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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 33 KB, 479x200, NYCC2017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9630572 No.9630572 [Reply] [Original]

New York Comic Con is in 3 weeks. Are you going to be cosplaying? What booths on the show floor are you looking forward to visiting?

How ready are all of you?

>> No.9630575

This will be my first international con, very nervous/excited and exceptionally unprepared!

>> No.9630656

A photo with Mark Hamill is $250.... I want to cry.

>> No.9631464

Just got Friday and Saturday off of work so I can actually attend. I'm not looking forward to all the spazzy Rick and Morty fans that'll show up and spew shit memes.

>> No.9631502

Do photographers charge at this con for photos?

Any scenic locations to shoot at in the con?

>> No.9631883

So what the fuck are the rules for cosplay props this year? No guns at all no matter how fake they are? No real looking foam weapons? This is why new york shouldn't host comic Con. This shit is a joke.

I'm all for safety and security, but the security guards at this event every year clearly don't give a fuck about actual safety and more about how they can fuck over people since they can't attend the con because they are working or they despise the con because it's just a hassle for them.

>> No.9631919

Love how people bitch about the prop rules, but then if something serious happens, people will bitch that NYCC didn't do enough.

Like pick one or the other. The prop rules have been there for the past 2-3 years, and they get tougher everytime, but people still buy badges and act surprise they keep making them stricter and stricter to please the mundies taht come, that can't tell the difference between a real gun and one made from insulation foam.

Such an issue, then stop buying tickets. It's the only way they'll eventually listen. Then again there's enough fake geeks that just want to come to the con, they'll buy the badge ignoring the cares of the cosplayers just so they can say their fake asses were at NYCC.

>> No.9631927

yeah, just stay away from photographers who offer ridiculous price for generic work and hopeless promises to be printed on this awful mag called cosplay culture. the photographer is awful as the mag. Dont pay over $20 unless you compare the quality of work to others. and go on groups for photogs who offer free shoots. majority of the free photog are way better than photogs who charge for generic work

>> No.9631940

going friday with a coworker of mine, taking the bus in from PA. excited to walk around and day drink, look at all the cosplay, probably buy too much crap i don't need.

anyone wanna meet up and smoke at some point/multiple points?

>> No.9632294

I wanna get better at photography and I only really have hallshots, anyone wanna do a short small shoot with me so I can practice?

>> No.9632767

any photographers from Cosplay Culture or Generate magazine

>> No.9632990

Most of them seem to charge in the range of 40+ for mediocre ass photos. You really have to shop around to find anyone decent.

Location wise people usually take photos on the ground floor outside. Always tons of cosplayers out there.

>> No.9633055

I have only ever gotten my picture taken by normal con goers with their phones and normally throughout the con, I get asked by like pixlr booth to get some free professional shots taken.

I have never paid for photography outside of my wedding or when I was in Bali for my honeymoon.

>> No.9633453

Gonna be a Team Skull grunt
Any other Pokemon cosplayers going?

>> No.9633507

Please help

I accidentally activated one of my badges and the child option was checked so it was activated as if it were for a child. How can I revert this?

>> No.9633520

Why are you asking a chinese witchcraft summoning forum, call the con organizers.

>> No.9633551

They arent open now. I already sent an email.

>> No.9633837

Has anyone had their badge come in the mail yet?

>> No.9633870

generate magazine is not even a real mag, its just this creepy sex predator who uses his own mag to lure victims, he tried to shoot with me and gave me an attitude, he's so gross

>> No.9633900
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Guess talented hacks can leech onto their friends to be guests

>> No.9633948

Should I even go if I'm only into anime and not at all into comics or Western stuff?

>> No.9633955

I would skip NYCC. Though there are some anime industry guests, it's tough to get into those panels. AnimeNYC would be a better fit for you.

>> No.9634667

The photographer tunnel is gone this year along with most of the outdoor section due to the construction, so everyone's going to be crammed inside Javits, unless you go to one of the other buildings for the convention.

>> No.9635063

this is why NYCC sucks, a panel filled with horrible cosplayer, can they like get real pros instead?

>> No.9635329

Taking off clothes is a talent nowadays did you not know?

>> No.9635333

and being fat and ugly is the new hot haha

>> No.9636221

lol, what even is this.

>> No.9639300

Two of the cosplayers from Cosplay Melee and a Suicide Girl giving you tips with some friends on how to build armor and props that barely pass for real in most sitches.

>> No.9639460

holy fuck, really? I spent a good amount of time outside in that area the last few years. this is gonna be a shitshow

>> No.9640567

Just got my badge yesterday. I am so damn excited.

>> No.9640887

so whats the deal with animeNYC? is that gonna span the entire Javits like NYCC or just a small portion of it like that special edition con? seems to be getting hyped up quite a lot wherever I look

>> No.9641250

I think they are attempting to use the whole convention center. NYAF (RIP) used to take up the entire center which was great since the Jav is huge and the con itself was small (compared to NYCC)

>> No.9641311

Is anyone planning on goin to the Toonami VS Adult Swim party?

It seems like it would be fun for an hour or so.

>> No.9641416

Unknown right now, but looks like they'll have one or two of the halls of Javits. It was supposed to be in the North building, but with the construction now that's probably not happening now. It's being run by the creator of NYAF and the company behind cons like AwesomeCon

>> No.9641487

the north building is that area where they have artist alley for NYCC?
>I think they are attempting to use the whole convention center.
I really want this to be the case, its the only thing holding me up from buying tickets to it

>> No.9641650

Yeah, that connecting hallway between main Javits and the artist alley is where the construction is

>> No.9641722

wait a second, thats where the construction is too? so both outdoor areas are under construction? this'll be fun

>> No.9642192

No that's the only place where it is. They're placing a new building there, so eventually that hallway will be gone and instead it'll be a four story building. There's no consturction in the under pass but that's where they had some materials and vehicles stored during weather. Not sure what it'll be like next week

>> No.9642681

oh thank god, best news I've heard in a while. so it won't be as jam packed as I thought it would be

>> No.9642833

dhareza is pretty legit. spectra though, what a fame whore.

>> No.9643481

>dhareza is pretty legit
pretty cool dude too Tbh

>> No.9643867

Most desperate white knight trying to get that drunk white pussy

>> No.9644273

literally who?

>> No.9644741

I heard a pro tip that once you get near the javitz center, ignore all the volunteer fuck heads trying to force you where to go and just head to an entrance, as those workers don't know shit and have no authority to do anything.

>> No.9644785

Going on Sunday!
Husband is going as Rincewind and I'm going as Tiffany Aching

>> No.9644825

First time attendee and as a resident it'll be a shame if I missed out seeing the hassle some people have to go through for hotels near the center.

I just need to prepare a backpack and get something to be autographed by a GoT's actress. I guess a battery pack for my cellphone and water bottles would help?

>> No.9645102

So I never recieved my nycc badge. I bought one, I have the receipts for Thursday and Friday, but I have seen no badge in the mail.
I emailed customer service a while ago and they said it was confirmed on the way. But they said to contact them if I didn't recieve it by the 28th. Well I emailed them again last night and have yet to hear back.

Has anyone gone through this? I'm starting to worry because I'm in a group of like 10 people and they all have their badges, not to mention we're flying out to NYC on Wednesday. Could I just show up with my receipts at will call or something?

>> No.9645127

You emailed them last night and are mad that you haven't heard back yet on a Saturday morning? Give them 24 hours or at least one business day before you freak out that they're ignoring you. They have a protocol for how to handle this.

>> No.9645130

I'm not mad just worried.
But yeah I should probably calm down

>> No.9645634

that isn't even a protip, its just what everybody with a brain does. nobody listens to those retards yelling

>> No.9645660

I was one of the brainless ones for the past 2 years. Now I will just walk the fuck in however I feel like walking. I'm only concerned that security will stop me or something.

>> No.9646500

theres literally no security up until you have to check your bags and even then its loose. I've gone 8 years now and they've only once really checked my bags. They just sorta glance at me or just wave me through, its fucking insane. i've skipped huge lines of people because they don't know whats going on.

>> No.9646729

I guess I'll be doing the same this year, thanks for the red pill

>> No.9647083
File: 72 KB, 540x960, NYCC 2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they might have changed it for this year, who knows? I doubt they really give much of a shit to though, that is unless you have a huge prop or something.
never forget the first year they did this

>> No.9647461

Yeah, that one rogue fuckface who had nothing better to do other than show off to his buddies on how much of a dickhole he was

>> No.9647741

maybe I spoke to soon because in light of recent events, you might actually see security at this thing now

>> No.9647751

Girlfriend's Aunt is an exhibitor and we'll be helping them set up and sit in the booth here and there throughout the weekend.

I'm just fucking happy I don't have to deal with the fucking line to get in jesus last year was a disaster.

>> No.9648424

I feel ya...
Last year I waited in the line that took about 2.5 hours to get in. I remember I left to grab lunch off site and they made me wait in the line to get back in.

I was so close to just giving up and going home.

>> No.9648537

Are we doing a crossboard meet up again this year?

>> No.9648791

what line are we talking about? I've never had to wait for long unless I wanted to be the first one in.

>> No.9649040

So there is the outdoor line that forms before they open the center. Once the center is open they start to bring the outdoor line inside to form the indoor line that waits until the show floor is open. If you care about being one of the first 5,000 into the convention; you're looking at a 2.5-3 hour line.

Of course you can also just show up whenever after the con is open and usually wait only an hour to get in.

>> No.9649339

Yeah, I made the mistake of waiting the outside and then the inside line while in cosplay. Shit sucks. No one cares about your cosplay because everyone is pseudo pissed off for standing in one spot for so long

>> No.9649363

>usually wait only an hour to get in.
what the fuck? I get there like an hour later and just kinda walk in after a maybe 15 minute wait. I'm the same guy who trys to skip that huuuuuge line that snakes around though
unless its something ridiculous I just put on my cosplay in that area where everybody smokes, nobody gives a shit

>> No.9649831

What area? The little pseudo tunnel aka "Cosplay Alley"?

>> No.9649901

Not after last years shit show..

>> No.9650001

What happened last year???

>> No.9650263

yeah, if thats what you call it. Its that tunnel area where all the people are taking pictures. they had the overwatch photoshoot there last year. I spend most of my time out there if I'm not in a panel or something, I just stay away from the smokers.

>> No.9650469


>> No.9650510

well if anyone was excited about the punisher panel, thats been cancelled.

>> No.9650526

Jesus Christ, between all the cancels and celebrity no shows.. why even bother going?

>> No.9650555

Experienced photogs lurking the thread, could you guys give me some suggestions for general shoot locations relatively close to the con center?
I never really go to NYC but I wanna get a couple of shoots done.

>> No.9650586

they did it because of what happened in vegas, go fucking figure. i cant wait to see if that's what finally makes them beef up security

>> No.9650876

Why is no one here in cosplay
What the fuck

>> No.9650882

No one wants to walk through NYC in cosplay and the 'surrounding' hotels are quite a hike away from the con.

The whole "Cosplay is not consent" thing is known by con goers and staff; but totally lost on street randos and city weirdos.

>> No.9650887

How's security this year? Is it easy or a nightmare?

>> No.9650934


The website hasn't said anything about more people dropping out. It still shows the same 1 comic guest and 5 entertainment guests that were already not going for several weeks.

Who else dropped out?

>> No.9651166
File: 741 KB, 1920x1080, 1506688209235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought all 4 days
>Already bored as fuck

>> No.9651188

Because it's Thursday you tard. That's when collectors go.

>> No.9651219

Thursday is mainly for industry guests and panels. Only reason people got Thursday is because people bitched about wanting an extra day for everybody and it wasn't fair for comic pros, retailers and press to get an extra day.

Fucking little cosplayers felt left out and needed to raise a stink to have an extra day to play dress up

>> No.9651266

Any animu cosplayers?

>> No.9651268

yeah I always cut out early on thursday, I made that same mistake 2 years ago.
just wait until tomorrow or saturday for the con to be super crowded and full of cosplayers

>> No.9651362

I’m going to get there grossly early tomorrow to get a ticket for the westworld event. Did anyone get to go yet?

>> No.9651413

So how bad was security? Did they have guys with wands or anything?

>> No.9651688

Same as every year. I got through fairly easy

>> No.9651768
File: 57 KB, 600x764, 1502825088120-tg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rooster mask and other prop didn't get here in time
>refused to pay 30 dollars for a shitty, smelly latex rooster max at party city

>> No.9651807

Get fucked ian

>> No.9651812

Thanks for the shoes, faggot

>> No.9651850

How is comic con ian, see any traps?

>> No.9651863

Anyone selling tickets they don't want?

>> No.9651942
File: 93 KB, 854x1024, 1507164597724m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually stumbled into that panel for no reason without realizing the purpose yesterday. They had Semi helpful info like how to make superhero muscles and sai.
They weren't bad, but I left early so I can do fun shit in the rooster teeth place and dragon ball fighter Z booth

>> No.9652031

Yo ian, idk if your phone ran ou>>9651863
t of battery or what, but jack cant find you.

>> No.9652161

so they finally added metal detectors

>> No.9652223

friend did punisher last year and got in with two neon green pistols

they wrapped that shit up in a ziptie which he immediately took off

>> No.9652254

Dirk Gently panel was amazing. Saw tons of great cosplay today and I can’t wait for tomorrow. Hope everyone gets back safely and had a good time.

>> No.9652334

>that black canary and harley
wew, hot stuff

>> No.9652847

holy fuck, the panels got closed so fucking early. used to be hours before the cosplay contest closed

>> No.9652943

ugh what?

>> No.9653809

>that huge drop-off of overwatch cosplays from last year
I find this amusing

>> No.9653962

Is anyone else aware that the changing room was a free peepshow? Like the curtains were transparent...

>> No.9653970
File: 73 KB, 685x960, 22228526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the con photos?

>> No.9654008

If your idea of "peep show" is watching silhouettes move around, yeah, sure? You could make out peoples' outlines through the black curtains if you focused, but everything else was well hidden.

>> No.9654397

is this what passes for good photography these days?

>> No.9654454


15k in followers can't be wrong

>> No.9654491

damn.... 15k? he must be the most famous photographer ever

>> No.9654544

God, he is so trash.

>> No.9654567

b-b-but the dutch angle

>> No.9654647

but he works for Marvel now

>> No.9654790

but seriously, where are the photos?

>> No.9655114
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>> No.9655115
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>> No.9655116
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>> No.9655128
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>> No.9655129
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>> No.9655132
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>> No.9655571

kek what the fuck happened here?

>> No.9655580

pokemon hunting without a permit

>> No.9655596

An Ash cosplayer was belligerently drunk at the con and was asked to leave. He didn't want to and tried to push a cop. Needless to say the cops didn't like it.

>> No.9655604

this was the black canary I was talking about

>> No.9655609

She's pretty but it's a shame that the costume is so inaccurate.

>> No.9655625
File: 202 KB, 256x387, Black_Canary_The_Nail_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean, is it really?

>> No.9656982

Dude smelt like ass

>> No.9657444

Where was this taken?

>> No.9657662

thats generally what drunks smell like