.

>> No.9644297

Look at the amount of sales she's done and her pricing. It's pretty obvious. She's fine to buy from, but you can tell she's just trying to make money off of people.

>> No.9644301

I'm looking at her pricing and it seems reasonable. Your post smells like vendetta.

>> No.9644302

>Cherry girl from Ohio.
She recently tried to join our comm. Deets?

>> No.9644305

Why would I have a vendetta against her? I don't even know her. But people can have different definitions of reasonable pricing, so if you think it's fine, go right ahead and spend your money. They are just really old dresses that go for less.

>> No.9644309

I don't know, gulls on here get their panties in a twist over petty shit. Maybe she has a dress listed you want but can't afford? It seems likely since you're bitching about her prices.

I'm not about to buy from her but I've seen skirt cuts for some of the prints she has go for as much as she has the JSKs listed at recently. So yeah, you seem like you have a vendetta against her. That or you don't know what things are actually going for lately.

>> No.9644310

Love how they shot her in front of a random pub. Wouldn't mind stumbling onto an AP photoshoot on my way to get a pint

>> No.9644311

Holy fuck people just pay the shipping cost, if it's outrageous don't buy from that person and if its a fucking dollar or two above a calculated price who cares
Maybe the bitch adds stickers and charms to her packages Jesus lmao

>> No.9644313

I agree and gulls here like to jump to conclusions like vendetta and poorfag. But sure anon, let's assume I just have no idea what things go for when I just bought the jsk she's had listed for two years for $50 less than what she's trying to sell it for.

>> No.9644314

She probably meant to reply to the anon above you

>> No.9644315

So you're confirming that you wanted to buy from her but you couldn't afford her price. Thanks. Vendetta confirmed.

>> No.9644317

Calm down lol

>> No.9644326

fucking lol

>> No.9644335

nayrt, I like imai kira as much as the next AP fag, but I thought daydream bed was ugly and taobao-esque t b h

>> No.9644339

Agreeing with most that under $10 is normal just in case funds but how about us overseas people paying $70+ for a dress when the label and customs tag says Under $50. This used amazon box and walmart shopper bag didnt cost you $20+

>> No.9644340

$70+ to ship a dress*
Under $50 paid for the shipping*

>> No.9644345

Learn to speak proper English. You sound like you're having a stroke

>> No.9644353

The US gets customs fees too, sometimes.

>> No.9644360

My post office doesn't offer that, but tell us more about how boys think you're such a smart girl.

>> No.9644369

>People sell things for different prices because some need money fast
>Implying this means the people trying to get more are scalping

If someone wants to sell dirt cheap, that's fine. But a one time thing doesn't mean someone else owes everyone that price

>> No.9644370

Under $20 international shipping in a box? Bullshit. I've never paid that little (other than for socks or a kc in an envelope) and I sell overseas often

>> No.9644372

I agree, but it wasn't a one time thing, I've seen it sold in western communities for less. Know one owes anyone a cheap price, but keep in mind you're selling secondhand goods.

>> No.9644374

No one*

It sounds like they paid $70 and the difference was $20 anon.

>> No.9644375

Please stop with your vendetta anon, it's not KAWAII.

>> No.9644378

It's very obvious you have an actual vendetta against the seller now and you really need to stop.

>> No.9644379

Does anyone know if there are delays/problems with the Japanese post? I have four orders on my way, but two haven’t done anything for over a week, one is with EMS. And the last order I placed this monday with SAL already arrived in my country.

>> No.9644382

Its not that hard you guys.
Agreeing with most that (a difference of) under $10 is normal "just in case" funds. But what about us, overseas people, paying $70+ for shipping when the label and customs tag says the postage was under $50.

>> No.9644384

I bet they added the cost of spending time to fill in a form

>> No.9644389

I've had orders that were SAL or registered airmail sit around for a week and a half to two weeks in Japan before any movement occurred, and this is throughout the year. Not sure if some get through the funnel quicker than others, but it is strange that your EMS package is stalled. And it's also unusual that your SAL package arrived that quickly.

>> No.9644398

I'm experiencing the same thing. 3 orders were shipped out last Friday and Monday. My SAL orders have left Japan but my one EMS order is still in customs.

>> No.9644406

When I ship out of the USA it costs me $55 for priority mail and express is around $80. Those are the only 2 options for complete tracking. If you don't use one of them, you don't have any seller protection via PayPal. I won't risk that for an expensive item. And cheep items are usually easier to obtain from other countries.

>> No.9644410


I bought stuff from IW and Baby last week and both were fine (both arrived within a week, but I'm located in Asia and that's the normal shipping time). Where exactly is it sitting? EMS isn't meant to sit around at all, so if tracking shows it hasn't even left Japan I'd shoot the shops an email and see if they can find out what's up.

If it's left Japan, you might try using your local postal tracking site instead of Japan EMS, or try track-trace.com and see if it has different information. Sometimes the local tracking shows more information than the Japanese one, and some countries sometimes change the tracking number when the parcel crosses some boundary.

My third package is actually stuck in customs, apparently JetJ wrote the wrong address and phone number, so now they want me to come in with ID and an invoice to prove it's mine. Good thing I was checking it to see where it was going and called up the post office to ask why it was sitting in customs for so long (very unusual for my country). If yours is also stuck upon entering your country it might be a similar story.

>> No.9644421
File: 202 KB, 600x450, lolita_cookies_bracelet_by_dolly_house_by_sweetdollyhouse-d5ulp6o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on accessories that says "Lolita"?

>> No.9644422

If I am worried about the potential cost of shipping, then I will incorperate it into the price of the item. I usually charge $13 for shipping even though it usually costs me closer to $14 because I don't feel change is a big loss. I ship via flat rate. And I put things in extra bags to make them less likely to be damaged if the package got ripped open. That's usually like an extra 20 cents. Not a big deal on a $100+ item.

>> No.9644437

I don't care if someone is making a profit on a dress. If it is selling for.market value and I'm willing to pay the price, it is none of my business what they paid for it.

>> No.9644442

If someone in my comm buys something from another comm member for 40 euro and then sells it for 70 euro on lacemarket, I would think twice about selling to her desu. Isn't haenuli hated by korean lolitas for the same reason?

>> No.9644445

That gives me a little peace, I was just stressing out a little since the latest SAL package is already here, and my friends SAL Package who also ordered later is also already here.

I am glad to hear I am not the only one.

The EMS parcel left Japan on the 22th. I have tried different tracking sites, but they all say the same as the Japanese post. My local post can’t find the package, which means they don’t have it. My post only won’t see packages until they get processed by customs. I live in Europe but packages arrive here within 3 days, EMS even says it only takes two days to deliver. I already send the shop an mail, but they’re slow.

>> No.9644447

Shipping out of the country costs me about $55 for fully tracked and somewhere between $70-$80 for express. (Nowone ever chooses express because cost.) In the usa they also charge sales tax. The shipping lable doesn't put the price plus sales tax on the package. Just the base price before taxes. So the price on the package won't always show the whole cost. I usually use flat rate shipping because it is much easier to calculate for the buyer.

I usually end up paying about $5 of the shipping cost when shipping outside the USA because it is simpler to take a hit than to factor in sales tax. I don't want anyone getting salty at me for a not perfectly perfecr shipping cost.

>> No.9644449

Yeah, I heard that as well. For some reason there's a few loud gulls that think upcharging like this is fine and claim they sell at "market value".

>> No.9644451

I think it's cute.

>> No.9644453

You're welcome, anon. The blouses look very simple, as they don't often have any lace at all on them, but they are nicely made, and there is a lot of fabric in them. The back lacing can bring them in nicely, and they have lovely drape. I bought one secondhand a while back and not looked back, with most of the rest bought new.

>> No.9644454

I still don't care. What someone else does with their own things is their business. If I sold it for cheeper and they made a profit, good for them? Maybe they will have more $$$ to invest into their local community.

>> No.9644457

I think they're cute, but considering the shit I've gotten from family members and random strangers simply for being part of a "[country] lolitas" group on FB I'm not even going to bother with them. I get enough unwanted attention when out in lolita without people knowing what the fashion is called and telling me I'm disgusting.

>> No.9644463


That actually sounds like it's stuck in your country's customs.

Japanese shops won't be able to help much once the parcel has left Japan. It's only when the parcel is still in Japan, it's easier for them to call up Japan Post to get them to look for it, but once the parcel has left Japan it's too far away for them to do anything about it.

I think you're better off asking your country's post where it is, or ask around locally and see if customs is slow for everyone else locally. Sometimes after a big holiday there's a backlog of packages and things take an extra week to clear customs. You might also search if there is an option to call customs directly instead of the post office, or if there is some way to lodge a report that will get the post office to launch an investigation. That might get them to track down the parcel a little faster.

>> No.9644468

Haenuli is only hated because her comm sold her things for a "friends deal" with the expectation that the dress was going to be kept within the comm. Nice try.

>> No.9644492

Ignore that anon, she is calling everyone "not bright," "retarded," and "an idiot" because not everyone is trying to make a profit while selling lolita.

>> No.9644500

>tiny Etsy resin store
Damn that was savage

>> No.9644503 [DELETED] 

Too bad it makes no sense in this context

>> No.9644505
File: 64 KB, 540x720, IMG_9748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the Taobao thread is in autosage so I thought I'd as here
What are some good, simple OPs or JSKs on taobao? Just solid blacks or bxw pieces are what I'm looking for. All the ones from southern cross I like are in deposit only and I'm having trouble finding any good ones

>> No.9644507

Click make a new thread and put taobao thread as the subject

>> No.9644518

Why wouldn't you try to make a profit? It's become my main way of having spare cash to spend on new dresses. I've been making over 1k a month buying dirt cheap dresses from japan, cleaning them up a bit, and scalping them at 2 to 3 times the price, sometimes more. Idc if people call me a bitch, if there's a business opportunity I say take it.

>> No.9644541

Why don't you get a real job instead of ripping people off for a living?

>> No.9644549

No, they're all calling you that because you can't comprehend why people aren't going to pay out of their own pocket to ship your item. It's about not going into deficit, not about making a profit.

>> No.9644550

>go work a wage cuck job for 8 hours a day instead of sitting at home, buying shit online, and getting free money
kek, i can see why people are calling you an idiot

>> No.9644551

I'm not forcing anyone to buy anything, I sell them at market value I just buy them dirt cheap. I have a job that I pay my expenses with. I'll repeat myself since you are incapable of reading, It's become my main way of having SPARE cash to spend on dresses.

>> No.9644572

It says
>if you stated that the price is not just going to postage and the item, there's no issue

>> No.9644575

I've considered this, but damn it's risky if it's not a dress that's in proper demand. The amount of dresses that are basically rotting on LM is pretty high.

Although I think I'd really enjoy the cleaning up aspect, because it's so damn satisfying to resurrect an otherwise trashed item.

>> No.9644579

FYI: if you gulls live in the US, you can have empty, new priority mail boxes and envelopes delivered to you for free and many locations have free package pickup. Both can be scheduled via the USPS website.

It's a difference of like $5 chill out that's not a scam.

Why should it be specified? The buyer agrees to a certain price when they make the purchase and that's it. The assumption should be that any associated costs will be included in the overall price, including any extras like notes, stickers, cleaning, travel, and presentation.

>> No.9644585

sure there's people who buy & resell shit for a living. but $1k/mo is pretty paltry. why not spend your time developing skills and doing something actually productive?

>> No.9644588

>It's become my main way of having SPARE cash to spend on dresses.
Why are there so many anons who can't read? Again, I have an actual "productive" job, this is something I do both for spare cash and because it's become a bit of a hobby.

>> No.9644592

I do this too but the dropping value of things on the western market makes buying a bit more risky. I can't imagine making 1k a month though. With SS fees and shipping fees the profit is pretty low unless you find a big deal.

>> No.9644593

That isn’t customs or handling. Handling is a fee for it to cross the borders guys it isn’t something you can guess beforehand.

Most of you have to be trolling at this point. You are going to get negative feedback quick if you are being sketchy about selling, there is an obvious expectation on what is ok or not.

>> No.9644611
File: 35 KB, 320x320, 195625535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find a velvet headband with a fit similar to the one in pic related? (Wide bow, but with not too much volume on top). I'm looking for something either black or black with off white lace. IW has something with the right colour and material but the bow is a bit too narrow.

>> No.9644625

It doesn't have lace but i've seen a lot on taobao, just search 平绒 蝴蝶結 lolita
you should find it!

>> No.9644654

Why not get better at your productive job then instead of scamming as a side hobby?

>> No.9644664

Clearly you're an idiot.

>> No.9644673

Except that she's providing two services here - sourcing from Japan (searching, shipping, curating) and then cleaning up the dress. Anybody can go buy stuff directly and search for/clean the dresses themselves. She's providing convenience to her customers and that creates value. Sure, it's still a kind of scalping, but her customers clearly think that it's worth paying for. Literally every vintage or antique store does the same shit.

>> No.9644687

Says the person shitting about here. Really? None of us who fuck off around here can point fingers at anyone else regarding productivity.

>> No.9644729

Newfag here, I placed my first order from IW and paid the invoice and stuff-- How long does it usually take to arrive? I'm on the west coast.

>> No.9644731
File: 95 KB, 500x600, 83562c4a-9815-469c-95b9-56efd6db3fbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is butt ugly

>> No.9644735

I ordered a pair of bloomers not too long ago. Took under three weeks from the submitted invoice to actually receiving the item. Excellent communication and the item came in pristine condition. IW is extremely reliable.

>> No.9644737

Congrats! IW is great, you'll love their stuff. For me it generally takes a 5-7 days from when I pay the invoice, sometimes a little longer if it's in the midst of a sale. I'd keep an eye out for it though even if you don't recieve a shipping notification or tracking number, about half the time I order from them they send me that info out after it's arrived.

>> No.9644744

What the fuck are you going on about, nothing in that direct comment chain says that. Anyways, it's already assumed that shipping costs is all the costs of shipping. Which includes the packaging your item will be shipped in.

>> No.9644749

>charging $5 in addition to the literal shipping price to cover all the costs of shipping the item out
>sketchy about selling

>> No.9644750

Thanks anons! I'm so stoked about it, and I just wanted to know how long I had to be patient for.

>> No.9644752

it's adorable

only an ugly person could make it ugly

>> No.9644759
File: 68 KB, 496x302, rc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is RC always this SJW centric?
> I feel free, like a man who can't be told what to do

>> No.9644764

Wow, I'm experiencing deja vu. There were posts on the EGL LJ that pretty much sounded like this. This kind of cringe is not just a product of RC.

>> No.9644774

Are they a "man?" That combined with the dysphoria comment makes me think it's a ftm transtrender.

>> No.9644782

When did they "have to" show off their body? Sounds like they've imposed far more restrictions on themselves than anyone else has.

>> No.9644800

RC and RC:U are just sjw blogpost central

they want an excuse to share their ~story~ and people give it a bunch of responses because they want to talk about themselves too

>> No.9644878

For EMS the customs is 2/3 days, but normally when it gets stucks in customs, you get a customs notification and we would be able to track it with our local post as well. And our local post can’t find it. I willaska friend if she has the number of the customs, calling them is a good idea. I will also look into launching an investigation, but I believe our posts rule is that the sender starts it.

>> No.9644891

Op is a transtrender furry who was kicked from amino iirc.

>> No.9644892

Sometimes. I mostly post to insta.

>> No.9644895

I just find that CoF s really only for the most polished and fancy outfits. I don't wear that stuff often so I prefer instagram for my daily looks. I feel like I would spam CoF too much if I posted all my looks on it since I wear lolita pretty regularly. With insta I know the people who are following me are probably already interested in my style and what I'm going to post.

>> No.9644896

It does say that, read the whole comment

>> No.9644900

Agreed. Did AP hire To Alice's designer?

>> No.9644918

They aren't even transgender though. They are one of those "I don't do anything to outwardly look like a boy and I love makeup and fancy dresses, but I am TOTALLY a bow uwu" It's all for attention. Also they are really obnoxious in other groups as well.

>> No.9644923

This is the only thing in this print that I would actually consider buying

>> No.9645013

Hey gulls, can I ask a question re: being rude?

Early in the year I contacted a seller on LM about an auction that expired around a month prior, offering to buy it. She relisted it and sent me the link, but it was 25% higher at a bid than the original BIN, and its BIN was 50% more. I sent her a message back thanking her, but telling her I was not willing to pay the new price. It was all polite/amicable on both sides.

It's October tomorrow and she's relisted the dress throughout the year without lowering the price. It has not ever sold. Would it be rude for me to contact her with my original offer again?

>> No.9645074

I don't think it's rude at all to ever make an offer, all she has to do is say no. It's not like you inconvenienced her by asking and maybe she will change her mind

>> No.9645097


When a package arrives at the airport, normally there’s a worker who needs to scan it in (usually a worker from customs since they’re the first ones to deal with overseas packages). After it’s scanned in, then it’s registered in the local post system, and the local post office can start tracking where it is.

So if you can track that the package has left Japan but your local post office says they can’t find it, the most likely answer is that the package arrived at the airport but was somehow never scanned in, that’s why the post office says they can’t find it. If there’s been a major holiday, customs workers sometimes come back to find a whole warehouse full of packages. And since they have to also calculate customs charges, it takes them a bit longer than the usual 2/3 days to scan everything in a full warehouse, they’re used to scanning only several truckloads of packages a day. That’s what I mean by “stuck in customs”, I mean it’s in a customs warehouse at the airport. You’ll be able to tell if this is the scenario if everyone else (in your country) is also complaining that their EMS delivery is much slower than usual.

If there hasn’t been a major holiday or anything impacting airport operations, then that’s pretty unusual, and you should definitely look into getting some kind of investigation started. It’s unusual for EMS packages to go missing, but it does sometimes happen.

>> No.9645101


>> No.9645112

It literally looks like some dress you'd buy at an American Girl store so you could match what your doll is wearing

>> No.9645117

There hasn’t been a holiday and everyone else seems to be having there package. Also packages with cheaper ways of shipping have already arrived and have been processed. We did lower the value on the package, so there is not supposed to be customs. I have never heard of an EMS package being lost, but I feel like mine is. Will call the customs monday. Fingers crossed.

>> No.9645197


>> No.9645200

And to all summer children posting about a shipping overestimation of $5:

Lolita is a luxury hobby. And time is always money.

Peasants should gtfo.

End of story.

>> No.9645346

i wonder if it was the same seller who raised both when i asked her about shipping on an item because her listing said message her for domestic shipping.

>> No.9645627

I've only posted about three or four times on COF They all ended up here and most of the feedback here was positive. Some was stupid commentary. I just don't want to deal with it and tend to like enjoying the fashion privately when it comes to being online. I just share my coords on my own facebook. Occasionally on my tumblr using only my unique tag for my coords.

>> No.9646845

the first few seconds i was sure it was a cover of the made of love song from steven universe
this was worse than that wouldve been

>> No.9650121

I'm wondering if anyone knows what happened to Victoriangirldress on ebay?
I'm sorry if this is really old news, I don't use /cgl/ much anymore.